View Full Version : [M] Batman; A Night in Gotham

02-20-2011, 03:02 AM
Just as a bit of heads-up before you get into the main body of this Roleplay I just figured that a bit of a Batman Roleplay is always fun on a site like this with so many dedicated RPers and so this idea came to me. This is going to be a fairly free RP with whomever joins up able to do a lot of whatever they want as long as they remain in character.

WARNING: I expect this RP to contain graphic violence and language, and will contain more than mild horror themes as well as whatever dark, twisted ideas and side-plots the various villains of thie roleplay can come up with. You have been warned.

IC Topic (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?p=546226#post546226)



Batman: A Night in Gotham

They're not in Arkham any more...

Things have definitely not been going well for Gotham City in recent days, not since the assimilation of the Arkham Asylum into the city proper. The new political movement that was spear-headed by the mysterious "J.P.T" movement caused too much pressure on the mayor, and with things seemingly quietened down in terms of the levels of crime in the city -thanks largely in part to Batman-a new building was established, a highly maximum security prison and, over a period of a few weeks, those inmates who had once been housed on the seperate island in the Arkham Asylum were now inside the city once again. The mayor thought this would solve everything, and since the "J.P.T" group had gone into hiding afterwards it had seemed too...

And that's when everything had fallen apart.

The "New-Arkham" as it was called literally exploded, the fifteen-foot high walls around the new super-prison demolished in an instant one dark and rainy night, and from there all the super-villains who had so plagued the streets of Gotham escaped. The Joker, The Riddler, Two-Face, The Penguin, Bane, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy... all free and loose inside Gotham once more. The mayor was overthrown later the next day, some say he was killed and some say he went into hiding, but all that was known was that a new mayor was elected; a man who goes by the name of Oswald C. Iceberg...

And that's when Batman finally swung into action.

In a single night many of the more petty criminals were ruthlessly and efficiently taken down, though many of Batman's larger 'game' remained at large. Days turned into weeks as they continued to evade him, and Gotham's crime rate rose slowly but steadily. Rumours that some were hiding in the New Arkham Building grew, some said they had corrupted as high as the Mayor himself, and some said they simply remained silent, hidden in the dark and vast underworld of Gotham City, waiting for Batman to display weakness. Bruce Wayne knew his work was cut out for him so he too began to wait, striking only when he was sure he had found one. He knew these men and women couldn't stay away for too long, there had to be something big -several somethings in fact- lying in wait, and when those things finally came to fruition; he would act.


This is a URPG as you can all tell based around the Batman Mythos; people will be playing Unoriginal Characters for the most part though if someone wants to create a civilian or a villain or a good guy of their own then that is fine, as long as you make them detailed enough to just simply fit into the story. Everyone has very free reign over what they have their characters do in this Roleplay; Villains are free to lie, cheat, steal and commit crimes however they wish and those who play the Heroes are free to uphold the law however they can and wherever they can. Sideplots are not only allowed but encouraged, and nowhere does it say the Villains have to work together; this town is only big enough for one of us if you catch my drift...

Heroes and Villains

Here is a list of just some of the characters you might wish to play as - you can always choose one not on one of these lists or make your own. For now we'll be limiting it to 2 characters each but that number may increase if necessary.

Commissioner Gordon *Reserved - Gunnison*
Barbara Gordon
Nightwing *Reserved - Marilith*
Alfred Pennyworth
Lucius Fox
Hechicera (http://role-player.net/forum/showpost.php?p=536105&postcount=12) - *RisingPhoenix*
The Question (http://role-player.net/forum/showpost.php?p=538516&postcount=30) - *Jonas Garland*

Ra's Al Ghul
Great White Shark
Harley Quinn
The Joker (http://role-player.net/forum/showpost.php?p=538546&postcount=31) - *Clyde*
Killer Croc
Mister Freeze
The Penguin
Poison Ivy
The Riddler (http://role-player.net/forum/showpost.php?p=537994&postcount=24) *Marilith*
The Scarecrow (http://role-player.net/forum/showpost.php?p=553524&postcount=59) - *Clyde*
Victor Zsasz
Thanatos (http://role-player.net/forum/showpost.php?p=537148&postcount=17) - *Bane*
David Cain (http://role-player.net/forum/showpost.php?p=552438&postcount=57) - *Ainmire Dougal*


Profile Skeleton:

Real Name:
Physical Description:
Learned Skills:

02-20-2011, 03:18 AM
Looks great Marilith. If you want to advertise submit it for Roleplay of the Week (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=905) or put it in the Roleplaying Games Directory (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=2304) or click here (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=3975http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=3975http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=3975 ) to help attract players?

02-27-2011, 05:24 PM
This RP has been featured as Roleplay of the Week (http://role-player.net/forum/site.php)

02-28-2011, 01:02 AM
Wooh! Thank you Nazgul!

*does a little dance*

02-28-2011, 02:22 AM
If you don't mind i'll join and make my own character if thats alright.

02-28-2011, 02:23 AM
I wonder if I should go for The Joker or Scarecrow. Either or would be awesome

02-28-2011, 04:13 AM
I'll join, should be an interesting RP. I'll post my character tomorrow, it's nearly 12 here and I'm getting sleepy. I wonder if I should create my own hero and villain.

02-28-2011, 06:18 AM
Can we do our own original versions of the old villians?

02-28-2011, 09:01 AM
Yay! People!

Of course it's ok Bane.

Clyde, you can pick either or both and yes you can do your own re-imagining of the character's if you wish!

I look forward to seeing your character Phoenix!

02-28-2011, 09:10 AM
Then can I have both Scarecrow and The Joker? And make my own re-imagining of both. I'm going to make them more awesome.

02-28-2011, 09:16 AM
Sure thing I'll put them down as reserved by you then.

On that note I will be reserving The Riddler and Nightwing.

02-28-2011, 04:44 PM
Real Name: Zallana Utopia Anderson
Alias: Hechicera (Spanish for Sorceress)
Age: 25
Affiliation: Hero
Physical Description:
Costume: Zallana's Costume (http://www.hollywoodtoysandcostumes.com/storeimages/15fw5125.jpg)(minus the hat)
Equipment: She has a staff handed down to her from her great grandfather. It is said to have incalculable power, of which Zallana has not tapped into. The staff is approximately 4.5 feet long. The staff is said to reveal to Zallana a person's deepest fear as well as their deepest desire and can inform her of what a person is thinking if she is holding it while conversing with someone.
Personality: Zallana is a very strong willed and determined young lady. She will do all she can to help and even go beyond what she can do to make sure it is done. She is careful with who she lets into her heart. She is very outspoken and can be quite comical. She can be a bit flirtatious and simply adores Batman as well as Nightwing.

Learned Skills:
~Weather Magic
~Symbol Magic
~Chinese Martial Arts (Various Styles)

Abilities/Powers: Zallana is a skilled and powerful user of magic; a powerful sorceress. Though magic can encompass many things, she mostly uses symbol magic. Symbol magic is magic that can be summoned with the use of a symbol. There are various symbols in th universe, countless ones, and each has a different effect as well as a cost, however, most of the ones that Zallana uses are cost free. Other than symbol magic, the standard telepathy that most magic users have as well as levitation and the ability to cast bolts of energy ranging in intensity are in her arsenal.

Zallana does summon creatures every now and then but she doesn't rely to heavily on her summoning. She has nearly mastered the use of weather magic and is able to channel electricity as well as command the weather.

Her great grandfather was a great and powerful wizard when the earth was old. He lived for many centuries until he died. He saw many things and passed his knowledge down through the years to his great granddaughter Zallana.

Zallana was born to a sorcerer named Phelix Anderson and to a normal human named Bethony Anderson. Though her mother often times banned magic use in the house, her father continued to teach her either in the basement or in the backyard. Zallana was a fast learner and often times picked up on a spell faster than her father would predict.

Her grandfather, who was extremely knowledgeable in the mystic arts, decided that when Zallana turned thirteen, he would become her master. Zallana's father so no wrong in this and allowed Zallana's grandfather to do so. At the age of thirteen, she began her training. It was long and rough, but she learned much.

One of the things that she learned while training with her grandfather is that overuse of her magical powers could deplete them to the point that further use of them would start to put a considerable strain on her physical well-being.

As with other magical users, the only way to restore her waning powers is an extended period of rest. By taking this into consideration, she began to train in Chinese martial arts being that her grandfather was also a Chinese martial arts master. She did this to cover herself should she get to the point of overusing her powers.

After many years passed, Zallana eventually graduated from High school as well as from her grandfather's mock academy for witchcraft and wizardry. She was an A student all throughout her school life, but once she graduated, she spent most of her time continually training with her abilities.

She now goes to college in order to get her degree in high school teaching. She is able to balance her hero work with school work though it sometimes has her arriving late for class or leaving early.

03-01-2011, 02:50 AM
I'll have my character sheet up hopefully sometime tomorrow.

03-01-2011, 03:03 AM
I'd love to have Commisioner Gordon if that's okay :D

03-01-2011, 03:55 AM
@Phoenix - Very nice bio, she is hereby approved!

@Bane - sounds good, can't wait!

@Gunnison - he is hereby reserved for you.

03-01-2011, 04:59 AM
Wondrous, thank you so very much, I look forward to this RP.

03-02-2011, 03:23 AM
Note: The bio kinda sucks but if i didn't throw it thogether soon i would've given up so here you go

Real Name: Lynch Thorn

Alias: Thanatos (greek for death)

Age: 30

Affiliation: Villian

Physical Description/Costume:
-Trench Knife http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090127143354/fallout/images/archive/3/30/20091015144652!Trench_Knife.png
-Enfield Mk II Revolverhttp://www.gunpics.net/uk/enmk2/er1.jpg

Personality: Calm and a bit violent

Learned Skills:
-Picking Locks

Abilities/Powers: Enhanced Hearing

~22 years ago~
Lynch was born into a peaceful neighbor hood having everything that he ever wanted. He had many friends and was very popular in school. Until one day that his parents were brutaly murdered by the "cops". Lynch at the time that happend he was playing with his G.I Joe action figures in the back seat of his parents car after they got out to go cash in a check. When his parents were leaving the bank they seemed as if they were worried and were walking pretty fast to the car. All Lynch seen was allot of red and blue flashing lights pull up as his parents almost got to the car. Without any warning the cops hurriedly got out of there squad cars and started to open fire at his parents. After a couple minutes of horid screams of agony and blood splattering all across the pavement and Lynch's familys car the firing finnaly stopped leaving his parents barely reconisable as they lay on the ground covered with bullet holes. After the cops checked there bodies and aparently found a M9 pistol in his fathers jacket pocket they looked in the car only to see Lynch sitting in the back seat curled up into a ball shivering scared to death.

~12 years ago~
After years later that seemed like decades of just sitting in the orphanage barely talking to anyone and would always scream in the middle of the night. Everytime someone had tried to adopt him he would just ignore them and sit in his chair staring at them. A few months after he turned eight-teen he moved out of the orphanage and moved out onto the streets. He was forced to make a living by small crimes like robing small shops and pickpocketing the wealthy. Slowly Lynch worked his way up to small banks that had very little security.

~10 years ago~
A few years after moving up to some bigger banks and not getting caught by the cops he got confronted. It was a dark and rainy day Lynch just got out of his apartment and was going to go get some breakfest. As soon as he stepped out of the building he got jumped,getting knocked out, and a bag thrown over his head. When he awoke a few hours later he was sitting at a large table that looked as it was for meetings and at the other end of the table sat a pretty plump guy wearing a pinstripe suit and a pinstripe fedora. After an hour or so of Lynch and Jack (the plump man) talking. It seemed as if Jack ran this part of town and most of the crime flow that happend here and chose Lynch to "join" his group. After awhile of consideration it was better for Lynch to join in with them.

~5 years ago~
After Lynch had just pulled off a large bank robbery and made it out before the cops shown up. When he had gotten back to the groups hide out he seen that Jack was laying on the floor of his own blood. Lynch heard the sound of people reloading there guns and re aiming them towards him. After a few seconds he realized he fell into a trap. Soon after he turns to leave as if nothing had happened then he was shot with a tranq and hit the ground before he even realized he had been shot. Next day he woke up sitting in the Arkham Asylum.

~Present day~
Now it begins....

03-02-2011, 03:37 AM
OH MY, I think he would be the perfect rival for Zallana. He could have done something in her past that has caused her to constantly hunt him. When he was ambushed, she could have created the illusion depicting Jack laying in his own blood and thereby assisting in Lynch's capture.

But, it's up to you, I was thinking of a way to give both of our characters much depth. It's fine if you're not up for it, it was just a suggestion.

03-02-2011, 02:47 PM
Now that i think about it doesn't sound like a bad idea. We could do that if your up for it.

03-02-2011, 04:49 PM

03-02-2011, 11:40 PM
He's definitely good enough for this RP Bane, so Approved indeed!
Sorry I haven't gotten my bios up yet, I only just started uni again so I've been flat out but I have a free day today so I'll work on them and hopefully get them up by tonight...

BTW We need someone to RP as the Dark Knight himself...

03-03-2011, 02:14 AM
@Marilith YAY! :D

@RisingPhoenix So how were you wanting to do this?

03-03-2011, 05:14 AM
Well, as stated once Zallana hears of your character's escape, she'll go looking for him. One thing that could drive Zallana would be that your character perhaps murdered someone in her family or something like that. Maybe they were once really really close and when he started acting out, she had to make sure she was the one to catch him so that no true harm befell him.

03-03-2011, 11:26 AM
OK here's my first character. I'd like to also encourage everyone to make another character so we can actually have several plot threads running through this, but if you don't want to that's ok too ;king20;


"Life's full of questions, isn't it, Batman? Though, naturally, I prefer to think of them as riddles."

Real Name: Edward "E." Nygma
Alias: "The Riddler"
Age: 29
Affiliation: Villain
Physical Description:
The Riddler's Costume is highly recognisable as it consists mainly of a dark green suit that is covered in black question marks. This suit also comes with a dark green bowler hat and dark green shoes (both of which are also covered in question marks) and the suit shirt he wears under this green jacket is typically a dark purple. He also wears a white tie with a bright green question mark on it as well.
Equipment: The Riddler is a mastermind of various mechanical traps and the like and, thus, while he has a large backup amount of these traps and tricks at his Nefarious Lair and while he may chop and change between carrying these at all times -and they range from exploding bats (for irony) to mind-control devices of various sizes (for fun)- but while he may not always have these on him he always, always carries with him a bronze cane with a question mark on one end that is solid enough to knock a man out with a few repeated hits if necessary and can be implanted with several other contraptions for various uses.
Obsessed with puzzles, word games and riddles of all kinds, The Riddler is a highly obsessive-compulsive personality who literally has to leave a riddle or clue at the scene of every crime he commits. He delights in forewarning both Batman and the police of his capers by sending them complex clues but at the same time he is remarkably sharp with his self-analyses, thinking on occasion that maybe he has to be cured and so the reason he leaves these clues at every crime scene is because maybe he wants to be sent back to Arkham and to be cured, though if he knows this it is deep down, for he truly delights in riddles just for their own sake. With this self-conscious use of a gimmick, the Riddler's crimes are flamboyant and ostentatious. The Riddler's criminal modus operandi is so deeply ingrained into his personality that he is virtually powerless to stop himself from acting it out. He cannot simply kill his opponents when he has the upper hand; he has to put them in a deathtrap to see if he can devise a life and death intellectual challenge that the hero cannot solve and escape. However, unlike many of Batman's themed enemies, Riddler's compulsion is quite flexible, allowing him to commit any crime as long as he can describe it in a riddle or puzzle

Unlike most of the other prominent members of Batman's rogues gallery, the Riddler is not a psychopathic murderer; rather, he is a malignant narcissist with an enormous ego. He commits his crimes in order to flaunt his intellectual superiority and a large portion of his crimes are non-violent in nature. While the Riddler's behavior may often appear insane to some, it is in fact the result of a deep seeded neurosis. As such Batman's direct conflicts with the Riddler are typically more cerebral than physical and usually involve defeating him non-violently. This is usually helpful as he's not really all that good in terms of hand-to-hand combat and instead prefers to lure his foes into deathtraps or to take them out with his traps and gadgets. He isn't a psychopath like many others but that doesn't make him above killing people if necessary. One of his biggest feats is that he is aware of Batman's secret identity but he is unable to reveal it to everyone for if he did do so it would become worthless, something Riddler wouldn't be able to stand.
Learned Skills:
-Vast Esoteric Knowledge
The Riddler possesses extreme ingenuity in decoding and formulating puzzles of all kinds. His deductive ability has perfused his new role of private detective, in which he is shown to have investigative skills that rival those of the Dark Knight. The Riddler has no superhuman abilities, but is a highly cunning criminal strategist. He is also highly skilled with engineering and technology, confronting Batman and Robin with unique and elaborate deathtraps.
Born and raised in Gotham City Edward Nygma was an extremely brilliant child who was brought up in a tormented home. One day in third grade wfter a teacher announced that a contest would be held over who can solve a puzzle the fastest, the young Edward set his sights on winning it, craving the glory and satisfaction that would come with the victory so he could finally impress his father who was always the one who would beat Edward when he came home or if he (the father) had been drinking. The test was something that no one could actually "cheat" at like any IQ test, but after doing exceptionally well Edward's dad beat him repeatedly with both his fists and a broken beer bottle until Edward "admited" that he cheated when in fact he had achieved the exceptional score only through his own intelligence.

Edward became convinced over time -and more beatings- that he actually did cheat by sneaking into the school and practicing the puzzle until he could solve it in under a minute and while he did end up winning the contest and being given a book of riddles as his prize his father still beat him further. He graduated High School early and so he left home as soon as he could, taking up residence in a carnival as an employee and he embraced his mastery of puzzles of all kinds and he became excellent at cheating his customers with his bizarre puzzles and mindgames - mainly by creating a small puzzle that was relatively impossible and a customer would have to pay a small fee each time to play. This puzzle eventually grew to ridiculous lengths and he had a small order of loyal customers who came back time and time again to solve it and they never did.

However soon Edward began longing for greater thrills and challenges and so he decided he would don the guise of The Riddler in order to challenge the only person he deemed to be a worthy challenge for his skills and therefore a worthy adversary; The Batman himself. Basically he concluded he would commit puzzling crimes and always fix the duel of wits between him and the law so he would always win. Donning a green costume covered with question marks, Nashton turned to crime and set out to achieve infamy as his masked self. At first, the Riddler proves intially successful, launching a crime wave across Gotham City Over many years Edward challenged Batman to all sorts of challenges and death-traps and he teamed up with various other villains through many cases and the like however he found himself in Arkham Asylum many times as he was caught by his adversary.

Recently though with the expansion of New Arkham The Riddler began to plan and plot various ways to escape with his cohorts so he could once more continue his crime wave across Gotham and once more challenge the 'greatest detective' - Batman. When the walls exploded and he escaped with all the other villains he crossed paths with both Two-Face and The Scarecrow in unfortunate accidents and while -in both cases- they all left unharmed The Riddler swore that they would be his first victims once he was free and once again in control of his empire. He was extremely wealthy after all because of his many successful criminal exploits and so he soon set up his empire once again and began to plot about how to take down The Scarecrow, Two-Face and, of course, Batman...

Jonas Garland
03-04-2011, 12:14 AM
Hm.. I'd love to join this... But I don't know who as. I could play Batman... But I'd be waaay to intimidated to, besides how much he'd need to be involved, which I'm not sure I would be able to do... Hm... Another character I'd like to play as (He's not on your list, but has teamed up with Batman on various times) The Question. The Vic Sage version, not Renee Montoya as I'm not very familiar with her version of the Question. However, if this isn't acceptable, I'll gladly play as someone else!

03-04-2011, 12:34 AM
I will have my characters up by Friday.

03-04-2011, 08:44 AM
Jonas you can play as whoever you like so if you want to be The Question then you're welcome to it!

And that's awesome Clyde, I look forward to them!

Jonas Garland
03-04-2011, 03:53 PM
Excellent! I'll work up a profile when I get home... I'm sure people aren't that familiar with him, other than Watchman's copy character Rorschach...

03-04-2011, 09:01 PM
Characters will be tonight. I think my new versions of these characters are going to be awesome.

Jonas Garland
03-04-2011, 09:06 PM
Real Name: Charles “Charlie” Victor Szasz
Alias: Vic Sage & The Question
Age: 31 years old
Affiliation: Hero
Physical Description: http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/cross2.jpg
Costume: http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/1/18703/384052-37384-question_super.jpg
Equipment: The Question has a specialized belt buckle, which releases a gas. The gas binds the mask to his face, whilst causes his hair to change from ginger to black as well as changing his clothing’s colour to either blue or tan. Other than this, The Question has no equipment other than general use items such as torchlights.
Personality: The Question is driven by his unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He has developed a Zen-like sense of philosophy. Despite this, the Question has no qualms of killing people if he thought it was necessary, most notably having thought about killing Lex Luthor. He can be obsessive, very unpredictable and eccentric, being sometimes paranoid and overzealous.
Learned Skills:
- Martial arts
- Marksmanship
- Vast Esoteric Knowledge
Abilities/Powers: Vic Sage is a superior Martial artist trained by Richard Dragon. His fighting level is about the same as or slightly higher than Nightwing, Green Arrow, or Black Canary. He is a skilled detective driven by an insatiable curiosity. Sage has shown the ability to perceive a mystical shadow realm, whether this is in actual fact a shadow realm or just part of his imagination is unclear. However his connection to the “shadow world” seems to have given him some edge; as he can now deflect bullets with a butcher knife and hurl objects with deadly accuracy. Finally, the Question can seemingly communicate with a city, acting as a kind of "urban shaman". This however, may, just like his connection to the shadow realm, could be just his way of connecting the dots.
Biography: Vic Sage, or Charles as he used to be known as, was orphaned as a child and sent to live in a Catholic boarding school. There he suffered abuse for the majority of his time there and eventually made it to college. There he took up journalism, to which he was successful.

Eventually he took up the alias of “Vic Sage” a name he is now known as. He pursued a career as an investigative reporter in the corrupt, crime-ridden town known as Hub City. It was an easy job, as the corrupt wasn’t easy to find, even though it wanted to stay hidden. After Sage’s home was destroyed, he decided to become a masked vigilante. He gained a mask from an old college professor, which was created from the notes of Gotham’s criminal, Bart Magan. Together with a specific kind of gas, he found he was able to see and breathe through the faceless mask. With that, he became ‘The Question’.

In recent years Vic Sage has become television reporter, whilst still retaining his persona of “The Question”. As the Question, Vic Sage took on the gangs of Hub City and teamed up with several of Earth’s greatest superheroes including Batman, Blue Beetle and Huntress. During his hero escapades Vic Sage suffered a near death experience, but was rescued by a mysterious woman known as Lady Shiva. Vic Sage awoke in the care of Richard Dragon, who taught Vic Sage everything he needed to take on the corruption of Hub City. Despite being primarily based in Hub City, Vic Sage has spent time in Metropolis, Gotham and Star City. He has continued to team up with his fellow super heroes, especially Batman, partnering up with him and his family on several occasions...

03-04-2011, 10:56 PM
Still being edited

Real Name: Rossette Bloom

Alias: The Joker

Age: 25

Affiliation: Villian


As you walk down the street you bump into a woman, her brownish red hair falling over her shoulder. You help her up, but notice her rather odd clothing choice. A bright red skirt that looks like it came from the 1950s, her hair tied in a rose bow. A poofy button shirt and tie that also looks from the 1950s. She's beautiful and yet frightening as well.



Around her shoulders is a heart shaped collar. Now dawning makeup and letting her down. Wearing a red tight bodysuit and long black high heel boots.


Equipment: Under construction

Personality: Under construction

Learned Skills: Under construction

Abilities/Powers: Editing and under construction

History: Being written

03-05-2011, 12:51 AM
Very nice Jonas, approved!
And Clyde it looks great already so I can't wait until it's done!

03-05-2011, 01:59 AM
Very nice Jonas, approved!
And Clyde it looks great already so I can't wait until it's done!

Ya know how the Joker had that stuff he sprayed into enemies face and they'd die laughing.

I'm bringing it back, but in a perfume bottle.

"You love that smell its called aroma of a laughing death,"

03-06-2011, 01:37 PM
Pure. Win :D

03-10-2011, 09:26 PM
If this hasn't died I'll also play as Bane (If no one else wants him) So we can have another character in this.

03-10-2011, 10:03 PM
I'm sorry. Give me a few. March 12th is my class day. And I am finishing all my homework beforehand. Then I'll finish my characters. Sorry about this.

03-11-2011, 11:33 AM
No it hasn't died I was waiting on Clyde's characters, so I look forward for them to be completed.

Bane, feel free to be your namesake as well xD

03-11-2011, 09:50 PM

03-13-2011, 07:29 PM
Note: all the descriptions of his powers come from http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Bane_(New_Earth)

Real Name: Unknown

Alias: Bane

Age: Unknown

Affiliation: Secret Six; formerly the Suicide Squad, Secret Society of Super-Villains

Physical Description: Height 6'8", Weight 350 lbs (159 kg),Eyes Brow, Hair Brown

Costume: http://www.thedarkknight.matthewclose.co.uk/Bane.jpg

Equipment: Tubes full of venom that are running through his body and conecting into the back of his head

Personality: Calm (Until driven berserk by the venom)

Learned Skills: Genius-level intellect, Photographic Memory, Polymath, Polylingual, Escapologist, Expert Hand to Hand Combatant, Expert Strategist, Peak Human Physical Condition (note: all these learned skills he taught himseld while in prison)

Abilities/Powers: Superhuman Strength: "The primary effect of Venom is that it enhances strength to low superhuman levels, depending on how much venom is injected. Bane has been shown as stronger than Batman even without the venom , and while injected as able to bend thick steel. When Bane injects the maximum amount of Venom that is considered healthy into himself, he becomes capable of lifting about 2 tons. He is ultimately capable of exceeding his limit to 3 tons, though not without temporarily losing control over himself."

Enhanced Speed/Reflexes: "Bane's speed and reflexes also increases when using venom, allowing him to run, move and react faster than the limits of even the finest human specimen, though these abilities vary on how much venom he takes."

Superhuman Endurance/Stamina/Durability: "Bane's stamina, as well as the density of his muscle, bone, and skin tissue increases dramatically when using the drug. Bane's stamina is very high, as he is constantly supplied with new energy when injecting himself. His durability can perhaps become sufficient enough to potentially shrug off bullets, and resist falls from great heights, temperature or pressure extremes, and blows from superhuman opponents. He has proven capable of holding his breath for extended periods of time."

Superhuman Healing: "Bane can also use his Venom as a form of medicine to heal from injuries, poisons and diseases. Depending on how devastating the injury, Bane needs to inject a certain amount of Venom into himself. When faced with extreme wounds, such as many broken bones, excessive blood loss, or terminal poisons or diseases, Bane needs to inject an unhealthy amount of venom which will cause him to temporarily go berserk in order to heal properly."

Biography: At a very young age Bane had been sent to prison to serve the rest of his fathers life sentence. While in prison Bane at the age of eight was already killing his fellow inmates with Osito (a teddy bear with a hidden knife inside). He would also train his body in the gym also training his mind with any and what ever books he could get his hands onto. Since he was the smallest person in the prison (because of his age) he was always being bullied. Forcing himself he trained in the gym for hours trying to get stronger. He also was found running into teachers from harden convicts to the Elderly. Never really knowing any other life style he obviously become a big time criminal. He later on became a test subject to the venom causing his strength to rise over the limit when ever he wises. Later on he becomes the only one to ever be called "The Man to break the Bat".

Motto: "You will know my name one day. And on that day you will beg for mercy. You will scream my name! SCREAM IT!"

03-13-2011, 08:55 PM
Lovely, a killer 8 year old, lol

Bane, what a delectable character, I look forward to RPing with you soon.

03-13-2011, 09:33 PM
So...I am done with class. And now will finish my characters.

03-13-2011, 10:17 PM
Wondrous, let us know when you are done. US = all participants in this RP.

03-13-2011, 11:58 PM
Okay. Will do.

03-14-2011, 01:05 PM
I'll be putting up the IC thread later tonight just so we have a jumping off point and then Clyde's characters can be introduced from then.

03-14-2011, 03:15 PM
Great, I can't wait to get this started.

03-14-2011, 07:19 PM
Coolio Marlith.

03-15-2011, 10:07 PM
I'd like to play Harley Quinn if that's ok? ^^

03-16-2011, 03:16 AM
Sure Evangeline, just put up a character bio whenever you can!

03-16-2011, 04:53 AM
Sorry about this.I'm trying tryng.

I feel like I'm wasting everyone's time.

03-16-2011, 05:47 AM
No, you aren't waisting our time, we're just waiting on Marlith to put up the IC.

03-16-2011, 09:17 AM
OK yeah I'm sorry I dropped the ball guys on the IC, a close friend died so I've been mourning.

I'll literally put it up right now.

03-16-2011, 10:21 AM
IC (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?p=546226#post546226)

Excuse the double-post, but here it is!

03-16-2011, 11:14 PM
OMG, I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope everything works out.

I hope the bereaving family is doing okay, I mean as okay as they can at this point and time. I send my blessing to the family.

03-19-2011, 06:45 AM
Uhh, is it to join this and post a profile?

03-19-2011, 08:57 PM
I do believe Marilith is still accepting

03-20-2011, 01:49 PM
Darn skippy we're still accepting, the more the merrier!

Ainmire Dougal
03-22-2011, 08:16 PM
Real Name
David Cain
Current Alias
David Cain



The League of Assassins

Cassandra Cain (daughter)

New Earth

Base Of Operations


6' 2"

245 lbs (111 kg)




Marital Status


Kelley Puckett, Damion Scott

First appearance

Batman #567
(July, 1999)

David Cain 005.jpg

Cain is a highly trained human assassin, skilled in hundreds of martial art forms, weapon use and explosives. He is trained in espionage and other forms of covert operations.


Cain is always equipped with hand guns, grenades, sniper rifles, explosives and hand-to-hand weapons.

David Cain was one of the people who trained the young Bruce Wayne to become Batman.


* 1 History
o 1.1 Earlier Career
o 1.2 The Father
o 1.3 Framing Bruce Wayne
o 1.4 Truth and consequences
o 1.5 Uncertain Future
* 2 Powers and Abilities
o 2.1 Abilities
* 3 Paraphernalia
o 3.1 Weapons
* 4 Notes
* 5 See Also
* 6 Links and References
o 6.1 Footnotes

David Cain 001.jpg
Earlier Career

David Cain is one of the world's premier assassins, paid to eliminate some of the most famous and powerful people on the planet, no matter how seemingly impossible the task. He was one of the people who trained the young Bruce Wayne with the skills that he would use as Batman, although Bruce has, naturally, never used the murder techniques Cain demonstrated. When asked why he went to Cain in the first place, Batman replied "Knowing how to kill doesn't mean you must kill."

Exceptionally meticulous, Cain's success can be partially attributed to his painstaking preparation, always planning far ahead for any contingency: hence his decision to train someone to be his partner and eventual successor. He had made several attempts in the past, training young children, but found every one of them to be a failure. The closest success he had was the child that would later be called The Mad Dog. While he was highly skilled, he was also a feral insane child who was more animal than human. Giving up on this child, Cain decided that the answer to his problem lay in genetics. If he was to accomplish his goal, he would need to have a child of his own, whom he could train from the moment they were out of the womb.

But in order to do this, he also needed a to find a female warrior worthy to mother said child. David Cain found the perfect mate in Sandra Wu-San. While visiting, he witnessed Sandra and her sister Carolyn sparring in a martial arts tournament. While both women were highly accomplished fighters, Cain saw a kindred flame unto himself in Sandra, but noticed she sub-consciously held back for her sister's sake. Cain decided to spark her flame by removing her restraint, and one fateful day, Sandra found her sister's bloody corpse.

Discovering that David Cain had been her sister's killer, Sandra Wu-San hunted him down, only to be lured into an ambush by Ra's al Ghul's League of Assassins, of which Cain was a member. Although she lost the battle, in the heat of the moment, Sandra realized how much she had held back when fighting Carolyn and got a taste for just what heights she could attain with more experience--her life had now gained purpose. However, Cain held a price for sparing Sandra's life; in order to be reborn as something new and terrible, Sandra agreed to bear Cain's child and leave that child for him alone to raise. The child, Cassandra Cain, was to be Ra's al Ghul's "One Who Is All," a perfected bodyguard whose only native tongue was an instinct for hand-to-hand combat and the ability to read people's intentions simply by observing their slightest muscle movements. With Carolyn gone, Cassandra and Sandra were the only two humans known to share this gift. The day of Cassandra's birth, Sandra also set out for her own rebirth, as the Lady Shiva: creator and destroyer.
David Cain 007.jpg
The Father

Cain trained Cassandra in every imaginable form of violence, from hand-to-hand combat to weapons and explosives. To further her skills, Cain never taught her how to speak; instead, physical movement became her language--she learned to read a person's body language as well and easily as other people can understand speech. This skill led Cassandra to be able to predict exactly what her opponents were going to do, sometimes before they knew it themselves.

When she was 8 years old, Cain took her to kill a businessman. After she did it, she "read" him as he died, and she saw death as the man saw it. "Terror and then... nothing". In addition to scarring her emotionally, she realized murder, like Cain's profession, is wrong, and she ran away from her father. Cain was surprisingly devastated by her disappearance and has never been the same since. He has never quite given up hope that someday she might return to his life. While Cain is not that good of a father, he has shown that he does care deeply for Cassandra; he even began to cry slightly when he heard her speak for the first time, just the word "Stop".

This last incident occured during Cain's attempts to kill Commissioner Gordon during the events of No Man's Land. Both times, he was stopped by Cassandra, who had become the newest Batgirl; in the first attempt he slew two police officers while escaping.
Framing Bruce Wayne

Main article: Bruce Wayne: Murderer?
Main article: Bruce Wayne: Fugitive

When Lex Luthor hired Cain to ruin the reputation of billionaire Bruce Wayne, Cain saw it as an opportunity to test the Batman to see if he was worthy of raising Cassandra, and framed him for the murder of Vesper Fairchild. Although it very nearly destroyed his relationship with the rest of the Batman Family, Bruce did recover, made amends with his friends, and hunted Cain down and subdued him. Believing Batman had succeeded in proving himself, Cain cleared Bruce Wayne's name by turning himself in.

Later, Luthor hired Deadshot to kill Cain in prison before he could go to trial and implicate him in the Fairchild murder. In a state of depression, Cain almost allowed himself to be killed before being reminded of Cassandra, which caused him to fight back and shoot Deadshot several times in the chest, leaving him in a minor coma. When Cassandra visited David in jail, although he was immensely happy to see her, she attacked him, and threatened to kill him if he ever committed another murder. Cain was proud of this, and told her when her birthday was before remarking, "My little girl... all grown up."

While Cain remains in prison, he has shown he can escape whenever he wants to. He once escaped to give Cassandra a birthday present and then returned to prison acting as if nothing had happened.
Truth and consequences

When Cassandra became curious as to the identity of her birth mother, she went to visit Cain in prison to ask him, but he wouldn't tell; he insisted that he had promised the woman he would not, and that some things were better left not known.

However, despite David's silence, Cassandra did eventually confirm her suspicions that it was Lady Shiva when she met her. As a result, Cassandra also quit being Batgirl afterwards.
Uncertain Future

Following the events of One Year Later, Robin brings a subdued David Cain to the League of Assassins as ransom for Cassandra. However, it is revealed that during the Lost Year Cassandra had actually become the League's leader. Cassandra explained that she had changed after finding out that Cain had trained another child, "Annalea." Cassandra stated that the only thing that had kept her going over the years was the fact that she was the only child he had trained, and that she had decided to give up on being a hero (this contradictory behavior was later explained as a result of a mind altering serum she had been injected with by Deathstroke the Terminator). After her speech, Cassandra handed Robin a gun and told him to kill David, offering him a place in her League if he did. When he refused, she shot her father herself. As Robin rushed to check David's condition, he attempted to tell the boy that Cassandra and Annalea "weren't the only ones. There were others."
However, Robin was soon forced to leave Cain's body to continue the fight against the League of Assassins. When an explosion caused a fire to erupt in the vicinty, their fight ended, and Cassandra fled the scene. Robin left in a different direction, later returning to where David's body was, only to find all the assassins dead with broken necks and Cain's body missing.

Chargrinned, Cain returns to Gotham, in the wake of all that has happened.
Feeling the need to ...make a difference. Give back. Not have death be his only legacy, perhaps he could find someone to worthy to train, not as an assasin but as a hero?
David Cain has returned to Gotham to be an avenging angel.
He'll use his considerable skills to clean up the streets up Gotham, one body bag at a time.

Ainmire Dougal
03-22-2011, 08:29 PM
You opened up the IC so I thought that meant we could start posting, was I correct or not? sorry if not.

03-23-2011, 07:53 PM
I'm editing both Scarecrow and Joker at the same time.

Real Name: Jack Falls/ Jack Reapstar

Alias: Scarecrow

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Villian

Physical Description: http://i1129.photobucket.com/albums/m507/Dream_Sequencer/scarecrow4jpg.png?t=1300909454

Costume: His costume isn't an exact change. Actually its more the change between his normal personality and the second personality that belongs to himself. His second personality will be on the right side of each image.



Equipment: Under construction

Personality: There are two dominant personalities in Jack. You have Jack Jack the personality he was born with and then you have Jack the Reaper. The main personality is ironically or creepy enough, your regular average kid. He's kind of quiet and shy. He gets nervous and appears a little like a shaky dog sometimes. He enjoys cooking and loves to read books. He doesn't at all seem in the least bit weird or awkward. Jack the Reaper on the other hand is a killer personality. Jack the Reaper is cold, emotionless, cruel, and completely batshit crazy. He's completely different from Jack Jack, whom is just this seemingly innocent kid. Jack the Reaper is rude, with little to no tact and even has his own different separate job. Jack the Reaper works at a nightclub funny enough, as a rockstar. Some underground nightclub, but is known for some wild after parties. Jack Jack is barely aware of Jack the Reaper.

Learned Skills: under construction

Abilities/Powers: under construction

Biography: also under construction

03-23-2011, 09:48 PM
Yes the IC has been open for a long while now and I've been waiting for people to post how they wish.

And all characters are approved! Clyde if you want you can begin to RP with the Joker/Scarecrow and edit them later on down the line.

03-23-2011, 11:00 PM
I'll have a post up at some point today.

03-23-2011, 11:23 PM
And all characters are approved! Clyde if you want you can begin to RP with the Joker/Scarecrow and edit them later on down the line.

Ooo, yes please. I can edit them down the line. That'd be nice.

Do you like it though? Scarecrow with a personality disorder. lol.

Ainmire Dougal
03-24-2011, 07:34 PM
Yes let's see some other posts. I edited mine to make it a little more something.

03-30-2011, 10:14 PM
I posted, I'm waiting on Marilith and others to post their introductions so we can get this crime fighting awesomeness started.

03-30-2011, 10:43 PM
Right. I'll get a post up later.

03-30-2011, 10:47 PM
Well I was actually waiting on everyone else, because it's important to the Riddlers current plans to just know the general areas where everyone is (not specifics but just a vague idea).

04-11-2011, 10:22 PM

04-13-2011, 01:22 AM
*Huge Anime Eyes*



*If only this didn't die :/*