View Full Version : The Shifting Valley

11-24-2009, 10:32 PM
The valley of the shifters. A peaceful place, full of wonder and illusions. A place where you can observe the race of shifters in their natural habitat, if you're lucky you may even get to see one shift. But do not be fooled by their animal or human forms they are not what they seem...

What a load of bull crap Raidah thinks as she reads the brochure sticking out of a tourists pocket. She can't read the rest because just then the cage starts moving and the bars crackle with electricity. An armed guard carries her, in her falcon form, in a cage to the back entrance to the valley. She caws at him hatefully but can't do anything, besides she knows the drill, you escape, you get caught, they pretend it was done on purpose, like your some trained shifter! And then you get thrown back in. She ruffles her beautiful black and white feathers as the guard opens the cage to throw her back in, Raidah's tossed forcefully out the cage and the door is immediately shut and locked to prevent another break-out. She flaps her wings a few times to balance herself then flies gracefully over to the lake she lands on the huge oak next to it, in the tallest branch of the tallest tree, this is her usual post and anyone waiting for her return would know to look there for her. Most of the shifters here looked up to her, why she didn't know but she loved trying to help everyone out. And besides from this perch she could see everything. She could see the nearly invisible strips of wire buzzing with electricity over her head, she could see all across the valley to both ends of the plexi-glass oval and could watch the tourists come all day. She could see all the shifter activity down below. She could even see into the large cave that all the shifters stayed in at night. Raidah had to admit that it wasn't horrible here, all the shifters we really nice and everyone was like family to her. In fact they were probably all there now, the sun was setting and thats usually when everyone settled down. Raidah flapped her wings and flew over to the cave and flew in, sure enough all the shifters were either laying down or talking. Raidah cawed loudly in greeting, she was back from her latest attempt to escape.

11-26-2009, 01:17 AM
Ken had been the first to reach the cave, and got to his usual spot. He never did like to socialize. But that was the only thing that he was able to do in the valley. He was never so bored in his life. He also hated the fact that he was treated like a freak show. Ken didn’t like the way that people looked at him through the barrier that separated him from them. He had gotten out once, and he was able to get quite a ways form the valley before he was caught again. He had come to the fact that he might live here the rest of his life, but he will always be looking for a way out.

Then Raidah arrived in the cave giving them her usual welcome. He had a high respect for her, and wondered how she was caught in the first place. She seamed like she was to smart to let herself get caught. There must be more to it. He snapped out of his day dream, and hissed back at her.

Jacob had been looking at the people that came to look at him, but in a place that they were unable to see him. This was all that he did recently. He hated to be in this confined place, and it was driving him a little steer crazy. The time that he spent with his true family was still fresh in his mind, and this was the only thing that helped him cope with being here. He decided to see if there were any new shifters that were being dropped off today.

The people that ran this place were very predictable. They would always drop off the shifters that they caught at the same place at the same time every day. This was something that he thought might help him get out, but it has yet to work. When he reached there he saw that they had captured Raidah once again. He left the place, and went straight to the cave. He had always like being with the others, but longed for his return home. Raidah entered the cave, and Jacob greeted her with a howl.

11-26-2009, 02:02 AM
Rasha barely noticed as Raidah entered the cave. He was leaning back in his human form against on the stone walls. He didn't really like being in his animal form for long periods of time. One may think that he was trying to take a nap. However this was only partly true, yes he was closing his eyes and resting his head, and yes sleep would be good right now. But he was really just trying to zone out from everything, and everyone. He wanted to be alone, but because of the valley that was a hard thing to accomplish. He didn't venture out and walk around very often because the gaurds had grown to dislike him. Instead of trying to please visitors he often shifted into his crocodile form and snapped at them, dangerously close to the fence. This caused the gaurds to have a metual dislike for him. Ah well, didn't really change all that much. He was still stuck here and unless he escaped, it was going to stay that way. And based on how unsucessful the escape attempts of the others here were, he probably wouldn't make it out.

He slightly moved his position to make himself feel more comfortable. It was rather ironic to him, how a place could sound so wonderful to those outside while everyone inside thought that it was horrid and wanted to escape. The people who ran the place had no real reason to take them. As far as he knew, none of them had really made any attack on the rest of humanity. But then again, that was human nature. You strike before they can strike you. Terribly unfair, but effective, he couldn't disagree with that. He moved one last time before finally coming into a satisfactory position on the floor. He hoped that it wasn't going to be a long day.

11-26-2009, 03:33 AM
Raidah hopped over to ken and jacob and gave them a friendly nip. She cocked her head at rasha quizzically as he didnt even aknowledge her but whatever, it would be impossible for him to ignore the news she had. Raidah hopped to the center of the room and cawed loudly again to make sure she had everyones attention. And shifted to human form, there was more than a few gasps from the shifters, she never shifted, there was probably like 2 people that had ever saw her in human form. Some assumed it was because she didnt like the way she looked or whatever but either way raidah wasnt ever human. "i have an announcment guys!" raidah said clapping excitedly "we're getting out of here!" raidah turned toward the doubtful ones like rasha and ken "ALL of us."

11-27-2009, 04:36 PM
Elena gave a low rumble deep in her throat. She swished her white and black tail from side to side in annoyance. Yet again another consipracy theory of the Oh So Loved Raidah. She would come up with a plan to escape, then she would and get thrown back in. Just like the last three times. Elena gave a little growl and jumped down from a huge rock to the edge of the cave. She would NEVER sleep in the cave. She thought it was rediculous, how all of them stayed in one place, all cramped together in that dark smelly thing. Elena chose to watch the stars at night a bit away from the cave but not too far. She rolled her eyes and sat licking her lips waiting to hear the newest story. Not that she cared. She wouldnt be going. She never joined with the rest of the shifters. It was stupid, why should she have to live in hiding? Plus, she enjoyed scaring the pathetic humans outside the windows, and the caretakers who came inside. They were so foolish.
Elena licked her lips and whiskers and muttered to herself,"Alright sunshine, lets hurry it up."

11-27-2009, 04:46 PM
((Hizeme not to be rude but the only thing is that we've never escaped all together before, just me and this is the first time I've proposed we all escape. Sorry but if you wouldn't mind changing your post, I just need it to work with the story line :) ))

11-28-2009, 08:27 PM
Ken looked up at Raidah as she for one of the few times shifted into her human form. He had never seen her like this, and was surprised on how she looked. She reminded him of someone, but that didn’t matter. She looked good to him, but what she said next really put him in a bad mood. He has had some bad experiences when people have to much certainty I things. He lifted himself up out of his curled position. He then shifted to his human form kneeling. He then stood up and looked at her once more.

“So you say we are all going to get out of here, but have you really found a way out? How do you think they find us so quickly? There is no way that we will be able to get out, and stay that way. Unless something major happens,” Ken said in a serious tone. This prison reminded him of the prison that he was in before ‘That man’ died. He waited for how she would respond.

Jacob was not in to much shock as Raidah shifted into her human form. He had always wondered, but this didn’t bother him at all. He listened to what she had to say, and his hope rose slightly, but he also new that this was going to be a hard fought to get out of their reaches. His mind began to work as he was thinking he shifted into his human form. He was on all fours, but stood up looking at the others. He listened to what Ken had to say. He continued to think this through as he was putting together things.

“I need to know more info before I can say too much. I know that it will be hard to get us all out, but if we do it right then we will all be able to get out. So Raidah what is your plan,” Jacob said in an eager voice. He had been dreaming of this day for a wile. He wanted to have his freedom back.

11-29-2009, 03:16 AM
"Well at least someone believes in me" Raidah muttered unintelligibly as she looked around the room. "Well I have a plan, and it involves some outside help. Why do you think I've come back every time I've escaped. Cause I've allowed myself to be caught duh. If I wanted I could have just disappeared and left you all still in this heck hole. But I've been gone talking to someone who's going to help us, I didn't expect for me to have to leave this many times but I finally sorted out all the details." Raidah couldn't help but smile excitedly. "The only thing is...it involves some plastic surgery."

11-29-2009, 03:47 AM
Rasha raised an eyebrow when Raidah announced that they would all escape. The girl was way too optomistic and hopeful for her own good. The chances of one of them, much less all of them getting out were very low. He couldn't help but feel that it was a false hope. He listened and agreed to Ken's question. He wanted to know her plan as well, who knows, it might actually be good. However he was not at all expecting her response. Was she serious? Although he kept silent, a frown appeared on his face. He would not get plastic surgery, especialy if it was from someone he didn't know. And honestly he really didn't trust Raidah enough to let something like that happen to him. It was offical. Whatover this plan was, it was hopelesss.

11-29-2009, 03:56 AM
"Now I know that sounds really bad, and you don't want your lovely faces being messed with but, this is the only way. While I was waiting for them to throw me back in here I overheard them talking and they're really mad that I keep finding a way out and are worried we're going to do exactly what we're going to do so they're going to move us to a titanium prison in a week where we will be completely cut off from everybody and everything. It will be even worse then it is now" Raidah was frustrated, why couldn't these people realize that this would work, she had been planning it ever since her first day here and she was not going to let some pessimistic brats ruin it. Raidah sat down against the wall heavily and waited for the questions that undoubtedly would start pouring in.

11-29-2009, 10:13 PM
(i fixed it blue no problem =]]]] )

Elena had prowled foreward suspiciously.
Plastic surgery? Was she serious? It was one thing to escape by yourself, another to escape with another. It was complete lunacy to think she could get everyone out.
Elena scanned the corwd with her bright green eyes and gave a big yawn. Her teeth practically glowed in the dark. She stood, her prostine white fur rippling along her muscles.
How stupid could Raidah get?
She saw others watch her with curiosity and excitement.
"Nothing but sheep," Elena muttered and stood at the end of the tunnel.
Then, she picked up the sound of foot steps far beyond. She felt the ground ripple with each step. She closed her eyes and sniffed the air.
almost ten people, mostly men.
Ahh.. nightly check ups.
She cleared her throat and took a deep breath.
"Nightly check ups, might wanna wrap up your little meeting." Elena said with a loud voice. She could have been an amazing leader, she could have demanded respect easier than most. But, it was the distrustfulness and rude edge in her voice that drew them away. That and she didnt want to be a leader of anything ever again.
She smirked when she received multiple glares and stares from the other shifters.

11-29-2009, 11:05 PM
Raidah sighed into her hands and shifted back into a falcon. Whatever. She goes through all this trouble to save everybody and no one wants to even attempt it? Even though this is their last chance? She could've been rid of them a long time ago but no, she decided to come back and try to save everyone, well this is what she gets for having a heart. In her falcon form her heightened sense of hearing heard the men approaching and she sighed and flew out of the cave to her usual perch at the tallest branch of the tallest tree. She tucked her face into her wing and settled down for the night, though she couldn't sleep, she was too angry, but she could pretend.

12-02-2009, 04:32 AM
Rasha gazed out plainly as Raidah shifted and left. No emotion was shown in his eyes, and he preferred to keep it that way. He had learned the hard way that the less people know about you the better. Deep down, he did feel slightly sorry for the girl, she seemed to be so excited about her idea, even though it did sound rediculous. And Elena didn't seem to be helping. He saw her watching them. He didn't know much about her, except that she was the only who kept away from the little group even more than he did. He shut his eyes once again. Did Raidah honestly think that he would be ok with the plan? Even with his limited knowlegde of it he knew that it practicly required him to place his life in her hands. And that was something he could never do. He didn't trust anyone enough to do that. And he wasn't about to start now

12-04-2009, 02:09 AM
Annie returned with her brother just as everyone seperated to their sleeping quarters. "I think we missed something..." She said a quietly to him.
"No kidding...feel that tension." He widened his eyes jokingly, giving everyone a semi-worried look. "Oh well, I'm sure we'll find out about it tomorrow if not later tonight." He shrugged it off, and shifted into his animal heading off towards their usual spot around a small group of trees, close to the ones Raidah slept in. When Annie didn't follow him, he turned around and playfully nudged her hand with a purr. Annie smiled at him and shifted into her cheetah form. She nipped at his ear a couple of times, before she sped off to the trees. She slowed down, stopping at the trees. A couple of moments later, Jason did the same. He nipped back at her as she curled up under the tree. Jason nuzzled into her neck for a goodnight, then jumped up into the tree. He stretched out his limbs carefully. Pawing at the air, he then took a deep sigh, and laid down his head.
"Tomorrow is going to be one crazy day, that's for sure..." He thought to himself, then dozed off for the night.

12-04-2009, 04:19 AM
((do you guys mind if i skip to the morning?))
somehow raidah finally got to sleep in the night and woke up with new found determination. She stretched her long white wings and cawed loudly which is what she did every morning (sort of like a rooster) to warn when the check-ups were coming. The guards passed under her tree poking at the cheetah and jaguar with their electric sticks to get them to wake up. They wanted the shifters to be awake and chipper during the day in order to attract new customers. Raidah dived down onto the head of an unsuspecting guard and it jerked and poked at her violently "dam bird" he growled and she flew off cawing happily. She landed at a spot she'd been working on for weeks. A month ago she had found a small tear in the wires above their heads and was able to get it enough so that she could barely slip through in her falcon form. She was planning to use this well hidden escape route to get everyone out but desperate times call for desperate measures. She looked back one last

12-04-2009, 04:24 AM
((sorry im on my cell and it will only let me do a certain amount of words per post)) time at the valley she had called home for the past 6 years. She had been here the longest out of anybody and watched them all come in and get situated. She had helped everyone when they needed a friend or guidance and now she was going to get them out whether they liked it our not. She slipped through the bars stinging a feather in the process and shot off into the sky. The guards would soon realize her absence and freak, she had never escaped that quickly after being caught before. She flew non stop to the only safe place in america. A little hut in California.

12-04-2009, 09:17 PM
Elena kept her tiger form relaxed. Her eyes closed and her breathing slow and deep. She was waiting. The guards were coming around with their electric prods again. She usually left them alone and was up and about before they came to her. SHe heard others being woken. Some with outrage and others with whines.
She heard the two men approaching and before they could even move the stick towards her she was on her feet. She let out a huge roar that made the guards give screams of fright.
She growled again at the wimpering guards and Elena licked her lips and yawned. SHe stalked off into the woods towards the huge windows. She climbed up onto a huge rock and curled into the side of it. She would watch, just as they watched her.

12-05-2009, 05:22 AM
Jacob was about to say something when the guard started their rounds. He quickly shifted into his wolf form, and left the cave. He hated when the guards made their rounds, so he stalked them to make sure that they wouldn’t do anything to the others. As soon as they left he went to the rock that had a small cave at the base. He had always slept here since he was brought here. He went to sleep thinking of Raidah’s offer. The next morning he came out of the cave, and went to where Raisah usually sleeps, but she was not there. He had decided this morning that he would go through the surgery. If it meant that he would be free to live his life once more. He wondered where she was, but that was put on the back burner as he had to hide quickly to get away from the morning guards.

Ken was not pleased to hear all that was going on. He didn’t like the place, but to change the way they look. That might be going to fare. But all of his complaints would have to wait as the guards were making their round. He shifted into a snake, and slithered out of the cave, and made his way up a tree. This was one of the few places where the guards would be unable to get to him. He went to sleep not taking another thought on what was said. As the morning came he woke up, and watched the guards as they passed. He didn’t know if what Raisah had said last night was true, but they better think twice about trying to get him into a box. He would make sure they would regret it.

12-05-2009, 04:54 PM
Jason growled at the guards as the pocked him and his sister with the electric poles. It was starting to grown on his nerves.
Standing up, he balanced on the tree's limb, and stretched out. He swiftly jumped down from the tree next to his sister. He tackled her nipping at her ears before running off to mess around with the others.

Annie woke up to the jolt with a small whine. After playing with her brother for a couple minutes, he ran off. She watched him for a moment, then thought to herself, "maybe I can find someone that would tell me what hapened last night." Making another yawn, she started for the little stream that they had running in the place. Upon reaching it, she pawed at it for a moment determining whether it was a good temperature. She used the water with her paws, to lean off whatever dirt had gotten onto her head. The proceeded into the water for a small bath. She splashed around a bit, then rolled in it, soaking her fur. Standing up she went to the edge and climbed out (still in her animal form) and started to shake the water off.

12-06-2009, 06:06 AM
Rasha slowly opened his eyes to see the light of morning. How many more mornings would he have here? Probably quite a few. It was sad really. He stood and made a few jirky movements to try to crack a few parts of his body. Then he walked outside. Everyone here didn't seem to bother with personal hygiene. But why would they? They were all thought to be animals anyways. His thoughts drifted to when Raidah was speaking. She seemed rather mad that they didn't all leap to her and praise her for her idea. But could she really blame them all. He wondered where she was. Probably shifted to her bird form again and flew off. It had been a long while since he personaly had changed forms. He didn't seem to need to as much as some of the others here.

He walked towards a small clearing near the edge of their little valley. He liked it here, no one else ever came around to this spot. He sat down and leaned against one of the big rocks. He stared straight ahead and felt his hair blow in the slight breeze.

12-17-2009, 11:14 PM
Raidah flopped onto the roof of a small adobe cottage. She lay there for a moment, resting, she had turbo-flyed the whole way there and was completely exhausted. She finally got up the strength to fly down and peck on the door. A middle-aged woman in a flowy pink robe tentavily answered the door

"Raidah?" she asked disbelievingly "What are you doing here? I just sent Johnathon on to help you guys escape last night" Raidah flew into the house and landed on the small kitchen table without saying anything. The lady came into the room and patted her head.

"Raidah honey what happened?" Raidah just hung her head for a few moments and let herself be comforted but finally she hopped off the table onto the floor and shifted into human. She flopped on the wooden chair and sighed,

"They weren't interested, they would rather spend their lives cooped up in a metal cell instead of taking a chance to save their lives" she said picking at the notch in the table,

"But I thought you said that they hated the valley and would do anything to escape"

Raidah shook her head "It was all talk, they're all cowards, the one time someone actually tries to act upon what everyone's been saying they all chicken out" Raidah said bitterly.

"I'm sure that's not true, they're just...doubtful, I'm sure it's been horrible in there"

"Whatever." Raidah said.

Well Johnathon should get to the valley pretty soon, I wonder how your friends are going to react" The lady said giggling.

Meanwhile at the Valley...

Johnathon approached the plexiglass of the valley non-chalantly, he was dressed up as a normal teenage tourist in order to get past the guards, he looked along the edge for the tallest branch of the tallest tree where Raidah was supposed to be, she was supposed to signal to him so he could get them out. He found the branch but didn't see Raidah, He saw a wolf stalking around the bottom of the tree and waved at it, trying to get it's attention to ask it where Raidah went.

12-25-2009, 08:17 PM
Jacob was watching the people, and then saw a man standing near the plexiglass and looked like he was trying to wave him down. He was unsure of the man, but that didn’t stop him from approaching him. He didn’t know what he wanted, but that was irrelevant. He watched to make sure that none of the guards were looking for this was probably be a mistake, but that will be proven in time. He made it to the glass, and shifted to his human form so that he would be able to speak to the young man. “What is it I can do for you?” he asked in a politely as he looked at the man. He didn’t know him, but fro some reason he seamed like he was here to help. He didn’t know why he thought it but he did.

12-25-2009, 11:21 PM
Jonathon looked around for any guards before asking in a low voice

"You wouldn't happen to know where a white falcon shifter had gone to would you?" he didnt want to use her name because he had no idea how close the people in the valley were to each other. Raidah said they were close but she often got excited and over-exaggerated a bit.

Just then he got a call, he looked at the phone and saw it was his mom.

"umm hold on i gotta take this" he answered and a voice screamed at him

"don't go anywhere near the valley and don't talk to anyone!"

he grinned sheepishly when he saw the shifter could hear him and turned away, talking in a low voice, finally he turned around

"thanks for your help but it turns out i won't be needing your services" he said and trotted away.

12-31-2009, 11:22 PM
Roxie had been running from people all night long. She was told that she was to be brought to a beautiful place and they were going to help her with her "skills." Roxie could hear slight hints of sarcasum in their voices. She told them she'd be down in a minute, but she hopped out the window. She transformed into her leapord form and ran through the forest outside her house. After awhile things went quiet, she jumped into a tree and curled up for the night. When she awoke she was in someones van, Chained. The vehical stopped, the doors opened and a large metal neck chain on a stick grabed her. She then transformed back into her human form and was then thrown into the valley. As she hit tthe ground she transformed back into a leapord and roared. As they shut the door she ran torward them causing them fear. she was back to herself sitting on the ground crying in her hands.
((I hope this is okay))

01-01-2010, 01:18 AM
Jacob listened to what the young man said, and was about to answer him when his phone rang. He excused himself, and answered the phone. Jacob could clearly hear what she was saying on the phone to the man, but when he turned around he could only make out his end of the conversation. He didn’t know this man, but he knew Raida. He then told him to never mind, and started to leave. Jacob didn’t yell at the man, but in a voice that he would be able to her he asked. “Are you a friend of Raida’s? If you are could you give her a message for me? I know that she is not here in the valley!” He hoped that this would stop the man, but if it didn’t he would make sure that he told him. Even if it meant informing the guards that he was here. He wanted to talk to him. He was never able to tell Raida his answer to her question.

01-01-2010, 06:39 AM
Johnathon stopped when the shifter spoke. He turned slightly and said "no she left the valley. She went to..never mind. Whats the message?" he said quickly, not wanting to give too much away.

meanwhile raidah and shirly ( the lady) were deep in disscusion. Raidah had gotten over he grumpy feeling of betrayal and was now back to her usual bouncy self. Snip-its of the conversation could be heard outside the hut by a small ladybug sized metal listening device "austraila....no surgery needed....tomorrow night" at hearing this the fake bug blinked twice and flew off...

01-02-2010, 02:56 AM
He looked at the man and smiled at him. “Tell her that her idea was a good one. But I don’t want to get her involved in anything that might put herself in danger. She has always looked after us, but now I think that she needs to look after herself… … … She is free, and that is good. If she dose return for us… … … Please take good care of her, and don’t let her get hurt,” Jacob said as he then shifted back into his wolf form.

He then left the man, and went to the newest sound in the Valley. A girl that was crying. He approached her still in his wolf form. When he was close enough he nudged her with his nose.

01-02-2010, 03:03 AM
Johnathon smiled to himself and before the shifted wolf could get too far away he called after him "Tomorrow at midnight, get the shifters ready" he hoped he had heard him and walked away, to catch the nearest bus to California.

The bug flew across the states to a underground facility in New Mexico, the headquarters of the Shifter Controlling and Hunting Organization(S.C.H.O). Or as Raidah liked to call them Shifter Hunting Idiot Trouts (We all know what that stands for). The bug flew threw a slightly open window and landed in the palm of a elegant gentleman who examined the bug before plugging it into a computer where it listened to what the bug recorded. Finally he nodded and smiled before pressing a conspicuous looking button.