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The Lifted Lorax
12-26-2010, 09:15 PM
Lola sat curled up by the fire, waiting. The swinging pendulum of the grandfather clock was almost enough to put her to sleep, but she resisted. She had a meeting to get to.

“So you’re off to where again?”

“Doctor Parvonian, Harry. I’ve told you three times already!” Lola answered exasperatedly.

“I thought we said you could tell me when it was one of your girls,” Harry answered blandly. Lola flushed indignantly and sat upright in her chair.

“It’s not one of my girls. I don’t have any girl. You act as if I have a new one every week! I’m appalled, quite frankly.”

“Well, Lola, to be perfectly candid I don’t quite believe you. Don’t get that look with me!” Harry snapped as his wife’s mouth dropped open. “Meeting some doctor I’ve never heard of in the middle of the night—”

“It’s not the middle of the night!”

“—For reasons you won’t explain,” Harry continued as if she’d never spoken. “And you won’t let me nor any other gentleman accompany you. Do you realize how ludicrous this sounds?”

“Which is why you’re going to have to trust me!” Lola stood and took her husband’s hands, pressing her lips to his knuckles. “Dr. Parvonian said he could help me and I believe him. It’s only a late dinner, there will be other people there—”

“So he says.” But it was Lola’s turn to avoid acknowledgement.

“—And I shouldn’t be home much later than 10:30 or eleven o’clock. He’s an elderly fellow, perfectly harmless. He says it’s just a bit of physical therapy to help work out the kinks after my…accident.”

She’d never been one for technology, and she swore that one day these new electric light bulbs would kill them all. Lola’s dear husband, however, hadn’t listened to her and had them installed anyway. All Lola could remember was an awful smell and not being able to see, then waking up in the hospital the next day. The good Doctor had found her some weeks later and asked her about any…side effects which had been occurring. Of course, she’d denied it all until he started naming some very specific incidents which had indeed happened to her about which no one else had known. After attending several consultation sessions with him—through which Harry had insisted upon sitting right outside the door—he’d invited her to a physical therapy group he ran several evenings a week. She’d accepted, of course, eager to receive proof that others like her existed. But she’d not told anyone about these extraordinary abilities and Harry—who disapproved of the doctor and his whole operation, calling him a witch doctor and a common mountebank who prayed on the fears of young women—was no exception.

Harry…dear Harry. He knew, of course, about Lola’s secret. Not these “side effects,” but her other secret. Her parents called it an “affliction,” and Harry was inclined to agree…but nevertheless, he and Lola had been childhood friends and, having no other attachments at the time, he’d been perfectly happy and willing to enter into a platonic marriage with her for the sake of appearance...for them both. And it had stayed strictly that; platonic. Of course he’d been frustrated when Lola had brought home her “friends”; First the neurotic Rose, then clingy Anne, then timid little Elizabeth. He’d actually quite liked Elizabeth and was sorry to see her and Lola part ways, but he had to agree with his wife. Dear Liz was too timid. What frustrated him about all of it was that those who didn’t know would soon if she kept bringing women into the house at all hours of the day and night, and then…then tongues would wag! They’d be the butt of every joke Society had to offer! After several arguments, she’d become more discreet—as discreet as he. He’d been allowed to carry on his affairs as much as he liked, just as his wife did. It was just harder to catch his eye. Platonic or not, however, Harry still felt the obligation of a husband toward Mrs. Cartwright and he didn’t like this one bit.

“This…Parvonian fellow, we don’t know the first thing about him, Lola! He says he’ll help you, says he’ll put you back to normal, but we don’t know him from Adam! He’s just after your money!”

“He’s not asking for money,” Lola pointed out calmly.

“Yet.” The shining grandfather clock struck the half hour and Lola dropped Mr. Cartwright's hands. “You need thirty minutes to get to Wimpole Street?”

“It’s across town.” Smoothing out her dress (http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=Steampunk%20dress&order=9&offset=144#/d2fma84), she jammed her hat (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_YiZ9RS1kuZc/SpusYBewCwI/AAAAAAAAByo/FyR1iZdeOgM/s400/AA_HSVamp.jpg) firmly onto her head and started for the door.

“It’s fifteen minutes by carriage! And I won’t have you walking out alone at night. Say what you like about this doctor, I won’t have it!”

“Haven’t you learned, Harry?” Lola chuckled and smiled, laying a hand on her husband’s cheek. “If I’m not fifteen minutes early, I’m half an hour late. I’ll see you tonight.” The truth, however, was that she was eager to meet these other "patients" and hear the doctor's theories. She pecked him on the cheek and stepped lightly down the stairs toward the handsome waiting for her.

"Have...have a good time," Harry called lamely after her.

Sure enough, at a quarter til eight Lola arrived at the intimidating 27-A Wimpole Street. Thanking the driver and telling him to pick her up at ten-thirty, she took the three steps up to the door and rang the bell firmly. She stood, waiting in the chilly October air for a servant to let her in, her heart pounding in her chest with excitement.

12-26-2010, 10:20 PM
Saoirse sighed as she finally found her way to 27-A Wimpole Street. She had been forced to ask several times which direction it was in. Her sightless eyes stared up at the building like she could actually see it. Inside she could here the normal workings of machinery those days and the pounding thud of the girl on the steps plus the shuffling sounds of others inside. Walking up behind the other girl she tapped her gently on the shoulder.

"'Scuse me ma'am," she said softly, "this is 27-A Wimploe, yes? I'm suposed to be meeting a Dr. Parvonian. Good friend of mine, he invited me for dinner. It's taken me a bit to get here. I do hope this is the right place...listen to me ramble, ha! I'm Saoise, Saoirse Dall. You're one of the others aren't you? Ah yes I hear it now. Electricity. Interesting... Ah sorry. Shall we talk inside?"

Just at that moment the door was opened by a servant who motioned for them to step inside. Saorise smiled at Lola and nodded stepping inside and handing her coat the the servant who hung it on a coat rack nearby. Saorise turned and looked back at Lola.

"Coming dear," she asked, "it's a bit chill to be standing on someone's steps all night.

12-26-2010, 11:51 PM
John noted the change in the sounds of the horses' hooves as the cab carried him from New Cavendish onto Wimpole St. He lived quite nearby and could have walked in fair weather, but the autumn nights had grown cold and oppressive.

He was on his way to dinner with a certain Dr. Parvonian - a rather singular man whom John had met only a few weeks prior. When he first received the wire, which mentioned "persons of an unusual nature," he was quite fearful - he was, after all, a man with many secrets. He'd been relieved to find that the doctor referred to his remarkable strength, but also disturbed, for he did not know how the good doctor had discovered him. He had not been able to truly rest easy since.

The cab slowed to a halt outside of number 27-A, and John climbed out. The front door had just opened and two people were standing on the stoop. One was the blind woman whose name John didn't know, and the other he didn't recognize. He tipped the driver and stepped into the house after the blind woman, also handing his coat to the servant inside. "Good evening," he said quietly, nodding politely to the lady he didn't know.

The Lifted Lorax
12-27-2010, 03:00 AM
Lola jumped as she was tapped on the shoulder.

"Oh my! You startled me. Erm...yes, this is 27-A. We seem to have a friend in common, then. I was invited to dinner as well, you see." The woman spoke rather quickly and, as she did, Lola noticed the stranger wasn't looking straight at her. "My name is Lola Cartwright," she put in as the woman--Saoirse, apparently--paused for breath. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Dall." She was pretty enough, but the apparently blind woman was dirty and obviously homeless and Lola was quite uncomfortable speaking with her. She was the strangest stranger she'd ever met. "Others? I don't...How did you...?" Lola was gobsmacked and stood on the stoop for a few moments as Saoirse stepped around her and passed over the threshold. This woman couldn't even see! How could she possibly know what Lola could do?

Another person stepped around her--a man this time, clearly well-off--and greeted her. Lola breathed a little more easily, but still was a bit nervous. He had no apparent deformities nor handicaps, so what could he do?

"Good evening," she said quietly back, nodding and stepping in after him.

"Ah, Miss Dall, Mr. Ellis, how nice to see you again!" the head of housekeeping, one Mrs. Price by name, greeted them cheerfully, taking their hats and coats. "And you must be Ms. Cartwright," she added to the newcomer. "Oh please do come in. You'll catch your death out there!" The pleasantly plump, ruddy-faced woman took Lola's shawl and hat as well and took them off to the cloak room with the others. "The Doctor's a bit preoccupied at the moment," she told them all as she came back, "but he'll be with you shortly. Dinner should be ready in about half an hour. Won't you wait in the parlour?" Smiling, she led them down the hall and through a door on the left, her shoes thudding dully against the carpet, before retreating back to the kitchen.

Lola sank onto the couch and looked around. It was acomfortable enough room (http://www.anniewiggins.com/sitebuilder/images/VictorianParlor1-720x483.jpg) indeed, though green had never been Lola's favorite color. What would have been a normal room, however, was interrupted by an unidentified liquid (http://i333.photobucket.com/albums/m400/uglygenius/DSC07338.jpg) bubbling in the corner and several strange (http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/steampunk-frankenstein-pc-mod_1.jpg) contraptions ( whose normal positions, she could see from the imprints int he carpet, were normally positioned approximately where the coffee table was now and had been pushed aside for the occasion. Ticking away on the wall behind her was a strange, faceless clock (http://www.instablogsimages.com/images/2010/05/17/steampunk-clockworks-zeppelin-clock_01_P6OCq_58.jpg). What really drew one's eye, however, was the twisting staircase (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_fKXlhnDTeys/SzS2K2t1kEI/AAAAAAAABZk/HJCtO6kC2IE/s640/waterworks.jpg) for which a hole in the ceiling and a good portion of the wall opposite Lola seemed to have been cut out in order to make room. She frowned at this staircase, wondering where it lead. She'd have asked the others, but it seemed like too much prying too early on in the visit.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't believe we were introduced," she said suddenly, standing and stretching out her hand. "I'm Lola Cartwright."

The Imposter
12-27-2010, 04:06 AM
It was a common room that Stephen found himself in. It was quaint, a tad homely but McShane never minded it. He had found himself inside there quite a few times over the last month or more. He quite admired the good doctor's bathroom, he pondered a moment as to why it would be that he fancied himself such a small room. He decided that it was the quietness that he enjoyed so much. However now wasn't the time to be anti social. He could faintly hear the other guests talk as they made their way to the parlour.

Readjusting his trousers he opened the door and made his way out to the parlour. He recognized Ms. Dall and John from previous times, but there was also another sitting on the couch. To his dismay, it was his favorite spot in the parlour.

'G'day laddies and lasses! I sure 'ope all is well. May I ask the new Miss to repeat her name? Ya see lassy I only got one good ear so I missed your introduction. I ne'er forget a name once I hear it though haha!'

He stood reaching a hand out towards Saoirse more or less to be polite than anything else. Knowing that he could sit down once she did. Although none of the other places to sit seemed as appealing as the one taken by the new girl.

12-27-2010, 04:53 AM
"Hello Stephen," Saoirse chuckled putting her hand in his, "I'm glad you're joining us. This is Miss Lola Cartwright. I do believe she is the newest of us. An Electrokenetic by the sound of her. Reminds me of the new light bulbs they have in a lot of homes now a days. You weren't struck by one were you dear? Oh I'm being rude again. You must be John. I am Saoirse Dall. It's a pleasure. I do apologize if I babble on. I tend to get a bit hyper. I must take caffeine pills to stay awake. Can't sleep much at all."

Saorise smiled her milky eyes seeming to fix on a spot just behind John's head, as they usually did for most people, as she extended her hand in greating. She really hoped no one would think it frightning the way she seemed to know exactly where they were. Most people were frightened by that and the fact that she was poor. It made her feel lonely and unwanted. That would just spoil her night.

12-27-2010, 06:03 AM
Steampunk First Post

Kathryn hopped lightly from rooftop to rooftop in the dreary London evening. She looked up and the rapidly darkening cloudy sky with a sort of longing. She could fly yes but not very high with help. She wished that she could be as free to soar as the birds in the high sky. The sky seemed to voice her longing with the low rumble that came from it. It was going to rain soon. She hoped that it would not start raining until she got there and then it could rain all it wanted to after that. She was almost there anyway. "Oh well I guess it could be worse. It could be raining right now." As though accepting her challenge the sky rumbled ominously and sent a spattering of rain down to the Earth. She sighed, "Blast it all." She hopped the last couple of rooftops and landed neatly in front of the door. She knocked calmly on the door as the rain behind her started to come down in buckets. "Well hurry up," she muttered at the door, "I don't have all day."

12-27-2010, 09:16 AM
John followed the blind woman and the stranger into the parlour, where several of Dr. Parvonian's strange contraptions had been moved out of the way. "Mr. McShane," he said, nodding to acknowledge his acquaintance. He paced restlessly near the sofa until the unknown lady rose and introduced herself.

"Ellis," he said, taking her hand. "John Ellis. I do beg your pardon Miss Cartwright, I seem to have forgotten myself."

The blind woman interjected at that moment, introducing herself as Saoirse Dall. She seemed to present no real opportunities for him to speak, so he just listened. So Lola Cartwright had an ability called electrokinesis? John shifted uncomfortably. He understood from studying linguistics at university what the word must mean, but he couldn't fathom how that concept would manifest into reality.

John looked around restlessly. He was uneasy in close quarters with a large number of inquisitive people.

12-27-2010, 10:26 AM
"My, my. Rain." Said the artist to himself as his carriage continued down the streets. "I surely hope this rain doesn't cause me to get at the Doctor's residence later than I should be." He soon pulled out a pocket watch from his right pocket and studied the time once again. Basil was the kind of person who disliked being late for any occassion, especially gatherings like these, so it was very often for one to see him pull out his watch and stare at it in order to double check what time it was. He soon closed the cap and placed it back into his pocket, peering outside the window afterwards to watch the raindrops fall from the sky and land on the pavements of the sidewalks the carriage would pass by.

It wouldn't be long until his eyes would shift to his right hand which was resting on his lap. Lifting up his gloved hand to eye level, he started to examine it to check if it's current condition was properly hidden. It wouldn't be long until his gaze would be broken by the stopping of the carriage. Looking outside the window once more, he saw the main door to the Doctor's home across the street, letting him know he had arrived at his place. He then pulled out his watch once more and took a quick glance at the time. "Thank goodness. I made it just in time." He then took a step outside the carriage and tipped the driver while trying to protect his head from the rain with the use of a black umbrella he remembered to bring this time around.

It was only then Basil noticed Kathryn at the door. She too was getting slightly wet from the rain, and being the gentleman he was, he stepped up next to her to help cover her from the rain with his umbrella. "I hope you don't mind me doing this, but no one wants to see a lady caught in the rain now." He said to her with a kind smile. Not long after that, a servant would come to the door, greet them and would let both of them in. "After you, Kathryn."

The Lifted Lorax
12-27-2010, 10:59 PM
"Good evening, sir," Lola said with a pleasant smile to the Irishman who'd just stepped into the room. He seemed boistrous and sounded like his mouth was full of marbles, but he was friendly enough. They all were, but the blind woman disturbed her the most. How did she know so much about her? "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Ellis. Both of you," she added with a nod to the Irishman. "I'm sorry sir, but I didn't catch your name. And Miss Dall," she added quickly before the girl could start babbling again (the caffine pills explained much), "how is it you come to know so much about me?"

"Ah, Miss McArthur, Mr. Darian," Mrs. Price smiled. "Do come in! The others are in the parlour. Only Mr. Drakewood's missing now. The others are in the parlour and Dr. Parvonian is upstairs in his study." She took their hats and coats as well as Basil's umberella before leading them into the parlour.

Lola stood again as more people arrived. It seemed she would never have the opportunity to remain seated! She smiled in a polite manner, however, and crossed the room with her hand extended.

"How do you do?" she asked politely as Mrs. Price disappeared into the kitchen again.

Jonas Garland
12-28-2010, 02:37 AM
((Written on my iTouch, forgive my lack of corrections...))
"Should I go Amelia?"

Charles Drakewood knelt down and pressed his forehead against the cold glass.*

The slender form of Amelia rose and then moved against the glass. Their eyes met and instantly locked together. Charles watched her sway a little, but didn't speak.

"That's what I thought. This may be the last time we meet, my dear. Will you not say anything?" Charles watched her calmly, his green skin hidden under the red hood and cloak.

Amelia hisses loudly in response. Her forked tongue brushed the glass, but soon turned as the doors flew open, revealing two policemen.

"This is undesirable." Charles snapped around to look at them. It was then he saw their guns. Charles mimicked the snake next to him and hissed loudly, allowing the hood to fall from his face. His face was harsh on the eyes, screwed up into an ugly, serpent glare. The green skin added to the monstrosity that was Charles.

The policemen stepped back in fear of the beast. Like most humans they instantly lashed out, shooting a volley of bullets at Charles. One of the bullets hit his shoulder and bounced off, hitting the nearby wall, the other smashed through the glass of Amelia's exhibition.

Although it hurt, Charles acted unphased, rushing the policemen. Quickly he disarmed them, throwing one against the other. As the police hit the floor, Charles ran out into the zoo. It was then he heard a larger force of policemen just waiting for him. There was a scream from the reptile house, which alerted the policemen to him. Charles cursed.*

Not too far off, near the wall was a tree. More importantly, it was a climbable tree. Another flurry of bullets whistled through the air. He ran towards the tree, instantly jumping up. Being constantly on the run, gave him the agility of a seemingly supernatural nature. In truth, he had a healthy body, one that allowed him to copy the feats of the ninja in Japan. Of course, he was no where near as good.

He quickly got up the tree and then over the wall. The policemen got their horses and gave chase.*

By the time the policemen got around the wall, Charles was running across Regent Park. Of course, they weren't far behind, soon spotting the red cloak.

He needed to get to Wimpole Street, however he couldn't go there directly. Upper Albany Street was close, so he turned left, running towards the buildings.

As he got close, with the policemen on horseback on pursuit, he made his way into the nearby alleyway. Charles smirked, jumping onto the fire escape ladder. He climbed quick and soon made it to the roof. Keeping low, Charles followed the street down. When he came to the crossroads of Upper Albany Street, Bone Road and Portland Place, Charles searched for a way across. It was then the police marched below him, trying to flush him out, not knowing he was above them. He looked to his left again, and soon saw his way across, without going to the ground. A telephone wire, a rare sight indeed, but it allowed him to perform some kind of circus act.*

So he walked carefully across the wire, using the cloak to balance himself. Once he was close enough to the building, he leaped up and into the slanted roof. He pulled himself over the top, then slipped down and onto a carage waiting in Charlotte Street. Luckily, this road ran parallel to Portland Place.

About half a mile later, he turned right onto Portland Place. The policemen were in the distance, searching the building he climbed up. He used their distraction to run across to Marylebone Street. By now Charles was nearly out of breath, and blood was leaking from the wound.

It wasn't long before he got onto Wimpole Street. He was almost there now...

Once he had located number twenty-seven, he looked for a way around back. He heard horses. Panicking ever so slightly, Charles ran to the nearby alleyway, which connected onto the back of number twenty-seven. He counted the houses, until he got the right one and then climbed the fence. Walking along the divide between back 'gardens', Charles was able to get in the upstairs window. He found the window unlocked, almost as if he was expected to arrive in this fashion. But of course, he entered all buildings this way.*

Once inside he made his way downstairs, and towards the voices.

The Imposter
12-28-2010, 02:56 AM
'Oh Miss Cartwright. I'm Stephen McShane you though lass can just call me McShane, don't fret yourself about Miss Dall, she has quite the gift with knowing things.'

McShane nodded to the others as they entered the parlour, recognizing them from prior meetings. He followed suit and greeted them, then quickly returned to the seat Miss Cartwright had been seating in. He breathed a sigh of relief sitting in the seat, knowing he had reclaimed his comfortable seat from the newcomer.

He cocked his head and turned his good ear towards the group as they conversed. He pondered and stroked his beard, more or less waiting for the last of the guests to arrive and the good doctor to come down and socialize. It was really rather remarkable to him that all these people were in much the same situation as himself.

12-28-2010, 04:33 AM
Saoirse rolled her eyes at Stephen and smiled as she heard Charles come in upstairs.

"It would seem the last guest has arrived," she said seeming a bit cryptic, "through the window at that. To answer your question...do you mind if I just call you Lola? I don't like to use last names much. They don't give you much individuality. No matter to answer your question, I know because I can hear the small amount of electricity running through you at this moment. The new guest upstairs has healing abilities. Extraordinary. I cam hear the fibers kniting themselves back together. Oh but don't be frightened I can't hear things such as thoughts or emotions. Only things that are concrete so to speak. So no worries I can't pry into your secrets unless I do it the good old fashioned sneaky long talk over drinks trick, and I doubt that'll be happening anytime soon."

Saoirse giggled and shifted her gaze to the doorway where Charles had just entered. Smiling warmly she stood and extended a hand to him.

"Good evening," she said, "so glad you could join us. Shall we have a look at that wound on your shoulder or will your healing be enough? Oh and I am Saoirse Dall. Nice to meet you Mr...?"

12-28-2010, 05:49 AM
Steampunk Second Post

Kathryn shrugged at the man. She had no patients for men in general simply because she had trouble respecting anyone who saw fit to protect her. She was perfectly capable of protecting herself and perfectly happy to do so. The very thought of needing someone to protect her was very repugnant to her. At least this man was attractive. Not like some of the horrible suitors that her father liked to set up for her in a attempt to "tame" her. However, she knew that she must at least be passably polite or there may be hell to pay later. She nodded and smiled up at him, "Of course..."

She stared at him for a moment or to and then the door opened. She smiled at the servant. She didn't know her name. She had never bothered to find out and if had been told it she hadn't been bothered to remember it simply because it was of no consequence to her. She ignored the new girl who greeted her as she entered the parlor. "Sorry no time for hellos and I have no time to waste here. I am going to drag that blasted doctor from wherever he is holed up." She used her power and floated up onto the stairs and started running up them two at a time. "Come my good doctor whose name I still cannot pronounce. I have business to attend to else where so let's get this meeting underway." She disappeared at the head of the stairs.

12-28-2010, 10:29 AM
John chose to remain passive in the conversation, (it wasn't terribly difficult given Saoirse's talkativity,) and elected instead to simply nod his greeting and step slightly aside as Miss Kathryn entered the room, followed by a gentleman he hadn't met. He had hardly spoken to Miss Kathryn before, though they had been introduced. He wondered how she managed to keep her levitation ability a secret, as eager as she seemed to use it. It occurred to him that he had actually seen her airborne more often than not.

As he stepped towards one of the doctor's strange contraptions (under the pretense of examining it, but really to avoid attention,) he caught sight of his reflection in a plate of polished brass. He paused for a moment as he always did to appraise his appearance - his dark hair, smooth, androgynous features, his lamentably hairless chin. He compulsively raised a hand to his face, as though hoping to wish stubble into existence. He looked up as another person entered the room - Mr. Drakewood. John was still unaccustomed to his looks, but the sight of Drakewood always reminded him that there were other people in the world who were more endangered by their appearance than he.

Jonas Garland
12-28-2010, 01:30 PM
Charles hated meetings, especially in houses. The rooms seemed small and it was way too intimate than he liked. As he stepped into the room, this became apparent as he was greeted immediately.*

She smiled and offered her hand. Charles found himself staring at the smoothness. Taking up his hand he went to grip it, but as he noticed the harsh scales that had formed on his hand, he realised he shouldn't. Charles withdrew his hand and simply shook his head.*

Charles felt self-conscious, stood there just in the doorway. This woman, was not only talking to him, but she knew of his curse. Of course the healing would be enough. "It will be fine. There is no need to be concerned." His voice was harsh and aggressive. It was the kind of voice people struggled to argue with.*

She then wanted his name. Slight anger flared in his eyes, when he noticed his emotion, he looked away. "My family name means nothing now, just call me Draconian." Names reminded him of his family, more importantly his former wife. a woman, who had attacked him, when he tried to come home. A woman, who called him a monster, even before his accident. Divorce would have been a possibility, if they could have afforded it.

It was then he noticed John, looking at him. He shifted uncomfortably, then turned away. Now that he acknowledged someones eyes on him, other than Saoirse, the room seemed to get smaller, which made him even more uncomfortable.

"I want this thing over-with already."

12-28-2010, 02:36 PM
"Oh come come," Saoirse said grabbing his hand anyway and pulling him to the couch, "no need to be shy. We're all freaks here. Look at me I'm blind, yet I can tell that you're hurt and healing as we speak. I can hear the slight bit if electricity in Miss Cartwright and the extra air Miss Kathryn holds below her diaphram that no doubt allows her to levitate with ease. Not to mention the police riot you stirred up. Your appearance is nothing to us. If it is we'll get used to it. Relax. We're all friends here."

Saoirse smiled at Charles and patted the seat next to her. She wanted to make him feel more at home. He was quite edgy. The doctor would be down soon. It would be nice to atleast make some friends....

The Lifted Lorax
12-28-2010, 11:15 PM
Lola blinked as the newest woman of the party brushed by her without so much as a "how do you do." She pursed her lips and scowled for a moment; very poor manners indeed, especially for someone as wealthy as her clothes indicated. She turned to sit back down but found with some dismay that McShane had claimed it. With a quiet sigh she remained standing.

No point, she thought to herself, with someone else coming in. She'd heard his footsteps on the stairs.

A scream rose in Lola's throat as a monstrously deformed man entered the room, but she quickly covered her mouth with both hands to reduce it to a muffled squeak. Her first thought had been that it--he--was some sort of monster, the kind you only read about in the books of Jules Verne and the like. But given everyone else's rather blase reaction to his appearance she'd quickly realized that the scream which had forced its way out would be very rude indeed.

"Indeed, we're all friends here," Lola said timidly. "Please, do sit down. I'm sure the doctor should be with us shortly..."

Her desperate attempts at regaining manners were interrupted by a loud buzzing noise coming from upstairs. At the landing, a few feet into the hallway electricity arced across the hallway. The entrance was protected width and height by a Tesla coil (http://http://www.johndyer.com/FloatAhalf.jpg) bolted to the floor and hooked up to a sensor installed by the good doctor.

"My dear Miss McArthur," came a smooth, graceful voice from behind one of the doors, "if you've other places you would rather be then by all means you are free from any obligation. It's very rude indeed, however, to agree to a dinner engagement only to not attend. You're free to stay for dinner or to leave, however as I am the host and conducting a particularly delicate experiment at the moment I'm afraid this meeting must be conducted at my leisure and, I had hoped, yours." The voice finished speaking, but its owner did not appear. "I'll also thank you to please not come up here again without my permission. This is my private residence, you see, and it's very rude to go poking around someone else's house...as I'm sure you know," he added graciously. Still the doctor did not appear and puffing noises emitted from one room, though whether or not that was the room he was in was rather questionable.

12-29-2010, 03:08 AM
John listened uneasily to the doctor's voice berating Miss Kathryn. He had always felt embarrassed overhearing other people's conversations. He began fidgeting, pressing his fingertips against the side of the contraption next to him and flexing them. It was polished mahogany and brass, and seemed to be something like a cross between a grandfather clock and a barometer, but somehow neither. But apparently he'd pushed a little too hard, because the device started to tip over and he had to lunge to catch it before it fell. He righted the machine and stepped away from it sheepishly. "I beg your pardon," he said to nobody in particular.

12-29-2010, 03:40 AM
Steampunk Third Post

Kathryn smiled as she hopped down the stairs her attitude and emotional state effected by the mans berating. "Well than I shall be taking my leave. I have no wish to either be here and I would have preferred not to stay for dinner anyway." Kathryn skipped out the room and turned smiling to them did a little bow mocking and slightly serious. "Well I will leave you all to it. I have no patients for fools or geniuses and that man is one of the two or both. I do hope you will excuse both my rude entrance and sudden exit. However, I have work to do and no wish to squander any of the time I have to do it." She whirled and walked briskly out of the room and into the hallway. He eyes flashed with a determined motivation. "Yes I do indeed have many things to do and find out about the good doctor. She was smiling but it was not a happy smile it was more of a cats smile as it pounced on a mouse. She opened the door the room was still coming down harder that ever. She levitated again and grabbed onto the doctor's house. She used that to after a short climb to get onto the roof. She had to go find her father he would have no shortage of men who could find out just about anything or anyone so it seemed. Well at least they had never had any problems with it before. She had been visiting this doctors house for some time now however, she was fed up with not knowing about him. She would know even if it killed her. Yes, even if it killed her. She began after wiping the rain from her eyes and face she leaped onto the next building and the next slowly disappearing into the oppressing rain and fog.

12-29-2010, 06:06 PM
"Good to see you again, Mrs. Price." Said Basil as he handed his coat, hat and umbrella to her and stepped in. The next thing he knew, Kathryn had zoomed past him and immediately rushed to the doctor's room. He quickly raised an eyebrow at this, especially since he could hear their conversation from above. He then shook his head to himself as she then left the place. "My. What manners." After realizing he was not yet with the rest of the group with the members who were already conversing among themselves, he proceeded into the room where everyone was currently residing. Well, rather almost everyone.

"Good evening to you all." Basil said with a bow. "I'm not interrupting the conversation going on around here now, am I?" By now he had noticed a new face among the crowd, and smiled to her as he walked toward her area. "Ah, you must be the new member of the group. I believe the good doctor said your name was... Lola Cartwright, if I'm not mistaken?" He said as he held out his left hand to her. "I am Basil Darian. A pleasure to meet you, miss."

The Lifted Lorax
12-29-2010, 08:21 PM
"I apologize for Miss McArthur's behavior," the doctor's voice carried downstairs, "and for my own tardiness. I will be down momentarily. And don't you bother about that old clock," he added with a sly grin in his voice. "Useless for keeping time anyway, isn't it?"

Up in his lab, Dr. Parvonian hadn't looked up from his experiment during the entire exchange. He couldn't afford to. He smiled to himself as he heard a thud on the roof and glanced upward for a split second to make sure the windows were shuttered and the curtains drawn. Seeing that they were, he smiled again and, shaking his head, returned his full attention to the experiment. That would be Miss Kathryn going to fetch someone to do her dirty work for her, he knew. She wouldn't find anything, of course; the only people who knew about this group and their abilities were the people themselves. He even dared to think that he was the only "normal" person who knew these abilities existed. He found it absolutely fascinating.

Downstairs, Lola shuffled awkwardly during the entire exchange, jumping out of the way to avoid getting run over in the girl's haste to leave. She couldn't fathom this girl's behavior, but was secretly quite glad to see her gone. She smiled graciously as another newcomer introduced himself.

"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Darian," she said politely, shaking his hand awkwardly. She'd stuck her right hand out instinctively, but then quickly switched when she saw how impossible it would be to shake his hand. Why did he use his left to shake? Either way, she was certain she'd find out soon enough.

"John, won't you join us?" she asked, turning to the nervous man in the corner. She'd surpressed a giggle as he'd addressed the contraption, and wanted to include him in the conversation. "You look terribly lonely over there by yourself, and I'm sure the...er...clock--is it a clock?--isn't one much for conversation."

The Imposter
12-29-2010, 09:05 PM
'Well I'll be that wee lass 'as a temper. I'd almost consider her Irish with an outburst like that. Hardly provoked nonetheless. Good day t'ya Basil wonderful to see you finally made it. This looks like the lot of us then is it not? I do believe we've all been introduced to...uh, Mrs. Cartwright and I recognize the lot of ya from prior engagements. We are quite the unusual lot Mrs.Cartwright but you'll warm up to us. Maybe even faster than some of the others of this merry band of misfits.'

McShane stopped abruptly as Lola spoke out to John, realizing that he had begun to just ramble on. He scratched his chin pondering what to do while they waited for the doctor to finish up. He turned to Charles and Saoirse and casually whispered.

'So what do you think is on the menu tonight? I don't know about you two but I 'aven't had a decent meal since the last time 'ere with the good doctor. Charles why is the yard chasing you this week? You been thieving again?'

12-29-2010, 09:51 PM
John chuckled shyly, his face flushing red. "I'm not entirely sure what it is, exactly," he said, in reference to the large contraption he had almost overturned. "Some sort of measuring device?" He stepped forward a bit, brushing a bit of dust off of his waistcoat. "Miss - er, is it Miss Cartwright or Mrs?" he queried hesitantly. "Is Miss Dall correct in her belief that you are an electrokinetic?"

It had been a long time - since his first year at university, most likely - since John had been in the presence of so many near strangers. For the most part he kept to himself, and the company of a few close friends. He had met most of the doctor's... associates briefly before, but had never engaged in real conversation with any of them, and none of them but the doctor himself had witnessed his strength (save for instances like this one where he managed to accidentally upset heavy equipment.) He wondered vaguely if Dr. Parvonian would have him throwing anvils again today.

The Lifted Lorax
12-29-2010, 11:04 PM
"Most of you seem most agreeable, McShane," Lola smiled. "I'm sure in time I'll feel quite comfortable around all of you. And it's Mrs.," she added to John, "though in name only. I have, shall we say...a few other secrets of my own." She grinned impishly. "But granted we're all in the same boat as far as secrets go I feel no need to hesitate in admitting that I find the fairer sex rather more agreeable. If you catch my meaning," she added slyly.

Normally Lola wouldn't have admitted her sexual orientation so readily, but if it came to blackmail then she had something far more scandelous than inclination toward the same sex over everybody in the room. This way there was no further secret-keeping and she'd always found the marriage charade a nuisance. No use in keeping it around other people who had to put up just as much of a farce, more in some cases. She didn't like to play dirty, but would if pushed if only for self-preservation.

"Either way, you may just call me Lola if you'd like. Needless to say I dislike amorous affiliation with any sort of men, let alone a husband, so the 'Mrs.' is entirely unneccessary. And yes, Saoirse is correct. I seem to have an ability to manipulate electricity, though I don't know why or how. That's why I'm here, you see; to learn and try to get answers. Do you mind my inquiring what sort of ability you're in posession of?" She hadn't been paying too close attention and so had thought that John had been leaning against the clock-thing to tip it over. She had no idea of his strength, nor the powers of any but Saoirse and the lizard-man apparently called Charles.

12-29-2010, 11:43 PM
John raised his eyebrows when Mrs. Cartwright suddenly announced her sexual orientation. "I see we already have something in common then," he laughed, smiling broadly to hide his insecurity. He wiggled his toes inside his shoes - an old habit born of a compulsion to fidget when he was uncomfortable. "Yes, I suppose there's no need for secrets here," he lied.

If only these people knew what kind of secrets he had. If any one of them ever discovered his unique... peculiarity, they'd probably throw him to the dogs.

John maintained his composure, relaxing slightly as the conversation turned to the one factor they all had in common - their strange, secret powers. "I suppose you could call me a bit of a strongman extraordinaire," he said, using the same phrase Dr. Parvonian had used when he first visited John's home only a few weeks before. "Manipulating electricity, doesn't that put you in a great deal of danger?"

The Lifted Lorax
12-30-2010, 12:09 AM
"Oh, we...?" Was he--? No, he liked women, stupid, that's what he was saying! "Oh, yes I suppose we have," she giggled nervously. "I'm terribly sorry if I've made anyone uncomfortable," she added to the room at large. "As I said, I hate amorous affiliation with men and this whole marriage thing is more of a nuisance than anything."

"A strongman? Fascinating! I saw one at a carnival once..." She covered her mouth with both hands and her eyes widened. "Oh, I'm sorry that was terribly rude of me!" she said, pulling her hands away from her mouth. "I didn't mean anything by it...and I suppose that man was a fake anyway, wasn't he? Carnival workers usually are. That's quite impressive, though. As for being in danger..." She paused to think for a moment. "I suppose no more danger than, say, lifting a horse would pose for you." She shrugged. "To be perfectly candid, I have no idea how electricity works. Everyone says I should have died in my accident, but I didn't. Now ever since...I can feel it. In lights, in storms, even little tiny sparks when someone drags his feet across a carpet. It doesn't hurt--tingles a little, but doesn't hurt--but I don't know how it is I came to have these abilities."

The Imposter
12-30-2010, 02:16 AM
McShane laughed at Lola's sudden outburst of honesty. It didn't bother him in the slightest as to which sex she fancied. However his eyes did sparkle when she asked for an explanation for their powers. He smiled as he whispered softly controlling the sound waves as they projected out from his mouth. They rattled their way to Lola's ears and became clear audible for only her and probably Saoirse.

'I'm sure lassie you have never seen or rather heard anything like this. I can control sounds after they've begun vibrating throughout the space around me. Or at least so the good doctor says.'

McShane snapped his fingers together increasing the sound to that of a gunshot wincing slightly at the sound. He quickly brought it down to an inaudible vibration realizing how hard it might be on Saoirse. He quickly turned towards her and apologized his cheeks blushing slightly at the embarrassment of causing trouble to the lass beside him.

'Ah, my sincerest apologies! I forgot how much that might hurt your sensitive ears. I wasn't thinking at all.'

He cleared his throat and waited for her response or at least someone else to say something.

12-30-2010, 02:17 AM
The corners of John's mouth twitched upwards as Mrs. Cartwright mentioned carnival strongmen. "It's perfectly all right," he reassured her as she apologized. "I don't know that carnival strongmen are fake per se, they work terribly hard to build all that muscle... However, I could probably lift their heaviest weights easily with one hand." He made a small gesture as if to indicate that his small stature (John stood only 5'6") made his strength all the more remarkable.

He listened with curiosity as she explained the sensations her powers gave her. He knew fairly little about electricity himself - he hadn't learned about it at university, and he didn't have electric lights in his home. He found it an unnecessary luxury, gas lamps suited his needs perfectly well.

"To be honest, I'm as ignorant as you are as to how I came to be this way," he said, evading eye contact by glancing over at the tube of bubbling liquid a few feet away. "What manner of accident were you in, exactly?" He glanced around the room, hoping to invite some of the others back into the conversation. "I seem to remember Dr. Parvonian mentioning something about... accidents being some kind of trigger?" he ventured. He started as McShane snapped his fingers at a tremendous volume.

12-30-2010, 02:23 AM
"Oh I'm fine," Saoirse giggled making a shooing motion at McShane and wiggling a finger in her ear which still rang slightly from the sound, "but Charles wasn't thieving. The 'normal' people just like to chase our kind around. They thing we should be kept in zoos and circuses or even labs. They think we are abominations who should be experemented on and iraticated. It's in their nature to fear and shun us. As for dinner it smells like shepard's pie, mashed potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, and a nice apple pie to finish. I can't wait for that first bite. I haven't had a single crumb, indeed, since our last meeting here. Look at you you've gone and made me hungry and would you stop making that ringing sound it's driving me mad."

Saoirse frowned at McShane and sighed. She hated feeling hungry it reminded her of her social status. Shaking her head she turned her attention to Charles once more.

"So Mr. Draconian," she said a light smile spreading it's way across her face, "how long have you know the good doctor? You don't seem like the kind that would be easy for one to find. I mean sure there are rumors and all, but those usually mean you're late. By the time you've heard them whoever they're about is gone. I would know. I'm not easy to find either."

The Lifted Lorax
12-30-2010, 03:08 AM
Lola started as she heard McShane's voice in her ear though he was clearly across the room. She winced and covered her ears as he snapped his fingers to make it loud as a gunshot.

"That's...very intersting," she said slowly, looking at the Irishman. "I didn't know anyone would be able to do that with sound. Could you make your voice sound like someone else's that way, or can you only make things louder and softer?"

She noticed John's interest in the bubbling liquid. It seemed less like interest and more like avoidance, but she didn't say anything. Now wasn't the time nor the place for asking personal questions.

"Erm...apparently you should turn the electricity off when you change those new electric lightbulbs," Lola said sheepishly, shuffling her feet. "I'm perfectly happy with gas lamps; never did me any harm and light the house perfectly fine. But Harry--my husband, you know--he just has to be trendy and modern. Light bulbs will kill us all one of these days, mark my words." Lola slowed down and cleared her throat, realizing she was rambling. "Anyway...I tried to change one, stuck my finger in the socket. I don't remember much about the actual accident; just the smell of burning hair and everything going dim for a few hours. Walked across a carpet one day and when the shock should have hit the doorknob...bent around it instead." She shrugged. "What sort of accidents were you all involved in?" she asked, also including the rest of the room. She was particularly interested in this Draconian fellow. Horrifying though she found him, she wanted to know what freak accident could have possibly made him that way.

Jonas Garland
12-30-2010, 04:03 AM
Saoirse touched him. She actually touched him. No one had since the accident, no one at all. Had he not have been stunned into following her, he would have recoiled.

He wasn't prepared for anything of this nature, let alone being asked to sit next to her. He stood there for several moments and shook his head. "I would rather stand, if it is all the same."

It was then he realised Lola's reaction to him. He gave a deep and low growl. That was the reaction most people gave, before they tried to kill him. His annoyance was clear as he somehow managed to screw his face up more.

Lola was lucky as soon after Kathryn decided to leave. She left in a highly childish way, which really annoyed him. "Spoilt little bit-"*

Charles heard McShane's accusation and snapped to him like a snake. "I would never steal. How dare you say-" Charles spoke over him, however stopped as McShane called him Charles. His eyes hit the floor.*

"Charles Drakewood is dead. Do not call me that again." His voice was calm. Totally calm, but there was something highly threatening hidden in it.

He turned away, digging in his fingernails into his palm as he clutched a fist. He shook a little with anger, not realising the blood that had run from his palm. After a few moments to gather himself. He realised Saoirse was talking to him again,

"What? Oh the doctor..... I don't know him, not really, he didn't find me either.... He just left a letter in a place he thought I would go... He was correct." Charles said rather simply.

Mistrusts were high in his mind. He didn't want them to know about him. He was suspicious of the group, so when Lola asked about the accident, Charles just turned his back on*her. Why should he tell her about the accident? The accident that took away the only thing that made him happy.

12-30-2010, 03:32 PM
Saoirse could feel the vibrations of Charle's angry convusions and placed gentle hand on his arm where no one could see it. She knew the pain he felt of being shunned better than anyone else in the room besides him. She was not only blind, but also poor. People shunned her for this and she was constantly laughed at and made a fool of. People were afraid of people like her because they didn't want to become what she had become. Poor with no way to get rich. Saoirse sighed her usual cheery smile fading as she thought of her circumstances. Looking at Lola she responded quietly.

"I happened upon some sort of machine one day," she practically whispered forcing everyone to quiet down if they wished to hear, "it was just after my parents died...incidentally I turned the thing on and it gave me the ability to hear beyond even what I should be able to being blind....and Ch-Draconian,"-this she said so only he could hear- ,"Charles Drakewood is not dead. He's just...still grieving for the ones he lost. I understand....I lost something precious long ago.....please don't fear us. Don't fear me. I only wish to be a friend."

Saoirse stood up then and exited the room going to stand in another and listen to the rain pounding outside. All this talk of loss and accidents made her want to scream. None of them had lost something so precious as their eyesight. They could all see just fine. They had no idea what it was like not to be able to see the faces of the ones you loved. Not to see the color of the beautiful flowers outside. Not to see the world around you and be made a fool for it. None of them knew what that was like....

12-31-2010, 01:34 AM
John noticed Mr. Drakewood concertedly ignore Mrs. Cartwright's question, and was glad Miss Dall interjected her own story. A machine that gave her extraordinary hearing... Could the same machine give anyone that ability, or was there actually something special about the lot of them?

He remained quiet as Miss Dall finished her story and murmured something quietly to Mr. Drakewood, then pensively left the room. He glanced around the room, and seeing that nobody else was forthcoming, he spoke. "I was in an earthquake," he said, "many years ago. The 1875 Earthquake of the Andes. I was traveling with my relatives." He paused for a moment. It was still difficult for him to recollect. That had been a day of great change for him, in more ways than one. "I - I lifted a wall off of myself." He could still feel the shock that had rippled through his arm as his fist punctured the wall, the roaring of blood rushing through his veins as he breathed deep and laid his palms against the bricks. It had been as if he not only had the strength of twenty men, but also somehow knew exactly where to place his hands, how to position his back foot, where the pressure needed to be applied to move the impossible obstacle. It was exhilarating, like the feeling of climbing to the top of the highest mountain and looking out across the world. John loved using his power, it was a part of his identity - another secret part that comprised the whole of who he was.

01-01-2011, 11:47 AM
"...Interesting." Was the first thing that escaped Basil's mouth as soon as Lola admitted her preference. It wasn't everyday he met in person a woman who liked the same gender. In fact, she might have been the first. Though the idea was definitely not new to him as he had heard many cases of people who were like this among his class, males liking the same gender included.

Soon enough, the conversation revolved, and the common question of how everyone got their abilities and what those abilities were was brought up by the new member. Clearly though, despite the fact most members before Lola had already told about their experiences from past gatherings, there were still some who seemed uncomfortable doing so again. Next thing Basil knew, Ms. Dall would exit the room after whispering something to the Draconian fellow. Her exit was emanating a feeling of sadness, and Basil couldn't help but feel sad as well for the girl in the process, wondering whatever was on her mind which was making her act the way she was now.

It was then Mr. Ellis spoke up and talked about his powers. While he was telling the others of his account, Basil once again pulled out his pocket watch and checked the time, not bothering to look at the faceless clock in the room because he hated the very idea he could not tell what time it was exactly with it. When he closed the watch and returned it into his pocket, John had finished telling his case, and Basil thought that it was his turn to tell his story since almost everyone in the group had already said something about their abilities except him.

"In my case..." He started, suddenly fiddling around with the glove on his right hand as he took a seat on an available chair. "Well... To tell the truth, even until now I'm slightly embarrassed talking about it. In fact, last time it took me quite a while until I gathered enough courage to speak up about my abilities to the others... Or rather until Ms. Dall pointed out how my arm 'sounded different than normal arms'... She said it has something to with how my arm sounded like it was not at all made up of flesh, veins, bones and muscles, which she is completely right about." He then removed the glove around his right hand and revealed how it was covered up completely with bandages, some areas on the bandage already getting brown stains. But judging by it's appearance, anyone could tell that without the help of his glove, his hand looked quite disproportionate.

"A year or two ago, I was found to have skin cancer on my arm, and you know exactly the quickest way people get rid of cancer. But I didn't want to go through that way, and of course neither did I want to die of my sickness. So instead, I looked for another way to get rid of it, and the one I happened to stumble across and actually tried looked like it worked. That was until I accidentally exposed my arm to another experiment. Caused me to actually see that the cancer had practically eaten up half my arm."

He then pulled up his sleeve and undid a knot located on his elbow, making the bandages become loose and slip down his arm, showing a red and black mass. "My arm was later cut off in order to stop the cancer from spreading anymore, and the experience was so negative for myself, I ended up wanting my arm to grow back despite the fact I knew it was impossible. Yet the next thing I knew, it did in fact grow back, except it came out completely as a mass of cancer. I was later told that I could somehow control my cancer cell growth, meaning I can practically tell it do become what I want it to, though at the moment I really don't know how much it can change into. I do know I can do this for example-" His fingers suddenly combined with each other, and his hand soon lost it's shape and formed what looked like a tentacle. After wiggling it around, he returned it back into it's original shape and started to tie the bandages back.

"The idea I can do this is actually disturbing for me even until now, especially because of what my arm is. Which is why I tend to cover it up and avoid all contact with other people with it, I can't help but feel as though I might make other people get my sickness. Though Dr. Parvonian says the cells can't escape my arm's proximity unless cut off, it's better to be safe than sorry sometimes, am I right?" Giving off a light chuckle, he placed his glove back on and rested his hand on his lap.

The Lifted Lorax
03-20-2011, 10:15 PM
Lola shifted uncomfortably as the blind girl regaled her tale then exited the room. As each of the others shared their stories, she grew more and more uncomfortable. Her stomach churned as Basil's arm turned into a tentacle, but she didn't let the slight disgust show on her face.

"Better indeed," she murmured. Then, after a short silence, "Well...I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to bring up such a painful topic for everyone. I do apologize profusely."

She looked around the room at them all, twisting her wedding band around her finger nervously. She was grateful when the bell for dinner rang and Mrs. Price entered the room to announce that their meal was ready. She hung back a little, not knowing where the dining room was. She decided to follow the others down the hallway and off to a door on the left where a magnificent-looking dinner was laid out on a mahogany table. The smell was overwhelming and her mouth began to water. She resisted the urge to sit, however, until everyone else had seated themselves. After all, for all she knew everyone had their own spot to which they were partial.

03-21-2011, 09:19 PM
John followed Mrs. Price into the dining room, which was large and splendid enough to make one almost forget one was in the city. John fiddled with his cufflinks, looking around at the furnishings. He had been in the doctor's dining room before, but he was always keen to take in his surroundings in their entirety. The table was laid out for eight, though he supposed that was one too many now that Miss Kathryn had departed. He rested his hand on a chair close to the end of the table where he had sat on previous occasions, far from the doctor's usual seat.

He noticed that Mrs. Cartwright seemed hesitant to take a seat, and he immediately pulled out a chair for her beside his, bowing his head deferentially. He was, after all, a gentleman.

The Imposter
03-28-2011, 03:18 AM
As Mcshane listened to the rest of the group until the dinner bell rang. He was the first to get up and make his way to the dinning hall. He took his seat towards just beside the head of the table. Watching as the others entered he put on a gruff smile. This is when things would begin to get serious, once the professor would come down and begin discussing the important issues of the uniqueness of each one of them and maybe he would even answer some questions.

Mcshane had gotten wrapped up in his thoughts and became oblivious to all that were sitting now. Catching himself he looked at everyone around the table and spoke.

'Hope you all brought your appetites, the good doctor always gives us a good feed.'

The Lifted Lorax
03-28-2011, 05:10 AM
"So I see," Lola said with a gentle smile before taking her place beside John. "Thank you very much," she added.

As she took her seat, she looked around at the rest of the table. With the exception of Mr. Draconian (as she called him in her head), the company looked like nothing remarkable. No special marks, no odd quirks. And yet...there had probably never been a more remarkable group of people in the same room. She smiled a little at the thought, waiting for either more conversation or for the Doctor to come down.

It wasn't long before dinner was brought out. A splendid spread, just as Saoirse had described. Lola was surprised, however, that dinner had been brought out before Parvonian had come down.

Jonas Garland
03-28-2011, 06:23 PM
The blind woman touched him again, this made him flinch, however, as soon as it was followed with words, Charles couldn’t help but calm a little. She told them of her accident, but that didn’t make him want to respond with his own. He didn’t want to tell people of his life, he didn’t need or want their pity. In any circumstance, he knew he would age slower than everyone in the room. He would be able to see evolution happen, if only minor changes.

Charles Darwin, a man, which had become some sort of hero in his eyes, had given him a reason to live. The man had brought a theory out into the small minded world, and it had been shunned by more than one official. Queen Victoria however accepted it, despite being from a Catholic family background. That was admirable to say the least. The theory spoke truth for Charles, who like the famed naturalist, had always studied animals, even as a small boy. Not that he had the resources, or the intelligence to go further than a zookeeper. But studied he did, finding knowledge in his field. Charles Drakewood would live for that reason alone.

The talk of accidents brought back the memory of some mortician with a scalpel looming over him, ready to cut into him more than he already had done. It took quite a while to heal from what the mortician had done, much to the fascination of the crowd, who had paid to see the inside of a beast, a beast that awoke on the dirty wooden table inside the cellar of a bedlam. Charles had been unable to scream in pain, as for a while he was unable to control his lungs. He remembered laying on that table trying to remember bodily functions that were meant to stay active, as at that point all had stopped. Eventually each and every bodily function returned and so he was brought back to life. He remained on the table, as the mortician had a heart attack from fright. Many of the witnesses fainted, and the rest fled. One of them however, remained steadfast, a doctor perhaps, maybe this doctor. Charles didn’t realise, he just saw the shadowed figure watching him from beyond the veil of light. Naturally Charles didn’t wait around. He ran out of the room as soon as he was healed. And when he did he went to the first place he thought. Home. It took him a while on foot, as well as naked. It was night time, so it was cold, terribly cold, although most people were either in bed or at home, there were still the policemen, the women of the night and their customers, who were there to see him, all of which screamed as they saw him. At that time he wasn’t aware of the changes, however as he got him, he realised. Even when he was alive, their relationship was strained. Through a marriage of circumstance, the lack of money, and the poor state of their house, they had grown to resent each other, so now he was officially dead, she had lost her income. Charles came back to something similar to a brothel. His former wife was drugged on something that Charles didn’t recognised, but before his death he had heard of something called ‘opium’ and she was sharing the house with several other women. He eventually found her, and immediately after he arrived, she tried to kill him in horror brought on by the drugs and fear. The accident hadn’t been all that emotion; it was just simply that, an accident. However, what killed him was what happened afterwards. Charles Drakewood really was dead from that point.

With that on his mind, he had only half listened to Saoirse as she spoke to him. He did know what she meant, but he didn’t believe it. He watched her as she walked away, Charles gave a short laugh, or maybe it was more of a snort. If only all humans had abandoned him like that, rather than from the end of a gun or knife.

The food was done. Charles walked in after them. As he walked in and noticed the various foods on the plates, and grimaced as he saw the meat laid out. Charles was a complete vegetarian. No food made from animals ever passed his lips. Any food of that kind sickened him; Charles took up a special tin plate that was scratched in every single way possible in order to rid the plate of all reflections. He then took up some similarly scratched cutlery and filled his plate full of vegetables and fruit. He then took his seat against the side of the room, facing just off to the side, away from the windows in yet another effort to escape any possible reflection.

03-28-2011, 10:30 PM
Saoirse frowned when she heard Charles chuckle. Had he turely been scorned so badly? Saoirse sighed sadly and cast her sightless eyes at the floor. He, more than any of them, needed someone to go to. She hoped she could by pass the barriers he had up and become that person. It would take a lot of patience. When she heard the dinner bell being lifted Saoirse turned from the window and walked silently towards the dining room when she got there almost everyone had already sat down leaving a chair next to Charles and some closer to the head of the table. The closest one however was the one next to Charles. Sitting quietly down she didn't spare a glance to him. She felt that she might be inclined to say something about his earlier chuckle.

Saoirse calmly reached out and put some food on her plate. Most of it was vegetables, but she did put a little bit of meat on her plate. She knew that since she hadn't eaten in almost a month her stomach wouldn't be able to handle much, especially meat. She was lucky she could even tell what was what. Sure she could hear the steam coming off of everything, but the only way to tell what was what was by her only slightly heightened sense of smell and testing the weight of things. Sighing Saoirse turned her eyes down towards the food. Where was the proffessor? It usually didn't take him this long.

03-29-2011, 04:26 AM
John took his seat as soon as Mrs. Cartwright had done so, laying his napkin in his lap with a flick of his wrist. He couldn't help scrutinizing his own appearance, as he had done on the contraption's brass plates, in the miniscule reflection of his spoon. He always feared that others might notice the hairlessness of his face, or the roundness of his shoulders, and reach the conclusion he so dreaded. He shook himself mentally, drawing his mind away from his self-absorbed appraisal.

"Will the doctor be joining us?" he said, looking around as he served himself several slices of roast beef and some braised potatoes. Presumably, the doctor was caught up in his work, but John hoped he'd be there soon. Without Dr. Parvonian's orations they were somewhat taxed for conversation.

The Lifted Lorax
03-29-2011, 05:54 AM
The answer came almost immediately.

"I apologize for my tardiness." A tall, thin, older man with neatly trimmed silver hair and mustache strode briskly into the room and gracefully took the seat at the head of the table. "I had a few...last-minute experiments to wrap up. I'm glad, however, to see that you made it Ms. Cartwright."

Lola had noticed a rather acrid smell on the doctor's clothing as he'd passed. He'd quietly dropped a strange mask (http://www.peachbeach.de/pb/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Peachbeach_Bassport_Steampunkhead_L.jpg) onto the floor beside him. It was only when he'd straightened up and begun eating his now-cold dinner that she also noticed appeared to be a set of thick goggles (http://www.gearfuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/il_430xn62215585.jpg) hanging about his neck by the strap. Eventually, he paused in his meal to address the table at large.

"So how has everybody been coming along?" he asked cheerfully, looking from one face to another. "Miss Dall, Mr. Drakewood?" He took another bite and swallowed before speaking again. "Not breaking too many hearts I hope, Mr. Ellis?" He let a sly wink at John which none of the others could catch. "Plenty of interesting subjects for your art I hope, Mr. Darian?" He usually inquired after their "normal" lives before asking about how their abilities had been developing since last they met.

03-30-2011, 12:49 AM
Basil could tell Lola was rather disgusted by his ability, despite the fact she didn't really show it. Well, naturally everyone who saw it for the first time would be, even he. Though at one point you get used to it, like mentioned before the idea still is there. Soon enough, the bell was rung, and like everyone else he entered the dining room and took a seat somewhere in the middle of the table, just a number of seats away from the Doctor's supposed spot.

The food was soon set in front of them, and Saoirse's senses were definitely top notch as the food she mentioned before were brought in. After placing his napkin properly on his lap, he proceeded to take a slice of the Shepherd's pie and some mashed potatoes for his meal. If there was one thing he enjoyed the most about the doctor's place, it was definitely the food.

As soon as John had asked about the good doctor, Dr. Parvonian himself finally came down and settled himself in his usual seat as always. While Basil took a bite from the shepherd's pie, as usual the doctor started to politely ask about everyone's personal life. Once Basil properly swallowed the food in his mouth, his attention went to the doctor to answer his question. "Of course. Though I haven't been able to get started on them as I've recently been given a commission to work on someone's portrait again."

03-30-2011, 04:34 AM
John choked on his food at the doctor's peculiar 'heart-breaker' comment. He wasn't sure precisely what the doctor meant. Perhaps he'd heard the unfortunate details of his brief courtship with Miss Alice Hunter? But that had been months ago. A flicker of concern hovered in his mind - just how much did the doctor know about him, anyway? He served himself some shepherd's pie to take his mind off of it. He chided himself at his paranoia; everyone here had secrets to keep, and it was presumptuous of him to think that anyone's attention would be drawn to his subtle inconsistencies. His voice was low and he spoke as a gentleman ought, and though his build was slight he'd known other men who were smaller.

"Do you often do portraiture, Mr. Darian?" John asked, cutting his meat delicately. He was always glad to turn the conversation away from himself.

Jonas Garland
03-30-2011, 11:45 PM
Charles shifted uncomfortably as Saoirse sat next to him. Charles was used to sitting alone, a few chairs away from the group, and that’s how he liked it. However as she sat down and filled the gap next to him, it was almost as if he was part of the group. That in mind, he tried to push his chair away from them, his reluctance to be considered a member of their posse was very apparent.

When the professor waltzed into the room, Charles let out a sigh of relief. He had provided a distraction for the others with his bizarre scientific fashion, as well as greeting everyone around the table. This wouldn’t have bothered him usually, but the professor called him by his former human family name. At that moment, the cutlery clashed with the plate, sending a screech into the room. The automatic reaction caused another scratch to rest in the plate, and Charles almost glared at the professor, well that would have been true, had Charles not have been distracted by what happened next. Charles began to choke, and then suddenly, he coughed violently, and a bullet flew from his mouth and not his empty plate. Charles looked confused, as if surprised that a bullet had found its way into his system, let alone find its way up his throat.

Charles spent a few moments examining the bullet a bit. Small, round and made from lead. If the bullet hadn’t have killed the person, lead poisoning would’ve. Charles was lucky in that respect. In any other circumstance that would have killed him. Charles wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He just stayed there watching the bullet.

03-31-2011, 12:14 AM
Saoirse jumped when The screech from Charles' cutlery met her ears and her hand shot out grabbing onto the closest thing she could find. Charles' arm. Her ears were still ringing when Charles coughed up the bullet. Placing a hand
on his chest Saoirse made sure he was alright.

"You alright," she asked worriedly, "you don't mind not doing that again, yeah? Frightened me you did. Not to mention the ringing in my ear. Was that a lead bullet you coughed up? Sounded pretty heavy."

Saoirse slowly released the near deathgrip she had on Charles arm and patted him on the back. Smiling at him she turned to the doctor and nodded.

"Doing alright doctor," she sighed, "glad to be back here with a roof over my head though. The food's lovely as always. Don't suppose you could go ahead and tell is what you called us here for?"

The Lifted Lorax
03-31-2011, 03:19 AM
"Oh, you do portraits Mr. Darian?" Lola asked excitedly. "Harry's been looking for someone for ages! How much do you charge?" She was interrupted, however, as Draconian's fork skidded across his plate. She jumped at the screech and winced at the noise. She gasped a little as the bullet Draconian had coughed up hit his plate with a dull plink!
"Oh my...are you alright?" she asked with a frown, incredibly concerned. The lizard man scared her, but it didn't make her any less concerned.

"Indeed, are you alright?" Doctor Parvonian asked, leaning forward in his chair, his thick eyebrows knitting together in fatherly concern. "And you're always welcome in my home, Ms. Dall," he added, turning to Saoirse. "I've called you here to discuss the same thing as always. But business can wait until after dinner; we're here to enjoy ourselves for the time being!" He smiled, but his eyes kept darting back to Charles to make sure he was unharmed.

03-31-2011, 10:12 PM
"Good lord, have you been shot?" John exclaimed as he peered down the table at the lead bead Mr. Drakewood - Draconian, he corrected himself - had coughed up. John was no doctor, but Draconian didn't seem to be bleeding at all - his remarkable ability to heal must have saved him. He wondered if this were something their reptilian comrade had to endure every day. John, who lived in modest wealth and afforded himself some small luxuries of dandyism, couldn't fathom the life Draconian must lead. He wasn't even sure that Mr. Draconian had a proper home - for that matter, he knew for a fact that Saoirse didn't. He shifted guiltily, suddenly ashamed of ever complaining about his own life.

04-04-2011, 04:09 AM
"Do you often do portraiture, Mr. Darian?" Basil turned his attention to John quickly as soon as he asked this.
"Why, of course. In fact, most often than not, it's portraits I'm mostly commissioned for."
"Oh, you do portraits Mr. Darian? Harry's been looking for someone for ages! How much do you charge?"
"It all matters on the amount of time and effort I place unto it actually. But naturally I don't charge too much-"

Basil too was caught off when Mr. Draconian had started to cough up and suddenly have a bullet come out of his mouth. Basil was slightly disturbed by the sight as he was never comfortable seeing any kind of item related to firearms, especially if it was covered in someone else's saliva. And to think, he was eating when he saw this. Though he started to look away from the bullet, he still joined in with everyone when they started to become concerned with Mr. Draconian's situation.

Jonas Garland
04-04-2011, 11:26 PM
Charles instantly repressed the urge to grab her wrist and throw her off, which was his usual reaction to being touched in that way. He tensed up a bit as she held him, wanting to get her off him as quickly as possible, however, as she spoke, she touched him more. With every touch he flinched, still he repressed the urge to grab her and react like a caged animal.

“I’m fine. It was just a bullet. I should be used to it by now. Please. Let go of me, and refrain from touching me again, missus.” Charles looked at her directly; some sort of xenophobic anger could be seen in his eyes, at least it could have been seen, had she the ability to see.

He was surprised when Lola turned to him and asked him whether he was alright. For a moment he watched her eyes, wondering whether she was actually concerned or not. Her concern was followed by the Doctor, and then John. Basil had been in conversation when the bullet fell onto the plate, and had stopped talking altogether. He nodded a little. “I’m fine, thank you, it didn’t hit my head, so I should be fine, and at least it didn’t split, otherwise I would need surgery of some kind…” Charles had been through that before, it wasn’t a pleasant experience. “As for, well being shot… I was, although I have a feeling this bullet has been working free for a few days now.”

Charles sat there for several moments, wondering what else to say. He looked to Basil, not completely sure of the mannerism which covered unusual occurrences such as this. Perhaps he would have been aware of such a thing, had his mother taught him the manners that the upper classes complained about. She didn’t, so Charles was socially frozen for a few moments. “Hm… Perhaps I should apologise or something, I’m not entirely sure on the appropriate response is to something of this nature…” Charles looked somewhat baffled, as well as angry at himself for being confused.

04-05-2011, 12:50 AM
Saoirse blushed and slowly let go when Charles asked her to not touch him. It was such a habit to touch things she hadn't gotten over it yet.

"I-I'm sorry," she said quietly not wishing for the others to hear, "I'm just so used to, well touching things. Blind you know. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It just frightened me. S-sorry."

Saoirse placed her hands in her lap thoroughly embarassed. Why did she have to be so disabled? She couldn't see and she frightened almost every single living thing away, and if she didn't they always treated her like she couldn't do anything.

(sorry this one's a bit short. I can't think of much right now. D:)

The Imposter
04-05-2011, 02:01 AM
McShane had been relatively quiet the whole time. Just eating and enjoying the others socializing. Then Draconian coughed up a bullet, his abilities made Stephen slightly jealous....maybe that wasn't the feeling but it was close. Minus the physical appearance that is. He finally swallowed as Draconian lashed out slightly at all those showing interest.

After Saorise defended her touch, McShane chimed in waving his spoon in the air.

'I'd say apology might be a good place to start Draconian, I'm sure the lot of us and our manners will rub off on you m'boy!'

McShane realized he was pointing his spoon right at the one he was speaking to, which may seem rather hostile or rude he quickly put it back on his plate. He would not like to incite the wrath of the younger, stronger, quickly healing lizard man at the dinner table.

The Lifted Lorax
04-05-2011, 05:17 AM
Lola had only been made uncomfortable when Charles had reacted the way he had. She shifted uncomfortably as McShane pointed his spoon at the lizard man and suggested what he should do. Instead of commenting, she turned her attention to timid Saoirse.

"Don't worry so much, darling," she said in what she hoped was a soothing manner. If she could've reached across the table to pat her shoulder she would have. "I'm sure it's not a problem at all, is it?" She turned to Draconian, begging with her eyes for him to say yes.

"You do know you always have a home here, don't you Charles?" the Doctor asked quietly, furrowing his brow at the comment at having been shot a few days ago.

Jonas Garland
04-15-2011, 08:51 PM
Charles had been about to answer Saoirse, however as he went to, McShane suggested an apology. Charles narrowed his eyes at the thought, and stared off into space. Should he? Probably. But he wouldn’t. Not just yet anyway.

"You do know you always have a home here, don't you Charles?" The doctor used his human name. If it had been anyone else, Charles would have leapt across the table, especially as he made the mistake more than once in the past hour or so.

“If I still was Charles, doctor, but I am not. Now…” Charles looked at his hands. “A home is where you feel you belong, a place you feel safe. A place where you fit in… I’ve not belonged inside bricks and cement since I died. Now, well, I belong in the wild. I belong with the creatures of old; I belong to an age long since passed. However I appreciate the sentiment; I’m just not part of the world of man.” Charles let out a long sigh and then looked over at Saoirse, and decided he needed to finally respond to her.

“There is no need to apologise, Saoirse. I am not offended by your touch.” Charles let out a sigh. He moved a hand towards her, stopping several times along the way. Eventually his hand found it’s way onto her shoulder. “It has just been a long time since someone touched me in such an innocent manner. The last person to touch me was… Was my son.” He instantly regretted talking. Those last three words echoed around the room to him. Charles’ hand immediately slipped off her shoulder.

“Doctor… Excuse me. But… I… I think I must leave. I must leave right away. I… I apologise.” Charles got to his feet he walked straight to the door, but then froze. Charles placed his hands slowly on the door and then slowly placed his forehead against it. He was silent for several moments. He was thinking or at least seemed to be. Once he was finished he stepped away from the door and turned back to them. “Although… If I leave I won’t find out what you want me for Doctor. If it was for my blood, you’d have forced it out of me. I think it’s time you told us. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m getting claustrophobic stuck in here…” He couldn’t leave just yet, not if the good doctor could provide the answers anyway.

04-17-2011, 11:42 PM
John slowly put down his knife and fork as Mr. Drakewood made his speech. He hadn't known Mr. Drakewood had a son - but then, he also didn't know how old their reptilian companion was. His appearance was so altered that it was impossible to judge. How long had the poor man been living as he did? John knew something of being in hiding - though he himself was hiding in plain sight.

"Far be it from me to disparage social graces, Doctor," he began, "but I rather agree with Mr. Drake- er, Mr. Draconian," he corrected himself. "Why have you gathered us here? After all, one can assume you would not have assembled so many... extraordinary people if you did not intend for us to do something extraordinary." He looked up and down the table, from Basil Darian, the artist, to McShane, to the tragically blind Saoirse, Mr. Drakewood, and then to Mrs. Cartwright and the doctor himself.

04-18-2011, 01:45 AM
Saoirse had gotten up as Charles had crossed the room towards the door. She knew how much pain it caused Charles to be near them and how hard it was for him to hear his old name. She could hear it. It was a mixture of him not breathing as normally as he would and the unusually tight constrictions of his heart. It sounded painful. Pain personified into sound. One that only she could hear.

Standing up fully she walked to Charles and hesitantly placed a gentle hand on his arm. Looking sympathetically up at him she gave his arm a light squeeze.

"Do you need some air," she asked softly, "if you want to step outside for a few minutes that would be alright. We can wait if you want to clear your head. I know this must be difficult for you....s-sorry I'm being to personal again aren't I? Perhaps we both need some air. I am feeling a little lightheaded..."

Saoirse gave a slight smile. She felt strange. Perhaps it was the sudden intake of good food. Saoirse decided to take a few mintues outside to compose herself and clear her head before she fainted.

"Excuse me everyone," she said, "I realize you're all eager to hear what the doctor must say, but I fear I need a bit of fresh air before I faint. I'm feeling a bit off today...I shal be back as soon as possible an we can get this discussion started. Again I apologize for the newest delay I'm creating."

Almost running from the room Saoirse made her way to the front door and outside. Sitting on the steps she took a deep breath. It felt good to be outside among the sounds of nature and not just among those of man. It made things seem more peaceful.

The Lifted Lorax
05-24-2011, 06:37 AM
"Of course, of course," the Doctor rejoined understandingly as Saoirse excused herself. "In the meantime I think perhaps dessert is in order and Ms. Dall can enjoy hers when she returns? Feel free to join her if you wish, Charles." Parvonian refused to use this name the lizard-man had created for himself; he wished it to be known that he still saw the unfortunate creature as human. "I shan't start without everyone present." He smiled around the table as the plates were cleared.

Lola leaned a little toward John to make way for the servants to clear her plate, murmuring an apology as she straightened back up.
"I'm very sorry...didn't mean to be rude," she said quietly, still feeling very awkward from the exchange that had just taken place. She turned to the doctor, who returned the undivided attention. "I, too, would like to know why we're here, Doctor," she rejoined. "I mean...surely you must know what's going on?"

Here Doctor Parvonian smiled secretively and put a finger to the side of his nose. "That, my dear Mrs. Cartwright, is for after dessert. I am sincerely baffled at everyone's rush; we've got all night and why rush a good meal? After all, there's no sense in going through life without savoring every meal." The good doctor himself was tall and wirey, the sort of man who could be described as being able to disappear entirely simply by turning sideways. The thought of him enjoying a good meal was laughable to Lola, but she said nothing. "Why do we not get to know each other more? Surely there must be so much more to tell each other about yourselves than you already have!" He smiled around at the table. Lola was beginning to think this man was a bit tetched.

Jonas Garland
05-24-2011, 10:32 AM
It was true, Charles did need some air, and in fact he would love some. Unfortunately, what he’d have to do, to do so, is to disguise himself. This was something he hated. Unfortunately it was a must. He had been thinking over doing such, when she asked him whether she was being too personal. It then struck him that he wasn’t entirely bothered by her. She was a pleasant human, at least from what he had seen. He wondered what was bad about her, and the others whilst he stood there watching the woman excuse herself from the room.

‘My wife would never do that’ he thought, instantly looking confused as the thought was brought to his conscious brain. Charles stared off into space thinking back to the real monster that was his wife. Saoirse would have been equal in his previous life, now it wasn’t so simple anymore. He wondered what class he belonged to now. With the criminals, the unemployable and the rats, he imagined. Even his wife was above him. For a moment there was a remnant of a smile on his face, he didn’t know why that was funny to him, but it was.

Before he knew it, Saoirse left the room and instantly Charles reached out a hand to- actually Charles didn’t know exactly what he was about to do. He didn’t know whether it was to open the door, to stop her or even hold the door open so he could follow her out.

The Doctor then gave him the push to decide what to do. Unfortunately the doctor used his name, again, which in turn made him want to put his fist through the wooden door. He decided against it, he was concerned over Saoirse.

“Erm… Excuse me.” Charles followed Saoirse’s example and then opened the dining room door. He walked into the hallway, and looked around. It was then he realised she had left the building from the front door. Charles winced at the thought of stepping out into the open public. If he was going to help her, he had no choice. With a sigh he walked up to the side table, which sat next to the front door and pulled open a drawer. There sat a black headscarf, something that would help him to shield his appearance from the world. It took a few minutes to wrap the headscarf around his head until only a thin gap across his eyes, allowing him to see. He was now ready to head out into the world, and then opened the door slowly, instantly finding her on the steps.

“Are you alright…?” He asked, slowly sitting down next to her. He looked concerned, or at least his eyes did. For the first time in a while, Charles did something without even thinking about it. He placed a hand over hers. “It got a little… Intense in there, eh?”

05-25-2011, 10:13 PM
Saoirse had heard Charles coming and wasn't suprised when he came to sit next to her. It did suprise her however when he placed his hand on hers. Looking up she hid her suprise with an apologetic smile smile.

"Yeah," she said, "I suppose we're all a bit anxious. I think it's just all the excitement. I haven't had food like that in a while either....Ch-Draconian....what the doctor said...about this place being a home....he meant it. This is a place where we can feel safe. Maybe sanctuary is a better word.....I'm sorry...about your son....maybe....maybe we can go see him sometime....he'll love you no matter what. He is your son after all."

Saoirse giggled and winked at Charles. She wanted him to feel normal. As if nothing had ever happened. As if he wasn't covered in scales. She knew how it felt to be treated differently. Maybe not quite the same different, but still different. If she could provide one person that would treat him like a normal person, she knew she could make him feel more at ease. They could confide things in eachother that no one else could know. She believed everyone needed a friend. They could be just that.

06-02-2011, 07:51 PM
John took a sip of his wine as the servants cleared away the dinner plates. He set the glass down lightly as Mrs. Cartwright murmured her apology. "Think nothing of it," he said delicately. Mr. Drakewood and Miss Dall had stepped out, and it was clear the Doctor didn't plan to divulge any information until they returned.

"What an excellent dinner," he said to nobody in particular. Someone ought to make conversation, he supposed. "If you don't mind my asking, Doctor," he began, "what precisely are you a doctor of?" The Doctor, as far as he knew, was not a medical doctor but a scientist. And being an educated man himself, he was always curious about the studies of others.

The Lifted Lorax
06-20-2011, 12:12 AM
"Thank you, but the compliment belongs entirely to Mrs. Dawkins, the head cook. She's an excellent knack for food. I happen to be a medical doctor by trade, for that is what my father was and his father before him. There's a certain amount of...pressure to follow the family trade." Parvonian took a sip of his tea and considered John over the rim of the cup momentarily. "However, I am much more fascinated by the non-medical sciences. Brain surgery did open doorways to what has become my true passion. The up-and-coming science of genetics is what I specialize in now. Which is what has led me to my discovering of you all and my fascination with what must make you few so...unique." He smiled enigmatically and took another sip.

Jonas Garland
06-20-2011, 05:50 PM
“Maybe we can go see him sometime.”

The words hit him in the chest like a bullet, stopping it in its tracks. Charles froze, his eyes lost in a memory

“Stay back!” She shouted. “Stay back you monster!” A knife held in her hand, a hateful glare in her eyes. Charles was stood in the opposite side of the room; an angered look crept across his face as she swiped the blade towards him. There was a table keeping them apart.

“Where is my son Jane?” Charles snapped.

“The boy is gone not that it matters. I never wanted him anyway.” Jane, Charles’ wife growled swiping the blade towards him. Charles roared in anger, throwing the table to the side and smashing the living room window. He swept forward grabbing Jane by the throat and smashed her into a cabinet.

“I will ask you one. More. Time. WHERE IS MY SON?!” Charles roared. He held her up against the broken cabinet and snarled at her.

“The factory, t-the steel factory. He’s there I swear.” Jane screamed, fear stricken. Charles dropped her to the ground and walked away. The knife fell to the ground as she did, both landing with a thud. He was almost all the way to the door, before noticing the empty bottles on the floor, nearby the lounge chair. He bent over and picked it up, trailing his finger over the label. Charles turned and narrowed his eyes at her.

“You’re a disgrace.” He said simply, before dropping the bottle and walking out.

He was back on the doctor’s steps, next to Saoirse. “He’ll love you, no matter what.” Charles looked away, staring off, his eyes clouded over again.

“I’m sorry, the factory’s closed for the day, and one of the machines is broken. We’re not taking on any more hands thank you. Still, come back in a week or two, we may lose another one, you look like you could fit into the gaps in the machines.”

“What do you mean, by losing another one?” Charles asked the fat factory owner who was locking the big factory doors.

“One of the worker children got caught up in one of the machines today. Damn kid halted the line, and broke the damn thing. Now I have to get a mechanic out, do you have any idea how much that costs nowadays?”

Charles narrowed his eyes, and clenched his fists at the flippant remark of a loss of life. A policeman walked by, eyeing Charles and his pale green skin suspiciously, but moved on.

“What was the boy’s name?” Charles asked, slowly sliding a foot forward as the policeman vanished around a corner.

“Little Charlie Drakewood. Always whining about the loss of his scum father. Hah, I would claim money back from his mother, but I doubt I’d get much. Buuut if you hire scummy children, you’re bound to have something like this. I should’ve learned my lesson. Still, they’re cheap. And there aren’t any laws against it now are there?” The owner smirked, turning around. Charles was there right behind him, staring him down with an anger that could make even the gods quake with fear. “S-s-so, be a good man and fetch me a cab would you? I’ll give you a penny for your trouble!”

“My troubles won’t be quelled with money, sir.” Charles pushed the man through the door, breaking the rusted locks, causing the man to fall on his back.

“You can’t do this you insolent rat!” The owner protested, but Charles wasn’t listening. He reached down taking a violent hold of the owners hair and dragged him across the floor and then up and into a chair. Charles grabbed a nearby chain that was attached to a pulley, allowing the easy lifting of heavy objects and wrapped it around the owners neck.

“I can. And I will. There is no forgiveness for what people like you do. You selfish little man.” Charles snapped. “You are worse than the rats in this city. You are worse than any piece of scum. Charlie Drakewood was such a smart boy. He was the kindest of boys, if he was here now, I may have shown you some mercy. But he’s not.” Charles growled pulling the chains up, pulling the owner to his feet, and then onto the tips of his toes. Charles tied the chains up, keeping the man from moving. Charles walked over to the furnace, and lit it up. He shovelled coal in, and made sure the temperature rose. Charles then walked to the nearest pipe and pulled it off the wall. Gas started leaking into the room, and Charles knew what was going to happen. As he looked over at the owner, it was clear he did too…

“He is your son after all.” Charles looked down at these words. The steps merged back into reality, and so did the world. The memory lingered in his head. What he did in revenge, what he did afterwards. The guilt, the horror and the vindication, refreshed in his mind, long since put to rest.

He was silent for quite a while before saying anything.

“He was my son…” Charles sighed.

06-20-2011, 08:15 PM
"I-I-I'm s-sorry," Saoirse stammered quietly, "I-I didn't know. How...how did it happen-ah nevermind. Sorry. I should learn not to be so nosie...Are you going to be ok?"

Reaching her free hand over she placed it on his shoulder comfortingly. She remembered her own family. Her mother and father. Her grandmother. They had all died too. Disease and cancer had seen to that. But to lose a child. That was unbearable to think about. Saoirse really had no idea how the man sitting next to her could bear it. Let alone how he did it without anyone else to bear it with him. Perhaps that was why he kept pushing everyone away.

"You don't have to be alone anymore you know," she said almost in a whisper, "if....if no one else.....I'll be there for you....I want to be there for you. It's too hard to bear things like that on your own.....but y-you don't have to let me in....I just want you to know that....I'll help you in any way I can.........S-sorry."

Saoirse stood up quickly and grabbed the door handle to go in. Piasing a moment she bit her lip and turned the knob. Was she being too kind? Was she scaring him off? Perhaps she should keep her distance? Would that offend him? Would he ever feel like one of them? Could she keep her word? Saoirse grabbed her head as she started to feel dizzy again. Why was there so much noise? So loud. Saoirse felt the cool air of the house as she closed the door behind her, but she felt so hot. Leaning on the wall she tried to steady herself. Then everything went black.

06-30-2011, 05:27 AM
David was beginning to get irritated with his cab driver as he got them self lost the second time, "how hard is it to get to Wimpole Street honestly, I am most definitely going to be late for the doctor meeting at this rate" thought David as he glared at his cab driver who he believe is starting to get frighten or nervous from his presences. "Are you sure you're going the right way this time" said David with an irritated tone voice as he stared at the driver, "I'm sure of it this time sir, don't you worry we're get there and that a promise" replied the driver and soon enough after 30 minutes of driving they finally reach their destination, the driver park the cab in front of the entrance of the house where there was a cloaked man at the front steps.

David step out of the cab after he payed the driver who then left without saying good bye, David ignore it as he walked up the steps and greeted the cloaked man by tipping his hat "Hello I'm guessing you're an associate of the Doctor, if so then it nice to meet you. Now if you excuse me I need to get inside before I'm more late then ever" said David as he walk pass the man and turn the knob in order to open the door, when he did he was shock to find a girl laying on the floor. There was no hesitation from David action as he rush to the girl side and kneel down beside her, he wasn't sure if she was dead or not so he check for a sign of a pulse by placing two of his fingers on her neck as he felt a coupe pulses which gave him a bit of relief 'good at least she not dead, but knowing she alive ain't going to be much help me though' David though as he then turn his attention back to the cloak man who had also came to the girl aid as he was kneeling from the opposite side of her.

Jonas Garland
06-30-2011, 01:47 PM
Charles had been sitting, staring into space thinking of his child. The laughter still haunted his as he sat on the cold cement steps. There was a house and cab coming down the street, even Charles would’ve heard that. He sighed heavily, moving his face down and stared at a crack between the cobbled streets. He sighed out more when the cab stopped and a man got out. He took a hold of the black painted into handrail and got to his feet. Sitting down was such a defenceless position. Saoirse had reminded him of that fact. Not that he allowed himself to respond to her, even if he almost wanted her in his life. She could judge him, but she didn’t. He guessed it was time to go in after her, after all, he had been the one to bring up something morbid. He should have lied.

"Hello I'm guessing you're an associate of the Doctor, if so then it nice to meet you. Now if you excuse me I need to get inside before I'm more late then ever" Said the man, Charles didn’t look up, playing on the exotic servant boy, he just gave a bow. Who was this man, and since he didn’t know who he was, he could’ve easily been someone tracking him down from Scotland Yard. Would the doctor have really laid a trap for him? Charles discretely looked around to see if any police were swarming the streets. There weren’t. Charles turned to look into the doorway and stared at the unconscious Saoirse as this man opened the door. Charles pushed the door open roughly. The door slammed against the wall as he pushed it open and Charles moved to his knees next to her.

“Move away, human.” Growled Charles, moving the man’s hand away, for a moment Charles blamed the man, but it looked like she was fine. She was just unconscious. He watched her for a moment, before moving his head close to her ear. His heart jumped in his chest. Last time he was this near a human, he was going to hurt them. Charles mercilessly hissed into her ear like a snake, bringing at subconscious fear of venomous snakes, lizards and fabled dragons into the conscious. It had worked before, it would work again. He knew it’d work especially well, with Saoirse’s ability. She would be awake in a matter of milliseconds…

06-30-2011, 09:01 PM
Saoirse gasped as if she'd been submerged a tub of ice water and shot up for where she'd been lying on the floor. When her head smacked into Charles' with a loud thwack making hers ricochet back to the floor she groaned and grabbed her head.

"Ow sorry," she moaned, "I think my brain is still bouncing about in my head though....did you hiss? In my ear?! Ow... Ok never do that again. Do and I'll unload a round in your gut. Don't worry ...whoever you are, he can regenerate it wouldn't kill him and yes I was being serious."

Saoirse sat up slowly careful not to hit Charles again. Placing a hand on Charles shoulder she got up using him as a support. Her head was pounding and the sound of her blood pumping though her brain was only causing her more pain. Sighing she walked slowly into the parlor and sat down.*

"Sorry I know I probably scared you two," she chuckled softly, "sometimes the lack of food and sleep can do that to me. Luckily it doesn't happen a lot. Ow my head really hurts. Mind helping me back into the dinning room? I think everyone will want to learn what the doctor has to say as soon as possible."*