They call them the "Imperial Ruins". They act like the city is gone. The people in the capital city of Lord's Crossing prefer to ignore the ghosts of the past and act like nothing is wrong. However, those not blinding themselves to the truth know that the 'ruins' of the Imperial City still house a large number of people. Nearly fifty-thousand call the damaged city their home, rebuilding what was lost in the war and trying to salvage their way of life. They are a strong people, united by adversity and a strong sense of community. However... that is all about to change.

They fey are growing tired of the Blessed Isle. They were given all the rest of creation, and some of them feel as though they should simply take what is left. Occasional raiding groups attack fishing vessels and coastal villages... but they are not the only threat. A resurgence of Lintha pirates signals the rise of something far darker: The Yozis. Still others claim that the dead have begun to walk once more within the few wilderness areas remaining on the Blessed Isle. If this is true, then a Deathlord likely survived the Scarlet War as well.

As a mortal human living in the Imperial Ruins, you hear the dark whispers and rumors... you listen to the murmurs and fearful stories of those who claim to have seen this and that and the other thing... you might even tell others a personal accounting of one of these tales. All that you know for sure is that people are scared. Do you share their fear? Are you made of sterner stuff? Do you not care either way? Do you embrace the end like others who have become doomsayers? This is where your tale begins... only you will determine how it ends.

Exalted: Fall of creation