View Full Version : The Warp and its Creatures

04-18-2011, 01:24 AM
Seeing as this is a more fantasy based world building section. I would like to propose what could be best described as demons. By definition, these creatures would have supernatural abilities, which of course be scientifically theoretical, but at the same time not currently possible. If you are a fan of Warhammer 40k, you would see how I am drawing from that.

The Warp, at least in this proposal, would be the vast distances between stars and galaxies. In this null space, I propose that there be negative energy, constantly forming, and collapsing in on itself due to its unstable nature. The only reason this existence could function is because it is not in contact with actual matter. However, if you were to go to light speed, you would zip this anti-matter with no problem. However, you would create waves of null energy in front of your ship, clearing a path behind you. If a particular path was to be traveled frequently, it would form a pathway of sorts. Ships would go significantly faster on these paths.

Travel of the interstellar highways would be dangerous. Upon contact with matter, the Warp would react violently, and explosively. The sudden compaction of anti-matter would reach a critical level, coalescing into a totally new, more stable form of anti-matter. This new object could take any form, even a living being. This being would be extremely powerful, being made of pure anti-energy. It would be able to sustain itself in the world of matter, though the area around it would shift grotesquely. I would propose that these beings would be very violent, seeking to destroy everything around them.

The solution to these beings would be to supply a sufficient amount of real energy to them. A concentrated burst of plasma would be able to harm the being, maybe scratching it if you were lucky. It would take something truly powerful to destroy these beings. One protection would be for ships to project and energy field around themselves during transit, not allowing these beings to enter. Otherwise, it would take a being with the ability to harness pure energy. In accordance, I propose that certain individuals, maybe one in three million, of any species, would be able to harness the energy of the world around them for various purposes. One of these would be to cast a bolt of pure energy at the being. If both the Warp creature and Master of Reality were in close proximity, the Warp creature would be weakened sufficiently to kill it.

04-18-2011, 06:24 AM
Interest proposal. I'll wait for the others to comment before I say anything though.

:| Undying |:
04-18-2011, 12:48 PM
An international agency should be set up to respond to demonic incursions.

04-21-2011, 04:38 AM
*Click* (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14264)