View Full Version : [M] The Last Time I Saw The Sun Rise (An Interview With The Vampire RP)

01-10-2011, 09:52 PM

Eva sighed as she exited the tomb she had spent the day in. The occupant had been all to easy to evict and his bones lay discarded on the ground beside the coffin inside. As she left the tomb Eva was met by the eyes of several kids who were drinking there. One of the kids raised his drink in an offer and the other stared dumbly in her direction. Eva looked icily at the kids and stalked over.

"Can I help you," she asked bluntly her thick Russian accent obvious in her voice, "you do realize how dangerous it is to be out here, right?"

"Relax lady," said the boy who waved her over, "you're out here aren't you? Can't be too dangerous. Want one?"

The boy grabbed a fresh beer and held it up to her. Eva glared at the bottle and curled her lip in distaste.

"That stuff is disgusting," she scoffed, "it smells like horse piss. You should go home. The world is a lot less dangerous for me than it is for you. Your parents are probably worried."

The other boy glanced at her guiltily before quickly lowering his eyes. Scoffing testily the first boy put the beer back and reclined.

"Whatever lady," he snickered, "our parents couldn't give a crap what we do. You think we'd come here if they did?"

The other boy bit his lip drawing Eva's attention once again. When their eyes met the boy blushed and cast his eyes down again. Eva chuckled and grabbed the pack of beer.

"Go home kids," she said smirking, "you don't belong in the graveyard yet."

The first kid was about to respond when the shy one whispered to him to just go home. Looking thoroughly displeased the first boy relented and got up heading put the east gate of the graveyard. Eva chuckled and headed toward the north side tossing the beer to a homeless man on the bench outside.

"Here," she said to him as he started awake, "I'm not thirsty. You need it more than I do anyway."

The man smiled toothlessly at her and doffed his cap. Eva made no response and headed off to the nearby church. Perhaps she'd find a new traveling companion tonight.

01-10-2011, 10:35 PM
As night began to fall one of the graves began to shift. The grave belonged to Patrick Durst and despite being over two hundred years old the dirt around it was surprisingly fresh. With one final push The GraveKeeper emerged, coughing out the excess dirt he stood up shaking off the bugs and earth still clinging to his clothes. He adjusted his cemetery worker cap and grabbed his shovel which he had stuck in the ground near his tombstone. Breathing deeply of the night air he reached for his old battered lantern, when his fingers touched the handle a flame flickered to life casting him in an eerie glow. With his lantern and shovel in tow he shambled off making his rounds about the cemetery. When he saw the empty beer cans strewn about a low growl escaped his rotten lips, kids! If they weren’t breaking shit they were pissing on it!

No respect for the dead nowadays not like back in his time. As if in answer to his thoughts one of the teenagers returned “Yeah hold on I think I forgot some beers” he called out keeping his head turned back. “ When he saw the lone rotting figure clearly he gaped, “get out!” barked The GraveKeeper, The kid took a step back “huh… wha?” he said stupidly. “Didn’t you hear me?” growled the GraveKeeper swinging his shovel he banged against one of the tombstones “I said…….GET OUT!!” he roared, the kid ran off back in the direction he came.

Two hundred years he had guarded this graveyard and still they came, it was enough to make a man spit! Mumbling to himself he continued his rounds, One of the graves began to rumble and shake, The GraveKeeper shook his head an readied his shovel, every night they came out, you'd think they'd learn better.

01-10-2011, 10:57 PM
Eva had seen the kid turn and go back towards the graveyard. Thinking he was going to get himself into more trouble she followed after him. When she saw Patrick she had begun to turn back. When Patrick yelling she stepped back around the grave statue hiding her the boy swept past her bringing with him the smell of old death. Not vampire death,but still old. Eva climbed up the statue and perched on it's head. Looking down at Patrick she smiled darkly.

"You're quite the oddity aren't you," she said conversationally, "A zombie in most terms. You're just persistant. Fascinating."

01-12-2011, 12:40 AM
The GraveKeeper swing his shovel and watched it crash against the zombie’s head, the skull splintered and the body slumped, its lower half still stuck in its grave. “You’re quite the oddity aren’t you?” he heard someone say behind him “A zombie in most terms. You’re just persistent. Fascinating.” A low growling noise came from the GraveKeeper’s throat he turned around to see the intruder, there in the moonlight perched on a statue like some would be gargoyle, a vampire he recognized that complexion anywhere. She must’ve followed that poor fool looking for a snack.

“Nothin odd about me,” he replied shifting his cap “I jes ain’t one to leave a job unfinished is all, now hold on I gotta do the introduction.” The GraveKeeper planted his shovel in front of him. “Through me the way to the City of Woe, Through me the way to everlasting Darkness,” he intoned “Abandon all hope ye who enter here.” He chuckled “Ya like it? I’ve been trying to be a bit more poetic with the vampire kills.” He unplanted his shovel and swung it over his head once and gripped it tightly, “So now, why don’t ya come on down? The dirt’s fine! I even got a nice little spot picked out for ya”

Lady Celeste
01-13-2011, 01:31 AM
So now, why don’t ya come on down? The dirt’s fine! I even got a nice little spot picked out for ya...

Laura looked up, intently surveying the hallowed ground from her position at the half-lit bus stop across the street from the old cemetery. The pudgy businessman at her left was currently checking his watch, while the slender, wrinkled wisp of a woman at her right was feeding the approaching pigeons. Neither had noticed anything unusual, but to Laura it was all too clear; the words spoken were evenly mixed with just the slightest trace of decay, only somewhat stronger than the usual halitosis. A vampire, perhaps?

No, she concluded as soon as the idea had come. Vampires were cleaner than that with their kills, almost too much so to be really noticeable except during feeding. But this... the smell seemed to radiate from its source; definitely undead, but with its own distinctive filth.

A zombie, then, was the only explanation.

She stood up, briefly catching the eyes of her neighbors on the bench, and casually set about walking across the street toward the cemetery, only to stop just outside the metal fencing. There was the zombie, alright, but he wasn't alone; a female vampire gazed back at him from atop one of the graves. The two were apparently in the middle of a not-so-friendly conversation, which nonetheless didn't seem to involve anyone else, so for now Laura stayed out of it. Leaning idly onto the fence, she remained quiet for the moment to take in the show.

01-13-2011, 03:43 PM
Pandora had wandered into the cemetery at the setting of the sun. She liked to wander through graveyards. They were usually peaceful and serene. She enjoyed reading the names permanently etched upon the stones and would wonder at their origin. Sometimes she would sketch the images of the names, or the portraits which now seemed to be a new feature on some stones. Usually though, she brought a book and would sit well into the wee hours of the morning, and just read. Most times cemeteries were void of living humans. The stigma of the dead long instilled in them could usually be counted upon to keep most graveyards silent and empty of human life. Leaving her hours of peace to do as she wished.

This one was a little different, in that she could clearly hear the teenagers on the other side of the small hill she was nestled beside. From the sounds of it, they were about a hundred feet away. She frowned in annoyance at the noise of their merriment and raucous behavior. A small sigh escaped her lips, as she lay in the cold grass, doing her best to ignore their noise. Knowing that they would soon depart the area and the serenity would return, as she had also noticed this behavior as well. Teenagers seemed to instinctively know that graveyards at night were generally avoided by conscious adult humans as well. They would leave soon enough, they usually did.

Focusing back on her book, was soon to be forgotten however, when she clearly heard a new voice. Accented, and obviously not with the group of teens. The distain in this voice coming across quite distinctly in the small distance. Her senses perked up as the teens left, when yet another voice was heard to scare them away. The moving of the earth, a puzzlement to her, as it was a sound she was quite familiar with, having used that method to sleep numerous times. These were certainly new developments in an otherwise, normal peaceful evening.

Rising quickly, her book forgotten in the cold grass, she moved silently to investigate these new sounds. Why would a caretaker be in the cemetery this late? she wondered to herself. She knew there had been no humans within the gates when she arrived earlier, from where had he come? Her curiosity getting the best of her, she slipped silently to see, her footsteps unheard in the darkness.

01-13-2011, 07:00 PM
Eva clapped mockingly at Patrick and chuckled.

"Very nice Mr. Durst," she chuckled reading his headstone, "an introduction worthy of royalty, but I'd rather enjoy the night air. You don't need to worry about the humans of this little town. I will not harm them. I don't need to. That boy was troublesome though, no? Disgraceful. What interests me is....our two new guests. Hello ladies. A nice night yes?"

Eva cast her gaze up at the moon and laughed. She was in for a feast tonight it seemed. Lady Luck seemed to be on her side tonight.

01-16-2011, 05:05 AM
The GraveKeeper grumbled, he didn’t know what she meant by not needing to harm humans, it was probably a lie though he’d heard plenty dealing with them. ‘Oh I only drink the blood of animals never humans,’ or ‘I drink human blood but only enough to survive I don’t kill them’ or his personal favorite ‘I only drink the blood of evil people never the innocent.’ Not that it mattered she could subsist on nothing but chocolate bunnies for all he cared. “Patrick Durst is dead” he growled. “I am the GraveKeeper, and you are trespassing!” with a yell the GraveKeeper threw his lantern directly at her face, the flame inside flared and grew stronger coating it as it flew through the air, as the lantern left his fingers he charged the statue trying to knock it over.

Lady Celeste
01-16-2011, 05:43 AM
Eva's sudden greeting unnerved Laura, though she stood her ground just outside of the gates. Her eyes shifted, though, as realization set in that Eva had said "ladies". There was someone else here? Taking a step backward Laura paused, and calmly analyzed each passing scent in the faint, cold breeze. The GraveKeeper's stench, quite naturally, was the most prominent of these smells for the most part, and yet deeper concentration yielded something different. It was the smell of death, in essence, but much smoother than the filthy decay of the GraveKeeper, and far less noticeable on its own. The sharp, metallic scent betrayed its nature immediately: a vampire.

Her clenched teeth fully concealed by closed lips, Laura quickly surveyed the scene before her. Most of this new scent was coming from Eva, but as the GraveKeeper proceeded to hurl a lantern at Eva, Laura could barely pick up an even less obvious source from somewhere else in the darkness. "Who's out there? Show your face, bloodsucker!" She called into the emptiness, holding steady a lighter in her pockets. Truth be told, she really was in no mood right now for a fight, but at least if this other vamp wasn't hostile, she could just brush it off and get back to watching the GraveKeeper's little wrestling match with Eva.

01-19-2011, 03:33 PM
Pandora slipped soundless up to the others, her small satin slippers getting damp from the small amount of dew on the grass. Hesitating slightly as she surveyed the scene. This was a little unexpected to say the least. She could hear others, close now and determined that there were indeed three others, and quickly noted that there were no humans, here at all. Not human, by any stretch. Interesting she pondered, watching.

Casually she stepped out from behind the small trees, and acknowledged the greeting from the one perched upon the tomb with a small nod. Her voice soft and calm, “Greetings to you young one” she replied in her direction.

“What manner of creature are you?” she mused softly toward the grave keeper, her head cocked with interest. Her eyes took in his angry stance and arrogant expression, along with the shovel. He looked like some sort of ghoul, or ghost. But his body had substance. It was quite interesting. He wasn’t a zombie, there was definitely coherent thought in that one good eye. Watching as he threw the lantern in the direction of the girl perched on the tomb and then launched him self toward at her. Her lips curling in amusement.

“You might as well join us, pup” she called out a little louder, not taking her eyes off the grave digger, “I can smell you from here” she finished with a small laugh. Her voice the sound of tinkling bells in the night, casual amusement in her features. Her eyebrows raising slightly at the “blood sucker” comment. Standing with her hands on her hips, this was turning to out to be much more interesting than her book. Much more indeed.

01-20-2011, 03:09 AM
Eva chuckled wildly and seemed to vanish only to appear behind Patrick. This however was only her speed. Draping her arms lightly over Patrick's shoulder she pouted prettily.

"Aw come now," she snickered, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was tresspassing. Surely you can let me go just this once? I wouldn't hurt a fly."

Eva chuckled and skipped away among the tombstones. Giggling merrily until she was infront of Pandora. Smiling brightly at the older vampire she raised an eyebrow.

"I may be young to you," she chuckled her accent getting heavier in her excitement, "but we both know there's nothing young about either of us. I'm Evangaline by the way. I prefer Eva though if you don't mind. Such a lovely night yes?"

01-20-2011, 04:44 AM
She moved quicker than he expected, one second she was staring at him from her perch the next she was gone. Before he could even register her sudden disappearance he felt arms drape around his shoulder and a voice in his ear “aw come now” he heard her say, “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was trespassing. Surely you can let me go just this once.” The hell he would! He swing around to confront her but she was already bounding along through the graveyard, skipping along the tombstones like a child using stepping stones to cross a river. This girl was too fast even for a vampire The GraveKeeper mused. It was obvious she wasn’t a human hunter, they would never need to move that fast, she must hunt something… stronger? She bounded towards someone, damn another one! He could only make out a few words, but it was obviously a friendly greeting, but… why no words of warning? Why no request for aid? She either didn’t consider him a threat, a likely reason and one he hoped was true. The other reason could be that she was more concern with feeding, ahh so she was a cannibal then? It made sense in a way.

The GraveKeeper crouched beneath one of the tombstones and started sliding towards them slowly. If he could wait and stay in the shadows, he could wait for them to start fighting and kill the victor while she was weak and reveling in her victory. Not the best plan considering where he was, this cemetery had a way of fucking up the sneaky. As he pushed his way forward he saw another girl, not a vampire judging from the skin, someone drawn in by the noise then. “Dammit what are you doing gawking.” He tried to be discreet but he had lost a bit of his voice control in his death and it came out in a loud bark, “This is no picture show! Get out of here you stupid girl!” what was with all the strange women here? Did the town start a new ladies night at the cemetery or something? He felt the ground rumble beneath his feet, something only he was sensitive to. Shit they’re coming! Fortunatly they would be as much a hindrance for the two vampires as they were for him, but the girl…. “Listen fool!” he said he said to the girl now looking at him “Head to the statue I was by, find my lantern! It holds a bit of power, it’ll ward off what’s comin out of the ground long enough for ya to get outta here.” He said motioning with his shovel “Go! Now! I’ll hold off whatever nastiness comes after ya, but yer gonna have to be quick, all the fangs of hell are gonna be nippin at yer feet!”

01-21-2011, 04:14 AM
Katja walked down the dark road, her white shoes hitting the black cement. Even though it was the human's 70's it was still her choice to dress more Victorian. She had been asleep for a rather long time. The sixties had just tested her control completely. Human were so easy! All they had to do was intoxicate themselves with one thing or another and they were perfect prey. She closed her eyes, as if pained. She was completely disgusted at the thought of drinking from a human against their will. Once upon a time she had been disgusted at the meer thought of feeding. Then she realized how important it was, not only to her but to the humans. Predators like her were just unnatural. They did not belong in the human world.
The wind carried the soft whisper of voices from a near by graveyard.
"Perhaps it is my kind," she murmured. She jumped the fence in one graceful bound and landed on the soft soil. It was like returning home for her. The feeling of security and control. It rang in her blood like the music of sweet bells. It was almost pleasing enough to make her smile. But she hadn't smiled in decades. Tonight was no different. "Might as well introduce myself," the girl in white sighed. She approched the other her blank face almost as pale as her dress.

Lady Celeste
01-24-2011, 04:14 AM
Dammit what are you doing gawking. This is no picture show! Get out of here you stupid girl!

For all of one second Laura was taken aback, only for simple pride to kick in as she glowered back at the GraveKeeper. "Hey cool it jerk-off, I'm not even trespassing!" She gripped the edge of the fence from the outside to prove her point, unaware that her brown eyes were now starting to change to the icy blue eye color of her wolf form. Roughly three seconds after this she cringed, doubling back from the pain growing in her chest: the first pangs of the transformation, brought on no doubt by her not-so-mild resentment of being yelled at for such a trivial reason.

"Not here..." She hissed to herself under her breath. "Calm down... not here..." Forcing herself to remain calm, she started to feel the pain dying down somewhat, but then a very faint rumbling sound beneath the ground caught her attention. Something was rising to the surface, but as it was now she had no idea what.

Listen fool!

Laura uttered a reflexive growl, and the pain flared through her chest once more. But this time the current circumstance forced her to ignore it as the GraveKeeper continued his warning.

Head to the statue I was by, find my lantern! It holds a bit of power, it’ll ward off what’s comin out of the ground long enough for ya to get outta here. Go! Now! I’ll hold off whatever nastiness comes after ya, but yer gonna have to be quick, all the fangs of hell are gonna be nippin at yer feet!

Choked slightly with the pain, Laura nonetheless nodded her thanks before climbing over the gate, immediately rushing toward the indicated statue. It wasn't much distance to cover from her current position, but the stress of the current situation was only further aggravating the pain, which now began to spread down her back and up toward her head. For now she forced herself to ignore it, but at the moment it was honestly blurring her perception of reality in general as she collapsed to the ground in front of the statue, blindly patting and clawing at the ground to feel for the lantern.

01-24-2011, 08:06 AM
The GraveKeeper twisted his shovel in his hand, no sign of em yet but they were coming that much he was sure. The girl was kneeling on the ground looking for his lantern, he cursed himself for throwing it like that but then how was he supposed to know some human girl would walk in? he looked back at her she was pawing at the ground looking for it, damn but this was bad he had noticed her grabbing her chest several time, must be sickly, which was troubling the zombies were mindless and would make trouble for everyone, him, the two... no scratch that three vampires well that made things harder, he shrugged he’d deal with that mess later, anyways there weren’t just dead bodies in this grave there were other things and they’d be able to sense the vitality off the girl and would go straight for her, and with her weak constitution it’d make getting her out all the harder.

The GraveKeeper stepped back as the first hand appeared out of the ground in front of him. Strange they weren’t normally this slow it’s almost as if they were holding- The GraveKeeper grunted as something struck him and threw him to the ground, he felt rotting hands grab his arms and legs, he struggled but couldn’t lift himself. Something landed on his chest, it was shaped like a spider but it’s legs were made entirely of bone and sinew, it’s bulbous abdomen was black and somehow liquid and bits of it would drip down to the ground like steaming hot tar, it regarded The GraveKeeper with eight glowing red eyes. “Greetings brother!” a voice sang out in his head “I see you have three mates yes?” indicating with one of his forelegs to the three vampires “I did not realize you still held such earthly desires, worry not we have only come for the other!” The GraveKeeper felt the creature’s laughter in his head. “Piss off!” The GraveKeeper screamed trying to wrench the hand still holding his shovel free.

The creature was taken aback “Yet again you show hatred to us, why?” its mind voice queried “Every night you wage war on us! Harming my children! Warding off my prey! Why!?” the GraveKeeper winced as the voice in his head was now screeching with anger, The GraveKeeper yanked desperately at the hands holding him spitting insults. He pulled hard and managed to get his shovel hand free or rather the hand had broken off at the wrist and went with him. He stabbed viciously at the creature’s neck, green ichor dripped as the sharp edge nicked it, the creature screeched and backed away. The GraveKeeper pushed and pulled and got the other hands off him, standing up he faced the thing which hissed at him.

He noticed out of the corner of his eye one of the zombies was getting close to the girl , the girl still focused on finding the lamp had not noticed. The GraveKeeper held his shovel like a lance and hurled it at the zombie, it cut clean through its neck the head and body fell in a slump. “Get the lead out ya foolish girl!” he screamed at her. Damn it now he was going to have to fight this damn thing with his hands, this was without a doubt one of the worst nights of his life…er death.

01-25-2011, 02:07 AM
Eva gave a slight nod of acknowledgement to both vampires and dashed off to help Patrick. As the creature raised a leg to strike Patrick since he was distraced it found its attack blocked by Eva and the pain of her fangs ripping through its bones. The screech of the creature was even louder this time as she crunched down on its leg splintering it around where she'd bitten. This unfortunately released the creature and it slammed another leg into her stomach. Eva grunted and looked over her shoulder at Patrick.

"You so own me for that," she chuckled through gritted teeth, "go help the girl get out of here. She's a were though so you don't have to worry so much. I'll take care of this thing for a bit and then we can get rid of it together. Now hurry!"

Eva grabbed a hold of the limb and gave it a yank to the side pulling it painfully out of the creature's socket. The creature hissed and tried to lunge over her to Patrick, but Eva still had its leg and bit into this one too. This was going to be a tough fight, but she had to prove that she wasn't bad. To be honest the marrow of the creature wasn't to bad either. She might just want to feed off of it and let it die that way. Looking back towards Katja and Pandora she smiled and gave them a whistle.

"Hey ladies," she called out, "wanna lend me a hand? This thing's a bit of a handfull!"

Lady Celeste
01-25-2011, 03:52 AM
Zombies... Hundreds of them, it seemed, rising from the ground... And one, in the midst of it all, approaching the GraveKeeper in a blatantly hostile fashion...

Laura's mind swirled. She could handle the petty insults without incident, and the quaking of the ground wasn't enough for her to completely lose her cool. But now, faced with a very obvious danger of the undead, all of them clearly seeking new prey, was too much for her to think clearly. They were not going to get her without a fight! She craned her head toward the night sky and let out an agonized scream, which turned soon after to a feral howl as the pain was turned loose on her entire body.

Her clothing tore at the seams as her muscles expanded, more and more until they finally fell off altogether, and simultaneously every hair on her body began to thicken and grow, thoroughly covering herself in brown and white fur. The nails on her fingers and toes grew longer, sharpening to a crude, jagged point. Her nose and mouth stretched forward to form a maw, all the while her teeth sharpened and gleamed in the moonlight. To her it felt like hours, if not the entire night, but the transformation itself actually took little more than a minute, and as her blue eyes finally shot open, she instantly caught sight on her first prey: a lone zombie that dared to approach her.

Laura snarled fiercely and lunged at the zombie, her claws descending across its face and torso in rapid motions. One of its hands reached for her neck, and her response was to bite hard into its forearm and draw back, snapping the arm clean off. Spitting out the arm at her side, she grasped the zombie's head in both hands and quickly crushed it, then immediately jumped toward the side of the GraveKeeper. His tone with her was offensive, true, but at least he had tried to help her in his own way, and even as a beast she refused to forget that favor. Rising once more to her two hind legs, she stood in front of the GraveKeeper, almost defensively so, and howled her challenge to the other attackers, all too ready for the next one to cross her.

01-25-2011, 04:12 PM
Pandora watched the scene before her unfold in front of her with mild amusement. It was causing a bit of a thrill in this already interesting night. It had been quite awhile since she had been involved in any type of a battle. Watching, however, she couldn’t keep the grimace from her lips at the thought of biting that awful creature from the deep that Eva was struggling with. Breaking it apart with her fingers, was appealing, tasting its insides were not. Part of her mind was pondering and curious as to why the girl had helped the grave keeper in the first place. He didn’t appear to like their kind, and had attempted originally to attack her, before being sidetracked by these new intruders to his graveyard. She stood there a few seconds more contemplating her assistance, when the Were transformed and began to attack the zombies that burst from the ground. She turned instantly and chose to help the wolf, for now.

Zombies, they were nasty creatures, abominations of the foulest kind, and she instantly crouched into a defensive stance, her fingers curling into claws and her fangs flashing in the moonlight, her lips pulled into a definitive snarl. She jumped forward and grabbed two zombies closing in on the werewolf and the grave keeper as the wolf howled in defiance. Grabbing the neck of one, she yanked quickly, and pulled its head from the body with a sickening crunching snap of a noise. Tossing the head to the side as the body collapsed on the ground, twitching. Stepping toward the next one, she pulled at its arm, spinning it toward her, disgusted as the arm came free from its host. It snapped free as if it were a decoration, and not recently part of the body. She tossed it aside, and grabbed at the face, with one hand, her fingers crushed the skull in seconds, again ripping the head from the body, tossing it aside like a destroyed cabbage. It thudded to the ground, lifeless now.

Turning to the side, she swiftly grabbed at the next closest one headed their way and proceeded to tear it apart, a blood curdling scream bursting from her lips as she tore the arms off it, and then crushed and removed the head once more. Her clothing now covered in gore and body fluids, from the recent attack, she cast a quick glance at the grave keeper. “What is this place you watch Grave keeper?” she barked at him in disgust.

01-26-2011, 06:51 AM
The GraveKeeper battered the creature’s head with his fists, the creature took it in stride and lunged with its fangs. The GraveKeeper was strong but not strong enough to really this thing not without his shovel at least, something caused his head to turn while he was distracted the creature had raised one of its forelegs to strike him, faster than he could react the vampire girl from the statue was there gripping the leg and biting hard. The GraveKeeper watched stun as he heard the bones of its legs splinter and crack, the leg came off with a snap enraged the creature struck the girl in the stomach.

“You so owe me for that” She said through gritted teeth, he was about to give an angry retort and thought better of it. “Go help the girl get out of here. She’s a were though so you don’t have to worry so much. I’ll take care this thing for a bit then we can get rid of it together. Now hurry!” she continued, “A were? A were what?” The GraveKeeper asked perplexed, but she was already back fighting the creature. He shrugged and headed to try and find his shovel and the other girl, if she wanted to play with the spider so bad it was no skin off his bones he thought angrily, still he felt guilty leaving her alone to face it, for whatever reason she had helped him something no one had done since he started guarding the place.

Something rushed towards him, its body was the skeleton of a man with a large crow’s skull on top, it’s organs pulsated greenly within its ribcage held there by some unknowable magic it made a loud bird call and jumped on The GraveKeeper’s shoulders, he felt its sharp claws dig into his neck twisting and pulling trying to wrench his head from his body. It’s bird head regarded him with glowing red eyes “I like that one, Brother!” he heard it say in his mind gesturing at the vampire girl “There is a hunger there, that is… so much like my own! If you have no claim to her Brother, I may take her for myself!” the creature laughed maniacally in his head.

The GraveKeeper screamed in rage and jumped backwards, slamming his head and the spine of the creature into a nearby tombstone. The force pushed him deep into the creature’s organs he felt cold congealed blood flow into his mouth and eyehole, the creature screeched in pain and scraped its claws across his back. The GraveKeeper reached up and pulled off its crow skull and crushed it in his hand, the claws stopped and he pulled himself up the force of the fall had severely bent his neck making the world look askew, pushing hard he managed to right his head and reached for his shovel. Weapon in tow he searched for the girl he saw her bent over and she was….growing. The GraveKeeper watched in awe as the girl turned into a large bipedal wolf.

The GraveKeeper looked back at the vampire girl “What the hell is that?!” he yelled pointing at the wolf girl “Did you all come on the same bus or something? Christ!” he turned back and saw that the wolf girl had crushed the skull of one zombie and had bounded over to him, she stood in front of him almost as if she was trying to protect him and howled. The GraveKeeper peered over the wolf’s shoulder “Hey, hey, hey” he said,one blue eye swiveled over to regard him, “Why the long face?” the wolf made a low growl and The GraveKeeper laughed “ha ha ha ha, it is shameful how long it took me to think of that! Ha ha ha!”.

A voice came up beside him “What is this place you watch GraveKeeper?” the voiced barked in disgust. He turned and saw it was another one of the vampire women now covered in gore. The GraveKeeper sneered “don’t get pert with me woman! I didn’t want ya here in the first place! Anyways it’s been like this back when I was alive almost… two hundred years ago, not sure why though, it’s not usually this bad we’ve got Fido over here to thank for that” he replied pointing his thumb at the wolf. He turned back to the other girl still fighting the spider. Charging he leaped upon its back and shoved his shovel through it’s abdomen almost coming out the other side “stop with the foreplay and rip its head off!” he yelled at her “it’s the only way to kill it fer sure!”

01-27-2011, 03:13 AM
Eva watched as the shovel plunged into the beast and congealed blood began to seep out of the beast. Even as Patrick yelled at her to rip it's head off Eva was transfixed...and hungry. As a feral smile spread it's way across her face, Eva took a step toward the mow screaming beast and put a hand on it's neck. When she leaned forward and sank her teeth through the strange skin-like material covering its neck the creature screamed even more. Eva held on tighter as the blood began to run down her throat and the creature struggled against her.

The blood of the creature tasted so good and Eva hadn't fed in quite sometime. It was unfortunate that the others had to witness this, but she couldn't stop. The scent and taste were overwhelming. When the final drop finally slid past her lips Eva let the creature go and stepped out if the way as its head landed where she had stood. Sighing wearily she grabbed both sides of the head and ripped it off tossing it aside. Now thequestions would come. Then the shock. Then the fear. Then the attempts to kill her, and their own deaths as a result. This is how it always went and how it always ended. Why would anyone want to be friends with an abomination?

01-27-2011, 03:42 AM
Katja did nothing. She just watched. What would she have to gain from any of this? Zombies. How revolting. Humans died all the time but the others seemed more focused on the blood aspect. Best to keep her skin on her body and back out. After all she had learned what fights to work in and what fights to just leave alone.
"Good luck with all of that," she giggled. The girl in white faded back. Every now and then a zombie would come at her and she would start dodging. Finally she killed them and faded back. The girl fighting the spider made her shudder a bit. Spiders did not suit her one bit.
"How revolting," she murmured. She used her speed to stand a bit behind the vampire feeding off of the abomination. "You can feed off of that thing?" She shuddered, "How times have changed..."

01-30-2011, 02:20 PM
Eva turned around to face Katja and nodded.

"Yes I can feed off of the undead," she said coldly, "I seem to be the only one who can. Dead blood is the only thing that stops my thirst. Are you not afraid? Vampires are one of my main sources. Does that not make you want to get rid of me? Or are you just devising a way of trying to do it? It won't work I can tell you. Plenty have tried and failed."

Eva sat on the ground with her legs crossed and sighed. The gravekeeper would probably try to decapitate her with his shovel. The others would no doubt try to set her ablaze or tear her apart. Maybe they'd even try to pin her down and let her wait for the sun. It wouldn't work though. It never did. She always managed to get away. Everyone tried though. It was obvious that she had only made contact because she was hungry. They would try to destroy her for sure.


01-30-2011, 08:24 PM
The GraveKeeper shuddered inwardly as the girl bit into the spider, he watched it shrivel up as its juices were devoured. Bleugh he was glad his gag reflex had rotted away years ago. He looked around the horde was thinning out, their prey was not worth the effort they would try again but not for awhile though. He looked back at the girl now talking to the other vampire the one that wasn't fighting, he scratchecd his head awkwardly, it's true he owed her he guess. "So..." he began interrupting the two's conversation he looked down at the cross legged vampire that helped him and frowned an angry sound coming from his throat "Yeah whaddaya want? a place to stay for dawn?" he grumbled "yeah that's fine, but that don't make us friends!" he warned, "and ya better be gone by the next night! I gotta enough problems as there is!"

01-30-2011, 11:11 PM
Katja smiled a bit oddly. The look in her eyes was that of cold ice and steel. Hard and emotionless.
"Fear is but an emotion that would lead to bravery," she tilted her head, "Bravery is a risk of life." She smiled, her eyes closed and white image sort of glowing. "Personally I don't really care what or who you are. It is natures order to have predators." Looking down at the corpses she wrinkled her nose. "I do not find pleasure in killing, so I do not kill." Then she looked back at the female. "Unless it is nessassary, of course, but only then it must be a threat upon my immoratlity," he high sweet voice was almost musical, "Nature may go on as it will, but I am meerly the observor of the ways of the world." She stepped lightly landing on a tombstone. "Other's deaths are fascinating and should be recorded. Their lives as well. When others forget, I remember."

Lady Celeste
01-31-2011, 02:23 AM
Now Laura's mind began to swirl again. The wave of zombie attackers was receding now, no longer posing a threat to anyone present, and so now the beast had no further reason to continue the fight. She uttered a prominent moan, in this form similar to a dog's whimpering, as she began to stagger weakly toward the exit of the cemetery. But her energy was draining fast from the change, making it feel as though she were trudging through a sea of dense mud, and she barely made it to a mausoleum just before the cemetery gates before she finally collapsed onto the steps of the mausoleum. There her form began to shrink as all consciousness left her, reverting slowly to Laura's human shape, and ultimately leaving her lying currently naked in front of the mausoleum.

01-31-2011, 03:32 AM
The GraveKeeper laughed at the younger looking vampire as she waxed philosphoic "Bahhahahahha did you get that drivel from a book? haha I swear if ain't blood your kind is talking about it's death!" The GraveKeeper snickered "I can do it too" forcing his voice deeper and mimicking a british accent said "And Ye hast the darkness spread, but Lo here comest the dawn! haha" His teasing was cut short as he saw the wolf collapse and shrink back into the woman he saw before.

He grumbled angrily, great now he had a passed out girl in his graveyard, it was New Years all over again. He marched toward the girl and picked up one of the fresher corpse's jackets and slung it over his shoulder. "Any of you touch her i'll kill ya" he yelled to the two vampires he knew drank living blood. Reaching the naked body of the girl, he carefully picked up her prone form and carried her away from the mausoleum and out the graveyard's gates. "Yer nothing but trouble, you know" he whispered thoughtfully as he marched as far as he could a few feet away from the gate.

Grunting he dumped her bodily on the ground where she landed with a thump and a groan, he then drapped the jacket he brought over her. There, if he couldn't go any further they wouldn't either, he then planted his shovel and faced the entrance of the graveyard, he wouldn't let those bloodsuckers near her, he just hope she didn't stay passed out for long.

02-01-2011, 12:51 AM
curious Pandora thought to herself, watching the gravekeeper carry the unconscious wolf pup to safety. He's concerned for her safety, from us? casting a quick glance in the direction of the other two in attendance to this little event.

She had been about to retort to his snide remarks and then thought better of it. She was really just annoyed at having her clothing ruined, it wasn't his fault after all. It had been a pretty sweater at one time, now covered in gore and intestines. She did have to admit though, the battle had been exhilarating on a number of levels. Even if zombie heads did crush quite easily, it have been more than a number of years when she had been able to use her strength in such a fashion. Flexing her fingers, she smiled a soft smile.

She was curious as to how the other vampire, Eva? she called her self was able to drink the blood of that horrid creature. Smirking mischievously to the grave keeper, "You'll have no quarrel with me, Keeper. I'll not feed off the girl. My taste does not run toward that which is covered in fur" she nodded in his direction, sliding her hands out with her palms up as to say, you win. "I won't bother her."

Stepping back toward Eva, "most interesting that you can feed off it" she motioned toward the beast. "I do believe it would kill most of our kind to try. But you say you feed off the dead?" she retorted. "I am most interested to hear of this. How is it that you are vampire, but feed in this manner and why should we fear you?" she asked puzzled.

02-01-2011, 01:55 AM
Eva sighed as the questions began to flow. What did she want? How did she feed on dead blood. Questions she was all to familiar with answering. The one that did catch her off guard was one from Pandora. Why should they fear her? Was the woman dense?! She fed off of dead blood for godsakes! Giving Pandora a sacrcastic glare she leaned back on her arms.

"Answer one," she said menially, "I only want yes a place to rest until sun down, but also to find the bastard that did this to me and kill him. Not an easy task I can tell you. He's already terrified that I can feed from him. Answer two I'm not really sure why I can feed off of dead creatures. I just came out that ve. Lucky me. Anser three....Are you fucking retarded! Has your brain turned to mush over ze past...vhat? Thousand years?! Dead blood! I feed off of vampires! You vere my prey before zis monster showed up! You sink it's disgusting? Vell try looking at me after I've had my usual meal of about a half a coaven! So yeah. I expect you to flee in terror or to attempt killing me off. Hell I almost vant somevaun to fineesh me off. I'm just not quite fineeshed on zis planet yet."

02-01-2011, 02:17 AM
The GraveKeeper laughed hard “I knew I forgot something, revenge! That’s another thing yer kind is always talking about!” inside he felt something akin to respect for her, he knew what it was like to persevere even beyond death, to do what must be done despite the personal cost. “Stay if ya like, but the rest of ya got to go! This is my graveyard and I won’t be havin yer ilk stinkin it up!” he shifted his feet a bit as he continued to stand guard over the unconscious girl, “Don’t be havin any thoughts of killin my new ward whatever her name is she's done me a good turn and I owe her a safe place to sleep,” he said gesturing at the cannibal vampire, “I mean it! I don't care if she ate yer mum! If I have to come over there someone is gonna die!”

02-02-2011, 03:09 PM
With a low snarl, Pandora growled in return, ignoring the grave keeper for now, “Do not insult me, Eva” she spat out, saying the name like a curse. “I’ve existed this long, you are not nearly as strong as I am, so be careful what you wish for, or I be more than happy to fineesh you off” she said, mimicking Eva’s accent perfectly. Glancing at her fingers, she rubbed her hands down her shirt in an attempt to clean them, with out much success.

Looking back to Eva, “I was simply curious as to your nature, having never heard of a vampire that feeds of vampires. If you’re still hungry, take him” she jerked her head toward the grave keeper. “he’s obviously dead enough for your tastes” smirking in his direction.

Turning to look again at the grave keeper, “As for you, sir, I will leave when I’m good and ready, and in case you by chance forgot, we are already dead” she sighed softly.

02-03-2011, 04:09 AM
"Twice as dead," she murmured, her white shoes like a ballerina's upon the tomb stone, "Trice as dead. To the dead all is alive." Her voice was light and musical but her face bared no emotion, almost like a statue. "Even those whom are like us shall return to our rightful place." The bright and angelic female looked a and watched the others. She jumped from one tomb to another. So far she was being very secluded and almost pushing the others away. Then again she had been alone since she left her creator.
"Wonder," she sang softly to the tombs, "Wonder, wonder if the others know~ Danger, danger, The darkness grows~"

Lady Celeste
02-04-2011, 05:16 AM
The jolt of pain pronounced itself harshly in the fog, and Laura could no longer bring herself to ignore the faint brush of sensations that followed. Hollow, dank, still with the faint stench of rotting death... Still the graveyard, no doubt. It didn't take long for her to realize what had just changed in her, made all the more obvious by the cold draft save for where the dirty jacket now lay over her. Moaning, she turned herself slightly upward and pulled the jacket more tightly over herself.

"What happened..." She said almost inaudibly. Her eyes settled toward the GraveKeeper, and realizing what she might have done, she gulped reflexively. "I am so sorry for all this. Whatever damage I did just now, I'll be glad to fix it. I never meant to wreck anything."

02-04-2011, 05:34 AM
The GraveKeeper turned as the passed out girl started to stir, “What happened…” she whispered sitting up, “I am so sorry for all this. Whatever damage I did just now, I’ll be glad to fix it. I never meant to wreck anything.” The GraveKeeper studied her with his one good eye, “ain’t yer fault, you couldn’t have known what would happen, just…. Just get out of here” he replied his tone soft. The GraveKeeper picked up his shovel and walked back into his graveyard. The sun was going to coming up soon, whatever kept his body moving was starting to weaken he thought as he picked up his battered lantern up from where it fell, “Last call! Best be gettin while the gettin’s good!” he told the three vampires his voice going back it’s sharp bark. “Or stay, it’ll be fun to watch ya all burn up in the sun, and if ya think about shacking up here, let me remind you, you’ll be stayin with someone that could eat ya.” He said heading towards his own grave.


02-05-2011, 01:47 AM
Eva stood and shook her head at everyone. How odd that they all felt so comfortable around her. It was most likely because she hadn't attacked them...yet. If she had taken one of their lives they'd all be trying their hardest to kill her. Might as well accept the hospitality while it lasted though. Sighing she rubbed the back of her head.

"He really doesn't have much blood left in him," she said in response to Pandora, "you two are much more appetizing to my tastes. No worries though. I'm quite full now. Beware tomorrow however. I may be a bit less friendly then."

Turning to Patrick and Laura she watched the were girl get up. Frowning softly she nodded in agreement with Patrick.

"He's right," she said, "you should get out of here. If you'd like, being that you're obviously a vampire hunter, you could help me. Meet me at the bench outside at sunset if you're interested. Patrick, I'd like to thank you. You're kindness is uncommon these days. We may not be friends, but I would hope you would not consider me an enemy. I will leave tomorrow. You will have no trouble. My only quarrel is with my maker."

Eva gave a bow and went into the same tomb she had "borrowed" the previous morning. The corpse who had owned it before lay in the same spot in the corner. Something about the tomb itself seemed to prevent its reawakening. Perhaps it was all in the soil.....

02-05-2011, 06:15 PM
Katja tiptoed silently, like a bird, on the tombs. She watched intently. The others were odd, indeed, but the oddest. She was relatively young compared to them. A comforting thing, the sound of a heart beat. If only she could have one too. But that life no longer belonged to her. It was no longer hers to have. She looked at the tombs. These were her people now.
Katja dropped down and began to run. Her legs carried her out of the death-filled place and went to the forest. Her fingers dug into the earth. It breathed and felt warm to her. Alive. She curled up in the hole, like child in her bed. The soil blanketed over her, till it was just a burrow under the ground.

Lady Celeste
02-07-2011, 04:00 AM
Laura nodded weakly, slipping her arms through the sleeves of the jacket in order to cover herself more properly. "Thanks again." She said softly, before respectfully taking her leave. Much of the dizziness was still there for the moment, and she staggered a few times along the sidewalk, but at least now her mind was slightly more clear. For now she would have to get back to the hotel - sneaking back to her room, if possible - and wash herself off before changing back into her own clothes. But the threat was passed now, and she was glad for that much.

02-08-2011, 07:59 PM
Pandora watched as the others left, and shook her head sadly, they had so much to learn, these young ones. Wandering back through the graveyard, she grabbed her book where it had been left behind and with out another thought, she raced through the streets to her small home, for now, a few blocks away. Her incredible speed would have been impossible to see to the human eye, and even some vampires would have trouble seeing her go. To a human, it would seem as though a swift breeze had just swept by. A vampire would know she had passed, but would have been hard pressed to keep up with her. One of the benefits from being in existence for so long.

With a tired sigh, she removed her ruined clothing and lay in her small cave like room in the basement of the house, waiting for the sunrise. Her mind running over the thoughts of the night, replaying the battle in her thoughts till sleep took her.

02-13-2011, 02:10 PM
Rick sat on the fence and had watched the whole event unfold. He saw the sun would be rising soon and guessed that the three vampires had went to hole up somewhere. He also saw the werewolf was leaving the cemetery. He ran for her and said " Hey I need to talk to you". He was excited to finally meet another person like him since the incident.

Lady Celeste
02-14-2011, 10:42 PM
Laura stopped short as she heard another voice, and decency prompted her to wrap the coat more tightly around herself once she realized that it was a man. "I'm sorry, have we met before?" She asked immediately, retaining a respectful, if wary, distance from him. Spontaneous transformations like the one at the graveyard always left her drained, and it would be a good long while before she could do that again in case of danger, so for now avoiding further confrontation seemed like the smarter move. "We should go. This is no place for anyone to be after dark."

02-15-2011, 12:20 AM
When Rick saw the werewolf try to keep her distance he realized that she was drained. "I'm sorry, have we met before?"/COLOR] she asked.Then she said [COLOR="Cyan"]"We should go. This is no place for anyone to be after dark." Rick responded with " No we haven't, but I know what you are and we're one in the same. I need help controlling what I am and I think you can help me. Plus I already know it's dangerous after night." Rick then realized that all she had on was that jacket. "How about I buy you some clothes and some coffee so we can talk more in private".

Lady Celeste
02-16-2011, 08:13 PM
I know what you are, and we're one and the same.

Those words caught Laura's attention immediately. Ever since her own changing she had been alone; the one who turned her died not long after, and she was left as an outcast among both the hunters and the hunted, each for their own reasons. And even that wasn't too long ago, but if this man was also one of them, then at least one of the two should get something out of the bargain, right?

"I don't know exactly how much help I can be, to be honest," She began, "but alright. Did you have anywhere specific in mind?"

02-16-2011, 10:07 PM
"I don't know exactly how much help I can be, to specific in mind?"

"l understand that, but before we go anywhere I'm going to buy you some clothes."Rick then looked her up and down and said "I think we also need to get some food into you before you pass out. I know of a diner down the street and a clothes store. Follow me." Rick showed the girl to the clothes store first. Once they were there he said "Buy whatever you want i'll pay for it."

02-20-2011, 07:54 PM
The Witch Doctor was in the clothing store when the two werewolves walked in. Slinking around the clothing racks she pulled out one of her several voodoo dolls and whispered to it. "Get our intruders their clothing and send them on their way," she hissed,"we have no need for them." As soon as she stopped speaking the store's manager sent a sales assistant to the weres. The assistant walked up to them with a bright smile. "Hi," the girl said"can I help you find somthing suitable? You'd look lovely in one of our new dresses. I'm sure we can find you something very nice." If either of the weres had paid any attention to the staff or shoppers currently in the store they would notice that all of them were already dead. They were all just puppets being played by the Witch Doctor. Puppets, just like they'd be if they managed to notice the others. For they're sake the Witch Doctor hoped they didn't.

02-21-2011, 08:58 PM
Katja slept underground. Her white glow now tainted by the dirt and soil around her. It was warm in the beating earth. It was moist in the pulsing earth. It was a living place surrounding her with scents and living sounds. But it only made her feel more dead. This, being buried underground, was suppose to be her comfort. Yet now... It made her feel like an abomination. Hungry gripped at her throat. The annoying thirst for blood that was not hers to take. Could there be a greater monster than what she was? The dormant vampire female curled tighter into a ball under the ground, refusing to take part in a blood fest.

02-21-2011, 10:31 PM
Somehow by some innate vampiric ability Eva found herself in Katja's thoughts. She could only tell this by the German accent in the sound of the thoughts. Listening quietly she heard and felt exactly what Katja was thinking of. In a moment of curiousity she decided to add her own though.

"I can help," she though feeling it slip away to Katja, "I can keep you from feeling thirst. It will not be easy, but I can help. Meet me and I will end your suffering. I can help...."

This thought was followed along with a small burst of delight and empathy. Finding rest easier then Eva relaxed and fell into sleep. She could help.

02-21-2011, 11:07 PM
Katja heard the woman's voice in her thoughts. How pleasant to know someone had hear all of that. But an offer for help was an offer for help. If it this vampire could help her rid of the scratching and clawing feeling in her throat, then why not? Help was help.

"Thank you," Katja thought silently, "Danke sehr..."

The slight hope of being less of a monster eased Katja a bit. The angelic vampire, wrapped in the blanket of earth, let her mind finally rest.

Lady Celeste
02-23-2011, 04:06 AM
(I'm going to do a time skip for the shopping itself, but I'll stop this post at about when Laura gets her new threads. Beyond that, enaz, you're welcome to make of the shop what you will during the interim period. A link to a picture of Laura's new outfit will also be included in this post.)

Laura hesitated, but nodded all the same. "Oh, alright then. Thanks." She said, giving him a grateful smirk before they entered the clothing store and she was instantly set upon by one of the assistants.

Hi. Can I help you find somthing suitable? You'd look lovely in one of our new dresses. I'm sure we can find you something very nice...

Quite the eager one, wasn't she? Laura was caught somewhat off guard by the woman's sudden approach, barely noticing a hint of decay in the air. But the cemetery was too far away for the GraveKeeper's scent to be this strong from here. And for a vampire to be stalking around at this hour was highly unlikely. With this in mind, Laura forced herself to ignore the scent of death around her. Having already transformed once tonight, she doubted that she would be strong enough for a fight this early after the fact, and with some luck, perhaps whatever was lurking here wouldn't put up a fight against her. And so, for the time being she freely allowed herself to be led by the assistant toward whatever recommendations were available...

This little shopping spree was more out of necessity rather than vanity, and furthermore she was currently relying on someone else's budget, so Laura made a point to spend no more time than necessary picking out her outfit. But the end result (http://www.lovelovelove.us/images/livejournal/wishlist/0217108-05.jpg) seemed worth it in the long run as well, if only for a substitute for the clothes she'd just ruined. Emerging from the fitting rooms in a simply-embroidered dress, black stockings, and knee-high boots, Laura immediately made her way toward Rick and glanced at him, her eyes giving a silent warning. If he really was what he claimed to be, then she could only assume that he also smelled the trace of death lingering over the store, but with her own energy mostly spent during the fight in the graveyard, how he chose to handle it was his choice alone right now. "Is this alright?" She asked, though she made no attempt to hide her inward suspicions from him. "I don't want to be too much trouble for your budget, so if you'd rather something else..." She trailed off.

02-23-2011, 10:46 PM
Almost as soon as Laura and Rick walked into the store a employee had came up to them and asked "Hi. Can I help you find somthing suitable? You you something very nice." Once the employee got close to them he almost gagged from the smell of death, and decay.

Rick wanted to grab Laura and get out of their as fast as they could, but Laura had already started to walk off with the employee. When Laura and the employe were gone he picked himself out a black button up. He paid for it and unbuttoned the first few so you could see his chest. Rick then took out his blue contacts to show off his gray eyes.

When Laura came back she was wearing a beautiful pink dress. Rick loved the outfit on her and how it showed off her magnificent body. Laura then shot him a glare that warned him that there was something wrong in the shop. "Is this alright?" She asked. "I don't want to be else..." " I assure you I can pay, and if I'm not being to forward may I say you are beautiful." Before she could respond he paid the employee and grabbed her hand softly and pulled her towards the door. Once they were outside he realized it would be getting dark again soon. " I hope you don't think less of me because I didn't fight the people in there. I was just thinking about your safety."

02-27-2011, 11:54 PM
Despite what the GraveKeeper thought It did not sleep with the rising of the sun, rather the sun kept Its power from manifesting but It was still very much aware, It knew an intruder slept within one of Its tombs and It felt her mind reach out to another, ah yes the younger one, the little mole that had buried herself underground, to think that if she had been so foolish to bury herself on Its grounds It could’ve devoured her and worn her husk like a hat, ah well no use reminiscing about wasted opportunities not when there are so many others to choose from…

It entered the sleeping creature's mind and spoke to it “Help her? Help her!?” It laughed a wild manic laugh “would that not constitute what the mortals call, the blind leading the blind?” It chuckled some more “ahh but you vampires are a fascinating lot, always desperately clinging to a humanity that simply doesn’t exist… or is it a less…charitable urge that drives you Eva?” he felt the girls shock “Oh yes I know you Eva, I know you and the hunger that drives you, the hunger for vengeance! The hunger for blood! You may have fooled your female friends into thinking you are more than just a ravenous maw, hell you may have even fooled my warden! So desperate is he for a kindred spirit!” It laughed even harder “But you don’t fool me Eva, you and I… are one in the same, and we both need something from each other, if I was to come to your aid…would you be willing to help me?” It asked.

02-28-2011, 12:38 AM
Eva sat bolt up right when the thing entered her mind. Hissing loudly she pushed at it being. "How dare you enter my mind! I am nothing like you, you coward! You won't even show your face......when night falls if you....if you don't attack, but show your face to me....I might consider....might...but know one thing. I can help that girl. I am the one who balances out vampires. When I feed off of vampires they regain everything they lost in the change. Their blood, their heart beat, everything....It's usually temporary, but I can make it permanent. It's just risky. I only do it if they truely want it.........Show up or I won't even consider. Now let me sleep." Eva closed off her mind and lay back down in the coffin. This creature was insulting her, but she could use its powers. It would help with finding Lestat. She was reluctant, but if it showed up that night she might accept it's help, but what did it want?

Lady Celeste
02-28-2011, 03:49 AM
"Oh!" Laura blinked with surprise and just barely avoided a blush, but smiled warmly all the same. "Well, I'm glad you like it..." She chided herself mentally to be a little more professional about this meeting, but it really couldn't be helped. Being the ex-hunter, the outcast from both sides, she was more or less used to being on her own for the most part, and for this person to be so helpful and friendly toward her was definitely unexpected. But it would be a lie to say that she didn't like this change of pace.

She did not hesitate to leave with Rick once everything was paid for, and heard what Rick said once they were out. "It's perfectly all right. I take it you caught the scent in there too, then." Stopping briefly to look back at the store, she immediately turned away from it and began down the street. "There's definitely something off about that place, but it's not worth the risk tonight." She paused there for a moment, if only for etiquette's sake, and then continued. "Were you still interested in that dinner, by any chance?"

02-28-2011, 10:26 PM
Rick acknowledged her words and said "Yes there is something strange about that placer. But of course Dinner is still in the equation who wouldn't want to go with a beautiful lady such as you." Rick hailed a taxi and held the door open for Laura. When she got in Rick followed and whispered a location to the driver.

During the ride Rick kept looking Laura over. He remembered how long it had been since he had been in a relationship. After a while they pulled up infront of a jazz club and asked Laura "Are you ready."

03-01-2011, 12:36 AM
It was near sunset and overcast, good that’s good dark enough for Eva to walk about but still day so the GraveKeeper still slept, It reached out Its mind to her “Eva, Eva…wake up sleepyhead, I’m sorry to interrupt your rest so early, but you left so soon during our last conversation, and there is so much to explain and so little time.”

Its mind curled around Eva’s poking it, caressing it, “You see I am not like you, a creature of flesh, my being, my….essence if you will is tied to the very earth of this graveyard, however this place is no longer suitable, I must travel, allow me to explain.” It mentally cleared its throat “you vampires absorb the essence of people through their blood, I would ask that you absorb my essence, allow me to be a humble passenger within your body, in exchange I will aid you in your quest for revenge. You will find me a true friend and a capable ally, within this graveyard to the northwest there is a spot where the earth is always black as pitch and the ground stinks of decay, go there I will give you further instructions. It is overcast now the sun will not harm you and I urge you to do this before nightfall.” now It waited and watched.

03-01-2011, 03:16 AM
Eva sighed testily in her mind. She had been awake since almost noon unable to sleep long, thinking to hard about the earlier conversation. This new intrusion was not entirely unexpected, just unwelcomed.
"Alright, but if you even attempt to gain control over me at all I'm going to push you out and throw your essence into a silver locket. I know for a fact essences hate silver. If not for skin and bone we'd all stay away from silver....whatever I'll be there in a moment. Don't think I'll do everything you tell me to. I don't necessarily take to kindly to taking orders."

Eva severed the connection and sat up inside the tomb. Sliding out of the coffin she stretched her arms. Yawning she made her way to the tombs entrance and peered outside. Lucky for her new ally the sun was hidden by a thick swath of dreary grey clouds. Looking about she saw no movement. Hurrying outside the tomb she darted towards the northwestern corner of the cemetary. When she found the pitch black soil she sat down on her heels and reached out to it.

"Now what? I don't have to eat the dirt do I? Please tell me you can just come to me. I do not eat dirt. Goodness only knows what passed over it. Plus I wouldn't even know what part of you I was biting. Yegh. I don't want to think about that anymore. So what's next?"

03-01-2011, 03:36 AM
It laughed, “worry not it was simply a shell, a relic from a bygone era.” A pair of red eyes regarded her within the pile of earth, “worry not about your mind, or of me draining your life force you creatures of half life… well let’s just say you’re not very filling, besides if I wanted your mind I would’ve taken it.” The eyes seemingly sunk back into the dirt “two things must be done, blood must be spilt upon the dirt, a few drops from your finger nothing more, then yes you will have to consume a bit of it, this part is where I am most concentrated and you must consume a bit of me if I’m able to travel with you, very little needs to be taken in I’m sure you have eaten things more disgusting, if it is still too appalling smear a bit on an open wound what matters is that I get into your bloodstream.” “Do not concern yourself over your mental state, I do not plan to dominate your mind I’m not even sure if I can your kind has always been an enigma to me, nor do I have any particular goal to pester you with, I merely desire to listen and watch, come now, surely we can be friends, I have not done you any great wrong. Twas you that attacked me last night remember.”

03-01-2011, 09:43 PM
Eva sighed and bit her finger letting the blood fall to the ground and sink in. Then lowering her hand toward the ground she prepared to let the conciousness there in. Just before her hand reached the ground she paused.

"Wait. If I'm going to be sharing my being with you there's one thing I need to know...what are you called? I can't very well go about calling you thing can I? That would only annoy me further. That and it makes me think less of you. Call it vampiric instinct if you will."

Eva lay her hand palm up on her lap and waited. She wanted to know what or whom she was dealing with before she allowed it to nest in her.

~~~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +~~~~~~~~~~~~~+~~~

The Witch Doctor let all of the people in the store drop as soon as Laura and Rick left. Watching from the store window she saw them get into a taxi that headed downtown. Walking quickly from the store she murmured a spell and threw some shells and stones into the street before her. Looking at the stones she quickly determined where they had gone. She knew they had figured out that everyone had been dead and it bothered her. Best to tail them just in case. Hailing a cab herself she soon arrived at the same club and stepped out now dressed in a little black cocktail dress. Stepping into the club she was greated with the kind of music she had grown up with. Smiling she took a seat at the bar and scanned the room for the two weres. She soon spotted them and started her tailing.

03-01-2011, 10:12 PM
"A name? you want a name?" It was confused now, "I am sorry I have no name, I simply am... but there was a woman that once called me Dunkelste Hass, will that do?" he hoped that would satisfy her, what a strange request, but then he had been out of touch with the world for many years, perhaps it was a culture thing. "Is this a trust issue? Know then that I cannot lie, my goal is simply to see the world as a passenger, and in exchange I will help you in whatever capacity I can."

03-01-2011, 11:20 PM
Eva frowned but pressed her hand to the ground allowing the other conciousness to enter her body. Giving a slight shudder she waited until the whole of this conciousness was in her being and took her hand away. Letting her mind touch the conciousness gave it a mental eye roll.

"Yes it's a trust issue. I'm a vampire who feeds off the undead. What do you expect? As for what to call you I'll just Call you Hass. The other part is to long to remember, or would you prefer I use Dunkelste? I'm not using the whole thing."

Eva stood up and looked at the sky. It was nearly night time now and Katja would be meeting her soon. Walking quickly to Patrick's grave she pulled out a small curled up piece of paper and stuck it between the ground and his shovel. Inside was a small note thanking him for allowing her to use the tomb and telling him that she had rid him of the conciousness that had caused him problems. Standing she made her way to the cemetary gates and lept over them in one fluid motion. Taking a seat on a nearby bench she waited for Katja to arrive. She would help the girl and leave to find Lestat.

03-02-2011, 10:30 PM
Katja pressed her strength into her arms. Her fingers twitched into the soil. Her nails clawed at the warm living earth. The pulse of the earth shuddered and pressed down on her, like it was trying to keep all warmth within itself.
"Geh auf!" she tried to yell, but instead it was a small dry whisper.
The earth finally softened in its resistance and weakened in its struggle to keep her within its arms. Her fingers poked through and reached up into the fresh cool air. Then her hand went through. Her other hand broke through the dark warm prison. As she managed to crawl up and out into the cool air. Her pale normally fresh pink skin was covered in a layer of soil and mud. Her white clothes had turned dark and earthy in the ground. Her braids had come undone, allowing her hair to tumble about naturally. Her freckled face was smudged and smeared with the once warm earth. She lay on her back, staring up as the nagging thirst burned in her throat.

03-05-2011, 10:18 PM
Eva walked to the place where she had felt Katja earlier that day and found the girl lying on her back. Walking into her line of vision she raised an amused eyebrow at the girl.

"Good moring," she said, "don't suppose you have a reason for why you're lying on the ground like that? Sorry. I must seem very impatient, but I really need to get going. If you wish we can do it later so you can cleanup a bit. You may need to come with me. I've never actually done this permanently before. Then again I usually don't leave my supper alive...not that you're supper. I'm sorry. Sometimes I say the damnest things."

Eva shook her head knowing she must sound exremely nervous since her accent had become very heavy and prominent in her voice. It was always a sure sign that she was under some sort of stress.

03-06-2011, 12:34 AM
"I do not care what you call me, the name is purely for your benefit not mine." It replied, it felt strange being in a body again after so many years, It saw the world through her eyes and felt what she felt, though he could not control any of it. It watched her grow impatient and head towards the mole lying next to the hole she had made, It laughed at her supper comment, "Not a bad idea Vanguard I approve, she seems rather eccentric and feeble, she would probably be more useful as a meal than a companion."

03-06-2011, 01:59 AM
"Be silent Hass," she hissed, "I am not here to kill her. I will return her to her human self and then she is of no use to me. She will serve as an experiment to my full powers. I do not wish to be what I am unless others can benifit. Otherwise my only goal is to destroy my maker. After that I will allow myself to die. I have no use for my life. I'd rather spend eternity in hell as the devil's wife."

Eva kept a light smile on the outside but she felt furiouson the inside. Lestat had made her into this monster. She was a terror for anything living or dead. Hass was the only creature who could safely befriend or travel with her. It was all his fault. He made her like this! He ran! He said he loved her! She was going to destroy him!

Lady Celeste
03-07-2011, 04:18 AM
"As ready as I'll ever be." Laura admitted to Rick as she entered the club, allowing the smooth ambience within to slowly lower her guard. Transformations like in the graveyard always left her unstable for a while after the fact, but here the place felt peaceful enough for her to enjoy herself more than normal. Looking briefly at Rick, she also admitted mentally that the company for this night was actually beginning to grow on her.

Following Rick's lead as they entered the club, Laura thought she detected a trace of the scent within the clothing store, but dismissed it for the time being as nervous paranoia. Despite this, she discreetly analyzed Rick's body language for any indication as to whether or not he sensed anything.

03-07-2011, 04:59 AM
Katja frowned up at the woman. Of course she wouldn't understand how hard it had been just to get out of the ground. After all Katja's last meal had been days ago. Her face melted back into a serene doll-like face. Standing slowly and fragilely, the vampire looked at the other. She motioned for the woman to "lead the way" and scratched her throat absently. Catching a small animal, Katja put her lips to the creature's largest vein. Animals always were a good fill in for humans. Too bad they never stopped the nagging ache. She cleared her throat and sang a small tune to exercise her voice. The song was supposedly Celtic but Katja had only learned to mimic the lullaby. However her voice was far better than the old nurse whom had sang it. Her voice was light and sweet, now that she had moistened her lips. When she had finished she smiled and motioned for the other to lead the way.

The Cradles (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtqKLmZrI4M)

03-10-2011, 01:26 AM
Eva nodded and led the way out of the forest into the city. Hailing a taxi she had the driver take them to a hotel next to the airport. Quickly aquiring a room she led Katja up to the room acting like the other girl was drunk. When they got to the room she flopped onto the bed and sighed.

"I apologize for the sudden rush," she said briskly, "I just feel the need to get out of here, and.....well I'm not entirely sure how well this will work....I've never done it permanently before. I think I know how, but it's going to be dangerous. You may end up dead. I don't think you'd mind that though would you? Heh I remember when I was like that. I wanted not but death. Still don't want much more than that, but it's a bit different now. Pardon my ramblings. You should get cleaned. I'll get you something from the shop downstairs, or would you prefer that I wash that before you get out?"

Eva sat up so she could see the other girl better. She was covered almost fully in dirt and her dress was stained. It would take quite a bit of scrubbing to get that thing clean.

03-12-2011, 03:09 AM
Rick caught a scent that he had remembered from earlier. The scent was from the clothing store, so Rick pulled Laura onto the dancefloor. A slow song was playing and Rick pulled Laura close to him. Rick whispered into Laura's ear "I hope you know we're being followed. I also have a plan to lose our tail." Rick then leaned over and kissed Laura on her neck. He then slowly moved her arm towards his pants where his gun was.

03-13-2011, 06:07 AM
If It had eyes It would be rolling them, “I would say that this is a waste of time, but I suspect you are no longer listening to me so I’m just going to go rifling through your memories, do tell me when you start this ritual I’d hate to miss it.” It was interested in combing her mind not for her history but rather for context for the many wonders It had seen, Like the roaring metal construct Its host had rode in, or the tall gleaming buildings they now sat amongst. Mankind had certainly evolved since It had last walked the earth and It was curious of what other marvels might be out there, it would help pass the time at least. It thought briefly of Its warden, he would be waking up by now It knew he would not let It roam free and soon the hunt would be on again, It laughed a wild crazed laugh, this was going to be fun!


The GraveKeeper burst from his grave, He scratched his rotten head. Something felt off in the graveyard he peered at the note left there, no doubt left by that girl he thought. He opened it and began reading it, his hands shook as and his fists tightened crumpling the note, “No! Damn it…. Damn it! Not again” he said angrily “You stupid, stupid girl!” he pulled the rest of himself out of the grave, the note said her name was Eva, he’d have to find her fast he thought grabbing his shovel and hooking his lantern to the side of his pants. He could sense the direction It had taken and began running.

He couldn’t run as fast as he could in life, it was really nothing more than a fast jog, but he never tired or slowed down and he ate up the distance. He soon found himself on the edge of a city, great skyscrapers the likes of which he’d never seen greeted him, his one eye was dazzled by the bright lights of the city, and he heard the sounds of great metal beasts roaring across the streets. He pushed on ahead, he couldn't afford to be discreet. He could sense Its general direction but he couldn’t pinpoint it, not until he was right on top of It atleast. The large number of people would make it difficult to navigate, he figured the best way to do this was to pummel on through, shake the tree and see what falls in other words

03-14-2011, 04:04 AM
Katja looked down at her dress. Well, what had once been a dress anyhow.
"I do not mind something new," she looked up at the other, "but, please, in white." She didn't like any other colors. White was a symbol of her punishment. Her exile from her long dead family. It was only fair and just. The doll like girl went to the bathroom and stripped down, freckles sprinkling her pale skin that was layered in dirt. She got in the shower, making sure to kept the bathroom clean, not really caring how hot the water had gotten. When she finally did come out the mirror was foggy. Katja murmured to herself and flipped on the switch to the fan, let the fog be sucked away. Her face stared straight at her. A light pink porcelain sprayed with small dainty freckles. Two big eyes heavily laced with dark lashes and a pink pouting mouth. Her hair slightly curled around her shoulders and she looked at the perfect picture of a monster with angelic skin. The perfect predator. It made her sick. She wrapped her body with a white towel and went back to the other room.

03-15-2011, 01:04 AM
Eva chuckled and went down stairs to the hotel's small clothing shop. When she got back up to the room Katja was just emerging from the shower. Smiling triumphantly she held up the dress (http://fashionbyme.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/rs-60_white_2.jpg) she had found.

"Found this in the shop downstairs," she said, "it's not all white, but it is mostly white. You'll look great in it. Don't worry you'll be human soon. No regrets right? Live life loud! Heck you might die?! If that doesn't convince you then do it for me. You will owe me."

Eva giggled and handed the dress to Katja before going into the bathroom and collecting the dirty dress from earlier. It had been so long since she had someone of her own gender to dress up. Katja would look so lovely in the dress! Eva jumped as she thought of something that would make the other girl look even prettier. Nearly skipping down stairs she purchased a headband with a cloth gardenia on it. Going back upstairs she put it in Katja's hair.

"There we go," she said stepping back from the girl, "perfect. Look how pretty. Your family would have loved it. Sorry...I shouldn't have. Must've forgotten my manners. Haven't been around anything in quite sometime....you look great."

Eva smiled and turned away. Walking to the window she stared outside where she could see people rushing by outside. Living their lives. Lives she could give to other vampires, but never have herself.

03-19-2011, 05:42 PM
Pandora stretched lazily, feeling the moment the sun slipped from this side of the world and it became full night. She didn't need to wait for full night fall, one of the benefits of her "age" but it had become habit. Thinking through the events of the previous night, she was still intrigued by the new group of inhabitants of the long forgotten cemetery and felt the need to seek them out again. They were a puzzle to her, and she always did enjoy a good challenge.

Slipping back toward the silent graveyard, she was just in time to see the gravekeeper, rushing off. most interesting she mused, having thought he was tied to this plot of earth.

She followed along, casually, so to not be seen, wondering where on earth he could be going. It would have taken her nothing to catch up to him proper, her speed being that of her kind, would make the pace he was at seem as if he were standing still. Still she chose caution, and just followed along.

Reaching the edge of the city caused her a brief moment of wonder. why would he come here? there were too many questions to his odd behavior, coming up along side him, as if she had just appeared from thin air. "What brings you here?" she asked softly, tilting her head in question at him, still keeping a good distance from him, just in case.

03-20-2011, 02:51 AM
A voice came from behind “What brings you here?” It said softly, The GraveKeeper jumped and raised his shovel, he stopped when he saw who it was, “Yer the girl from last night…where is the other?! Umm..” he paused searching his memory for a name “Eva that was it, have you seen her?! She’s gone and done somethin stupid, which is why I’m out here”


It looked down at the street with Eva, Eva’s mind which he had come to calling his Evapedia said that the big fast moving metal things were cars, and apparently the flashing lights were used to guide them. “Strange how big and bright the world has gotten,” It said to her thoughtfully, “Do they still tell tales of the Vrashna?” It asked, he couldn't find anything in the Evapedia but he was still searching, gleaning her mind for useful bits of information.

03-21-2011, 01:11 AM
Eva sighed as Hass covnveyed his thoughts to her. She felt so exposed as she heard the foriegn thoughts with her own memories that she had tried so hard to forget playing behind it.

'Yes the world has gown up,' she thought'yet the humans that inhabit it continue in the same vicious cycles as the always have. Nothing's really changed. Only the technology. As for this Vrashna you speak of, no. They no longer speak of it...pardon my ignorance, but what is this Vrashna? I haven't heard of it. Also...I'd prefer that you didn't look upon the year that I died. Especially not upon that day. I'd rather not relive it.'


The Witch Doctor slipped from the bar when she Saw the male wolf tense up slightly. He knew she was there. He didn't know who she was, but he knew. Walking into the bathroom she pulled a small doll from the little beige purse she had taken from the store. Whispering some words over it she pulled a small needle from a pin cushion inside the purse opening the bathroom door slightly she looked over at the girl wolf and stck the pin in where the bottom of the ribs were located.

If the girl knew of her presence as well the pin would only partially affect her and it would only feel like indigestion. If she didn't know then it would be more like a knife sinking into her chest. Frankly The Witch Doctor hoped for the later. It was much more fun that way.

03-23-2011, 10:12 PM
Pandora raised her hands slowly at his raised shovel, to show no harm. "Yes, I'm Pandora" she answered. Then "No, I don't know where she is. I only saw you, and you were leaving so I followed you. What did she do that was so terrible?" she asked in response to his comment about Eva, lowering her hands, knowing he wouldn't attempt to hurt her with his shovel.

She figured it must be something very bad if it dragged him all the way from his sacred place. "Tell me, maybe I can help?" she offered.

03-24-2011, 03:25 AM
Katja was rather silent as she listen to the other female. Was this really what Katja wanted? To be human? To be prey? What about the observation of the many years before her? She looked up at woman with a smile. Her freckled pink skin flushed at bit at the mention of her family.
'Family,' she thought, 'Is that what I want?' To not be lonely again would be nice. To not feel like a repulsing monster would be nice. To not feel the aching need of blood corseing down her throat... would that be nice? Katja wondered to herself if she wanted to be human. To lose all of her immortality. To gain a weak and clumsy life. Was that what she wanted? To be beautifully fragile once more?
'What do I want?' she wondered. She stood and went to Eva, who was at the window.
"They are rather beautiful, aren't they?" she murmured in her soft, kind voice, "Such frailty and mortality. The fact that they could die at any moment or that they are so undeniably doomed makes them beautiful." She gently put a hand on the other's shoulder. "But perhaps it is fate that we are so different from them."

03-25-2011, 10:07 PM
The GraveKeeper looked at her thoughtfully, “Yeah you might just be able to” he said with a sigh, god this was hard to talk about, especially since he’d never done it before. “There’s a thing, a spirit I guess that lives in the graveyard, it’s what makes the dead come to life, it feeds on lifeforce and it feeds on emotion, hate, despair, sorrow and the more it eats the bigger it’s influence grows and the stronger it gets. For over two hundred years I’ve been starving it, but sometimes it gets clever tricks some poor fool into letting it ride around in their body. Last time it did this was in 1816 I travelled all the way from America tracking the bastard, and now its done it again and if we don’t hurry up and kill its host by daybreak we’re gonna see a lot of dead bodies come the next night.”

The GraveKeeper turned and looked back towards the city, “See when It’s in a body it can actually take a physical form while its host is sleeping, and that’s when It hunts, the bodies it leaves well..” The GraveKeeper shook his head as if to clear away the bad memories “let’s just say you don’t wanna know what It does with them.” He turned back towards Pandora, “So you think you have he stomach for it? I understand if you don’t I work better on my own anyways. Just… point me in a good direction; I’ve got no idea where I’m going in this new city”


“I have no interest in the memories themselves Eva, I am merely after context for the things I am seeing.” It had a brief moment of curiosity before deciding It really didn’t care, It had seen plenty of death and It was unlikely hers was anything special. “Looks like your friend is ready to make a decision, I’ll save the tale of the Vrashna for another time it is not something that should be half told after all.”

03-25-2011, 11:22 PM
Eva turned from the window and looked Katja over. She looked almost angelic in the soft white dress Eva had gotten her. She was such a beautiful girl. It was a shame she hadn't been allowed to die in her own time. She would have had a wonderful family.

"We all find the things we can't have alluring," Eva sighed, "I am the creature that may be able to give that thing to others, but I will never be one myself. It's how the universe works. There will aways be one person who must carry the burden of others. When a of the vampires are gone I will become what they are now. I will create a new generation and the circle will repeat itself. Are you ready?"

'She's brave isn't she,' Eva thought to Hass, "shell be my guinea pig just for the sake of possibly becoming as fragile as she once was. It won't be the same for her. Not after so long as a vampire. I may keep tabs on her. Like an experiment. Can a vampire really survive returning to a human life?'

03-27-2011, 02:57 AM
Like an innocent and trusting child, Katja smiled at Eva. she held her hands open and upward, like an inviting angel.
"There must be a happiness for everyone," she said her in sweet voice, "After all, you have saved me from wasting away as something monstrous. Surely there must be something the world will offer you!"
The innocent and ever naive girl kneeled at Eva's feet, as if she were going to pray. She hoped whatever was to come wouldn't hurt to badly. But think of it! Breathing! Eating! Perhaps even aging to finally become a real woman. Maybe even a family again. Katja flushed with happiness and her pale freckle kissed skin turned a bit pink.
"I am ready."

03-27-2011, 02:58 AM
((sorry for the double post something weird is going on with my computer))

Lady Celeste
03-27-2011, 06:33 AM
"I hope you know we're being followed."

Once Laura heard those words, she knew right away that the scent she picked up hadn't just been in her mind. "You're sure?" She asked quickly.

"I also have a plan to lose our tail."

When Rick moved to kiss her neck shortly after that phrase, she was just about to give him his first warning about moving too fast for her. But then he moved her hand toward what felt like some kind of gun, and she immediately understood. Taking hold of the gun, she let it hang relatively out of sight next to her and began to scan the room for whoever it was that had Rick so suspicious.

But by then the Witch Doctor was out of sight, preventing Laura from detecting her before the doll was pierced.

"Aahh." Laura winced softly and doubled back. The pain was so sudden, as though she'd just walked into a knife, but it did not spread through her body like it did when she was about to change into her beast form. Which meant that someone else had something to do with it. "I don't... suppose you've seen this person yet." She asked, holding the gun firmly in her hand as she continued to look for the attacker.

03-31-2011, 02:54 AM
"I haven't saved you yet," Eva said softly bending towards Katja's neck, "and the only thing this world can give me is the assurance that I will eventually die. My only solace will be the death of the one whom created me. The world will offer me nothing more. This might hurt. I wouldn't know."

Eva brought her mouth around Katja's neck and the venoms in her saliva caused the vampire's fairly congealed blood to flow freely again and feed her raging thirst. Eva realized that she was actually quite hungry and began to draw the blood out even faster. She stopped just as Katja's heart began to restart and flutter to life. Pulling away she pulled a small defibulator out of a bag that she had brought up as well. Charging it she placed the pads across the relatively flat span of the girls exposed upper chest just below the collar bone. Hopefully the jump would be enough to tell all of her organs to reboot. It was only theory at the moment, but hopefully with this test she'd find it to be true.


The Witch Doctor cursed herself silently as the female were merely doubled over in pain. They knew she was there, but not who she was. The Witch Doctor let the bathroom door close and went over to the mirror. So far she had been able to hold up the appearance of normality, but the scent of death wasn't so east to disguise. Reaching into her purse she pulled put a small bottle of purfume. Spraying herself she covered over the scent of death with that of Gardenias. The scent of death was still there, but it was less noticable. Hopefully the heady scent of Gardenias woul fool the weres' noses.

04-02-2011, 04:39 PM
Pandora was surprised, and a bit shocked, although her features gave nothing away. Something that hadn't happened in a very long time. "So.. the girl.. the one called Eva, do you mean to kill her?" she asked in a hushed tone. "Or to just stop this... Spirit, as you called it." she pushed, not sure if she was willing to kill one of her own kind. Not to mention, that unless you were in direct battle, killing another vampire was forbidden in her mind, especially a young one such as she was.

"I know the city, and can guide you, but killing the girl? You'll have to prove to me that she is really capable of what you say. I need more than your story. What if you're only doing this to kill her? she quizzed him, still keeping her distance, but staring at him intently. "I can't tell if you're lying to me" she said softly, "most interesting"

04-02-2011, 10:30 PM
“Are you insane? You think I came out all this way for shits and giggles?” The Grave Keeper said. “The spirit and Eva are one, this is no fairy story, there’s no magic spell or wishing well that will cure her now she has to die!” he sighed. “You want proof? If we don’t find her by sunrise you’ll have all the proof you can stand, and their deaths will be on your head.” He paused looking out towards the city, “She’s roughly…that way” he said pointing. The GraveKeeper started walking “you comin or not?” he said with a backwards glance.


It laughed “Gotta say Eva I like your idea of a cure!” it then noticed her pull out a strange device which according to the Evapedia was a…defibulator? “Ohh I think I see what you’re doing, using a similar process that makes vampires to reverse the effects, clever but futile.” It said “A human does not lose just their blood when they turn, but a bit of their souls, why do you think I cannot feed from them? It is like trying to gain sustenance off of a bottle of air. Whatever you’re making won’t be human, maybe some sort of mockery perhaps”

04-07-2011, 03:01 PM
Pandora bristled at his tone, her eyes narrowing in annoyance. “Oh, make no mistake, I will come, but we will decide when we find her exactly what happens, won’t we Keeper” she hissed at him.

She wondered again at his nature. He was dead, but animated, what did he care anymore for what happened in this earthly world. Death of humans was inevitable, the natural course of things. Why should he care? She followed along easily as he started walking again, “She’s that way” pointing that he was indeed on the right track. “Just a few hundred yards ahead” she finished.

04-08-2011, 10:49 PM
The Witch Doctor composed herself and walked out of the bathroom. She had decided to take out one of the weres as a warning. The male seemed like more of a threat. She just had to draw them outside and get rid of him. Walking through the club she passed directly behind the female letting her eyes catch his and change to their usual bright toxic green. She saw the male's face pale and a wicked smile appeared on her face. As she quickly made her way to the back of the club she heard the male whisper to the female.

"We are being followed," he said quickly, "and she's dangerous. Come on let's follow her. I want to figure out why."

The Witch Doctor slipped out the back door into the alley and pulled out a silver dagger from her purse. Luckily she had come quite prepaired. The dagger would prevent him from attacking or even moving. The she would kill him. She would make it swift.

04-11-2011, 01:26 AM
"I haven't saved you yet," Eva softly said as she bent towards Katja's neck, "and the only thing this world can give me is the assurance that I will eventually die. My only solace will be the death of the one whom created me. The world will offer me nothing more. This might hurt. I wouldn't know."

Katja gasped at the venom seeped into her. It felt so... violating somehow. Then again perhaps she was just used to being the predator. Perhaps it was the years of being a predator that made her feel so unwilling to accept the feeling of being prey. What was it in her that made her desire so many things? Was she really so selfish and ungrateful? Eva was doing her a kindness... wasn't she? After all, this is what she wanted... wasn't it? Katja cried out as her heart beat. She gasped for air and her eyes stared up at the ceiling. Pain and warmth and cold and so many other feelings burst through her skin.

04-14-2011, 01:53 AM
Ignoring Hass' comments Eva forced Katja to focus on her face. Looking into her eyes Eva could see many things. Warmth flowing back into the girls frozen limbs. Pain from the shock of a freshly beating heart attempting to pump mostly congealed blood. It was working! Would it last though?

Eva leaned down and pressed her ear to Katja's chest. When she didn't hear Katja's lungs moving she looked directly into the other girls eyes.

"Katja I know you're in a lot of pain," she said urgently, "but you need to breathe. Otherwise you may die. I'd hate for that to happen when we've gotten so close. Now BREATHE!"

04-26-2011, 03:40 AM
Katja felt her body convulse with rejection of the new heat. She tired to focus on Eva but every thing looked so... off. So blotchy and washed out. Katja felt as if she had held the sun in her veins but her vampiric cells were some of freezing over the warmth. Katja tried to breath but her muscles would hardly react. It was as if her body didn't want to return to mortality. As if ever cell in her being was rejecting the warmth. Cold rushed over her and her eyes widdened.

04-26-2011, 10:06 PM
Eva growled in frustration and pressed her ear to Katja's chest again. The pulse from earlier was fading and her skin was getting cold again. It was reversing. Biting Katja again Eva pulled more blood from her and prepared the defibulizer for another shock.

'Hass,' she called out in her mind, 'give me a boost. See if you can give this thing an extra bit of life. I've gotta get this right!'

04-26-2011, 11:31 PM
“Very well, open your mouth.” It was surprised at the sudden trust Eva had placed in It. As It’s host opened her mouth black tar began to seep from it falling into the mouth of the creature below. Hass shifted into the new body It saw the problem right away, she was too weak her body had spent too much time in undeath her heart was not strong and her muscles refused to function. “Well you truly are a wretched thing,” It said into her mind “Trying to reclaim something you have no right to, there is no going back for you, you can never be human again but perhaps we can make you into something far more…useful.”

It began to force her heart to beat faster, the thing was weak and in danger or rupturing but Hass made it keep its unforgiving pace. It then began to shape her heart making it bigger and stronger, each pump of the new heart was worth ten of the old and it beat much faster. Hass moved onto the muscles forcing the new hearts blood into them It then made them stronger and more limber, even It wasn’t entirely sure of all the side affects of what It had done but she would definitely be stronger and faster. Before It departed It left a small piece of itself in her just a little extra insurance should the inevitable happen. Hass flowed back into Eva’s body “I’ve done all I could” It said, “Well I suppose there is one more thing.” It said, as Katja suddenly vomited out a great gout of vampiric blood, “There now I’ve done everything I could” It said laughing

04-27-2011, 12:08 AM
'Hass what the Hell have you done,' Eva shrieked inside her mind, 'that is not a human heart beat! Damn you! Perhaps I should take you back to that damn graveyard and let your keeper take us both. He'll be looking for us. I did leave a note after all. I can put you right back where you were again, and I can make it permanent. It's a bit harder to get out of vampire cannibals than vampires. I can trap you in my body underground. There are some weights even my body can remove. What the Hell did you do!'

Eva's hands flew about Katja's body trying to figure out a way to reverse Hass' effects. Frowning she used the charged defibulator and gave Katja another shock. Perhaps she could bring it under control, but she doubted it.

'Hass if you had an ass I'd kick it all over the room!'

"Katja," Eva said a bit shakily, "I'm sorry, but I can't make you human. However I don't believe you'll ever have to drink blood again. I'm sorry. There's a....thing that I allowed into my body. I asked it to help me, but....it did something. I'm not entirely sure what, but you aren't a vampire anymore. That I can promise. I just hope I didn't cause something horrible.....I'm so sorry."

'damn you! damn you! damn you! I should never have trusted you! I will find a way to punish you! Ugh damn you!'

04-27-2011, 01:24 AM
“You asked for my help and I gave it” It said perplexed at Eva’s sudden anger, “it was your fool idea to do this little project not mine.” Hass ignored her threats and mention of The GraveKeeper coming, he fully knew that he was chasing It, It had felt his presence for some time now though It decided not to mention it. “Threats Eva, really? After all my good deeds? I was in her body, she would have never made it on her own, she had been undead for far too long, improvements were needed which I graciously provided. Come now is this really so bad? She’ll be much more useful to you now I’m sure. Hey want me to make her spurt blood again? Might make you feel better.” Hass laughed, “I jest of course, it would be a simple matter for me to reverse what I’ve done, but… she barely survived what you did, reversing it now would most certainly be fatal.”

04-27-2011, 01:42 AM
'Damn you. It might not be so bad if either of us knew what exactly you did, yes I know you have no clue what you've done. Your jokes are not funny in any way and,*будем надеяться, вы никогда не получите физическую форму, и если вы когда-нибудь, который я лично буду рвать вам новый и уничтожить вас. Вам останется только сделать как я говорю, или вы собираетесь обратно в землю, откуда вы пришли. Вы точно знали, что я имел в виду!'

(Russian: you'd better hope you never get a physical form and if you ever get one I will personally rip you a new one and destroy you. You will only do as I say or you are going right back into the ground where you came from. You knew exactly what I meant!)

04-27-2011, 05:15 AM
Katja felt more violated than she ever had in her entire life. She didn't know what she was anymore but all she knew was that she was angry. It was an unrational anger, like a child's tantrum only much stronger. Her eyes turned molten red and her teeth became extremely sharp, even for a vampire. Black claws grew from her fingernails and she let out the most anguished and furious growl.
"What have you done to me?!" she growled in the most monstrous voice she had ever heard. Furiously, over come with anger, she tore at her skin, her hand, the dress, her face, and finally at the room itself. Claw marks ripped into sheets and curtains. The mirror fell and broke and when Katja looked into she howled in anguish.
Finally her anger subsided and she curled up in a corner. The claw receded for the most part, now just looking like long black nails, and her teeth returned to their vampiric way for the most part. He fangs were now a bit longer and sharper, and her eyes stayed red. But her voice had returned to a more sultry sound, instead of being monstrous or its old sweet music. She hugged her knees and sobbed softly in her small corner of the room.