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Thread: (M) The Shadows that walk among Us. (IC)

  1. #91
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    The stranger didn't burn, or smoke, or yell, even as she fiddled with the shimmering silver lighter. Definitely not a vampire, then. Still, she had yet to prove they weren't one of them, whoever they were. As he munched on a pickled herring, he plucked the lighter right back out of the lady's hands. "Right then, Angel. You don't seem to be as bad as I thought, but... do watch yourself, eh?" He whispered the last part with a tilt of the head and a squint of the eyes, an expression that could either be taken as friendliness, distrust, or both. "After all... there's plenty dangerous things around this damned place..." He took a swig from the bottle in his hand and sighed.

    By now, the fire was going bright, and the rest of the room now showed its grisly details. It became apparent that the abandoned room the party found themselves in was some sort of grisly trophy room for whatever fucked up kind of people lived in the castle. Whatever-- or whoever-- it was, it was definitely into sport hunting humans. The sight sent a chill down the thief's spine. He gulped hard and turned to see Link leaping off her chair, which was covered in tanned human hide.

    At that same moment, a scream, followed by a guttural growling seemed to come from afar, but the thumping footsteps hinted at whatever that was coming closer. Thinking quickly, Patches placed the jar of pickled herrings on the floor and leapt over the screaming chair. Putting his entire weight into it, he pushed the piece of furniture up against the door, then leapt back a safe distance. The exploding light bulb and screaming walls caught him by surprise, but he managed to keep his balance.

    Sabina was now working on unlocking the gun cabinet. Taking notice of this, Patches yelled out to her. "Get that thing open! I know how to use those!" Link was the next to catch his attention. She was huddled up against a wall, breaking down. He scoffed at her asking for alcohol and turned back to watching the door, pulling his taser out of his pocket. "Nuh-uh. Best not muddle your mind right now, love. Something's coming for us, and it's coming for us fast..." The thief crouched low and nodded at Garmr before circling around to a nook of the room that was in the blind spot of whatever would come bursting through the door.

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  2. #92
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    The lock was fairly simple and old, more there for looks than to actually keep it closed.

    Inside she found a bevy of weaponry, some quite illegal.

    She found a Remington 700 Hunting rifle with an electro-optical scope and a silencer. Box of 20 7.62 rounds to go with it

    an MP 51 with an iluminator (flashlight) . 2 30 round magazines

    M-79 grenade launcher with a box of 6 40mm fragmentation grenades

    Baretta 92F with 3 magazines.

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  3. #93
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    "Yes!" Sabina exulted when the lock gave and she could open the door.

    Picking up the Beretta, she loaded one of the three magazines and noted the safety before slipping it into her jacket pocket. The other two magazines she put in her other pocket.

    "Guys, get over here and get one!" she whispered hoarsely, waving at the open door of the gun cabinet.

    The MP 51 would probably go to Patches, the rifle to Garmr, which would leave the grenade launcher with Angel. This should be fun, unless they started arguing over who should have which gun.

    Then there was the poker by the fireplace. Didn't a lot of supernatural creatures have an aversion to cold iron?
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  4. #94
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    Patches turned his head when he heard the cabinet's lock click open and its doors swing wide. He dashed over from his hiding spot and immediately began taking down the other guns, apart from the pistol that Sabina already took for herself. He loaded and cocked the HK51 first, which he took for himself, along with its extra mag. After all, he did love himself a good bullet hose.

    Next, he set to work prepping the Remington, loading it, but then removing the silencer at the end. They needed to save that for when it counts. Turning around for a split second, he tossed the loaded rifle to Garmr, but not before making sure the safety was on first. "Up to you guys who gets that one!"

    Lastly, there was the grenade launcher. He loaded a round into it and was about to toss it to the others, but grimaced and stopped upon remembering that using it inside some old castle's hallways wouldn't be the brightest of ideas. Instead, he slung it across his left side, opposite to the HK51, put two more shells in his pockets, then put the rest of the ammunition on the bar.

    Once again, he put his carbine to his shoulder and aimed for the door. All these weapons were much, much fancier than anything he'd ever used back in his younger days, but at least they operated pretty similarly enough. "Oh!," Patches interjected, "and for the love of god, count your shots and don't fire blindly! We're already short on bullets as is!"

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  5. #95
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    As Garmr sat and listened to the others, that’s when things began to go even worse than they already were. First, he took notice to the stuffed heads and the chair. Whoever, or whatever, owned this room appeared to be into the sport of human hunting. This took Garmr by surprise, a twinge of fear on the rise. It was the sudden scream and growls that cause Garmr to begin to panic. Quickly standing up, the light bulb suddenly burst, causing the once bright room to dim somewhat. Garmr watched as Patches quickly jumped into action, barricading the door from the potential attack that was about to occur.

    As Garmr stood in the middle of the room dumbfounded, he was finally snapped back into reality by Patches tossing him a rifle. While having a firearm would be nice and all, Garmr honestly had never really learned to fire one. To be quite honest, Garmr felt more comfortable with hand-to-hand combat than any sort of firearm. “I would prefer to be the first line of defense should they breach.” Garmr quickly tossed over the rifle to Angel. “Well, since you’ve now officially been thrown into the mix, mind giving us a hand?” Readying a battle stance, Garmr pulled out his longsword, ready to face whatever came through that door.

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    As “the stranger” sat she noticed that they were all much more an edge then she had originally given them credit for. They were seriously at odds end. When the fire was lite she noticed the heads around the walls. She felt she had to steady her breath a bit. Surely they were not real?

    She gave a small chuckle. A distance noise ran through the building and she stood up at attention. Unless someone was playing a very interesting prank that would certainly be something large and scary.

    She shivered a bit and noticed that they others were all acting. That was a good thing. She certainly prefered that to laying there useless. She watched patches move and thought about what he said before the fire really kindled. He mentioned she should watch herself. She nodded to him as he moved rather quickly.

    A Lot of quick movement and hands came about but at the end of it all apparently she was to be entrusted with a gun. She took the rifle into her hands and gave it a tender hug and kiss. She missed having a firearm and while she likes function over firepower she would treat this like a lost lover.

    She faced forward with the rest of them and prepared for whatever was making this noise. “I am happy to have met you all already.”
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  7. #97
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    "Let's just hope we don't bring the rest of the castle down on us," Sabina sighed, giving Angel a worried look as she came back with the fireplace poker.

    Garmr had his sword out - certainly a quieter weapon. Maybe they could just capture whoever was coming towards them...?

    She winced. Could they capture a creature like the one that had thrown her down the length of the ballroom?
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  8. #98
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    Link watched as everyone prepared to fight, knowing she'd have to do something to help them. She looked over to the fire, grabbing the fire poker and standing up. She went and put the chair onto the floor, ignoring the feeling of her skin crawling. She pushed the chair into a position so she could see the door. She looked around at the others before steeling herself. "Alright, how are we doing this?"

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  9. #99
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    A bead of sweat rolled down Patches' temple as he listened to the thumping footsteps. His hands began to shiver for a moment, but he calmed himself with a deep breath. This was no time to get all clammy. A quick glance at Link showed that she was trying her best to ready herself for what was coming, but she still had that unsure look on her face. "Well, uh, whatever comes through that door, light it the fuck up and whack it when it's down, eh?"

    The thief gave a nervous laugh that came out as mostly huffs of breath. He'd pushed a heavy chair in front of the door, but judging from how heavy the footsteps from outside sounded... That may not have helped at all. He fidgeted and adjusted his grip once again, taking deeper breaths this time. His eyes drifted to the ceiling, whose lights were all destroyed from that wild arc of electricity. His main concern was the beast heading straight for them, but the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end at the thought of monsters coming out of the walls as an ambush.

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