View Full Version : Something Wicked This Way Comes [Mature]

11-30-2009, 05:12 PM
Something Wicked This Way Comes
A Game of Serial Murder
A Literate Role Play
GM: CrimethinkRebel
Rated M for Mature:
Excessive violence; strong/controversial themes; harsh language; gore
Please be 18 or older!
Or a very mature 17...

[ IC (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1508) ]


Stars, [ hide your fires; ] Let not

Light see [ my black and deep ] desires.


By the [ pricking ] of my thumbs,

Something [ wicked ] this way comes.


11-30-2009, 05:22 PM

Our [ story ] begins

[ wickford ] A quiet, cozy little suburb located along the coast of Massachusetts. First incorporated in 1726, it's historic landmarks have stood the test of time. The Wickford Library, downtown square, and Greycourt Park, found behind the city hall remain the major hotspots for teens everywhere. Occasionally, one might go out to the shopping plaza for a night on the town, but standing around chatting can get old fast. Of course, this hole of perpetual boredom has your standard necessities: A hospital, a market, fast food restaurants and Wal-Mart. The young, impressionable minds of this lovely place attend the local school system, older children working at Ma and Pa shops for disposable income. If you aren't at school or work, you're probably sitting at home. Residential areas dominate the vast majority of the landscape. Almost every street is filled with trimmed hedges, white picket fences and 'All-American' families. In short, it's the perfect image of a suburban paradise. Well... It was...

[ the carnival ] Wickford isn't all humdrum and whatnot. Come summertime, tourists from across the state visit The Carnival, Wickford's personal claim to fame. Despite it's blatantly unoriginal name, the numerous rides, games, eateries and activities continue to draw the crowd. The air is always filled with laughter and the sweet smell of cotton candy. Children line up every morning to be the first on the roller coaster. Parents love it because anyone with a student ID got in for free. Everybody loves being at The Carnival. Why wouldn't they? There's no reason to be afraid, or to suspect that anything will ever go wrong. Until now...

[ the murder ] The first victim was an eight year old girl, Kimberly Hanson. She was found by her mother behind an old popcorn cart. Her clothes were torn and soaked through with blood. Her scalp was missing, as were her eyelids. Two rusty nails were shoved through her thumbs. However, these injuries were postmortem. The fatal blow was a stab wound to the base of the skull that caused cerebral hemorrhage. The police officers speculated that the 4th of July fireworks drowned out her screams for help. Wickford has yet to recover from this harrowing experience. Cops are suspecting that due to the violent nature of the crime, that there is a serial killer living amongst the Wickford community.


Welcome [ to ] Wickford

[ city hall ] This historic building was once inhabited by the city's founder, George F. Searle. It's period design and numerous tunnels provide an excellent place to hold the public records. It's located close to the center of Wickford, just in front of Greycourt Park.

[ greycourt ] Ah, Greycourt. Its natural beauty is unfathomable, matched only by the enlightening peace one feels when traversing its hills. The land, once a dense forest, was cleared to make way for Tenney Castle, who's ruins still remain at the top of the park. Leading up are several walking paths that take you every which way on your journey.

[ the library ] The Lane Memorial Library is not too far from City Hall. It's architecture displays the rich heritage that can be found in Wickford's past. The literature within appeal to all fans of knowledge and wisdom. Come in and pick up the nearest volume. You'll be surprised how much you like it here.

[ wickford high ] When the teenagers aren't earning a respectable paycheck, they're sitting at the local high school, studying last night's algebra or reading that book for English. The young minds are in great hands. Three of our staff have Doctorates in their field. Four more are certified mentors that the kids can go to with any problems they might have.

[ the holy family hospital ] This 227 bed facility is home to some of the most advanced treatments in modern medicine. Most patients never need to go to the state hospitals. This privately owned building, belonging to the Carita's, descended from the founder Juanita Carita, ensures a quick, enjoyable stay while you recover.

[ the police station ] Staffed with adequate, able, qualified officers, the Police force allows the citizens of Wickford to rest easy at night. With their help, there hasn't been a serious crime in over 75 years.

[ the fire department ] These brave souls rush to the aide of anyone in need, be it a child trapped in a burning building, or Mrs. Johnson's cat who got himself stuck in the maple tree.

[ the town square ] The square is located at the heart of our community. Lined up and down with local family shops, this is where people go to get their goods. Yes, we have the modern shopping plaza, but most people come here. They understand the struggles of a city's economy, and wish to contribute in any way possible.


11-30-2009, 05:43 PM

Under [ my ] jurisdiction

[ literacy ] As outlined in the following sentences, this a literate to advanced game. Allow me to clarify what that means. Proper grammar, spelling and use of the English language is an absolute must. I try my best to correct spelling errors in my post, those being my biggest issue, so I expect you to put forth the effort as well. In terms of length, I want a three paragraph minimum. While I don't want to establish a maximum, keep in mind that I'm not looking to read a new literary classic. The final thing I demand-- yes, demand-- is a general quality that one would never find in beginner games. This means that your three paragraph minimum should be something that makes Stephanie Meyer realize Twilight was a pathetic excuse for teen literature.

[ activity ] There are few things that irritate me more than someone who leaves after posting twice. If you are going to fill out a profile, ask me to review it, accept you, edit my character section and allow you to post in my game, please have the decency to stick around. I understand that things come up, believe me. I've had to drop out of many a game due to family situations, but I always gave warnings in advance. If you have to go away, just let me know. I promise I won't get angry.

[ content ] I'm sure, as we are all members of the wonderful world that is Role Play, everyone knows that each game has it's limitations. I'm also sure, as we are all intelligent people, that we'll all follow them. They are there for a purpose, tried and true. That being said, there are some things I will allow for the sake of realism. For instance, this game is about a serial killer in the town of Wickford. I'm going to be using a degree of descriptive language that some might not find suitable for younger children. I would be a hypocrite if I didn't allow my fellow players the same options for painting the scene. As far as foul language is concerned, I love it. It makes things real. People swear, that's just how it is. As long as you don't use it every other word, which I'm sure you won't, I don't mind it. The one thing I refuse to have mucking up my game is sex. There will be no cybering here. Period. Take it elsewhere.

[ characters ] Ah, the characters. They are the people who keep the town of Wickford from plummeting into nonexistence. As you are the puppeteers of these fine people, there are certain restrictions you must adhere to. First and foremost, these are your normal, average, everyday people living in present times. They should not have any magical powers. They should not wield incredible weapons. They should not be perfect. To compliment such poetic imperfection, let's keep the pictures realistic. No anime. No art. I found my picture by searching a modeling agency's website. I'm confident you'll find someone suitable.

[ the killer ] You may have noticed that there is no preconstructed profile to apply for the part of the serial killer. There's no list of suspects, simply because that would be boring. I'm going to base the outcome of the game on our creativity. Does your character have some twisted political views? Did we create miscellaneous NPC X who, as it turns out, is a blood hungry fiend? Or did some drunken passerby realize his true, sick potential? The choice is up to us. Let our words guide the game. However, if you have a burning desire to post all of the murder scenes, from the perspective of the anonymous killer, add an example of your potently descriptive writing beneath the character application.


Post [ in ] a reply

[ oh so egotistical ]

→ Name
→ Nickname
→ Age
→ Birthday
→ Sexuality
→ Occupation
[ narcissistic tendencies ]

→ Hyperlinked Image
→ Personality
→ History
[ superiority complex ]

→ Likes
→ Dislikes
→ Fears
→ A Quote
[ playing god ]

→ Username


11-30-2009, 05:56 PM

Look [ at ] me

Alicia Tremblay:
[ oh so egotistical ]

→ Alicia Abigail Tremblay
→ Ali
→ 19
→ October 12th
→ Straight
→ Full Time Student and Part Time Ride Operator at The Carnival
[ narcissistic tendencies ]

→ Click! (http://i50.tinypic.com/14ah75e.gif)
→ Oh, what can I say about little ol' me? Well I'm a goof, first off. Why should I ever take anything too seriously? Life is meant to be fun, not a fascist torture chamber. I've been told that I'm painfully straightforward, but I don't see it as a bad thing. If there's a booger hanging from your nose, I'll tell you about it. If you're being a bitch, I'll call you out on it. If I feel a certain way that might be a bit disagreeable in polite company, why should I sugar coat it? If you don't like me, oh well. Nobody's twisting your arm to stick around.
→ A history lesson? I'm pretty sure two thirds of the Earth hated history in high school, but if you insist... I was born and raised in this small town and trust me, nothing has ever happened here. The inhabitants of Limbo would be complaining at this point. I've had two boyfriends, numerous biffles and through it all, one loving mother to take care of me when I'm sick. My father? Yeah, he split when I was ten. Don't worry, we still talk and everything, he's just not around. I'm an only child, so I guess I missed out on sibling rivalry. I recently graduated from Wickford High School with a scholarship and several grants under my belt. I mean, I wasn't a genius, but I wasn't lazy either. I plan to attend college, majoring in Studio Voice and minoring in Musical Education. Yeah.
[ superiority complex ]

→ Singing, dancing and Taco Bell!
→ Silence, clutter and Wal-Mart
→ The dark, spiders and Sarah Palin...
→ "The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain."
[ playing god ]

→ CrimethinkRebel
Alexis Ashmore:
[ oh so egotistical ]

→ Alexis Dawn Ashmore
→ Alex; Al
→ 17
→ October 27th
→ Straight
→ Student/aspiring artist. She also works at the local record store, but she doesn't consider this to be a career move. Just one more thing to do before she can get the hell out of town
[ narcissistic tendencies ]

→ Click! (http://http://www.imgmodels.com/details.aspx?navbtn=1&cityID=2&modelid=26815&pic=8 34.jpg&subid=2605&mainsubid=2605&catID=1&indx=8)
→ Alexis is a rebel girl, a wild child - so much passion and love and curiousity, with no place else to turn it, trapped by the small town she had the misfortune of being born into. Music and art are what sustains her - she believes possibly more than food or drink. With her mad spirit, she always sets out to find beauty in the most unexpected places...a fact her mother doesn't always appreciate.
→ She was raised by a single mother who was working more often than not, her father only occasionally popping into her life. More or less left to raise herself and her younger brother, she had to find ways to entertain herself - something that her creative mind did easily. She was always inventing games to play or putting on shows, and of course, making pictures. Once she discovered that art was a viable option for her future, that her pictures were good, it was something she was sold on. She knew the road ahead of her was going to be rough, but saw no reason not to do it. Her life had been a rough road already. She felt like she could take anything on. As a young teenager, it was easy for her to fall into the counterculture of her high school - the motorcycles, joints, crushed beer cans just outside of Wickford's city limits, even in their rebellion careful not to disturb the quiet peace of the town. There was nobody to tell her where to go, or what to do. Her mother, too tired to care, their arguments halfhearted. When she was fifteen her mother injured her back and ended up at home for several months with a prescription for pain pills that turned into an addiction she never quite kicked. Alexis didn't see any reason to change her ways, and the arguments between her and her mother intensified. Even once her mother returned to work, their relationship never quite recovered, and now, two years later, it is rocky at best.
[ superiority complex ]

→ Motorcycles, bad boys, hoodies, fishnet, cigarettes, coffee, animals, dr.pepper, music, good art and anything beautiful and unexpected.
→ Math, rats, cleaning, fighting (she's the inevitable peacekeeper whenever a fight is about to start, except in the case of her and her mother), homework, cheerleaders, the in-crowd, and stupidity.
→ Rats, as seen above - the only animal she can't stand. She's always afraid they're going to bite her toes off or something equally unpleasant. She also fears that she'll fail, and be stuck in Wickford for the rest of her life.
→ "Why? What do you mean, why? Why not?"
[ playing god ]

→ butterflyeffext
Thomas Ross:
[ oh so egotistical ]

→ Thomas Perry Ross
→ N/A
→ 17
→ October 31st
→ N/A - It isn't that he doesn't have a sexuality, he just rather hasn't explored the more sexual parts of himself
→ Student
[ narcissistic tendencies ]

→ Thomas 1 (http://i49.tinypic.com/11tlt28.jpg)and Thomas 2 (http://i46.tinypic.com/16bynvt.jpg)

Just different outfits and different ways his hair goes. His clothes are always sweaters, and vest and button shirts with slacks. Changing his shoe color too, black loafers. His clothes always seem sharp and precise. Almost always perfect. His hair too would be perfect, but unfortunately it's a bit wavy and has a temperament of its own.
→ He's the quiet kid who sits in the corner of the classroom watches and observe all the other kids. He's socially awkward when he does speak, usually kids think he's insane when he stumbles up on conversations. He isn't shy, just sort of timid and he tends to suffer from social anxiety. He's artistic, but will never show his art in fear of rejection. He tends to be precise and sharp about things and he's fairly intelligent. He tends to be a perfectionist, an instinct bred into him.
→ He grew up in a military home with three other older brothers who were the perfect sons and grandsons. His grandfather was a soldier, his great grandfather was a soldier, and his father was a soldier. And by his father's will his sons will be soldiers too. Except Thomas. He was the failure. He was the unexpected fourth son and his father wasn't so happy about that. And he is always willing to show it. By spoiling the other boys and completely ignoring Thomas. Thomas wasn't his little soldier that is for sure. Thomas grew up in a house full of expectations. He still lives in the house. He calls his pop, sir, his mom ma'am, and he fixes himself like his father taught him. His brothers are off in the towns military school and he's stuck in public school. It never bothered him, he had his books, and he hated gunfire anyway. He was never the aggressive type, another reason he was the failure.
[ superiority complex ]

→ Books, writing, video games, computer
→ Aggression, guns, violence, and yelling
→ He fears his father the most, but he also has a definite fear of socializing with people
→ "Fiction reveals what reality obscures"
[ playing god ]

→ Security of Mem
Ken O'Dwyer:
[ oh so egotistical ]

→ Ken O'Dwyer
→ K, Paddie, Mick
→ 21
→ September 29th
→ Straight
→ Student at the University of Massachusetts, majoring in history with a minor in criminal justice. Currently enlisted as a corporal in the Massachusetts National Guard with the 211th Military Police Battalion
[ narcissistic tendencies ]

→ Ken (http://worldhairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Modern-Military-haircut.jpg)
→ An introvert, Ken is not the type to strike up conversation with a stranger. He is highly selective of who to stay close to. Despite his shy tendencies, Ken's military training makes him cool under pressure, and is not afraid to speak his mind when necessary. Ken is also a self-described elitist and intellectual. Ken is a chronic cigarette smoker and occasional drinker.
→ Ken was a popular kid in grade school. He was a jock of sorts, excelling at baseball while also playing hockey and basketball. He did well in school and was being looked at by a number of top boarding schools. In 8th grade, however, he traded in his clean-cut, academic image for long, greasy, unkempt hair, and a passion for punk. From that point forward he was ostracized by his classmates up through his later years of high school. After three years at Wickford High, Ken was left with the possibility of living through the "five-year-plan" having earned a 1.3 GPA and no respect from any of his teachers. During the summer just prior to his senior year, Ken enlisted in the National Guard and went to basic training in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri where he excelled in marksmanship. He graduated just before the start of his senior year and was revitalized in his pursuit of an education. In his last year at Wickford he earned a 3.8 GPA and scored a 2080 on his SATs, earning him a spot at the University of Massachusetts. There, he is pursuing a degree in both history and criminal justice. He still resides in Wickford while attending college.
[ superiority complex ]

→ Music, guns, political satire, U.S. History, close friends, women, malt liquor
→ Criticism, small-talk, Chad's & Amy's, Republicans, meeting new people
→ Heights, deployment into a hostile area, losing close family or friends.
→ "We all pay for life with death, that's why everything in between should be free."
[ playing god ]

→ ARandomHeretic
Jade Rose October:
Name: Jade Rose October
Nickname: Miss. Mean/ The single nickname only one person gives her Thomas...he'd never say it directly to anyone or even to her face


Miss. Earthy/ Half the school calls her this because they don't know her intimately
Age: 18
Birthday: April 12th
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Student

Appearance: Jade 1 (http://i49.tinypic.com/w7zcjq.jpg) and Jade 2

Jade seems like a homey girl with earthy clothes. Cute sweaters, tank tops, and t-shirts with cargo and khaki pants. She's been known to wear summer dresses and cute little skirts. Sometimes makeup, but never a lot. She's sweet with delicate pale skin and the blond hair that is shown in the picture. She wears a kind hearted smile and seems to have an open air about her. She's the casually beautiful girl.
Personality: She seems so sweet and kind. Innocent and angelic. She seems to really care about people and she seems to help out a lot. She has always been what appears to be the good girl. She has never gotten into any fight or stolen anything. She isn't popular, but most of the school absolutely adores her for her sweet personality.

Far do they know that this personality is all a lie. A way to emotionally manipulate people onto her side. She actually very cruel. She is bitchy and slightly sassy. She can be obsessive as well. Her main obsession is Thomas and will get in anyones way so they won't have him. She has to admit to herself she's the one who made Thomas afraid of girls.
But you have to give it to him, he does jitter around like a gerbil. Which annoys her and yet feeds her lustiful side for the young man.

She can be a downright slut when she wants. And she's made plenty of people cry. But her wickedly poisonous personality makes people believe her more then the person hurt emotionally. The people she has hurt are around her little finger, puppets who cannot speak of her damage.
And those who are on her side are her puppet always against those who actually need help from such a damaging personality.
History: They had actually grown up together. Thomas and her. They were friends throughout elementary. Thomas was always a little shy, a little afraid of people. To many bullies on the playground and his brothers just made it worse. Of course Jade never did anything about it. She wasn't the type of friend to scream at those hurting her friend. She was simply there when he cried. By middle school she realized these strange feelings towards Thomas. These strange lustful urges. She tried to react on them, but that scared Thomas more his drive for more then friendship hadn't yet activated.
But that just made Jade angry. So she began to abuse him. Their friendship began to break down, the more he rejected, protested, the more she would hurt him inside. One day she had enough of it. She locked him in the boiler room. Well she hired someone to lock him up for the weekend. She wasn't sure what this new kind of emotion or feeling was. But it bled through high school and middle school. This obsessive love. Thomas halfway of middle school avoided everyone if he could. He even avoided her. But when she did appear he had no choice, but to do as she asked.
And in High school she had to do what she must to stop any girl from taking sweet cute Thomas. And therefore she made a rumor about how Thomas and her were boyfriend and girlfriend. And that they had loved each other since middle school.
Her father isn't the richest man and she is an only child in a mother and father household. She's slightly spoiled and she tends to favor getting what she wants.

Likes: Thomas, gifts, people doing things for her
Dislikes: Thomas's rejection, people not doing things for her, not getting gifts, and stupid people
Fears: Thomas's rejection
A Quote: Corruption stains beauty
Username: Security of Mem


Never [ look ] back

This is where I'll post a review of major IC events so it's easier for people to join in later on.


11-30-2009, 11:50 PM

Open [ for ] business

This thread is officially open and accepting. If you're interested, drop an application!


Anne Bonny
12-02-2009, 06:34 PM
http://i498.photobucket.com/albums/rr348/annebonny10/withfilter2-1.jpg (http://twitter.com/RPAdventures)

12-02-2009, 08:10 PM
Oh joy of joys! I've been featured!

Security of Mem
12-02-2009, 09:04 PM
I would like to join.

Is their a possibility of creating the socially awkward kid who has grown up in a military home?

12-02-2009, 09:10 PM
There is ALWAYS a possibility of creating the socially awkward kid who has grown up in a military home. :]

Security of Mem
12-02-2009, 09:11 PM
Could you give me the link of the model agency you looked through?

I'm real bad at finding pictures of real life people. So the more links I can get to follow on that road the better.

12-02-2009, 09:18 PM
dnamodels.com - They've got the boys!
imgmodels.com - They're the estrogen ozone...

Security of Mem
12-02-2009, 09:20 PM
Thank you so much.

12-02-2009, 09:33 PM
You are very much welcome. I've got a couple more sites if you need them, but those are the best.

Security of Mem
12-02-2009, 09:34 PM
There is already so much choice I'm beginning to become indecisive now. lol

I've been looking for modeling sites to find pictures for the more real RPs. And I finally have some. This is a heavenly glorious day.

12-02-2009, 09:39 PM
Hah. I was so sick of Googling 'attractive young female' or 'handsome older man' and getting crap. My friend linked me a while ago and I've never been without character images since.

Security of Mem
12-02-2009, 09:41 PM
Well now I'm never going to be out of character images too. This is glorious.

12-02-2009, 10:35 PM
Name: Alexis Dawn Ashmore
Nickname: Alex; Al.
Age: Seventeen
Birthday: October 27th
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Student/aspiring artist. She also works at the local record store, but she doesn't consider this to be a career move. Just one more thing to do before she can get the hell out of town.

Hyperlinked Image: http://http://www.imgmodels.com/details.aspx?navbtn=1&cityID=2&modelid=26815&pic=834.jpg&subid=2605&mainsubid=2605&catID=1&indx=8 (http://www.imgmodels.com/details.aspx?navbtn=1&cityID=2&modelid=26815&pic=834.jpg&subid=2605&mainsubid=2605&catID=1&indx=8)
Personality: Alexis is a rebel girl, a wild child - so much passion and love and curiousity, with no place else to turn it, trapped by the small town she had the misfortune of being born into. Music and art are what sustains her - she believes possibly more than food or drink. With her mad spirit, she always sets out to find beauty in the most unexpected places...a fact her mother doesn't always appreciate.
History: She was raised by a single mother who was working more often than not, her father only occasionally popping into her life. More or less left to raise herself and her younger brother, she had to find ways to entertain herself - something that her creative mind did easily. She was always inventing games to play or putting on shows, and of course, making pictures. Once she discovered that art was a viable option for her future, that her pictures were good, it was something she was sold on. She knew the road ahead of her was going to be rough, but saw no reason not to do it. Her life had been a rough road already. She felt like she could take anything on. As a young teenager, it was easy for her to fall into the counterculture of her high school - the motorcycles, joints, crushed beer cans just outside of Wickford's city limits, even in their rebellion careful not to disturb the quiet peace of the town. There was nobody to tell her where to go, or what to do. Her mother, too tired to care, their arguments halfhearted. When she was fifteen her mother injured her back and ended up at home for several months with a prescription for pain pills that turned into an addiction she never quite kicked. Alexis didn't see any reason to change her ways, and the arguments between her and her mother intensified. Even once her mother returned to work, their relationship never quite recovered, and now, two years later, it is rocky at best.

Likes: Motorcycles, bad boys, hoodies, fishnet, cigarettes, coffee, animals, dr.pepper, music, good art and anything beautiful and unexpected.
Dislikes: Math, rats, cleaning, fighting (she's the inevitable peacekeeper whenever a fight is about to start, except in the case of her and her mother), homework, cheerleaders, the in-crowd, and stupidity.
Fears: Rats, as seen above - the only animal she can't stand. She's always afraid they're going to bite her toes off or something equally unpleasant. She also fears that she'll fail, and be stuck in Wickford for the rest of her life.
A Quote: "Why? What do you mean, why? Why not?"

Username: butterflyeffext

Security of Mem
12-03-2009, 01:36 AM
Name: Thomas Perry Ross

Nickname: NA

Age: 17

Birthday: October 31st

Sexuality: NA- It isn't that he doesn't have a sexuality, he just rather hasn't explored the more sexual parts of himself

Occupation: Student

Appearance: Thomas 1 (http://i49.tinypic.com/11tlt28.jpg)and Thomas 2 (http://i46.tinypic.com/16bynvt.jpg)

Just different outfits and different ways his hair goes. His clothes are always sweaters, and vest and button shirts with slacks. Changing his shoe color too, black loafers. His clothes always seem sharp and precise. Almost always perfect. His hair too would be perfect, but unfortunately it's a bit wavy and has a temperament of its own.

Personality: He's the quiet kid who sits in the corner of the classroom watches and observe all the other kids. He's socially awkward when he does speak, usually kids think he's insane when he stumbles up on conversations. He isn't shy, just sort of timid and he tends to suffer from social anxiety. He's artistic, but will never show his art in fear of rejection. He tends to be precise and sharp about things and he's fairly intelligent. He tends to be a perfectionist, an instinct bred into him.

History: He grew up in a military home with three other older brothers who were the perfect sons and grandsons. His grandfather was a soldier, his great grandfather was a soldier, and his father was a soldier. And by his father's will his sons will be soldiers too. Except Thomas. He was the failure. He was the unexpected fourth son and his father wasn't so happy about that. And he is always willing to show it. By spoiling the other boys and completely ignoring Thomas. Thomas wasn't his little soldier that is for sure. Thomas grew up in a house full of expectations. He still lives in the house. He calls his pop, sir, his mom ma'am, and he fixes himself like his father taught him. His brothers are off in the towns military school and he's stuck in public school. It never bothered him, he had his books, and he hated gunfire anyway. He was never the aggressive type, another reason he was the failure.

Likes: Books, writing, video games, computer

Dislikes: Aggression, guns, violence, and yelling

Fears: He fears his father the most, but he also has a definite fear of socializing with people

A Quote: "Fiction reveals what reality obscures"

Username: Security of Mem

12-03-2009, 02:39 AM
Very well done! You're both accepted. I'll go edit the character section straight away.

Security of Mem
12-03-2009, 02:48 AM
Yeah, I can't wait to play. This seems fun.

12-03-2009, 12:20 PM
I'll probably throw up the IC thread on the weekend, either Friday night or Saturday morning.

Security of Mem
12-03-2009, 07:58 PM
I'll probably throw up the IC thread on the weekend, either Friday night or Saturday morning.

Can't wait.

12-03-2009, 10:06 PM
I sense a fellow Methuenite in our midst.

Real Name - Ken O'Dwyer
Nickname - K, Paddie, Mick
Age - 21
Birthday - September 29th
Sexuality - Straight
Occupation Student at the University of Massachusetts, majoring in history with a minor in criminal justice. Currently enlisted as a corporal in the Massachusetts National Guard with the 211th Military Police Battalion

Appearance and Background

Personality: An introvert, Ken is not the type to strike up conversation with a stranger. He is highly selective of who to stay close to. Despite his shy tendencies, Ken's military training makes him cool under pressure, and is not afraid to speak his mind when necessary. Ken is also a self-described elitist and intellectual. Ken is a chronic cigarette smoker and occasional drinker.
History: Ken was a popular kid in grade school. He was a jock of sorts, excelling at baseball while also playing hockey and basketball. He did well in school and was being looked at by a number of top boarding schools. In 8th grade, however, he traded in his clean-cut, academic image for long, greasy, unkempt hair, and a passion for punk. From that point forward he was ostracized by his classmates up through his later years of high school. After three years at Wickford High, Ken was left with the possibility of living through the "five-year-plan" having earned a 1.3 GPA and no respect from any of his teachers. During the summer just prior to his senior year, Ken enlisted in the National Guard and went to basic training in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri where he excelled in marksmanship. He graduated just before the start of his senior year and was revitalized in his pursuit of an education. In his last year at Wickford he earned a 3.8 GPA and scored a 2080 on his SATs, earning him a spot at the University of Massachusetts. There, he is pursuing a degree in both history and criminal justice. He still resides in Wickford while attending college.
Likes: Music, guns, political satire, U.S. History, close friends, women, malt liquor
Dislikes: Criticism, small-talk, Chad's & Amy's, Republicans, meeting new people
Fears: Heights, deployment into a hostile area, losing close family or friends.
A Quote: "We all pay for life with death, that's why everything in between should be free."

Username: ARandomHeretic

12-04-2009, 02:56 AM
OMGosh, a Methuenite?! I never expected to find ANYONE from Meth-town on here...

Did you attend the school with no walls?

Accepted, by the way.

12-04-2009, 05:42 AM
I'm actually still there, unfortunately.

12-04-2009, 07:33 PM
Oh boy. I graduated, class of '09. Is there any chance that I know you personally? I was friends with a lot of underclassmen.

Security of Mem
12-04-2009, 07:40 PM
A Random Heretic I love your signature. I am smitten for your kitten though. I just want to take it home.

12-04-2009, 08:19 PM
Oh boy. I graduated, class of '09. Is there any chance that I know you personally? I was friends with a lot of underclassmen.

You might've seen me around. I kind of kept to myself because all of my close friends dropped out or graduated before me.

12-04-2009, 08:29 PM
Hmm... Were you one of the kids who hung out around the ML hallway before class?

12-04-2009, 08:36 PM
Nah I was usually found under the staircase that leads to the administrators' offices.

12-04-2009, 08:41 PM
That narrows it down to about 4-7 people, to none of which I know the name, that I vaguely remember seeing. :[

12-05-2009, 05:41 PM
The IC thread (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1508) has been posted. We're beginning the night of the first murder, so we can all get our feet wet with the killer and all.

Have fun!

Security of Mem
12-05-2009, 06:24 PM
Serious question.

Do they all have to be at the carnival? His parents are restrictive, so the only way to go would be if his whole family went.

12-06-2009, 12:52 AM
Carnival attendance is not necessary, but would make things a whole lot easier for plot progression.

Security of Mem
12-06-2009, 12:57 AM
Well I decided to post him in the mirror house. lol!

Security of Mem
12-09-2009, 05:10 AM
Where are the other people?

12-09-2009, 05:15 AM
I don't know! But I really don't appreciate a standstill this fracking early in the game. :[

Security of Mem
12-09-2009, 05:18 AM
Neither do I. I assumed since I posted sort of recently that I should wait for the others. But there is no others.

12-09-2009, 05:22 AM
I don't really think I have much to go on as of right now. My character is a loner at the moment so if I was to post again I'd basically be reiterating my original post (and that's no fun).

Waiting for further progression.

12-09-2009, 05:48 AM
I think I'm going to go ahead and start typing up the first murder post. For now, you can assume the fireworks have begun, there's a frantic mother running around looking for her kid, the staff is also searching for the girl and the night is almost coming to an end. I'll post the scene before I go to school tomorrow. It's 1 am here. I need to sleep.

12-09-2009, 05:53 AM
There's a good chance your classes might get canceled tomorrow. The timing and the strength of the storm are going to be working against any educational institution.

12-09-2009, 05:57 AM
Haha. I dunno. I've heard that colleges are slower to cancel, especially this close to finals. Let's hope NECC decides to be lazy.

12-09-2009, 05:57 AM
I'll keep my fingers crossed for good ol' Wickford High School, too.

12-10-2009, 06:10 AM
Room for one more? ~rofl~

12-11-2009, 03:36 PM
Of course! I'm always happy to accept new people. :]

Also, my sincerest apologies guys. Finals have been chapping my ass up and down. Hopefully after Dec 22nd, I'll be 5000x more focused.

Security of Mem
12-11-2009, 05:53 PM
BTW, is it okay to leave Julian in the mirror house? I mean he never really left in my first post and he never really responded to the person who was clearing the place out.
Does he have to leave?
Or can I continue the pattern of mother's looking for their children?

12-11-2009, 05:55 PM
You can do whatever you feel is right for your character. Someone will grab him eventually :]

Security of Mem
12-11-2009, 05:58 PM

Well Julian isn't the type to go out into crowds. To look at fire works. Most likely he ignored whoever had came in to tell them to clear up because the mayor wanted to give a speech.

Edit: Wow! In the OOC I just called my character Thomas, Julian. I'm officially losing it.

12-11-2009, 06:05 PM
Lol really? I hadn't noticed. Hoorah for loosing it!

Security of Mem
12-11-2009, 06:10 PM

Well see I either had wanted to give him the name Julian Stewart Hughes.

But I called him Thomas.

I'm use to reusing names. Like I like Perry so much. And I like Thomas, Oliver, Hughes for last names, Stewart for middles, and I like Julians.


So I was trying to not use a name I had already used in RPA.

Security of Mem
12-14-2009, 01:43 AM
Come on people don't forget about this great RP.

Crime..I'm making a second character. It's Thomas's ugly ghost.

This is the girl who manipulated him emotionally as well as played a game of love with him meaning pretending to like him, as well as locking him in the schools boiler room for a week.

She pretends she's sweet and innocent and she still torture Thomas at school..

If that is all right with you

12-14-2009, 01:46 AM
By all means, go right ahead. I was thinking about making a second character myself.

Security of Mem
12-14-2009, 01:47 AM
Sweet, you're going to hate this spoiled little...er B word.

12-14-2009, 01:48 AM
Bitch? Bitch. You can say bitch. This would be the mature section. :]

Btdubbs, mind posting in Atropa? Kati is waiting on you before she posts. :D

Security of Mem
12-14-2009, 01:51 AM
Name: Jade Rose October

Nickname: Miss. Mean/ The single nickname only one person gives her Thomas...he'd never say it directly to anyone or even to her face


Miss. Earthy/ Half the school calls her this because they don't know her intimately

Age: 18

Birthday: April 12th

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation: Student

Appearance: Jade 1 (http://i49.tinypic.com/w7zcjq.jpg) and Jade 2

Jade seems like a homey girl with earthy clothes. Cute sweaters, tank tops, and t-shirts with cargo and khaki pants. She's been known to wear summer dresses and cute little skirts. Sometimes makeup, but never a lot. She's sweet with delicate pale skin and the blond hair that is shown in the picture. She wears a kind hearted smile and seems to have an open air about her. She's the casually beautiful girl.

Personality: She seems so sweet and kind. Innocent and angelic. She seems to really care about people and she seems to help out a lot. She has always been what appears to be the good girl. She has never gotten into any fight or stolen anything. She isn't popular, but most of the school absolutely adores her for her sweet personality.

Far do they know that this personality is all a lie. A way to emotionally manipulate people onto her side. She actually very cruel. She is bitchy and slightly sassy. She can be obsessive as well. Her main obsession is Thomas and will get in anyones way so they won't have him. She has to admit to herself she's the one who made Thomas afraid of girls.
But you have to give it to him, he does jitter around like a gerbil. Which annoys her and yet feeds her lustiful side for the young man.

She can be a downright slut when she wants. And she's made plenty of people cry. But her wickedly poisonous personality makes people believe her more then the person hurt emotionally. The people she has hurt are around her little finger, puppets who cannot speak of her damage.
And those who are on her side are her puppet always against those who actually need help from such a damaging personality.

History: They had actually grown up together. Thomas and her. They were friends throughout elementary. Thomas was always a little shy, a little afraid of people. To many bullies on the playground and his brothers just made it worse. Of course Jade never did anything about it. She wasn't the type of friend to scream at those hurting her friend. She was simply there when he cried. By middle school she realized these strange feelings towards Thomas. These strange lustful urges. She tried to react on them, but that scared Thomas more his drive for more then friendship hadn't yet activated.
But that just made Jade angry. So she began to abuse him. Their friendship began to break down, the more he rejected, protested, the more she would hurt him inside. One day she had enough of it. She locked him in the boiler room. Well she hired someone to lock him up for the weekend. She wasn't sure what this new kind of emotion or feeling was. But it bled through high school and middle school. This obsessive love. Thomas halfway of middle school avoided everyone if he could. He even avoided her. But when she did appear he had no choice, but to do as she asked.
And in High school she had to do what she must to stop any girl from taking sweet cute Thomas. And therefore she made a rumor about how Thomas and her were boyfriend and girlfriend. And that they had loved each other since middle school.
Her father isn't the richest man and she is an only child in a mother and father household. She's slightly spoiled and she tends to favor getting what she wants.

Likes: Thomas, gifts, people doing things for her

Dislikes: Thomas's rejection, people not doing things for her, not getting gifts, and stupid people

Fears: Thomas's rejection

A Quote: Corruption stains beauty

Username: Security of Mem

12-14-2009, 05:20 PM
Wow. What a bitch! You weren't lying... I'll post her up straight away.

Security of Mem
12-14-2009, 06:41 PM
Wow. What a bitch! You weren't lying... I'll post her up straight away.


I succeeded in making a bitch. :yahoo:

Security of Mem
12-16-2009, 06:24 PM

I really like this RP. Please people show more support.

12-16-2009, 09:28 PM
Bah. I like it too. I'm willing to stick with it 'till the bloody end, if you are.

Security of Mem
12-16-2009, 10:58 PM
Bah. I like it too. I'm willing to stick with it 'till the bloody end, if you are.

I am willing to stick with it. Jade's is going to be a bitch.