1AD, June 21st

Darkness. It swallowed all in the meeting. At the very center of the room in the ceiling was a hole that allowed in a single beam of sunlight. They were seated in shadows but all recognized each other. A harsh woman's voice cut through the silence. "Rajiya you called this meeting yet you sit in silence. Do you expect someone else to start?" The shaven headed of Rajiya tilted back unseen while her hands laid on the table in the light. Her many extravagant rings shined in it. "No, I was merely enjoying the calmness. It's been a while since we all sat like this. I missed it." Jathbiyya stood and leaned forwards. Her veiled head came into the light and only her venomous eyes were visible through two small holes. The top of her head was wrapped in cloth. "I do not like to waist my time Rajiya. Speak!"

Rajiya waited for the other governor to sit back down then continued. "Some time ago I had the pleasure of meeting with someone. They introduced theirself as Lord Abzhal Qarim. It was a false name, I knew right away but I humored him. When given the opportunity he revealed his true self to me. He was what they call a Deathborne, a high ranking general and member of their court. As he explained to me. His true name was Arael Zandramas, at least he claimed. We have heard reports of this one." Governor Mahmud interrupted. "One of those cursed walking dead, that scourge? Yes we've heard of him. Supposedly he has been very successful in the North."

Rajiya again continued. "He wished to avoid a war between the Dominion and the undead of Mersus. I believe he realized our superior might at naval warfare. Should we choose to we could crush them on the open waters. But, I have a proposal. We broker an alliance with them." Kurush slammed his fist on the table. "Rajiya you most of all should know we deserve justice for those lost, that we cannot ally with such an evil!" She responded by tapping her knuckle on the table. "We speak of evil when we ally with the Southern Kingdoms? The people who ravaged our lands, slaughtered thousands of us, stole our riches, then never made up for it? The people who invaded our land until we offered them a deal to save themselves? No, my pact with the High King and Queen Isilde is over!"

Governor Hasib of Shomaalh laid his hand on the table with his palm exposed. "Rajiya is correct. We have been too kind to the infidels that destroyed our way of life, that forced us to become what we are now." Mahmud tapped his fingers. "We are caught between two devils. Do we dare come to work with either?" Rajiya cradled her fingers. "I have plans set in motion. While the Kingdoms fight in the west we will take to the seas, establish an agreement with these walking dead. I was told they have no use for gold, and they've been winning in the North. Meaning it could all be ours, while we merely have to tolerate past aggression. Think of it as reparations for their invasion." There was a silence as they contemplated in the dark.