View Full Version : The Valient Valuent Fight
A mysterious letter has led to the doors of 1604 pheasant street, a huge stone castle you've never seen before, with emerald lawns, trickling fountain and 2 corvette convertables in the circle drive (one candy-apple one simply silver)
You approach the doors and start to knock but before you can the doors open seemingly by themselves (though you do feel a slight gust of wind) You walk in to see a handwritten sign (same fancy, loopy handwriting as the invitation) directing you down the hall, you follow similar signs to a huge ball room. As you look around you see a spacious marble dance floor lined by red-velvet chairs, to you right is a small stage with tables set with silver glasses and plates surrounding it. Above you is a humongous crystal chandelier.
Standing in the middle of the dance floor, conversing quietly to each other are 2 blonde girls, both about the same height and look about the same, you're pretty sure they are twins, though they couldn't dress any more different, one (the slightly taller one) is wearing a loud pink and black dress with a fancy veil covering one eye, the other is wearing a more plain (but not any less beautiful) white dress with small designs. They turn to look at you and you see both have brown eyes, the pink-dress girl's eyes seem to sparkle as they look you up and down with no shame, but the other ones are thoughtful and deep as they smile shyly.
You wonder who these people are and why they brought you here, and its up to you to find out. Go my little roleplayers, go!
Everyone has arrived and has more or less broken off into groups. I'm too lazy to give the exact locations but it shouldn't be to hard to figure out.
11-17-2009, 07:36 PM
Great I'm already feeling mind probing. Hope whoever's doing it doesn't get an exploded head. Duke thinks to himself before smiling at the girls tipping his hat to them.
"My most heartfelt greetings ladies. His deep voice making his accent all the more manifest. I pray we have a wonderful evening of dance and food." He bows slightly then begins walking to the food inspecting it slowly methodically. Years of living in the house of a Patriot had made Duke a paranoid and careful man. You never know when you might get offed so keep your defenses up. His mental shield seemed to be keeping the probing at bay fairly well.
Ever since he discovered his powers he's been training with them tirelessly seeking out Psychics and other kinds of Mind messers. Most were crocks but the few he found were tough and good teachers. His other skill is easier to train.
"I love finger foods." He twitches his fingers and five little blades replace his fingers turning his back on the Hostesses he stabs various tidbits and nibbles them off the little blades. He repeats this process about 3 times before he's satisfied. Putting the plate down he returns his hand to normal then moves to the beverages, selecting the closest thing to Russian Vodka he could find he pours out a tall glass and leans against a pillar scanning the room for anything even an escape if needed.
Dani watched the first one to come in curiously she couldn't see his eyes but tried to project a simple greeting into his mind, only to come up to a brick wall guarding his mind, she had met only 2 other people who could resist her before, her mom and dad, and was immediately intrigued. She smiled coyly at him and resisted the urge to go over and interrogate him right then, this was her sisters idea after all and she promised not to ruin it for her.
Rani smiled politely at the man and watched him pick at the food and get a drink. She didn't think much except that that was kind of gross and that there wasn't music. She turned abruptly and swept out the door to take care of that.
As Rani left Dani moved in on the man, "Welcome, mister..." she trailed off unable to read his thoughts to get his name, she was unused to this not knowing and was slightly frustrated.
11-17-2009, 08:56 PM
Duke had been making some back-ups plans in case he had to fight his way out of this strange place or run for the hills when one of the girls came over to him. The one in the pink dress and with the playful eyes. With a smile he stands and takes her hand kissing it slightly. Knew those etiquette lessons father taught me would be helpful.
"Marx, but please call me Duke Miss." He looks the young woman over avoiding her eyes for some reason unknown to himself.
"If you don't mind my saying Miss you don't look like a Ranielle." He gave a light chuckle more embarrassed then anything else. He's had penchant for speaking too bluntly and it's cost him more then a few lonely nights back in Russia. And a lonely night in Russia is a cold one. He released her hand giving another smile at the pretty woman.
Ioan Burke was nothing if not a careful man, both in word and action. He could not fully explain what had compelled him to follow the instructions upon an invitation sent to his address from some woman he did not know. Those who knew him from only a distance would be surprised to learn that neither was extravagance his preference, and yet here he stood, clad in some of his finest in the entryway to a ballroom that looked to be exactly the sort. Was his life really so monotonous that he would show up on a whim to a stranger's ball? For all he knew he was about to sit down for an elaborate timeshare presentation simply because he'd been stupid enough to take his junk mail seriously for once.
Well it had been some time since he last saw the nightlife, what with exams and courses--the publications he had been poring over. A break from the norm was too needed an opportunity to pass on. He wasn't so much of a stiff that he couldn't enjoy a get together every now and again.
He swept his gaze around the ballroom and took inventory of the guests inside. There were frightfully few, so few in fact that he almost turned out and walked away, thinking he was either far too early or misinformed. All he saw presently was a man and a woman--a striking blonde in a pink dress speaking to a somewhat burly fellow at a table of hors d'oeuvres. He thought it most polite not to interupt and drifted in, picking up a glass of champagne from a nearby drink table and walking about idly throughout the room in inspection.
Dani smiled graciously, secretly upset that he wouldn't meet her gaze but was flattered at the chivalry. "Hah, that's because I am not Ranielle" she said, instantly feeling a little ashamed of her rudeness to her sister, even though she wasn't here, "I am Danielle, it might be one little letter but its a big difference, and please call me Dani, people only call me Danielle in an emergency...or if I'm in trouble" she added as an afterthought. Her eyes flashed when she saw the other man walk in the room, ohh men galore, what has Rani gotten me into? she thought playfully to herself and smiled back at Duke when he dropped her hand.
Rani came back into the room (soft orchestra music had begun to play)and saw Dani already flirting with the first guy in the door, she couldn't help but to smile to herself. She sidled over to Dani just in time to here the last words she said "...or if I'm in trouble" she rolled her eyes, she said pretty much the same thing to everyone "I'm Danielle...people call me Dani unless an emergency or if I'm in trouble" She smiled at the man and said politely "I'm Ranielle, thank you for coming, everyone else should be arriving any minute" Rani turned to her sister and they locked eyes for a moment, Dani gave Rani an almost unseeable nod and Rani swept over to the other man who had just arrived. "Hello, welcome, I'm Ranielle, the one in the pink is Danielle my twin sister, if you need anything please feel free to come and ask" she smiled graciously.
Dani rolled her eyes as her sister left, all she had told her was to make sure not to reveal to much to Duke until the right time, whatever, she knew just how much to say. She watched Rani introduce herself to the other guy and knew she was introducing both of them by their full name, well she would just have to set things straight. "She actually goes by Rani, she just thinks that introducing herself as Ranielle sounds better" she told Duke apologetically. And took a sip of champagne from a glass she just grabbed from a nearby table.
11-18-2009, 01:41 AM
Duke chuckles watching Rani meet and greet the newcomer.
"I see Miss Dani. Well if I'm not being too forward, You and your sister are very lovely and I hope to commandeer a dance or two before the night's done." He smiles kissing her hand again. "Now if you'll excuse me I feel the need to walk around a little bit more. This place is so beautiful I must examine it before too many other's arrive and distract me." He bows to her then after refilling his glass. He walks to some of the pictures on the wall and looks them over.
In reality he needed to separate because he felt the nagging mind probes getting more fierce. If he stayed in that spot any longer and he'd get a monstrous headache. He was beginning to be sure it was one of the Twins but he wasn't so sure. Rani but she didn't seem that intent on him and Dani just seemed to nice to try and probe someone so ferociously. Leaving his suspicions until he can prove them one way or another. He contents himself with looking at all the beautiful works of art until more guests arrive.
11-18-2009, 02:20 AM
Maddie took a deep breath before she entered the ballroom. She had come in hopes of getting rid of her shyness (or at least some of it). Ok, I can do this, just go up and talk to someone she thought, trying to give herself confidence. She strode into the room. Wow it looked empty, only a few people. Did she pick the wrong address or something? No she was sure she didn't she followed the directions correctly. There were three reasons to explain this: 1. There weren't many people invited. 2. Many people who were invited chose not to show up 3. She was early. It didn't really matter to her which one it was. At least having only a small amount of people meant that it would be easy to pick someone to talk to.
However when she tried to pick someone to go up and introduce herself to she felt her confidence be replaced by the nervousness she usually felt when meeting new people. Why was this always so hard? She felt a strong urge to just go up beside a wall and become a wall flower for the rest of the night, however long it was going to be. She leaned against the doorway and put her head down in defeat. This sucked. Ok, she'd go talk to someone, just, not now.
Scott whistled when he entered the ballroom. The place looked expensive. He had been impressed with the building ever since he walked into it from his car and this room was just the icing on the cake. Must have cost a fortune. However what surprised him was the lack of guests, for a nice place like this is was sure lacking them. After looking around he saw a cute looking girl standing by the doorway. "Hey, name's Scott," he extended his hand towards her. She looked up, appearing to be mildly surprised as she shook his hand. "Maddie," she said quietly. He fought the urge to chuckle as a blush rose to her face. She was pretty cute, but a bit to shy for his liking. Yet he felt almost protective of her, like he was her older brother or something. Strange considering they just met. "It's nice meeting you, I think I'm to introduce myself to more people, you can some if you want," he told her, watching as her face displayed mixed emotions, like she wanted to go with him but was very hesitant about it.
He walked in the direction of the two blondes. "Hey, name's Scott,' he told them.
Ioan turned on a heel slightly as he heard a female voice greet him, one hand in his pocket and the other cradling a champagne flute's stem.
"Hello, welcome, I'm Ranielle, the one in the pink is Danielle my twin sister, if you need anything please feel free to come and ask." she said with a smile.
He nodded to her kindly and switched the glass in his hands, holding his right out to take hers if she offered it. "It's a pleasure I'm sure, Miss Ranielle. I'm Ioan Burke. Quite a lovely atmosphere you've created here." he remarked as his eyes swept over the room, grazing the ceiling. He caught sight of a few more entering the room--a pair of twenty-somethings. Most of these people were quite young in fact. Granted he was only a year past his twenties himself, but he was beginning to feel like the old man. He turned back to Ranielle. "Though I must say, I'm a bit unclear on why, exactly, I've been invited here." Ioan paused for a moment, then seemed to think that statement terribly rude of him and shook his head. "Excuse my boldness, I'm certain in due time that will be clear."
11-18-2009, 04:16 AM
Duke had made two circuits around the ball room inspecting more of the art pieces giving his own little mental comments on each of them judging weather they're real or fake nice or not. Or weather they should be sold to a pawn shop or not. He glanced up as he saw two more people enter the room. Another blond woman equally as cute as Dani and Rani only with a more shy air about her mostly likely brought from her young age. And the other a handsome man in a black pinstripe jacket. At first it seemed the two were going to hit it off but then the shy girl blushed and the man moved onto the charming hostesses. Hating to see anyone not enjoy themselves at a party he set down his empty glass and made his way over to her. Being 12 years older then the girl cut possible conversation a bit but it was worth a shot to make sure things go smoothly.
He tapped her shoulder lightly and smiled a simple smile tipping his hat to the girl.
"Hello young miss, you look nervous might I suggest you try some of the cider. It fresh and warm as a summer day." He holds his burly hand out to her. I'm Mr. Marx."
11-18-2009, 04:25 AM
Maddie heard a voice and it took a second to figure out that it was adressing her. She looked up and saw a man talking to her. He was good looking, but he looked rather old, at least compared to her anyways. She felt another blush rise to her cheeks when he talked about her being nervous. She mentaly cursed herself. Did she always had to blush at everything??? She smiled slightly at him before slowly shaking his hand then putting her own hand back at her side. She didn't know quite what to say to him. What is she said something stupid and embaressed herself? Well, said part of her, you'd better answer quickly, or he'll think you're odd no matter what you say. "Nice to meet you. I'm Maddie. And I'll think I'll pass on the cider but thanks anyway," after racking her brain for something to say she added, "So...why'd you decide to come here?" Great question she told herself sarcasticly. Very creative.
11-18-2009, 05:36 PM
Duke couldn't help but smile at Maddie's shyness. He could tell she wasn't used to ths type of thing, granted neither was he but his father taught how to fake it if he had to.
"I just needed to get out of my house for awhile. Studying Government is fun and all but human interaction is always good." Another smile crosses his lips. He streatches his back and motions to one of the comfy seats nearby.
"Please join me in a sit my back being hunched over a desk all day gives me annoynces sometimes." He smiles dusting the more stuffed seat off and motions for Maddie to take it.
Dani watched Duke walk off with careful eyes, he was a charmer but she wasn't able to see his true intentions, of course she hasn't been able to actually look him directly in the eyes and give him her full force, but she would in due time. She stopped watching when another man strolled up to her "Hey, name's Scott" she smiled and offered her hand "I'm Danielle, better known as Dani, don't call me Danielle unless theres an emergency or if I'm in trouble please" Her eyes sparkled as she was able to read all his thoughts in the last half-hour she was glad to know she hadn't lost her touch. He was impressed with their home, well who wasn't? Was interested in the blonde in the corner at this thought her eyes quickly flashed over to the girl and she saw Duke had moved on to talk to her, she thought that she was kinda young for him but who was she to judge? All of this happened in a matter of moments but already she knew a lot about him. She smiled again and her eyes sparkled excitedly.
Rani smiled and shook his hand she unconsiciously used the air to brush a stray piece of hair out of her eyes as she listened to Ioan. She grinned as she heard his last statement and said "I'm sorry for your confusion but I will defiantly explain this to everyone a little later. Thank you for your understanding" she grabbed a glass and took a sip as she noticed everyone else arriving, most seemed to be socializing which was good, she didn't want any loners in this group.
11-19-2009, 02:15 PM
((sorry this one's so short, writer's block))
Scott smiled at Dani but was now kind of curious. If she didn't want people to call her Danielle then why'd she introduce herself as Danielle? Ah well, maybe she was just used to it or something. Anyway who was he to judge? "So are the one of the hosts for tonight?" he asked, trying to make conversation. he He was still surprised by the lack of people, but tried not to show it. He looked at Dani again. "Nice dress by the way," he liked it, it showed that she had some confidence.
Maddie was surprised by his offer but took it anyway, grateful that she hopeful wouldn't have to spend all the night alone. She went and sat down beside him. Slowly she began wondering if he really wanted her to be next to him, or if he was just being friendly. Probably just friendly, considering that he didn't really know her. Come to think of it because of sheyness most people didn't know her. She turned her thoughts back to making conversation with him. What he said was rather interesting she had to admit. "So you work for the government?" she asked, feeling her curiosity begin to grow.
haha he wonders why I introduce myself as Danielle, well duh, I already told him, in case of an emergency or if I'm in trouble. "Well I'm one of them, technically I have nothing to do with it, this was all my sister's idea and planning but I'm helping out, sorta" she said smiling. A lack of people huh... Dani glanced around the room pretending she was surveying the crowd "I wish Rani had invited more people than this, but she only wanted a select few, so you should consider yourself lucky...or unlucky" she added this last part in an almost whisper, then quickly turned around the conversation and answered his dress comment with a twirl "I know isn't it great" she fluffed up the lace over her left eye as her eyes twinkled with happiness. She just loved getting compliments and attention. That was one of the few things her and Rani had in common, though Rani tried not to show it.
11-19-2009, 09:51 PM
((It's alright most of mine aren't more then one paragraph))
As the girl sat down Duke plops himself in the one to the right of her. A slight sigh escapes his lips as his tight back feels the support of the soft chair.
"Oh yes this is the nicest my back's felt in many days." He clasps his hands over his stomach fixing the wrinkles in his jacket. He smiles at her question and thinks it over a little bit. He can't possibly tell her he's trying to save the Russian Government from Communism with a small group of hard willed men and women. But he can't ignore her question or change the subject quickly that'd be suspicious and just plain rude. So it looks like he'll have to be vague as possible.
"You can say that my dear. I'm a Researcher of how to improve Governments, studying old laws and trends in popular opinion. Don't get me wrong it's exciting stuff." He doesn't even bother to hide his sarcasm here stretching his legs out a little.
"But the smell of dusty old books isn't as pleasant as you'd think." He turns his head to his lovely young companion and asks.
"If you don't mind me asking? what's a fine young lady like yourself doing with all us old fossils?"
11-23-2009, 04:15 AM
Scott raised an eyebrow. So Rani was the worker of the two. Well, he had to admit that she did a pretty good job putting this all together, even if there was a lack of people. There wasn't really anything wrong with it it was just that it felt different to him. Most of the parties he had been at had at least six times this amount of people. But then again most of the parties he had attended ended up with someone puking on the floor and the cops showing up because of a noise complaint. It was nice here to not have to worry about something like that happening. This place had a calm feel that he rather enjoyed.
He smiled when Daniell- or Dani rather replied to his compliment. She seemed to like getting them. She seemed...interesting and obviously very pretty. But she acted like a lot of girls Scott had seen before. Ah well, maybe she might turn out to be different somehow. "So," he began, "Have you had a good time so far?"
Maddie let a small laugh escape from her lips. She didn't think someone could be so happy because of a chair. But then again she didn't know him very well and it would probably make more sense if she did. "Oh that sounds interesting," she told him after he told her about his job. It sounded like that was a kind of job you needed to have a lot of post-secondary education to do properly. And he sounded as if he really enjoyed his career. Maddie felt herself feel a little jealous; she didn't know what she wanted to do yet. But she hoped that when she found something she'd be as happy doing it as this man was with his job. She laughed at his last comment and replied teasingly, "Oh, a research project. I'm going to do a paper on what old people do in their free time."
so he's happy with the effect Rani created, well thats good I'll have to pass that on Dani made a mental note to tell Rani at some point but would probably forget it later.
Dani's eyes flashed with sadness and rage when he thought that she was like most girls, and with the full knowledge that Rani would probably slap her for this she got up close to his face and whispered quietly "I think you'll find that I'm not like most girls" Now he could take that 2 ways, that she was a porn star or something and wanted him, or that she was something very different. She didn't really care either way, the truth would be revealed soon. She returned to how she was before and continued on like nothing happened. "Oh I've had a great time, talked to a couple guys, gotten compliments, you know everything I enjoy" she said smiling flirtatiously while on the inside carefully calculating his reaction.
11-24-2009, 12:02 AM
(( I assume you mean Scott for the first half of your post pooky. XD)))
Duke lets out a deep laugh at her joke. Good I was hoping she'd have a sense of humor. He thinks smiling he streatches a bit crossing his ankles leaning back more into his chair.
"Ah a girl after my own heart. A Scholor of boredom, don't forget to add the Tapioca pudding, and shuffle board. Oh and you must look into how we sleep from 5 'o'clock on." His clear face smiling deeper, Duke begins to think his young friend might actually loosen up and keep him company all night.
He licks his teeth a little feeling rather dry. With a slight grunt he stands and smiles.
"I'm feeling kind of parched and all the drinks are going to waste, can i get you something while I'm up Maddie?"
Pastel Apathy
11-26-2009, 01:14 AM
Avary Aria Morgan arrived at the ball after most of the others had shown up, her twin brother at her side. She was wearing a very elegant blue ball gown ( that was very complimentary to her figure. Scanning the room with her grey orbs, she immediately noticed everyone breaking off into different groups, and two blonde twins in different parts of the room. Those two must be the hostesses, she thought to herself. Taking in a deep breath, she exhaled slowly through her mouth, feeling the air for different waves of emotion. She was immediately hit with several different waves, which surprised her. And the most prominent was a flirty, somewhat playful wave from the hostess in the pink dress. That one bugs me... she thought, looking over at her twin.
Damien Christopher Morgan was standing by his sister, looking awkward standing there. He was at least 4 inches taller than her, and his hair had been dyed black and had blonde streaks in it. He was in a black and suit, with the standard white shirt underneath the jacket. Moments earlier, he HAD been wearing his favorite graphic hoodie, but his sister had made him take it off. He look around, noticing several cute women, and one teenager. That's strange, what's a teen doing here? he asked himself, but shrugged it off quickly. Taking note of the two hostesses, he looked over at his twin who was now looking at him.
"Ready to go, Ari?" he asked quietly, nervousness touching his grey eyes.
"Panda, calm down..." Avary murmured, letting soothing, manipulative waves leak into the ballroom. Immediately the affect on her twin was noticeable, and together, the two walked into the room, both heading to the drink table. Avary picked up a glass of red white, running her manicured fingertip along the rim of the glass three times, staring into her red reflection.
Damien picked up a glass of white wine when he reached the drink table, glancing at his sister for a moment. She was always so calm, so collected, so... amazing in comparison to him. Despite him being older, and having better grades, he was still always the loner. Avary had always been everybody's friend, and he only ever had one or two.
2 fraternal twins walked in and Dani looked them up and down carefully. She really wanted to send a thought to the girl but she knew Rani wouldn't forgive her for ruining the mystery theme.Dani couldn't see her eyes so she couldn't get an exact read on the girls thoughts but her facial expressions were plain enough. So she settled for scowling slightly in the girls direction hoping she'd get the idea that Dani wasn't liking her very much and to back off.
Pastel Apathy
11-26-2009, 05:25 AM
Damien noticed the look that the blonde in the pink dress was giving his sister and nudged her before giving a slight inclination in her direction. Avary nodded at Damien before taking a sip of her wine. She walked up to her brother and gave him a pat on his back before whispering into his ear.
"Panda, go talk to her will ya? Find out what crawled into her butt?" Avary was quite tense despite having calmed down her brother. Her power over emotions worked for others, but not for her. Her brother nodded and walked over to Dani with a smile locked into position on his face.
When he reached Dani, he gave a short greeting, "Hello. May I be right in guessing you are one of our hostesses tonight?"
11-26-2009, 07:14 AM
Liz took a few good breaths, "It's not like you've never been to parties before, you can do this." she told herself mentally. Liz put on her best smile, and pushed open the ballroom doors. She surveyed the room, "Not a bad bunch, I just never thought there wouldn't be this few of people. But I guess that's what you get for going to parties with a few hundred people in attendance." Liz said to herself mentally. "Now just who should I talk to first?"
Dani turned to the boy and gave him a dazzling smile "Well more or less I guess. I'm Danielle but call me Dani, unless there's an emergency or I'm in trouble" She stuck out her hand to shake and gestured with her chin over to Rani "That's Rani my sister, she's the one who put this all together so any complaints go to her" Dani looked into his eyes and read his thoughts from the past half-hour oops he noticed my dirty look, but he obviously didn't see that she started it Dani thought childishly. And smiled again before taking a sip of her drink.
11-26-2009, 06:42 PM
Liz approached a blonde wearing a white dress with simple designs, "Excuse me miss, but could you direct me to the hosts for this party?" As Liz waited for an answer,she studied her and the man next to her. "Very nice and simple," she thought to herself, she let her eyes roam around the room, "Nice interior, lovely exterior and hopefully nice hosts too." thinking to herself.
Dani sent a quick thought over to Rani I don't like the girl twin. What kinda snob did you invite? Rani showed no signs of receiving the thought but Dani knew she did. Rani turned her head quickly with enough time to give Dani a deal with it look and turned back toward the other girl who approached her The brothers kinda cute...his hairs kinda weird though she sent to Rani while she waited for the brother to respond.
Rani turned toward the girl who approached her "I am her" she said sweetly and extended her hand "I'm Ranielle and thats my sister Danielle" She said gesturing. "You can come to either of us if you have any questions" I don't like the girl twin, what kinda snob did you invite? Rani heard in Dani's unmistakable voice. Rani's eyes shot over to the fraternal twin and Rani suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. Rani shot Dani a deal-with-it look and turned back to the girl the brothers kinda cute...his hairs kinda weird though Rani sighed and didn't respond to her sister she could be so boy crazy sometimes, but Rani knew she was anything but shallow.
Pastel Apathy
11-26-2009, 11:51 PM
Damien nodded and looked at Dani. "Hey, I saw the dirty look you gave my sister. I figure she started it, but please don't think she's a snob. She just... She can be a bit difficult at first, but believe me, once she gets past the... vibes she gets from people, and gets to know them, she's actually quite nice. " That had been the most he said to a complete stranger in his whole life. But it was worth it. Self consciously he fidgeted with his hair before giving a small introduction, "I'm Damien, but most people call me Chris or Panda..." At the second nickname, he flushed lightly, and quickly hurried to explain. "I'm only called Panda because of my nature, and my love for panda's...." he trailed off slowly before looking back at his twin who was now busying herself with the food tables.
11-27-2009, 12:01 AM
Liz looked at Ranielle, "Well I would like to say thank you for the invite and that your place is very lovely. What year is the decore, may I ask?" Liz caught the looks the Ranielle and Danielle were gicing each other, she wondered if they were about her. "Well, who cares really, I'm here because of the invite and noone else." she said to herself mentally.
Dani sniffed "I'll consider it" she said with a fake stuck-up accent. Then giggled to herself "Just kidding, I'm sure she's okay" and smiled over in the girls direction. "Aww Panda's cute, that is totally what I shall call you forever" she said happily her pretty brown eyes sparkling.
Rani looked over the room and thought about her question "umm well I don't know exactly but I do know that the building itself is very old, but it's got a lot of....extra features" Rani said not wanting to give away too much, "The chandelier is very modern and all the funiture is medival themed but built recently" She said trying to be as helpful as possible.
11-27-2009, 12:39 AM
Liz smiled, "Hmmm, interesting. Well it was nice meeting you." Liz walked over to the refreshment table, and picked up a few crackers. " How disgusting. All they really have is meat this and meat that, what about us vegans." Liz surveyed the crowd and looked back at the refreshments, " Looks like I may be the only one here." Liz picked up a glass of the bubbly, siwrled it around, and took a sip. "Ahhh at last a drink that's meant to be drunk slowly." she said to herself.
Rani watched her go and pick at the food, she was probably a vegetarian or something. Rani silently scolded herself for not thinking of that and took a sip of her drink.
Pastel Apathy
11-27-2009, 04:03 AM
Damien nodded, and felt his face flush a bit more when she announced him being dubbed Panda. "Uh... Er... Thanks? I'm not really sure how to respond to that..." he said softly, trying to keep his eyes off her face. Instead, he looked at her dress, and made a short mental note. "That's a, um, nice dress..." he smiled softly and looked at her face, but not into her eyes. He felt a thought trying to push it's way into his head, and he turned to look at his sister. She stood off to the side, a small little smile on her face. He rolled his eyes and looked back to Dani, a question popping into his head. "Is there gonna be dancing?" he asked softly.
11-27-2009, 04:07 AM
Scott raised an eyebrow when she whispered in her ear. Thsi girl has got some serious mental issues. Either that or she could read his thoughts. He wanted to automaticly cancel out his second thought, but his curiousity prevented him from doing so. Since he had inhuman powers, maybe she did as well. There was too much of a chance to just say that it wasn't possible. When she began talking with the twins, or at least with the male one. The way Dani accepted seemed really juvenile, reciting the old blame game that he had heard when he was in kindergarten, the famous 'well she did it first' line. But she seemed to get over it pretty quick when the male twin, or Damien rather, began talking to her.
He felt as if his presence was not needed now by Dani or Damian so he left and began to walk around. After looking around slightly, he decided to go talk to the female twin. He walked over to her and when he was next to her he smiled and held out his hand, "Hey, name's Scott."
Maddie grinned and let out a small laugh when he responded. He seemed like an overall nice guy, funny too. Maybe tonight just might turn out good after all. When he asked her about getting her a drink her first impulse was to ask for a just a glass or water. But then she stopped herself before she asked, she remembered how people liked to put things in drinks at parties. She scanned the party area. This didn't seem like the kind of party where that could happen. But she wasn't going to take a chance with that, she wasn't going to come home drunk or high or whatever. She smiled at him and shook her head, "No thanks I'm alright." But then, to try to add a bit of bad humor she added. "Oh, remember to grab something with a lot of caffine in it since tonight you'll probably be awake a lot longer than five."
Pastel Apathy
11-27-2009, 04:14 AM
Avary looked at the hand that was being extended to her, and she grasped it with a firm grip, and shook his name. "Name's Avary. Please, call me Ava." Avary gave the man a smile, and finished what was left of her wine. Setting her glass down, she turned to look at Scott. "So why did you come here?" she asked, genuinely curious. She had always be a curious girl, but more so at parties, often inquiring why someone came, if they knew anyone at the party, etcetera etcetera.
Dani frowned over at scott when he left but oh well. She couldnt do anything about it, and besides she could really only talk to one person at once. Being a hostess was hard. Dani suddenly had a new respct for rani who had hosted a lot of parties before this. She supressed a giggle at panda's statement " you should be glad! After all you did offer it up as a name i could call you and its totally cute and original" she saw him exchange a look with his sis but didnt say anything, dani hated when people avoided her eyes then she couldnt read their thoughts! He asked a question "well..." dani replied carefully "rani wants there to be but someone has to be the one to start the dancing."
Pastel Apathy
11-27-2009, 05:22 AM
Damien nodded slowly and contemplated what Dani said. "Well...." he said thoughtfully, aware of the thought pushing it's way into his mind from his sister's mind. Mentally batting it away, he look at Dani, and despite his nervous feeling, he asked her softly, "Would you care to help start the dancing?" Almost immediately after asking, he felt waves soothing him, relaxing him, calming him. He knew the waves would seep into the rest of room as well.
11-27-2009, 08:15 PM
Duke smiled at his young friend. She was really coming out of her shell.
“Maybe I should get you some caffeine, it'll be past your bedtime by the time the parties over young lady." He keeps smiling and bows to her lightly before making his way to the drink table. For the first time he noticed others that have arrived. He also noticed some kind of probe was trying to enter his mind again. The mental defenses shot up as a strange feeling swept over him. For a split second he felt complete calmness, a calmness that couldn't be natural. As soon as his mental shield went up he felt like he did a few moments ago albeit a lot more cautious.
He arrived at the drink table and scanned the newcomers.
A pair of twins and a lone young lady. Well can't say I'm sad about the ratio now. But which one is the mental prober? He thinks looking at each of them in turn. I'm sure I'll figure it out in time but right now I'm thirsty and kind of hungry. He pours himself a glass of brandy and downs it he then selects a plate of little sandwiches and places them on a tray he repours his glass then smiles and pours out a glass of lemonade then makes his way back to the seats. He places the tray on the small table in front of them and smiles at Maddie.
"I know you said you didn't want anything but that could change so I took the liberty to bring you something. And of course there's so much food over there we can't let it go to waste especially with so few people here. So I also brought some snacks." He takes his seat then think for a little bit.
"And don't worry it's all safe, I doubt anyone would try to spike or posion us with all these witnesses that could see them." He selects one of the sandwiches and nibbles at it still scanning the room keeping his shield up.
Dani smiled, "I would love too" she said and held out a gloved hand for him to take. She set down her drink on the nearest table and sent a thought to Rani go grab a partner hon, the dancing's about to start She saw Rani smile gratefully over at her and she smiled back.
Pastel Apathy
11-27-2009, 10:39 PM
Damien nodded at Dani, and set down the glass he had forgotten in his hand as well. Taking her hand softly, he placed one hand on her waist, and held her hand with the other. "I'm sorry if I'm not very good at dancing. I haven't danced with a girl in a couple years." Panda felt his face flush slightly, and could practically feel his sister grinning. He heard the song switching, and a slow one came on as he moved in time to the music with Dani. "I'm kind of an old fashioned dancer... Sorry..." He flushed quite a bit after he stated this, and smiled sheepishly at his dance partner. "My mom and dad wanted me to learn ballroom dancing and the waltz, and so that's what I learned..."
"Well this is a ball" Dani said grinning "And I'll help you remember" She twirled around.
11-28-2009, 12:05 AM
Liz heard music and laughter from behind her, she turned around to see one of the hosts and a guest dancing. She starred at the couple dancing, "Gosh, it's been forever since I last danced a waltz." Liz turned to see a older gentleman and a young lady chatting at a table, so she decided to introduce herself. She tapped the older man on the shoulder, "Um, excuse but is this seat taken?" she said pointing to the chair next to him.
11-28-2009, 01:18 AM
Duke looks at the prigin of the voice and see the lone young woman he noticed eariler. He gave her a smile and shook his head.
"Of course not my dear feel free. I'm Mr. Marx and this is Maddie would you care for a sandwich?" He smiles showing her the plate of food.
11-28-2009, 02:53 AM
Maddie flushed. She had never had someone bow to her before. Then while he left she cursed herself mentaly. Did she always have to blush at any attention she got? Maybe she had an allergic reaction to it or something. She stopped thinking about this as rush of calm took over her. But as soon as it left she jolted up. That was wierd she thought to herself. Her gaze traveled around the room as she tried to find anything that could have caused it. Then she mentaly slapped herself. What on earth could cause her to suddenly be calm like that? Unless...someone else here had powers. It was unlikely, but maybe it was possible. When he came back she looked at him surprised, it was nice of him to get her something anyways. Even if she might not take any of it, at least not at the moment anyways. She looked over when a women came over to them. After the he introduced them she decided to take a risk and wave at the women. "Hey,"
Scott smiled at the girl. "Nice name, Ava, rather unqiue. I like it,". He let his hand drop to his side after she shook it. The girl had a strong grip. And she seemed to be pretty confident in herself. A nice feature, and she wasn't really obnoxious about it like Dani could be, not that he was trying to compare the two or anything. It was just he met them both in such a short time period that he had made a contrast between them. He watched her put down her wineglass then replied to her, shrugging. "No reason in particular. Just decided to come and have fun, meet new people. That sort of thing." He let out a small chuckle "It's been good so far but I have to admit, it's a lot different then most of the parties I've been to." He stopped and looked at her, "So now it's your turn. What brought you here tonight?"
11-28-2009, 04:29 AM
Liz took the seat that she gestured to. " HI my name is Liz, and no thank you, Mr. Marx, I'm a vegan." She turned towards Maddie, "Hi to you too." she said and smiled. "So what has brought the both of you to this party?" Liz asked them both. "I wonder if they came together." Liz asked herself. "He seems a bit old for her, but to each their own, I always say."
Rani sat on a random velvet chair and sipped her drink, she watched the ball unfold and thought about when she was going to explain to everybody why they were invited. She wondered why no one had asked yet, but she guessed that they didn't want to be rude. She took another sip and watched her sister dance with the other twin, she looked so happy and full of life, Rani ran her fingers through her hair and smiled, what these people didn't know was that Dani had been really depressed lately she was moping around and not acting like her usual self at all. Rani was glad that this brought up her spirit and leaned her head back against the wall.
11-30-2009, 10:53 PM
As Liz waited for either of them to answer, she surveyed the hosts. She wondered why they decided to host a party, where noone knew eachother, and where they had nothing in common. "Maybe its a swinger's party." she thought, and almost laughed outloud. While Maddie, and Mr. Marx were conversing, Liz went up to the refreshment table to get some more to drink.
12-01-2009, 05:07 AM
Duke watched Liz go get something. Intresting girl I wonder what all of us are here for. After looking over the guests and Hostesses and the strange mental invasions he's been feeling all night the burly Russian has begun thinking into realms both strange and dark. Could it be that he isn't the only one with some kinds of powers at this party. He sat back in his chair and rubbed his shaved chin. He looked over at Maddie.
"Maddie my dear have you noticed anything strange about this night at all? I can't help it but I have this little nagging at the back of my mind. Do you feel this too?" He looks at her still rubbing his chin slightly.
Ioan had completed his survey of the room and was now watching quietly off to one side as music was played and a few figures began dancing. Truth be told he wasn't a bad dancer himself, but he was beginning to grow far more concerned with their purpose here than social mingling. If a bunch of other stuffy textbook types had shown up he might not have given it a second thought, but he couldn't for the life of him draw any similarities between himself and these characters barring species and in some cases gender. He frowned, picking up another champagne glass and sipping it as his eyes wandered over to Rani, isolated in a chair watching the guests unfold before her.
He wondered if he should leave. But then that would seem rude. And they hadn't said why he was invited yet, a fact he was still quite curious to know above all things. He merely stood with a furrowed brow, making long, calculated looks over each of the individual guests.
12-03-2009, 12:51 AM
Maddie watched as Liz left. She hoped Liz wasn't leaving because she didn't like them. Especialy considering that for once she had actually tried to make a good first impression as opposed to just blushing and looking away like she usually did. When Duke quistioned her, she felt surprised. He just called her dear, she didn't think that she had been called that since she was about six. She shook the thought out of her mind and tried to focus on his actual question. Did she notice anything wierd about the party? Well there was nothing that out of the ordinary, but then again, she could be wrong. There was always that possibility. "Hmm," she began to say, "Well, there doesn't really look like there's anything abnormal. But I guess what's strange the guests. I mean, there aren't very many of us and we don't seem to have any obvious connections. Judging by the all the introductions made, no one really knows anyone else, and no one seems to be connected in any other sort of way. So it is wierd in that sense."
((Alright I'm moving this along))
Rani sighed and stood up. It was time. As she passed by Dani she glanced into her eyes and Dani immediately dropped her arms with the guy she was dancing with and followed her. She walked up to the stage and played with the microphone for a moment while Dani called everyone to attention. When everyone was settled she raised the microphone to her face.
"Welcome everyone to my ball. I'm glad you all came and I'm sure you're all wondering why you were invited, I mean, you've never heard of me or Dani before." she began. "Well the truth of why your all here, is not for a simple ball..." she paused and looked at Dani who nodded encouragingly "Your here because you're all EPIC's. Or Extreme Paranormals In Culture. And we need your help."
As Dani danced she saw Rani get up out of the corner of her eye and when she passed by she saw Rani thinking it's time.
She turned toward Panda, "Well thank you for the lovely dance, but it's time for the fun to begin" She curtsied and hurried after Rani. When they got to the stage Rani set up the microphone while she called to everyone
"Ehem. It is time for the moment of truth. If everyone could just take a seat at the surrounding tables, that would be most appreciated" When everyone was paying attention and settled Rani began
"Welcome everyone to my ball. I'm glad you all came and I'm sure you're all wondering why you were invited, I mean, you've never heard of me or Dani before." she began. "Well the truth of why your all here, is not for a simple ball..." she paused and looked at Dani who nodded encouragingly "Your here because you're all EPIC's. Or Extreme Paranormals In Culture. And we need your help."
12-19-2009, 03:44 AM
((Oops sorry I meant to post, but I guess it neer went though))
Liz looked up toward hwere Dani and Rani stood, "Hopefully we can find out why we're here now." Liz said to herself while she nibbled on a cookie
12-19-2009, 05:31 PM
As the Hostesses mounted the stage and spoke to them, Duke's mental wall doubled it's power and he felt his begin molding into a long blade. He listened to their appeal and returned his arm to normal. He looked at the women wondering all the possible problems they could need help with. None of what came to mind made any sense so he decided to ask the obvious question.
"Very well my dears but if it's not too much trouble could we at least know the nature of this problem that we got drafted into assisting with?" He crosses his arms over his deep chest watching the two women.
"Oh your not drafted" Rani said quickly "You all are free to leave whenever you wish, we are not in anyway going to keep you here against your will"
She looked at Dani meaningfully, who sighed and gave a half-hearted "yeah...leave"
"The reason we need your help, and you need ours is this: There is a force out there called the Valuent. The Valuent are a very powerful club that deals with the supernatural, many government officials are apart of it, in fact the President of the U.S is also the President of the Valuent, so we can expect no help from them. They hate anything out of the ordinary and the Valuent's biggest wish is to 'cleanse' the Earth of all supernatural beings."
"Right now the Valuent are planning a huge attack on the EPIC world, they are gathering all their forces and are preparing to attack in a few weeks, and are planning to attack all EPIC's no matter where or how much they know. So even if you go on home and pretend this never happened they will come after you anyway, we are just trying to prepare you."
Rani handed the mike to Dani, who took over, "The Valuent killed our parents, and we have quite a bone to pick with them. We are planning on having a rigouros 6-week training camp to heighten and enhance all your powers and teach you a thing or 2 about weapons, I don't care how awesome you guys already think you are, I'm sure you can at least learn one thing from this course."
"I will be teaching weapons and Rani will be teaching powers and you guys will have rooms and schedules and everything. We really have spent months on this guys and its not fake at all, this is all real and there's no hiding from it. So please, please agree to this so we can kick some Valuent booty!" Dani finished with a flourish and handed the mike back to Rani.
"Any questions?" she asked smiling.
12-19-2009, 10:31 PM
Duke had seen talk this this too many times before. The Commies used it when they first took power. We will train you to fight poverty and make Russia a super-power. Put two people in power over many and infighting and back-stabbing is not close behind. The people need their own words, and using fear like you'll die anyway was another ploy they used to keep the people under their thumbs.
But he also knew better then to condemn someone so quickly. He's agree but keep his eyes on the Twins for any sign of Tyranny.
"If it's no offense Ladies can I ask what make you qualified to train us? I'm sure your parents had a hand in it. But have you ever actually fought these people or given your power and abilities a battlefield test?" He keeps the shield up in case he ticked off the Twins and the mind invasions got worse.
Dani caught the question-givers eye and tried to read his mind full force. Under her intense gaze she could feel his brick wall weaking and begining to crack, she had almost broken through and was through enough to get 2 words "the twins" when rani touched her arm gently, breaking her concentration. Dani looked at rani annoyed but didnt say anything. Instead she let rani answer
"good question, but I think you'll find we are more than qualified to teach you, dani is a master of the weapons and will certainly train you hard. I have not met a student I couldn't get to have complete control over their powers. We participated in the very fight that ended our parents lives and have fought and won many battles before that. If you find us unqualified we thank you for your opinion and will certainly try our hardest to prove you otherwise." At this Dani had to say something and sent her a thought.
they aren't buying it, we need to show them.
Rani turned and looked at her and Dani read her thinking all in good time, perhaps we should just give them a taste
yess! Dani sent happily and took the microphone from Rani
"Would you like to see a bit of our powers? Maybe that would help you decide to stay?" She paused a moment and nodded toward Rani who took the microphone,
"me and Dani's powers couldn't be more different, I control a physical element, while Dani deals mostly in the mind catergory. Allow me to demonstrate" At this a slight breeze picked up in the room, it continued to grow and grow until everyone's clothes and hair were flopping around wildly. But Rani and Dani remained unchanged, they looked completely at ease and no wind was touching them at all. Suddenly the wind stopped and Rani smiled into the mike
"As you can see I have complete control over the wind element, now it's Dani's turn"
She said and handed the microphone over to a smiling Dani. She took the mike but didn't say anything, instead she projected thoughts to everyone in the room, except the one guy she couldn't break through I have the ability to project thoughts into your mind, and by looking into your eyes I can read any thought you've had in the past half-hour then she concentrated her gaze on the brick-wall guy "Oh, and don't call us 'The twins' we especially hate that"
12-21-2009, 05:38 PM
As soon as Duke felt Dani try and invade his mind the brick-wall became a steel wall sending a concussion force back at the sender his face becoming almost a snarl.
"Very well just don't try to invade my mind it carries secrets and memories that no one should know about, not even me." The snarl leaves and his kind smiling face returns.
"You have my backing ladies, as long as you don't go over the top I will listen. But I'm feeling a might peckish so I'm going back to the forgotten food, excuse me." He walks over to the table he was seated at with Maddie and grabs up the plate of food he left and begins nibbling on them.
Dani gazed after him, well now she sort of had to try and read his mind. Too bad Rani would be teaching him, she was really quite a wonder with powers. Dani smiled, well at least now she knew who she'd be using as a dummy during weapons lessons.
12-21-2009, 09:47 PM
Liz just stared at the twins and Duke converse. Interesting she thought. Liz spoke up, " I'll agree to training and helping you fight the Valuent, but just please don't get me killed. And another thing, so are you saying that since the government don't like the strange or unusual that all these things that are conspiracies and legends like the assassination of JFK and aliens and Bigfoot are real?"
Dani looked over at Liz "Well we won't get you killed if I have anything to do with it"
Rani stepped in, "Well the Assasination was real yes, aliens no, but I don't doubt that there are some, and Bigfoot...well even I don't know that one. Most of the legends are real but there are some that are just legends."
Dani re-took the mike, "Okay, so, cutting to the chase. Everyone's going to get assigned one weapon to master and we'll work a little bit on the others so you at least know how to use them. And I think Rani's going to be doing some serious mind straining with your powers" she looked at Rani who nodded. "So if you all are done with the small snacks we have set up" she said looking at Duke "We have a huge table set up down the hall, if anyone needs to call anyone to tell them they won't be coming back, do it now" And with that Dani flaunted off, leading the way down the hall.
She opened 2 double doors to reveal a large rectangular room, in the middle was a long dining table, overflowing with food. Dani paused at the door and turned "I hope you all like dogs" she said smiling. Rani gave her a don't do it look but it was too late, Dani whistled loudly and 2 Great Dane's came skidding into the hall. "this is Duke and Luke, they're twins too" Duke was black and white and Luke was a bay brown color. Dani dissapeared into a room and came out moments later carrying 2 huge bowls of dog food and set them next to water bowls in the corner. the 2 dogs started eating and Dani and Rani took the 2 head seats at the table, "Y'all coming?" Dani asked.
12-21-2009, 10:23 PM
Liz stared at the two huge dogs and slowly walked around them towards the hall of food. When Liz saw all of the food, she was amazed how these two twins could afford all this food, she wondered what they do for a living? She chose a seat more towards the middle of the table and waited for everyone else to join her.
12-22-2009, 04:44 PM
((will post for Scott later))
Maddie blinked as she tried to take in everything the twi- Dani and Rani, had said. So they were being hunted... She felt herself get scared, so she might get killed? But, where was the proof of this group? Did it even exist? She looked towards the two girls. They didn't look like they were lying, and from what she could gather they really didn't have a good reason to lie. What could the benefit be of telling people that they were going to get their powers improved? She really couldn't think of one. So...should she join with them? That would require her to give up the rest of her life. Could she really do that? She knew that her leaving would really hurt her sister, they were really close and were used to spending most of their time together. But, if she didn't she might get killed, which would be even worse.... Alright, so she would join them. And maybe she could control her powers more while doing it.
"I think I'll join too," she said quietly. Then she reached into her pocket and got out her phone. Might as well get telling her sister over with now. Thankfully her sister already knew about her powers from an incident where Maddie had walked through their kitchen table. So that shouldn't be much of a problem. Still, when she brought her finger up to where it said her sister's phone number her hand was shaking.
Dani noticed the younger girl in the corner, holding a cell phone and looking scared.
Dani looked at Rani and sent her she's pretty young, why'd you invite her?
Rani looked at her and Dani heard her think she's powerful, we need her, and besides she's an EPIC just like the rest of us, she deserves a chance at least
Dani looked over at the girl and gave her a comforting smile and pointed to the chair next to her "You want to sit over here with me?" she asked
Ioan sat idly by as he mulled over the information he had been given. It was clear that this wasn't just another extravagant party from the start--but a recruitment party? He couldn't have seen that one coming. He wrung his hankerchief in two hands from where he sat as his eyes scanned between the sisters and the other guests, wondering what claim to supernaturality they possessed in likeness to his own. How did they even know about his personal phenomenon? How was it possible when no one else on earth, to the best of his knowledge, knew? And who would seek him out because of it? Ioan lived a quiet life. He had never made a fuss, never wronged anyone, and for the most part never even utilized his inexplicable ability.
He swept a hand through his hair and shook his head, but said nothing. Their assertion that some force was after them seemed ludicrous. They had been thus far nothing but deceptive, why should he trust a word of their story? But he was too intrigued, too frightened that they presumed to know his secret... He slowly stood and followed the crowd into the dining room, making sure to keep himself in the back and as unnoticed as he could.
Dani smiled at everyone as they sat down and noticed one man not sitting, she caught Rani's eye and heard her think temperature controller she looked over at him and heard him think they might know my powers Dani smiled and sent to him We know Ioan temperature changer. We know. Just to freak him out a bit.
12-31-2009, 04:08 AM
Liz stared at all of the glourius food. "Well I must say, Rani, that all this food looks delicious. I must say so far, this has been a pleasant and wonderful evening, if I can say so myself." she smiled and pulled herself up a chair, waiting for everyone else to sit down.
Rani smiled and said "Why thank you, we've been working on it all this morning" And looked at Dani who grinned.
01-13-2010, 01:39 AM
Scott listened with interest as the hosts made their speech. Wow, he was not expectiong that one bit. Still, it seemed kinda out of it, like it was a plot for a movie or something. But, there was a part of him (a part that he often ignored), that told him that what was going on was true. And that this was happening, and could happen to him. He looked around the area, now the fact that there were so few people made sense. These were are the EPICs in the area. Or where they? Were there more, so well hidden that even the twins could not find them? It was a real possibility.
He walked towards the area where all the food was and glanced down at the dogs before continuing his walk. After looking around, he chose a spot near a girl who with blonde hair that had commented on it being a good evening. "It was wasn't it?" he asked the girl, looking directly at her. He turned his gaze away for a moment to retrieve a small sandwhich before looking back at her. "I'm Scott," he held his hand out for her to shake.
Maddie looked over when she heard someone talking to her and felt a blush rise to her face. Gosh did she always have to do that? The blush deepend when she saw who it was that asked her to sit by her. It was one of the hostesses. Strange, but hey not. She was trying to be more social tonight afterall. She held a finger up to show the girl to wait one moment as she put the phone to her ear as it rang. It rung twice before her sister answered it "Yelllo?" her sister asked. She took a deep breath, then told her sister about what had happend. When she had finished, she heard a pause before her sister told her that she should go for it. Maddie smiled, now happy that her sister understood. She usually did.
With that out of the pay, she pocketed the phone and walked over towards the girl who had asked if she wanted to sit with her. She took a seat beside the girl and said quietly, "Thanks."
01-13-2010, 01:43 AM
Liz shook Scotts hand, "The name's Liz Scott. So since we're at a mutant party, may I ask what your power is?" She asked quitely. Liz sat down in a chair and took a few bits of food waiting for the others to be seated and begin to eat.
Rani swallowed the drink of juice she had just taken she leaned over and interrupted Scott's answer, "Excuse me but if you would mind not sharing your powers at the moment, these things are very important to Dani and she has a whole presentation thing planned out for tomorrow. Sorry to inconvenience you but, if you wouldn't mind..." she trailed off, as an ending to her sentence and smiled apologetically. She sat back down in her seat and caught Dani's eye I just saved your ability ceremony Dani smiled thankfully and turned to Maddie "Don't mention it, we are all going to get to know each other real well here. After all, from my experience, I find that no matter how big and strong the opponent you're going up against, if your group is small, but tightly knit, and you work perfectly in sync, it's like magic. You can overcome mostly anything, it also helps that you have abilities." Dani smiled and took a bite of chicken.
She sent Rani a few thoughts and she would think back to her and they had a whole conversation the whole night, while having other conversations with the guests on the side. Finally the night ended, and dinner was done. Dani directed everyone to their rooms and instructed them to come down to the ballroom they met in last night at 8 tomorrow morning.
01-16-2010, 04:27 AM
After dinner was done, Liz was escorted to her room by on of the twins. Once she entered the room, she immediately fell in love with the designer. The walls were painted to look exactly like an Egyptian tomb wall. The colors so vibrant yet beautiful. The bed was a canopy bed and was adorn with the finest Egyptian silk ever made. Liz looked around the room and noticed the floor looked like sand floors. She noticed a flat screen tv and a big comfy chair and lamp next to it. When she entered the bathroom, she could have fainted. The walls looked like the bathroom was actually set in Egypt, the floor tiles like the Nile. Liz twirled around the room, falling upon the bed and falling gently asleep.
((Okay, last attempt to keep this going))
After everyone was directed to their rooms and had settled down. Dani and Rani headed down to the basement of the castle, "How many people do you think are gonna sneak out and explore the castle/spy on us tonight instead of sleeping?" Rani asked kicking off her heels.
Dani fell onto a couch and sighed "I don't know, they all seemed pretty overwhelmed, I'd say 2 if any"
"5 bucks says it's 3"
"You're on"
They shook hands and Rani sat down at a cluttered desk "Okay, so we will concentrate on explaining everything tomorrow, and start training the day after that right?"
"Right" Dani said and pulled the lace hat off of her head, throwing it in the general direction of the hat rack.
Rani wrote a few notes down and sighed "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to bed. See you in the morning Danielle"
"Okay Ranielle" Dani said happily and Rani headed to her room. Dani stood and was about to head out as well when she noticed a framed photograph of her parents that was sitting on the dresser, she sighed and gave the frame a fleeting touch and headed up to her room.
The next morning Dani and Rani woke up simultaneously and were up and ready before anyone else. Dani wore a bright pink tank top, dark jeans, and black heels. She let her blonde hair hang down around her face and smiled into the mirror before heading down to the kitchen where she met Rani (wearing a conservative green polo, light jeans and green converse) Rani was setting out the breakfast for everybody, bowls of hash browns and sausages, eggs and orange juice, among other things. Dani grabbed a bagel and leaned against Duke, who had just come in and scolded Luke who was trying to get at the eggs. "The foods going to get cold, everyone better get here soon" Rani said and sat down at the seat she had sat in last night.
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