View Full Version : Death Note [M]

01-15-2011, 11:35 PM
James sat his computer in his office at the New York Police station. He browsed through multiple, old news articles that he had come across. One news article in particular had caught his eye.

"Multiple deaths due to heart attacks....worldwide phenomena." James mumbled to himself as he skimmed through the text. He pursed his lips and thought to himself. "Hm...not a lot of information here... this is quite suspicious."

James leaned back in his chair and sighed, "Another boring day." He placed his hands behind his head and relaxed his muscles. "Although, I would like to know what exactly caused that 'phenomena'. There's no way that could have been due to mother nature...there's just no way."

James reflected on how his father died of cardiac arrest and the circumstances leading up to it. "Hm.."

01-16-2011, 12:14 AM
Charlotte stomped up the apartment stairs, causing the entire house to groan under her midnight-colored heels. Once again, coming home from work had left the girl frustrated and tired from the long bike ride. The pizza place was 17 blocks away from the house, uphill when returning back home at around one o'clock in the morning. Yet apparently, this was no excuse to be a little upset.

Her mother was waiting in the doorway when Char finally managed to drag her tired body up the 3 floors, bike clanging irritably behind her. "How many times have I told you?! BE QUIET WHEN YOU COME HOME! THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE IN THE APARTMENT!" Her harsh words were accompanied by a condescending smack to the back of the head, but Char simply pushed past her mother into the room, dropping her bike and kicking her heels off. This had come to be a sort of ritual.

The apartment she had bought for her little sister and mother was small- a master bedroom paired with a living room and a kitchen. Her mother occupied the master, while Char and her sister slept on uncomfortable couches in the living room. The walls were cracked and stained, and all of the furniture seemed to be sitting on the floor, tired and broken.

Her mother padded lazily to her bedroom and Char went quietly into the living room so as to not to wake her sister. She lied down on the squeaky couch opposite of her sister's, staring up at the pale ceiling. Sometimes, she wished that things were different.