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  1. Which gender of character do you prefer roleplaying?
  2. Pet Peeves
  3. Have you ever misheard song lyrics as something else and if so what were they?
  4. Have any movies ever made you cry?
  5. What did your grandparents/great-grandparents do in the Second World War?
  6. Which character in the LOTR/Hobbit franchise would you most like to marry
  7. If you could go and live anywhere in Middle Earth where would you choose to live?
  8. If someone was visiting your country for the first time...
  9. If you could be one of the following races which one would you pick
  10. Have you ever felt like...?
  11. If you could be one of the following animals which one would you pick
  12. What animals have you roleplayed
  13. What is your favourite animal character in fiction?
  14. Which superhero are you like and why
  15. A question for students of English history
  16. If you could meet any famous person in the world who would you pick?
  17. Can you write a paragraph without using the letter a
  18. Which is your favourite Harry Potter film
  19. If you had to elect a person to be the monarch of your country who would you choose?
  20. Which events of history do you find most interesting
  21. If you could be any member of The Fellowship of the Ring which character would you...
  22. What is the awesomest landmark in your home city?
  23. How to Make My Own Roleplay?
  24. If you could meet 10 dead people from history who would they be and why.
  25. What are the strangest things you have ever done?
  26. What are your top 5 animals?
  27. What were your 10 favourite movies as a kid?
  28. Ask The Ghost Kid
  29. Where are you from?
  30. What type of things in movies do you most often find annoying?
  31. Firearms and you! With your friend Kach
  32. What if... 0.o? [Awesome Group Idea]
  33. Philosophical questions about ethics!
  34. The Health and Wellness Corner