View Full Version : Rumble on RPA Shadowstar vs sevendeadlysins [J Shepherd]

02-03-2011, 06:08 PM
A bright blinding flash appears and all of a sudden you find yourself in very unfamiliar territory. The wind whips around you in stormy gusts causing the very platform you are standing on to sway violently. No, its not a platform, its a bridge, made of old decaying rope and large wodden planks. Though a few have seen better days and some have been lost to the ages leaving treacherous gaps for the unwary. Around you and far below you extends a canyon to which you're not sure there is an actual end, one might fall forever into that dark abyss. Yet the sheer cliffs on either side are littered with trees and plants growing from the exposed cliff face in the bright, unrelenting sun, a potential savior for any who might fall near the edges, and a testiment to nature's defiance in the face of gravity.

You notice that on the other side of the bridge, stands your opponent, though before either of you can react another gust picks up, though instead of shaking the bridge the wind itself cries out "This match is begun! It will continue until one of you is dead, unable to move, or forfeits the match, and while you will be restored at the end, only the one declared the winner by me will advance to the next round." And with that the wind shook the bridge one last time and battle was joined.

(You have 15 days to post, after that time this battle will end and a winner shall be declared.)

02-05-2011, 05:05 AM
The wooden slats that made up a bridge crossing a chasm creaked under Wrath's massive weight as he was dropped onto it. He stumbled, surprised by the sudden change of surroundings. He had just been resting in hell when he saw a blinding light and was teleported here. Where was he?

He looked down. Darkness. It looked as if the chasm extended down to the depths of Hell itself, but it didn't, he would be able to hear the familiar screams of the damned. He looked around to the trees on each side of the chasm, then to the sky. "Outside...I hate outside...especially when that damned sun is out." he said to himself, shielding his eyes from it. He stumbled again when the wind rocked the rickety bridge. He began to get angry, who would do this? Whoever it was, he planned on killing, it was incredibly irritating.

"This match is begun! It will continue until one of you is dead, unable to move, or forfeits the match, and while you will be restored at the end, only the one declared the winner by me will advance to the next round."

Oh, someone had called him here for 'a match,' Wrath had stopped calling them matches 100 years after he had killed his first mortal and began calling them 'bloodbaths' because he never lost. Very well, he would participate in this 'match' then kill the one responsible for interrupting his relaxing day. He drew his massive sword and looked around for his opponent. as he turned, the bridge creaked more under his shifting weight. The thing could break for all he cared, he would still end up winning somehow.

He spotted the grey creature on the other side of the bridge. Wrath had heard of these things, but never fought one. They were apparently made by humans out of metal and were harder to kill than any mortal, and this one was particularly large. But whatever, everything dies eventually if you hit it hard enough.

Wrath pointed his sword at the grey thing. "You! metal creature! You are my opponent, and you will die by my sword today. Prepare yourself!" He yelled at it, he didn't do anything though. He was going to wait for it to attack first, even Wrath was smart enough not to break the bridge first thing in the battle, but if it opted out of charging first, then Wrath would be honored to start the battle.

02-07-2011, 07:30 PM
...Temporal Anomaly detected... his on board systems chattered to him as his optic sensors were overloaded momentarily by the blinding flash. Upon clearing up he quickly accessed his surroundings, quickly balancing himself on the shaky bridge. How it was holding his weight was a curiosity to him. The thought quickly left as the voice on the wind mentioned the match and he focused back on his surroundings.

Tactical analysis of immediate location dictates that plasma weaponry is to remain offline due danger of compromising structural integrity of bridge. Holographic camouflage will be of little use do to confined nature of surroundings. He let out what could have been considered a snort of distaste at the suggestions of his systems. Focusing on the large man on the opposite side of the bridge he started to formulate a course of action based on his location and the confined nature of the bridge.

He took a step forward to test the strength of the bridge, keeping his feet close to the outer edges of the planks near the ropes to prevent his weight from shattering the boards near the center. Upon hearing the taunt of his opponent he stopped briefly to focus on him, trying to gauge his method of attack. The sword made that painfully clear, but being on the bridge as they were he was unsure just how well his opponent would be able to use it and not destroy or otherwise compromise the bridge in the process.

"Threats are irrelevant. Skill and power will decide who shall survive. As it seems we have a spectator as well beyond our sight, let us give him a good show shall we?" He spoke back to his opponent in a voice that was nothing near human. Going against his computers initial suggestion he started to charge his plasma cannons just in case an opportunity should arise that they could be used in a manner that would not destroy the bridge. He then continued his slow cautious pace across the bridge to the man on the other side.

02-08-2011, 03:39 AM
"Insuferable machine..." Wrath frowned at the lack of hostility in the creatures response. Instead of charging, as was his original plan in case the robot didn't attack first, he began to look at his surroundings and thinking about what he was going to do next, the huge thing wasn't going to make it to him any time soon anyway.

Wrath was incredibly annoyed by this bridge. This battle wasn't going to get started as long as both him and his opponent stayed on it. He looked around him to find another place to battle. There was, of course, the land that the bridge was attached to. It would take a bit of time to reach, but when he finally got on some solid ground, he could do some real fighting.

He began inching his way to his side of the cliff. Even with his slight movements, the bridge creaked and moaned to his steps. Wrath let out a sigh as he neared the end of the cliff.


The bridge gave away underneath him as the rope broke at the point where it attached to the cliff. He reached out toward the foliage that passed in front of him as he fell and grabbed on to branch after branch, each breaking off one after another until finally, he was able to latch to a particularly large tree that jutted horizontally out of the cliff face. The tree was just sturdy enough to hold him.

Wrath pulled himself up onto the tree and looked around. There were more large trees like this around him. Now,with some good surfaces, the battle could start. He began looking around for his opponent.