Alien Invasion! It’s been everywhere! Everyone knows and is fully aware of the alien take over. The year is 2037 and prior to three months ago it was simply Earth; everyday was a normal casual day. That was until monsters touched down from the heavens above. Villages, towns and even massive cities have been ransacked and abandon. The food and medicine are running short. It is officially one for all; survival of the fittest.

People who have seen these monsters have little to tell about them. They are hideous, strong and disgusting looking. Taller than any human height recorded down and a blue green coloured tint. Their growl is deafening with saliva filled snarling mouths. Their arms are big; easy to catch their next target and their claws are sharp, could cut anything in half. These aliens roam freely at night trying to catch the next unlucky soul to become their meal.

These monsters are unstoppable, unbeatable and continue to come in vast amounts, killing anything in its path. It is now up for a team to survive and find a solution on how to rid these monsters from their planet.

The End Game