View Full Version : The Tinker Town Clown [IC]

11-18-2009, 11:37 PM

OOC Thread (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1224)



Like the transformation of the forest when summer’s warmth has abated, Tinker Town had, with the arrival of autumn, discarded its typical array of lush greens and blues and whites for those colours that defined the season. Lamp posts had been wrapped in the richest gold ribbons, while crimson and orange banners were draped almost whimsically from rooftops and railings, and it seemed the whole town was an organic thing that, like nature, could barely resist the change that came with each new season. The mechanical pursuits of summertime, when the Tinker’s Guild hosted great exhibitions of the newest and most promising workmanship, were left behind, to be awaited next year. With the shadow of winter looming on the horizon, the hour for preparation had come, with food to be stored, reparations to be made, and homes to be furnished with furs and blankets and curtains to withstand the coming chill.

This transition was welcomed by the residents of Tinker Town, for whom grief was still fresh in their minds, the wounds of one fateful night not yet closed. They could occupy themselves with the annual routine that was both exhausting and satisfying, and which would reassure them that the world was not as dark and hopeless as some circumstances might suggest, but was something that could, if not be controlled, be understood and anticipated. Few now mentioned that malicious clown who had orchestrated his vengeful curse. The four youths whom he had corrupted had possessed such talent and promise; so that their cruel transformations were all the more lamented, and they were certainly the source of much personal despair for their families.

Occasionally these children were seen about the town, suffering in varying degrees the ignorance, or contempt, or fear, of people who had but recently adored them. They were not known to eat, drink, or sleep, and wandered aimlessly, sometimes conversing with one another, other times striving to forget their ordeal in isolation. Some residents had come to see these children as dreadful specters that haunted the streets, and who populated the nightmares of their children. It was a growing opinion among Tinker Town that the accursed children should be cast out and forgotten. Would that not, they argued, be better for everyone?

Of a night, these four children, united by their mutual misfortune, gathered in the clock tower. Both the tallest and most resplendent structure in Tinker Town, it was a straight and narrow spire whose walls, both interior and exterior, were almost completely immersed in clocks of all shapes and sizes, and that all ticked in an eerie unison that echoed all throughout the tower. On the outside it was decorated in magnificent statues of bronze and silver and gold, while on the inside the stairwell was austere and grey, its wooden framework plainly visible. Because of this, the tower was only occasionally entered for maintenance, and the single room which stood at the very peak, wherein hung a magnificent bell which bellowed the passing of every hour, providing a perfect rendezvous for the accursed four. From its gaping windows could be observed a panoramic view of Tinker Town and the grasslands that surrounded it, divided only by the three great roads which exited the town: the Dixie Way, which headed north, toward the town of its namesake, and Tinker Street and Spanner Street, which pointed westward and eastward respectively, the former leading to Starkeep, and the latter to the Phantom Forest.

It was here, like every other night, that they presently gathered, to share their hopes and dreams, and, perhaps, to devise a way to rid themselves of their curse.

11-19-2009, 02:01 AM
Minna looked at the ancient looking room. I was dusty and dark, but it did nothing to lower her mood. She walked over to the window that overlooked Tinker Town, admiring the pretty view of the streets below. She loved the way how small it looked from atop the tower. She felt like she was god of Tinker Town.

But then she remembered who she really was, a skeleton. She was simply a skeleton, having no flesh or any organs. She felt exposed, even though there was nothing to show. " Well, where back here again, what would you all like to talk about tonight?"

Minna thought over the question herself, wondering what they would talk about now. It was always something different, unless it involved them being cursed. Wondering how, if, they would be able to change back. It always came to the same end though, kill the evil clown. She wondered if they would ever be able to turn back, she hoped so, as she didn't want to be a skeleton forever. She wanted to hear her heart beat again. She wanted to feel someone touch her skin again. She wanted to live again.

11-19-2009, 03:11 AM
Johnathan sat balled up near a wall; he appeared to be nothing more than a bolder. He hated being in the clock tower, but it did beat roaming the streets at night, lurking in the shadows like a monster from some sort of ghost story, and he did enjoy the presence of the others although the conversation was a bit depressing. He only wished there was somewhere else they could meet.

The old wood planks, which made up the floor, creaked precariously beneath Johnathan's stone body. He shifted his weight nervously. It was a long way down. "We should do something," Johnathan said to the others. He couldn't bare to come back to this place the next night. He couldn't stand the thought of heaving his body up all those stairs just so he could have the pleasure of sitting nervously the whole night hoping the wood beneath him could hold his weight. "We'll never get free of the curse if we just sit here. We should find the clown somehow. We should act now before everyone decides to run us out of town too."

Some had suggested killing the clown, but Johnathan figured asking him nicely to remove the curse would be a better idea. The clown's vengeance was fierce and Johnathan wouldn't want to cross him again. Besides Johnathan almost felt for the guy. Lately he knew how it felt to spend time trying to please someone just to be met with hatred and anger the next day.

11-19-2009, 03:18 AM
Chloris looked around, "You guys, I'm with Johnathan on this one. It's about time we do something about this damned curse. Now what we need is a plan of sorts, and someone to lead the group into this journey. But the first thing we must do, is find out where that evil little clown is hiding."

Chloris rolled out a map of the country. "I believe he may be on the Island of Dread, but that's only my best guess. Does anyone have any ideas?" She looked around the room, hoping someone would have a plan of attack.

11-19-2009, 04:41 AM
Ridley stood on one of the old wooden basters that line the pit in the centre of the tower. It was, undoubtedly, a long way down but unlike John, Ridley didn't have to worry about his weight. He didn't have to worry about his weight, or his balance, or his speed, or his grip; he didn't have to worry about anything, he wanted to move and he moved, the entire process required no input from him, and that was terrifying. He was fairly sure that even if he did fall, he would find some way of stopping himself before he hit ground, the Clown wouldn't let it be that easy.

"Well, we're back here again, what would you all like to talk about tonight?"

"We'll never get free of the curse if we just sit here. We should find the clown somehow. We should act now before everyone decides to run us out of town too."

"You guys, I'm with Johnathan on this one. It's about time we do something about this damned curse. Now what we need is a plan of sorts, and someone to lead the group into this journey. But the first thing we must do, is find out where that evil little clown is hiding."

The same conversation as always, break the curse, find the Clown. Chloris brought a map this time, but as always he just didn't see why she suggested the place she did. Sure, the Clown most definitely brought despair, but that wasn't really its original intention. Ridley remembered quite vividly the fun he had had just a few hours before that fateful night, while the clown was performing for the village. It had been fun, the last fun he remembered having since this nightmare started.

Either way, Ridley had been getting tired, their little group had been too much talk and too little action for far too long, and Ridley couldn't help but place the blame on himself as well.

"Well then, lets go. Right now. Enough talking. The Island of Despair sounds as good as anywhere else right about now, I need to get out of this city. Tonight."

11-21-2009, 03:29 AM
" I don't know, the Island of Despair is very far away, and how would we be able to get there anyway?" " We don't have a boat, and who would help us?" Minna looked down at herself and the others, they looked odd, very odd. Minna grew nervous as she did with all other situations, and sat down. Right now, she actually wished she could cry, to show emotion. But no, she was a pile of bones, barely able to do anything.

Minna looked down at the map " Were either going to have to cross the bridge into Greppo Marsh, or head into Phantom Forest." She pondered upon the question, she didn't like either way but they didn't have much of a chose. " I vote the forest, what does everybody else think?"

11-23-2009, 10:58 PM
Johnathan didn't much like the idea of getting into a boat. Greppo Marsh and Phantom Forest hardly sounded inviting either, but he'd take it over sitting around in the clock tower all night. Still, it would be such a bold thing to do to wander out of the city. He didn't know much about surviving in the wild, but, come to think of it, he'd probably have to screw up really bad to get himself killed in his current state. Starvation wasn't possible, and his thick stone body was a barrier which thus far seemed indestructible. Similarly the others weren't likely to die either. They could be broken, but, Johnathan expected, not beyond repair. His hopes started to raise a bit, maybe this time they would do more than talk, maybe they'd actually leave the town.

"I think we should go through Greppo Marsh to Lion Town. Its the closest town to Mledyr and there's sure to be a ferry that'll take us there if thats where we need to go." Johnathan said. "We'll likely need some supplies before we go though: a compass at least."

11-25-2009, 04:08 AM
Chloris looked at the other, "I vote Phantom Forest, cause if I'm near lots of wetness I'll start to tarnish." She rubbed the spot of tarnish that was on her foot, remembering how she stepped in a huge puddle. "So dar it's 2 to 1, Ridley what's your vote?" Chloris turned towards Ridley waiting for a reply.

11-25-2009, 09:42 AM
"I think I'll cast my vote for the forest." Ridley said, grateful that his new face wouldn't let him grin. "I'd much rather be in a place where wood is growing and healthy than where it's being chopped down and stepped on. Call me superstitious, but it just doesn't really seem like a good thing to me."

"Plus" Ridley thought to himself "big creepy forest like that, there's bound to be some heavy fog. Rusty should make for some good entertainment during the trip." "Wait, hang on a second" "It wouldn't be good if she couldn't move. She looks kinda heavy." "Maybe we should pick you up some anti rust spray before we go, morning mist and everything." "Good idea. Really don't want to have to carry her, that wouldn't be fun for anyone."

"Still, Chloris' rusting issues aside, Minna's point stands. We can discuss where we want to go, but we have a rather notable rack of any way of getting there. Hell, I'm not even sure if we can get out of the city walls..."

Ridley let his final statement drift off into the air, hoping that somebody might actually be able to figure out an answer to the problem it posed.

<OOC> Due to the slightly... confusing nature of the second paragraph I feel the need to clarify: Anything in italics is internal thought, anything not is said out loud.