View Full Version : The Zvycara

04-18-2011, 08:19 AM
Species: The Zvycara and Servant Species [Jea's and Varcan's].
Government: The Imperial Empire of United Worlds [Royal Clan of Zvycara].
Age Of Empire: 1640 years.
Age Of Zvycara Species: 50,000 Years.
Classification: Humanoid.
Size Of Empire: 10,000 Light-years.

The Zvycara species stands about 7ft-8ft tall on average. They are humanoids, with two huge wings made of an extra tough materiel known to common folk as Flexi Stone. The wings appear to be made of black stone, but in reality the materiel is flexible, but still stronger than leather. The main body of the Zvycara is pure black, and covered in the same material as their wings. Dozens of impressed glowing ‘fissures’ or ‘cracks’ run through their skin, and the markings on every Zvycaraian is unique in pattern and colour. Zvycara have black hair, which grows only to their shoulders and then stops growing until cut, for both genders. Male’s normally cut their hair short or shave it off entirely.

Zvycara mate for life, something like the mythical werewolves. An unknown telepathic connection or a similar force causes them to only have one mate for life. They also develop a psychic connection to their mate, allowing for telepathic communication. Some Zvycara even commit suicide after the death of their mate.
The lifespan of a Zvycara is 700 years at the extreme, and 500 years on average. They reach adult-hood at 15 on average, and they are legal adults at 16. A Zvycara is considered a young adult when they are 16-400. Almost every male Zvycara is a highly skilled warrior while female Zvycara are skilled artistians, technical officers, pilots or other such jobs. It is not that female warriors are unknown or illegal; they are just naturally uncommon due to genetic reasons.

Zvycara are an old species, having existed in their ‘civilized’ form for 50,000 years. It is unknown what they descended from, and the DNA of Zvycara is a myth to biologists, for two reasons: The skin of the Zvycara makes it hard to draw blood, and the genetics of the Zvycara are confusing. It seems that the Zvycara descended from reptiles of a type but they have evolved in to warm blooded creatures over time.

They have several types of communication. They have a spoken and written language, and a ‘language of smells’. The language of smells is like that used by Ants, and the Zvycara can communicate fear, hope, love, etcetera via these pheromones. The Royal Class, or the Royal Family, is an inbreed caste of leaders who have learnt to use the pheromones to control others. They are sociopaths, but with the added power of the pheromone control.

The Sysla are an extinct humanoid species from the planet Lka (Now known as Liberation). The species were the arch-enemy of the Zvycara, and naturally violent. In fact all sentient species that encountered the Sysla were naturally creeped by them, like most humans are creeped out by a spider. Because of their violence the species, which was almost a hundred-thousand years old, had advanced very slowly.

The species stood about 6ft tall on average, and had natural dreadlocks of bright red hair. Their skin was dry and tough, and dark brown. The Sysla had small narrow red eyes, blunt claws, and they walked with a slouch. For all their ugliness the Sysla were master warriors. They took naturally to driving cars, piloting star ships or riding pack animals and most Sysla used huge guns which could blow the head off a human, and they relied on blunt force when attacking. The Sysla also had incredible strength for their size.

The Varcan are a graceful humanoid species from Loa. They stand only 5ft tall, but they are graceful, not big and stocky like most short species. They are master architects, and the Fortress of Lae Higha, a huge and ancient fortress’s, still stands today in almost perfect condition almost 40,000 years after its construction.

The Varcan have pastel coloured hair, which is long and silky on females and short and spiked on males. Their eyes are green or yellow, and slightly feline, and they were also masters of stealth. No one ever managed to work out the Varcan's secret to their amazing stealth, and they were so limber that they could dance between security-lasers easily. The Varcan's love community, and they build their cities in clusters.

http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs12/i/2006/305/3/f/Xenobiology_by_Abiogenisis.jpgThe Jea are a sapient non-humanoid species from the planet Trez Mlea. They weigh in at about half a ton, and stand twenty feet tall. They are deadly warriors, but because of their size they require huge warships to carry them, so all fighting by their species has bee automated for the last thirty thousand years. They live mainly on Trez Mlea's one continent, and the large islands chains, as well as on the floating cities, which are enormous. All architecture on Jea ruled planets has to be huge, to allow for the Jea to move around freely, so the cities are also huge. The Jea can reach huge speeds over water, walking like a water-skimmer, and it is their primary mode on transport on Trez Mlea and Ltrla III.

The planet of Rhree is heavily covered in volcanic activity, and the landscape is stony and dead, with only the volcano’s and pockets of jungle showing life. The stone of Rhree is black with fissures of bright colour, hence the colouring of the Zvycara. The colour is present in the form of jewels and minerals, and the deep jungles are dark with strange colourful flowers. The trees and foliage are mainly black, dark green or grey with colourful blooms. The planet is mineral and jewel rich.

The planet has no moon and only a large asteroid in orbit. The air is sulphur filled when not in the jungles, so the Zvycara stuck to the jungles until they developed technology. The capital is Rhreen City. The planet harbours 7 million individuals, while its asteroid, Kay 1q, has a colony of 100,00 individuals.

Liberation is the ancient home of the Sysla species but the Sysla are long extinct, and the planet has become the capital of the Imperial Empire of United Worlds. Liberation was originally known as Lka, but renamed after it was declared the capital of the Imperial Empire Of United Worlds. The planet is the same size as Earth, and is a fruitful garden world. The landscape consists of sweeping grass plains, cradled between huge forested peaks, and large life filled seas, with tropical islands dotted across them. There is only medium volcanic activity on Liberation, but the islands on this world are multiplying quickly. Travel around the world can only be done easily by air or water, as the mountains block ground vehicles.

While the poles of this planet are frozen solid, and the Death Dessert, a nuclear wasteland stretching 1000 miles across what was once the center of life on Liberation, is toxic and burning hot, the rest of the planet is balmy and warm. The planet has 1 moon, Syslaniam, and the capital of the planet is Liberty. 7 billion people live on Liberation, and a further million live on Syslaniam.

Loa is the homeworld of the Varcan’s. The planet is the tidal locked moon of the Gas Giant, Timella. Only the size of Luna, the moon has a thick atmosphere and heavy air. Loa is inhabited by many large predators, and several species of herbivore that will and can kill. The planet is covered in seas and thick jungle. There are no islands and no high mountains, as the moon has very low volcanic activity. The capital is Varlok, which is really a series of cities, connected by underground tunnels and a series of suspended walkways, some brand new and some thousands of years old. The city complex is constantly expanding, and already covers some 3000 acres.

The Zvy Tez Star System, known as the ZT System has 5 planets in orbit around its star, Zvy Tez. The first planet, Dathoidian, is a tiny dead rock, only the size of Luna, with out an atmosphere, or any form of life. It has long been drained of useful materials, and its seismic and volcanic activity has been cold and dead for millennia. The planet is in a deteriorating but highly eccentric orbit around Zvy Tez, and it has been calculated that Yvz’s moon will collide with the planet in the next 20 years, causing it to hit Zvy Tez.

The second planet, Yvz, is a slowly cooling terrestrial world. The planets seismic and volcanic activity has been dieing off in the last twenty thousand years, and it is predicted the planet will reach Dathoidian’s condition within another thousand years. The planet is 30% smaller than Earth or Liberation. Yvz’s moon, Dythan, will collide with Dathiodian in the next 20 years, destroy the satellite and Dathiodian.

The third planet is Liberation. The fourth is Rhree. The fifth is the Gas Giant Timella, which is the size of Saturn and has 17 moons in orbit. Only three of these moons are terrestrial, and of those two are frozen ice balls. The other is Loa.

Kighton was once a beautiful garden world, with unique wildlife and stunning landscapes. The planet was taken over by the Varcan's, and quickly chosen for the new capital of their world. The planet has no moon, but it orbits the binary stars of Ofa I and Ofa II. The city complex known as Kigh was constructed, and it spread rapidly. Within a thousand years it covered the entire planet and all of the natural habitats were destroyed.

Kigh feature a huge palace complex at its center, where the Senate meets, the Lord Chancellor lives, and the headquarters of every important agency of the Varcan Federation is built, including the Military, Navy, Secret Service and other related agencies. The Lrar Waterfalls, huge waterfalls twice the size of Nigra, sits in one section of the city, surrounded by buildings and it is one of the biggest tourist attractions

Trez Mlea is the capital of the Republic Of The Jea. It is a beautiful aquatic world, with only 10% of the planet covered in land-mass. Huge cities hang suspended above the watery depths, and a even bigger metropolis sprawls over the planets only continent. The planet is stunning, with tropical islands dotted across its expanse, and beautiful cities sitting on or floating above the clear blue seas. The sea's themselves are filled with hundreds of thousands of unique creature, including several sapient but non-tool using species.

The planet has a small moon, about a quarter the size of Luna, and the planet is one of the galaxies most popular tourist spots. Sadly the planet has only 20 years to exist, as its star is slowly dieing, and technology to fix an approaching supernova is not in existence. This has roused more tourists to come vist, while the Mleana System is evacuated of its inhabitants. Already all the planets in the star system other than Trez Mlea are empty of inhabitants, meaning of the hundred billion people once living in the Mleana system, 700 million are gone. Ltlra III is chosen new home for the Jea.

Ltlra III is the new home of the Jea species. The planet is about one-hundred light-years from Trez Mlea, and resembles Trez Mlea a lot. Only 15% of Ltlra III is land, and the rest is water. The planet has two smaller continents, which are already covered in city, and many floating cities are under construction or newly built. The islands chains of the planet are numerous, and the planets moon, Lutra, is a tiny bit bigger than Luna. Lutra has been terraformed to resemble Ltlra III.

This new planet has been chosen as it resembles Trez Mlea the most. It is in the Trefa system.

The Zvycara raced is known to have come in to existence around 50,000 years ago. It is unknown what or who the species evolved from, but the species is known to have achieved Bronze Age technology about 48,000 years ago. It was at this time that the first rudiments of civilization were developed by the species. They began to construct nomadic villages, normally in the form of rough tree-houses. These villages were lead by a priest or other such religious leader, and they slowly developed there own dialects and written languages. Iron Age Technology was created almost three thousand years later, when by that time the Villages had started to stake out territories, which they fought viciously over.

The best territories were those with the largest amount of trees, and the least volcanoes. It was by this time that they began to develop better technologies, and the wars became more violent and bloody. As they evolved the pheromone powers of the royal clan were discovered. The first two Emperors’ rose to power, and led a bloody battle against each other. The Emperors Feud, it was nicknamed. A million men died in that war, and Emperor Jeka was murdered brutally on the battle field in the last battle. The followers of Emperor Jeka were massacred, and the Empire Of Loerp was established. It only lasted ten years before Emperor Loerp was killed by his own son. The Kingdom Of Freedom followed. It lasted twenty years before it also collapsed, when another member of the Royal Clan lead a revolt, and burnt the capital. The planet erupted in anarchy and a series of Dukes and Barons, members of the royal clan, ruled sections of land and battled between themselves.

The first female ruler, High Queen Rafaela, took over and united the species fifty years later. She allowed the Dukes and Barons to battle, but took power in the capital and raised a military loyal only to her. She executed Dukes and Barons who deviated from her power, and ruled with terror. When she died almost nine hundred years later the Empire collapsed. Her heir, Lord Devonity, killed almost every Duke and Baron, and tried to rule totally. He was killed in a riot only a month later.

After that the Royal Clan was established officially. The head of the clan ruled most of the world, while several deviant clan members ruled small cities and fortresses not under the head of the clan’s power. This type of leadership lasted for the next twenty eight thousand years. In the mean time nobles still bickered between each other, over land, power and females, but no proper wars came to pass between the members of the race for the time being. Then Queen Laress rose to power. She massacred the supporters of the Royal Clan Head she had access to and marched against the capital. The capital fell a month later, and Queen Laress massacred everyone who supported the Royal Clan. She set up a dictatorship and slaughtered everyone who may have possessed the pheromone gift besides her heir. Her heir though, her step-son Zane, did not like his mothers ‘tactics’. He slaughtered her while she slept and took control of the world.

He declared himself Emperor Zane, and crushed all resistance. He advanced the planets technology quickly, and by the time he died at 1031 the planet had achieved WW2 technology. By then they were highly skilled warriors, and every sub-sentient species on the planet was destroyed. One hundred years later technology humans would use in the 21st century was in use. From there technological advancement sped up dramatically, and AI’s were in general use in a hundred years. It was now that the first message from Liberation, which was known as Lka at the time, was received.

A space race quickly evolved, and several of the largest corporations and the Empire battled to reach Lka first. Within another 20 years Zvycara’s asteroid, Kay 1q was colonized, and colonists had begun to spread further outwards. It was only thirty years after this that visitors from Zvycara reached Lka. The species the Zvycara encountered was a strange species that held the same power as a Bug or Arachnoid holds over humans. The Zvycara instinctively disliked the species, which was crafty and sneaky as a rule, and a series of skirmishes followed over whom owned what section of the solar systems. In the mean time the Empire collapsed, and the Royal Senate took over. Filled with members of the Royal Clan, and lead by the most powerful member of the Royal Clan, the Mvaza, or President, it dominated the world and was forced to unite because of the Sysla.

The Zvycara encountered the more peaceful Varcan a year later, during the First Great War. The foolish Sysla had attacked a VIP cruise ship carrying the current Presidents son, and the Zvycara retaliated. They had soon dominated the Sysla, and the Senate issued an order to massacre them soon after. The Sysla were exterminated, and Lka was renamed Liberation. The Royal Senate soon expanded, with the Varcan as their allies, when they encountered the Chayoti wormholes. Within a thousand years they had taken over a thousand light-years of space. From there they continued to expand to the present time, 20,000 years later, when the Royal Senate is still strong.

The 'high government' of the Imperial Empire Of United Worlds is the Royal Senate of Zvycara. The Royal clan members control the entire system, all the way down to court judges. The more powerful the Royal Clan members sociopathy, the higher position they hold, and being a member of the Royal Senate is the highest position beside Mvaza. The Mvaza rules as the Emperor, and his power is almost total. Only a unanimous vote by every Royal Senate member against a command issued by the Emperor's can over throw the command. Sub-Governments are like satellite nations on Earth. They are allowed to take care of themselves, but interstellar incidents are handled by the Royal Clan, and the Royal Navy is a looming threat, ready to be released upon an Empire that tries to break free from their control.

The Varcan Federation is a Sub-Government of the Royal Senate of Zvycara. It spreads out 2,000 light-years and its capital is Kighton. The homeworld of the Varcan's, Loa, still belongs to the Federation, but it is under Royal Clan law, not Federation law. The Federation is lead by the Senate of Lords, and the Lord Chancellor acts as the 'president'. The Lord Chancellor is elected by the Senate Of Lords, and the Senate Of Lords is elected by the people.The Republic Of The Jea was once a glorious empire of its own, but the Imperial Empire Of United World's invaded and won because of the help of the President himself. The Jea are a free spirited people, and have broken away from the Empire several times, but the huge Zvycara navy quickly brought them back to heel. The capital of the Republic is Trez Mlea, and the Republic's hold spreads out only one-thousand light-years in the current time, greatly reduced from their empire of 3,000 light-years they once ruled, which the Zvycara has taken over.

:| Undying |:
04-18-2011, 08:48 AM
They live in a very dense part of space?

04-18-2011, 08:52 AM
Why?.. Have I made a mistake with caluclations somewhere?

:| Undying |:
04-18-2011, 09:16 AM
I'm not trying to denounce it or anything, but you said that the Empire occupies 11 million star systems within a 500 ly sphere.

04-18-2011, 09:24 AM
It seems I got my maths wrong then :/
How many star systems should be in a 500 ly sphere?

:| Undying |:
04-18-2011, 09:54 AM
Well, I would use an average interstellar distance of 5 ly and work it out from there.

04-18-2011, 10:05 AM
Sorry, I'm not good at maths, nor do I know how many stars are in 5 lys.

04-18-2011, 10:23 AM
A sphere with a diameter of 500 light-years, with an average distance of 5 light-years between stars, leads to a total number of 8 million stars.

:| Undying |:
04-18-2011, 10:57 AM
*rants and flames*

:| Undying |:
04-18-2011, 01:32 PM

04-18-2011, 11:44 PM
A 500 light-year increase in territory over a 5300-year period? That's a little over 1% of the light-year every year. Are they:

1) Not a very expansionist species?
2) Not in possession of any FTL drives?
3) Not in possession of "fast" FTL drives?

Otherwise, I'd have expected them to spread much farther than just that much.

EDIT: I also seem to have made an error in calculating the number of star systems the Zvycara would have colonized. A sphere with a diameter of 500 light-years, with an average of 5 light-years between star systems, would lead to a total of 125,000 star systems in their territory, not 8 million.

04-19-2011, 02:26 AM
Ah, thank you K. I will edit all details to reflect better stats.

I think that the Empire will have to grow suddenly, XD
I will edit all this and when its done I will let you know. I need to correct some grammar mistakes too.
Also I'm sorry If I seemed rude last night Undying, and thank you for the map.

04-19-2011, 03:26 AM
I have finished with updating the proposal. The Empire's stats have been updated, and the size of the Empire is more reflective of its age, I think.

I have also added detail on the Varcan and the Sysla under 'species' and reworded several parts of the proposal.

:| Undying |:
04-19-2011, 07:27 AM
Eh? There was no flaming.

04-19-2011, 07:45 AM
Pardon? I'm confused.

04-20-2011, 04:30 AM
Well after a lengthy discussion with K last night I have totally rewritten the Zvycara races history, and I am working on changing certain parts of their race's chararistics. This includes turning the pheromones to another use, and elimating the only Emperor, and allowing all the Royal Clan to use these pheromones to control people. It would lead to a constantly waging internal power-battle, but it would also make more sense.

:| Undying |:
04-23-2011, 01:01 PM

04-24-2011, 02:30 AM
Thanks for that Undying, just one error: Loa is in the same system as Liberation and Rhee, not as Kighton XD

I should really detail out some more planets as well, so there is some acctually detail on the map. Thanks heaps though :D

:| Undying |:
04-24-2011, 07:11 AM

04-24-2011, 07:17 AM
Oh thank you! :D

May I ask what font that is your using? :)

:| Undying |:
04-24-2011, 08:14 AM
Lol, a magician never gives away his secrets.

04-24-2011, 09:40 AM
Lol, ok XD
Thanks anyway

:| Undying |:
04-24-2011, 12:50 PM
You don't need to thank me.
*vanishes in a puff of smoke*