03-18-2011, 09:40 PM
This rp is not accepting new characters at the moment.
Rated PG-13 for (most lol) possible violence, possible language and possible sensual situations.
IC here:
Plot: It has been 200 years since the passing of the last Avatar, Aang. Since he defeated the Fire Lord in an intense battle-- only succeeding by the help of his friends-- there has been peace among the nations and technology and living conditions are advancing worldwide. All nations have running clean water and an abundance of food. The Air Temples have been restored and Airbenders are not as rare, thanks to Aang and Katara who happily married once they came of age. Their descendants prosper and tell tales of their parents and their friends during the war against the Fire Nation. There are still plays running to entertain the public and there have been books written to document the amazing tale. It is likely that Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Zuko-- even Appa and Momo-- will never be forgotten. But how long will this peace brought about by them last?
Recently suspicion and unrest has risen among all the nations by rumors of a group of bandits dubbed "The Rogues". Not much is known about them and their schemes are unknown by most. Only the Lords of each nation know any information about them and are sending spies out to find them. So far, none of the spies have returned.
One thing that is known is that they seek great power in benders and strive to find the best. Warning is supposedly on the way to every city and village in the world but many messengers have been intercepted and lost without a trace. It seems that the only hope is the rising of a new Avatar. But no one knows how long it will be before the rising of the next. Calculations prove though that it will be the Earth nation that produces the next Avatar. Omashu and Ba Sing Sei have been announced as the safest places since the Earth nation has a reputation for incredible defense. But the cities are becoming over populated and news of so many people gathering in these places has no doubt spread to The Rogues and they could very well be residing in the cities waiting and watching. Refuges and camps with high earthen walls have been established around both cities as well to contain overflow. But still... no one feels completely safe. Simply not knowing what will happen tomorrow or the next day is driving many to insanity.
So the questions are... will The Rogues conquer the world by force or simply wait until all the nations turn on each other from panic and weaken? Is world domination their main goal or something else? Will an Avatar arise to stop everything before it starts?
Air Nation: A peaceful nation governed by several monks at each settlement. They are merciful and prefer to talk things out rather than fight, though they can be very powerful if talk is not enough. They communicate easiest with the other nations due to the ability to glide.
Fire Nation: They are easily provoked and suspicious with great offensive power and do not yield to challengers. They are more likely to engage in combat than talk it out, but they will show mercy if it is the best option. At the moment, they have the most spies deployed to find out more about the Rogues.
Earth Nation: Confident and strongest in defense, they are a mighty nation. Probably the most loyal of the nations, they would be the last to ever break a promise or a peace treaty. But with all of the pressure on them at this moment some feel that they will crumble.
Water Nation: The most balanced and reasonable of all the nations. They have great wisdom and use strategy and tactics to overcome any obstacles rather than being hasty. They have good intuition.
Note: All of these descriptions are generalizations. Your character is free to have his or her own unique personality no matter what nation they were born into.
Map link:
I am the GM and what I say goes as long as it doesn't conflict with the site rules and I seriously doubt I will. Please keep the rating in mind. Just because this is in the mature section doesn't mean you can post a curse word every other word or be generally disgusting as far as gore or sex. If your characters have to 'get it on' please, please, please, fade to black. I don't want to read it. If you post something iffy, I'll let you know. Just pretend you are the parents of a 13 year old and what you would permit them to read at that age. If you read the rules put 'Poison Jade Plant' in parenthesis at the top of your character sheet. Hehe... funny episode. XD
Bending Abilities: (Yes or no. If yes, type what they are best at. i.e. combat, defense, healing, gliding...)
Weapons: (Yes or no. If yes, type what they are most skilled with.)
Appearance: (Link, spoiler, or text.)
Short Bio:
Played By:
Name: Hisako Bei Fong
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nation: Earth
Occupation: She helps run a tea shop in Omashu.
Bending Abilities: Earthbender and destined Avatar. Extremely skilled in earthbending, but it is her only bending ability at this time. She is unaware that she is the Avatar.
Weapons: None
Personality: Confident, strong, bull headed at times, stubborn, independent, opinionated, bossy, strong sense of justice, she never gives up, she prefers to be loved by only a few people rather than have a lot of friends who are simply surface
Appearance: wears a clay colored wrap around tunic with beige pants and earth nation style sandals. An obi-like belt wraps around her waist to keep the tunic in place.
Short Bio: She is a descendant of the Legendary Toph Bei Fong, who invented metal bending and helped the Avatar defeat the Fire Nation over 200 years ago. Though proud of her heritage, Hisako doesn't like to bring it up unless she has to. Her mother and father managed to get her in to Omashu for protection, but they themselves live outside in a bordering village with less protection. Hisako doesn't know whether they are alive or not because communication is limited. She plans on getting out of Omashu to find them again.
Played by: Acoustic Chick
Name: Raiden
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Nation: Fire
Occupation: Blacksmith
Bending Abilities: Fire/Lightning
Personality: Raiden is passive-agressive. He'd rather not fight but when he does he does so with extreme results, usually people tend to not fight him a second time. OUtside of combat he is a bit reserved and doesn't go out of his way to be noticed. He has a few close friends but thats about it.
Short Bio: Raiden grew up in an orphanage for most of his life. At the age of five he discovered his bending abilities and from then on he taught himself through trial and error. He ended up hurting himself more often then not and took him two years to get basics. Other orphans would see him practice and fail and make fun up him, but once he got good enough to shoot flames at them they stopped. At Fourteen he moved out of the Orphanagge as he got apprenticed by a blacksmith so he was able to stay with his family. He learned many things, how to make weapons and more importantly how to use them. Age sixteen he developed a unique weapon and began training with it but in early stages of practice he screwed up and cut himself in the face with the whip. Of course training by himself means he didn't know many techniques so he took to going to underground bending matches and tried picking up a few techniques, some of the fighters offered pointers but that wasn't enough. So when the call went out for benders to gather he took it.Name: Liu
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nation: Earth
Occupation: Guard in training
Bending Abilities: none.
Weapons: Bow and arrow, very skilled in hand to hand fighting.
Personality: Liu is a very dedicated person, he has his light hearted moments and is often very polite, but to Liu few things are more important then his duty to the people of the Earth Kingdom. Liu will almost always go out of his way to help a person in need of help and is extremely protective of his friends.
Short Bio:Liu was born in the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu, to a farming family, he had a normal family and he life probably would've been perfectly average but that was not what fate had in store for Liu. Due to a birth defect, as he grew older Liu's ears grew into an unusual shape, this first became noticeable when Liu was a young boy, and as children are known to do, the other children often taunted Liu, most commonly calling him a demon of some kind. Well as Liu got older he decided to go along with the taunts and began wearing a pair of fake horns on his head to scare the bullies off. As time went on, Liu began wearing the horns everyday, and eventually become as regular a habit as putting his shirt on in the morning. As Liu got older and more and more reports of "The Rouges" began reaching Omashu, he knew that one day he would be called upon to defend his city so Liu joined the Guards so that he could be trained to fight.
Played By: Sir Hatless
Name: Po Meng-Li
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nation: Earth Kingdom
Occupation: None
Bending Abilities: Yes, just. While Po can technically earthbend, no amount of teaching has been able to improve his abilities beyond remedial. He can just about hurl a big stone if he's had a lot of sleep, plenty to eat and there are no distractions.
Weapons: He has been trained in gentlemanly combat with both dual hook swords and broadswords, though has no experience in actually using them on aggressors.
Personality: Po is quite demure, shy and self-conscious.
Short Bio: Po was born into a wealthy family in Omashu and has been nothing but a disappointment to his parents since the day he was born. Despite earthbending running strong in his family, he is unusually bad at it, being entirely eclipsed by his child prodigy of a younger brother. His parents are not scolding; they love him as much as his brother but Po can still see the disappointment they feel when they look at him. In an attempt to excel at something, he began training with hook swords under a skilled warrior and now has a respectable level of proficiency with them.
He loves tea, and takes great pleasure in quietly sipping tea by himself in any and every tea shop he can find in Omashu. There is one tea shop in particular that is his favourite, though, and he has visited often enough to become acquainted with Hisako, though nothing much past polite conversation.
Played By: thecommabanditName: "Rook"
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Nation: Water
Occupation: Traveling Doctor
Bending Abilities: Pretty much anything one can do with water- Years of travelling have given him much practice in the art of combat, healing and manipulation of water about him, though he is known mostly for his ability to create and manipulate mists, which he uses often to the point of annoyance. He is also noted to be able to use blood bending, and some even rumor that he has the power and skill to use it outside of the full moon, although this has not been confirmed.
Weapons: A staff
Personality: A water bender of almost terrifying infamy, many believe to see a powerful old man with an ancient power about him. Instead they'd be greeted with a melodramatic jerk who's often very greedy, always expecting payment in return for his services. Of course, if one looked underneath, they'd see a surprisingly thoughtful and rather moral man, though far from nice, has a good amount of humanity in him. While frequently referring to himself as the 'Most Epic', he has a good amount of dorkiness that comes with years of traveling in solitude, thus stumbles whenever he has anything meaningful to say. Also claims to be a 'lover, not a fighter' and runs away rather than fight most of the time.
Appearance: ...Pretty hair (
Short Bio: As a child, he had been known as a prodigy. Able to master basic techniques before even being taught, simply learning by watching his older brother practice, and many found he often learned everything by observation. His mother, as a fellow bender, was proud, but worried the power would get to his head, thus frequently went out of her way to show him that everyone was equal, no matter how skilled they were. It hadn't really worked.
However, this isn't about his childhood. Instead, let us foray into his teens.
He had apprenticed to a doctor, his uncle, in fact, on request of his mother, in an attempt to show him what humility was, that he was not so he was different from others. For a while, it had not succeeded, though he found learning such a profession was a challenge, one he enjoyed. And then, his brother had been attacked by bandits. Someone had found him an hour later, bleeding and beaten, and they had brought him to the doctor. Both his uncle and Rook himself tried, but in the end they were unable to save him. If Rook had never been humbled before, he definitely was now. It had a great impact on him, and brought about the realization that even he was limited in powers.
After the funeral, he left to travel the world, assuming the name "Rook". As he did, he learned and adapted, grew as both a person and a bender, and eventually the great feats he would commit would bring him to fame, soon spreading about the word of the 'Greatest Waterbender', the 'Dragon of the Mist'.
Played By: Old SpiceName: Wuso Yongan
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Nation: Water
Occupation: Hunter/ Fisherman
Bending Abilities: None
Weapons: Excells at using a spear made of silver and steel mixture which was made for him specifically. The handle is made of a durable wood from the Earth Kingdom. His is self-taught in fighting, and has learned how to combat benders, having quite a good bit of success. His style of fighting has aspects of Greco-Roman Wrestling and Kung-Fu, allowing him to use his spear and his body to the best of his ability.
Personality: Wuso is a social young man who has learned how to live off of the sea and land. He is of a sharp mind, having grown up in a family of scholars rather than fishermen. He is also a kind and gentle man who loves to joke around with his buddies, until it is time to work. When it is time to work, you will never find a smarter or more serious tactician. He is always planning moves several moves ahead, which is quite amazing when you've worked with a spear most of your life. Behind this smart and good work ethic, however, is something a bit... Darker. Wuso actually has a rather dark side that comes out when he gets in fights or in the middle of a hunt. It is a side that is ruthless and unmerciful. A side few have seen, and those who have seen it will tell you to get the hell away from him when he gets that way.
Appearance: Wuso is rather strange-looking. He is short, standing at 5'8", but he is also fairly stocky, weighing in at a little over two-hundred pounds of lean muscle tempered by fishing and hunting. He has a very deep tan from his occupation, red eyes that turn blood-red when he is working or in a fight, and curly white hair that goes past his shoulders, but is usually kept in a pony-tail. His usual outfits includes various fur of different animals he has earned from his hunts and clothing common to those of the Water and Eath nations. His favorite outfit is a pair of brown-cotton pants and a light green vest. Under the vest is a cream-colored, long-sleeved shirt that is so thin a breeze can be felt through it. The boots are made of an old black leather that's been worn out beyound belief. When it is cold, Wuso usually throws whatever fur robe is needed. If snow is falling, he puts on his robe made from the pelt of a white wolf. If no snow has fallen, expect a brown/ black fur robe made from the pelt of two bears.
Short Bio: Growing up in the Northern Water Tribe, Wuso lived in a family of scholars who were advisors to various important people. It was originally thought that Wuso would become a mighty fine scholar as well, especially from how fast he learned things, but it was not meant to be. Wuso didn't want to be a man who stayed inside all day reading and talking to people. He wanted to be a hunter and/or a fisherman. With no bending skills, people thought Wuso wouldn't be able to be as good of a hunter as the others...
Well, that changed in a hurry. You see, when Wuso was twelve, he would spend days out at the shore, watching the fish and various sea animals come up to shore and out. It didn't take long before he learned their movements and habits, so, with a spear he had "borrowed" from a nearby boat, he killed his first seel and made quite a good amount of money off of it. Over the months, this continued as he made more and more money, until he got the attention of a group of Water-benders who made their living off of the sea. At only fourteen by this time, he didn't stand a chance when they decided that he didn't to hunt or fish in their territory anymore, ending up at the head healer's door once the Water-benders were done.
Now, one would stop from hunting or fishing after having something like that happen to them, usually. This was not the case for Wuso. What the competition did to him just pissed him off to no end, causing him to become determined to be able to fight the water-benders and win. So, he trained with a fine, custom-made spear he had earned with his money, often times going to watch the water-benders train in hand-to-hand combat. Finally, at the age of fifteen, Wuso came back and began fishing and hunting again, quickly reestablishing his business. Once again, his competition came and ambushed him in the middle of the night, only for them to end up on the healer's doorstep afterwards, one of whom almost died of blood-loss...
Wuso, eventually, became the best hunter of the Northern Water tribe, and when he was eighteen, he decided to venture off into the world. He first visited the Southern Water tribe, where he learned some aspects of their hunting and fishing styles. He also learned of how they fought as well. He stayed there for half a year before he ventured off again, straight to Ba Sing Se, where he resides now. During his time there, he established that he IS the best hunter in the city. You want a Bull Dear? Go to Wuso. You want a Moose Bear? Go to Wuso. You want some of the best-tasting fish for cheap? Go to Wuso. He has made a great living at Ba Sing Se, but the overpopulation problem has recently gotten Wuso working every day, sometimes throughout the night as well. While this is good for business, it doesn't help when you're the only one hunting. However, this is all soon to change...
Played By: Lord XarelName: Aph
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nation: Air
Occupation: Air Nomad
Bending Abilities: Being one of the very few Airbenders, Aph's skills in Airbending mostly consists of defence. His movements are also supported by the wind that surrounds him, allowing him to jump, fall, and travel at greater lengths then your average bender.
Weapons: Aph's staff (, while not the original, was designed after Avatar Aang's special staff. It acts as a fan which is exceptionally useful for airbenders, and doubles as a flying mechanism. This is Aph's only weapon, and he generally feels uncomfortable handling anything else.
Personality: While trying his best to practice the non-violent calm traits of any airbending nomad, Aph sometime struggles with dealing with the fact he's one of the very few Airbenders alive. He's at times a bit resentful towards the Fire Nation for their history of violence that nearly wiped out his entire heritage. Otherwise, Aph realizes the importance of keeping his traditions, and attempts to adopt the playful personality Avatar Aang carried throughout his life.
Appearance: Standing about 6'2, Aph is generally much taller then traditional airbenders. His body contains the traditional airbender marks, starting with the many arrows adorning his limbs and head, regardless how difficult they are to see due to his dark brown skin. His head is regularly shaven as per tradition. Carries a light muscular build since airbending requires more technique then power.
Short Bio: Aph grew up in the grand city of Ba Sing Se. Both of his parents were waterbenders, which would have been odd for either of them to produce a son who was an Airbender, yet Aph's mother was a direct descendant of Avatar Aang making Aph one of very few Airbender's alive today.
After finding out their son was an airbender, they gave him the choice of living and training at an Air Temple. Being only 6 years old, he did feel an urge to adventure elsewhere. The city of Ba Sing Se seemed too crowded for him, so perhaps he would give the Air Temple a try.
He first arrived at the Western Air Temple to begin his training, but "training" and living at the air temple was completely different then what he had imagined. First there was the vegetarian diet that he disliked, being a big fan of eating meat. Secondly was the non-violent practices of being an Air Nomad that proved difficult for the stubborn young child. His sense of action and adventure would often times get the better of him, and there were not too many elders to keep a proper watch on him.
At the age of 12, Aph felt he had learned enough and decided to leave the Air Temple in exchange for traveling the world. Having befriended a flying bison which he named "Popo", he bid his fellow airbenders goodbye and decided to travel the world.
As he traveled, he heard more and more tales of the great Avatar Aang. Knowing that he was a descendant of this great Airbender, he felt the need to travel where ever Aang did. Everywhere he went, it was likely to find a monument depicting Aang's story and character. Aph came to idolize Aang, and respected his passive acts against war. Realizing he still had much to learn about his traditions and airbending in general, he decided to enrol once again at an Air Temple. He found a new home at the Southern Air Temple, the same Temple where Aang himself learned airbending.
When news of rising conflict in the Earth Kingdom arrived in light of these "Rogues", it was decided by the elder that an Air Nomad should be sent to investigate and provide aid if needed. They all agreed that Aph should be the one to go, for he was more travelled then most Air Nomads, and they all felt that Aph would learn a considerable amount on his journey. With the elder's blessing, Aph accepted his mission to find a peaceful resolution to whatever conflict may be stirring.
Little did he know what lay ahead...
Played By: HousemasterName: Leilani Hamasaki
Age: 19
Gender: female
Nation: Water
Occupation: Not employed, tutored by tutors her parents hired
Bending Abilities: She has been learning Water bending since she first showed aptitude at five years old. She is very skilled at water bending, particularly in combat form, to the point that her parents no longer worry about her safety when she is alone.
Weapons: Her greatest weapon is her water bending, particularly in ice form, but on land she carries a Katana (¤t=katana.png&newest=1). The sword was made just for her, so it balances perfectly in her hands. It carries the water bending mark on the blade, and the hilt is gold in color.
Personality: Leilani takes responsibility in her bending even if nothing else in life. She has a younger sister, Kaimana, whom she cares for dearly and will do anything to protect her. When the opportunity came up to further her bending abilities she denied it out of a desire to protect her sister. She was a little sad at first when she had to pass the opportunity up, as the thing she wants most for herself is to one day master Water Bending, but she understood the necessity to help her parents. She began to practice her bending more than before, often times participating in water combat with other benders in her village. She is very determined to learn bending, and spends most of her free time either with Kaimana or in the water, and she is very happy with the way things are currently going.
Appearance: Leilani has short, curly black hair (sort of like Shirley Temple hair), with bangs. Her eyes are a bright blue in color, similar to that of swirling water in a tide pool, and she normally wears a blue, swirling Kimono. During her stays in the Earth Kingdom she has a solid colored green Kimono ( in order to 'fit in with the crowd'. As far as footwear is preferred, she tends to wear traditional Japanese flip-flops at all times. She has a sterling silver necklace around her neck in the shape of a dolphin, with a tiny blue stones in place of the eyes.
Short Bio: Leilani’s parents first noticed her ability to bend water when she was a mere three years old. They caught her sitting in the shallow end of a nearby river while they were picnicking and they noticed the water seemed to form a small whirlpool right in front of her. After that they hired tutors to teach their daughter the art of bending, and how to defend herself. Leilani began reading early as well, and became familiar with water scrolls.
After she had to pass up the opportunity to further her bending skills, she began hearing rumors of an organization known as ‘The Rogues’. At first she dismissed them, not wanting to believe that she had almost been recruited by a group that used benders to commit such acts. Then her sister began to show aptitude in water bending, and recruiters visited her city once more. Leilani started to become worried when they questioned not only her, but her sister. At that point she started looking into The Rogues, and found that when her city had sent spies out, none of them had returned.
She knew at that point the only way to prevent her sister from being recruited (and possibly herself), she would have to help in the struggle against The Rogues. She spoke with her parents about becoming a spy, and while they weren’t happy about the idea they felt confident in her ability to defend herself and agreed. At this point Leilani is preparing to leave her village to learn more information, and her first task of the journey is to get to the city of Omashu in the Earth kingdom.
Played By: Night_Owl
Rated PG-13 for (most lol) possible violence, possible language and possible sensual situations.
IC here:
Plot: It has been 200 years since the passing of the last Avatar, Aang. Since he defeated the Fire Lord in an intense battle-- only succeeding by the help of his friends-- there has been peace among the nations and technology and living conditions are advancing worldwide. All nations have running clean water and an abundance of food. The Air Temples have been restored and Airbenders are not as rare, thanks to Aang and Katara who happily married once they came of age. Their descendants prosper and tell tales of their parents and their friends during the war against the Fire Nation. There are still plays running to entertain the public and there have been books written to document the amazing tale. It is likely that Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Zuko-- even Appa and Momo-- will never be forgotten. But how long will this peace brought about by them last?
Recently suspicion and unrest has risen among all the nations by rumors of a group of bandits dubbed "The Rogues". Not much is known about them and their schemes are unknown by most. Only the Lords of each nation know any information about them and are sending spies out to find them. So far, none of the spies have returned.
One thing that is known is that they seek great power in benders and strive to find the best. Warning is supposedly on the way to every city and village in the world but many messengers have been intercepted and lost without a trace. It seems that the only hope is the rising of a new Avatar. But no one knows how long it will be before the rising of the next. Calculations prove though that it will be the Earth nation that produces the next Avatar. Omashu and Ba Sing Sei have been announced as the safest places since the Earth nation has a reputation for incredible defense. But the cities are becoming over populated and news of so many people gathering in these places has no doubt spread to The Rogues and they could very well be residing in the cities waiting and watching. Refuges and camps with high earthen walls have been established around both cities as well to contain overflow. But still... no one feels completely safe. Simply not knowing what will happen tomorrow or the next day is driving many to insanity.
So the questions are... will The Rogues conquer the world by force or simply wait until all the nations turn on each other from panic and weaken? Is world domination their main goal or something else? Will an Avatar arise to stop everything before it starts?
Air Nation: A peaceful nation governed by several monks at each settlement. They are merciful and prefer to talk things out rather than fight, though they can be very powerful if talk is not enough. They communicate easiest with the other nations due to the ability to glide.
Fire Nation: They are easily provoked and suspicious with great offensive power and do not yield to challengers. They are more likely to engage in combat than talk it out, but they will show mercy if it is the best option. At the moment, they have the most spies deployed to find out more about the Rogues.
Earth Nation: Confident and strongest in defense, they are a mighty nation. Probably the most loyal of the nations, they would be the last to ever break a promise or a peace treaty. But with all of the pressure on them at this moment some feel that they will crumble.
Water Nation: The most balanced and reasonable of all the nations. They have great wisdom and use strategy and tactics to overcome any obstacles rather than being hasty. They have good intuition.
Note: All of these descriptions are generalizations. Your character is free to have his or her own unique personality no matter what nation they were born into.
Map link:
I am the GM and what I say goes as long as it doesn't conflict with the site rules and I seriously doubt I will. Please keep the rating in mind. Just because this is in the mature section doesn't mean you can post a curse word every other word or be generally disgusting as far as gore or sex. If your characters have to 'get it on' please, please, please, fade to black. I don't want to read it. If you post something iffy, I'll let you know. Just pretend you are the parents of a 13 year old and what you would permit them to read at that age. If you read the rules put 'Poison Jade Plant' in parenthesis at the top of your character sheet. Hehe... funny episode. XD
Bending Abilities: (Yes or no. If yes, type what they are best at. i.e. combat, defense, healing, gliding...)
Weapons: (Yes or no. If yes, type what they are most skilled with.)
Appearance: (Link, spoiler, or text.)
Short Bio:
Played By:
Name: Hisako Bei Fong
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nation: Earth
Occupation: She helps run a tea shop in Omashu.
Bending Abilities: Earthbender and destined Avatar. Extremely skilled in earthbending, but it is her only bending ability at this time. She is unaware that she is the Avatar.
Weapons: None
Personality: Confident, strong, bull headed at times, stubborn, independent, opinionated, bossy, strong sense of justice, she never gives up, she prefers to be loved by only a few people rather than have a lot of friends who are simply surface
Appearance: wears a clay colored wrap around tunic with beige pants and earth nation style sandals. An obi-like belt wraps around her waist to keep the tunic in place.
Short Bio: She is a descendant of the Legendary Toph Bei Fong, who invented metal bending and helped the Avatar defeat the Fire Nation over 200 years ago. Though proud of her heritage, Hisako doesn't like to bring it up unless she has to. Her mother and father managed to get her in to Omashu for protection, but they themselves live outside in a bordering village with less protection. Hisako doesn't know whether they are alive or not because communication is limited. She plans on getting out of Omashu to find them again.
Played by: Acoustic Chick
Name: Raiden
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Nation: Fire
Occupation: Blacksmith
Bending Abilities: Fire/Lightning
Personality: Raiden is passive-agressive. He'd rather not fight but when he does he does so with extreme results, usually people tend to not fight him a second time. OUtside of combat he is a bit reserved and doesn't go out of his way to be noticed. He has a few close friends but thats about it.
Short Bio: Raiden grew up in an orphanage for most of his life. At the age of five he discovered his bending abilities and from then on he taught himself through trial and error. He ended up hurting himself more often then not and took him two years to get basics. Other orphans would see him practice and fail and make fun up him, but once he got good enough to shoot flames at them they stopped. At Fourteen he moved out of the Orphanagge as he got apprenticed by a blacksmith so he was able to stay with his family. He learned many things, how to make weapons and more importantly how to use them. Age sixteen he developed a unique weapon and began training with it but in early stages of practice he screwed up and cut himself in the face with the whip. Of course training by himself means he didn't know many techniques so he took to going to underground bending matches and tried picking up a few techniques, some of the fighters offered pointers but that wasn't enough. So when the call went out for benders to gather he took it.Name: Liu
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nation: Earth
Occupation: Guard in training
Bending Abilities: none.
Weapons: Bow and arrow, very skilled in hand to hand fighting.
Personality: Liu is a very dedicated person, he has his light hearted moments and is often very polite, but to Liu few things are more important then his duty to the people of the Earth Kingdom. Liu will almost always go out of his way to help a person in need of help and is extremely protective of his friends.
Short Bio:Liu was born in the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu, to a farming family, he had a normal family and he life probably would've been perfectly average but that was not what fate had in store for Liu. Due to a birth defect, as he grew older Liu's ears grew into an unusual shape, this first became noticeable when Liu was a young boy, and as children are known to do, the other children often taunted Liu, most commonly calling him a demon of some kind. Well as Liu got older he decided to go along with the taunts and began wearing a pair of fake horns on his head to scare the bullies off. As time went on, Liu began wearing the horns everyday, and eventually become as regular a habit as putting his shirt on in the morning. As Liu got older and more and more reports of "The Rouges" began reaching Omashu, he knew that one day he would be called upon to defend his city so Liu joined the Guards so that he could be trained to fight.
Played By: Sir Hatless
Name: Po Meng-Li
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nation: Earth Kingdom
Occupation: None
Bending Abilities: Yes, just. While Po can technically earthbend, no amount of teaching has been able to improve his abilities beyond remedial. He can just about hurl a big stone if he's had a lot of sleep, plenty to eat and there are no distractions.
Weapons: He has been trained in gentlemanly combat with both dual hook swords and broadswords, though has no experience in actually using them on aggressors.
Personality: Po is quite demure, shy and self-conscious.
Short Bio: Po was born into a wealthy family in Omashu and has been nothing but a disappointment to his parents since the day he was born. Despite earthbending running strong in his family, he is unusually bad at it, being entirely eclipsed by his child prodigy of a younger brother. His parents are not scolding; they love him as much as his brother but Po can still see the disappointment they feel when they look at him. In an attempt to excel at something, he began training with hook swords under a skilled warrior and now has a respectable level of proficiency with them.
He loves tea, and takes great pleasure in quietly sipping tea by himself in any and every tea shop he can find in Omashu. There is one tea shop in particular that is his favourite, though, and he has visited often enough to become acquainted with Hisako, though nothing much past polite conversation.
Played By: thecommabanditName: "Rook"
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Nation: Water
Occupation: Traveling Doctor
Bending Abilities: Pretty much anything one can do with water- Years of travelling have given him much practice in the art of combat, healing and manipulation of water about him, though he is known mostly for his ability to create and manipulate mists, which he uses often to the point of annoyance. He is also noted to be able to use blood bending, and some even rumor that he has the power and skill to use it outside of the full moon, although this has not been confirmed.
Weapons: A staff
Personality: A water bender of almost terrifying infamy, many believe to see a powerful old man with an ancient power about him. Instead they'd be greeted with a melodramatic jerk who's often very greedy, always expecting payment in return for his services. Of course, if one looked underneath, they'd see a surprisingly thoughtful and rather moral man, though far from nice, has a good amount of humanity in him. While frequently referring to himself as the 'Most Epic', he has a good amount of dorkiness that comes with years of traveling in solitude, thus stumbles whenever he has anything meaningful to say. Also claims to be a 'lover, not a fighter' and runs away rather than fight most of the time.
Appearance: ...Pretty hair (
Short Bio: As a child, he had been known as a prodigy. Able to master basic techniques before even being taught, simply learning by watching his older brother practice, and many found he often learned everything by observation. His mother, as a fellow bender, was proud, but worried the power would get to his head, thus frequently went out of her way to show him that everyone was equal, no matter how skilled they were. It hadn't really worked.
However, this isn't about his childhood. Instead, let us foray into his teens.
He had apprenticed to a doctor, his uncle, in fact, on request of his mother, in an attempt to show him what humility was, that he was not so he was different from others. For a while, it had not succeeded, though he found learning such a profession was a challenge, one he enjoyed. And then, his brother had been attacked by bandits. Someone had found him an hour later, bleeding and beaten, and they had brought him to the doctor. Both his uncle and Rook himself tried, but in the end they were unable to save him. If Rook had never been humbled before, he definitely was now. It had a great impact on him, and brought about the realization that even he was limited in powers.
After the funeral, he left to travel the world, assuming the name "Rook". As he did, he learned and adapted, grew as both a person and a bender, and eventually the great feats he would commit would bring him to fame, soon spreading about the word of the 'Greatest Waterbender', the 'Dragon of the Mist'.
Played By: Old SpiceName: Wuso Yongan
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Nation: Water
Occupation: Hunter/ Fisherman
Bending Abilities: None
Weapons: Excells at using a spear made of silver and steel mixture which was made for him specifically. The handle is made of a durable wood from the Earth Kingdom. His is self-taught in fighting, and has learned how to combat benders, having quite a good bit of success. His style of fighting has aspects of Greco-Roman Wrestling and Kung-Fu, allowing him to use his spear and his body to the best of his ability.
Personality: Wuso is a social young man who has learned how to live off of the sea and land. He is of a sharp mind, having grown up in a family of scholars rather than fishermen. He is also a kind and gentle man who loves to joke around with his buddies, until it is time to work. When it is time to work, you will never find a smarter or more serious tactician. He is always planning moves several moves ahead, which is quite amazing when you've worked with a spear most of your life. Behind this smart and good work ethic, however, is something a bit... Darker. Wuso actually has a rather dark side that comes out when he gets in fights or in the middle of a hunt. It is a side that is ruthless and unmerciful. A side few have seen, and those who have seen it will tell you to get the hell away from him when he gets that way.
Appearance: Wuso is rather strange-looking. He is short, standing at 5'8", but he is also fairly stocky, weighing in at a little over two-hundred pounds of lean muscle tempered by fishing and hunting. He has a very deep tan from his occupation, red eyes that turn blood-red when he is working or in a fight, and curly white hair that goes past his shoulders, but is usually kept in a pony-tail. His usual outfits includes various fur of different animals he has earned from his hunts and clothing common to those of the Water and Eath nations. His favorite outfit is a pair of brown-cotton pants and a light green vest. Under the vest is a cream-colored, long-sleeved shirt that is so thin a breeze can be felt through it. The boots are made of an old black leather that's been worn out beyound belief. When it is cold, Wuso usually throws whatever fur robe is needed. If snow is falling, he puts on his robe made from the pelt of a white wolf. If no snow has fallen, expect a brown/ black fur robe made from the pelt of two bears.
Short Bio: Growing up in the Northern Water Tribe, Wuso lived in a family of scholars who were advisors to various important people. It was originally thought that Wuso would become a mighty fine scholar as well, especially from how fast he learned things, but it was not meant to be. Wuso didn't want to be a man who stayed inside all day reading and talking to people. He wanted to be a hunter and/or a fisherman. With no bending skills, people thought Wuso wouldn't be able to be as good of a hunter as the others...
Well, that changed in a hurry. You see, when Wuso was twelve, he would spend days out at the shore, watching the fish and various sea animals come up to shore and out. It didn't take long before he learned their movements and habits, so, with a spear he had "borrowed" from a nearby boat, he killed his first seel and made quite a good amount of money off of it. Over the months, this continued as he made more and more money, until he got the attention of a group of Water-benders who made their living off of the sea. At only fourteen by this time, he didn't stand a chance when they decided that he didn't to hunt or fish in their territory anymore, ending up at the head healer's door once the Water-benders were done.
Now, one would stop from hunting or fishing after having something like that happen to them, usually. This was not the case for Wuso. What the competition did to him just pissed him off to no end, causing him to become determined to be able to fight the water-benders and win. So, he trained with a fine, custom-made spear he had earned with his money, often times going to watch the water-benders train in hand-to-hand combat. Finally, at the age of fifteen, Wuso came back and began fishing and hunting again, quickly reestablishing his business. Once again, his competition came and ambushed him in the middle of the night, only for them to end up on the healer's doorstep afterwards, one of whom almost died of blood-loss...
Wuso, eventually, became the best hunter of the Northern Water tribe, and when he was eighteen, he decided to venture off into the world. He first visited the Southern Water tribe, where he learned some aspects of their hunting and fishing styles. He also learned of how they fought as well. He stayed there for half a year before he ventured off again, straight to Ba Sing Se, where he resides now. During his time there, he established that he IS the best hunter in the city. You want a Bull Dear? Go to Wuso. You want a Moose Bear? Go to Wuso. You want some of the best-tasting fish for cheap? Go to Wuso. He has made a great living at Ba Sing Se, but the overpopulation problem has recently gotten Wuso working every day, sometimes throughout the night as well. While this is good for business, it doesn't help when you're the only one hunting. However, this is all soon to change...
Played By: Lord XarelName: Aph
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nation: Air
Occupation: Air Nomad
Bending Abilities: Being one of the very few Airbenders, Aph's skills in Airbending mostly consists of defence. His movements are also supported by the wind that surrounds him, allowing him to jump, fall, and travel at greater lengths then your average bender.
Weapons: Aph's staff (, while not the original, was designed after Avatar Aang's special staff. It acts as a fan which is exceptionally useful for airbenders, and doubles as a flying mechanism. This is Aph's only weapon, and he generally feels uncomfortable handling anything else.
Personality: While trying his best to practice the non-violent calm traits of any airbending nomad, Aph sometime struggles with dealing with the fact he's one of the very few Airbenders alive. He's at times a bit resentful towards the Fire Nation for their history of violence that nearly wiped out his entire heritage. Otherwise, Aph realizes the importance of keeping his traditions, and attempts to adopt the playful personality Avatar Aang carried throughout his life.
Appearance: Standing about 6'2, Aph is generally much taller then traditional airbenders. His body contains the traditional airbender marks, starting with the many arrows adorning his limbs and head, regardless how difficult they are to see due to his dark brown skin. His head is regularly shaven as per tradition. Carries a light muscular build since airbending requires more technique then power.
Short Bio: Aph grew up in the grand city of Ba Sing Se. Both of his parents were waterbenders, which would have been odd for either of them to produce a son who was an Airbender, yet Aph's mother was a direct descendant of Avatar Aang making Aph one of very few Airbender's alive today.
After finding out their son was an airbender, they gave him the choice of living and training at an Air Temple. Being only 6 years old, he did feel an urge to adventure elsewhere. The city of Ba Sing Se seemed too crowded for him, so perhaps he would give the Air Temple a try.
He first arrived at the Western Air Temple to begin his training, but "training" and living at the air temple was completely different then what he had imagined. First there was the vegetarian diet that he disliked, being a big fan of eating meat. Secondly was the non-violent practices of being an Air Nomad that proved difficult for the stubborn young child. His sense of action and adventure would often times get the better of him, and there were not too many elders to keep a proper watch on him.
At the age of 12, Aph felt he had learned enough and decided to leave the Air Temple in exchange for traveling the world. Having befriended a flying bison which he named "Popo", he bid his fellow airbenders goodbye and decided to travel the world.
As he traveled, he heard more and more tales of the great Avatar Aang. Knowing that he was a descendant of this great Airbender, he felt the need to travel where ever Aang did. Everywhere he went, it was likely to find a monument depicting Aang's story and character. Aph came to idolize Aang, and respected his passive acts against war. Realizing he still had much to learn about his traditions and airbending in general, he decided to enrol once again at an Air Temple. He found a new home at the Southern Air Temple, the same Temple where Aang himself learned airbending.
When news of rising conflict in the Earth Kingdom arrived in light of these "Rogues", it was decided by the elder that an Air Nomad should be sent to investigate and provide aid if needed. They all agreed that Aph should be the one to go, for he was more travelled then most Air Nomads, and they all felt that Aph would learn a considerable amount on his journey. With the elder's blessing, Aph accepted his mission to find a peaceful resolution to whatever conflict may be stirring.
Little did he know what lay ahead...
Played By: HousemasterName: Leilani Hamasaki
Age: 19
Gender: female
Nation: Water
Occupation: Not employed, tutored by tutors her parents hired
Bending Abilities: She has been learning Water bending since she first showed aptitude at five years old. She is very skilled at water bending, particularly in combat form, to the point that her parents no longer worry about her safety when she is alone.
Weapons: Her greatest weapon is her water bending, particularly in ice form, but on land she carries a Katana (¤t=katana.png&newest=1). The sword was made just for her, so it balances perfectly in her hands. It carries the water bending mark on the blade, and the hilt is gold in color.
Personality: Leilani takes responsibility in her bending even if nothing else in life. She has a younger sister, Kaimana, whom she cares for dearly and will do anything to protect her. When the opportunity came up to further her bending abilities she denied it out of a desire to protect her sister. She was a little sad at first when she had to pass the opportunity up, as the thing she wants most for herself is to one day master Water Bending, but she understood the necessity to help her parents. She began to practice her bending more than before, often times participating in water combat with other benders in her village. She is very determined to learn bending, and spends most of her free time either with Kaimana or in the water, and she is very happy with the way things are currently going.
Appearance: Leilani has short, curly black hair (sort of like Shirley Temple hair), with bangs. Her eyes are a bright blue in color, similar to that of swirling water in a tide pool, and she normally wears a blue, swirling Kimono. During her stays in the Earth Kingdom she has a solid colored green Kimono ( in order to 'fit in with the crowd'. As far as footwear is preferred, she tends to wear traditional Japanese flip-flops at all times. She has a sterling silver necklace around her neck in the shape of a dolphin, with a tiny blue stones in place of the eyes.
Short Bio: Leilani’s parents first noticed her ability to bend water when she was a mere three years old. They caught her sitting in the shallow end of a nearby river while they were picnicking and they noticed the water seemed to form a small whirlpool right in front of her. After that they hired tutors to teach their daughter the art of bending, and how to defend herself. Leilani began reading early as well, and became familiar with water scrolls.
After she had to pass up the opportunity to further her bending skills, she began hearing rumors of an organization known as ‘The Rogues’. At first she dismissed them, not wanting to believe that she had almost been recruited by a group that used benders to commit such acts. Then her sister began to show aptitude in water bending, and recruiters visited her city once more. Leilani started to become worried when they questioned not only her, but her sister. At that point she started looking into The Rogues, and found that when her city had sent spies out, none of them had returned.
She knew at that point the only way to prevent her sister from being recruited (and possibly herself), she would have to help in the struggle against The Rogues. She spoke with her parents about becoming a spy, and while they weren’t happy about the idea they felt confident in her ability to defend herself and agreed. At this point Leilani is preparing to leave her village to learn more information, and her first task of the journey is to get to the city of Omashu in the Earth kingdom.
Played By: Night_Owl