View Full Version : Hackers Dream OOC [PG-13 with sexual innuendo, minor language]

03-06-2011, 04:15 AM
I just had this idea actually, and since I thought it was so epic. It was worth sharing to the rest of you guys. Okay the basic premise of the story is pretty generic, I'll drop it. Based in modern times, give or take a few weeks from now. Is centered around this average adolescent male [yeah, I know] Well all of a sudden an alien drops out of the sky where he's camping at with his family. Well not ordinary there of course alien drops out of the sky, crash landing, all the makings of a sci-fi horror film if you know what I mean. Wrong the aliens, or lone alien your basic blue haired silver skinned girl in a tight fitting space-suit crawls out. She's crying silver from her eyes presents a weird blue orb coupled around an alien micro-mainframe device.

Looks like a pretty narly thing, to a computer aficionado, as if he weren't already looking at the girl holding out her hand. Anyway, so the story goes this guy takes the device as she tells him to protect it all costs, then dies. As if it wasn't disappointing enough that the first girl to ever pay attention to him dying wasn't sad enough. But she just wanted to drop her what'cha-ma-callit in his care. Goes home, with the device, which by the way is called an AE'-Frame you'll find out in the future. What it does is something this guy couldn't have possibly imagined. Not only does it have an unlimited hard-drive space, and infinite down-loading speed. It has the power to influence real life with its own AI System.

So adolescent hacker, check.
Device that can hack reality, check.
No one that knows about it, check.
Other aliens that want to hang you by your thumbs, that you didn't know about. Well....that remains to be seen.

Since this is a pretty generic storyline, I'll leave the character sheets open to interpretation. And if you want to play some government agent bent on ridding you of the AE'-Frame be my guest. I'll do you guys the favor of playing the aliens who want to rip apart the earth looking for the group. Which as the story progresses you'll get you're own AE'-Frame as well, so don't get your hopes up, it'll happen.

Character Sheet

03-06-2011, 11:45 PM

03-07-2011, 03:55 AM
>.> Really, no one?