View Full Version : Revenge
11-05-2009, 03:46 AM
IC (
Revenge, it was not a word used lightly at the time. A plague currently unknown was starting to invade country after country, leaving behind death in its wake. This disease claimed the lives of many, and many more to come. The first to get this unknown disease, U.K.I., was a man in his earlier years. He traveled from a far off country, bringing gifts of both benevolence and malice. He first befriended a couple, about the ages of thirty and thirty-eight. The man was about to write to his home country about discovering a new land, but U.K.I. had already killed him.
The couple was infected soon after the man's arrival. They quickly grew ill, and worried for their children's sake. They had a son of about ten, Storme, and a daughter of about eight, Raine. Storme was more of a rebel, but when hiss parents needed help, he would come to their aid. He took care of Raine, teaching her how to fight, since she had to take care of herself. Eventually, their parents died and they had to grow up on the streets, as did many children. The plague had only affected a small portion of the population back then. And Queen Godiva, who was as bitter as they come, did not want to be infected by this incurable illness. She ordered someone from her army to kill every person who had or was rumored to have U.K.I.
It was about eight years later, and not one person was left in the small village the two children used to live in. Storme had been infected, and Raine had become strong to support her brother. The mercenary in charge of eliminating the ill was a good friend of Storme's. He was going to kill Storme for the sake of their country, but Raine had killed him before he could reach he brother. Storme wasn't aware that she killed him, but he was shocked to find his best friend dead. He enlisted in the Queen's army to get revenge on whoever killed his friend. Of course, he hid the fact that he was ill.
The illness was taking over province after province and village after village. The Queen feared for her life, so she relocated her headquarters to a safe country, where not a single soul was infected. Though to pay for this move, she taxed the people heavily. Raine and Storme were barely able to get by. Finally, Storme decided to live in headquarters to get in more time for more pay. Of course, it wasn't much more, so all it really did was separate the two. Raine was hateful of the Queen for doing such an action just to spare her own life. She started organizing a rebellion against Queen Godiva.
While her brother knows nothing of what she is doing, he is recruiting more people to the Queen's army. He learned of a rebellion rising, so he decided they needed more troops to put down the traitors.
A plague that destroys everything in its path.
A queen who's selfishness brings suffering to her kingdom.
A rebel officer who fights for her brother and her people.
A military officer who fights for his sister and for revenge.
A story that has no ending...
The Plague (aka U.K.I.) is a disease much like tuberculosis. The classic symptoms: chronic cough with blood-tinged sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Infection of other organs causes a wide range of symptoms.
Queen Godiva is selfish and cruel, but an overall good leader. Though in recent times, she's been abandoning her people for her own protection. Some people are happy to loyally serve her, however, there are some who joined the rebellion.
Military Ranks:
Queen Godiva
Lt. Colonel
2nd Lieutenant
Rebel Ranks:
Front Lines
Energy is commonly used. Though not in the form of electricity, it comes from a crystal called Traeh. Basic technology, such as lights, and small vehicles, such as motorcycles, are commonly used. Traeh is very abundant, but is not renewable. It lasts for long periods of time, and can sometimes react to the closest person's emotions. Technology has also allowed the creation of small handguns and sharp iron bullets. However, you can only fit two bullets in at a time.
The most common weapons are handguns, swords, and bow and arrows.
1. Follow all of RPA's rules.
2. Romance/Violence is extremely encouraged, but please keep it PG-13.
3. Keep swearing to a minimum. It's okay every now and then, but don't drop an F-Bomb every post.
4. Please refrain from god-modding/auto-hitting/etc. Your character is not God. Every normal human being has some sort of flaws.
5. I DO NOT WANT A MILLION EMO CHARACTERS!! Please vary your character's personality.
6. If your not going to be here for a while, please tell me!
7. Have fun!
Character Roles:
Raine Winters - AeRaShin
Storme Winters - -crayons_lover-
Leader - Aphrodite Rachelle Garcia
Mechanic - Kaede Itsuki
Doctor - Dakota Icerose
Mercenary -
Front Line - Raine Winters
Spy -
Queen Godiva -
General - Prometheus B. Hafstevt
Colonel -
Lt. Colonel -
Major - Brennus Bashere Mandragoran
Captain -
Lieutenant - Alexander Dino Rosebella
2nd Lieutenant - Storme Joy Winters
Cadet -
Assassin/Mercenary - Levias "Shadow"
Character Sheet:
Name: first (middle) last
Age: age/mm/dd
Gender: male female
Sexuality: gay, straight, bi
Appearance: picture in link
Personality: a short paragraph
Short Bio: at least two paragraphs
Weapon(s): limit is three
Alliance: Rebels or military or neutral
Position: try to fill out every position before adding a second person with the same rank
User name: duh...
11-05-2009, 04:07 AM
Name: Raine Winters
Age: Eighteen/ January 28
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Rebel (
Personality: Raine is arrogant and can be very cruel. She's basically quiet unless spoken to, and she doesn't give a damn about people she doesn't know. However, people who are close to her find that she is unexpectedly caring. She might go about it in a indirect manner, but she always ends up helping others. She has a sense of justice that takes over her in battle, though she's not merciful towards her enemies. She's a very serious person, but on rare occasions she'll act like a normal teenage girl. She hates being looked down on because she's a girl, but she knows which battle is won and backs off a losing battle.
Short Bio: Raine was generally born into a happy family. Her parents showered her with affection and her brother basically raised her when their parents died. She had asked him soon after to teach her how to wield a sword, and in time came to love sword fighting. She thought of always protecting her brother, but letting herself be protected by Storme as well. Most of her ways of thinking changed when she learned of her brother's fatal illness.
She came to hate the plague and how life worked. She had once thought of ending her life, but was too scared to pull it off. She made a decision to protect her brother, even when he doesn't ask for it. After Queen Godiva's move, she quickly grew to hate her. She was taxing people's life savings for her temporary protection. People around her became homeless and began to move. Others, who weren't so lucky, couldn't pay for medicine to keep their immune systems up. So in turn, they became infected and died. When there were none left of Raine's small village, she wanted revenge on the Queen. Not only was she selfish, she robbed her of her home and friends. She formed a rebellion, but of course continued to keep it a secret from Storme, who was in the Military.
Weapon(s): Broadsword, handgun, and short knife
Alliance: Rebels
Position: Front Line
User name: AeRaShin
Name: Storme Joy Winters
Age: Twenty / June / Sixteenth
Gender: Dashing gentleman (male)
Sexuality: heterosexual/straight
Appearance: S t o r m e is c o m i n g (
Personality: Storme is silent and kind. He understands people easily and trusts almost anyone. He is a bit gullible too and can be easily tricked. Storme is kind of shy, but can be outgoing. Not during a time of trouble though he becomes very serious.
Short Bio: Storme was very happy when his sister came into his life. He enjoyed teaching her things he knew and hoped she could be smarter than him someday. He always tried to stay by her side, making sure she was safe. When they went outside he often thought about her. Never himself.
This is how he got the plague. He was careless, met a few people, made some contact. The plague easily spread to him quickly. He didn't tell his sister for a few days, but eventually she found out and he admitted. His friend was then killed and it was a complete mystery to him. He loved his friend very very much. So he promised himself he would get revenge.
Weapon(s): bow and arrow; sword
Alliance: Military
Position: Second Lieutenant
User name: -crayons_lover-
Name: Brennus Bashere Mandragoran
Age: 32/ December 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: Brennus (
Personality: Brennus is something of an idealist, making his job very difficult once he received the order to purge the infection. He would have deserted if he were a lesser man, but his sense of duty and honor is greater than that of his ideals, and that is saying something.
Short Bio: Brennus joined the military at the minimum possible age. Coming from a highly loyal and idealistic family, he was told that he would join the military at a very young age. He was different than many of the other candidates for recruitment. While they said they were training to kill, Brennus said that he was being trained to make a difference.
Weapon(s): Basket hilt broadsword (
Grace ( u2zxuPqfrjJbgclTRkNYegnuzoFIZXNAFoojL2FeM7elS*/revolver.jpg)
Alliance: Military; only through his sense of loyalty
Position: Colonel
User name: StormWolf
Name: Levias (AKA Shadow)
Age: 19 September 2nd
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Levias (
(Without the gun)
Personality: A Cynical and quiet person. At his worst, he will ignore anyone that is near him. On the inside, he has a caring side, but it has long since been hidden, He never has had anyone who was really close to him besides his master. He simply ignores everyone else besides who he has to deal with.
Short Bio: Never knew his own parents. He raised himself on the streets to become a killer. He has always tested himself further by creating different weapons and inventions for his assassinations. He grew up on the Streets, pickpocketing, and stealing, to make a living. After he found a sword, he began practicing, and joined the illegal Pit Fights. Inside the Pit Fights, a man known as Kiyo Durzo found him, and took him in to train and become an Assassin. Levias trained rigorously throughout his life until he was Fifteen, when his Master died. Now, he is still training to become the best.
Ever since his Master died, he disappeared off the face of the Earth for two years. Anyone who knew him before thought he was dead. When he came back, no one believed it, and he went under the Alias of 'Shadow'. No one knew that this was the same assassin that had left two years ago. He is widely known for his kills now, and only accepts the hits that he believes are a challenge. He kills many people on both sides of the conflict whenever he needs supplies. It all depends on who is closest.
Dual Daggers:
Throwing knives: (Four of them)
Alliance: Neutral, and kill anyone he is hired to.
Position: Assassin/Mercenary
User name: Levias
Name: Kaede Itsuki
Age: Seventeen/ October 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Quite gay, but he's much too oblivious to recognize things such as relationships.
Appearance: Beautifully Silent (
Personality: Kaede is a generally kind person. He cares about his friends and so on, but he couldn't give a damn for the military or Queen Godiva. When someone happens to mention her and the military, he loses his temper or ends up very unreasonable. He's easy to read, and usually regrets his actions afterward. He's sometimes thought of as timid or very introspective, but he warms up to people fast, thinking them as friends after just ten minutes with them. He's not the best fighter, but he tries his best. You wouldn't know it just meeting him, but he's very intelligent when it comes to mechanics and other book smarts. He has basically no knowledge of the outside world, and he has very little people skills.
Short Bio: Kaede was born with his twin brother into a poor, yet happy family. His mother was very kind and taught them how to do household work. Their, who was very strict but caring, trained them in his profession, mechanics. Back at that time, no one had even heard of traeh before, so they never really got much work. When traeh was found, Kaede, his father, and his twin brother studied the crystals hard and became familiar with them. However, when U.K.I. plagued the country, Kaede's father fell ill. He and his brother worked to help support their family.
Eventually, their father was claimed by the plague. And even though they tried their best to keep from catching the lethal illness, Kaede's brother soon became ill as well. For the most part, he was in no danger of dying, and he seemed to be fine, save for the moments he would run a high fever. However, when the Queen issued out an order for all of the sick to be eliminated, Kaede's brother was one of the first to go. Enraged, Kaede went to protest to the Queen, but was escorted out. He joined the rebellion to take the Queen down to avenge his brother.
Weapon(s): Aruval (
Alliance: Rebels
Position: Mechanic
User name: AeRaShin
Name: Dakota Icerose
Age: 24 September/1
Gender: female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Dakota (
Personality: Very kind to most but cruel to anyone she isn't fond of. She tries to keep an open mind but that can be difficult for her when she sees the cruelties going on in the world. Even though she kind to most people that doesn't mean that she actually trusts them. In fact there are very few who she actually trusts. And she feels close to even fewer. Once she has a goal in mind she will become very determined to complete it. She is often quite stubborn, especially when it comes to helping people who are sick. She enjoys having fun and smiling, and will often crack a joke to try to brighten up a situation. Selflessness is key in her book.
Short Bio: She grew up on a farm as the youngest of four children. She and the rest of her family were very close. Her family was extremely poor and they all had to help out on the farm as much as they could. However as bad as this was, it helped Dakota understand the value of putting others before herself. Because of the type of work, her family was often getting cuts and scraped. She was always there with a bandage when that happened. Whenever there was a spare moment she always liked to read. This caused her family to nickname her "the bookworm". For a while they finally had enough money to send one of the four children to school. Dakota was obviously chosen for this.
While she was there she became determined to do her best and become a doctor, mainly because she knew how much it hurt her family financially when one of them became sick. Soon she was at the top of her class, then was able to skip a few grades because of her intelligence and determination. She spent all of her free time volunteering at hospitals studying under doctors. After she finished school (earlier then most people her age, 16), her teachers scrambled for enough money for her to go off to further her studies as a doctor. Four years later she completed her needed schooling and officially became a doctor. The Queen heard of her achievements and was so impressed that she hired Dakota to work in the castle. She accepted, sending all the money she made to the farm. This position was hard for her though, because she wanted to help those with U.K.I but the Queen wouldn't hear of it.
The last straw for her was when she heard that her entire family got U.K.I on the farm and they had all been killed as a result. She immediately quit her job and began to try to help as many people with U.K.I as she could.
She has just recently joined the Rebels as a doctor and has been trying extremely hard to help as best she could ever since.
Weapon(s): Not much, just a small knife hidden away in her left boot.
Alliance: Rebels
Position: Rebel Doctor
User name: Pooky
Name: Alexander Dino Rosebella
Age: Twenty-nine/ June 2
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Back off (
Personality: Alex is very calm and collected in the face of danger. He's lazy, but he knows when he needs to get things done, and he's very serious about his job. Aside from work and battles, he's got quite the sense of humor. He likes to push people's buttons and drive them up a wall. However, his "old" ways of thinking make him strict and straight forward.
Short Bio: Alex was born in a wealthy family of two. Himself and his mother, whom he loved dearly. She showered him in motherly love and affection, and he was brought up well. He was often thought to be arrogant and "stuck-up" because he was raised in such a wealthy environment, however he led a strict life. His mother and he lived with his fathers parents. They were of upper nobility and had agreed to allow him and his mother to live with them. Alex was to be heir to the head of the family, and so he was brought up in stricter conditions than those on the streets.
When Alex decided it was time to move out, he met a woman by the name of Emily. He instantly fell in love with her and they married soon after. He loved her so very much. His affection was strong because of his mother's strong affection, so he wanted to have a child of his own, so that he could feel the same for both a wife and a child. Recently, Emily had become pregnant, and Alex had let everyone know about it. And by that I mean he's been bragging about his soon to be daughter, Alice.
Alex is a secret assassin. He eliminates those with the plague, U.K.I., and erases them from existence. He's also become good friends with those under him, including Storme.
Weapon(s): Small handgun, long broad sword.
Alliance: Military
Position: Lieutenant
User name: AeRaShin
Name: Prometheus B. Hafstevt
Age: 36; September 17th
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: (God, I hate using photos)
If I can't find one, I'll fill this in later.
Personality: In the face of danger, there can be no man more reliable than General Hafstevt. A nobleman in pursuit of Her Majesty's well-being, the General allows for no visible cowardice upon his comrades. Indeed, if any man does exhibit out-of-character behavior, he will not hesitate to reprimand this individual, often calling them into his company for a heart-to-heart. Though appearing himself to have a tight grip on the reins, so to speak, a bit or reluctance and caution rests behind his worldly eyes. Comments toward his own nature will be severely reprimanded. When alone, a bit of a "deer in the headlights" nature exists, calling for most of his decisions to rely on a fight or flight response. This, however, is kept extremely confidential, as not to decrease morale. In the case of receiving royal orders, however, The General will not hesitate to obey, even at Man's highest price.
Short Bio: As a child born of divine intervention by a supposedly sterile mother, Hafstevt was held in extremely high regard by his parents. In fact, this occurrence was so monumental that the couple decided to dub the newborn Prometheus with a most embarrassing middle name, yet another reference enticing incredible punishment... Unless, of course, one enjoys being flogged. In his youth, Prometheus remained an only child and was viewed by his mother and father as having more value than oxygen. Because of this treatment, their view did not take too long to be absorbed by himself, and was immediately pounded free upon contact with the public school system.
"Have control, but use it sparingly" ended up being the philosophy most frequently utilized by the General, particularly after receiving the mixed messages of his parents and his peers. Though his grades were not terrific overall, his History marks were extremely high as a result of his interest in warfare and dictatorships, allowing him a rather impressive appearance in the Queen's army. Over a twelve-year period of time, Prometheus scaled the military ranks, having only recently been promoted the High Honor of General by Her Highness, a rank taken very seriously by himself and his comrades.
Weapon(s): Though generally a bit of a bystander with an "only fire if necessary" outlook, The General wields mainly hand grenades and a revolver.
Alliance: Military
Position: General
User name: Bravado
Name: Aphrodite Rachelle(Ra-shell) Garcia
Age: Twenty-eight/ October 19th
Gender: male female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Appearance: ~X~ I'm more than a pretty face. ~X~ (
Personality: Aphrodite is practically the polar opposite of what her name means. She's not at all loving except to those whom have befriended her. Her heart is guarded, and she is not allowing herself to fall in love with anyone. She's merciless, and cruel to those who oppose her, like a good leader should be. She dislikes the Queen with a great passion that is almost as wide as the planet. Witty and intelligent, Aphrodite is sarcastic for a majority of the things she says, and she's stubborn. Also, she has a good sense of humor.
Short Bio: Aphrodite was born to Christopher and Veronica Garcia on October 19th. She was the oldest out of three girls, and the younger sister to her elder brother. Her mother was a very beautiful women, and Aphrodite once had her beauty. She had also been a very good singer, and the best friend to Queen Godiva. Her father was a blacksmith who had stolen the heart of Veronica, and many of her friends excluding the queen. When Aphrodite was old enough, her father began to train her in the of the blades. She learned quickly, and soon after she managed to surpass her father. It was then that he gave her her first sword, the sword with which she now considers her baby.
It wasn't long after U.K.I broke out that her mother and father both caught it. They died shortly after, and Aphrodite, along with her older brother, had to take care of the two younger girls. When Aphrodite found out what the queen was doing, she had sworn to throw the queen out of power. Leaving her older brother to take care of her sisters, she quickly set out in search of someone who could help hone her skills as a swords master. Finding someone after about a month of searching, she quickly began to train under her. During one of their spars though, Aphrodite's hair got cut quite short with her opponents sword.
At first, Aphrodite was mad, but then she grew to like short hair, and kept it that way, for it was cuter, and much easier to manage. A year after her training, she went out to gather things for the quest she was about to begin, only to come back to her master's house to find it empty, with a note left on the table for her.
'Aphrodite, I'm very ill, and am about to die. I'm sorry about doing this, but you must avoid catching U.K.I at all costs. Also, you have been a very good student.
With all the best wishes, Master. '
For 7 years, Aphrodite trained herself to exhaustion, getting by only by thievery and stealth. She had no money, and was disgusted with herself for resorting to that. She heard about the rebellion rising through the grapevine, and sought them out, quickly joining and becoming leader of it.
She uses one of the two swords shown in her picture.
She has a set of 8 Shuriken like the one below.
Her baby(sword):
Alliance: Rebels
Position: Rebel Leader
User name: Panda Goddes
11-05-2009, 04:12 AM
I am thinking about applying for Storme Winters
Let me just re-read a few things.
11-05-2009, 06:10 PM
--Whoopie i got accepted !
Bump !--
11-06-2009, 02:20 AM
Yay! Now we wait for more people!
11-06-2009, 02:51 AM
i'll be a general for the military. If the numbers end up being uneven, I can always role more players as they rp sees fit.
11-06-2009, 04:19 AM
Name: Brennus Bashere Mandragoran
Age: 32/ December 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: Brennus (
Personality: Brennus is something of an idealist, making his job very difficult once he recieved the order to purge the infection. He would have deserted if he were a lesser man, but his sense of duty and honor is greater than that of his ideals, and that is saying something.
Short Bio: Brennus joined the military at the minimum possible age. Coming from a highly loyal and idealistic family, he was told that he would join the military at a very young age. He was different than many of the other candidates for recruitment. While they said they were training to kill, Brennus said that he was being trained to make a difference.
Weapon(s): Basket hilt broadsword (
Grace ( u2zxuPqfrjJbgclTRkNYegnuzoFIZXNAFoojL2FeM7elS*/revolver.jpg)
Alliance: Military; only through his sense of loyalty
Position: Colonel
User name: StormWolf
Alas PoorYorick
11-06-2009, 04:37 AM
Name: Thaddius Wulfe
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: [x] (
Personality: (( Finish it later ))
Short Bio: (( Finish it later))
Weapon(s): His trusty Uzi, a decorative cutlass used only for ceremonial purposes and his Banner, tipped to the end with a Spearpoint for added zeal.
Alliance: Military
Position: Major
User name: Alas PoorYorick
11-06-2009, 08:16 PM
Yay! more peoples!
This is very exciting :GZ:
11-08-2009, 02:13 PM
Name: Levias (AKA Shadow)
Age: 19 September 2nd
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Levias (
(Without the gun)
Personality: A Cynical and quiet person. At his worst, he will ignore anyone that is near him. On the inside, he has a caring side, but it has long since been hidden, He never has had anyone who was really close to him besides his master. He simply ignores everyone else besides who he has to deal with.
Short Bio: Never knew his own parents. He raised himself on the streets to become a killer. He has always tested himself further by creating different weapons and inventions for his assassinations. He grew up on the Streets, pickpocketing, and stealing, to make aliving. After he found a sword, he began practicing, and joined the illegal Pit Fights. Inside the Pit Fights, a man known as Kiyo Durzo found him, and took him in to train and become an Assassin. Levias trained rigorously throughout his life until he was Fifteen, when his Master died. Now, he is still training to become the best.
Ever since his Master died, he disappeared off the face of the Earth for two years. Anyone who knew him before thought he was dead. When he came back, no one believed it, and he went under the Alias of 'Shadow'. No one knew that this was the same assassin that had left two years ago. He is widely known for his kills now, and only accepts the hits that he believes are a challenge. He kills many people on both sides of the conflict whenever he needs supplies. It all depends on who is closest.
Dual Daggers:
Throwing knives: (Four of them)
Alliance: Neutral, and kill anyone he is hired to.
Position: Assassin/Mercenary
User name: Levias
I have a question, do Dual Daggers count as Two Weapons or one? If it is two, then I will change it immediately. Also, do Throwing Knives count as one or many? Again, I will change my profile if necessary
11-08-2009, 10:55 PM
Yay! One more person!
Oh, what you have for your weapons is fine.
11-08-2009, 11:22 PM
11-08-2009, 11:42 PM
Hmm... I think 'yay' is becoming overused here....
Whoopie! *chadonut*
11-09-2009, 12:23 AM
y a y xD
I'm excited for this to start
11-09-2009, 12:52 AM
Hey, can some of you join my Fantasy RP 'Soul Shards' I created it yesterady, and no one has joined, and it is quickly going to the bottom of the list. If you don't like it, please critique it, I'm trying to get better at making roleplays
11-09-2009, 01:40 AM
I've looked at it, and I've posted there.
I hope I was helpful!
11-09-2009, 02:04 AM
thank you :)
11-09-2009, 09:06 PM
Total Bumpage...
11-09-2009, 09:39 PM
lol, should we just start the ic now? normally, if people see an ic, they check onto the OOC
11-09-2009, 09:40 PM
I think we should, i mean why not?
11-10-2009, 02:16 AM
Okay sure!
I'm way too excited to wait anymore anyway.
I'll go ahead and post! >.<
11-10-2009, 02:43 AM
Here's the link
I'll also put it on the front page.
11-10-2009, 10:31 PM
im posting right now :D
11-11-2009, 02:03 AM
I think I'll be making another character!
11-11-2009, 02:41 AM
Anne Bonny
11-11-2009, 11:45 PM
11-12-2009, 08:10 PM
11-12-2009, 09:28 PM
has this been abandoned, no one has posted on teh ic in forever
11-12-2009, 09:35 PM
Oh come on just two days !
i guess we need to wake up the others who joined.
11-12-2009, 09:37 PM
lol, im impatient xP
11-13-2009, 04:17 AM
Sorry, guys!
This week has been hectic....
No matter how many times I get to a computer, I don't have enough time to post.
I'll get to posting by tomorrow, promise!
I don't want to abandon this, so you can trust I won't up and leave this.
11-15-2009, 03:10 AM
Where are you guys?
11-15-2009, 03:36 AM
Don't worry I'm alive.
Just sort of WAY out of it.
11-15-2009, 05:16 AM
Name: Dakota Icerose
Age: 24 September/1
Gender: female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Dakota (
Personality: Very kind to most but cruel to anyone she isn't fond of. She tries to keep an open mind but that can be dificult for her when she sees the cruelties going on in the world. Even though she kind to most people that doesn't mean that she actually trusts them. In fact there are very few who she actually trusts. And she feels close to even fewer. Once she has a goal in mind she will become very determined to complete it. She is often quite stubborn, especaily when it comes to helping people who are sick. She enjoyes having fun and smiling, and will often crack a joke to try to brighten up a situation. Selflessness is key in her book.
Short Bio: She grew up on a farm as the youngest of four children. She and the rest of her family were very close. Her family was extremily poor and they all had to help out on the farm as much as they could. However as bad as this was, it helped Dakota understand the value of putting others before herself. Because of the type of work, her family was often getting uts and scraped. She was always there with a bandage when that happend. Whenever there was a spare moment she always liked to read. This caused her famiy to nickname her "the bookworm". For a while they finally had enough money to send one of the four children to school. Dakota was obviously chosen for this.
While she was there she became determined to do her best and become a doctor, mainly because she knew how much it hurt her family financialy when one of them became sick. Soon she was at the top of her class, then was able to skip a few grades because of her intelligence and determination. She spent all of her free time volunteering at hospitals studying under doctors. After she finished school (earlier then most people her age, 16), her teachers scrambled for enough money for her to go off to further her studies as a doctor. Four years later she completed her needed schooling and officaly became a doctor. The Queen heard of her achievments and was so impressed that she hired Dakota to work in the castle. She accepted, sending all the money she made to the farm. This position was hard for her though, because she wanted to help those with U.K.I but the Queen wouldn't hear of it.
The last straw for her was when she heard that her entire family got U.K.I on the farm and they had all been killed as a result. She immediatly quit her job and began to try to help as many people with U.K.I as she could.
She has just recently joined the Rebels as a doctor and has been trying extremily hard to help as best she could ever since.
Weapon(s): Not much, just a small knife hidden away in her left boot.
Alliance: Rebels
Position: Rebel Doctor
User name: Pooky
11-15-2009, 03:27 PM
sorry, i was gone all of yesterday
ill post now
11-15-2009, 07:54 PM
Okay, pooky! Whoopie!
Another girl!
11-16-2009, 01:39 AM
Name: LaRae Groene
Age: 19 / November 10
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
LaRae (
Personality: Solid. LaRae keeps her emotions in tact when around others; acting as a support beam. She doesn’t argue; she’s the peacemaker. She loves people and dislikes those who only seem to care about themselves. LaRae only lets certain emotions, the stressful ones, show when she’s completely alone.
Short Bio:
Her family is dead. It’s the first thing she remembers. She woke up and her family was dead. The names of her family come to mind but it doesn’t matter; they’re gone. And so is their queen. Except the queen is safe from the disease that LaRae somehow survived. Maybe her parents gave everything they had to save her; maybe she was immune. It seems she’ll never know.
All she knows now is that she needs to bring down a queen selfish enough to abandon her country. She trained herself; only to learn she couldn’t kill. Couldn’t see those dead faces again. So she taught herself to blend. To become one with the crowd; a crowd artist. Soon, she was impossible to spot.
Finally she was useful. She could avenger her family by bringing down the queen that didn’t care enough to save them; to even try.
It looks like blush, but it’s really sleeping powder. How’s that for efficency?
Alliance: Rebel
Position: spy
User name: Lacey
11-16-2009, 02:01 AM
Aw. there is only one person on 'my side'
I feel so unloved.
11-20-2009, 09:23 PM
Hey Lacey... erm your picture isn't working...
I want to see it~ -.-
Sorry, can you get that fixed for me?
11-20-2009, 09:47 PM
umm, are people going to post soon?
11-21-2009, 03:05 AM
Posted! Oh and I've made my new character who will be quite important to the story.
11-23-2009, 12:07 AM
I love the way you constructed this; it reminds me of a movie trailer. Now, I'd like to have a male character working in the Queen's Military. What position needs filling most desperately?
11-23-2009, 01:26 AM
Well thank you!
Anyway, there's not a position in dire need, but if would, could you make a character of higher rank? I would appreciate it. :]
We need someone who can give direction and order.
11-23-2009, 03:29 AM
I am SO there. XD The sheet, if not by tomorrow, will definitely be up by the 24th. =)
11-23-2009, 09:20 PM
Name: Prometheus B. Hafstevt
Age: 36; September 17th
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: (God, I hate using photos)
If I can't find one, I'll fill this in later.
Personality: In the face of danger, there can be no man more reliable than General Hafstevt. A nobleman in pursuit of Her Majesty's well-being, the General allows for no visible cowardice upon his comrades. Indeed, if any man does exhibit out-of-character behavior, he will not hesitate to reprimand this individual, often calling them into his company for a heart-to-heart. Though appearing himself to have a tight grip on the reins, so to speak, a bit or reluctance and caution rests behind his worldly eyes. Comments toward his own nature will be severely reprimanded. When alone, a bit of a "deer in the headlights" nature exists, calling for most of his decisions to rely on a fight or flight response. This, however, is kept extremely confidential, as not to decrease morale. In the case of receiving royal orders, however, The General will not hesitate to obey, even at Man's highest price.
Short Bio: As a child born of divine intervention by a supposedly sterile mother, Hafstevt was held in extremely high regard by his parents. In fact, this occurrance was so monumental that the couple decided to dub the newborn Prometheus with a most embarrasing middle name, yet another reference enticing incredible punishment... Unless, of course, one enjoys being flogged. In his youth, Prometheus remained an only child and was viewed by his mother and father as having more value than oxygen. Because of this treatment, their view did not take too long to be absorbed by himself, and was immediately pounded free upon contact with the public school system.
"Have control, but use it sparingly" ended up being the philosophy most frequently utilized by the General, particularly after receiving the mixed messages of his parents and his peers. Though his grades were not terrific overall, his History marks were extremely high as a result of his interest in warfare and dictatorships, allowing him a rather impressive appearance in the Queen's army. Over a twelve-year period of time, Prometheus scaled the military ranks, having only recently been promoted the High Honor of General by Her Highness, a rank taken very seriously by himself and his comrades.
Weapon(s): Though generally a bit of a bystander with an "only fire if necessary" outlook, The General weilds mainly hand grenades and a revolver.
Alliance: Military
Position: General
User name: Bravado
Pastel Apathy
11-24-2009, 01:36 AM
I'm so joining! I'll be playing as two characters though, if that's alright.
Name: Aphrodite Rachelle(Ra-shell) Garcia
Age: Twenty-eight/ October 19th
Gender: male female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Appearance: ~X~ I'm more than a pretty face. ~X~ (
Personality: Aphrodite is practically the polar opposite of what her name means. She's not at all loving except to those whom have befriended her. Her heart is guarded, and she is not allowing herself to fall in love with anyone. She's merciless, and cruel to those who oppose her, like a good leader should be. She dislikes the Queen with a great passion that is almost as wide as the planet. Witty and intelligent, Aphrodite is sarcastic for a majority of the things she says, and she's stubborn. Also, she has a good sense of humor.
Short Bio: Aphrodite was born to Christopher and Veronica Garcia on October 19th. She was the oldest out of three girls, and the younger sister to her elder brother. Her mother was a very beautiful women, and Aphrodite once had her beauty. She had also been a very good singer, and the best friend to Queen Godiva. Her father was a blacksmith who had stolen the heart of Veronica, and many of her friends excluding the queen. When Aphrodite was old enough, her father began to train her in the of the blades. She learned quickly, and soon after she managed to surpass her father. It was then that he gave her her first sword, the sword with which she now considers her baby.
It wasn't long after U.K.I broke out that her mother and father both caught it. They died shortly after, and Aphrodite, along with her older brother, had to take care of the two younger girls. When Aphrodite found out what the queen was doing, she had sworn to throw the queen out of power. Leaving her older brother to take care of her sisters, she quickly set out in search of someone who could help hone her skills as a swords master. Finding someone after about a month of searching, she quickly began to train under her. During one of their spars though, Aphrodite's hair got cut quite short with her opponents sword.
At first, Aphrodite was mad, but then she grew to like short hair, and kept it that way, for it was cuter, and much easier to manage. A year after her training, she went out to gather things for the quest she was about to begin, only to come back to her master's house to find it empty, with a note left on the table for her.
'Aphrodite, I'm very ill, and am about to die. I'm sorry about doing this, but you must avoid catching U.K.I at all costs. Also, you have been a very good student.
With all the best wishes, Master. '
For 7 years, Aphrodite trained herself to exhaustion, getting by only by thievery and stealth. She had no money, and was disgusted with herself for resorting to that. She heard about the rebellion rising through the grapevine, and sought them out, quickly joining and becoming leader of it.
She uses one of the two swords shown in her picture.
She has a set of 8 Shuriken like the one below.
Her baby(sword):
Alliance: Rebels
Position: Rebel Leader
User name: Panda Goddess
Ok. This is the girl, and I'm sorry about the weak history. It is not one of my strong points. =.=; Hope this is accepted. I will be submitting the male character after I know if this is accepted.
11-24-2009, 02:43 AM
Bravado and Panda Goddess you can post whenever you feel you can start!
And don't worry about your history... I'm not very good at those either.
Pastel Apathy
11-24-2009, 02:59 AM
Thank you! I will be posting my male character soon. :)
I was really worried about the history. >.x
11-24-2009, 03:40 AM
Thanks! At what location should I begin?
11-24-2009, 08:54 PM
Hmm... perhaps you should begin... erm... uh, I don't know...
Wherever you feel will be more effective. I'm actually going to begin a minor conflict in which we might all be involved, so just as long as you are nearby the majority of the other characters.
11-25-2009, 12:49 AM
Yeah, it seems like an awkward time to jump in, but I'll place him in close proximity.
11-26-2009, 02:50 AM
mmm I'm trying to think of a good reply.
It may take a while.
11-29-2009, 03:22 AM
11-30-2009, 03:08 AM
I posted ^^ and my oh my. It's a wonderful post.
12-04-2009, 02:31 AM
i will be a posting soon my dears.
Just wait a while, perhaps tomorrow?
I hope tomorrow, today i have no writing motivation.
So it would be pointless to write, because it would be crappy.
Anyway, tomorrow i hope.
12-04-2009, 03:02 AM
12-05-2009, 02:07 AM
Sorry i am so tired, i took a nap, but now i feel all groggy.
Lets see, sunday, lets all cross our fingers.
Chaos Shadow
12-05-2009, 10:07 AM
Withdrawn since this RP appears to be inactive
12-10-2009, 02:20 AM
hi *waves* so i am sick, and in no mood to do anything right now.
So i won't be replying for a while.
I just have no motivation to post.
Lets all hope i get better soon! ^^
And i am so sorry. I feel so bad for not posting for a long time.
12-26-2009, 10:58 PM
I'm currently waiting for -crayons_lover- to post.
But, I was starting to wonder if we should retry this, though in a different way.
If we make the story a little bit more developed, perhaps the rp would move along easier and smoother. I just wanted to know everyone else's opinions on this.
01-17-2010, 03:20 AM
REVENGE will be remade into VENGEANCE.
02-05-2010, 03:49 AM
hey there, just checking in to see how this rp is doing. The OOC and IC haven't had any posts in a while. Is this still going and there is just a lull or is it tuckering out?
02-05-2010, 08:46 PM
I had been thinking of remaking it.
I'm already finished with the new story and such so this rp is closed. Sorry, for not messaging anyone, but I wasn't sure if anyone was still going to continue.
So if you guys want to lock this thing, go ahead.
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