"Didn't say it," Harper said, keeping his eyes fixed ahead of him as he walked.
The streets weren't that hard to navigate through, as crowded or busy as they could be, especially now with the betting going on and whatnot, but he weaving around was an art that was rather useful during these times.
He walked up to the door of some building and knocked, to which it opened a moment afterwards, the smell of smoke practically tumbling out as if it were some prisoner being set free, and a man, tough-looking who reeked of the stuff stepped out.
"Murray's called a meeting. Everyone's gotta come right now."
The guy did nothing but nod and then step back inside, closing the door behind him. Harper moved on. The guy knew where to go, and he needed to finished his job. After getting a few paces away, he stopped suddenly and turned back to his follower, "Name's Harper. Nice to meet you Aaron."
He then turned and continued. He didn't know about making small-talk with this person, since they were new and anyone who wanted to join the gang probably wasn't the best of characters. Still, if he'd been able to keep up this long, he might as well try being friendly-ish to the guy.