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Thread: [M] The Space Bar Raphilion x Cesare

  1. #1
    Member haleighlujah's Avatar
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    Default [M] The Space Bar Raphilion x Cesare

    [Bunch o' bad apples...]

    Betsy scurried across the snow. Her paw cuffs were burning her wrists something fierce. Whatever those specist cops had against her, they really were looking for corners to cut. And also skin. Owwy.

    She would have to find something to cut these cuffs with. Fortunately for Betsy, most of the bears she'd seen on this planet were polar, like herself. Not that there were many like her, but she wouldn't stand out much. Also, she was the same as snow, save for the glowing chains on her paws. She just had to find a way to cut through 'em. There had to be something around that would be promising. She couldn't see so well through the flurry of speeding snowfall and the darkness of the atmosphere, but she didn't have the luxury of searching, so she would just have to observe.

    Mostly she was cornered. Her back was pressed against a looming, filthy dumpster, and surrounding that on all but one side were the concrete bunkers that served as the town's buildings. From inside Betsy could hear laughter, music, clanking glass, wild shouting, and she could smell the potency within. But her attention was caught by a shady lump in the field ahead of her.

    Hesitantly, she popped her nose out of the alley and sniffed. No one was close, as far as she could tell, so she crawled a little closer. The structure could only be, what, fifty feet off? Sixty? It looked vaguely like another bunker, but it was smaller. Like a shed. And if she was lucky, it would be one.

    "Oh, creator! Let that be what I hope it is!"

    Betsy felt it was safe, so she burst from the alley and lumbered across the field on all sixes like a furry sow bug. As she got closer, she saw that the shed was next to a house, and that house next to another house, and that next to another, and...damn.

    So she bunkered low, in the snow, stalking the shed, waiting to see if anyone was home. No lights on, but also no promises.
    Last edited by haleighlujah; 07-24-2014 at 05:59 AM.

  2. #2


    Ralph sits at home, staring at a disgusting bowl of soup. "Eat it. It'll make you stronger." his mom says from across the table. His big brother starts laughing "That'll never happen. He's a wimp." "Shut up! When I grow up I'll show you! I'll travel across space and beat up people twice as big as you!" Ralph snaps. "Oh really?" the brother asks. He gets up and pushes his face back and pushing him and his chair back. He laughs as Ralph gets up and runs outside. As he runs out the door, his mother yells "Why would you do that!?" Ralph runs away into the desert. And when tears start breaking from his eyes, he runs faster.

    He goes to his usual play spot. The fence next to the spaceship runway. He's close enough to feel the winds from ships departing and stare at them leaving the planet. After a few minutes, he watches a few come and go and feels better. Ralph picks up a small stick and starts playing with it "pew pew pew! gimme all your money! pew pew!" he gets so caught up that a ship leaving blows Ralph back. He gets up and realizes its getting dark and he should head home. So he slowly walks down the fence back the way he came.

    Ralph looks over on the walkway and sees a ship with a group of large men with large guns repairing the ship. Ralph gets the idea of boarding the ship and leaving his family. He quickly jumps the fence and runs into the ship when nobody is looking. He immediately finds the storage room and lies down behind a large crate. He feels happy that he's taking charge of his life. But then he starts to question his actions "What if I don't see my family anymore? What if these people are pirates? WHAT IF THEY KILL ME!?" and he suddenly hears a pounding the large crate and a muffled voice coming from it

  3. #3
    Member haleighlujah's Avatar
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    After a few moments, and no movement has been made, Betsy approaches the bunker. It's small, and looks a might resemblant of a hobbit hole, but made from concrete and insulation. She tests the door and finds it not only unlocked, but easy to swing open. It only takes a minute for her to carefully sweep her bulky body across the tiny bunker. Even though she is young, and nimbler as a polar bear, the bunker is nearly the same size as her, and she has to shift slowly in order not to make a ruckus. But, she finds a laser cutter, as she had hoped, and severed the chains linking her pawcuffs. The cuffs, now freed from their tight pull, rested easier on her rest and no longer cut uncomfortably into the flesh. Thank creation.

    Though she was safe for this moment, it was brief, because Betsy knew that her absence would be noticed by now, and the police would be spreading the
    news of her escape, no doubt exaggerating any danger she might possess. So it was off, for her, to find a subtle way to escape this dreadful planet. And the only way to do that, would be SpacePort, where she had worked, and where she was arrested. And where there would probably be cops.

    Oh well. It was her only option, and Betsy would be worse off if she didn't try. She raced back to the port, hopeful. But her disappointment was iminent as patrols swept the lot. There were even more than she had expected. What crime in the Milky Way had she even committed?! Creeping on all sixes, she slunk underneath shallow ship holds. The frigid stone floor was no match for her thick fur, more thanks to the creator. She surveyed the port and found a rather average sized, unassuming vessel on the fringes of the port. Ne'er-do-wells slunk and loitered along the ship's hull like throw pillows. But, unguarded, near the rear, was a small loading flap she was sure she could squeeze through. Betsy waited for the next patrol to pass, trembled her hindquarters, and covered the distance, met by a snow flurry that turned her into a fuzzy blur. Guarded by her chance cover, she slunk underneath the ship, and into the loose cargo storage, hurriedly pulling the flap shut behind her. She then bangs her head on the low roof, and slinks into the maze of crates like a startled serpent.


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