View Full Version : Private recycle box
- (Rated M) Royal Knights Order ~~Sun and Nightmare~~
- London's Irregulars (R)
- Caged Security [M; Sun & AyJay]
- [M] Fate/Limit Chaos [MatrixOne + m139]
- [M] Caged Security [Sun & AyJay]
- [M] A Bridge Too Far (Pulsar x ASplashOfMusic)
- [M] Red Vs Blue x Metal Gear Solid Crossover (RyuJunkie & Punished Snake)
- Return to Heaven [M; Ashen & ASplashOfMusic]
- I want to make YOU the hero
- Fantasy one on one?
- [M] Drafted {SoulReaper & Persona}
- Looking for 1x1 RP Partners!
- [M] I See the Stars in Your Eyes
- [M] Drafted IC {SoulReaper & Persona}
- (M) Help me, stranger. IC [Andalais & Nathchi]
- [M] Help me, stranger (Another story) 「Tortesstheshark & Nathchi」
- (OOC) (R) The Princess & Her Beast
- Arcadia: First Contact OOC {M}
- (M) Dragon's Den (OOC)
- Something New
- (IC) (R) The Princess & Her Beast
- (OOC) (R) To Save A Kingdom, To Save A Life
- [M] Dragon's Den
- Looking for mature dragon rp partner
- [M] Starting Over {Mihkul & NotWhoIWas}
- Literate, long-term RP partner for a Fate/Nasuverse RP needed.
- [M] Dragon's Den
- Chello is back!
- [M] Fate/Counter War OOC [MatrixOne + Kaleido]
- [M] X-men Evolution: OOC (Sparks and Chello)
- X-men Evolution: IC (Sparks and Chello)[PG]
- Arcadia: First Contact IC {M} Mysteria and Dead Empty
- [M] I See the Stars in Your Eyes - OOC
- [M] The Princesses Knight [Griffin and Me]
- A Nation At War: [M]
- 「R」 【Abominations of Men】 「OOC」『Dire Hoef ✪ Bionicllama 』
- [M] Together Forever With A Vampire? [GriffinxMe]
- A Nation At War: [M] NnightStalker + Victoria Black
- (OOC) [R] Space Conflict
- Story Time
- [M] Fate/Counter War [MatrixOne + Kaleido]
- [M] Doctor What? (D.Reality and Nara)
- [IC] (R) Space Conflict
- 1X1 African Fantasy.
- Desperate for RPs! (M, cuz it's me)
- [M] The Labyrinth City (Low-Budget Man & Nara)
- Doctor What? {DR and Nara~M}
- [M] The Rift (a lonely soul and Nara)
- Run with me, little beast! (all pairings, plots, original)
- [M] Two-Man Wrecking Crew (Paradokz x Rouge Rahz)
- The War Of Times [M] {ChaosBringer~Tortesstheshark}
- [M] Retribution (커비 & ChaosBringer)
- [M] Aldria Chronicles (커비 & Naraness)
- The Demons of London [M] [Sith and Naraness]
- [M] The Vampire Diaries
- [M]Staring in the Abyss {Persona & Bemuse}
- Looking Once More...
- [M] Nuclear Fallout [Shanatos-Kicks]
- [M] Finding a Beginning at the Ending: OOC {Cfavano & NotWhoIWas}
- [M] Finding a Beginning at the Ending {Cfavano & NotWhoIWas}
- [M] Aliens Rising [NWIW-Kicks]
- New Here
- The Rift [M] (Nara x A Lonely Soul)
- Time to try this again
- [M]RP Development DeeWriter & Cutekitty150
- Looking for a partner for a Japanese themed rp?
- [M] Secret of the UN. (Paradokz & Rogue Rahz)
- [M] The Labyrinth City (Low-Budget Man and Nara)
- The Lost Fox. [M] [DeeWriterXChaosBringer]
- [M] Nuclear Fallout! [Kicks/Shanatos]
- [M] Monsters [DeeWriter & Cutekitty150]
- [M] Aliens Rising {Kicks & NWIW}
- Searching for new partners!
- [M]Life of a Jedi {Jevan&P.K.}{OOC}
- [M] Life of a Jedi {Jevan&P.K.} {IC}
- [M] For the Good of the Show {Cutekitty150 & NotWhoIWas}
- (OOC) [R] The Brilliant & The Beauty
- Looking for advanced, long term RP partner.
- Firefly Ideas (Splat & WarpedCoriolis)
- [M]Firefly: Out of the Black (Splat & WarpedCoriolis) [OOC]
- Secrets Whispered in the Hanamachi [M] midoripickle & Bemuse
- A Fallen Star [M] ~midoripickle & Nymph~
- Pokemon: Lost Warrior (R)
- ~Vampire Roleplay~
- [M] The Shadow Oak (Runaway and ChaosBringer)
- (IC) [R] The Brilliant & The Beauty
- [M] Bound by Honor - (Iwazuma & TheCatandTheBat)
- [M] What Lies Beyond the Enchanted Door {Ashen & NotWhoIWas}
- [M] Bound by Honor - IC (Iwazuma & TheCatandTheBat)
- (OOC) [R] Among The Family
- [M]Our Last Summer {Kourtney 'n' Breggo}
- (IC) [R] Among The Family
- [M] Supernatural Business {Ushima X LostMisfit}
- [M] Supernatural Business IC {Ushima X LostMisfit}
- [M] Our Last Summer {Kourtney 'n' Breggo}
- [OOC] (R) Naughty Nobles & Mischievous Mafia
- [M] Stranger from the Storm {Me and Sparkz}
- [M] Firefly: Out of the Black (Splat & WarpedCoriolis) [IC]
- 「R」 【Selection of the World | 世界の選択 | Sekai no Sentaku】 「OOC」『Dire Hoef ✪ Jevan 』
- The Prophecy's Sacrifice [M] ~Breggo13 & Nymph~
- Very Simple Request (Norse/Avengers Based)
- [OOC] (R) Magic Mayhem
- ‾‾ ♛ FATAL DIVIDE」 [one x one search]
- A Dark Romance [Rated M for Mature]
- [M] A Galactic Crisis {NnightStalker + Nymphadora}
- [OOC] (R) Welcome To Hell!
- Hazel's Roleplay Recruitment Thread! - Realistic Roleplay - MxF
- [IC] (R) Magic Mayhem
- Looking for some Fantasy or Steampunk
- A Dark Romance [Rated M for Mature]
- [M] Treacherous Affection (SpiritofDestiny & Nymphadora)
- [MATURE] Looking for a few Playmates M/M
- Another falling tear - [may have M content] - (Hazel x ChaosBringer]
- RP's fantasy and more!
- [M] The Long Road
- [M] Rebels (HappyHarper & Queen Neptune)
- [M]OOC: You have His Eyes
- [M] OOC Discussion Thread of Iron Fey Private RPs (Zaiva x Narwain)
- [M] Rebels (HappyHarper & Queen Neptune)
- [M] Mo ghrá rúnda: My secret love {Midoripickle & NotWhoIWas}
- [IC] You Have His Eyes [M]
- Looking for an RP partner (romantic plots)
- Ponz's Nefarious Plot Machine
- Reconsider [M] - Midoripickle & Skip_Time -
- {Ashen x Drakonnas} Ransei's Revenge {Rated M for Mature}
- Fantasy/Sci-fi Writer for Hire
- [M]The Secrets of Immortality {Jevan&AngelDellaNotte}
- 1x1 Partners Wanted
- I Think I Did the Spell Wrong.. [Queen Neptune & AyJay; M]
- Partners wanted immediately :)
- [M] Secrets of Immortality {IC} {Jevan & AngelDellaNotte}
- You, Me, 1x1
- Apprenticeship 1x1
- Kinda new here, would like to start a 1x1, got ideas but need a partner???
- [M] Emperor's Will, Assassin's Resolve (Holeypaladin & Maya)
- Neptune's 1x1 Search Thread! (OPEN) *Under Construction*
- Setsa Seeking 1X1 with you!
- [M] Emperor's Will, Assassin's Resolve (Holeypaladin & Maya)
- It's been a while! seeking 1x1
- Seeking 1x1 Partners !!
- [M] I hate you, I love you, my Husband, my Rival, my Emperor (OOC)
- [M] Tales of Travel & War OOC
- [M] Tales of Travel & War
- 「R」 【Selection of the World | 世界の選択 | Sekai no Sentaku】 「IC」『Dire Hoef ✪ Jevan 』
- [M] As the TARDIS fades
- [M] I hate you, I love you, my Husband, my Rival, my Emperor (1x1 Setsa and Holey )
- Creative originals, and interesting twists (1x1s wanted)
- [M] The Killings (Kourtney & NoirPegasus)
- [M] The hammer's keeper [OOC]
- [M] The Killings (Kourtney & NoirPegasus)
- [M] RWBY: Aspect {Persona and Rhomeo}
- (OOC) [R] Thorns, Blacksmiths & Royals
- [M] The Hero is a Girl? (Holeypaladin & Splat) (OOC)
- [M]Alpha's Glory (LostMisfit X Ushima)
- Murder in the spring (M) Arcus Tortesshark
- [M] The Hero is a Girl? (Holeypaladin & Splat) (IC)
- (Rated M) The Dawning of the Age of Darkness
- [M] Eclipsis: The Runaway Princess (A XShy_OrchidX and Holeypaladin RP)
- (Rated M) The Dawning of the Age of Darkness~~Nightmare and Holeypaladin~~
- [M]For the Bounty and the Chase (1x1 Ushima and Setsa) OOC
- [M] The Tales of A Bishie & his Tsundere Best Friend [Brighty(Nihilist)&Bluey(AyJay)]
- [MATURE] Literate Writer Wanted
- (M) The Accidental Summoning (Holeypaladin & Karma OOC)
- [M]Alpha's Glory (LostMisfit X Ushima)
- [M] For the Bounty and the Chase (1x1 Ushima and Setsa) IC
- Looking to get back into the game!
- 「R」 【Jack of Λll Trades】 「OOC」『Dire Hoef ❖ Holeypaladin』
- I Think I Did the Spell Wrong... [Queen Neptune & AyJay; M] [IC]
- [M] Of Deadly Design - OOC (Balo & TheCatandTheBat)
- [M] Rangers of Arkanshire (Squeaky91 and Setsa)
- [M] Dragon's Quest (Holeypaladin & Nymphadora OOC)
- [M] Dragon's Quest (HoleyPaladin&Nymph)
- (IC) [R] Thorns, Blacksmiths & Royals
- ShadowRun Rp?
- [M] Stolen Succession (Holeypaladin & Angeldellanotte)
- Chaos's Wonderland. [ALWAYS OPEN]
- 1x1 RP with Squeaky
- [M]Tales of Arkanshire: Bounty Hunter (OOC for Squeaky91 and Kourtney)
- (OOC) (R) Love Sucks
- [M] Tales of Arkanshire: Bounty Hunter (Squeaky91 and Kourtney)
- (IC) (R) Love Sucks
- In this Digital World. [M] (Nymphadora&ChaosBringer)
- [M] IC - Stolen Succession (Holeypaladin & Angeldellanotte)
- (M) The Accidental Summoning (Holeypaladin & Karma IC)
- [M] Of Deadly Design - IC (Balo & TheCatandTheBat)
- 「R」 【Jack of Λll Trades】 「IC」『Dire Hoef ❖ Holeypaladin』
- ⍣[M]The Haunting. *Darkness Pt.II*[OOC]⍣
- ⍣[M]The Haunting *Darkness Pt.II*[IC]⍣
- [M] Kuddelmuddel [Ashen & MindPalace]
- Experienced RPer Seeking New RP Partners
- Looking for a partner
- [M] The girl who cried Demon (OOC)
- [M] The girl who cried Demon (IC)
- (M) Rejected and Pregnant By My Mate (Squeaky91/Me)
- 1x1 Ideas from Lunia
- The Story Of Death RP
- Fate's Fetters (Drakonnas / AngelDellaNotte) (M)
- [M] A Familiar Tail (Holeypaladin and Breggo)
- Searching for partners!
- [Advanced] Literate, frequent replies. Lots of plots!
- [M] For Fox Sake (Holeypaladin & Megilwen) OOC
- ▖■ ▓ B υ T T З R F L ʎ ▏Private 1x1 Request/Recruitment
- [M] For Fox Sake (Holeypaladin & Megilwen)
- 「R」 【Flamenco Blue | フラメンコブルー | Furamenkoburū】 「OOC」『Dire Hoef ✩ Squeaky91』
- [M] Draconian Crusades |Amanita + Drakonnas|
- Got Some New Stuff
- Mortal Kombat Revolution
- [M] Arkanshire Tales: Rangers (Squeaky91 and moonlightsky)
- It's been awhile...
- Fantasy
- [M] Killer's Pet OOC [Seckeln and Skip_Time94]
- [M] Killer's Pet IC [Seckeln and Skip_Time94]
- (Nightstalker X P.K.) You, me and the beasts. [PG-13]
- (Nightstalker X P.K.) You, me and the beasts. [PG-13] IC
- [M] Legend of the Five Rings: Blood Speaks (OOC) (AngelFire and Mfable)
- [M] A Familiar Tail (Holeypaladin and Breggo) IC
- (OOC) [R] Communist, Roses & Red Wine
- [M] Broken Purgatory (Squeaky91 and Seckeln)
- [M] In the Shadows [OOC] (Seckeln & Arcus)
- (IC) [R] Communist, Roses & Red Wine
- [M] Love and War {Holeypaladin & NotWhoIWas}
- IC: The Runaway Princess [M] Tatsuke x Moonlightsky
- Looking for long term partner. (looking for females and male friendship)
- [M]Vampire's quest for science. Ooc (grimly and seckeln)
- Seeking Watson for literate, long-term, 1x1
- The Story Of Death [possible M]
- The Story Of Death RP [Possible M] Miss Devil and Tortesstheshark
- [M]Vampire's quest for science. IC (grimly and seckeln)
- [M] Love Negotiations {Karma & NotWhoIWas}
- [M] In the Shadows [IC] (Seckeln & Arcus)
- [M] Legend of the Five Rings: Blood Speaks (IC) (AngelFire and Mfable)
- (OOC) [R] Devils Bet
- [M] Eclipsis: The Runaway Princess IC (A XShy_OrchidX and Holeypaladin RP)
- -[M]-[The 76th Annual Hunger Games Retribution]-[Karmz&Zulz]
- [M] A Fairy's Tale (Holeypaladin & Kicks OOC)
- [M]dark stairwell
- [M] Not so Happy Ever After (Squeaky91 and Nemesis)
- -[Crime and Justice: Murder She Wrote]-[M]-[Karmz&ChatNoir]-
- (IC) [R] Devils Bet
- [M] A Fairy's Tale (Holeypaladin & Kicks)
- Looking for a female partner.
- [M]A Twisted Tale[K&K]
- [M]Twisted Tale IC[K&K]
- A Simple Romance
- I have returned!
- [M] War, Terrible War [Karmz & Zulz]
- Broken Crown {M} (Lilmiscelaneous x Squeaky91)
- Looking to GM a Solo Sci-Fi plot-heavy RP!
- The Dead Summons you
- Ladies. (And Gents) I'm Looking For a Private Game
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