View Full Version : Final Retribution Awean8 v.s X

05-13-2011, 12:20 AM
Awean8 - Rynn (http://role-player.net/forum/showpost.php?p=419272&postcount=2)
X - Arxus (http://role-player.net/forum/showpost.php?p=419272&postcount=2)

This battlefield sports corpses as far as the eye can see. Swords, and spears stick out from the ground like tombstones. Every single body that lies mangled on this gray dead field seems to be riddled with rats and maggots. The smell of rotten flesh permeates the air, and only the sound that can be heard is the crackling thunder in the distance followed by a flash of lightning.

Rynn stood on one side of the field in a stalemate with his arch-nemesis. Arxus. The warlock stood his ground, "Let's finally settle this rivalry."

With that he drew his daggers began to dash straight him, dexterously evading all of the protruding swords and spears. His eyes began to glow blue as he cast the first spell sending a wreath of blue flame at his opponent, although he knew well enough that it wasn't enough to stop the hardy warrior.

06-05-2011, 02:28 AM
Arxus stood facing the enemy, the enemy that he realized was so much like himself. Both carried one sword and two daggers, both could use fire magic, both were deceptively aged, and (Arxus could tell by a tinge in the aura surrounding the man) both of them had been face to face with Death. he did not know why they fought, it seemed natural, like they were opposites, like they were meant to.

He was being rushed, and between him and Rynn was a plume of indigo flame. Arxus grabbed a pole-axe by the handle and nimbly flipped himself in the air using it as a support, then landed and yanked the weapon free of a festering corpse. It felt natural, practiced, two centuries of battle and now against an equal. The pole-axe spun through the air in Arxus' fingers, twice around his arm and once over his head as he lowered himself.

Then he lunged, forming a great arc coming down from the left hand side to the lower right with the already blood-caked blade of his weapon, truthfully he was lucky that there were no obstructions in its path. This would be it, something would happen at the end of all this, he could feel it.

06-07-2011, 06:27 AM
Seeing Arxus with ease around his Azure Flames, encouraged him to step up his game a bit. The warlock narrowly evaded the warrior's attack, although he had his cloak ripped off by the slash, by jumping waste high catching his foot on a spearhead, and from there he began to dance from atop weapon to weapon.

Gaining a great advantage in mobility Rynn circled around and flanked his opponent, like a vulture around a corpse. Red static sparked from out of his fingertips as he charged for the blast, it would take time but hopefully it would be worth all the trouble.

Despite the man's grim demeanor he didn't seem evil, so why was Rynn fighting so hard? Perhaps, he had felt that for some reason he had to prove himself to this man. To prove to his equal of who he is, so in this case battle speaks more eloquently than words.

07-01-2011, 05:05 PM
Arxus threw the poleaxe at Rynn, though he knew it would miss, and it did so spectacularly, slicing the air a few feet behind its target and then crashing through several other weapons before lodging in one of three many corpses on the blood-blackened ground. Arxus reached back and grabbed the Breaker from his back, an idea had struck him, it was simple, but it reaquired the right tools.

He whipped around to face Rynn and held the sword vertically in front of him. Without warning he speed flame from his unseen mouth onto the sword edge, which split the stream in two and caught fire itself. The streams continued, flying into the forest of weapons and clinging to the shafts and hilts like napalm, causing them to catch fire in Rynn's path.

And now that the sword was alight as well Arxus swung it in a great circle around himself, igniting whatever it hit and going through most of the shafts. Things were about to heat up.

(P.S. I am a terrible person, both for that last sentence and for being so slow...)

07-16-2011, 12:43 AM
Well, this was unexpected. Rynn's fell from atop the spears he was dancing upon and fell into the dirt with his clothes apparently alight with fire, but thankfully he still held the red lighting clenched within his right palm and once he caught sight of Arxus he let it go. The crimson lightning bolt traveled in an arc that caused several of the weapons that stood in the dirt to visibly shake due to the static.

Rynn than immediately threw himself into the dirt in order to put out his clothes, and although his clothes were no longer burning he still however suffered singeing. He said a few incantations before drawing the Spine from off his back. The grotesque blade emanated with cursed energy filling his hearts with unwanted desires.

(Yeah, sorry. I forgot too. XD)

08-11-2011, 04:04 AM
There was a flash, crimson in the low light of the battlefield, a force, and an almost sickening taste of iron. Arxus flew back, breaking shafts and pushing hilts aside, then dug his feet in and flipped, ending in a crouched position, the flaming Breaker lost to the forest of weapons. He remained like that for several seconds, static visibly discharging through his armor plates and a rather large burn hole in the cloth covering his chest, singed chainmail beneath.

He looked up, a crack visible in the ceramic mask over his face. He eyed the Spine warily, sensing its nature, its malevolence towards all, even its wielder. "You would use an enemy of all mortals as your tool? Pray that you do not falter with it." He snuck the Talons into his hands, staying down both to recover and try to goad Rynn into an ill advised attack.

(I have a plot idea for this, just for the end. I will PM you, and this will get epic.)