View Full Version : Private recycle box
- [m]Life in Laboratory 34 Zeldakeeper X Sprinkles
- [M] Infernal Bond (Kiall & Etoile) IC
- Need 1x1!
- Looking for a RP-mate
- [M] The Echo Factory IC (MelysCariad and Sy23 1x1)
- 1X1 Kitkat and Sprinkles Rated PG-13
- Something Dark - 1x1 request
- [M] Savour of the Dead - TwistedMyth & Abyss
- [M][IC] Savour of the Dead - TwistedMyth & Abyss
- <Stevezilla> Not a Word <Alltoni> (PG)
- Kitkat/Sprinkles 1X1 [rated PG-13]
- The Orient Express RP
- Teenage Life {Fox and Dare}{M}
- 1x1 anyone?: Bloodium Academy: The Special Recruit! (Mature, thriller/fantasy?)
- [M] Through the Night [Etoile&SoulEater]
- Hm....
- So I've had this idea for a while...
- [M] Far Away (For Sera and H)
- [M] Far Away (For Sera and H) IC
- [M] The Devouring [OOC Kiall&Abyss]
- [M] Tame Heart OOC (CuteLilRedhead and PitBull Blues)
- [M] Stranded (Kiall & Setsa) (OOC)
- [M] Stranded (Kiall & Setsa) (IC)
- [M] The Devouring [Kiall & Abyss]
- Teenage Life IC {Fox and Dare}{M}
- [M] Tame Heart IC (PitBullBlues and CuteLilRedhead)
- [PG 13] Roommates
- [M] It's All a Mystery (PitBull & Shades of Grey)
- Looking for a Starkid.
- [M] Where Twisted Paths Lead (Xuchilbara and Kalyde)
- Kidnapping one on one?
- RP dude or dudette anywhere?
- [M] OOC [Abyss & Kalan-val]
- [M] Friend Til the End (Reznov and CuteLilRedhead)
- Athamar: Ialia's Rivalry (Luth and Mos) [PG-13]
- Athamar: Ialia's Rivalry (Luth and Mos) [PG-13]
- One on One-In need of a partner
- Fox & Abyss [M] OOC
- Brother x Sister (Male needed!)
- [M] Through the Night [Etoile&SoulEater]
- 1x1 Recruitment
- Erranruin an Audrey's Romance Rp (M)
- Erranruin an Audrey The love of a Dragon-human and a Half Fox god IC (M)
- 1x1 with Soul? : D
- [M] The Swamp of Hope Point (OOC) (Solet-Alice & Kiall)
- [M] The Night Circus (OOC) (Kiall & Anne Bonny)
- [M] Like We Need Drama... [Solet/Iz]
- [M] The Night Circus (IC) (Kiall & Anne Bonny)
- 1x1 Request Box
- [M] My World [Kiall & Abyss]
- [M][IC] My World [Kiall & Abyss]
- WANTED: 1 x 1 roleplayer
- 1x1 with Shades of Grey.
- Recruitment for 1x1.
- 1 x 1 - I have some ideas! :D
- 1 x 1 with ze Ru
- [M] Stained Conscience (Shadestar and k4tI3!)
- [M] Distance Between: Second Chapter {ooc}
- [M] Distance Between: Second Chapter(Aequitas, Car'mael)
- Arrrrr I be recruitin'
- [M]The Bladesingers
- {M} Illegal Love (Shadestar and k4tI3!)
- Looking for some amazing 1x1 role-plays!
- Private Party for Two with Fishes?
- Soul and Larisa [M] OOC
- Clockwork Violin and Larisa [M] OOC
- The Oddities of Kitteh and Fisheh
- [M] Bound by Nature [AmbassadorFish & Clockwork]
- [M] 1x1 [Shades of Grey & Clockworkviolin]
- 1 x 1 search
- Soul Secrets {Shades of Grey & Clockworkviolin}(M)
- 1x1 Ideas
- [M] Bound by Nature IC [AmbassadorFish & Clockworkviolin]
- Seeking 1x1 RP Partner
- Raising Trouble [FishiexDevil] [ℳ]
- [M] Spirits of Eternity - OOC (Edynol anbd Amb. Fish)
- [Advanced]- Looking for a partner? Click me!
- -M- Exl [Toxin x Misfortune]
- [R] Sealed in Blood (Girly&Elora)-OOC
- [M] Rainy, busy London. [Kamuai & Shades of Grey]
- Shared Genes [M] [OOC] [PitBullBlues & Kamuai]
- 1x1 Request Box
- Sy23 and Larisa OOC [M]
- [M] The Soulless, The Damned [Para Fishes con Wattz!]
- OOC - [R] Darkness and Light (Fish and Car'mael)
- [R] One Hell of a Week
- Shared Genes [M] [IC] [PitBullBlues & Kamaui]
- [R] Moore (FishesxGirly) OOC
- Looking for a 1x1 roleplay partner
- Teen Romance/Horror/War/Fantasy 1x1 rp? Anybody?
- [R] RP Partner Needed for Immortalis RP
- [M] Evo-Humanity (Larisa, Aequitas)
- [M] PitBullBlues + PFC P.Long
- Evo-Humanity IC (Larisa, Aequitas) [M]
- [M] Paradise Lost (Anne and Rho)
- Paradise Lost (Anne and Rho) [M]
- willing to entertain outside fantasies & delusions
- [M] [IC] The Soulless, The Damned [Ambassador Fish and Wattz]
- 1x1 steampunk / industrial age
- [R] Revenge (sneakyonfoota and Girly)
- advanced 1x1
- 1960's 1x1
- [M] The Wanted (Shadestar and k4tI3!)
- Larisa + TheSoulEater OOC [M]
- 1x1 Fresh Start- Aequitas
- looking for 1 on 1
- [M] ooc SQJPURE and VampiressAngel
- [M] Zombie Apocolypse
- [M] R&R OOC (Car'mael + Aequitas)
- One x one search
- [M] OOC; Zombies, oh no! [Vamp & Maki]
- One on One idea/search
- [M] End of The World Adventure
- [M] End of The World Adventure (OOC)
- Literacy! - Dragon Age 2 - Seeking Fenris, Anders and more!
- 1x1 Request!
- [M] Be careful, there's zombies! [Maki & Vamp]
- [M]Heading Home (Kiall & Alin)
- 1x1 PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
- [R] Sealed in Blood (Girly&Elora)
- Looking for some fun >:3 PLEASE!
- [M] We Want to Suck Your Blood! Muhaha [Maki & Vamp]
- [M] R&R IC (Car'mael + Aequitas)
- [M] We Want to Suck Your Blood! Muhaha [Maki & Vamp]
- Call me silly...
- [M] OOC Ocean's Heart of Ice (Cute and Black)
- [M] IC Ocean's Heart of Ice (Cute and Black)
- The Kitteh and Makizushi's OOC Rated M for stuff
- [PG+13] The Twilight Zone: Revisited
- [PG+13] Twilight Zone OC
- [NC-17]Tip of the Scale (Celsa and Sneaky Kitty)
- Silent Hill 1x1?
- Hullo there. Just a silly little search
- [M] Medieval Fantasy [Kitteh & Makizushi]
- DemonxHuman girl? ;3
- ~Lucky~ Tails of a Teacher and Student ~Alltoni~ <PG-13>
- A Demon's Sight ~ (Secrets | Car'mael) [PG 13]
- 1x1 please?
- Family Tree - M (VampiressAngel & Anne Bonny)
- Family Tree IC - M (VampiressAngel and Anne)
- A Demon's Sight ~ (Secrets | Car'mael) [PG13]
- ~Lucky~ Tails of a Teacher and Student ~Alltoni~ <PG-13~IC>
- Romance or epic private RP
- Looking for a friend.
- 1 x 1's? Pwease?
- Anybody for a Private RP?
- [M] Kitteh and Polo OOC
- Sly as a fox IC Kitteh and Polo Rated M for mature themes.
- [M] Forever&Always (:
- [M] Forever&Always OOC
- [M] HerForever~ and MellowYeti OOC
- [M] The Kitteh and MellowYeti OOC
- New Girl Looking For An RP.
- 1x1 RP?
- [M]Caravan Tales (Kiall & Kit)
- Anyone?
- Alpha lookin' for a 1on1
- Kekkles && Twi OOC [M]
- Feed me words, yo.
- [M]Caravan Tales (Kiall & Kit) (IC)
- Choking on coal. Breathing out Steam. OOC E1alpha + Kekkles [M+]
- Choking on coal. Breathing out Steam. IC E1alpha + Kekkles [M+]
- Spy vs Spy [Chip The 3rd and CuteLilRedHead]
- Spy vs Spy [Chip The 3rd and CuteLilRedhead] [IC]
- [PG13] Rusty Halos - SecretsxKitteh -
- PG13 You're So Alien To Me - SecretsxKiall -
- [PG13] You're So Alien To Me SecretsXKiall
- NC-17 Letters... OOC (Celsa/Car'mael)
- Would you kindly 1x1 with me?
- Equal Guns - E1Alpha / PitBullBlues [M]
- The Kitteh and Sousuke [M] OOC
- Kitsune Angel (Sousuke and The Kitteh) IC [M]
- [M] E1Alpha and HerAlways~ OOC
- Black Lagoon (Spin-off) RP
- Equal Guns - E1Alpha / PitBullBlues [M]
- Just joined. Looking for 1x1. :3
- 1 x 1
- The Forbidden Line - Taylor/E1Alpha [M]
- Looking for a 1x1 disguise related RP
- [PG13] Rusty Halos - SecretsxKitteh -
- Epic Journies! One-off plots! Rivalmances! One x one!
- 1x1 - romance, supernatural, fantasy et al
- [M] ForeverandAlways: Hogwarts
- Royal Revolution [M] - E1Alpha & HerAlways~
- Romance 1x1?
- Angels in the Inferno [M] E1Alpha / wasagii
- Lost love tale Rated M E1Alpha and Kitteh
- The Forbidden Line - Taylor/E1Alpha [M]
- Angels in the Inferno [M] E1Alpha / wasagii
- Lost Love Tale [M] E1Alpha / The Kitteh
- Just looking for 1x1
- [PG13] Nothing left to lose - Damonique | Secrets -
- The Castaways (M30WZ1K4 and XxLunaxX) (Rated M)
- Insane Fantasy Horror! / Normal fantasy!
- Looking for a beginner level 1x1! :D
- OnexOne
- Cold Wings [M] E1Alpha / Cakie
- Cold Winds [M] E1Alpha/Cakie
- [M] Cakie & Phoenix [OOC]
- (Rated M) The Castaways (M30W and Luna)
- New Slice of Cake
- Feed my cravings?
- Something Disturbing
- Rock-A-Bye Baby [Kiall & Auki] [NC-17]
- 1 x 1 Story and Romance
- Rock-A-Bye Baby / IC [Kiall & Auki] [NC-17]
- [M] Lemur-llama + Cakie[OOC]
- [M] Lemur-llama + Cakie
- I return with goodies galore! RP to recieve!
- Digital Love [M] Sousuke and Cakie Papercake
- Digital Love I.C. [M] Sousuke and Cakie Papercake
- The Uncanny Deliveryman OOC [M]; Kekkles - Cynderwrath
- One on One roleplay request
- Kekkles & Lilmiscelaneous (OOC)
- A Kingdom Under Fire (Kekkles and Lilmiscelaneous) (m)
- [PG13] Perfectly Sane - Honeydew & Lemur OOC
- NC-17 Letters IC (Celsa/Car'mael)
- [M] Air of Truth. Gin&WinnigPheonix.
- [M] Air of Truth IC. Gin&WinnigPheonix.
- 1x1, Please?
- [M] Correspondence [Chip The 3rd and Miss Ember]
- [M] Correspondence [Chip The 3rd and Miss Ember] [IC]
- [M] Esther Island [Chip The 3rd and Teh Kitty] [OOC]
- Esther Island [Chip The 3rd and Teh Kitty] [IC] [M]
- [M] Forever&Always: Glee
- [M] Forever&Always: Freaks
- [PG] Rigocake-o
- [M] Werefox [Ember and Kitteh]
- [M] Rigochippo the 3rd
- [M] Werefox [Ember and Kitteh] {IC}
- [M] Lemur-llama and mellowyeti OOC
- Here's Some Advice... (Rated M) (HF and M30W)
- [M] The Masks: Origins [IC]
- Help me before the boredom eats me!!
- Devil x Fox [M]
- [M] Cakie Papercake and mellowyeti OOC
- [M] A Noble Prisoner (lemur+mellow)
- [PG] Girly Wogetto
- [M] Forever&Always: Doctor Who
- Looking for 2[+] Role Players Up For A Good RP!
- (Rated M) Here's Some Advice...(HF and M30W) (IC)
- Apprentice Mages [PG] rigocake-o
- [M] Pit Bull Blues + MellowYeti OOC
- [M] Memories of Dark and Light (cakie+mellow)
- The Disturbed - [R]
- The Disturbed - [R]
- [M] Quick Set (pit bull+mellow)
- [M] OOC for ixpanda pear and CuteLilRedhead
- Dead space 1x1
- 1x1 anything but horror
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