View Full Version : *The Werewolf Mystery* [OOC]

06-05-2011, 05:22 PM
Plot | Intro

Destiny had come camping with a few friends for the weekend. They sat around the campfire, chatting and eating soup. Destiny stood up and said she was going back to her tent for a minute. When she reached her tent on the outskirts of their camp, Destiny heard something in the trees a few yards away. She froze and looked around.
"Destiny," There was a eerie whisper coming from the woods. "Destiny."
"Hello?" Destiny said, quite frightened.
There was no reply. Destiny thought maybe it was some of her friends playing a trick on her.
"Who is it?" Destiny was about to go inside her tent when she heard another whisper.
"Destiny," It said. "Come..."
Destiny steped into the trees.
"Guys?" She said, her voice panicy. "You there?"
She looked down to see footprints on the forest floor. They looked like no human footprints she had ever seen. She looked around, wondering wether she should go back. No, she wouldn't. If it was her friends, she didn't want to seem scared.
Destiny took a step forward and she heard the voice again saying her name. This was freaking her out now.
Destiny walked on, following the footprints and the voice. She came to a hill and stopped.
"Destiny..." She heard, a little louder now.
She followed it and came up to a small cave. She took a step into it. She was now almost sure it was somebody playing a trick on her.
She heard nothing for the first few seconds then there was the sound of heavy breathing. She was too scared to say anything.
Out of the darkness, Destiny saw a pair of eyes. One of them was deep, peircing red. And the other a dark shade of cloudy gray.
Destiny took a step back and gasped. The creature behind the eyes stepped forward. It looked like a werewolf Destiny saw in books and movies. It was tall and dark with a wolf's face and fur. It stood almost upright, like a human.
Destiny stood still, frozen in shock and panic. The creature moved forward, reaching out to her slowly.It grabbed her suddenly and Destiny opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out.
All Destiny remembered after that was it biting her on her shoulder then her falling to the floor.

Destiny's eyes flickered then opened. Her head was pounding and she was so confused. She could still picture the face of the creature. She lifted her head and looked around. She was still in the cave but there was no sign of the werewolf-like creature. For a second she looked down and gasped. Her feet - or paws - had turned dark grey and furry.
"Oh my god," She whispered and looked round to see a long tail swishing round on the cave floor.
She had been turned into a wolf by the creature - not a werewolf, just a wolf.
What was she to do now?

06-05-2011, 06:35 PM
How about adding more information like a character sheet, rules and so?

06-07-2011, 03:48 PM
Thanks, Kris. But I do know about that. I was just going to see if anyone's intrested first, then I'll do the CS.

Princess C
06-07-2011, 03:59 PM
Wait. I have a couple of questions. When they are bit, do they turn into the type of werewolves that are like hairy people, or full wolves? And do they ever transfer back into full humans on certain occasions or what?

06-07-2011, 04:51 PM
They turn into ordianary wolves. The creature that's in the story is not really a werewolf, but resembles one. When he bites, the victim turns into an ordianary wolf, exept its eyes stay the same colour as before. Get it?

Princess C
06-07-2011, 05:07 PM
Yes. And, do they ever turn back into human on some type of special occasion? Or are they stuck in the wolves body forever?

06-07-2011, 05:11 PM
Stuck in it. Like I said, full, ordianary wolves.

Like a normal wolf RP really, only with a twist.

Princess C
06-07-2011, 05:13 PM
Okay. I'm interested definetley in now. :) When you get the CS up then I will make a charrie. :)

06-07-2011, 05:13 PM
Here's the CS:

Who I Was
o Full Name ::
o Age :: [13-25]
o Gender ::

The Ones I Have Left Behind
o Parents ::
o Siblings ::
o Others ::

Who I've Become
o Name :: [The name you will use as a wolf]
o Nickname ::

Me As Me
o Personality ::

o Appearance ::

Princess C
06-07-2011, 05:15 PM
Okay, for Appearance, should we do one of what we looked like as a human+wolf form? Or just wolf form? :P

06-07-2011, 05:17 PM
Hmm... I've thought of that but I can't really decide. Maybe just the Wolf form because you probably wont need Appearance in human form? You can post a description or photo, whatever you like.

06-07-2011, 05:18 PM
Who I Was
o Full Name :: Destiny Thomson
o Age :: 17
o Gender :: Female

The Ones I Have Left Behind
o Parents :: "I will miss my parents dearly. I don't know how I'll ever see them again."
o Siblings :: "I have a twelve-year-old brother named Jake. He is annoying but I will still miss him."
o Others ::

Who I've Become
o Name :: "I am and always will be Destiny Thomson."
o Nickname :: "Call me Destiny."

Me As Me
o Personality :: Destiny is a smart, kind and fun teenager - or was. She is quite shy and likes to keep to herself. You could say she was a know-it-all, but she isn't full of herself.

o Appearance :: She has light gray fur with dark ears, back, paws and the tip of her tail. She has kept her deep blue eyes that she had when she was a human. She is quite tall and thin with long, agile legs.

Who I Was
o Full Name :: Aaron John Williams
o Age :: 14
o Gender :: Male

The Ones I Have Left Behind
o Parents :: “Michael and Lydia Williams. I hope I’ll see them again.”
o Siblings :: “I’m an only child.”
o Others :: “I will miss my dog, Dagger, too.”

Who I've Become
o Name :: “Hmm... I think the name Dagger might suit me. Like my dog.”
o Nickname :: Dagger

Me As Me
o Personality :: Stubborn and funny, Aaron is quite an unique character. He is quite clever but hides it in class and acts thick, trying to be funny. He is stubborn and moody sometimes and likes getting his own way.

o Appearance :: Aaron’s fur is long, thick and silky black. He weighs around average for a male and is quite tall. He isn’t exactly strong and bulky but he’s got quite a bit of lean muscle under his thick coat.

06-07-2011, 05:34 PM
Youu there?

Princess C
06-07-2011, 05:36 PM
Yeah, I'll get my charrie sheet up in a few. :)

06-07-2011, 05:36 PM
Ok, sorry, I was just wondering if you were busy doing the CS or not.

06-07-2011, 06:41 PM
ScarletSun, I think it will help if the CS will be also added to the first post of this thread.

In addition, why not submit your RP for Roleplay of the Week (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=905) or put it in the Roleplaying Games Directory (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=2304) or click here (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=3975) to help attract players?