View Full Version : Soul Shards

11-11-2009, 09:29 PM
Soul Shards OOC (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1128)

You guys can start posting, Im not gonna make you wait for my post


11-11-2009, 11:12 PM
Ebony gazed at the stalls as she walked past them, judging if she had enough money to buy some extra souvenirs as well as food. For a moment, she stopped, examining a certain stall. She sighed; the leather pack she’d been looking at, useful for carrying all of her necessities, was beyond anything near her price range. “How low are you willing to bring down the price for that leather pack, there?” She asked the merchant. The merchant sized her up, looking for any sign of wealth.

“Not low enough for you.” The words were said with a smug look that made her blood burn.

“So you wouldn’t help out a poor, helpless girl like me make her way in the world?” Ebony fluttered her dark eyelashes. The merchant almost laughed out loud.

“Say that again without that spear strapped to your back.”

“Foiled again,” she said, loud enough to make the merchant laugh loudly. Without another word, she started off, her long black hair flowing in the wind. A long, dark spear was strapped to her back and she was itching to have it in her hand, where it would be of more use. The only reason it wasn’t firmly in her fist was because some people freaked out when a weapon was out in the open.

Ebony went to a stall selling some kind of candy.

“There aren’t any surprises in the food, right?” At first, the vender was startled but then he smiled.

“No, but there are tastes that will—”

“Yeah, yeah. Just fork over the candy.” If the trader was offended, he didn’t show it. Ebony paid the man and started eating the sweets.

The wind changed directions and her hair blew in her face. “Jeezum, this is annoying!” she said, turning so it was blowing away from her strange orange-brown eyes. Tacking a small leather strip, she quickly tied it behind her head, where it would be much less annoying.

I should probably get my things from the inn. Mum recommended the innkeeper, but I don’t want dad’s old bow to fall into the wrong hands. She started back, briefly wondering what she should do next.

(I hope this is okay)

11-12-2009, 12:27 AM
As soon as Ebony finished her thought, a nearby building's side suddenly exploded outwards, sending a cloud of dust and debris into the street. At first, silence followed afterward, the merchants and citizens staring at the building in disbelief. Finally, movement became visible from the cloud as a man came out, sprinting towards Ebony.
"SOMEBODY!" he screams as he runs off. "PLEASE HELP M-!!!"
His statement ended abruptly, however, as he stopped moving, a look of complete terror on his face. Slowly, his face grew more faint, and he fell on his stomach. Directly in his back was a large broadsword, which hadn't been there before. As his dying body laid on the ground, another figure emerged from the dissipating dust cloud. While he didn't seem different than others aside from his silver hair and strange attire, the sense of dread and despair seemed to emanate from him. Calmly walking, he stopped at the side of the man, and without care, pulled the sword forcefully out of him. Swinging it once to throw off any running blood, he replaced it on his back and began walking. All the while, the citizens looked upon him in fear, knowing full well who he was.

11-12-2009, 01:12 AM
Levias breathed in and out slowly, watching his target. he had to time his breathing with his targets, and his steps to match. He didn't need ot walk currently, lucky for him. His target was seated at a desk, writing a speech to raise his Organization's morale. At least that is what it looked like. The man had a grey beard, and was bald. Levias wanted to make a snide remark about how easy this was, but then he might jynx it.

'Focus...' He thought, before slowly pulling his Poison dart out of his pouch. The poison was made of Ariatu Powder and Kentu Juice, two normally harmless, and sometimes helpful herbs. Now, combined, they were very poisonous. The effects would start slow, and would not fully reach their potential until he fell asleep. Levias threw the dart into his target's neck, causing the man to gasp. Levias was instantly there, and smashed the man's temples, effectively knocking him out. Levias picked up a small coin pouch, and looked a tthe paper.

'This definitely is not a morale speech...' He thought, reading it over. It was wierd, but he didn't have time to decypher it. He picked the dart out of the man's neck, before jumping out the open window, grabbing onto the next buildings ledge. He flipped his body over it, and turned into air, flowing away with the sound of a harsh breeze.

He passed through the market in his wind form, passing by many people, making hte wind kick up around them. He noticed a girl with a large spear on her bacck. She tied a leather wrap around her hair. Levias chuckled to himself, but on the outside with would seem like the wind was rustling something. He stopped in an alley,way, and transformed back. He gasped, taking in air. Another side-effect of his transformation, it took the air out of him.

He stepped out into the open, with his hood up, shadowing his face. He looked down to his newly acquired pouch of gold. He then saw the building cave in, and the brutal man who had killed the helpless person now lying on the ground, dying. Levias didn't show emotion. The man was walking about with an air of assurance, despair, and killer intent. Levias had seen the man once before, after being offered a job. The man was a monster, in both ways, he knew that much.

He walked right past them, and to the stall selling a few candies. He bought one, and looked at it, before eating it. He looked across the sea of people to see his supplier merchant. He walked up, and handed the owner the coin purse from his target, and giving him all of the silver and gold coins inside. The man nodded, and Levias grabbed a case that was off to the side of the man's stall. It was particularly large.

He began to walk away, towards the more poor, and abandoned area of town. He passed by the girl who had tied her hair up, and kept walking down the path.

Once he got there, he opened hte door, and stepped inside. No one was here, of course they weren't. He put the case down on a large bar, and opened it, before seperating the items. There were two brand new dual daggers, and there were plenty of other weapons and herbs. "Damn...This is a nice load here...I hope I get some new recruits tommorow, teh jobs are starting to pile up..." He spoke to himself, organizing the items into different closets and cupboards

(Lacey, you did perfect :D

Tytun, your character is not invincible, or an epic badass that never loses. You don't really go around killing random people and destroying buildings if you are a Monster. Monster's are quick and quiet, without causing commotion, like Altair from Assassin's creed. Just letting you know)

11-12-2009, 04:03 AM
The sun shone playfully upon the wagon-driver's face as his oxen plodded on, carrying the clinking and clonking load he had within the wagon. The two large, muscle-bound black oxen stopped to a halt in front of a small stand, an old woman looking up with a warm smile.

"Kerrain, dear! You're right on time, as you said you'd be!" The old woman exclaimed, walking toward the wagon-driver and giving him a warm hug.

"Well, Miss Agatha, I do not go back on my word. Your pots and pans are here as requested, with no charge I may add. Those nights I was given the extra room within your cabin and those wonderful breakfast meals... I believe I owe you something in return." Kerrain responded with a smile, his eyes bright and cheerful. He turned and brought his hands down to his right, picking up a bag and tossing it over his shoulder, the clatter of pots and pans resounding from the sack.

"Now, Miss Agatha, where shall I put these?" He asked.

The old woman moved to her stall and cleared a spot on the table, indicating where to put the bag. She thanked Kerrain for his generosity and promised him another good breakfast one day, and of course, Kerrain thanked her for the thought.

The blacksmith got back up into his wagon and cracked the reins, his oxen beginning again their ever-constant pattern of plodding along. The driver received more hails from others as he went by, his smile always on his face, and warm thank-yous echoing from his mouth. He noticed the live-action killing of a man in the market, but paid no attention. He'd seen much worse on his travels, and had come to the conclusion that poor little boys who needed gratuitous amounts of attention simply acted out in their own way. Though, what did catch his eye on the way to his spot, was the spear-adorned woman with flowing brown hair. His eye was on the prize, though. His spot at the market was calling to him.

The wagon rolled up and stopped, Kerrain jumped out of his seat and undid the oxen from the cart.

"Now then, Freya, Triean. You know the drill. Go graze until you hear the whistle, yes?" He said, patting each of the oxen on the head and letting them go on their way to the green pasture not too far away.

Kerrain went back to his wagon and lifted a lever, which engaged a whole series of contraptions that ended up with a full-blown stand. The armor pieces were on two side panels of the stand, the blades displaye don the front panel. The blacksmith produced a tall, thin barrel from behind the counter and placed it in front of the stand, feeding in a set of five spears. Shields hung from the banister of the stand, and a box was set out filled with pots, pans, and kettles. Daggers were presented on a purple velvet piece of fabric, and claymores stood tall against the front counter, their might in full glory. The blacksmith moved from behind the stand to the front, his eyes glittering.

He had taken of his shirt, revealing his muscular yet scarred body, and tied his shoulder-length hair into a rouge's knot. He flipped his eye-patch so the black turned into a vibrant red fabric, and then, he took his stance.


The blacksmith moved behind his stand almost immediately, customers descending upon the stand. The ever-present smile was still upon his face. Business was good today!

11-12-2009, 03:01 PM
Ebony stared in horror at the scene before her. For once, she was completely silent. Not one thought passed through her head, where thoughts normally ran free as the wind. People stared, as she did, at the building and the dying man. Without thinking (her normal way of doing things) she ran to the man and touched his hand. Raspy breaths came from his mouth and she bent towards his head. “Go in peace.” Accessing the power of Ether’s Heart, she sifted through his memories until he found one of a girl he’d fallen in love with years ago. Her brain working quickly, she created a fake memory of her bending down, sunlight surrounding her like a halo, and the fake woman whispered ‘I love you.’

The man seemed to relax and a smile fell on his features. His breathing stopped and Ebony slowly stood. Some of the citizens looked at her in astonishment. Ebony’s eyes were ablaze. She barely recognized the words as someone yelled something about having the best prices for the best something - or- another. With a wild gaze, she looked for the silver haired man.

“Where did he go?” She asked the crowd around her. They ignored her and seemed a little bit afraid. More anger burned her but she realized she wouldn’t get anything out of them. Besides, she would have to figure out a way to beat a man that could go through buildings. “Mum would be proud of me if she heard I was actually thinking about doing something before doing it.” She muttered. Bending, she turned over the man and turned him over, so the gaping hole in his back. Ebony had half a mind to take him to his mother’s house, which she’d seen while sorting through his memories, but the smell of blood was making her a bit light headed. Gore normally didn’t bother her; she’d been beaten too many times by her brothers for that. Yet this senseless killing made her want to excrete her breakfast.

She stood, a sort of numbness seeping through her. For that time when he was in his head, a small part of him had been implanted in her. Walking quickly, she made her way into a deserted ally and let some small tears run down her face. His mother would be devastated. Taking in a shaky breath, she wiped away the droplets from her cheeks. Using a technique she’d taught herself, she blocked the memories from coming back. She would dream about them for a while, but they would finally die if she didn’t concentrate on them.

Coming out of the ally, she didn’t look to see if the body had disappeared or if it still lay on the street. Her knuckles were white, but she didn’t turn her head. To distract herself, she admired the stalls and mentally counted if she could afford any of the things she desired. The jewelry stands she completely ignored. The anklet she wore showed no signs of damage so she had no need of the sparkly, completely useless, objects.

Finally she came to a blacksmith’s stall and was immediately interested. Armor she would need, eventually. Maybe this man made something light enough for her to wear, yet still move around in freely. Moving closer, she examined each piece. The blades, she completely ignored. The only thing she could do with one is skin an animal, and even that was iffy. Her eyes rested on the spears only for a moment until her curiosity was satisfied.

“Would you have any light pieces that aren’t too bulky?” Ebony asked, wondering if she sounded like a complete idiot. Her specialty was in spears and bows.

11-12-2009, 08:08 PM
Levias sighed as he looked through the list of assassinations, and grumbled a little bit about how much work he's gotten since he started the organization. He looked over to another paper on the desk. It was a flyer for the organization. picked it up, and pulled his Soul Shard out of his skin, to his palm. His Shard was allowed to be sucked into his body. He walked out of his HQ, and immediately felt eyes on him. Five City Guards were waiting. "Assassin, you are hereby sentenced to an immediate Audience with the King, or we will throw you into the Pit Of Hell (A torturing chamber)." The Captain said, while the others held spears pointed towards him. THe captain had a Bow and Arrow, but was not wielding them. "Fool..." Levias said, throwing a small knife through the mans windpipe, and pulling his dual daggers out.

Two of the men stabbed towards him, and Levias put one of his daggers away swiftly. He parried one of teh spears away, and grabbed the other, yanking it out of the guards hands, and flipping it up into the air. Another guard stabbed towards him, and made an inch deep cut on his hip. Levias grunted,a dn grabbed the spear that he stoe, before stabbing the man in the slit of the man's helmet for his eyes. The last two armed men took a step bacxk, becoming defensive. Levias turned around and slammed his punch dagger into the unarmed spearman. He pulled it out, and kicked the man in the knees. The other two City guard looked at the scen before them in terror. Levias turned around, and chucked the spear into one of them, pinning them up against the wall. THe last smirked, and rose his hand, and suddenly, arrows came from the buildings. Two of which got Levias. He grunted in pain, before turning into Air for a moment to get the Arrows out. They flitted to the ground, before Levias picked them up, and threw the arrows like darts. Two of the archers fell, and while the guards attention was away formt eh battle, Levias stabbed him repetitively with his regualr dagger. More arrows rained down, but they only cut him. Levias threw two darts at the remaining archers, and they fell to the ground from the buildings, foaming from the mouth. "Don't worry, the effects are permanent..." Levias said, before dragging the bodies into an alleyway.

11-12-2009, 08:40 PM
The mob was raiding the counters like ravenous wolves to the hunt, the clanging of weapons and armor filling the noise around Kerrain's ears. However, still he had a smile upon his face. Nothing comforted him more than this noise, the noise of business, the noise of money. He needed this money to continue his trade and to purchase even better materials to work with. He remembered the time he got his hands on a ten pound diamond and forged the sharpness blades in history out of it.

“Would you have any light pieces that aren’t too bulky?” A girl asked, her voice travelling lightly on the ear to rest within Kerrain's ear.

The blacksmith looked up, life in his uncovered eye and his ever-present smile showing his answer.

"Why of course! What is your preference? I have styles in chainmail, splint, plate, and ringmail. The ringmail is the cheapest, and as such, does not provide the best protection against things. While melee weapons will have trouble, arrows can easily go through the rings. However, there is something else I've been waiting to break out to show a very pretty and special girl..."

Kerrain ducked under the counter and produced a chest, which plopped onto the counter before the girl. He opened it with a key that suddenly appeared in his hand, and inside the chest was a black sheet. He pulled it up and showed her. The light sparkled and played along the metal's dark surface, the armor bending as if it were cloth, and light as a feather. Kerrain winked at the girl with his right eye.

"This my sweet is a special armor known as mithril, except in it blackened state. Since today happens to be my birthday, I'll give it to you for a mere 10 gold coins and the hope that you'll come back to my stand someday. What say you, lass?"

11-12-2009, 08:56 PM
Around the time the blacksmith had opened his stand, the silver haired man had made his way calmly into a building at the other side of town. Inside, he entered a room, where a cloaked man sat at the nearby desk.
"I heard the commotion. You obviously took care of your assignment, then."
Zion said nothing, only reaching his hand into the interior of his shirt. Pulling out something, he lowly flings it onto the table. The object was a small 'Wanted' poster, showing the face of the man he had killed just a few moments ago. The cloaked man let out a satisfied grunt before marking the poster off and tossing it to the side.
"Good job, Zion," he said calmly. "With Andres out of the way, our group will be one step closer to our goal."
Without even a nod, Zion turned and left the building, and began walking down the street, ignoring any glances from the citizens.

11-12-2009, 09:27 PM
Levias noticed the monster from before, watching him from teh rooftops. He watched the entire town from here, it was where he found information, and did other things of the sort. Right now, he was supposed to study the Blacksmith that had just opened shop, and was pulling the chest out from under. "Ugh, they are paying me this much just for their petty sales spying." Levias said, referring to the merchant that had hired him to gather information on the blacksmith. Levias felt a strange air about teh Blacksmith,a nd it wasn't just the happy vibe the man was giving off.

"Well, May I be damned to hell...Then again, I will anyways..." He said in surprise. The blacksmith was emanating the Shard Aura, into the air, which was the only reason that Levias could feel it. "Damn, He must make some fine swords...I wonder..." He said, jumping down into an alley with the stealth of a cat. he landed on a small pile of vegetable skins from the bar next door.

He stepped out of the alley and walked towards teh blacksmith. He respected the girl in front of him, who happened to be the same girl he passed earlier. As he waited, he felt a strange feeling. He looked around, and no one was watching him. He looked at the rooftops,a nd swore he saw a head disappear from his view. He shrugged it off, but stayed alert.

11-13-2009, 02:18 PM
Ebony gazed at the mithril, blinking. It was incredibly beautiful, and she found she wanted it. Even she’d heard of mithril and she dearly hoped all that she’d heard was true. If not, she was probably going to appear as a fool. Of course, she was quite used to that sensation, but she didn’t go out looking for it.

“Just to let you know, flattery will get you nowhere, though I appreciate it. My brothers tried that tactic on me so I’m immune.” The words gave her some time to think it over. She ached to have the mithril, but it wouldn’t actually be best to let that be known; though she was sure her emotions were plain on her face. Hiding them had never been her forte.

With one more gaze, she went to the purse tied firmly around her waist, unafraid of any pickpockets. Ebony pulled out the proper amount of coins, ignoring the fact that she barely had any left, and handed them to him. “I think I’ll buy it then, just because it’s your birthday.” She winked, smiling. Her tie suddenly fell off, dark brown hair fluttering about in the slight breeze, and she bit back some swear words.

“I really should have paid more attention to mum when she tried to teach me these sort of things.” She picked the tie up from the ground and, without bothering to dust it off, tied it back around her hair. Looking at the mithril, she suddenly had an idea, sparked by a memory of her brothers trying to cut off her hair. Whenever it was their birthday, she’d do something that would help them with whatever they were working on. As she barely knew anything else but the spear and bow, she would usually hunt their favorite dinner or entertain whoever had come over to celebrate with her skills.

“Of course, birthdays come but once a year, so I believe I’ll help you out. How about I give a demonstration in your wonderful armor? Not only will it give me a feel for the mithril, but it’ll give me something to do and attract people.” Oh, what I’ll do to get ride of boredom.

11-14-2009, 01:00 AM
Kerrain's eyes sparkled at the mention of "demonstration" and turned to scan the crowd before him, his finger extending toward a young boy.

"YOU THERE! BOY! Come here and tend the stall while I advertise. I'll give you a cut of the profits!" The blacksmith yelled, the boy hurrying over straight away. Kerrain explained some basics of what the boy had to do, which was met with a nod and "Yessir".

The blacksmith looked to the girl and nodded jubilantly, coming from behind his stall and seizing a hand-and-a-half sword from the side counter.

"Well then, my dear, allow me to help with the demonstration and make this an exhibition! We shall duel and show my customers the quality of my work, as well as the beauty."

Kerrain shoved and moved people, creating a small but do-able duel circle. He took his point, the blade sheathed at his waist. With arms open in an announcement, he yelled about the duel, and stated it was to further educate the people about his quality gears and wares. Spectators watched him, and some people glanced toward the spearwoman. The blacksmith took a step forward and bowed toward the girl, his right eye winking at her.

''Come my dear, the mob awaits! I'm somewhat of a novice with the blade, but nonetheless, I will do my best!"

11-14-2009, 03:08 AM
Ebony quickly figured out how to put on the armor quickly, as it was simpler than she’d originally thought that it would be. Grinning, she whipped out her spear and twisting it above her head so the ribbon on it spun around like a tongue of fire. It was great for distractions, which would give her a half second to act. Of course, that was all she needed to make a good attack. Usually. Hopefully.

“You know, when people say that they’re novices, they usually aren’t. It really isn’t fair to lie about stuff like that. Especially to a poor helpless girl like me, you know?” As she spoke, she looked around and thought about the space she had. She couldn’t sweep her weapon, as the circle was too small and she would hit one of the citizens. Ebony’s eyes sparkling, she watched him. Already, she liked the blacksmith as he seemed to not let life get to him. That was rare nowadays. It was all woe-is-me and life-is-worthless.

She bowed, refusing to curtsey because it allowed for less balance than she wanted.

“Let’s begin.” She leaped high into the air, so the blacksmith was looking into the sun and brought down her spear towards him. This is called getting off track.

11-14-2009, 03:20 AM
Idony bite into a fruit she had not bothered to know the name of, and she happily licked the juice of her lips. She enjoyed the unusual combination of the sweetness and bitterness. It blended perfectly together, and she couldn't help but smile. She remembered buying it from a very obese merchant. That was a good sign. It meant he had earned a good profit for his wares and could eat to his heart's content. If the fruit was somehow poisonous, she'd come back from her grave and haunt the man until he committed suicide. But those were only alternatives should she take a turn for the worst.

Her dark tresses fell over her shoulders, and the chopped, uneven locks were carried by a faint wind. It felt strange to her, the wind. It wasn't natural. That or she was becoming paranoid. She felt very wary of herself after she had witnessed a terrifying man murder what looked like an innocent goer-by. Idony shuddered remembering his face and crude style. He didn't carry out his kill in stealth, but in broad daylight with plenty of witnesses. Sure, it might've been his job, but even so... It was not something Idony had wanted to see.

It was a rare day that she got to relax. No customers to protect, so she had planned to spend her past earning in a hearty meal, which she hadn't had in a while. Her stomach emitted a low groan, reminding her of her hunger. Even though she had just ate that mystery fruit. The dark-haired bodyguard passed by what looked to be an advertising duel. And indeed it was. She was drawn to it. The excitement pulled her in like gravity, and she felt mesmerized by the beautiful armor and weaponry. Idony was not what you would call a weapon/armor expert, but she knew good work when she saw it.

She chuckled, but was still alert. After all, the strange unnatural wind bothered her. The hair on her arms stood on end, and she felt nervous. Again, her paranoia was surely getting to her. But in the case that someone with a shard would be there, she would be ready. Her experience with shards was decent, since most of her customers are often being chased by people with shards. To be truthful, Idony believes them to be a drug or false strength. She thinks that those who use the shards are weak, and they cannot fight on their own. Idony clutched her sword attached to her waist in a holster. She tried to forget that she was being overly cautious and became excited about the duel again.

11-14-2009, 04:00 AM
"HAHA! A brilliant dive, lass!"

Kerrain bent his knees and thrust off from the ground, air rushing past his ears as he shot up to meet the girl head-on. His hair let loose as his rogue's knot came undone, wind tearing his cheeks. His body twisted around and skirted just alongside the spear, his face a mere inch from the girl's face, his right eye winking at her up close. He spun away from the girl and into a free fall, landing on the ground behind the girl. He smiled and laughed, flourishing the sword in the air.

"En guarde! Wyvern rises to greet the day!"

The blacksmith jumped once again, launching himself into the air at the backside of the girl, also noticing at the same time she had quite the cute bottom. Though this was a duel, and he'd have to keep it proper. His sword was to his side as he prepared to slice at her from the sword, directly at the black mithril.

"An amazing spear-user, she is. Coming up with that attack as the first blow requires a lot of vigor and practiced skill. Though, I picked this size of the circle to benefit the sword, not the polearm. Learning how she deals with this will be beneficial to myself as well. Let alone, I haven't had a good battle in a while. I might be getting rusty." Kerrain thought, his eyes wide with excitement. Moreover, he knew this would draw a crowd.

11-14-2009, 09:36 PM
Ebony hadn’t expected him to jump at her. No one thinks about that when a girl, with a pointy stick, jumps at you. Since when is it sane to jump towards said girl. ‘He’s quicker than I thought. At the thought, she cringed inwardly. If her master ever heard she underestimated someone, she’d surely get it, no matter how far away he was from her.

When the blacksmith had winked at her, mere inches from her face, close enough for his hair to whip his face. Ebony nearly laughed. Knowing she’d probably need the breath sooner or later (most likely the former) Ebony let a wide grin form on her face. This was going to be fun. He spun away and Ebony landed gracefully and heard a barely heard him hit the ground behind her as the sounds of the marketplace threatened to take over her senses.

She instinctively ducked and rolled away, knowing that attacks could come from behind as well as from behind as well as the --front. It wasn’t actually very nice, but it was smart. The mithril really was insanely light, and it didn’t hinder her movements at all. Which was a major plus.

Looking around the circle once more to get her bearings with a quick gaze, she leaped, barely a blur, to the edge of the circle. The movement startled many of the citizens. Ebony hammered her spear into the ground with all of her might. Hefting herself into the air, dark hair flying around her face, and brought her feet above her head and aimed for where she believed her opponent would be. Maybe. With an unusual amount of luck…at the least.

11-14-2009, 10:14 PM
"MAGNIFICENT COUNTER!" Kerrain exclaimed, his hand making a thumb's up as he took Ebony's kick in the chest, his body hitting the ground with a dull thud. However, he got back up quickly, rubbing the back of his head as that smile of his did its work. If he had gotten hurt, he would never show it. Business was business.

The blacksmith threw his hands up and caught the crowd's attention, his voice charismatic and face inviting.


His left eye burned with excitement. Had he not made a fire-proof material to put over his eye, the people of the crowd would realize what he had. He had taken precautions against this accordingly, but all the same, the battle was kindling his inferno-like spirit. This girl was quite fun.

"She's playing with me, heheh. Though I do enjoy playing with girls, this is not here nor there of the time. I do believe I'll up the speed..."

Kerrain's smile had never left his face. He stood up and gave the girl another thumb's up, the sword held loosely in his right hand. He spun, his arms loose, as he flung the sword at the girl. His body moved with burning speed, the air hot behind his trail as he grabbed the handle of the sword, spinning with it, letting the forceful momentum of the blade carry his side swipe on the girl.

"Let it hit the mithril, lass, come now. I intended on going for your weak spot to make contact on the armor. Resilience has to be shown someway.."

11-15-2009, 12:02 AM
When she hit, she felt ecstatic that her guess was r. Not that she’d ever tell that she wasn’t sure. That would be embarrassing. When the blacksmith got up, he was grinning and it was contagious so she did also. Ebony suddenly remembered what this demonstration was for when Kerrian yelled about the mithril. Oops.

Kerrain took his fighting stance and Ebony got ready, yanking her spear out of the ground. When he gave her another thumbs up she knew that she really needed to prepare herself.

If her master saw what happened next, he would have hit her on the head and told her ‘I told you so’ until her head hurt from the excessive use of the phrase. He was fast. No, he was very fast. It caught her off guard and she reflexively started to dodge. Ebony wasn’t fast enough, which was a definite first for her.

As she tried to leap out of the way, the sword hit the side of her stomach and she was thrown by the power of the blow. Only her muscle memory kept her from falling completely to the ground and she was breathing hard. She looked down, expecting to see a chunk of flesh gone. Nothing. There was a bruise, she could feel that, but nothing more.

Ebony grinned, looking up, “See that? Not a scratch?”

11-15-2009, 03:41 PM
Levias watched the spar, and felt the vigor to fight come up on him. That's part of being an assassin... He thought to himself, stopping his hand from reaching towards his own hand-and-a-half blade. He was surprised that this blacksmith was using one, and actually correctly. Most people didn't even know how to use it properly, and used it like a normal sword. His eyes watched every reaction, and landed upon a girl who seemed cautious, while she ate an apple.

The blacksmith had dodged out of the way from the attack by the spear-using girl, and was now going in for the ki-er, hit. Dammit, I'm becoming so Monster-like I think kill instantly...I'm almost there... he thought, walking slightly into the crowd, and crouched down, turning into wind. THe people around him were too focused on the match that they didn't notice him.

He flew through the crowd and landed on the opposite side, outside of the throng of people. He turned, and noticed a thief that was one of his recent hit targets. He crept around the man who was stealing everyones wallets as he passed. Suddenly, there was a knife through his whole body, through the heart. He stopped, dead in his tracks.

Levias pushed his body into the crowds, and grabbed up the man's satchel. "Heh, easy money..." He said to himself, before looking around. no one was really watching. He ran up to a wall,and ran up two steps, before grabbing onto a ledge, and bringing himself up. He grabbed onto aa windowsill, and then kept grabbing onto anything possible, finally getting on top of the building. He could have used his shard, but he wanted to run around and use his body.

Levias instantly felt that sinking feeling of someone watching, and soon, ten archers appeared on the rooftops. He looked around for an escape, before sighing, and using his shard ot create the Sharp Wind known as RazorWind. The created a circle of it, and slammed it aagainst his other palm, so that the circle was horizontal. The wind spread out, and cut through the Archer's armor like a knife through butter. THey screamed, and began falling off of the rooftops. Levias fell down, breathing hard. "Damn...It..." He said between pants. Other screams from witnesses to the bodies soon flooded his ears. He got up, and turned into Wind, flying over ot His HQ, and landing on the ceiling, before falling over, and again panting. He watched the clouds go by as he rested from the fight. The distant sound of the City-Guard-Alert bell rang through the town, signifying that there was a murderer on the loose. Levias smikred. 'They'll never find me...' He thought, while watching the clouds go by

11-16-2009, 12:30 AM
From the side alley that he was walking through, Zion could still hear the crowd from before going. Listening to the tone, he noticed that the crowd was now cheering on. Though not exceptionally curious, Zion made his way to the end of the alley. Leaning next to the alley's exit, he took a look around the corner. As he did so, he spotted the same girl from before in a duel of some sorts. Staring blankly for a few seconds, he began to turn away when he felt the strong surge of a Soul Shard nearby. Blinking once, he looked up and saw an Archer as he fell from the roof onto the street. Before the Archer landed, however, Zion had begun to scale the wall using his sword as a piton. Once on the roof, he took a look around, taking note of the damage among the rooftop. Feeling another surge of Soul Shard power, though not truly able to tell its location, he began traversing the rooftops in search of the source.

11-17-2009, 01:50 AM
Vincent started this day as usual, but it turned out to be a more interesting day than usual. He had been walking the streets minding his own business when he look up at a building and saw a man come out of one of the windows. He didn’t really pay to much mind to it and continued on his way to where the merchants were. As he was walking the streets he herd a man say something about a demonstration, and decided to watch it. He made his way through the crowed to the front.

As Vincent watched the fight he really didn’t get into it. He was trained to keep his emotions out of thing, and not to get easily distracted by what was going on. He was watching to see if there was any weakness in their fighting styles, and saw that this was much more that a demonstration He felt like their was more to both of them. But that was short lived when he felt the presence of a another in the crowed. Some one with the aura of a killer that he had not sensed before. He then looked around to see who was giving off this aura.

As he was looking he saw the same man that he had saw earlier standing there in the crowd as well. He stepped back from the front of the show, and slowly made his way over to the man. Taking his time not to disturb the crowed of people. As he was about to reach him he disappeared. He then sensed the presence of a shard. He made his way to one of the buildings, disappearing into the ally. He made sure to look around to see if their was anyone in the ally before he jumped up to grab one of the ledges of a window ceil. He climbed up to the roof and looked around. Across from the building that he was standing on he could see the man.

Vincent started to run to where he was, but the archers appeared on the roof. He watched as what looked like wind attacked the group of men. He then once again disappeared, but now he was not fallowing that mans form. He was fallowing the Soul Shards power. He was not able to keep up, but that was to be expected. He made his way from roof top to roof top trying to find the man. He was unsuccessful. Just as he was about to give up, he heard breathing. Not just normal breathing, but hard breathing like the person was out of breath.

Vincent made his way over to where he had heard, and saw the man sitting watching the sky. He didn’t say anything just watched. He wondered how a man like this was capable of sending off that kind of aura. He decide to see if the man was as good as he thought. He reached behind his back, and pulled out a dagger that had a ornate handle. This was not one of his daggers, but it would have to do. He doesn’t bring any of his weapons with him during the day. He walked up to the man slowly, and so quietly that it would seam like a ghost was after him.

11-17-2009, 02:22 AM
Levias stopped panting as soon as he felt an aura near him. He stopped and looked behind him, there stood a man, about to attack him. "What the hell? What are you doing? I'm an assassin too, you're not supposed to break the code!" He said angrily, referring to the code of teh Underworlds, stating that Assassin's would not pull out contracts on one another. He stood, and brought the Soul Shard up to his hand, out of his body. "And if you want this, fuck off, I'm keeping it..." He said, pulling it back into his skin. It molded smoothly into his palm. An unnatural breeze crept through the air, and Levias was looking like he would pounce at anything that made sudden movements.

"So tell me, if you are here to kill me, why, and if not, tell me why you followed me. Oh, are you here to join the Organization?" He asked, looking up at the man. He had seen the man before in some fof the black-market's.

11-17-2009, 03:10 AM
Idony was enjoying much of the demonstration. It was very enjoyable. She was interested in this mithril the blacksmith had to offer. It seemed very efficient, and she did have some spare change on her. She might as well spend it. Saving money wasn't really her style. No, that was wrong. She wasn't used to saving money since she was always allowed to spend like there was no tomorrow. The dark-haired bodyguard bit the inside of her lip, reminded of her bad habits.

Despite her entertainment with the two demonstrators, she had continued to keep her guard up. She noticed three men come towards the crowd and go; they all left and headed towards the same place. Idony wasn't one to nose herself into another's business, so she felt it was fine to leave them be. However, she heard screams and saw archers fall from the building from which the men had went to. Of course, the rest of the crowd had not heard the screams. Idony had heard over them. She gripped the handle of her sword until her knuckles turned white and purple. She didn't like when people just went killing innocent people.

Okay, so maybe that was what an assassin was supposed to do.

But a bodyguard protects those victims.

She gently navigated through the enclosed circle around the demonstration, getting cold remarks from the people she pushed out of her way. She apologized halfheartedly, not wanting to waist anymore time should there be anymore innocent people up there. Idony stopped in the ally and scrutinized wall, trying to find an easier way to scale it. Because in truth, she was not very physically adapt to scaling walls without some sort of help. She sighed, shaking her head in disappointment. 'How embarrassing.' she thought, solemnly.

Idony found a few empty crates, abandoned with a pile of trash, and she stood on them. She pulled herself up using a window ledge and successfully started scaling the wall. It was quite difficult. One reason was because of her lack of physical strength. Female weren't built like men, so it was obviously going to be a bit more difficult for her to do the same task they easily pulled off. Secondly, because of her size, she was sometimes unable to reach the next ledge and had to jump. Now, Idony was not a great fan of heights, and jumping to one ledge to another was painful to even think about. Cowardice was becoming a habit of hers. How was she supposed to protect others if she's worried for her own life?

Again, another sigh of disappointment.

When she reached the top, she placed her hands on her knees and tried to catch her breath. Forget the archers. She had taken so long, so she was certain they were all dead. Idony covered her eyes with one hand, too embarrassed to look at her surroundings. She was new to the profession, but she certainly didn't want anyone to die. She furrowed her brows and sighed once more before unsheathing her sword. She might have been wrong in assuming all of the archers were dead. She sure hoped so.

However, despite her hopes, when she got to the location where the two men were, it was quite obvious there were no survivors. Her arms felt weak, but she didn't move an inch. Her legs trembled, and she could feel a cold sweat run down her neck and back. And although she knew what she was feeling inside, she knew her exterior was hard. She knew how to control her facial expressions in order to seem proud and arrogant, making her seem stronger than she really was.

"You're both assassins? Why'd you have to kill all of them?" Idony asked harshly. Please remember that Idony had raised herself so that she believe everyone would follow rules. And everyone was kind inside like she was. She was very wrong, and she had learned that a while back. "Or were you payed to kill all of them?" Her tone was dripping with obvious hate, even though her legs trembled ever so slightly. The odds were against her. Two, possibly three, men (who were assassins) against one little, inexperienced girl. How she wished she had joined an organization. Then she might have had others along with her. But did she think of that? Obviously not.

11-17-2009, 05:59 AM
Vincent saw that he was able to sense him, but a little slower that he would have. This must mean that he is of a lower class than he was. Then the man started to speak, and complain that he was braking the code. Vincent was well aware of the code of the Underworld that says that they don’t hunt ones of their own kind. He wasn’t planning on killing him. Ay least here. He continued to watch and listen and as soon as he was done another person arrive to the party, but this one seamed to different from them. He then heard her complaints before talking.

“Well it seams like we have an uninvited guest to this little party, but that is of little concern,” Vincent said as he placed the dagger back in it’s sheath. He then lifted his shirt to cover the dagger once more. “I’m not here to kill you. I was just seeing how good you were, and to tell you the truth you are better than you look. He then looked over to the girl with a smile on his face. “There is no need to be scared or even upset. In the world of the assassin it is kill or be killed. We put our lives on the line every time we take on a mission,” Vincent said as he took his attention off of the girl, and back on the boy.

“I am an assassin, but of a different caliber. As for your shard there is no need for me to have it,” Vincent said as he removed the glove from his right hand. Showing it to the young man. There was a shard embedded into the back of his hand. He then placed his glove back on. “You might want to keep what your power is a secret. You never know if there is a soul shard that will be able to defeat you. I know what your power is, but the same is not true for me. This is just a word of advice from me to you. He said with a smile on his face.

“And by the way young lady I didn’t kill any of these men,” Was all that he said on that matter. He then walked up to the man placing a hand on his shoulder. He knew good and well what his power was, and knew that he could kill him, but that didn’t scare him. If he attacked he would just use his powers on him. “I am willing to listen about your organization. It has been almost four years since I was in one. Well that is if you are willing to talk about it,” Vincent said in a dark and malevolent tone. He was willing to listen, but that doesn’t mean that he will join.

11-17-2009, 05:20 PM
Kerrain still had his smile, even when he took a knee and spun the sword around in his hand, the handle outstretched to the girl, the tip held tentatively in his hand.

"I yield to your superior armor, mi'lass. If that blow didn't cut through, then I have not a chance of winning without but my own skin as protection." The blacksmith said nobly, his eye catching hers and winking mischievously. That was that, until the crowd surged the stand and started ordering armor by the handfuls. The blacksmith eagerly stood up and was about to make his way back to his stand, then stopped and looked back at the girl.

"The day is almost over, lass. Perhaps in an hour or two I'll see you in the Seven Bridges tavern? Though I'll be here all week, in this same spot." Kerrain gave her a small bow and then hurried off, shuffling the boy out from the stand with a sack of golds coins in hand. The boy ran up the the spearwoman and handed her a bag containing the ten gold coins she had paid for the mithril. The boy informed her that the blacksmith enjoyed the duel so much, he decided to give her it for free. The boy also mentioned that the blacksmith said she looked cute in it and to get some lads her age as suitors. As the youngster ran off, Kerrain could be heard yelling out names and orders, his hand in a furious storm of writing on a sheet of parchment.

The blacksmith was thinking about other things, however.

"I see my tail has run off and gotten himself into a bit of a conundrum. As if I wouldn't have insiders in the trade organizations giving me tips on bounties upon my head and spies in my backyard. Honestly those old men irk me so... but I find it intriguing. None of them know I have my little ole' eye, and it shall remain that way. What's more intriguing than that, my tail seems to have run into a host of another shard. Honestly, one lad was enough. Two youngsters following me around everywhere is just a pain..."

Kerrain tapped his ruggedly shaved chin, a laugh coming up in his throat as he filled another order.

"And they're cramping my style with the pretty lasses! Damn them."

11-17-2009, 07:43 PM
Really, Ebony should have been used to surprises by now. Yet, the last thing she’d expected was what the blacksmith did. She spun her spear in the air and started to wrap it again so she could have it on her back as the crowd surged. Then, he’d given back the money she’d paid for the mithril, and told her where he was going later in the evening. When the boy related what he said about finding suitors, she shook her head in disbelief. If she decided to find a suitor, her brothers would find out somehow and half-kill them if they didn’t find him suitable.

Not knowing if he could see her, she waved to the blacksmith and pushed away from the crowd. A few asked to see the mithril and complimented her skill. If I hadn’t had that mithril, I’d definitely be dead, she thought, and often saying this out loud to attract more customers. Finally escaping the crowd, she put her arms high in the air, stretching them. She finally decided to head towards the inn to get her things; they wouldn’t hold it much longer unless she paid for another night.

Being inside those walls for so long made her twitchy, so she was going to camp out for the rest of the night. Maybe refuse to sleep if she couldn’t find an adequate place to sleep.

“Jeezum, I need a social life,” she said, making heads turn. When she didn’t say anything else, they ignored her, not willing to call out when she was wearing the spear. Really, all you have to do, if your female, is carry around a weapon and few will mess with you. “That’s cheap…I train for forever and no one will fight me.” Now, to get that bow…

11-17-2009, 09:09 PM
After a while, Zion still couldn't confirm the location of the Shard source he had felt, and nearly dropped back down when he saw a figure appear. Although it was way off on another rooftop, he could tell that the male was clearing searching for the same source. Watching him move about, Zion saw as he encountered the source. Noticing who the person behind the source was, he stared blankly for a moment. Blinking once after a while, he turned to leave when he saw a woman appear on the rooftop, heading straight for the two men. Again, he watched her with his blank stare as she moved on, but finally looked back to the streets. Seeing that the fight had died down, he dropped himself into the nearest alleyway and walked out. Almost immediately as he left the alley, however, did he find himself next to that woman from the demonstration fight. This was perhaps the third time he had seen her, and he looked at her for a few seconds before turning his gaze away and started to walk away.

11-18-2009, 01:52 AM
Ebony was just about to have a nice yawn when someone nearly made her scream, jumping from out of nowhere. She sprung to her fighting stance, whipping out her staff, waiting for him to react. A spark of recognition suddenly decided to spring into her brain. Who was this guy?

Then he walked away. That's when she remembered; him walking away. From the man he'd just killed. The man with the utterly sweet mother. Again, the anger started to burn. Her orange-brown eyes flashed and she started towards whoever it was, forgetting that he'd blown through a building. How convient.

"Hey, you!" She yelled, suddenly pouring on the speed to get in front of him. She looking into his eyes, ignoring the dispair that was creeping up in her, "I said, 'hey you!'" Glaring at him, she tightened her grip on her staff. "I still have to make you pay for killing that man. His mother is going to be absolutely...oh...crap...what's the word...oh, yes, his mother is going to be absoluetly devestated."

11-18-2009, 02:13 AM
Levias scoffed at the man. "Arrogance is a fool's poison..." He said, before shaking the anger out of him. He looked towards the girl, who had come towards them, yelling something about the archer's that he had killed a moment earlier. "Damn...One day you might understand why assassin's do what we do. I simply defended myself. They attacked me first, so wouldn't that make me a victim? Well, still, I suppose you have a right to be angry. Either way, I don't care, you should be about your business..." Levias said to the girl, not in malice, but in a I-think-you-might-want-to-listen-to-me voice.

He turned to teh other assassin, and responded. "We are an Organization of anything from Street Thieves to Fourth Echelon Blade Master's. I am A Swordsman, and an Assassin, so I know many different ways to kill..." Levias said, watching as the girl was dangerously close to them "I own this inn that we are standing on, adn have a good contract with a small time merchant, adn the jobs are all piling up, I need some help. Any jobs you do, you get the money..." Levias finished, still looking at the girl, who's angry breathing was heard through his ears

11-18-2009, 02:16 AM
Zion continued moving on, but slowed down a bit when she spoke. As soon as Ebony got in front of him, he stopped completely. Looking at her with a cold, blank stare, he remained silent as she spoke. The man he killed?... Oh, right... His hand moved slowly. Instead of reaching for the large sword on his back, however, he reached into his shirt and pulled the wanted poster of the man out. He tossed it to the girl and stood still, analyzing her movements and attitude toward this.

11-19-2009, 04:01 PM
Vincent looked at the man and smiled. “You are right, but the same could be said for those that are to arrogant to listen to others.” This was the last thing that he had to say in the matter. He removed his hand and took a couple of steps back. This man had surprised him once more, and he liked that about him. He never would have thought that he would be so insightful in the ways of the assassin. He then listened to what he had said to the girl, and knew that he was right. She was not going to understand their world. She was raised in a completely different world than they were. That was obvious, but he also knew that he had lived in a different world than him.

He was defiantly trained as an assassin, but lacked the fortitude to continue his training to become a shadow. What he still didn’t know is how different they truly were. Then he went into his organization did, and what they did. He didn’t know how the girl was going to react to the way they dealt with things. Nor did he know if the girl would try and attack them. That he would have to wait and see. If she was smart she would leave them in peace. He was willing to help, but he wanted to see ho good he was.

“Well it seams that you are determined,” Vincent said in a deadpan voice. He stuck his hand into his pocket, and pulled out a black piece of paper. “I will meet you at the location on the back of the card at midnight. We will discuses this matter further away from the ears of the innocent,” Vincent said as pertaining to the girl that was with them. He handed the piece of paper to the man. The black piece of paper had a bark blue snowflake on it; this is what all shadows use when a client wants to talk to them. They usually talk like a normal assassin when looking for jobs that interest them. This time it was not the job, but the person that interested him. “Will you join me?” Vincent asked as he then looked at the woman that was there. He was still unsure of what she was going to do.

11-20-2009, 12:17 AM
Ebony stared at the poster, only half-realizing what this meant for her. For that poor mother. Heck, for the sake of emotional stability. The orange-brown eyes were bright with the tears she was holding back. His memories, the ones he cherished, were now fresh in her mind. It hurt, it started to hurt physically and she was losing control. Her guard was going down. If someone were to touch her, their memories would have been stolen.

“But…” she stuttered, letting the poster fall to the earth, looking at the man, “Why did you have to kill him? The people in charge could have…he didn’t have to die like that…” She swallowed, trying and failing to gain control again. Her shard was starting to think that she wanted to use it’s power. If it could thing, and not merely sense, which was more sane than a jewel actually thinking.

“So much death…” she whispered, her knuckles white from clutching her staff so tightly.

11-20-2009, 01:37 AM
Zion remained where he stood and, although it didn't seem like it, took in everything Ebony said. Sad as it was, his job as a mercenary was the reason he killed the man. Now, the man's death could have been less flashy than it was, but Zion had been ordered to deal a 'more sound-worthy execution'. Considering how it turned out, it was an obvious success. Looking at how she stood, Zion could tell that her emotions were being racked against her head furiously. Not much wanting to start a battle, though, he walked to her right side and placed his right hand on her shoulder in a somewhat relaxed manner.

In that instant, images of Zion's past flew into her mind. His beginning as a normal person (and all of the boring extras to it) up to the tragic event, and his life's turning point, played like a movie in fast forward. Fire, screams, death curls, and other signs of destruction could be heard. Through his memories, she could even see him kneeling by his dead family, his own life slowly slipping from him through the deep gashes on his body. It was then that his Soul Shard made itself known...

More could have been taken had Zion not felt a strange sensation. Though he couldn't detect what it was doing, he was fairly certain that it was the power of a Soul Shard. Without a single change in his expression, however, he simply moved his hand off of her shoulder, and casually began to walk off.

11-20-2009, 08:35 PM
As soon as the man took his hand off her shoulder, Ebony collapsed, tears streaming down her face. She’d just felt every emotion he had; every moment of fear, anger, numbness, depression, those horrible forgotten memories…everything…in just a few moments. Normally, she could filter such things, but she’d been caught unawares. She hadn’t expected him to touch her; hadn’t remembered about the Shard.

Her muscles twitched as she tried to push the mass of memories back. A side effect; she could never truly forget. It was a coping mechanism and she couldn’t do it. Her breath was shaky and she didn’t attempt to stand. So he was a mercenary; he was ordered to do such a thing.

Gaining control, she built her walls again and stood up, staring after the man she’d stolen memories from. It was as if he wasn’t at all affected by the Soul Shard’s power. As if she hadn’t just seen him, at death’s bed, regenerated through his own Shard’s power.

“Wait,” she cried out hoarsely, not knowing why. It just seemed right. The word, burst out of her mouth like a broken dam, seemed absolutely right. Ebony couldn’t just see all of that and let him leave; that wasn’t right. Was it?

11-20-2009, 09:21 PM
Idony furrowed her eyebrows at the two assassins. She knew all too well that she didn't understand the ways of an assassin, and quite frankly, she didn't want to know. How someone could kill as their job, it was a topic worth avoiding if possible. The corners of her lips pulled into a frown, and her dark eyes were set on the two. She hadn't the courage to go any closer, but her pride forced her to take a few steps closer. Close enough that she could clearly hear the two breathing. Scanning the two of them, she found it not worth her time to attack them.

"I don't believe you," she stated to the one. "Then again, I don't really care." Idony sighed hard before turning on her heels and started back the other way. Just before she was out of earshot she stopped. She turned back to look at the two, narrowing her eyes, and smiling quite arrogantly. "Try not to make a mess of things, filthy assassins." Sure they were using not so threatening voices with her, but that didn't mean they weren't murderers. Idony "hmph"ed and turned back around to continue walking away. Like hell she believed that he was attacked first. And if he was, it was probably his fault anyway.

Idony stopped at the edge of the building and looked down. She quickly stepped back and sighed, still disappointed in herself. She took a deep breath before jumping down and catching the nearest ledge. She continued to do so until she reached the bottom. Her legs collapsed from beneath her and she sat, leaning against the building. She made a mental note to find something of a ladder next time.

11-20-2009, 10:54 PM
It wasn't clear to himself why he stopped but, when Ebony had stated to wait, Zion slowed to a halt. With the same blank look as before, he turned to face her, expecting her to say something else.

(Not much to post here.)

11-20-2009, 11:12 PM
Ebony cleared her throat, stubbornly wiping the tears from her cheeks. I hate crying so much, she thought. “I…I…I’m sorry…I really didn’t mean to….get into your…er…head. I’m really, truly, sorry.” She took a step, stubbed her toe on her staff. Ignoring the light throb of pain, she stood still.

“But…you know…you don’t have to…feel like that. You’re allowed to feel emotions. You’re allowed to show them, your emotions.” She took another step. Her foot felt heavy. Her legs were still shaking from the onslaught of memories. A girl jumped from the top of a building, ledge to ledge, but Ebony ignored her. “You can be happy.”

The spearwoman offered a small smile, kind.

11-20-2009, 11:29 PM
"Ello 'ello 'ello boy-o. Seems someone has found their own gift for once, instead of being given it by another. Quite a special lad we've got here in this quaint place, no? Dear lord the orders keep coming..."

Kerrain took another order, his hand scribbling down the information in what looked like illegible nonsense. He put the paper away and with his smile still on, slapped the "Closed" sign on his stall. He had done enough business in such a short amount of time, he could close shop early. He could afford it too.

Hefting up a somewhat grandiose bag of gold coins, the blacksmith twirled and tossed it into the back of his wagon. He pulled the same lever he had earlier, the stall folding up perfectly and joining back up with the wagon once again. Some disappointed customers stared at the blacksmith for a bit, then left without a word. Obviously they had not been quick enough with their words.

"GUIL'TEE' WARES IS NOW CLOSED! ALL OF YA HAVE A G'DAY NOW!" Kerrain yelled, running a very daunting chain around his wagon and locking it all up. He had since then flipped his eye-patch over to the standard black color, and clothed himself with a worn-looking leather vest. He had no taste for fashion and cared not about being thought of as crude. At his pants, a black leather belt held attached to it a hand-and-a-half scabbard, but a unique one at that. The scabbard was not shaped as a double-edged sword, but a single-edged sword. It was curved, and embroidered with silver lining. Of course, a blacksmith would have his own custom-made blade. The katana-like weapon was a special favorite of the blacksmith, who specialized in its particular discipline.

Upon his shoulder was another odd-looking thing. A pauldron that seemed to contain many layers underneath, and very thin cogs seemed to be placed on the inside between the plates. Whatever it was, it would surely catch someone's attention. However, Kerrain cared not. He wanted some alcohol.

The blacksmith had just reached the tavern when he heard a familiar voice, and stowed away to a corner, his eyes glaring at a small puddle on the ground. The water reflected the girl he had dueled earlier, and that troublesome lad who had made a ruckus in the market square. Kerrain's smile had never left his face yet, even more so, since he was staring directly at the lass's rump. He had seen it many times in the duel, but it was stationary at this point. It was curvy, it was plump, his right eye honed in, his nose letting out a small stream of blood. The blacksmith immediately wiped the blood away, staying perfectly quiet.

This was nice.

Then another girl jumped down out of nowhere by the two, and his prayers were answered. Two butts for one puddle.

This was a happy blacksmith.

11-21-2009, 12:20 AM
Zion listened as Ebony spoke, noting that she was constantly taking steps closer to him. Emotions... It was long ago when Zion really ever had felt one before, though that didn't change much. The real reason behind his apathetic ways was, simply put, that he couldn't use his emotions anymore. Not since he was fused with his Soul Shard, Aion's Curse.

He broke out of his thought when he noticed that Ebony was close to him, a soft smile on her face. At first, he stared blankly at her for a few seconds. Eventually, though, he closed his eyes silently, and then turned away and began walking off once more.

11-21-2009, 02:45 AM
Ebony stared after him with dismay. There was no arguing with people like that. At the moment, she wanted to grab her staff and hit him over the head with it; knock some sense into him. It wouldn’t work, she knew. In fact, Ebondy would probably end up dead or something like that if she’d done so. No, he didn’t kill anyone he wasn’t paid to. Knocked them out, yes, but never kill.

With a great sigh and a look of pure sorrow in her eyes, she bent over to pick up her staff. It was cool and solid in her hand and she leaned on it for a moment. It felt good to lean on something; her legs still felt a little bit weak, though they’d stopped their shaking. Taking a breath she looked to the sky. It bid her to move on, to stop with the worrying. It had no time to worry, so why should she?

“Alright, fine, then,” she said, growling at herself, quite loudly. She threw her free hand in the air, stretching her arm and displaying how much she really didn’t care.

Turning, she looked at the girl. “That was a pretty neat trick you did there. I should try it some time.” She looked up, then grinned. “Or not.” Looking down again, she reached down and pulled the girl up without really caring if she wanted to stand up or not.

“I’m Ebony, by the way. I think I saw you. I’m not sure though, when you’re dueling everything else gets kind of blurry.”

She smiled, “I’m bored and I was going to meet the guy I was dueling earlier. Do you want to tag along? I like you?” Why, she didn’t know, but it was the truth. Hopefully she didn’t scare the poor girl off.

11-25-2009, 03:02 PM
Idony sighed. She had been looking forward to her day off, but now she was bored out of her mind. Of course resting was her top priority, but with assassins nearby, she couldn't help but want to protect the people around her. She also became wary of those in the crowd, unsure if they might also be assassins mixing in with the crowd. Crap. If she worried about every little thing, she surely was not going to be able to get any rest before the day was over. There were others that would protect innocent people. For instance, that blacksmith and girl who were doing such a good job demonstrating. Even though it was just a demonstration, it was quite obvious that they were both skilled. The thought put Idony's mind at ease a little.

Despite her efforts to comfort herself, she had the strange feeling of someone's eyes on her. She spun on her heels to see who this person might be. But no one was looking at her. She mentally kicked herself for becoming so unsure of everything. She did notice the blacksmith from earlier staring quite intently at a puddle. Idony wasn't usually one to judge, but she found it strange that he was staring at the puddle. But maybe there was something about it that she didn't know about, so she held back her critisism.

Idony glanced at the puddle, just a bit curious at what he could have been staring at. All she could see was a reflection of his middle and upper thighs. Maybe he was staring at the reflection. Idony thought about it. If she could see that portion of his body, then he could see...

She gasped and turned bright red. She quickly moved in a way that he would not be able to see her in the reflection. "Disgusting," she muttered.