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Thread: Round 3: dakkagor Vs. Low-Budget Man (Judge: Merry)

  1. #11
    September Member of the Month
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    Monolith was terrible battered and was “bleeding” from several wounds, some were gargantuan craters; others were tiny punctures in his thick hide. Whatever the case, the large golem was dying, his shell was slowly becoming hollow. His stony hide was dosed in lava seeping from the damage the machine-man caused. His lava supply was steadily and rapidly depleting. Soon, his heart was not able to replenish the lost supply quickly enough. The only way he would be able to survive was if he won the fight and allowed proper time to overheal himself. Something he felt would be impossible due to the perilous nature of the machine-man. There was one way to end this. Kill the machine-man and take some time to recover. Doing so would greatly appease his master. He lives to do his master’s biddings further and the machine-man is dead. Everyone wins.

    Monolith turned his red eyes toward the machine-man. He was likewise injured as much as Monolith. Two bloodied titans faced each other off. Then, the machine-man tore off his cannon and used it as a sort of makeshift spear. Monolith understood he was too slow and bulky to dodge it, so instead of trying to dodge it, he ran forward as well, pushing his rocky legs to pump harder and harder. The golem’s red eyes stared down the machine-man. He raised a single thick deadly fist up to the side of his head, ready to hammer the machine-man into submission. He gave what might be his final steps as the golem charged forward.

    As Monolith rushed forward, time seemed to slow. All could be heard was the pounding footsteps of the two titans as they ran to meet each other in a finale to their battle. Monolith with his left hand attempted to push the cannon away with his left hand, but sadly only managed to divert it into his lower abdomen. A long deadly black shaft was slammed right into the recently unarmored part of Monolith, sending up a spray of lava and rock bits to fly outward. Monolith continued pushing forward as the barrel pierced Monolith, tearing up another wound in the back. He desperately attempted to throw a punch. His fist reached about half an inch in front of the machine-man before explodng violently.

    A bright shower of death rained outward. The night sky was illuminated by the glaring lava that was sprayed outward. Chunks and shards of rock shot outward as if from a grenade. Some flew a short distance, others flew several feet. Monolith literally went everywhere. It was like someone had just dropped their favorite toy upon the ground. For the first time, Monolith screamed in his old dusty voice. The scream was of pure pain. Anything within a mile could easily hear the poor golem scream in its horrible voice. He halted after a few seconds. Several pieces of the machine-man’s barrel had managed to pierce Monolith’s red heart. The crystal wasn’t destroyed, but it was hit, and it was breathtakingly painful. It was like getting a thousand knives stabbed into your body, getting rolled over by a steamroller, drowning in a pool of acid, and watching Jersey Shore. The pain was excruciating.

    Monolith laid into to pathetic main pieces. His upper torso remained relatively intact, but just barely. His two arms stuck out of his remaining torso like two antennas. His head was also attached to the broken torso. His torso was already beginning to ooze lava. The other main piece was his legs. They were uncontrollable, being not attached from the red-heart. The thick legs were in shamble and were literally just two legs lying beside one another. The groin and waist region were completely obliterated. Well, they aren’t completely obliterated. There’s some over there, over there, and over there…

    Monolith could still recover from this; all he needed was his red-heart to survive and to regenerate. All his hoped was the machine-man was dead from the blast. The death of the machine-man would allow him to complete his mission and appease his master. He would also complete his second mission of “survive”. He now had time to heal if the machine-man was dead. While he heals, he might be granted the opportunity to watch the night sky, the dazzling dark sky. Monolith, while still in pain, comforted himself with the watching the sky.

    Spoiler: Low-Budget Man 

  2. #12
    Queen of Awesome
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    She watched the battle from the start, high above, hidden in the soft clouds. She could feel the power in the blows given out by each, heard the sounds of destruction and engagement. Ever watching the damage each inflicted upon the other. She marveled in amazement that the two had lasted as long as they had. In slight awe at the sheer power that each contestant had displayed.

    She saw the final blows given and knew it had reached its end. They had both fought such a valiant fight. It would be hard to determine the winner from this contest. They had scraped and clawed their way through so many others to get this far, and they deserved proper recognition for their feats of skill and battle worthiness.

    With a small sad smile, she knew there could only be one winner. Only one would be moving on, yet again to face a new opponent. To gain new glory, and recognition anew. One would be returned from whence they had come, to fight again someday, somewhere else. The other would move forward to a new battle ground, a new contest with a new contestant.

    With the smallest of wrist flicks everything was suddenly frozen in place. Not a muscle could move, or an eye could twitch. In the merest instant all the pain was gone, all the chaos of the battle was done, stopped, finished. They were completely immobile, for the moment. Held in stasis until the judgement could be announced.

    In a loud, melodious voice that seemed to reverberate from the very stones around them the following message was heard by the contestants.

    "You have both fought valiantly and it has taken great skill and strength to reach this level. Only one of you can move on to the next level of battle.

    One will move ahead, while the other will be returned to the barracks to fight another day"

    dakkago has won this battle

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