View Full Version : Pokemon:: Battle Aboard The S.S Anne! [U/C]

11-28-2009, 12:50 PM
Dear Pokemon/Trainer/Breeder/Professor/Fan

Congratulations! You have been invited to partake in the in a grand party on the the S.S Anne as the ship sails towards Johto. We ask that you bring your best Pokemon with you and welcome you to our magnificent Pokemon salons and daycare that are being set up for for this very voyage as we speak. We hope to see you there!


Many thought that after the downfall of Team Rocket more than five years ago was the last they would ever see or hear of them. What they didn't know was that Team Rocket was plotting, waiting for their chance to reclaim their former glory

It's the day of all days, the day you join the ranks of other highly recognized trainers, breeders, and coordinators and travel aboard the S.S. Anne like many of the great ones before you. What you don't know is that it's all nothing but a lie. Team Rocket has taken over the S.S. Anne and plan to steal pokemon and take all aboard hostage. They plan to regain what they lost all those years ago. Only time will tell if the pokemon do-gooders have what it takes to get along and put Team Rocket back into the shadows of everyone's mind.


Map of the S.S. Anne:


Character Name:
Info: (Bio, personality, etc. At least a paragraph please.)
Role: (Gym Leader, Trainer, Breeder, Etc.)
In Team:
Appearance: (Link, or detailed description please.)
Other Info:
Font Color:


No how much we hate them, they do keep society running

My rules for this roleplay are pretty simple. Literacy is a must, when I say you must be literate I don't mean you need to be absolutely perfect but I would prefer it if you could write at least a paragraph and keep an eye on your spelling and grammar. I would really prefer not to see a whole armada of one-liners so try to save them for real cases of writer's block. You may play a maximum of six characters though this number might change if I see fit. The basic rules also apply here such as no godmodding, flaming or powerplaying. To apply please fill out a character skeleton and post it here, I'll get to you A.S.A.P. And most importantly have fun.

11-28-2009, 03:54 PM
Oh I haven't done a Pokemon roleplay in a while. I'll try and have a character up later today.

11-28-2009, 04:41 PM
Pokémon RP? Sign me up!

Username: Danijel
Character Name: Philip Lejinad
Age: 14

Info: Philip was born and raised in Vermilion City. He couldn't have a Pokémon of his own, reasons for that would be his mother thinking a Pokémon in the house would only cause mess. But his family did had Chatot, but an excuse for him is that Chatots can be taught to be neat.
So for years he watched other kids have Pokémons they wanted while he had none he wanted. So at his current age he decided for a 'stunt'. He'll run away from his house and head toward Pallet Town, where a PokéProfessor was residing and was hoping he'd get his first Pokémon there and maybe start out as a trainer.
So, after he packed all travelling necessities he snuck out, took buses and made some walks, he finally reached Pallet Town. There he obtained his first Pokémon, Squirtle. So after some travelling he caught Spearow who evolved to Fearow, male Nidoran who evolved into Nidorino, caught a Drowzee near his hometown who evolved into Hypno and also managed to catch sleeping Snorlax.
From his travel he managed to only obtain 4 badges so far before coming to S.S.Anne.

Philip is a jolly and friendly person, often not much talkative.

Hometown: Vermilion City
Badges: Thunder Badge, Boulder Badge, Cascade Badge, Marsh Badge
Role: Trainer

In Team:
- Wartotle
- Fearow
- Nidorino
- Hypno
- Snorlax

- Chatot - a family parrot Pokémon

Appearance: Philip is 175cm tall, weighs 70kg and has a chubby physique. His eyes are brown, his head is round shaped and he has a low-cut brown hair. He has a small hump on his nose that he got from once wearing glasses, he also has a noticeable mole under his right eye.
His clothing of choice is white t-shirt, black hooded vest over it, dark green pants, white low-tops shoes and blue fingerless glove only on his right hand.

Other Info: In Pokémon battles Philip sometimes uses codes for his Pokémon's attacks to confuse the other trainer and leave his Pokémon open for an oncoming attack.
Some of the examples are: "Slap it!" for Fearow's Wing Attack, "Take five." for Snorlax's Rest, "Go with moist!" for Wartotle's Water Gun, etc.

Font Color: White

11-28-2009, 04:57 PM
Grrr, just finished mine and the power went out. Mine will be up in a bit.

11-28-2009, 07:11 PM
Username: Lerouge

Character Name: Kiosis Lemmings

Age: 16

Info: Kiosis has been a trainer for 3 years, a late bloomer because he took his time passing the Pokemon Trainer's school as a boy. He took the gym challenge in Johto and could barely gather 4 badges before losing miserably to Sabrina with his Ralts. He took the time after that to learn how to become a breeder, making a well known name for himself in the region. However, even though he was now considered a breeder by most, in his heart he wanted nothing more to be a trainer and secretly continue his journey so he trained in private waiting until the day he was strong enough.

Kiosis' personality is a combination of a joker and a loner stuck in a confused mind. He is normally very quiet and kept to himself, spending most of his time playing on a harmonica he carries with him at all times but when placed in a crowd he changes himself completely. He becomes this confident trainer who thinks to himself that he cannot lose even when most of his battles end in him losing. His confidence is what keeps him going as a trainer and because he believes that his Pokemon deserve a trainer worthy of their strength.

His mind is very untrusting of others in difficult situations, and he is always the one to pick the smallest amnormalities from any moment. Carefully analyzing each step before he takes it makes Kiosis become annoying cautious, which can be both a blessing and punishment as a Pokemon trainer.

Hometown: Vermillion City

Badges: Boulder, Cascade, Thunder, Rainbow

Role: Trainer + Breeder

Pokemon In Team: Ralts, Umbreon, Bulbasaur

Other: N/A

Appearance: http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa65/singh2266/Image-1.png

Other Info: His eye's aren't actually red, they are brown.

Font Color: Cyan

Pastel Apathy
11-28-2009, 08:12 PM
Username: Panda Goddess
Character Name: Raine Itsuki
Age: 15
Info: Raine is a fun loving girl who sometimes has a hard time focusing on the task at hand. She is rarely sad, and has trouble being serious, though she is if it is needed. She is an optimist who never looks on the dark side of things. If something bad happens to her, she moves on and looks to the future. Though, beware of her temper because, although she looks innocent, when angered, she makes even Team Rocket look cuddly. She is merciless when angered, and throws verbal insults like daggers. Her temper is hard to ignite, and rarely seen.

Her battle style is rather odd, and unpredictable, so no one really has any way of knowing what her next move will be. It's sometimes a fast battle, where she'll whip out her strongest pokemon and immediately win, and sometimes she'll play around a bit first, before crushing her opponent. Because she is so hard to predict in battle, this makes her a hard enemy to defeat, because she never uses the same style twice.

Raine was born to a lovely couple who loved each other and Raine very much. Her mother was a Trainer and Gym Leader, and her father was a Pokemon breeder. When Raine was growing up, she was always surrounded by pokemon because of her parents occupations in the pokemon world. She grew to love all sorts of pokemon, her favorite being Dragon and fire types. When she was 10, she received her first pokemon, which happened to be a fire type pokemon, Blaziken from her mother. She quickly set out on her journey to the Kanto region, catching some pokemon on her way there. After getting all the badges from the region, she quickly set off to join the championships. She got to the final battle, where she was defeated by a trainer with slightly stronger pokemon. She shrugged and smiled, quickly setting off for her home town again. Once there, she heard about the S.S Anne, and inquired about it before deciding she didn't overly care to go. But a few days later, an invitation to the ship arrived in her mail box, and she figured since she had been invited, she'd go. Hey, she had nothing better to do for a while, and had been wanting to go to the Johto region for a while now.
Hometown: Hearthome
Badges: Boulder, Cascade, Thunder, Rainbow, Soul, Marsh, Volcano, Earth.
Role: Trainer.
In Team: Blaziken
Appearance: Standing at 5'4", this girl has dyed her hair bright pink, and has hazel eyes that somewhat, resembles unpolished gold. Her hair cascades to her mid-back with bangs that angle over her right eye when not brushed to the side. Raine is not very curvy, but instead has a figure fit for a dancer.She is usually found in cute sun dresses during the summer, and the cutest fashions fit for fall, winter, and spring.
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/Rei_sama/Anime%20girls/Taikou3.jpg(Except eyes are hazel)
Other Info: Raine is training to one day, take over the gym that her mother runs. Raine was originally a brunette, but dyed her hair pink. Some of her pokemon are weaker than others, such as her dragonair, and heatran.
Font Color: Magenta

11-28-2009, 08:33 PM
I've never done a Pokemon RP, so I am so in.

Username: nonangelic92

Character Name: Whitney Mowers

Age: 17

Info: Born and raised by parents who taught her to love nature and appreciate life, Whitney has always been a tree hugging, activist fighting for those who can't speak for themselves. Whitney has always had a love for Pokemon, especially the water and earth type. So when Whitney got her first Pokemon, she was so happy to finally beable to explore the world, or so she thought til her father put a restriction on her travelings til she turned 16. Now she is out and about, and read for some action.

Personality: Whitney is fun, witty, and quite a talker. She loves a good laugh every now and then, and can be sarcastic at times.

Hometown: Evergrande in the Hoenn Region.

Badges: Rain, Balance, Earth

Role: Trainer

In Team:
Chikorita - Chika
Shaymin - Chey
Roserade - Rose
Prinpulp - Pini
Sealeo - Silio
Octillery - Octty

Other: Her very first pokemon was a Chikorita, and she never leaves her side.

Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/hyper%20anime/scorpioncat13/Random%20anime/happy.jpg?o=23

Other Info: She is a vegan

Font Color: Orange

11-28-2009, 09:51 PM
Username: mere
Character name: Trent Antonis
Age: 15

Info: Trent was raised in Pallet Town, a successful Breeder and assistant to Professor Oak. He was very interested in how he could breed two different Pokémon to create a new Pokémon but he could never get it correct. He was a brilliant young genius, but grew bored of being stuck in a lab all day and decided to move on. After catching his first own Pokémon, a Lickitung, he began to grow attached to battling with it and dropped his role of being a breeder. After traveling to town after town, he heard about the S.S Anne and decided to check it out.

Trent is often sarcastic and mean in situations, ignoring others opinion on things. Because of this, he isn’t the most liked person, and people tend to stay away from him. He is most likely left out by people, not wanting to deal with his ignorance.

Hometown: Pallet Town

Badges: Water. Earth. Fire.

Role: Trainer. Ex-Breeder.

Pokémon in team: Lickitung, Houndour and Cranidos.

Other: N/A

Appearance: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h97/Fair_One_Of_The_Last_Dusk/Male%20Anime/Anime.jpg

Font: Green

11-28-2009, 10:56 PM
Username: Tranzo
Character Name: Elise Mary Charide
Age: 10

Info: Elise Mary Charide is a young, wealthy girl from a prominent family involved in...food. Yup, food. People always seem to misunderstand Elise's background when they understand that people can be wealthy without interacting actively with Pokemon. Her family runs a mass chain of supermarkets, occasionally restaurants, and even local farms. Even though they're wealthy, Elise isn't a big spender. She buys expensively when she does, but it's usually the simple things. She thinks Pokemon should be friends not tools or items in an innocent way, although she has traded Pokemon. Of course, this was partly because she couldn't understand how to make her Pokemon happy and thought only the best for it. She is infectiously happy and naive, but she is competent enough that her parents allow her almost full access to her wealth and allow her to travel on her own...granted she give them a video call every week to check in. She gives nicknames to her Pokemon, although she'll call them by their natural names as well.

Hometown: Lilycove City

Badges/Ribbons: Normal, Super, and Hyper Rank Cool Ribbons for Altaria, Normal, Super, and Hyper Rank Tough Ribbons for Marowak, Normal, Super, and Hyper Rank Beauty Ribbons for Milotic, Normal and Super Rank Smart Ribbons for Kadabra, Normal and Super Rank Cute Ribons for Clefairy.

Role: Contest Lover
ID Card: http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/3426/977c94151c705d51726b484.png

In Team:
Altaria / "Angel"
Clefairy / "Peach"
Milotic / "Silk"
Kadabra / "Lane"
Marowak / "Ware"

Other: Seeing as Elise doesn't catch her pokemon, each one was obtained in an unusual way. Her first was befriending a Marowak during a family visit to Lavender Town where a population of Cubones and Marowaks lived. After her family understood she had a connection with them, they gave her a Milotic and Oddish as presents. She traded her Oddish for a Clefairy, and after helping an Abra get enough rest to evolve, she obtained her Kadabra. Altaria was given to her by a trainer who thought, after seeing her win a Hyper Rank Tough match with her Marowak, she would raise her better than he. In this way, she now has five Pokemon, each one raised for a different Pokemon Contest type.

Appearance: http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc287/KonekoChild/Anime/6bd48231.jpg

Other Info: She has a huge aversion to battle, although her Pokemon have battled against her wishes to protect her on more than one occasion. She does know how to battle, and she will now in a worst case scenario, but she will only actively participate if her Pokemon actively engage themselves.

11-29-2009, 02:18 AM
Character Name:Alaric Roemer
Info:As a boy Alaric loved watching the town gym leader and the television whenever they would show Pokemon. Like most kids his age he was ecstatic to get his first Pokemon, he chose a charmander for his love of fire pokemon. He went through his first couple battles on adrenaline not strategy. By the time he came to his third gym his Pokemon would not listen to him. He didn't understand why, until he saw exactly how rough he actually treated his Pokemon. He helped them get better and groomed them better and planned a strategy and won the battle better than the others. As he took care of his Pokemon and won the next two badges he realized he wasn't having as much fun with his Pokemon but instead was having fun outside the battle with his Pokemon. When he heard about breeders he knew it was for him and quit the battles and now works on breeding. He is very headstrong and air headed, he jumps into things without thinking them through to the consequences or rewards. If he likes something he will go through with it in a heartbeat. What most consider rude, he considers joking especially when he doesn't hold his tongue.
Hometown: Cinnabar Island
Badges:Volcano, Thunder, Rainbow, Soul, Boulder
Role: Breeder, Ex-trainer
In Team:
Charizard, Growlithe, Flareon
Vulpix, Beedrill, Cubone, Gyarados
Other Info:Sorry girls he's gay but hides it really well
Font Color:Red

11-29-2009, 02:24 AM
Everyone is accepted. The IC thread will be up either tonight or tomorrow and I added in the rules to the first post since I had to rush out before finishing the thread this morning.

11-29-2009, 02:25 AM
okay awesomeness thank you Soquira for making this RP your make favorite person on here *shhh dont let others know*

11-29-2009, 02:28 AM
It'll be our little secret. :p *Shifty look around* Nobody heard that.

11-29-2009, 02:30 AM
Fixed my sheet. Also, nice avi!

11-29-2009, 02:30 AM
Exactly, I c ant wait to do this RP, im so excitied

11-29-2009, 02:31 AM
why is everyone younger then me? :'(

11-29-2009, 02:39 AM
Saixela is the same age as you.

11-29-2009, 02:43 AM
Oh I didnt see that, yay coolness. But I think we need more guys, especially ones like Brock cuz he makes me laugh

11-29-2009, 02:50 AM
Hey are we still accepting? This would so be a guilty pleasure for me. Oh and how far are we going? Are we using them all?

11-29-2009, 02:52 AM
Wow. I'm the only one who's not a real trainer. o.o;

Then again, my person only uses Pokeballs to ensure no one can recapture hers. So I guess I'm just the awkward person here.

11-29-2009, 02:55 AM
its okay Tranzo I still love u

11-29-2009, 03:02 AM
We're still accepting. And at first, I debated only using the first two generations of Pokemon but I think it'll be all right if we use all of them.

11-29-2009, 03:04 AM
Glad to be in. No matter how long ago It was I love pokemon.

11-29-2009, 04:51 AM
Character Name:Samuel or Sam Domino
Info: An intellegent man that is considered rude because he tell is as he sees it. He is quite the lady's man when he wants to be whowever. He is ruthless during a pokemon battle believing that a trainer can not reach a true connection with his/her pokemon until they have met the harshest conditions possible. He likes surfing and is often seen out on the breakers early in the morning. He settled down with his grandparents and took over the Trovita Gym after Rudy left to polish his skills elsewhere. If Sam is not at the Gym or out on the water, he is at his "ailing" grandparents resturant. His grandparents own the Shining Shell, which is a small local diner that is said to have the best hotdogs and chili fries around.
Hometown:Rustboro City
Badges: Stone Badge, Knuckle Badge, Dynamo Badge, Heat Badge, Balance Badge, Feather Badge, Mind Badge, Rain Badge, Coral-Eye Badge, Sea Ruby Badge, Spike Shell Badge.
Role: Trovita Gym Leader
In Team:Sableye(Sable), Tropius, Blaziken, Cloyster, Metang, Electabuzz
Other: Ninetales, Roselia, Medicham, Flygon, Aggron, Onix, Gengar, Kingdra, Sneasel, Dustox, Ninjask, Jolteon, Zangoose, Ambipom
Appearance: http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj192/sunfiretlz/anime/HotAnimeGuy3.jpg

Click (http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20guns/sunfiretlz/anime/HotAnimeGuy3.jpg?o=400)

Other Info:
Most of the time Sable is out of the pokeball

11-29-2009, 04:53 AM
Other: Atleast two of every type of pokemon because of challenge.


Ok, I'm going to call this one way too spectacular to be true. I mean, if it were the video game, sure, but seriously, that's a bit tough. >_>

11-29-2009, 04:53 AM
finally a guy who is older then me yay

11-29-2009, 04:56 AM
The Orange league Challenge for the Spike shell badge is the Same Type Challenge. That is why I say two of very type. That is not a lot of pokemon. Most have 2 combined types.

Am I in?

11-29-2009, 04:59 AM
um idk the GM hasnt approved yet

11-29-2009, 04:59 AM
The Orange league Challenge for the Spike shell badge is the Same Type Challenge. That is why I say two of very type. That is not a lot of pokemon. Most have 2 combined types.

Oh. I misunderstood in your profile. I thought you meant you had two of every single Pokemon. xP

11-29-2009, 05:02 AM
Oh. I misunderstood in your profile. I thought you meant you had two of every single Pokemon. xP
How could you carry that may Pokeballs?

11-29-2009, 05:03 AM
yah that would be a bleep-load of pokemon considering there are over 400 pokemon now.

They would have to be in the storage system. Even then it would be beyond maxed out.

11-29-2009, 03:38 PM
I'm going to accept it and Mere the Pokemon could be withdrawn from a PC maybe?

11-29-2009, 05:20 PM
The rest besides the 6 I have are chillin' at my gym.

11-29-2009, 07:37 PM
Username: xX Fairywitch Xx
Character Name: Soquira Annette Valisari
Age: Sixteen
Info: The only child of two Pokemon breeders, Soquira was raised to be one like her parents. The difference between her and her parents being she developed an interest in battling and one of her goals is to become a gym leader. While she loves breeding she finds that the task can be rather dull and prefers to do so on the side. Her first Pokemon was the family's pet Pichu which was taken in when she was three years old. Her father allowed her to take care of the Pokemon as her own when she was five, after it had evolved into a Pikachu.

She spent most of her childhood with her Pikachu and though she never formally nicknamed it she sometimes refers to her now Raichu as 'Chu.' Most of the other kids in her neighborhood were jealous that she was able to receive her first Pokemon so early. She never really considered the idea of battling with the Pikachu until she wandered into the Pokemon Tower (a couple of years before it was converted into the Kanto Radio Tower,) when she was seven with a group of friends. The children were confronted by Ghost pokemon as Gastly and Haunter. While it did turn out the ghosts only wanted to play the children were frightened and without really thinking Soquira instructed her Pikachu to use it's thunder shock attack without really thinking about it. After fleeing the scene the children all hurried home as quickly as possible to get away from the tower and out of the rain.

When she got home she didn't waste anytime before telling her mother the story and while her mother chided her for going into the tower in the first place her father congratulated her on winning her first battle. A few days later he would bring the subject again and tell her that while he wasn't a fan of battling he would help her learn if she would like to. She agreed and from that point on, though it could have been considered an early start she began to catch other pokemon and raise them. She didn't really begin to worry about breeding Pokemon until the age of thirteen when her mother pointed out that she seemed to have quite a collection. Not long after that Soquira left home to begin collecting gym badges and so far only has managed to obtain five, having come across multiple distractions.

Hometown: Lavender Town
Trainer Card with Badges and Pokemon:
Role: Pokemon Trainer and Breeder

Other: (Well as a breeder she ought to have more..)

Mr. Mime
Several Gastly.

Appearance: http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c210/Aelita411/5550555.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v618/Luckytiger/Random%20Anime/Girls/Blonde%20and%20Orange%20Hair/32a568d2.jpg
Other Info: N/A

11-29-2009, 08:47 PM
Username: Soquira
Character Name: Michiru Reyann Kurosaki
Age: Nineteen
Info: To say the least Michiru has done a lot of traveling in her nineteen years. Born and raised in Ecruteak City for several years she never really saw herself leaving until she got out on her own. However after her birth her parents were constantly fighting and while the two did try to make things work for their daughter's sake it didn't last for long. Michiru continued to live with her father after the divorce while her mother returned to her hometown of Maikan Island. Her father unfortunately could not hold down a job and the two moved around often, eventually settling in nearly all of the towns and cities within Johto. The two reached Kanto and stayed for a short while in Pallet Town before moving on to Cerulean City and then finally Celadon City. Surprisingly her father was able to hold down a job at the Celadon Department Store. Michiru attended classes on Pokemon at the Gym and received her first Pokemon and Oddish from the Gym Leader, Erica.

When she was eleven she took off for Johto preferring a familiar setting to begin her journey as Kanto still seemed far to foreign. She and her Pokemon did run across many bumps along the way but finally with her team of Pokemon she challenged each Gym successfully. (Though she did have to battle the Goldenrod Gym twice, and the Mahogany Gym four times.) At the age of fifteen she traveled to the Orange archipelago to visit her mother on Maikan Island. There she learned her mother had taken over the gym because the previous leader had left, and her mother offered her the chance to train at the Gym. She did so and her mother told her that once she could beat her she would be able to take her place as thr Gym leader. However her mother would not battle her then.

She left to train more and when she returned home to Celadon City a few months later she was shocked to find her father in a hole he did not seem capable of climbing out of. He had become an obsessive gambler and lost more money than he had at the slot machines and had developed a drinking problem. Bill collectors called daily as did others he owed money. Seeing this caused Michiru to decide to stay home and help her father get back on his feet.

She worked for a year without any real progress and was heard venting to a friend of hers at the local game corner where her father had lost everything. This friend tried to comfort her and when she had calmed down he began to tell her about Team Rocket whom she had heard little of before. At first she was hesitant at the idea of joining but if it helped to clear her father's debts it couldn't be too bad. While the group was still disbanded no clear leader had been chosen yet, Michiru didn't hesitate to take command of the grunts around her and rose through the ranks quickly. She now is ranked as an Executive with several others and holds a considerable amount of influence in the group's activities. She did finally beat her mother and take over the Maikan Gym while her mother left to train. She is rarely at the gym and has several assistants who run things while she is away. When she is there she does provide a considerable challenge with Cissy's race and a three on three Pokemon battle.

Hometown: Ecruteak City, Johto
Badges and Pokemon:
Role: Maikan Island Gym Leader and Team Rocket Executive
(Pokemon)Other: (These remain at the gym and if she needs them elsewhere she has one of her assistants there send them via PC)

Mr. Mime

Appearance: http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn267/foolkinglear/GEISHA.jpg
Other Info: Nothing for the moment.

11-29-2009, 08:56 PM
I am like SpongeBob right now.

"I'm Ready, I'm Ready....................."

11-29-2009, 09:02 PM
Lol, well the IC thread is up for whenever you guys have a chance to post. :)

I'm vanishing for a bit but I'll be back with a post soon~

11-29-2009, 09:08 PM
"Pikemon"? >.>

11-29-2009, 09:18 PM
Woops. My bad. xD

Pastel Apathy
11-29-2009, 10:20 PM
I'm making another Character. Is it ok if she's an Elite four person from Hoenn? It would make a good twist, no?

11-29-2009, 10:46 PM
That would be perfectly fine~

Pastel Apathy
11-30-2009, 12:15 AM
Username: Panda Goddess
Character Name: Hinata Kobayashi
Age: 22
Info: Hinata is a serious girl whom has trouble relaxing. She's tense and cautious, almost paranoid one could say. She's quiet, and speaks when needed, and she's often considered mean for she is blunt, and tells the truth. Hinata is a person with whom you can tell your problems to, and not have to worry about them leaking out, as well as getting advice from her if you're lucky enough. She rarely speaks to those who annoy her, and almost every sentence from her mouth is sarcastic. She is also dark, cynical and an extremely intelligent woman who seems to be psychic.

At least, that's how she appears to strangers. When around friends, she's kind and caring, and she considers her words carefully. Hinata is a woman who loves to help her friends out whenever possible, and has scarily accurate predictions of what is to come out of a situation that someone is in. She has been known to predict future events before they happen, and her gut feelings tell her when something is very wrong. Hinata is an intelligent individual who knows a lot about breeding and training pokemon.

When being challenged to a battle, she becomes totally different than either side of her. She becomes giddy, almost like she's on a battling high. She uses her pokemon in a different order every battle, and she prefers to use Psychic and Dark types of pokemon. She can usually sense how strong the bond is between her challenger and their pokemon is, and if it's a strong bond, she'll become more relaxed and laid back in her battling style. If it's a weaker bond, one that is strictly 'Pokemon are useless if they are weak(one like paul's attitude in the beginning)' then she'll become more serious, and give the trainer a quick battle ending with her as the winner. She dislikes those who think that pokemon are useless if they are not strong.
Hometown: Evergrand City, Hoenn
Role: Elite Four member + Breeder
In Party: ~ Absol / Abby
~ Jinx
~ Metagross / Shiny / Mecha
~ Alakazam / Zam-Zam
~ Houndoom / Hounder
~ Weavile / Weaver
Too many to count that remain at her Lab(due to her breeder side).
Appearance: http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc277/the_overlord_of_chaos/572.jpg (Please ignore the chains and stuff in her hands)
Other Info: Abby was Hinata's first and favorite pokemon, followed closely by her weavile which was her second pokemon. Jinx is her most recently caught and trained pokemon.
Font Color: Crimson.

There's my second character. Took forever to do. T_T

11-30-2009, 12:50 AM
Perfect. :)

Pastel Apathy
11-30-2009, 01:02 AM
Yay! Thank you! I worked my ass off on that profile and I think it showed through. The personality is really in depth, which is not something I usually do. But yay! I did try my best on this character. <3

11-30-2009, 02:11 AM
yah totally unlike me.

11-30-2009, 02:33 AM
I'm not sure if I should join. Must, resist, I'm already in three RP's that are going fairly slow but they may pick up so I'm not sure. I'll sleep on it and may have a character sheet up if you still are accepting.

11-30-2009, 02:47 AM
All right, I'll be accepting for awhile if you decide you're willing~

11-30-2009, 03:04 AM
;hysteria;Hypno, be a pal and hypnosis please.


*mysterious voice*

You will joooiiiiinnnnn uuussssssss.

Sweet your, Hoenn Elite Four, Ms. Panda . *evil grin*

11-30-2009, 10:19 PM
Username: DB Wolf
Character Name: Jonathan McCarthy
Age: 17

Info: Jonathan is more of a loner. He loves each of his pokemon but the only one he keeps out at all times is his poochyena, which he decided to name Dante. He became a trainer at the age of fourteen when his brother gave him a poochyena, which he just recently bred, and asked him to join him on his journey. At first Jonathan just battled but never took part in getting any badges. After a while began catching pokemon and training them until he reached the amount he has now; and that's when he finally began getting badges. The first town he and his brother stopped by to get a badge was pewter city where he recived the Boulder badge. He then moved split up with his brother to go get badges in the closest towns. He earned two other badges before he got a letter to come aboard the S.S Anne.

Hometown: Saffron City


Role: Trainer
In Team: Poochyena, Quilava, Totodile, Sandshrew
Other: None
Appearance: http://api.ning.com/files/q5-3HBDfZNYFwwPH3TL9BFzfgVg82z0wPubRDBNmwfvO9sMHqwtg6 DFxHkzqC4WPnIICNiUWluDDtfJzBJXn7dEKXlY009Hc/AnimeGothGuy.jpg
Other Info: Dante (his poochyena) loves sitting on his head. Jonathan always wears a suit and tie because of personal taste
Font Color: Yellow

11-30-2009, 10:38 PM
you picture is messed up.

11-30-2009, 10:57 PM
Okay, I'm trying to fix it


11-30-2009, 11:04 PM
DB hunni Im in 4 or 5 active Rps and 3-4 slow ones, so just be like thomas the train and say i thik i can I think I can.

11-30-2009, 11:18 PM
I already posted my sheet. It's just that in the site I RPed in before this, being in more than three RP's needed alot of time on your part. All of them went pretty fast. I remember one reached ten pages in one day, each page was twenty posts.

Anyway, can't wait to see if I'm accepted.

11-30-2009, 11:21 PM
dang. yeah on the old site I was in Zombieland, and there was so many post i couldnt keep up, so i just quite.

11-30-2009, 11:29 PM

The example I posted was just one of the extreme ones. The rest were still pretty fast though. PM me if you're going to respond to this. Don't want to clutter this up with off-topic talk.

12-01-2009, 12:10 AM
Accepted. :)

12-01-2009, 12:49 AM
What's the font color for? I see that only some characters are using it when they speak.

12-01-2009, 01:07 AM
I accidentally left that on when I copied from the profile for another roleplay of mine on a different site and when I've tried to edit posts it hasn't gone through.

12-01-2009, 01:56 AM
My post is up! Took me a while.

12-01-2009, 02:06 AM
I accidentally left that on when I copied from the profile for another roleplay of mine on a different site and when I've tried to edit posts it hasn't gone through.

Oh, so we don't need a font color? Hallelujah. *edits his post*

12-01-2009, 09:47 AM
Dude making your own trainer card is awesome sauce. I took the idea from the people that already did theirs.

Oh and does anyone mind if I beat the daylights out of an NPC character? My dude wants to battle so... Yes....No? He is a Gym Leader after all.

12-01-2009, 09:14 PM
Soquira: Will you let us know when the boat is going to depart? I'm waiting till someone mentions it leaving before posting again.

Exaclibur: I am sure you can battle someone and beat them up as long as it's not someone else's character or anything.

12-05-2009, 04:56 AM
Sorry for not posting, been an imaginative loss lately, but I'm working on one now.

12-08-2009, 10:06 AM
You still working on one mere?

I am going to fill out the rest of my Char sheet with the other pokemon I have.

Filled out. 20 total. Including the ones in my party.

spirits breath
12-09-2009, 12:10 AM
hmm. not sure how many people you got. let me know if you need someone else via pm. but a list of 20 pokemon? holy crap. I only know two of the second generation, otherwise I would have four or five first generation and one or two second. Though, note I may have very little idea who the heck most of your pokemon are.

I might battle you, but mabie.

12-09-2009, 03:12 PM

Guiness Book Of World Records:Largest Pokemon Collection.

spirits breath
12-09-2009, 08:32 PM
I will try and get something up. when you are kept awake thinkking of pokemon names...yea.

Username: Spirits Breath

Character Name: Kyle Crowley

Age: 19

Info: He was grown up much like everyone else, a little kid with pokemon who were kind enough to look down as they walked. His mother had a few meowths around the house, and a evee that was more of a pet to Kyle. His father was a bit different, always training with his pokemon, mabie trying to compete against a machoke while lifting weights or something. He was an avid battler, picking fights with anyone who walked down the street.
Kyle however. Well he was put into the trade of battling from his dad by force. Using his fathers other half of pokemon, to make it fair game, they spent days with these battles. When he turned sixteen, he felt to urge to be like his mother, not a battle crazed goon. His reasoning was that he would rather have pokemon that he could actually do more with than battle. Ever let them try cooking something for a change? Looks odd, but hey it tastes...ok.
He left to pursue his own goals, his parents giving him some money to go out and not come back untill he had five badges. Well his dad anyway. His mother slipped him her pokedex and spoke nothing of it.
LEtting evee chose, he ended up with vaporeon. and gradually learned to fear the water while she was in there.
The tales of how he got his other pokemon, well thats for the IC.

Hometown: Comet Town

Badges: Lets try he has his water badge?

Role: Trainer, and like that kid who is too much of levelness with their pokemon

In Team: Kahngastan- Female-normal
Vaporeon- Female-water

Other: Being with them for some time, well Kanhgaston and vaporeon for the longest, the rest came by over the past two years. Sex was a hard thing to figure out, mainly by nurse joy did he find out, though she does creep him out a little.

Appearance: Wearing a Navy Blue jacket, and a pair of sand colored cargo shorts. A black backpack hangs over one shoulder as a sling. His shoes are black with a few burn marks in them.
His has white, slightly tanned skin. His hair is short, hanging down along his head, not spiked. He has light body hair, save the few patches of hair that is non-existant on his legs. His eyes are blue, and a freckle free face is there as well.

Other Info: His backpack contains a pokedex buried by different types of pokemon food, those square fruit things. He has a few bottles of water, and some dry food for himself. He has as a cover, an extra pair of clothes, and a toothbrush.

12-10-2009, 05:45 AM
Kangaskan is a normal type and Female ONLY. Comet Town does not exist, but I don't think that matters.

You can make your trainer card here.


spirits breath
12-10-2009, 11:30 AM
alright thanks. will have to wait 2 hours, school canceled and well. back to sleep. then wait to be accepted.

12-14-2009, 01:19 AM
Just letting everybody know that I'm not abandoning the thread. I'm kind of busy with exams, and random things but I'll try to have a post up soon.

And Spirit, I'm going to accept you. :)

12-14-2009, 01:25 AM
yah exams suck, and Mine start tommorrow!

spirits breath
12-14-2009, 02:12 AM
I can sort of say the same. had three AP tests in a week with two of them in a day. not the same. hmm, going to try and get a post up sometime within the next day or two. as well as read the IC to figure out where to start off.

12-14-2009, 08:09 PM
My most recent post is a collab with Danijel.

12-14-2009, 08:35 PM
Yes! Exams are over for me! I'll get a post up today, sorry it took so long.

01-05-2010, 04:25 PM
If you are still in need of players don't forget that you can submit your rp to be show cased as Rp Of The Week! (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=905)