View Full Version : [R] Make Love, Not Warcraft. (StormWolf and Myself)
11-05-2009, 09:49 PM
“Just stay in the safety of the Alliance towns, its easier to live without having to deal with those Horde.” He always said, “You arent ever going to be able to defend yourself out there. Just stay back here and let the stronger Night Elf Rogues go explore and bring back news. South Shore isnt important.” The elder of Darnassus spoke as Nymun knelt before him.
“But sir, I have proven my worth and even travelled as far as Stormwind City, and even further past that into Westfall where the creatures are even more fearsome than most around here!” Nymun said as she kept her head down, showing her respect.
“Westfall creatures are nothing compared to the Horde. They do not fight blindly as creatures do. They have mental processes and strategies. They are much more deadly than silly monsters.” He said as he tapped his long nails on his chair. “You are not permitted to go.”
“But sir!” She shouted, her head flying up to give him the glare of a lifetime. When he frowned at her she lowered her head and clenched her fists. “You don’t own me.” She snapped as she then got up, spun around and took into stealth. Passing the guards and such in the room before leaving the building all together. Going to the trade quarter she bought food and poisons for the journey she promised herself she was going to take. She even treated herself to a pair of brand new daggers which was far better than her own. Nymun wasn’t going to let the Horde scare her away, she wasn’t a sheltered female Night elf like many others allowed themselves to be. She preffered to not have the pampered life, she was an adventurer and wasn’t going to let herself be held back from what she wanted to do.
Packing her bags full of necissary items she waited until the sun went down until she stealthed her way on board the ship to Stormwind City. From there she took the flight path to the Gnome’s city, asking directions to South Shore. From there she rode her white Saber mount through the wetlands, straying away from the crocs in the waters. Travelling over the bridge into Arathi Highlands. Nymun was careful to stay on the path as she was tired from travel and she noticed the creatures remained in close nit groups. She surely wouldn’t be able to escape all of them.
Getting to Hillsbrad Fields wasn’t so hard. Entering the nice forest agriculture she felt at home as she continued. Knowing not the area she had just entered she just continued down the path until she got to a fork in the road. It continued straight and also turned right. For a moment she sat on her Saber debating which way to go. “Guess it cant hurt to explore anyways.” She spoke aloud to herself as she stroked her Saber and turned the reins right. Trotting along she went towards the town. “This alliance town seems much different from what I heard it looked like…” She blinked a few times as she continued. Seeing some guards walking about along with people. Smiling widely she rose her arm and xwove it back and forth “Hey guys!!” The guards and towns people stopped and looked back at her, this was when she knew something was wrong.
The guards that were looking at her were dead, well undead. They drew their swords and shouted something in some other language, now running towards her. Nymun’s eyes widened as she realised she had just entered a Horde town. Turning her Saber abruptly right she ran through a withered corn field, jumping over the fence on the other side and passing a barn which had yelling citizens inside. Looking back she let out a scream as she the guards gaining. Looking forward she screamed again as there was someone infront of her conjuring a firespell. Rearing her Saber she fell off of it to the ground. Grabbing her wrist she winced and looked up as her Saber was hit by a fire ball, scaring him off. She watched as her lifetime companion ran away from the commotion. “Huraguane!” she shouted as she then jumped sideways, avoiding a downward swing from a guard. He gurgeld something and glared at her. Nymun jumped up and ran, only to be frozen in place. Falling to her knees she tried to pull herself from the ice encasing her feet. She was then hit blisteringly by a fire ball from the same man. Screaming in pain she was then hit by the guard, her dark blood painting the grass as the hits were repeated. Nymun pulled at her feet as harshly as she could and finally was let free and rolled sideways just as the guard was about to give the finishing blow.
Vanishing quickly Nymun held her breath as she backed away from the commotion, the guard along with the mage looked around for her. The mage even ran around trying to find her. Wincing Nymun travelled towards the pond near the town. Moving to the back side of it near the hills Nymun collapsed onto the edge of the water and groaned slightly, twitching her ears slightly as she tried to reach for her bag to get her healing potion from. Opening it she gasped, her bag had a cut in it and all of her potions were gone along with her bandages. Cursing under her breath she put her head in her hands and remained in partial stealth as she tried to rest herself. But her heart was beating so fast she couldn’t calm her mind.
11-06-2009, 06:46 AM
Roaer had been sitting in the wilderness outside of the nearby Horde town, meditating and seeking revekation as he was told to do by his Order. Roaer was of the ancient race of High Elves, though the modern world called his kind by a much more savage and aluring name; Blood Elves. Roaer's glowing green eyes were shut as he seeked the calm that the nearby pond gave him. He had silver hair tied back ina topknot ponytail, though bangs still framed his face and cascaded down to his shoulders. He wore the dark crimson and gold armor and robes. On his shoulder pads, an embossed badge of a book with a sword through it marked him as a high ranking Paladin.
The serenity of Roaer's meditation was spoiled by an Orc warrior lumbering through the brush.
"You, Blood Elf." the Orc called out in a gruff and deep tone. Roaer sighed and opened his eyes, glowing a bright green beneath the elongated eyebrows of that were customary of his kind.
"Yes, Orc?" he responded, his voice deep as well, but it was smooth as oiled leather. Roaer remained seated on the grass, legs crossed in a meditative style while his hands rested on his knees.
"You didn't happen to see s Night Elf around? By the look of her she was a Rouge." The Orc spoke again. Roaer was tired of dealing with these barbairc brutes. He much preferred the noble and humble Tauren than these greenskinned bafoons.
"If she was a Rouge, isn't that question holding an answer within it? No. She likely stealthed herself and is far gone by now. You would be wise to do the same. Let me be." The Paladin shooed the Orc away with a sweeping motion of his hand, as if he was waving off a bothersome gnat. The Orc complied after giving a harsh sneer.
Standing with a natural grace, Roaer strapped his two handed Crusaider Sword ( onto his back before making his way to the pond. Kneeling by the water, he made a cup out of his hands and dipped it into the surface, splashing the cold water over his face and wetting his hair.
Then he heard it; a groan. Roaer's head perked up and he immediately became tense. His hand flew to the sword grip peeking over his shoulder. Out of the corner of his vision he thought he saw something move. Half-drawing his sword, the Paladin turned, eyes aglow and his hands encased in a bright aura of holy magic. There she was. The Night Elf rouge, half stealthed so that she looked more like a ghost than anything else.
Roaer stood there, ready for the Rougue to pull a tick out of her sleeve. He stood there, watching her for the slightest bit of movement.
"You...." he said in ancient elvish. They did share similar roots, Roaer and this Night elf girl, their origin language being one of those roots.
11-08-2009, 12:22 AM
"You...." he said in ancient elvish.
Just when Nymun thought she was safe to let her guard down a irregular slur of Ancient Elvish caused her to snap her head up to look at the being which spoke it. She expected to see a fellow night elf, but the pale skin, glowing green eyes and blonde hair took her aback as her slight smile completely faded. Nymun instantly recognized that he was a Paladin, his gear and weapon clearing stating that he was a fighter, not a healer. The gleam of his sword caused her to swallow hard, her fingers tightening on the soft damp ground below her. She wasnt sure what it was that she should do. Run? And if he chased her? Fighting was out of the question. She wouldnt last two hits from this Paladin.
Speak with him? Maybe he wasnt so quick to kill as the guards and mage were before. She of course would have to speak in Ancient Elvish since she was sure he didnt speak Darnassian. She wasnt too sure if her Ancient Elvish would be spot on, it wasnt commonly used any longer. Good thing her grandfather had schooled her in it long ago.
A slightly sheepish smile came to her lips as she cleared her throat "H..Hello fellow elf..." She spoke as she lowered her ears slightly. "I...didnt mean to intrude. Ive never been to these lands, and Ive never...seen a Horde before." Nymun spoke, her ancient Elvish clearly spoken to him. Hopefully he wasnt the match to the stories the ancient one had told her about before she left.
11-08-2009, 01:14 AM
The Paladin's brow furrowed and his grip on his balde became white knickle tight. All he had learned told him to kill, so why did he hesitate? This girl was no threat to him. The only thing she was a danger to now was herself. Roaer let his weapon slide back into it's sheath as he observed her. The ground around her was sodden and dark with her blood, and by the pale color of her skin, she had lost too much. The Blood Elf walked up to her and took a knee, looking the younger elf in the eyes.
She took on a submissive, timid air as he got so close to her. She spoke the Ancient Tongue, that was refreshing and relieving. She started to speak, a soft voice that was like silk. She was afraid. Fear made ones heart beat faster, thus pumping what was left of her blood out of her now-frail body.
"Sshhh. Be still." Roaer said in a smooth baritone as he slowly placed his hands on her head, cupping her face in his hands. The Paladin closed his eyes and a glowing aura surrounding his head and hands. Mana coursed from him to her, her flesh and muscle knitting together. The Healing energy from the Blood Elf stimulated production of red blood cells, replacing the vast ammounts of blood she lost.
"What is your name?" Roaer asked, a halo of bright ligh enveloping his head and hands as he Healed her. "I am Roaer Mavoldrin. Paladin of the High Court. I will not hurt you unless you force me to. You understand, yes?" as he finished speaking, he had spent all of his Mana reserves saving this young Night Elf from death. Roaer now felt tired, and weakened, like he had lead weights strapped to his limbs.
"I would hope you would not strike down the one who gripped you tight and pulled you from a slow death."
11-08-2009, 01:55 AM
Nymun trembled slightly as he knelt down next to her and placed his hands along her jaw. He could just as easily snap her neck and end her right then and there. Taking a sudden inhalation of air she closed her eyes and prepared for the worst. When she wasnt killed by his hands she opened her eyes to see his closed and a golden aura coursing from him. Nymun blinked a few times as she felt her skin mending itself and her heart pumping more fully as more and more blood revived in her veins. A small smile came to her face, maybe they werent all monsters.
When he asked for her name and gave his she stumbled over her words again "M..My name? Its Nymun... Nymun Aeroth, of the Darnassus royal family descendants..." She bit her tongue as soon as she spoke. She shouldnt have told him she was of royal blood, it could ruin her. "And I understand... Yes." She smiled slightly to him as he finished healing her, his words making her nod.
Nymun adjusted herself and ran her hands along her arms, torso and then legs. They felt much better. Standing up she jumped up and down a few times, tightening her fists and perking her ears high. "Thank you Roaer of the Horde." She said as she stretched her limbs and bent backwards, doing a full backwards handstand and then returning to her feet. Looking at him she smiled and pushed her hair behind her ears. Nymun suddenly saw a figure from the corner of her eye, instantly vanishing from sight.
She watched the Paladin look about, probably thinking ill of her. Praying he wouldnt recoil defensively Nymun crept close to him, laying a hand onto his shoulder and then pushing his line of sight with a hand on his chin aside to the green figure across the lake.
11-08-2009, 07:10 PM
When the Rouge, Nymun, vanished, Roaer's heart quickened in his chest. His Mana was too sapped to Sanctify the earth, so he had no chance of blasting her out of her stealth. He was just about ready to activate on of his Auras when he felt the soft hand of an elf on his face, though he could not see it. That hand, he assumed it was Nymun, guided his gaze to that same Orc that had interrupted his meditation earlier.
Roaer stood slowly as the Orc approached. The Blood Elf was tense. He just used all of his Mana Healing Nymun, he would not allow this greenskin brute to undo all that he did.
"What do you want savage?" Roaer asked sharply, irritation and anger apparent in his eyes.
"Save your judgments, elf. One of the other Mages felt Mana being used to Heal. Since we have no wounded, that must mean you either fell off of your high horse, broke your leg, and Healed it, or you found that Night Elf hussy and tended to her wounds." Roaer sighed an exhasperated sigh. The brute was smarter than he looked, much smarter.
"Very well. Fine, you got me." Roaer said calmly. The Orc smiled as he approached the Blood Elf, cracking his knuckles.
"I'm going to enjoy this, Elf." The Orc said deeply. Roaer just smirked,
"Nymun, get back." was all he said before the glowing aura of holy magic enveloped his head and hands. The ground cracked and became alight with holy fire as Roaer used Sanctify Ground. The Orc grunted as the flames bit at him, burning him. With this pause, Roaer pulled a long bladed dagger from his belt and began putting holes in the Orc's neck. Three, six, fifteen, thirty-two, forty-three, fifty times he brought that knife down into the Orc's thick neck.
When Roaer slipped his dagger back into the sheath on his belt, the Orc's head was hanging off on a hinge, a look of horror stuck on his ugly face forever.
"Come, Nymun, we had best make haste and leave this place." Roaer said in the Ancient Tongue. He ran back to where he was meditating before and grabbed his travel bag, removing his armor and putting on less conspicuous clothing, finally throwing a sturdy, dark green cloak over himself.
"Come. We are both wanted by the Horde now." He looked around for her vainly before starting for the treeline.
11-08-2009, 10:08 PM
Nymun took a few steps back as Roaer told her to, keeping away from the AOE he had thrown down. Staying at a distance she watched as the Paladin mutilated the Orc easily. As he finished him off easily she listened as he had told her they had to leave. Looking back at the Orc and then back to her Paladin friend who had taken off his armor she blinked a few times. Surely she would have never gotten any kind of experience like this if she hadnt decided to venture here on her own.
The Night elf followed her friend towards the treeline, her stealthed status causing her to creep slower than his pace. She would catch up to him sooner or later. As the trees got dense Nymun continued to follow Roaer, feeling safer in the foliage she unstealthed and sprinted towards him, catching up just as she ran out of energy to sprint. "Why did you do that? Take out one who is on your side?" She asked as she blinked a few times at him.
Looking suddenly to her left Nymun vanished again and crept off through some trees. It was silent for a few moments, and the Nymun's laugh echoed through the trees along with a tremendous roar. A few moments later she came tumbling out from the tree's dense leaves in the claws and paws of her white Saber who pinned her to the ground and licked her face. Hugging the large Feline's face she allowed herself to be risen to her feet and then ran her hands through his fur as she looked at her Paladin friend. "Roaer, this is my companion Huraguane. He is temperamental sometimes, but Im sure he will get used to you." Nymun smiled again, continuing to pet him.
11-09-2009, 03:30 AM
Roaer ran through the brushes, his sensed stretched far and wide as to try and hear another Horde patrol before it finds them. He was no hunter, but he knew a few tricks. When Nymun asked him why he slew one on his side, he was silent for a while, not really knowing an answer that made sense.
"It..." he frowned, "It felt like the right thing to do. He would have killed me and dragged you away for a much worse fate. He needed to die." The Blood Elf was very calm, almost aloof about the whole thing.
When Nymun vanished, he stopped and looked around calmly. When a massive blur of white tumbled out of the brush, Roaer's hand flew to his sword. He was ready to lop off the Saber's head until Nymun explained things to him. Her companion, of course.
"Oh, I am sure your fuzzy friend and I will be just peachy." he chuckled, offering a hand to Nymun to help her up despite the growl from the Saber.
"Come on, once we find a secluded place to make camp we can rest, but the hounds are still hot on our trail."
11-09-2009, 04:55 AM
Nymun nodded to Roaer as he told her they needed to find a secluded place to camp. She took her Saber by the reins and began to walk deeper into the woods. Nymun glanced over to her new Paladin friend and blinked "I want to thank you. Again. You could have just given me up, saved yourself all of this trouble..." Nymun looked back to the ground, thinking back to the Elder she had spoken with the previous day. A frown took over her facials as she gripped the reins of her companion tighter, thinking about the warnings he had always given her about the Horde and how tricky they can really be.
Nymun decided to bite her tongue and leave that worry for another time. She wouldnt want to come all this way to find out he was just leading her to her death. With a sigh the Night Elf rogue hopped atop her saber and got comfortable as they continued, her Saber at a slow trot so as to not pass the paladin. "Lets continue shall we?" She smiled down at him, trying to keep her mind from floating away to where her negative thoughts burrowed.
11-11-2009, 05:56 AM
Roaer walked beside Nymun as she rode her snow-white feline steed. He could see how Nymun and her steed were such kindred spirits. They were both graceful and naturally beautiful beyond what little poetry Roaer knew. The Paladin looked over to her as she spoke, smiling a kind and reserved smile.
“Please, Lady Nymun, I just did what I thought was the right thing to do. The Order speaks of a Higher Path, and I think I took it.” He said with a confident smoothness in his deep voice. “Besides, we share common ancestry, and letting a flower such as yourself be ripped apart by a Horde savage would have been a horrible loss. The Earth herself would have shed tears at your untimely death.” Roaer continued walking beside Nymun and her Saber, saying little more. He knew these woods well, better than the rest of the barbarians in the Horde Camp.
The Paladin led his Night Elf companion up into the nearby rocky foothills, finding the cave he had been in before scouring for ore and gems. The granite cavern was dry, dry enough to start a small fire that gave off too little smoke to give away their position. Setting his travel bag down, Roaer pulled out a tinder box and a collection of kindling. Starting a small fire, the Blood Elf removed his dark cloak and leather jerkin, leaving him in his boots, britches, and soldiers’ tunic.
“Make yourself at home, Nymun.” Roaer smiled as he pulled some bread and water from his pack, giving her two loaves and two bottles of water, leaving himself with a half loaf and a half bottle. He undid the leather tie holding his silver hair back in the long ponytail at the crown of his head, letting his silk soft platinum colored hair fall over his shoulders and back freely.
“We should be safe in here for the night.”
11-16-2009, 12:58 AM
Nymun smiled to Roaer as he told her to make herself at home. Taking off her pack from her back and the pouches she carried around her waist on a leather belt, she hooked them onto her mount's saddle and guided him to lay down along the back wall of the cave. She would sleep there with him when the time came for it.
Taking the bread and water from Roaer she blinked at it for a moment. He had given her a larger portion, probably for her companion. Taking half of one of the loafs of bread he had given her and one bottle she held the rest out to him "Please, dont give me extra. My companion eats meat I store in my pack and will find his own water. I dont want to run down all of your supplies." She nodded to him and set it down on his pack before he could refuse them. Sitting opposite of him by the fire she bit into the bread and chewed it. Her stomach gurgled in delight since she hadnt had anything to eat since the prior night.
Watching the flames dance in front of her she ran her hand over it, the flames dancing to her skin and holding to it, but not burning her. Holding up the lively beating heart of flame she blew on it, making it grow and then set it back into the fire. The fire put out twice the heat and half the embers. "A happy fire is the better friend. Especially on a cold night." She said as her ears relaxed and her smile remained on her lips. Being a Night Elf Nymun was raised with Nature and was taught early on that everything natural has a life and soul. If one is to respect that soul, the specimen will surely give a reward.
11-26-2009, 04:54 AM
When she started to give back half of the rations he gave her, Roaer held out a hand, pushing them back,
"You lost a lot of blood, Nymun. It would be healthier for you to eat all you can." saying his piece, he ate his rations. He was not really worried about running out, if he stayed ahead of the wanted posters, that is. He had to, her life depended on it. Granted, she could likely fend for herself well enough, but he would do the guarding until she had all of her strength back. Roaer held his hands out in front of the fire, the warmth sinking into his bones and relaxed his muscle. He watched her across the fire, how it's orange glow cast stunning highlights on her skin. A smile tugged at a corner of his mouth while he watched her.
12-12-2009, 08:20 PM
She chuckled slightly "I am quite a bit stronger than you think my friend." Smiling she glanced up at him, catching him staring at her. Blinking a few times she twitched her ears and looked away, rubbing her arm as she wasnt too sure what to think about him. He was a kind man, and was willing to betray his allegiance for her who he has just met. He is willing to share his food and hide her even at the risk of being killed for helping her. Glancing up at him she blinked a few times, wondering what he was thinking at that moment in time. Smiling slightly she bit into her bread and chewed it slowly, staring at the fire again.
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