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- OneXOne Roleplay Discussion
- Love: To End A War; 1x1 Fantasy/Romance
- Love: To End A War; It's hard to love the enemy.
- Lookin' for a role player. Almost any genre of RP!; A 1x1 is hard to do alone . . .
- The Burden of a Guardian; Shani x Storm
- Ideas!
- one on one
- Mokai Chronicles(OOC); Sigma and Excalibur
- Mokai Chronicles; Sigma and Excalibur
- [R] Prey OOC; Auki and Serendipitous Bliss
- [R] Prey; .Auki and Serendipitous Bliss.
- Just an idea i had; If someone wants to try it,
- Im Trying To Stop [IC]; edeekbcool & Miss Devil
- [M] Addicted to an Addict: Miyavi & Silent Secrets
- Demon of Stone
- Enslaved OOC [pg-17]
- Enslaved [Pg-17]
- Looking for 1x1 or Small Group Private RP.
- Eins x Eins? Please and thank you~
- Hard Justice [M]
- Many ideas!!!
- Me against the World (Levias & Lacey)
- Space Cadets OOC
- Space Cadets IC
- One x One
- Looking for random 1x1 RPing
- [R] Forgotten Memories
- [R] Forgotten Memories
- [R] Make Love, Not Warcraft. (StormWolf and Myself)
- Hard Justice IC
- Soquira and Ludy~
- Historical Fiction? Deals with the Romanovs~
- Communication (Mysti and Ryudo) [PG-13]
- The Soupcan Olympics (1x1)
- Communication IC (Mysti and Ryudo) [PG-13]
- {M} Alex & Reyna: A Modern Age Bonnie & Clyde; Stormwolf & Mysti
- I Didn't miss my target (Levias & Shani) PG-14
- All the way to the top (Levias & Legal Assassin) PG-16
- Native American One on One
- (RP To be)
- Silent Hill - Splinter
- One x One search
- [M] You Drive Me Insane. (Levias and Myself)
- Looking for a Sonic RP
- Native American One on One
- Survivors one on one
- [M] Survivors (Hell Knight and Blue_Tornado)
- Chakra Twilight: Jaleela's Tale (PG-13)(Reserved for Yamimoon)
- [M] * S.O.S * (Tytun and Myself)
- Chakra Twilight: Jaleela's Tale (PG-13)(Reserved for Yamimoon)
- one X one ideas!
- Family Secret (Zitacamron95 and Shani)
- 1x1 fantasy
- Looking for Fantasy One on One
- Cyber Beings (Blue_Tornado&Lacey)
- Comedy of Errors - Shakespeare + Fantasy OOC (Eldora and Lacey)
- Interested?
- This is a sort of wierd request...TEEN TITANS
- Interested in a OnexOne?
- Comedy of Errors (Eldora & Lacey)
- One X One Ideas! =3 *Plenty of them*
- Behind the Mask (Zitacamron95 and Levias) (PG-13)
- Looking for one on one RP
- Overturned. [Levis and Myself]
- One on One: The Hidden
- Looking for a good Star Wars RP
- OnexOne Idea! Any guys interested?
- OneXone: Forgotten
- Hate or Love?
- Hate or Love? Any guys interested?
- Splinter - A Silent Hill Story
- ~*~*The Wolf and The Raven~*~*(Naruto OnexOne)
- Star Wars: Youth's Eclipse (Sigma and Lady Celeste)
- Traveler's Tales: The Beginning
- "The Walkers" OOC (Mysteria x Shin) Rated R for Sexuality/Violence/Language
- "The Walkers" (Rated R for Mature Content)
- Drinking Death (ooc and accepting only one application.)
- New Chance at Life: 1x1: Suggested rating R
- A New Chance At Life (Rated R for mature content) (mere and Tot)
- Random roleplay for one on one
- The wishmaker (T) (Zitacamron95 and Totenglaut)
- Witchcraft
- [R]- Butterfly Effect - (Calderthepirate and myself)
- Vascurmen, through our eyes. (Falcon Red and myself)
- Holiday Spirit (A Romance RP)
- Holiday Spirit (Levias and nonangelic92)
- Holiday Spirit (Levias and nonangelic92) IC [PG-16]
- Legal Affairs (M) Lerouge and Mysti
- Legal Affairs (M) Lerouge and Misty
- [R] Seige of Levi'yi. [Security of Mem and myself]
- Shattered Reality OOC - Sirocco & Kris [M]
- [R] Narcotics Anonymous. [Lerouge and Myself]
- The Music of the Night (NonAngelicxStormWolf) OOC
- The Music of the Night (Nonangelic and StormWolf)
- Dark Days (Miyavi and I)
- Shattered Reality (Sirocco & Kris) [M]
- ideas for some one on ones (always looking for more)
- Fate (Zitacamron95 and nonangelic92)
- Let The Music Swallow Me Whole (Looking for partner)
- Let The Music Swallow Me Whole (Levias & Totenglaut) [PG-16]
- So Perfect But So Broken
- So Perfect But So Broken (LaceyXLevias)
- Shall we make it just you and me? (1x1 Search)
- (Soquira and Levias) All I Wanted Was Sleep
- A Whole New Story (Soquira and Totenglaut)
- Your Everday Idea List
- Bad Day at Work? (Totenglaut and Soquira)
- Miss Murder's Love Triangle (Stilted, Miss Devil, and one more?)
- Interest collection. *Come and See!*
- [R] Opposites Attract. {[Lerouge and Myself]}
- In the Dark (Legal assassin and Zitacamron95)(T)
- Distorted World {Anne & Vein's RP} (OOC)
- Distorted World {Anne and Vein's RP} <M>
- Dream if you dare; (Devil and WL ONLY)
- Dream if you dare; (DEVIL AND W-L ONLY)
- [M] Snow (Lerouge and The Gypsy Queen)
- [M] Snow (Lerouge and The Gypsy Queen) IC
- by way of introduction
- Manslayer (Miyavi and Levias) [M]
- Looking for some one-on-ones? [Possible Mature-ish content]
- Sky and Earth {Totenglaus / Mingnon} [R]
- Come and Join a couple one-on-ones
- The Summoner... {Govannon / Mingnon} [R]
- The Summoner... (Govannon/Mingnon) OOC
- Escape from The Pit (Sir Hatless and Totenglaut)
- Your Victim and You or How to be a Serial Killer(NC17) The Gypsy Queen and nazguljcg
- (M)Your Victim and You or How to be a Serial Killer; The Gypsy Queen and nazguljcg
- In the Borderlands...
- No Names ( Totenglaut and Miss Devil rp)
- No Names ( Totenglaut and Miss Devil)
- Blowing Sideways - DB Wolf and miss devil
- Infiltration (M)
- The Pit [IC] (Sir Hatless and Totenglaut)
- (R) SCAR: The Program. Cookies Ahoy and nazguljcg
- SCAR: The Program(R)(IC) Cookies Ahoy and nazguljcg
- Prisoner of Paradise [R]
- A plot for a one on one
- List of RP's
- [R] Death of the Butterfly. [Ookami and Myself]
- (M)SCAR: The Restoration of Faith; Stormwolf and nazguljcg
- SCAR: The Restoration of Faith(M)(IC) Stormwolf and nazguljcg
- (M)SCAR: Proserpine's Pendant; Security of Mem and nazguljcg
- SCAR: Proserpine's Pendant(M)(IC) Security of Mem and nazguljcg
- Blowing Sideways IC - DB Wolf and miss devil
- The Dreamscape(M) Mysteria and nazguljcg
- The Dreamscape(M)(IC)Mysteria and nazguljcg
- I don't Care...(Levias and Shani)[Pg-16]
- Infiltration (Hell Knight and Blue_Tornado) (M)
- A Master and His Maid. (Shani +Skyestarweaver)(M)
- [R] Time's Up [R] (sneakyonfoota and Excalibur)
- A Master and His Maid (Skystareweaver + Shani) M
- Ideas (MD and Deathstroke)
- Western Highjinks (Cezar)
- [R] Time's Up [R] (sneakyonfoota and Excalibur)
- Danger Zone?(Ex MD)
- Western Highjinks (PG-13)
- The Adventures of Kyo and Gitana (Mytseria and ShatterFist) {M}
- The Adventures of Kyo and Gitana (Mysteria and ShatterFist){M}
- Want to Roleplay!
- Tethe'alla's Regeneration (An Agnores/Wil Adventure)
- Tethe'alla's Regeneration (An Agnores/Wil Adventure) OOC
- [OOC] Isle of Eden (Stream & Mysteria 1x1) [M]
- [IC] Isle of Eden (Mysteria & Stream 1x1) [M]
- Sword and Crown (Eldora and SadieZeBear)(PG-13)
- Lost Arnori (Sigma and SadieZeBear)(PG-13)
- Forbiden afairs of the Heart (M) Shani + Zitacamron95
- Forbiden afairs of the Heart. (M) Shani + Zitacamron95
- Never Surrender (Levias & mere) [PG-16]
- If You Only Knew (Levias & Stilted) [PG-16]
- Monster (Levias & Greenteeth) [PG - 16]
- Recruiting for 1x1
- SCAR: The Thrill of the Chase[M] RP between Kirra and Nazguljcg
- 1x1 Request
- ~Fallęn~
- School Gangs OOC (levias&blue)
- School Gangs IC pg-17
- Blast Off: a Pokemon Adventure (Agnores and Excalibur)
- The Shunini Assassination
- [M] Sitchel - Before the Dream
- [M] Sitchel - Before the Dream (The Gypsy Queen and Lerouge)
- Blast Off: a Pokemon Adventure (Agnores and Excalibur)
- [R] Soul Gone Wrong. [Ookami and Myself]
- Looking for a 1x1
- one on ones
- RP with Me? 1x1 Recruitment
- A Work in Progress (Eldora & Night_Mare)
- Best rp Ever (Zarma&Blue)
- Best RP Ever IC
- Monster (Levias & Green)
- Greenteeth's Request
- Shadows of the Soul (Agnores x Blue_Tornado)
- I am Beary!
- Storms of Blue. (Starcraft RP for Prowler and LACAN THE AWESOME)
- Silver Town (Hell Knight and Eldora) (M)
- Silver Town (Hell Knight and Eldora)
- Eager and Ready to Play
- Shadows of the Soul IC (Agnores x Blue_Tornado)
- .:Alice in wonderland:. [R and private for Night_Mare]
- .:Alice in wonderland:. [R and private for Night_Mare]
- Battle for Unity and Liberty(OOC)(R)
- ~~ Ship ahoy!~~ [Private for Whitefire and M]
- ~~ Ship ahoy!~~ [Private for Whitefire and M]
- <M> Love Letters, Ruthless War. [Private for Stormwolf and myself]
- Final Fantasy: Fayth's Return (Zitacamron95 and Yamimoon) (T)
- Looking for a 1x1
- Looking for a coolio one on one Romance RP :D!
- Tales of Air'rim(Sigma and Lemon) (PG13)
- Life in the Pit OOC (Sir Hatless and Cupcake)
- Looking for someone to play assassins with.
- .:.:.Between Dream And Reality.:.:.[R And private for Blue_Tornado]
- .:.:.Between Dream And Reality.:.:.[R And private for Blue_Tornado]
- Between here and there......(FK and Ecca)
- Need a Playmate or Two.
- The Last Days: Private for Agnores, rated R
- The Last Days: Private for Agnores, rated R
- Need 1X1
- A Time For Action (TotXEcca)
- Silence is Golden(Naluc and Twi)
- Amazing Grace; Auki and StormWolf
- We're Polar Opposites(Eccawen&Levias)
- Amazing Grace
- Agents of the Assassinorum
- The Children of Chika (For Deathshead and Jaquar)
- ~~ Left.. Right... Left~~ [R]
- ~~ Left.. Right... Left~~ [R]
- Left Right Left 2 [Private for Deathshead6735]
- Left Right Left 2 [R][Private for Deathshead6735]
- Children of Chika (IC)! Rated R
- When The Gods Are Bored: (Private for Tytun and Agnores)
- My Sin , My Soul [R]
- My Sin , My Soul [R]
- Need distraction from work...Romance plz
- Roleplaying is nice!!
- (M) Player Recruitment!
- [R] Far Beneath - OOC (Private for Auki and Lethe)
- Predator The Hunt Begins
- Some right now.
- Danger Zone
- [R] Far Beneath - IC (Private for Auki and Lethe)
- Cheshire has plots~! ^^
- Hellsing roleplay[[Cheshire and Higurashi]]
- Prejudice of the Queen
- Bad Religion OOC (Pyro and Levias)
- My mission...(Levias and nonangelic)
- Bad Religion (M - Levias & Pyro)
- Mokai Chronicles Chapter 2
- Azumanga Daioh and/or Love Hina
- Kannatama - M - (Pyro & Shani)
- Need Roleplay Partners for Private Roleplaying!
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