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12-10-2009, 05:57 AM
Forhilnor Campaign
Chapter 1

The once peaceful and quite countryside of the eastern region of Forhilnor has become a bloodbath for the warring factions. an army led by the Drukki Centurion, Kel'vok Sai. has ravages many of the recently discovered villages of the natives of this world. slaughtering all in his path.


On the outskirts of a ruined village. the Imperial armored column led by Centurion Kel'vok Sai has set up a temporary camp before proceeding forward. giving enough time for the troops to rest up before continuing their conquest.
From the Bridge of the G-1 on a hill over looking the camp, Kel'vok sat bored at the command chair at the back end of the room. watching his officers plan and strategies for the battles to come and mark the locations of attack. although, after nearly two weeks of no true engagements with enemy forces, he almost wished they were caught off guard for a challenging match.

12-11-2009, 02:51 AM
Jeneva sat weaving a simple grass basket. "stinking girls work" she muttered to herself and pushed a stray lock of deep brown hair behind her ear. She looked out her small cottage window to the woods surrounding it. She would much rather be out there hunting and exploring. Jeneva stole a glance at her snoring instructor and quietly grabbed her bow and arrows and slipped outside. She slung the quiver on her back and headed into the woods. She was wearing a simple emerald tunic and long brown boots she scrunched the leaves as she headed into the woods. To a place she hadn't seen before...

12-11-2009, 10:32 AM
Even though a war raged upon Forhilnor. There could still be found peaceful areas on the planet. Take some of the many woodland areas for instance. Tranquil as any earthern forest.

The peace was about to be disturbed. Crashing down towards the planet, was a lone space pod. As it was nearing the ground it broke the sound barrier making a large sound which could be heard miles from there. The pod crashed down in the middle of the forest. Near a natural spring. It send out a shockwave as it collided with the ground. The nearby animals had been frightened by the sudden force which intruded on their territory, and had fled the vicinity of the crashsite.
The pod opened and revealed a metallic-like skeleton.

"Activating systems."

The synthetic being started moving. It's eyes began to glow with a deep blue color as it moved it's body. It rose from the pod and took a step off it.

"Begin area analysis - scanning for hostile organic and robotic lifeforms." The synthetic started looking around it. Nothing hostile seemed to be in the area sorrounding the crash site. "Analysis complete. Unable to detect any hostile activity within the vicinity - Begin recharge." The synthetic turned around to face it's landing pod. It lifted it's right hand and touched the pod. "Commencing electrical drain - Initiate standby mode." As the SIaRU was draining the remaining power from the pod it entered standby mode.

12-11-2009, 10:59 AM
The loud noise from the pod could be heard throughout the camp. surprising it's occupants to the point of scrambling all over like ants. taking cover behind the vehicles or mounted up.

From the Command base, the noise triggered the alarms as red lights begun flashing repeatedly. "What the hell was that?!?" Kel'vok demanded. "Is it the Lizards?"

"Not quite, sir." replied one of the officers. "Something crashed some far off from the camp. not something the liz's would do as far as I now."

"What is it exactly?" he asked.

"That's the thing." A female officer replied. "We're not sure. it could be a downed ship, wreakage, or a projectile."

"Don't just stand there!" The Drukki shouted as jumped out from his chair on all four limbs, pointing his finger outward. "Send out the Scanners for a wide sweep! if it's a threat. I want it eliminated!"

12-11-2009, 09:53 PM
Jeneva fell on her butt from the shock waves of whatever landed in the woods. She scrambled upright and started quickly heading in the direction of the shock, even though she knew that there was a war and probably shouldn't Jeneva couldn't help herself and was way to curious to let this opportunity pass. She silently ran across the forest floor until she peeked behind a tree and saw a strange metal being talking and moving. Jeneva watched with careful eyes.

12-11-2009, 10:03 PM
The native crept through the jungle, tracking the creatures he had seen signs of near his home. Based on the signs, they were some manner of pigs. Turned soil, damaged trees, and trampled foliage. Typical signs of the things were everywhere. He was going to eat well tonight! Or so he thought. Through his travels, he soon found signs of a struggle, leading away from the "pack", so to speak. He followed these signs up to the sight of a small lizard like creature, stripping the meat off of the pig. He'd never seen anything quite like it, though that wasn't saying much. He hadn't lived in this part of the country for very long after all.

He tensed and lifted his stolen hunting rifle as the thing turned and looked at him. They stared at each other for a good ten minutes before he lowered the rifle. "Tch, look at me. Scared of a little scrawny reptile." he muttered, walking over examine it closer. The thing simply shifted away, staring at him the whole while. The native got on his knee and motioned for the thing to come closer, holding out a piece of jerky. "C'mon little guy. I won't hurt you."

To his surprise, the thing slowly walked over on all fours before standing on two legs to grab the jerky and start gnawing at it. It couldn't have stood at more than three feet tall. He grinned until the moment the thing threw the piece of jerky in his face and shrieked.

"What? You don't like cooked meat?" The native quickly moved for the gun he'd set down, all the while looking at the brush, but drew a confused face when it wasn't where he left it. He was even more confused when he saw the thing standing near yet another source of rustling foliage, holding it!

As dozens of it's friends walked out to form a circle, the lizard said, rather simply, "No, I don't."

The lizards drew hatchets and machetes as the stunned native looked for a means of escape. This wasn't looking good. And it was getting worse by the moment. The one holding his gun lifted the over sized weapon and shouted a battle cry that the others mirrored. They would eat well tonight.

Several minutes later, Dreth the Assassin was examining the weapon while his subordinates were dragging the various corpses back to camp. It was a nice gun.... Unfortunately it was made by a human. Their guns weren't typically made to the specifications of the Grah'rok commandos. He tossed it into a bush and jumped ten feet into the air when he heard an explosion. He looked around angrily at the others, who pretended they hadn't noticed. "I thought the weapon had a failsafe!" he shrieked. "Now drop the food and get outfitted at camp! We need to get there before the brutes do!"

This leisure hunt just turned into something else entirely.

12-12-2009, 12:30 AM
"Energy cells fully recharged - Activating all systems." SIaRU let go from the pod.

"Initiating primary directive." It stood completely motionless for a couple of seconds as it was looking through it's database.
Finally ready to start it's mission. Beep beep beep - The synthetic turned around. "Organic lifeform detected." Switching to heat vision. It took it only a second to spot the source. A being of human proportions stood behind a nearby tree. Eyeing the synthetic.

SIaRU let out a metallic screech as it activated it's stealth system. Vanishing from sight. It moved with extreme speed and reappeared besides the organic lifeform and grabbed it by the neck. SIaRU lifted the being off the ground and held it up against the trunk of the tree. The deep blue color, glowing from it's eyes, had turned red.
"Analysing organic lifeform." The synthetic held the being in place as it scanned and looked through it's database. "Unable to identify spicies - The organic lifeform appears female." Scanning her further it saw the bow by her side "Threat level: None." SIaRU's eyes turned deep blue again as it let her go.

Back at Earth, at the FJC headquarters: A group of scientists were now analysing the data which the Synthetic Infiltration and Reconosence Unit a.k.a SIaRU had sent them. (It is linked to their computers so they can analyse it's results for further improvement)

"It seems as if SIaRU has encountered one of the native species of Forhilnor." One of them said as he was looking through the data. "Judging by the information it sent ud. They appear to be a human like race, though alot more primitive. The alien appears to have what resembles a bow as a weapon." another one said.
A man dressed in a black suit waved his hand. As if dismissing it all. "It is of little importance. If they are as primitive as they appear, they should be easily overthrown when we occupy Forhilnor. Get back to analysing the data."

12-12-2009, 01:04 AM
Jeneva gasped when she was suddenly grabbed and held against the tree. She struggled for a few moments before just hanging as she listened to what it was saying...female...no threat? When it dropped he jeneva quickly strung a bow and aimed right at its cool red eye. She had dated a red eyed guy before. Jeneva blinked her coal black eyes and fired straight into its right eye. With her excellent precicsion and being so close the arrow landed right on target and hopefully shattered its eye. She quickly stood and took off running on her long legs she moved fairly quickly. She jumped over the pod it came out of and didnt look back

12-12-2009, 03:50 PM
Amora krept as quietly as she could away into the remaining forest area. She was going to spy on those disjusting armies that were trying to take over. But when she heard and felt the shockwaves of the ship that came down she decided to go, at least for now. After all what help could she be to other natives if she were to become dead? No help, that's what. She began moving faster into the forest. When she thought that she was far enough to not be detected, she stoppped and went over a small river, then sat down beside it. Why couldn't those armies and ships just leave them all alone? The natives didn't do anything to provoke them or make them come over here. They have been living peacfully. And all those disjusting selffish beings that came over just began to try to take over the land as if there weren't people already living there.

She leaned down and took some of the water into the palms of her hands. Then she brought it up to her lips and drank. This water was still good, but how long would it be that way? How long would it take for all those military people to poison it? She hoped that she wouldn't have to know the asnwer.

12-12-2009, 04:41 PM
The female organic lifeform shot an arrow into SIaRU's left eye socket. The impact made the synthetic's head jolt back as the arrow hit and shattered the optical lens.
The female was quick to leave the scene after the attack. "Left optical sensor damaged - Begin repair immediately." SIaRU pulled out the arrow and leaped over to the pod. Putting it's hands on the chrashed pot. SIaRU began absorbing the metal from it. And with that, repairing the damaged eye.

"Repairs to optical sensors: Complete" The synthetic testet out the repaired eye to ensure it's functionality. "Re-evaluation of previous encountered organic spicies - Threat level: Minor"

Beep beep beep SIaRU's sensors had detected hostiles scanners closing in on it's location. It activated it's stealth systems and thermal shields. So it wouldn't be detectable using heatvision or the naked eye. The synthetic began running down along the stream.

12-12-2009, 05:34 PM
The starship Ahriman, along with its defensive compliment, dropped out of warp-space dangerously close to Forhilnor, ran a quick systems check, and then the main hangar doors opened and the airlock force-field was dropped, allowing a stream of drop-ships to enter the planet's atmosphere, then the doors closed and all was calm.

On the Planet:

Loud crashes could be heard as the gravity repulsive engins of the landing craft pushed aside trees before landing. Soon there was a large area of forest that had been cleared and refilled with 20 landing ships. This was only 10% of the APF force though, they would need a better place to land the rest. Troops poured out of the craft as the doors opened, 5 mechs were present in each transport as well as 400 troops, making their total number 8,000 with 100 mechs.

Among the troops two stood apart from the rest: Kar'Athul, the Admiral in charge of the force, and Tou, the Dan-Shui General in charge of 1/3 of the ground forces. One of the mechs, marked with black and red stripes, stepped up beside them and the door on the piloting compartment, which protruded fro the front of the machine, opened to reveal Geru, the General commanding the mechanized forces.

Kar'Athul spoke up. "Our landing will have called attention to the fact that we're here, we must get to a clear place and secure it for further operations." The voice module attached to his neck spoke in a rather dangerous tone. "Tou, i want you to secure our current position, use the drop-ships as turret emplacements. Geru, you wil scout out the possible landing areas we picked up on scanners. Now, both of you, get going!"

Tou and Geru both hurried off to gather their parties and began their tasks, the mechs lumbering off in three different directions while preparations were made to turn the landing site into a defensible position. Kar'Athul headed back into one of the drop-ships and found the group of squad leaders that was supposed to be there. "Dekrus, Tomai, Hayu, gather your squads and meet me at my carrier." He barked before exiting again and returning to the ship that was his.

Kar'Athul uplinked back to the Ahriman for scanner reports, te nearest native city was not far from here as he well knew, but getting bearings was what he wanted to do now. If he could get the locals on their side then half the battle was already won, after they defeated the opposition they would not have to deal with the endogenous peoples that lived here.

12-12-2009, 05:52 PM
A squad of five Drukki Scanners soon surrounded the area, and begun to converse on the impact site, cornering whatever has landed on the planet. they moved with great speed as they ran on all fours, shrieking to one another to both know of other scanners and to frighten their targets. four out of the five scanners located the crashed pod, moving closer to it. "Scanning.......target not found...wait....humanoid detected."

"I've found the humanoid." the fifth one said as he spotted a fleeing Jeneva. "Pursuing." the scanner dashed out from his hiding place. chasing the native.

12-12-2009, 07:31 PM
The commandos had made it back to their camp in record time, pulling guns, ammo, and their camouflage generators out of their various hiding places around the area. It was a fairly small camp, only able to accommodate around twenty of the creatures. What they lacked in numbers, they more than made up for in skill. This was a commander's squad, after all.

After a quick bark from Dreth, they turned into green and brown blurs. Their imperfect camouflage mixed with their natural speed made them almost undetectable. At point, Dreth keyed his comm, signalling the others to take positions. No sooner had he done that, did a native go running past, pursued by scanners.

So intent were they on the female, they hadn't noticed the commandos in the trees and folliage. Their weapons making no more noise than a hiss, they put heavy slugs into the back of the scanner's heads, Dreth himself dropping from cover onto one of their backs. It had enough time to activate it's comm and send it's officers the noise of a loud snap, as the small Grah'rok made it's head do a 180 spin.

He made an offensive gesture involving his middle claw before the visual transmission cut off.

"Move out. Something tells me I just gave away out position." Dreth chuckled.

12-12-2009, 07:55 PM
Jeneva heard the sound of pursueing behind her and adreniline gave her even more speed she flew across the forest floor...right into the body of a huge lizard creature. Jeneva yelled out in surprise and fell on her back. She crab walked backward in fear and ran into a soilder whose head was just torn off by the lizard creatures. She screamed and stood up to start running again but jeneva realized she was surrounded by these creatures and knew her simple bow and arrow would never stand up to these things, no matter how good she was with it. Finally, out of sheer desparation she yelled out "stop! Wait! Don't hurt me. I am a honreah princess and if you touch me my father will not rest until he has his revenge. And you do no want the honreahs as your enimies" actually she wasnt sure any of the last part was true but at least it sounded real enough. She pulled her gold necklace out from under her emerald tunic, the necklace had the royal honreah crest and jeneva thrust it out to the things for proof.

12-14-2009, 07:04 PM
The small creature slowly walked up to her and snatched the gold necklace from her. They were actually a lot shorter than Jeneva had initially thought, standing just over half her height. Dreth coughed out a "Tch" kind of noise before motioning to the others with his claws. There was a chance that what the native had said was pure bull. There was also a chance that she was a member of one of the more advanced species on the planet. Let the Drukki kill her if that was the case.

The others turned into woodland colored blurs and started running in the general direction of the impact crater. "We're leaving. If you don't want to end up like this one...." He said, kicking the headless corpse, "You'll do the same." And with that, he engaged his camouflage and took off after his squad. This situation was becoming more complicated by the minute. The empty pod confused Dreth even more.

All of the commandos jumped as they heard a loud crash as one of the nearby trees fell over, pushed by a berserker class soldier. Following it was a mix of grunts and reavers. All heavily equipped. "Is this it?" The lead reaver asked. "No combat, nothing? Oh well. Secure the-"

"Hold!" Dreth shouted, coming into view. He knew that the last thing his commandos needed was to be caught in the hellfire that the grunts called "securing the area."

"Well well, looks like the commandos came to play after all. What do we do then?"

Dreth sighed. Grunts could be so stupid....

"Get ugly there to carry the pod back to base." He said, gesturing to the berserker, which only gave a questioning grunt. "Everyone else forms up on him in a defensive formation and gives an escort to the main base, so the scientists can examine it. I want to know what we're dealing with here." Dreth grinned as his subordinates got to work. It was good to be in charge.

12-14-2009, 09:32 PM
Jeneva looked down upon them...oh...they were short. But still she saw what they were capable of and she didnt want to be caught in that. When they left she turned to leave before she remembered "crap, they still have my necklace" that thing was pure gold and jeneva was not about to have to explain why she lost the precious family heirloom to her father. She quietly followed them, while readying her bow. She figured if things didn't go as planned she could stiill get a couple good shots in before she was taken over. She cleared her throat behind the one that took her pendant "umm excuse me. But i kinda need that back" she said gesturing to the necklace.

12-15-2009, 12:12 AM
Kar'Athul stood at the head of three squads, one assault, one standard, and one stealth. He held a medium sized assault rifle and a pack of grenades, their mission might be peaceful... but that didn't mean that they had to be unarmed. He spotted a few Lizard creatures as well as what looked like one of the natives. The creatures, which he recognized as Grah'rok, were heavily armed, some of them apparently with cloaking technology.

"Everything that moves is a target except the girl, and watch out for the little ones." He said through the radios. "Ghosts, use your electromagnetic sensors to see if you can get a reading on the cloaked ones, and place your shots well until i can get the native out of the way. On three."

"One" Rifles all around him raised, scopes luminescent in the slight darkness. "Two" Grips tightened on triggers and barrels, the sound of inhaling going through the air around them. "Three" A barrage of bullets and energy shots flew through the air, felling three of the grunts immediately and another of the commandos. Kar'Athul kicked the commando nearest the girl, causing a golden trinket to fly into the air, which he quickly grabbed before catching her in a protective tackle.

(hope that's okay ^^)

12-15-2009, 12:50 AM
Jeneva heard a quiet "three!" and turned just in time to see an onslaught of bullets and what looked to be a blue crab man flying at her. Her pendent flew out of the lizards hands and she grasped desparetely for it, before she was suddenly thrown to the ground. She just lay there for a second, catching her breath. Then she remembered her necklace. She glanced around frantically for it and shoved at whatever was holding her down. She finally wriggled free and stood up stringing an arrow in one fluid motion she pointed it what threw her to the ground and gasped at what she saw, the creature had 4 arms! And 2 of them didn't even have hands on the end. She aimed her arrow at what she hoped was its fatal point (chest). She sighed an exasperated sigh and looked along the ground for her pendent while keeping an eye on everything around her. She moved the dirt around with her boot and brushed ther curly brown hair out of her eyes she felt her charcoal eyes misting but refused to let herself cry. She'll survive,maybe.

12-15-2009, 01:03 AM
Three Imperial Dropships soar around the last known location of the dead scanner, as well as the other scanners rushed over to their dead comrade's location.

"Approaching drop zone. get ready to disembark." said the pilot of the lead dropship, as it remained stationary above the LZ. "And.....doors unlocked."

The doors on both sides slide opening on each of the dropships. ropes lowering down to the ground as three squads of assault troopers followed in, lowering themselves to the ground one at a time. they numbered to three dozen. "Alright maggots!" shouted the Elite Shock Trooper leading the unit. "Scatter! clear this area of any hostiles!" before making any other actions, they heard weapons fire close by. "Looks like they came to us! engage!"

12-15-2009, 01:27 AM
Dreth got punted! In Grah'rok society, such a thing was a great insult. Almost like kicking below the belt, actually. It was especially insulting to someone of such high ranking. He quickly got to his feet and screeched, "Braka'lah!!!" A cry that was mirrored by the dozens of Grah'rok in the area. What happened next was a typical Grah'rok moment. They formed a circle and began firing randomly into the surrounding area. They formed up on the berserker carrying the pod and began emptying barrel after of barrel of ammunition into the surrounding area. Trees were shredded and dropped by the heavy rounds, and everything within sixty feet either turned into mulch, or got lucky enough to avoid the storm of AP slugs. The commandos even threw in their own two cents in the form of grenades, chucked at anything moving outside the perimeter.

And now you know how the Grah'rok secure and/or clear an area. With firepower.

12-15-2009, 01:39 AM
Kar'Athul dragged the girl behind a rock not far away and then handed her the pendant before chucking his own grenade back at the Grah'rok. "Remaining troops report in!" he yelled into his mic. There were a flurry of voices, all saying a different number. Roughly half of the force remained after the barrage. "Tactical retreat! Rockets, provide cover fire!"

All the assault troopers got down on a knee and either threw a grenade cluster or fired a rocket into the group of lizards that stood before them, covering the retreat of the others. "Come on, we've got to get out of here... which way to your city?" Kar'Athul said through the transmitter on his head, rather frantically.

12-15-2009, 01:41 AM
"TAKE COVER!" the Shock Trooper ordered as he frantically begind a large rock, watching half of his men being torn apart in a storm of bullets and explosions. he watch as his troops struggled to live through the hail of bullets, some had their legs blown off, falling face flat. others were lucky enough to get a head shot before behind blown to peices. the one ones that seemed likely to survive were the Drukki Scanners as three of them jumped, however one was not so lucky as he died in the attack.

"This is Lieutenant Yaga to dropships! provide some fire support!"

"Roger that, moving to source."

12-15-2009, 02:06 PM
SIaRU had come to a hold. Another organic being, resembling a human, had come into it's view. Stealth systems still active. It was certain not to get spotted by the organic lifeform- Correction: organic female lifeform.

Beep beep - SIaRU turned around. Facing the direction it had come from. It's sensors had picked up the weapons fire. Glancing back at the native female. It began running back towards the crash pod.
Moving swiftly. It got close to the crash site within minutes- BEEP BEEP! The synthetic narrowly managed to dodge a rain of bullets comming from the crash site.
Explosions were heard as grenades were flung around the warzone. The screams of several organic lifeforms could be heard as they were blown to bits or shot to pieces. SIaRU had climbed up a nearby tree in order to survey the fight.

"Accessing database: Searching for known factions in the Forhilnor campaign" Scanning the warzone. The first lifeforms it spotted had been the lizard, whom had currently taken hold of the FJC's crash pod. They were emptying barrel after barrel of ammunition into the sorrounding area in order to clear out any opposing forces. "Faction identified as: Those from the Proving Rock" A race of warrior lizards.
Another faction was currently fleeing from the site. They were too far away for SIaRU to identify their faction. So it turned to the remaining one. "Faction identified as: New Human Empire" They were currently taking cover from the relentless attack of the lizards. Beep beep beep - "Warning: Hostile dropships detected." SIaRU looked up noticing New Human Empire dropships hovering above the trees.

Sensing the approaching danger. The synthetic pulled further back and switched it's optical sensors to heat vision.

12-15-2009, 09:22 PM
Idk how to delete posts? can anyone help?

12-15-2009, 09:28 PM
Jeneva gasped as she was dragged into the trees. She gratefully took her now dirty necklace and slipped it around her neck. She was still sore from being knocked around so much and just plain tired from the days adventures. So much so that she didnt even bother trying to cummincate with the weird thing that rescued her. Jeneva held her side and collapsed by a large rock and tried to pull herself together enough to think straight. It was obvious she had just walked right into the middle of the war, which was something she really didnt want to do, all she had was her bow and arrow, which wouldnt do much good even with perfect accuracy. She heard the blue clawed guy talking into a microphone then thought she heard "take me to your city" or something like that coming from it. Not sure if he was talking to her or not she looked over at it dumbly "are you talking to me?"

12-15-2009, 09:34 PM

12-16-2009, 12:41 AM
The berserker was a simple creature. It liked to smash, it liked to kill, but it didn't like sitting around. It roared and began charging towards the Grah'rok stronghold. The grunts and reavers moved as quickly as they could to cover it, giving it as much time to break off as they could. While they couldn't keep up, their retreat was going at a decent pace. The commandos had already taken off after the berserker, and most of the explosions had stopped.

A reaver shouted, "Incoming!" before hefting his secondary weapon onto his shoulder, firing on one of the dropships as the others began doing the same. At the very least, they could hold the dropships long enough for the others to get to the safety net provided by the main base's anti-air. But they were hoping for a bit more than the very least. They were the elite for a reason.