View Full Version : The HAE Project FAQ

03-18-2011, 01:31 AM
Greetings, and welcome to the Heaven and Earth Project. Some of you may be curious as to what this world-building project is all about, so I've provided a list of questions and answers that I believe will fill you in.

Question: What is the Heaven and Earth Project?

Answer: This is a collaborative world-building group dedicated to the creation of a detailed science fiction setting.

Question: What's the setting about?

Answer: Well, that's up to the members to determine! However, it is a fact that this will be set in our reality's future, and will more-or-less be "hard" in its science.

Question: Will soft science fiction be allowed?

Answer: Absolutely, but they won't be in the majority, and will be structured in a way that won't allow for a deus ex machina or ass-pull every five minutes.

Question: What is the scope of the setting?

Answer: Depending on how things progress, the size of the "universe" will extend somewhere between the colonization of the Inner Solar System to the colonization of star systems nearby our Sun. Anything less would not be fun, and anything more would be too difficult to keep track of.

Question: Will there be aliens?

Answer: Yes, but they will be extremely rare, and their existence needs to at least follow some sort of logic in their development. If anything, aliens will have to be presented as actual aliens, not just rubber-faced humans or war-like cat-people.

Question: Will we be writing up the history of the future?

Answer: Absolutely. Members will be able to draft up timelines of all kinds, whether about things as over-reaching as the history of the Solar System, to as specific as the development of a particular group on a planet or moon.

Question: Wait, so we can design groups as well?

Answer: Of course, along with new types of life! Feel free to be creative with this area, as future technologies will most definitely change the way societies, governments, and living things function. New nations may form, colonies may declare independence, corporations may expand into outer space, and new species may be created!

If this FAQ has not answered any questions you consider fundamental, please reply to this message with your own, and they will be implemented into the opening post. Also, as the world-building continues, this post will be edited to inform new and potential members of what this project is all about!