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04-10-2011, 06:52 PM
Note: Positions Are Still Open In The Out Of Character Forum.
Click To See OOC Of The Role Play (
Kicking debris around in the rubble, Dakota squinted her eyes. The mid-day heat was getting to her, and she felt a bit too uncomfertable with the rays beating down on her so harshly. Coughing, she picked up her canteen, and took a small sip of warm water, before letting it drop back into the air, the string that it was conected to, from her backpack held onto the round bottle easily.
"Dagger. Come boy." She commanded, and the large dog obediantly padded over, panting heavily from the heat. Flicking her wirst lightly, for the dog to follow, they continued down the street, to find some shade, and hopefully a pipe with more than a drop or two of hot water.
Dakota looked back up at the sky once again, to notice that thunder clouds were off in the distance, and the wind was picking up a bit more lately. A storm was on its way, but hopefully, it was just something normal. They didn't need another thing to keep in their way from getting killed, once again. While walking, she placed her long reddish brown hair into a pony tail, and slid on her viser sunglasses, hoping that, that would keep her a bit cooler on their way towards the city.
04-11-2011, 01:08 AM
Corina Geige sighed as the cap on a fire hydrant finally broke off letting loose it's stored torent of pressurized water. Filling up three camel packs with water she drank what she could and stuck her head under it as way of a sort of shower. It wasn't often she found a hydrant, but when she did she took full advantage of them. They were the best source of water if you could find them. Standing up Corina raised her eyes to the sun. It was right about what would be noon if clocks still worked.
Throwing the camel packs over her shoulder Corina ran a hand through her now wet hair. Time to find some food hopefully her luck would be really good and she'd be able to find a supermarket or store where the food hadn't spoiled. Not likely. She would probably have to find some sort of edible plant life. Roots and leaves if she could find them. Corina sighed and began walking down the street. Maybe the coming storm would cheer her up more water right?
04-11-2011, 08:45 AM
The old pick-up truck's engine died down with an unhealthy, extremely loud cough. Ahead of Adam was a larger-than-usual pile of rubble, forming a sort of ravine that no car could get through. Adam slid out of the battered car and landed on his feet, his combat boots crunching the smaller stones and rubble.
"Fucking car was almost out of gas anyway." He said, slipping on his sunglasses and proceeding through the rubble, his callused hands supporting him as he moved through the short ravine.
Adam tried not to sigh - the pile of rubble was covering less than five metres - he felt it shouldn't be enough to stop his treasured old truck. He spared a glance back at the rusted machine before continuing down the road, abandoned houses and busted shops surrounding him.
Adam continued through the deserted street, humming and playing air guitar as he went. His boots fell heavily among the debris, but he tried to take no notice of the devastation around him.
Pausing his humming, Adam reached around and took his bag off his back, his hands searching for his water bottle. Lifting it up to the sun, Adam sighed. He had half a bottle left.
His keen eyes scanned the road ahead of him, looking out for any potential water sources. Maybe even life.
04-11-2011, 07:34 PM
Pressing her lips together out of aggervation, Dakota crained her neck around her to hear the light sound of pressured water somewhere off in the distance, easily in the city. Both her and Daggers bodies quickened their pace, hoping to catch some of the water before it soaked in the dry ground.
However, when the dog picked up a sound that wasn't something to fufill his desires, his ears stood erect, and he angled himself a bit to follow the noise of a dying engin, and an angry voice, cursing the thing that had seemed to wheeze it's last breath. Growling, he jogged towards it, rounding a corner behind some tall rubble, to be lost from veiw of his owner.
Arching an eye brow, she called after him again, expecting him to follow back, since he was such an obeidiant dog. But, when his bark was the only thing she could catch, she began to worry, and picked up her pace, dropping her light pack on the sidewalk, and turning the corner to stop short. Dagger had his ears pressed against his head, and he was snarling up at a guy who looked around her age, if not a bit older. The only thing that really caught her off gaurd was the car. Rarely any of them have survived, and Dakot had been looking for one just as much as food and water.
Once she resumed back into reality, insted of staring at the truck in confusion, she looked back to the guy and her dog. "Dagger. Heal." She called, her voice hard, and demanding. With one last snap at the air, the dog trotted back to her side, still keeping alert for Dakota's safety.
04-11-2011, 08:10 PM
Adam's humming ceased instantaneously when he heard a bark - a loud one at that. When a huge dog sped around the corner Adam's first thoughts were those of rabies - he placed his feet slightly apart in a defensive position and readied himself for an attack.
But when the dog stopped infront of him, it's lips pitched in a snarl and it's vicious canines glinting in the midday sun, Adam was surprised and eased up a bit - he had heard a voice. He looked up to see a young woman follow the beast, and Adam grinned - tension visibly leaving his body.
"Fucking finally" he said, raising a hand to greet the good-looking woman. "I wondered if I'd find anyone else alive" Adam grinned as charmingly as he could bring himself to, eyes moving up and down his new acquaintance's body.
Adam folded his arms, hands under his armpits. The relentless sun beat down on the street-scene leaving Adam hot and bothered, though his grin stayed on his face.
04-11-2011, 08:24 PM
Corina had heard the truck just as she slipped inside an empty building. Walking to one of the holes where a window had been she looked out. She could she a figure in the not to far distance ad then a dog came running out to it. When a girl joined the dog Corina smiled. She wasn't the only one. Climbing out the window she jogged over to the two waving.
"Hey," she called, "you guys new around here? I felt like I was the only person alive. Not gonna bite me are you ha ha!"
Corina slowed down as she got closer and shoved her hands in the pockets of her baggy camoflaged pants. Smiling she looked the two new people up and down. People real people. Could today get any better?
"Hiya," she said cheerfully, "names Corina. You can call me Cora or Gage though. Nice dog."
Corina smiled at the two and ran a hand through her spiky hair. She was glad to have someone to talk to.
04-11-2011, 09:16 PM
Corridors... Why did it always start with corridors? He walked down the hallway, checking each room number with a growing concern each time. Why was he here? He tried to think. All he could conjure up in his cloudy mind was screams... a crash... metal pieces everywhere... Someone's name... What was the name?
Room 218. The last one on the left. A woman came out crying, then caught sight of Ryan. She paused for a moment to look at him, tears streaming down her face. With a renewed burst of sobbing, the woman turned away. Where had he seen her before? She was someone's mom... who's mom? A crash... The loud, piercing squeal of tires... He realized that his own arm was in a cast. How long had that been there?
He could hear people talking. Voices... He walked over to the doorway. There was light coming from the florescent bulbs inside. There was a bed in there, white sheets folded neatly over... His eyes widened. Why were the voices so loud!??
Ryan awoke with a start. It was usual, since the days had gotten so hot, for him to sleep away the days and move at night, and so it wasn't a surprise to him that the sun was shining brightly. He looked around. Voices? He got up from the overhang that had served as a temporary shelter. It used to be part of a building, he thought, but it was concrete and sturdy enough for him to not fear it falling and crushing him in his sleep.
Picking up the two solar powered objects he had left out in the sun to charge, he hooked them onto his backpack ( and hefted it onto his shoulder. He pulled the sunglasses and his bandanna ( out of his cargo short's pocket and put them on, moving out to find the source of the voices.
It didn't take him long before the corner he turned gave vision to three teenagers about his age, a guy, two girls and someone's dog. Apparently it was the girl's, as it was being very defensive at her heels. He watched the other girl join up with them and decided it was always better in groups. Well, at least if a large animal came out to chase them. Better odds, then. He left the sunglasses on so he could look at the two ladies unimpeded, but his eyes didn't linger over long.
"Well, if everyone's gonna join up right here, I might as well join, too." He said in an uncharacteristic tone, almost nice. "I assume none of us know each other? You can call me Ryan, or Stones if you're feeling froggy." He smirked slightly at the term that one of his favorite teachers used almost constantly for overachievers.
04-11-2011, 10:55 PM
Dakota couldn't help the quirk of a smile that spread on her lips, which was mostly in pure ammusment. How in the world could she have been compleatly left with the impression that she was the last person on this Earth to survive all of these bloody attacks, to be filled with three other people within less than five minutes? It didn't make sence, but she certainly wasn't going to complain with this fact. After all, she hated talking to Dagger for so long, and then never getting a real responce - considering you couldn't really get one from a dog in the first place.
Her body turned towards the man who decided to introduce himself with ease, and simplicity. She took a liking to him immidiatly, just because he seemed to carry on that he wasn't in the mood for awkward hellos, and got straight down to business - just like the girl, Corina. Which is exactly how Dakota always liked to carry on introductions. Much better to skip right over the awkwardness. Nodding her head to Ryan lightly, she squinted her eyes a bit, even though they were covered over her viser sunglasses. "Well, I'm Dakota, and I'll even let you call me Dakota." Her lips curved into a playful smirk. She prayed that these people took sarcasm well. "And this guy right here." She began, scrubbing her nails lightly on the dogs head, who was now sitting, and panting, but keeping alert for any sudden advancments towards his girl. "Is Dagger. He won't bite. . . As long as I say so." She added as an after thought, turning to the two others.
It seemed, if she wasn't mistaken, that Corina was wet - and certainly from experiance, she wasn't soaking from sweat, and by the way she held herself. After all, if a person was that drenched with the salty liquid, they'd be on the ground by now. Sooner or later she'd ask her where she found all of that water to be able to cover herself in it. After all, the storm just wasn't going to do it, unless it calmed this stupid baking hot sun. After nodding her head ever so slightly towards Carina, she landed her gaze on the guy next to his truck, for he was the only one at the moment who was nameless. At least, to her knowledge. She was very certain he had a name, she just didn't know it.
04-12-2011, 08:13 PM
Adam's brow lowered when the spikey-haired girl, now known as Corina, appeared. It lowered further when another man appeared shortly afterward.
At Corina's appearance, Adam had assumed that she was a companion of the first girl he had met. Though when she introduced herself to the dog-owner, one 'Dakota', confusion took hold.
"Adam. My names Adam." He said in response to the indirect prying.
"This is some day, isn't it? Running into three other people in such a short space of time. I thought that you might be together, but it seems I'm mistaken..." Adam left the sentence hanging in the air, his scrutiny and wariness undisguised. His eyes flitted from one person to the next, finally returning to Dakota.
While Adam was lonely as one might expect, he wasn't ready to trust a group of complete strangers - neither was he going to ruin his chances of companionship, though. Adam scanned the rubble-littered street for any further signs of life, his green eyes moving over the decimated homes. Raiders and looters weren't completely unknown.
Adam tried to relax, forcing a smirk onto his face and folding his arms, hands under relative armpits. While he wasn't completely trustful, partly due to his past and nature and partly due to the situation, he was excited to have finally found other people.
His bandana caught his sweat - the sun wasn't weakening just yet.
"How's this gonna go, then?"
04-13-2011, 02:06 AM
Maybe he was just brave or maybe he was just stupid, but he wondered aimlessly through the dry heat with no goal in mind. He carried nothing on him, it was just him. The world now was merely a ghost town. Dead, and hollow. With empty rusty cars, and buildings that were slowly being overgrown by vegetation out of control. Windows decaying, much the way a bloated body would decay. Silent, everything so faded and focus like the city had become some kind of desert landscape.
There were only your dreams here, who could contend to you. Only your dreams that could keep you awake. Or else you'd slip into a coma where your very own soul would slowly drift away. Each building carried a memory of what it once was. Office buildings lay vacant as if people just disappeared one day, vanished, left work without going anywhere. Cafe's and other diners, now had rotten bits of nothing as it appeared people vanished during their last meal. He wondered sometimes why there were those who were destroyed and those left.
Through his eyes the world was a world made of formulas and percentages. Math was the universal language of the world. For each building, for each height, length and width he saw their numbers. A secret language within in his own head. Though this langauge over the years had been exploited by many people, even his own parents. They were only proud of him for his genius, for his smart. They were only acceptant of him and praised him because of talent. And this was true. His nightmares were haunted always by the big giant trophy room. His parents used the exucse as "new experiences", but really they wanted the perfect child.
To him he didn't feel perfect, he just felt awkward. Jittery and nervous. This world carried memories of the past, like lingering ghost whisper faint sounds of death. Ghost would appear replaying their days before they died. In and out of the buildings. Passing buy. The city now became louder and the memories took over. As the buildings windows gleamed in the sun. Cars passed and whizzed down by. People pushing and shoving one another as they tried to get to work or school. People fighting one another to get unto the buses or the other forms of transit.
His mind took him back to these memories, dreams the only thing that kept the world he knew alive. Phantom ghost tales now. Fran looked sadly down at a pebble and looked back at the sky. Despite the heat and despite the orange haze in the sky these days, he missed a society where he didn't fit. Though these conventional societal factors that built he didn't fit. But he felt uncomfortable being the awkward shy one in a ghost city.
Fran hit one of the last standing street lamps. Maybe being lost within in memories and dreams wasn't such a good idea when walking. Rubbing his head, he meant to move on again. To aimlessly wonder, until he too would burn up and die like the rest.
04-14-2011, 02:56 AM
Pressing her lips together, she nodded her head, slightly amused at the fact that her and Adam were thinking along the same lines. However, Dakota figured that everyone else would have - or already did, think that already. Of course, it was pretty bizzard to be alone for days, and then have a grouping of four people? It was pretty strange. However, she was nowhere near complaining about this fact. After her eyes gazed over all of the others, trying to remeber names, and faces for a later time, they set back down onto Adam's face, and arched her eye brow at his words.
"Good question. I haven't got a clue though. However, I'm not sure if I want us to part so suddenly. After all; we all need help surviving. Lets just get that through and open." She said, not trying to sound harsh, but also, she wanted to get down to business. They didn't have time for chit-chat right now. It looked as if people needed some water, and food, along with some sleep, with the bags under everyones eyes - her's included.
Sighing once more, she squinted up at the sky, noticing that the thunder and water filled clouds were rolling in, and should be here by the late morning tomorrow. At least it wasn't tonight, or she may not get any sleep with all of the racket, and the lightning, that was surely promising by the color that it was bringing in. "Does anyone know how to hunt, at all?" Her mouth quirked into a grim line. Dakota was bastically useless, besides her climbing, and decent cooking abilities - which you kind of needed food, to be able to preform anyways. Damn. She hoped these people were a bit more talented, or gifted than she was. Although, Dagger certainly could help out on the hunting thing. He was an excilent hunter, and a great learner, and Dakota loved him to peices.
04-14-2011, 11:00 AM
Corina nodded a greating at each introduction and crossed her arms nonchalantly over her chest. Looking at Dakota when she spoke Corina nodded. She was a pretty decent hunter herself as her father had taken her with him on quite a few different kinds of hunts. It wasn't fun necessarily, but it was necessary now.
"I can hunt," Corina spoke up, "I really just need at good tree to make a bow and some arrows or even a knife would work. If we could find guns that'd be even better. We just need some weapons, but first things first. You guys look like you could use some water. I've got plenty so I don't mind sharing. I found a fire hydrant a few minutes ago. It will probably be finished gushing by now, but I'll take you to it in case it isn't. Let me grab my stuff and I'll lead the way. Kay?"
Corina smiled happy that she could be useful. Besides the hydrant was cool because it's water was always moving so the hot didn't seem to affect it that much. It would be a nice change for everyone.
04-14-2011, 02:06 PM
Adam stood silent - it had been a strange day. The group of perfect strangers had met within the space of ten minutes and now it had been put forward that they should travel together.
Adam's mind went through the pros and cons - he had no idea who these people were yet he had come to terms with the fact that he wasn't the perfect survivalist; his chances at life were greater with a group.
"I can't hunt for shit. Haven't met anyone who can in a while, either." He said, assuring his place in the newly formed group, lifting his shoulders in a shrug, eyes flitting from one person to another. Adam had no hunting skill whatsoever; he was a city boy. His talents lay in both the mechanic field and the social field; he was a popular greasemonkey before the city, maybe even the world, went to shit.
Adam's eyebrow raised when Corina confirmed that there was indeed a hunter in the new group. "... we just need some weapons, but first things first. You guys look like you could use some water..."
As he stood in the street, thoughts of drinking water and eating rabbits going through his head, Adam realised that after all his solitude and loneliness, he had finally found companionship. More than companionship; by complete chance, or perhaps not, the individuals converging at the rubble pile had formed a little group - a survival squad, even.
"Water sounds good. I'm almost out, anyway." Adam said, a grin playing on his lips. He pulled a hand out of his pocket, gesturing for Corina to lead the way.
04-14-2011, 09:11 PM
So... Corina, he placed the name to the short-haired white girl, Dakota was with the Doberman named Dagger (that would be an easy remember) and the dude was Adam... On the whole, Ryan was good with names and if this Dakota girl had her way, it seemed like they'd be sticking together. So he might as well do his part to help.
On the topic of hunting, Corina suggested bow and arrows or a knife. Ryan reached down to his boot and pulled out his pocket knife, flipping it open with a teeny snick and holding it up for the girl to see. "Will that do? If not, I think I still have my old short sword in my pack... I used to collect swords before this thing happened, and I managed to salvage two of the smaller ones and this knife... Not to mention I'm light on my feet. I could help with the tracking if nothing else." He let her take it if she wished, otherwise he replaced it in his boot.
"I definitely like the idea of guns, though." He grinned, thinking about all the times his dad had taken him out to the shooting range for gun practice. He was skilled in scopes, pistols, and the general assault rifle, thanks to his dad's constant practice. He probably should've learned how to clean them better and keep a working one, but who ever thought they'd need guns? Roger sure as hell hadn't.
When they moved on to the topic of water, he sighed with a smirk. "Sweet. Lead on, chica." He reached back to his pack and pulled out one of the solar powered objects. This one was an iPod charger, and he took his from it and searched around for his earbuds. As he was doing so, however, he noticed another person walking down the street towards them. With an audible thunk!, the man ran facefirst into a pole, causing Roger to smirk and snigger slightly.
"Umm... There's someone else over there... Heh..." He gestured towards the man, still laughing slightly as he turned on his iPod and started up his tunes, keeping the volume to where he could still hear the others and yet enjoy his tunes. It was something he had learned to do over the years.
04-14-2011, 09:34 PM
"Hold it RIGHT THERE," a loud female voice announced, and all thoughts of guns being a good idea froze up in Ryan's mind as he heard the distinctive sound of a lever-action shotgun being cocked.
A young woman stepped out from an alleyway, the shotgun in both hands, standing in a way that minimised recoil.
"Now don't make me cock this thing twice; it's a real waste of shells," she warned them. Her arsenal made the sticks and knives of the others look positively petty by comparison. As well as the shotgun, she had a heavy machete in her belt, and a single grenade was hanging from the straps that crossed her chest. Any amount of ammo could be concealed by the loose, ragged, dirty white robes that hung from her, but some of it was already visible and strapped to a leg.
The dog growled at her, "Oh, a dog. I like dogs," she commented, aiming at the dog, "Please don't make me kill it," she looked at them again, "Who are you guys? Where are you going? Take me with you."
There was an expression of mildly insane desperation in the young woman's eyes, as if she had been travelling alone for some time. These four people were, in fact, the first human beings Bridget Loranski had encountered in two weeks and by now she was almost frantic to find somebody; anybody to travel safely with, "Please take me with you..." she almost begged, even though the angle of the shotgun didn't budge one inch.
04-15-2011, 12:48 AM
Corina smirked as she saw the newest stranger shaking his head after running into a light post. Raising an arms she waved to get his attention.
"Hey," she called, "I hope you aren't dangerous. We all might be in trouble if we don't hide behind light posts! Ha ha wanna join us?"
Smiling she looked back at Ryan she accepted his pocket knife and nodded her thanks.
"Thanks," she said, "this'll do fine. You seem like you'd make a good hunter though. I can teach you some stuff if you'd like, and yeah I'm from...well I was from Manhattan, but as we all know it's not quite what it used to be. No where is anymore....listen to me getting all mopey! Ha I sound like my gramps. You game Dakota? I don't even have to ask Dagger."
Corina smiled and reached over scratching Dagger's ears. She had always loved dogs and would constantly take care of strays until she could find them a home. It was her weakness.
04-15-2011, 04:12 PM
Adam shifted his wait from one foot to another, the thought of water making him agitated. He barely even glanced at the clumsy fellow walking into street-posts - his tired body was thirsty.
Adam took a gulp from his diminished water bottle, being careful not to finish the remainders in case Corina's water source turned out to be a dud.
"Let's get a move on, yeah? There's no reason to stand around in the midday sun." He said, nodding towards the end of the street where Corina had appeared from, hair soaking wet.
Adam's eyes moved to the guy's, Ryan's, earphones, following the white cord down to his iPod.
"No fucking way, you've still got iPod power? I'd kill to get ahold of that, provided you have good music." He said, teeth glinting in the sunlight as he grinned to the survivalist lucky enough to have a solar-powered charger.
"Well" he said, "let's forget skinning wild animals for a while and get to that water while there's some left, yeah?" Adam refolded his arms over his chest, booted foot tapping on the ground.
04-15-2011, 11:44 PM
All of these things happened at once, and it was hard for Dakota's mind to clearly take it in all together. Blinking, her head whiped around to just miss the man who had - apparently - smacked his face against a pole, and squinting, a twinge of jelousy rose to her, and the same questions ran through her head, as the words that spilled from Adam's mouth. How had he gotten enough power? What? Some random outlet decides to work all of the sudden? Must be though; what other answer would someone have from that?
Then, the next thing was a woman; easily a few years older than her, who was pointing a gun at Dagger, who for a moment had gone soft to lick Corina's hand, happy for the attention, before his mouth spread to show his teeth, growling low, and deep. The hackles on his fur rising, and his front torso bending down a bit, ready to pounce to attack his new company at any moment. Seeing this girl, who seemed to change personalities more than she could count on one hand, her eye brow arched skillfully. "Place your gun away from my dog, and he'll not attack you." She said, her voice calm, but slightly amused as well. Apparently, she hadn't gotten enough water, and the heat started to attack her brain. At least, that's what Dakota hoped for.
Her eyes scanned back to Corina's, feeling the need to answer her question. It always bugged Dakota when people inturopted, and she rarely did it herself, unless it was urgent news she must share. The corner of her mouth quirked up into a smile, and she nodded her head in answer. Of course she was in. It seemed that without the other more experanced people in her newly found group, she and Dagger may not survive another night. She needed them, for all of there abilities, and even though it didn't seem like much, Dakota actually had a few things that she was very good at as well - yes, besides cooking food over a fire. It wasn't the most basic survival skills, but she was good at making bonds with people, and getting to the bottom of things. Who knows, maybe she might become the 'mother' or something. Ehh, maybe not, either.
Another thing she wasn't horrible at, was treating wounds, and wrapping them correctly, so they wouldn't get infected, and they'd heal as they're supposed to. That would help them the most - at least from Dakota - untill people got too irritated with each other. And lets face it; it'll happen sooner or later. Hopefully, later than sooner.
Samantha was a hard girl to miss, especially now that the world was the way it was, luckily when she heard voices it was far off and she could barely hear it. She began moving closer her hand went to a small sidearm, a glock 8mm. She wasn't about to bust out and reveal herself of course, to be honest she may not even come out at all, she did want to be with people though so if the situation with the people those voices belonged to she probably would be.
As she got close she stopped her back against a wall and she looked around the corner of a building seeing the people off in the distance, not too far away, only about 30 feet so she could hear them, something about traveling together but the one girl had a shotgun in her hands and that made Sam nervous.
She pulled the pistol out of her jeans and gripped it in her hands breathing heavily, she was just going to wait it out, she didn't want to attract to mush attention to herself when tension was high with the people she found herself spying on. Hopefully this would all end in a successful negotiation between the two parties and she would then be able to walk out and start her own introduction of sorts with the people... People... She couldn't help but feel giddy at being with actual people again. For now though she just wanted to remain unseen and eavesdrop on the conversation.
04-16-2011, 04:59 PM
Chluk-chuk. That, to Ryan, was a very scary sound, and he turned towards the odd-looking woman who had created it with a slight paling of the face. He had to resist the urge to whistle. That was a NICE weapon... Why couldn't he have been on the other end of it? "Okay, hold up here... Any particular reason why you're pointing that at us...?" He asked the woman as he put his hands slightly up in the air, level with his head, in the usual 'Don't shoot me, I'm not worth it' method.
To the other guy, Adam, Ryan looked at and kept the explanation short, what with an armed and obviously crazy woman aiming a shotgun at them, you know. "The iPod solar charger was like one of the only things I could salvage minus my dad's solar-powered flashlight. My parents had a thing for solar power, but most of it was lost in the apocalypse... Everything useful at least." He grimaced slightly, then returned his attention to the woman.
At least Dakota had the dog to protect them, but Ryan had the feeling that Dagger would fall to a shotgun blast as easily as the rest of them. "Miss, you can come along if you mind not blowing us away with the shotgun. I'm sure none of the rest of us mind having SOMEONE armed here..." He gave a level look to the others, daring them to argue. As long as she wasn't mentally unstable, he was sure she was safe to bring along...
Well, he hoped anyway.
04-17-2011, 12:49 AM
Dakota cleared her throat uncomfertably. She looked over at Ryan, who was the next one to talk, and expected the girl to shoot something out of surprise of the voice; after all, she looked like a nervous wreck, but, that may just be her personality - now wouldn't that be splended. Dagger never stopped his ugly snarling, and took a few steps forward, so that way it was as if he was blocking all of them, and not just Dakota by herself. With a pang of guilt and worry, Dakota pressed her lips together. He'd die trying to save every one of their lives, and if he didn't calm down, he just may do so. Snapping her fingers together, and whistling lightly, she looked at her dog. "Dagger, heel." His ears pressed against his skull, but other than that, he stayed compleatly still. Scared to move, Dakota tried again, but with a more firm, and demanding voice. It took a moment, but the dog composed himself, and padded stiffly back to her, turning around, and flanking her side, eyes not moving off of the gun.
"Look, can we just cut this to the chase? What do you want from us?" After a moment, the gun being pointed got on her last nerve. "And for gods sake; put that gun down. All we have is are hands, and we can't do much with that gun against you. We aren't going to hurt you, so just put it down." Her eyes flickered with irritation. She could tell she may not get along with this girl, even if she decided not to shoot one of them. Just her hostile personallity set her off on edge, which wasn't pretty to veiw, thats for sure.
04-17-2011, 04:42 AM
Corina seeming completely calm and controlled in the midst of chaos stuffed her hands in her pockets and raised an eyebrow at the new addition to their little group. Sighing she placed a hand on top of Dagger's head as he returned back to Dakota's side.
"It's ok boy," she sighed, "she's not going to shoot. She's just scared. It's not exactly a pretty world out here anymore. My name's Corina. Corina Geige. I expect you have a name too right? Something we can call you? That gun won't help you if you're looking to travel with us. Mind putting it down?"
Corina's gaze never strayed from the new girl's face. Corina may look calm, but on the inside she was terrified. What if this girl went berserk? What if she shot them all right on the spot? What is she was insane and decided to kill them all as slowly as possible? Corina blinked as she felt something warm and wet slide down her knuckles. She had been digging her nails into her palm.
04-17-2011, 09:21 AM
Adam's eyes flicked to the white-robed lunatic aiming a shotgun at his newly formed group.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me. Listen to them and put the god-damn gun down you psycho!" He said, stepping forward, fists clenched tightly.
Adam understood that wariness was necessary in their new world, but this ridiculous woman was going about making friends and determining enemies in the completely wrong way. Adam's thought had, indeed, turned to looters at his first meeting with the others but he hadn't waltzed in with a loaded shotgun aimed at the poor dog, despite his growls.
"Put the gun down. It's four against one, and while you might shoot the dog I swear I'll fucking break your neck if you pull that trigger." Adam said, the words coming out before he could stop them. He felt strangely protective over his new companions and he couldn't help but confront the newest arrival.
Adam sighed and ran a hand through his hair, unclenching his fists. "Listen, sorry about that - I wasn't thinking. Though you can't blame me for being twitchey - you're swinging a fucking weapon around and it's fucking nerve-racking so put it away. Please." Adam said, adding the niceties as an afterthought.
04-20-2011, 12:40 AM
(sorry about the delay; I thought you didn't want me)
"Keep the dog back," the young woman said, her voice less shaky. She looked at Adam, and frowned, "Look, I heard you guys. You need weapons. I heard you say so. Right now you got a dog, and sweetheart," she nodded at Corina, "That boy makes a bad move on me, he's goin' down."
She twitched slightly, "I need... I need your help. Like you need mine. And you will need mine." This time she looked around and lowered the gun. The dog growled again, and she raised it hastily, "Corina, huh?" she asked her, "My name's Bridget. Bridget Loranski. But everybody calls me Breech Loader."
"Everybody?" Corina asked.
"Well, everybody would if there was... anybody," Breech admitted. She holstered the lever-action shotgun across her back again and nodded to herself, "I... I'm sorry about the whole... jumping out and trying to kill you and take your stuff thing. It's just... you're the first freakin' people I've seen in two weeks! I been trekking around on my own for two weeks now and... it kinda... gets to you, you know? Gets inside your head. Makes you... think in new ways, see things differently... it all gets messed up... until you don't know what's what and you're just... trying to make it day to day without wasting a shot..."
She sighed and leant against a wall, then reached into her dirty white robes and pulled out a bottle of water to take a swig, "Make it day to day... that's all you can do..." she muttered to herself.
04-22-2011, 03:55 PM
As the woman finally holstered the weapon, Ryan sighed and relaxed, putting his hands back by his sides. "Bridgette, eh? Ryan, or Stones, if you prefer. You might want to learn who's friend and who's foe before you go around blasting that thing, chica." He looked around at the others and waited for them to speak. When they didn't, he looked at the other girl, Corina.
"Yo. You still gonna lead us to that water?" He asked casually. Then blinked. Where had that other guy gone, that had ran into the pole...? He looked around, but didn't see him. Hum. Odd. "Well, I'd rather not stand here all day. Lead on, whoever. I'll follow whoever." With that he got lost in his music.
04-23-2011, 12:36 AM
((Loanet please do not God Model.))
Dakota squinted her eyes, and she couldn't help but laugh at the crazy woman, shaking her head, and shoving her hands into the dusty back pockets of her jeans. "That doesn't make any sense." He she began, not being very nice. After all, it's not like she was too kind at first either. "If you need us, then why would you shoot? And don't tell me, that I need you." Her eyes narrowed, and were hard. Alright, so she was beign pretty snippy, the dry heat, and the lack of water got to her, and she just wanted to go to wherever her new found partner (and the others, of course), had gotten the water from. "So either you put away that damn gun, or things can get messy. Your choice." Dagger growled beside her, but didn't move an inch. It was as if he was argeeing with her words.
Samantha realized weapons were not really welcomed with this group of people and she really didn't want to come off strong or threatening when she walked around the corner. That being the case she slipped the gun into her jeans behind her and let her jacket cover it up. She made sure it wouldn't fall out of its concealed location before taking a deep breath and trying to think about how to make her entrance normal without throwing all of the people, already on edge from the psycho, from turning on her in fear or surprise.
Finally she turned the corner, "Um... Excuse me... I-Is there room for another in your group?" she asked almost ignoring the crazy circumstances except for the small acknowledgement that was her stutter. She looked at all of them, examining each of them up and down as she waited for some sort of response, whether it be kind and welcoming or what she expected, stressed and irritable. Mostly because they had already had one crazy person ambush them and though she wasn't that nasty a person she was tall and she use to be called intimidating.
04-24-2011, 03:22 AM
Corina sighed as things began to calm down a little bit. Planting her hands on her hips she raised an eyebrow at Dakota.
"Alright let's all just calm down," she said firmly, "if we're going to catch any water that might be left in that hydrant we need to go now."
Looking to the new girl walking up Corina frowned. How many delays were they going to have today?
"Yes you can join us," she sighed a bit irked, "but skip the introductions til later. We need to get moving. Come on."
Corina went over to the building where she had left her things and grabbed them. Walking back towards where she had found the hydrant she waved for the others to follow. Perhaps joining up wasn't such a hood idea after all.
04-24-2011, 01:44 PM
Breech finished off the last of her water and nodded casually, "Gotcha," she sighed and headed for the hydrant, not really caring about the dog growling at her back now. She'd already holstered her weapon like she'd been asked, "Just let me grab my bike," she headed into the alley she'd jumped out of and pulled out a grubby old dirt-bike, "I need to fill up on water anyway."
She glanced around, "Look, I'm sorry about the jumping out thing, but like I said, I haven't really seen anybody in two weeks, and that was when I was jumped myself. It's nothing personal," she glanced at Corina, "Okay? We good to go?"
Fortunately for them all, the hydrant was still going - although it was definitely losing pressure. Breech lifted the bonnet of her dirtbike, and refilled on the water hastily, before starting to refill the various empty bottles hanging around her person.
04-24-2011, 05:56 PM
Dakota nodded to Corina, and followed after, noticing bitterly that Breech was filling up all of her water bottles hastily. Maybe she wasn't a good idea. After all, they couldn't help every single person alive, or else they'd have to share everything they found. Food, water, shelter. Protect them all with their own lives. Sighing, she shook her head. "Can you let us get some?" She asked, not bothering to hide her irritation. She was soaked in her own sweat, and parched. They all needed to share.
Not bothering to wait for an answer, she went under one of the thinner spickets of water, and let it drench her hair, and dampen her clothing. Backing away, she got out her canteen, and filled it up to the brim. Under her, Dagger was wagging his long thin tail, and letting his pelt get covered in the water.
Backing up, Dakota watched them all, feeling a bit worst about how she acted. The heat seemed to be boiling away her scenses, and with the water, it helped her bring back herself a bit more. Sighing again, she squinted up at the sky, hearing the thunder rumble angerly, but it was going to be at least a few hours, maybe even over night until any rainfall fell. They needed to get to shelter, and possibly get a make-shift well to catch any rain water, and a lid to hold it all, so that way the heat would vaporize any of it. As her eyes settled on the few that she had met first, the corner of her lips fell down into a frown. Alright, so maybe she felt bad, but she wasn't going to appoligise. Sadly, that wasn't one of Dakotas nice abilities. She held in things that she admitted she was wrong about. Oh well. They'd have to get used to it.
Sam knew she had come in at a bad time and as such she was staying a bit back, tension was high and these people for the most part knew each other a bit. When everyone was getting water she just sat down on the curb, she had water so she could luckily not interfere with them. She sighed though as she watched all of those people she was now with wondering if she was wanted but at the same time so thankful to be beside anyone really. That though brought a small smile to her face and she just watched people, the gun in her jeans and the circumstances in which she joined were both in the back of her mind.
She reached in her back pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes as she waited, the zippo lighter flipping open at the flick of her wrist and she lit the end of her oh so sweet release. After taking a long drag from the cigarette she closed her eyes and leaned her head back releasing the smoke, her own tensions a bit easier. She knew she had to use these conservatively but now seemed like a good time to take the edge off as everyone else got refills on their water.
04-24-2011, 06:44 PM
Corina sighed as she sat down next to the new girl...well newest atleast. Smiling she ruffled her short hair and look over at the others.
"So newbie," she said mischeviously, "ya got a name? Oh uh I'm Corina and they're Adam, Ryan, Dakota, and the dog is Dagger. Sorry if I seemed a bit hostile earlier. Just trying to get to this place. They're all a bit water deprived. You know how it is. Thought I'd get everyone a bit more calmed down first."
Corina sat back on her hands and smiled up at the sun. It was nice to be among people again, but now they'd need to share everything. It was a win-lose situation. More company less supplies for you.
Sam looked over at the girl who sat down next to her, Corina. "My name is Samantha and don't worry about earlier, I was watching the entire situation from around the corner. I really doubt anyone would have calmly welcomed me during that, I just couldn't think of a better time" she said with a small smile. She took another drag from the cigarette before she looked over to the girl who had come to talk to her, "How log have you and the rest been traveling together?" she asked to start some sort of conversation.
It was still odd to her to be around people but it was so nice, she had hardly been around them for a few minutes before she felt like her spirit was rising. She had been alone since it had happened, since the world had come to what it was. Making this journey alone was difficult and hopefully it would work out with the new group she found, though she would have to earn her place first.
04-24-2011, 08:04 PM
Corina chuckled and nodded at Samantha's statement. There really had been no really good time to come into the group. Sighing she closed her eyes and relaxed.
"Us," she said questioningly, "few mintues. Thirty maybe forty. Give or take. Can't say we really know eachother. Just our names. Those things'll kill you ya know. Cigarettes. I had to quit 'em just before thus all happened. Couldn't be productive without 'em. Bad habit. Would've turned my lungs black as coal if I hadn't stopped."
Corina smiled at the cigarette. It was one thing she had actually accomplished in her life. Something she had been able to quit. Both of her parents had been so proud. Especially her dad. He had been so happy when he'd seen her throw away her last pack. It was almost as if he was looking at her the first time she had come home from the hospital again. She had always cherished that moment. The day that he'd loved her again. Now he was gone.
Sam was surprised when she said they had been together for such a short time, maybe it wouldn't be so awkward to join the group after all, she wasn't really that new. "Well I don't mind dying from the cigarettes, besides I won't always have the luxury in this new world. Besides they keep me calm and it isn't like I have much to live for really, if they kill me they kill me." she said taking another drag before flicking it in front of her foot and crushing it under the heel of he boot. "Anyways, the slow killer aside, where are you guys heading or is that still up for debate?"
Sam didn't know where she was going really, she just wanted to survive and though Corina said they hadn't been a group long she wanted to be caught up, if they had a plan she wanted to hear it. Besides, it was nice to just talk no matter what they were talking about, it felt like a lifetime ago since she had a chat.
04-25-2011, 01:23 AM
The acceptance of the white-dressed woman, the introduction of the other girl, the walk to the fire hydrant, it all pretty much blew past Ryan as he got lost in his iPod's music ( When they got to the fire hydrant, however, Stones rejoined the world and removed the headphones, putting everything back in his pack before grabbing his two water bottles and refilling them.
"Ahhh..." Ryan let out a relieved sigh as the life-liquid drenched him. He didn't stay under long, just long enough to get himself decently moist. He hadn't been out in the sun like the others had, because of his reversed day-night schedule that none of the others apparently followed. How odd.
The newest girl brought up a good point: Where are you guys heading or is that still up for debate? "Yeah, that definitely has not been discussed yet. For the moment, unless each of us have already done so before now, I suggest searching through the rest of the City, see if we can find anything that survived. A car would be wonderful, though our number is a little restricting on the size of it..."
He looked around at them. Four girls, a dog, two guys... Someone might need to go. The more common car would be a sedan, and those usually could fit five people max, and the dog on someone's lap. Unless, of course, they were willing to cram themselves, but that in itself would lead to violence... Ryan sighed. "I ain't about to be a leader, so if someone wants to step up, lead on. I suggest that way, since I personally came from the opposite direction." He pointed down the street away from where they came from.
04-25-2011, 01:08 PM
Adam trudged behind the group, eyes staying on the shotgun-girl the whole time. His fists clenched and unclenched inside his cargo-pants' pockets. There was something about her that put Adam on edge.
He grinned when he saw the fire hydrant, water still pouring from it. He pulled off his vest and pushed it under one of the steadier streams of water, soaking it completely. He slipped it back over his sweaty shoulders, letting the liquid cool him down.
'Maybe I'm being unfair' he thought, but when his eyes went back to woman his uneasiness returned.
Adam drained his bottle of water, refilling it by the still-dripping hydrant. As he closed the bottle he walked over to the newest group member - he had spotted the box of cigarettes.
"Ey there, I'm Adam. Wanna give me a smoke?" he said, sparing any pleasantries. As he waited for her to decline, or hopefully accept, his request, Adam's eyes kept flicking back to the strange woman in the white robes. Standing with his wet vest dripping moisture onto his dusty pants, waiting for a cig, Adam gestured to Dakota, thrusting a thumb over his shoulder - a 'let's talk real quick' sign.
Sam was enjoying the company, especially Corina's, talking to another person was nice, especially a girl, it calmed her down but then a close by voice sounded out. She looked up when the new voice seemed to be asking her a question and she remembered from Corina's introduction that his name was Adam. He didn't seem like a bad guy, a bit straightforward but that didn't bother her in the least. She looked to the pack of smokes with a grin like she was thinking something but then pulled one out and handed it to him, "Need a light?" she asked keeping on point sure that he would as he had done, prefer to skip pleasantries or introductions and stick with the business end of the relationship.
Sam was an odd person, she looked scary but was unusually calm and most of the time could be considered nice. She thought of course that would be something she would have to worry about but with people just coming up to her and asking questions it calmed her down and made her feel at ease. Corina, Adam, even the strange girl with the shotgun seemed to have calmed down and though the group wasn't that secure friendship wise at least she had found people and hopefully some sort of plan and union would be made soon enough.
04-25-2011, 07:40 PM
Dakota had been standing off to the side, leaning up against the back of a building that she figured was a beauty salon, considering the fact that no other place would have so much hairspray bottles, and pictures of eye lashes, and how to do smokey eyes. Seeing that no one wanted to talk to her, she just slumped back, until she was sitting down, but didn't move too much, since if she did, she'd loose a lot of the water that was soaked into her cloths, keeping her cool.
Dagger nudged his wet nose against her arm, and snuggled himself so he was laying down, with his head rested on her lap. Seeing that a lot of them were lighting up cancer sticks, she frowned. "If any of us have lighters, or matches, don't waist it on ciggaretts. We can use it to start a fire. That is, unless you want to eat raw meat." There was a long moment until she noticed Adam's gesture. Wincing as she stood up, since her muscels ached, and her sunburn was getting pretty bad, she shoved her hands into her back pockets, and walked over slowly, giving him a look that said I'll follow, wherever you want to talk. Still, Dakota was a bit confused on why he wanted to talk to her.
04-26-2011, 01:17 PM
Adam took the cigarette in his hand with his first and second fingers, placing it in his mouth and leaning forward to let the new girl, Sam, light it up for him.
"Thanks." He said, his voice muffled by the cig in his mouth.
And rolled his large shoulders and stood up again, walking a few metres away from the group, away from where the others could here but close enough that they could see the pair.
"Listen," he said, eyes on Dakota. " I don't trust the shotgun girl. She's jumpy and trigger happy - I don't see how she'd be a help. If anything I'm worried she's gonna put us all in danger and off that little pup of yours."
Adam's eyes moved back to the white-robed woman, moving away before she looked at him.
"All I'm saying is keep an eye out, y'know? I'll be ready to do ... well, whatever needs doing. I just wanna know someone else is also looking out." He said, taking a drag of his smoke.
04-27-2011, 12:24 AM
Dakota's eyes lingered around the girl with the gun, and bit down on her lip, before looking back at Adam, watching him closely. Head to toe. "I agree. But, how can we keep an eye, when one moment she is fine, and the next she shoots one of us? It'll be too late." Bitting down on her lip, she hated what was about to come out of her mouth, but she figured she had no other choice, but to mention it.
"Look. I vote that we keep the heater with me. I'm not going to shoot anyone, and I have pretty good aim." Actually, she did. Hours when she was younger watching her father hunt deer, and then when she got her liscens, made her accuracy brilliant. "Question is, how do we get it, without any holes in are vital organs?"
04-27-2011, 12:53 AM
Corina had been silently working a lot of things over in her head. The White robed girl might be a problem with her gun. It might be a problem, but they needed the gunpower. So if they got her to let it go who would carry it? She needed someone who was experienced with guns and she knew she could trust. Problem. She barely knew any of them. She herself knew how to use a gun, but being as she was the one stepping up as leader of their little group it would seem as though she was trying to be controling. Standing up she sighed.
"Hey guys," she called, "can I have everyone come over here for a minute. I want to talk to you all."
She knew it might not go over well that she was electing herself leader, but she knew if they voted they'd get no where. No one knew anyone. They'd all vote for the person they trusted most. Themself. Until they got to know eachother better she'd lead. Who knows maybe they'd vote her to stay as leader. No matter what though she had to be fair.
Sam figured that when Corina called everybody around that meant her as well and she scratched her head. She only thought about it for a moment and decided since Corina had been the one who really talked to her backing her as the leader didn't sound bad, she didn't have intention to and if this girl wanted to get them to band together she would help out as much as she could and if that meant standing up and gathering for a group conversation then it would be nothing.
She walked over next to Corina and looked at her with a smile on her face, "What did ya want to talk about?" she asked slouching slightly, her hands stuffed in the pockets of her pants and she was looking at the rest of the group she had joined. She wondered what they were all thinking, I mean it was anyones guess after all that had happened, not only the incident with the girl and her gun but this whole world in general, it made you wonder what they were thinking, what they had planned, what they were going to do. She herself just wanted to live, hopefully with other people, other than that she was just along for the ride at this point.
04-27-2011, 09:35 AM
"Yeah, I'm okay wi-" Adam's affirmation of Dakota's idea was cut short when Corina called the newly formed group to her. Adam agreed that the white robed woman shouldn't have so much power over the group and that taking her gun away would be a good course of action, he just wasn't sure how to go about doing that. He could probaby knock her out, but it was against his nature to hurt someone who trusted him, as much as a newly found survivor could, especially a woman.
"Hey guys, can I have everyone come over here for a minute. I want to talk to you all.
"We'll walk later." Adam said, moving towards Corina and the others with a last glance toward Dakota. Adam looked at Corina, eyes searching hers - looking for any indication as to what the issue was. Standing with the group, Adam tried to position himself as close to Bridget as he could - his eyes moving from her shotgun to Corina.
He waited, bare arms folded over his soggy shirt. He took the last drag of his cigarette and let it drop to the floor, boot heel crushing out the glowing embers on the tip.
"So yeah, what?" He said, eyes on Corina.
04-27-2011, 04:41 PM
Figuring that he was bound to be ignored anyway, Ryan watched Dakota and the Adam guy talk off to the side. The way they looked at the woman who named herself Breech practically screamed what they were talking about. He was about to join in, whether the liked it or not, but he was stopped when Corina called everyone over.
Grabbing his pack again, Ryan made his way over to the group and waited for the discussion to start. No doubt it would be about leadership or something along those lines. He personally figured either Corina or Dakota would be the leader types, but Dakota had that dog that might give her a little edge if put into a position of power... He wasn't necessarily judging her as someone who'd abuse power, so much as being his normal pessimistic self.
In any case, they needed to get moving. The sun was scorching now, at around midday, and if they wanted to do stuff before nightfall (a fool-hardy gesture in his mind, as night-time was a lot more effective with the absence of that deadly heat), then they needed to go ahead and start. In that state of mind, Ryan waited for someone to make the opening statement.
04-28-2011, 07:43 PM
Oh, now this was an easy way to see, and get on Dakota's bad side. No way in hell was there going to be a leader. Not now anyways, because no one could trust anyone. Maybe Dakota was more comfertable with Adam, or maybe Ryan; He seemed more concerned with the more important facts. Girls just fought like wild animals over leadership, and frankly, Dakota new that she wanted to be leader, if anyone was going to be controling her choices. She was too much of a ticking time bomb, and could easily explode at any moment.
Huffing, she balled her hands up into fist, and stalked over, but kept her distance from everyone, besides Dagger, who was alirt next to her side. "Before you start; if this is about some leader thing, I think we should start that stuff after we find shelter, or food. It's the middle of the day, and if we don't find anything, we might have to work, or try and start a fire in the middle of a down pour." Her eyes lifted up to the sky, where the storm clouds were dark, but bright with intencity. Above, it was still choaking hot, and if that was a cold front, nasty weather would be on it's way. Besides, Dakota wanted to put off the leadership crap for as long as they could. It wasn't the most exciting topic ever.
04-30-2011, 01:23 PM
"We don't need a leader," Breech spoke finally, after difficult silence, "We need to get moving."
The others looked at her. They had almost forgotten she was there.
"Stop this bickering," Breech sighed and climbed onto her dirt-bike, "It's both pointless and annoying. Like wondering whether to scratch your head when you've got two broken arms. If it's food or shelter you need, I know that about fifty miles north of this city there's a half-way point between here and the next city. A gas station. It could provide us with supplies, although I'm not sure if there's still any gas left. Regardless, that was where I was headed. There's a lot of dusty desert that way, though. My bike can handle it, but I don't know about your car."
05-01-2011, 02:15 AM
"You're both wrong," Corina sighed, "we do need a leader. Not to tell everyone what to do, but to make decisions for the benefit of us all. I'm not saying that the leader will tell everyone their job and when to do it. We just need someone to decide when an issue comes up that might be malicious to one of us but not to the others or vice versa. That's all I'm saying. Since we don't really know eachother very well though I'm going to lead. Temporarily. Once we get to know eachother better we can have a vote. I promise I'll be fair about this."
Corina gave a slight pause to end her proposal before begining the rest of what she had to say.
"I agree however that we need to get moving," she sighed, "I believe Breech's idea is best at the moment. The gas station will give is good cover and we can probably find something there to catch the rain that's coming. Not to mention since it is between cities there'll probably be more supplies there. If everyone agrees we should get moving. Night will be coming soon as we all know and I'd rather not be out here when the creatures come out."
corina looked to everyone feeling she'd proved he points and made herself heard. No doubt some wouldn't like that there was a leader, but someone would need to make decisions for the whole. Without a known leader everyone would still fend only for themselves.
05-01-2011, 03:08 AM
"To hell you're the leader." Dakota said angerly, her fist clentched together in irritation. "You can't just elect yourself the leader of a group of people, to decide big decisions. It's their lives too, and I frankly don't trust anyone enough, but myself about anything right now. I have no reason." Her words just made her more and more pissed off. Maybe the blonde would give her the gun, so she could shook this chick. At first she thought they'd get along. Yeah, that just went down the drain.
Huffing, Dakota continued. "Look, for now, I say we get some God damn shelter, then worry about getting a stupid leader. We don't need one this very second. It doesn't take one person to decide that we need shelter, food, and water." She said, calming down a bit. "So, can we just start walking, and discuss this when are stomachs aren't in pain from not geting anything to eat?"
05-01-2011, 02:41 PM
Adam grunted and took a few steps toward Dakota, standing just behind her. He felt closest to her, by far, and was beginning to trust her, so when the 'leader' conflict popped up, Adam didn't have much debate about who to follow.
"Alright, I don't really give a fuck - just hurry up so we can get moving." He said, arms folded, one foot tapping the ground.
Adam understood that there was probably going to be someone who insisted on the need for leadership and didn't fancy himself much of a guide, so he stood back and decided to let the others fight it out for themselves.
Adam told himself it didn't matter, he didn't really care, but back before the world went bad Adam had enjoyed leading groups. He was, though he wouldn't admit it to himself or anyone else, a natural leader.
"So, can we just start walking, and discuss this when our stomachs aren't in pain from not getting anything to eat?"
Adam slipped a grin and shrugged, but didn't move just yet. He wanted to see how this whole thing played out.
05-01-2011, 04:12 PM
"Fine," Corina sighed, "we'll discuss later. Let's get moving though. Breech you know the way right? Mind leading this bunch of hot heads there-oh right my bad. They dontnneed a leader mind showing them where it is?"
Corina hated how tersed she felt about this, but she hated when people couldn't see much past their own noses. Sighing she folded her arms over her chest and closed her eyes. She really didn't like hot headed people. Yes they didn't trust eachother, but she had just led them all to water. They should atleast be thankful. For all they knew she could have led them into an alley and gutted them all, and they thought she was wrong for taking up as leader until they could know eachother better?! So much for gratitude.
05-01-2011, 04:43 PM
As he had suspected, the topic had instantly went to the topic of leadership. And, as he suspected, Corina was the one who was vying for that power. Well, as limited as that was, considering she held nothing but his own pocket knife. Ryan smirked slightly at the sudden heat of the topic.
Yeah, there was definitely the fact that no one knew each other, and yeah, electing yourself leader was probably not going to get you any friends, but some semblance of leadership was needed here... What Ryan was surprised at was the plan Breech came up with. A trek all the way out of the city... How far did she say? Fifty miles?? Were they really about to try and walk fifty MILES in this heat? Did anyone pay attention here?
"Woah, woah, woah, woah, WOAH!! Wait a damn minute here," Ryan interjected after Corina pretty much gave up. He couldn't help but feel sorry that her idea was so completely rejected. She was just trying to help, as pointless as that might be in this world. "I could give a rat's ass about leadership, but are we really going to try and walk FIFTY miles before nightfall? It ain't happenin'. At the very least, we could find a suitable shelter on the edge of town before we head out for this miracle gas station, but we are not going to survive a fifty mile walk through desert, especially in the heat of the day."
He didn't offer an alternative. He knew anything he said would be ignored. Hell, he'd be surprised if they even stopped to consider the fact that fifty miles was too goddamn far, but who knew? He had to try, and he might just be the one to change their minds and keep them from dying of thirst in the desert. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. With a quick, searching look at Breech, he dropped back into his silence, his clothes already dry in the midday heat.
05-01-2011, 05:40 PM
Dakota made a frustrated growl at Ryan. "Does anyone listen here?" She asked no one in particular. This whole group thing may not work out after all. None of this was going down on how she hoped it would. The leadership thing got her irritated, and what Ryan sugested just set her off even more. "That's what I've been trying to say. There's no way in hell we can survive fifty miles without rest, food, shelter, or water. We just need to pick a place close by, and start from there." Her voice was a bit louder than nessicary, but she was pissed that no one was listening to her. God damn it. How hard was shuting your mouth, and listening up for this group? Especally when so many people just wanted to be leader. Was that the only stupid importance here? If so, she'd leave.
05-01-2011, 07:42 PM
"Again you ignore an important factor," Corina sighed attempting to qwell her roiling irritation, "Breech has a dirt bike which can carry atleast her and one other person, and Adam's truck with what little gas it has left can make most if not all of the fifty miles. We'd be there before the storm hit and before nightfall."
Corina stopped when she realized how snippy she was starting to sound. Taking a deep breath she let it out in a long frustrated sigh.
"Alright look," she said bluntly, "we're all tired, hungry, and hot. Let's just get in the vehicles and get going we can make it to the gas station and that's the best place to go. I know none of you like that I attempted to step up and lead you, but I don't see a single one of you coming up with any brilliant ideas of your own unless we all just want to split up now. Either way we all need something to eat and somewhere to stay. For now let's all just try and get along until we get there. After that we can figure everything out. Who's riding with Breech? Or are you all afraid that she's going to blow your head off?"
05-01-2011, 08:42 PM
Breech laughed, "It's only a dirt-bike," she pointed out, "I'd appreciate my passenger not weighing over 150lbs." She got on the bike and slapped its side like somebody might slap a horse, "We're working together now. As a team. Don't worry about the shotgun - I mean, I don't want to waste any shells. There's worse people than me out there."
05-01-2011, 10:01 PM
Adam couldn't help but laugh.
The group had dived into a pool of bickering and petty fighting, and Adam found it ridiculous that the idea of leadership would come up in a time like this. No one really needed anyone telling them what to do - he, and most probably everyone else, would stick with the group as long as it was beneficial. With the group he had safety in numbers and other skills he didn't possess - no one needed a set leader, at least in Adam's opinion.
And then there was the gas station.
"... and Adam's truck with what little gas it has left can make most if not all of the fifty miles."
He couldn't help but let out his loud laugh, folding his arms over his chest.
"Honey, if you can get that old fucker to go further than 10 miles I'll worship you as the best mechanic known to ..." Adam caught himself before he said man - there weren't very many of those left nowadays.
"Well, you know. It's not going anywhere, buddy. Heading to that station is a good idea, but there's no way we can walk there in a day." Adam laughed, folding his arms.
"But whatever, I'll try stay alive as long as I can."
05-03-2011, 10:11 PM
As soon as the word honey left Adam's mouth Corina's eyes narrowed angrily. When he was finished talking she took a step towards him and seemed to get just a bit taller.
"Two things," she hissed, "one"- this she punctuated with a hard punch to Adam's stomach- "don't ever call me honey. Two give me a few minutes and I'll have it go atleast eighty. Let's go."
Corina stomped off towards where she knew the truck was. If this was how things were going to go there were going to be some beatings in order.
05-12-2011, 05:41 PM
Smirking slightly at Corina's slight bit of violence, Ryan awaited retaliation from Adam. Well, not so much a fight as a well-thought retort. Or something. Staying quiet now, Ryan thought out his plan to himself. There was no way they could make it to the station before sundown... They'd have to stop for the night. That was Ryan's best element. No one else had a flashlight, at least.
Moving to lean against a building, Ryan switched his iPod back on and listened to more tunes ( He nodded slightly to the beat, but his mind was elsewhere. When the song changed (, he winced. Looking back at the group, he waited until all of them were looking elsewhere, then slipped into a nearby ally.
He looked down at his iPod, shaking his head. "Why do you have to taunt me like that..." He looked back to the ally entrance, making sure no one followed, then sat down against the brick wall. He propped his elbows on his knees and rested his head in his hands. He stared at the dragon around his neck and squeezed his eyes tight. No... You're not gonna cry here... There's no time for weakness..., he thought to himself.
05-12-2011, 07:53 PM
Adam's breath automatically exploded from his mouth - a physical response to the punch he'd just recieved. Despite that, Adam was laughing.
"Got some fire, ey, honey?" Adam said, eyes glinting ever so slightly. He didn't mean to cause conflict within the group, but Adam hated people who got upset about little things like pet-names and such. He realised that the others would most likely be upset with him, but he wasn't to worked up about that.
He wasn't usually so conflict-oriented, but he had become more aggrivated than was common for him - something that wasn't completely unfair. The world had changed, and Adam had changed with it.
Adam clenched and unclenched his stomach - the pain had subsided fairly quickly, although Corina definitely packed a mean punch. The glint in Adam's eye hadn't left yet, though. He still had his lust for a fight wandering around somewhere, and he wasn't sure if he'd be able to control it when it reappeared.
"Before we do anything stupid like head out to that gas station," Adam said, thumbing in the direction of the station. " I think we should make sure that's the best place to head off to."
05-12-2011, 10:30 PM
"Say that again," Corina growled, "and next time my fiery fist might be in your face. I suppose you have a point, though it isn't a stupid idea to get to the gas station. Is there anywhere else that we might go instead of the gas station?"
Corina sighed and glared angrily at Adam. He was starting to anger her. She might just have to make a point. Though she was starting to overreact a bit. It had just caught her by suprise. Honey had been her father's name for her. No one else was to call her that. She wouldnt be able to stand it. Not when it always reminded her of her father. Sitting down on the sidewalk she took a sip from her camel pack. They'd need to get going. Night would come soon and the storm along with it. They needed to be somewhere so they could catch the water. They had little time to continue wasting.
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