View Full Version : Into the White Desert

04-24-2011, 09:36 PM
(Depending on whose RP starts first, the following could happen before or after Enigma's Moon Chase RP)

At one of Arcovis' ports, a small ship docks. Te people aboard the ship are short, with long, light blonde or brown hair, held back either in ponytails or with headbands and bandanas. Their skin in light brown, and covered with tatoos. There are maybe a dozen of them, rushing about the deck of the ship, moving crates, fixing rigging. From below decks, a very different figure emerges. He looks like the sailors, but is dressed very differently.

He wears an elegant cloak of blue, yellow and green, and a bright blue turban. His wrists and neck are decorated with silver and gold jewelry, and his light, nearly bleach blonde hair, beard and moustache is plaited. At his left side is a leather sheathe, trimmed with silver, housing a curved sowrd.

He steps off the ship and looks around. His bejeweld left hand resting on his sword's pommel. His right hand is holding a flyer, which he brigns to a nearby billboard and posts it. He steps away and heads back to the ship, where he returns below the decks.

Several people walk and stare at the man as he decends, then look at the flyer he posted. It reads;

Expereinced freelance warriors and mercenaries
for aid on the Island of Kesareen.
Great rewards and riches for those who accept!

By Royal decree of
King Havan II
King of the Miorans and Lord of the Mim