Something sinister lurks within the Sea of Trees. All but a handful of the Wardens of Nareen have fallen into a dark slumber during the eclipse ceremony, leaving their sacred charge, the Pool of Nareen, unprotected. A foul presence now inhabits Gul-Natha, the ancient temple which houses the sacred pool. Since the temple's invasion, the beasts of the wilderness have become rabid, twisted aberrations with unnatural power and an insatiable hunger for human flesh. These horrors have slaughtered hundreds of Nikarian villagers. The few Wardens that remained were forced to abandon Gul-Natha and escort their people to the southern encampment. Though a powerful shamanic ward was placed over the encampment, it has be begun to weaken as of late, with several tainted bears making their way into the encampment.

Out of desperation, the proud Wardens of Nareen have been forced to seek out the assistance of Cynbel, a ranger from the outskirts of Crometh, and an old friend of the order. Cynbel has returned to Cromerth and assembled a company of combatants from various orders across Bastion to investigate the source of these disturbances.

Tales of Bastion