View Full Version : Demonic Affection [1x1 Seras Kitsune and Shadow12] [M]
The Shadow
06-12-2011, 04:28 PM
Agares stormed into his father's private quarters,his eyes glowing a deep red.
"How could you do this!?After all we've done to try and destroy the Kitsune clan we're making an alliance?And even worse,you're offering as a 'gift' without even asking me?"
His father looked up at him,his face wore a faux expression of calm.
"I'm your father,I don't need to ask your permission on such matters.Besides,I'm doing what's best for our clan.Also,you better start making preparations,the marriage is tomorrow"
Agares glared at his father,the man he had once looked up to,seeked guidance from.
"you're making a terrible decision old man."
And with that he stormed off.His father sighed,was he really so blinded by hatred that he couldn't see that he was doing his best to preserve the clan?Maybe he was right,maybe he was just an old man making bad decisions.He sighed once again,he didn't have time for such trivial thoughts.He pushed them from his mind and got back to the more important matters
Strange Nerd Girl
06-12-2011, 11:31 PM
Seras was silently weeping on the roof of her house, how could her mother do this to her? An arranged marriage..... with a Tengu no less. Seras hated being betrothed to someone she didn't even know...or love for that matter!
Not to mention he would probably hate her....
She continued to weep and refused her dinner, she stayed up all night watching the sun set and rise.
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 03:23 PM
Agares walked out on the large balcony,he stood and looked over the city and sighed.He heard footsteps behind him
"What is it brother?"
Merihim stopped dead in his tracks,he was hoping to go by unnoticed,he knew Agares would be in a fiery mood after speaking to father.He tried to act nonchalant to no avail.
"I...I just wanted to say that I share your views on this completely.How could father do such a thing?"
"Well Merihim,that's something you would have to ask him yourself."
He sighed while watching the sun set in the horizon.He wished he had a choice in the matter.
-But I don't- he yelled to himself
-And I just have to deal with that-
He closed his eyes as the sun went fully down and the sky turned dark
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 03:34 PM
The next morning Seras was getting ready to greet the other clan. She was supposed to meet her future husband today. Seras was in a foul mood and the servants stayed clear away from her except one. Her name was Emi and she had been Seras's best friend since they were young.
"Oh come on Seras, for all you know he might be a nice guy. And besides our clan doesn't like violence, why do you think at every council meeting in the past we've tried to reach peace with the Tengus?"
Seras scoffed and said,
"I know! I want peace too! But why do I have to give up my one chance at finding love for the sake of peace?! For all I know he probably hates Kitsunes and doesn't want anything to do with me!"
Then she stormed out of her room and returned to the roof top. There she would stay untill the Tengu clan came.
Emi sighed and went back to cleaning up her masters room.
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 03:55 PM
Agares growled at the servants as they attempted to dress him in 'suitable' attire,they got the picture when he punched one of them to floor.
Later in the day Merihim gingerly rapped on his door.
"It's time to go"
He jumped out of the way of the door as it swung open violently.Agares stormed past him,not even giving him aknowledgement and begining his journey to the wedding
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 03:59 PM
Seras was forced down from the rooftop and was now siting on the throne next to her parents. She was in a really foul mood and the atmosphere was really tense, no one even dared to cough.
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 04:06 PM
Agares got to the Kitsune clan's homeland,he sighed as he passed the various buildings that all looked the same to him.They approached the Large doors to the throne room which were swiftly opened for them.
When they got inside he smirked
"Hello everyone"
Before he was forced down onto one knee by his father,he whispered in his ear.
"Don't disrespect them,remember what i told you"
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 04:11 PM
Seras looked at the man who walked in and said hello.
She assumed that he was the man she was going to be forced to marry.
He didn't look too bad but Seras was more concerned with his personality.
She felt the poke from her mother and then reluctantly stood up and said,
"Welcome People of the Tengu Clan, My name is Seras Kitsune I am the princces of the Kitsune clan. I graciously welcome your to our home."
She stared right into the mans eyes and remained calm yet annoyed.
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 04:21 PM
Agares was startled by the appearance of his future bride,he didn't expect her to look nearly as beautiful.He stared deep into her eyes,trying to decipher her expression.
"s...sorry for being rude,i'ma little nervous." This was a lie,just to make his father happy.
"I am humbled to be welcomed into your abode"
He stood up and bowed,he hated this show of formalities,it made him feel lesser than the other clan.He glanced at Merihim,he seemed to be truly nervous without real reason.
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 04:50 PM
Seras bowed back it was their custom, then her Mother stood up along with her father and they bowed too.
Then they all sat down and Seras mother said,
"Please sit and enjoy the refreashments."
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 04:56 PM
Agares took the seat beside Merihim,close enough to Seras to study her but far enough away to be out of earshot.He turned to Merihim
"what do you think of her?"
Merihim looked in her direction.
"She looks civil at least,not what i was expecting at all"
Agares looked at her through most of the banquet,barely touching his food.
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 05:08 PM
Seras kept looking at the man periodically through out the fest, she barely touched her food too. She didn't have much of an appetite. After they were done eating, both people from the Kitsune and Tengu clan stood up and started to talk to each other in a civil manner. Seras walked out onto the balcony and stared at the sky.
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 05:14 PM
Agares stared after Seras
"Merihim,i'll be back in a minute"
He walked out into the cold night air and leaned with his arms crossed on the side of the balcony and sighed.
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 05:23 PM
Seras turned around and saw the man standing in the archway, then she looked back out toward the horizion.
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 05:28 PM
Agares sighed and continued talking
"Just to let you know,i hate this idea as much as you do.But since we're stuck with it i thought we'd try and make peace.So if it's all right with you i'd like to start again.Hello,I'm Agares"
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 05:33 PM
Seras sighed,
"You do have a point, but the only reason I'm doing this is for my people. I've been hating the hatred between our clans. The only thing I have against this marriage is that I don't even know you or love you for that matter and my parents just expect me to go along with this."
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 05:37 PM
"Well,get to know me then.At least it'll make this whole ordeal a little easier"
He moved to beside her, staring out over the horizon.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 05:39 PM
"What is your whole opinion on this matter? I don't expect any of the Tengus or Kitsunes to just forget the whole war matter just because we are getting married. But I will try to get to know you at least. And my names Seras."
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 05:48 PM
"Nice to meet you Seras.My personal opinion is that while it'll bring our clans closer than any normal treaty would it's completely unfair on us.No offence but i'd rather be at war with your clan than marry without consent."
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 05:52 PM
Seras's ears dropped a little,
"So you'd rather have bloodshed and destruction? I know you don't want to marry me i don't want to marry you either. I don't even know you, and this isn't fair to me either! But at least I don't wish violence upon my people!" she cried as tears started to form in her eyes a little and then she stommped back into the room and excused her self from the fest.
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 05:57 PM
Agares sighed and walked inside,taking his seat beside Merihim again.Everyone at the banquet stared at him,they obviously knew that Seras's show of emotion was his fault.Knowing it was him that caused it didn't make him feel any better about being questioned.He got up and left the dining room,wandering around.After a few minutes of searching he found his way to the roof.He sat down and sighed
"why am i such an idiot?"
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 06:04 PM
Seras wandered around for a while calming down, she then made her way to the roof. Though she stopped in her tracks, she saw Agares sitting in her usual spot.
Seras wasn't sure what to do, how could she marry someone who wanted violence instead of peace?
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 06:06 PM
Agares didn't notice Seras's appearance on the roof,he just continued damning himself.
"Why did i say that?I'm such an idiot!"
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 06:14 PM
Seras just stood in her place, she heard what Agares had said just now.
Had Seras been wrong about this man? She didn't know him at all so it was a possibility...
Seras then cleared her throat a little.
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 06:16 PM
Agares snapped to attention when Seras cleared her throat.
"Oh,sorry.You startled me.I suppose this is your spot,don't worry i'll move"
He got up to leave.
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 06:20 PM
As he walked past her she grabbed his sleeve, she looked down at the ground and mummbled,
"No its okay.... you can stay."
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 06:22 PM
Agares stopped and looked at her.
He sat back down where he was originally
"I love the view you guys have here"
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 06:26 PM
Seras was still looking at the ground but when Agares said he liked the view she had up here she sat down next to him and smiled.
"Yeah I like the view here too."
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 06:28 PM
He smiled back at her.
"hey,i'm sorry for what i said before.This is just so...rushed,i hope you'll forgive me"
He scanned the skyline,watching the setting sun get slowly further down
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 06:37 PM
Seras nodded her head,
"Yeah I know how you feel, I was shocked and angry when my mother told me I was supposed to marry you... I mean I want peace for all of us but..... I didn't want anything that was rushed or forced upon me."
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 06:44 PM
Agares nodded in agreement
"I know exactly how you feel.Well,i suppose we better return before the others start missing us"
He stood up and stretched his hand out to help Seras up
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 06:46 PM
Seras nodded and took Agares hand and stood up but a shingle was loose and she started to fall backwards, her hand slipping out of his hand.
The Shadow
06-13-2011, 06:51 PM
Agares lurched forward,grabbing onto her with one arm.The momentum sent them off the roof but he'd already calculated this move in his head.Just as they were falling by the balcony he grabbed onto the barrier and slowly but surely hoisted them up until the were both ling on the balcony,his arm still firmly wrapped around her.
Strange Nerd Girl
06-13-2011, 07:02 PM
Seras was a little flabbergasted at what had just happened, how could she have been so careless?
"Uh... um.. thanks." she said her face started to turne slightly red.
The Shadow
06-14-2011, 03:55 PM
Agares laughed slightly from the shock,taking his arm from around Seras.
"No problem"
He stood up,extending his arm to help Seras up too
Merihim punched the wall,his plan to kill of his brother hadn't worked.He didn't care about killing Seras,She was just colateral damage.He swore before running off incase he was noticed
Strange Nerd Girl
06-14-2011, 04:00 PM
Seras kept her face down to the floor but reached and took Agares hand and stood up.
She saw some one from the corner of her eye but couldn't make out who it had been.
The Shadow
06-14-2011, 04:05 PM
Agares noticed Seras look at something.
"What is it?"
Merihim ran back to the dining room,everyone had left for their rooms.He ran upstairs,finding his room and enteriing,locking the door behind him
Strange Nerd Girl
06-14-2011, 04:07 PM
Seras was snapped back to reality and she shook her head,
"Its.. its nothing. Please excuse me." she said and started to walk towards her room.
The Shadow
06-14-2011, 04:20 PM
Agares stared after her,more than slightly confused.
"Ok,i'll see you tomorrow...I guess"
He walked slowly to his room.Going in and lying down on the bed provided.He couldn't help but feel that the shingle didn't fall on it's own,they took much pride in their city's looks and he assumed they would keep it in top condition.His thoughts drifted from that to teh wedding until he was finally asleep
Strange Nerd Girl
06-14-2011, 04:23 PM
Seras lay awake in her bed, for some reason her heart couldn't stop pounding. She thought it was just the adrenaline from the fall and stuff but apparently it wasn't. Seras forgot about it and fell asleep.
The next morning, she was preparing herself for the wedding.
The Shadow
06-14-2011, 04:30 PM
Agares woke up and immediately started preparing for the wedding.After putting on his tuexedo he headed down to where the wedding was beign held.He decided it was a bad idea to talk to Seras before the ceremony as it would just increase the awkwardness of the whole situation.
When he got there only a few people had gathered,including his father who gave him a knowing look.He headed over and stood beside him,he looked around for Merihim who was no-where to be seen.He could really have used his support right now.
Strange Nerd Girl
06-14-2011, 04:41 PM
Seras and her servants were walking down the corridor whjken suddenly some of the Tengu clan appeared and grabbed Seras, one of the other men stabbed her servant Emi in the stomach and blood started to pool around her.
Seras froze in horror and screamed. It echoed through out the house and into the chapel
The Shadow
06-14-2011, 04:47 PM
Agares heard a scream,as did his father and the rest of the group who'd gathered.He and his father exchanged a quick look before speeding off to the source of the scream.
Merihim came out of the shadows and grabbed Seras,silencing her scream.It was too late though as Agares and the others sped around the corner.He raised a knife to Seras's throat.
"Don't move or i'll kill her"
He smirked,he obviously had the upper hand here
Strange Nerd Girl
06-14-2011, 04:53 PM
Seras was scared, her body trembled as the brother of Agares had a knife to her throat.
She couldn't think of anything to do, but then remembered that she had power over fire. So Seras focused on the knife to her throat and it got really hot.
The Shadow
06-14-2011, 04:57 PM
Merihim didn't notice the knife getting steadilly hotter until it was scalding his hand.He pushed Seras away and dropped the knife
Agares took this opportunity to punch Merihim in the face,sending him to the ground,he didn't have his hookswords so he'd have to do this teh old fashioned way
Strange Nerd Girl
06-14-2011, 05:01 PM
Seras fell to the floor but quickly got up and screamed,
"Agares! Duck!"
Then she breathed in very calmly and threw a large wave a flame over toward the brothers.
The Shadow
06-14-2011, 05:08 PM
Agares flung himself to the floor,the fireball singeing his hair.The fireball crashed into Merihim,sending him flying down the corridor.He leapt up,using the shadows in the corridor to strangle one of Merihim's fellow assailants.
Strange Nerd Girl
06-14-2011, 05:08 PM
Seras was exhausted from using most of her energy to fling that fire wave. She crawled towards Emi and focused on healing her.
The Shadow
06-14-2011, 05:14 PM
Agares finished off strangling the other Tengu.His father plunged his hand deep into the others chest and crushing his heart.
Merihim patted the fire from himself,escaping the scene hrough an open window and running away.Agares withdrew the shadows from the man's body and ran over to help Emi
Strange Nerd Girl
06-14-2011, 05:17 PM
Sweat beads were starting to form on Seras's forehead, she was spending to much energy healing. She sarted to breath heavily, Emi placed a weak hand on Seras arm and said,
"Its enough Seras... you can stop now."
The Shadow
06-14-2011, 05:21 PM
Agares was at a loss as to what he should do,he knew there was no saving Emi but he didn't want to abandon Seras.He crouched down beside her and put a hand on her shoulder.
Strange Nerd Girl
06-14-2011, 07:40 PM
"No... Emi... you can't leave me... If only I hadn't wasted so much energy..." Seras said as tears formed and fell down her face.
Then Emi's hand went limp and fell to her side, she was dead. Along with some other servants.
"Emi! no!" cried Seras and sobbed on Emis dead body.
The Shadow
06-15-2011, 03:14 PM
Agares put his arm around Seras while scanning the corridor for Merihim,he seemed to have disappeared.He focused his attention back to Seras,pulling her close and stroking her hair.
"It's ok...don't worry,everything will be fine"
Agares could hear the own doubt in his voice but continued trying to comfort Seras anyway
Strange Nerd Girl
06-15-2011, 03:21 PM
Seras continued to sob heavily, she couldn't believe her best friend had died protecting her. That knife wound was meant for her! not for Emi.... poor poor Emi.
Eventually Seras fell asleep on Agares lap, her mother said,
"Please? Would you take her back to her room and stay with her? I know your not at fault for what happened. We will talk with your father in the council room about what should happen next. Your brother sadly is now a traitor."
The Shadow
06-15-2011, 03:44 PM
Agares nodded sadly.
He picked Seras up and carried her down the corrider to her room.He pushed the door open with his foot and lay her down.He wiped the still wet tears from her face and sat at the foot of the bed.He put his face in his hands and mumbled to himself.
"What's wrong with him?Why would he do this?"
Strange Nerd Girl
06-15-2011, 03:49 PM
After a while Seras woke up, she found herself in her room in her bed. Looking around she saw Agares sitting in a chair with his face in his hands.
Seras got up slowly and walked over towards Agares,
"Agares? I'-....I'm sorry about your you must feel very betrayed right now..." she said softly, a worried look on her face.
The Shadow
06-15-2011, 03:56 PM
Agares looked up at Seras and shook his head in disbelief.
"I just have no idea why he'd do something so sinister.You feeling any better?"
He was trying trying to keep the topic away from Emi to avoid further pain for Seras
Strange Nerd Girl
06-15-2011, 04:02 PM
Seras grabbed her other arm and slightly rubbed it a bit, trying not to cry.
"I'm...I'm fine.... " silence fell between her and Agares for a while.
The Shadow
06-16-2011, 03:59 PM
Agares sat down beside Seras and put his arm around
"Don't worry,it'll be ok"
He looked out the open window at the setting sun,it was too beautiful for a time like this
Strange Nerd Girl
06-16-2011, 04:06 PM
Seras leaned against Agares, she needed someone right now and Agares wasn't that bad of a guy. She actually liked him, which was a little of a surprise to herself but she had just been almost kidnapped and maybe killed.
The Shadow
06-16-2011, 04:11 PM
Agares stroked Seras' hair as she leaned towards him.He couldn't tell if she actually liked him or if she was just so eo=motional right now that she'd take comfort from anyone but that didn't matter right now.He continued to soothe her.
Strange Nerd Girl
06-16-2011, 04:19 PM
Agares was really warm, Seras had never noticed that before... her face was starting to blush and blush deep.
"Um.. Agares?- Seras question was cut short as there was a knock on her door. She slowly got up and opened the door. She whispered with the servant and then closed it again. Then she walked back to Agares and said.
"Your parents want to talk to you Agares. And I need to make funeral preperations for Emi. Please excuse me. Your parents are in the dinning hall. Rin outside will take you there."
Said Seras then she left the room.
The Shadow
06-23-2011, 03:47 PM
Agares stood up slowly and walked down to where his parents were,the wedding decorations had already been taken down and now only a few isolated chairs were left in the middle of the floor.He stared into his father's eyes,was there a glint of worry in the cold stones?
"Agares,you know what must happen now.We must kill Merihim,as is the law of our clan."
Agares nodded sadly.
"But we won't make you hunt your own brother without your consent.You can either stay here with Seras or help us find him.I'll give you a few hours to think it over,when you're ready come and find me in my quarters."
Agares turned on his heel and walked to his room,sitting on his bed and sighing.
Strange Nerd Girl
06-23-2011, 04:10 PM
Seras was back in her room, she had arranged a nice simple funeral for Emi. It was what she would've wanted. Emi never liked over decorated things such as Seras almost wedding.
Tears started to stream down her face once more, the pain of losing a friend was terrible, her heart ached.
Seras walked out of her room and back to the roof where she usually sat when things were down for her in life. All the way there she walked in sort of a trance, Agares had been kind to her. Seras was glad that he was here, it was weird. Earlier today she couldn't really stand him and now she was glad taht he was here.
The Shadow
06-23-2011, 04:13 PM
Agares needed fresh air,he walked up to the roof to see Seras sitting there.It was amasing how before tehy could barely stand being in the same room as each other and now they were acting like old friends.
"Need to think.huh?" he said as he walked over to her.
Strange Nerd Girl
06-23-2011, 04:20 PM
Seras jumped a little when Agares came back up onto the roof, but smiled at him a little when she realized it was just him.
"Yeah I do.." she said in a soft low voice
The Shadow
06-23-2011, 04:22 PM
He sighed as he sat down beside her,looking out over the city.
"You want to go first or shall I?"
Strange Nerd Girl
06-23-2011, 04:28 PM
Seras smiled a little and then leaned against Agares again, he was comfy she had to admit... she blushed a little.
"I'm still thinking about Emi, what did your parents want to talk to you about?"
The Shadow
06-23-2011, 04:34 PM
Agares smiled at her then his face turned serious again as he looked back over the city.
"They're giving me the choice of helping them find and kill Merihim or staying here with you"
Strange Nerd Girl
06-23-2011, 04:37 PM
Seras smile dissaperard, he would leave then?
She looked up at him and asked,
"Well? What is your choice then?"
The Shadow
06-23-2011, 05:16 PM
Agares sighed
"I don't know,I was really hoping you'd give me your opinion"
Strange Nerd Girl
06-23-2011, 05:48 PM
"Why do you need my opinion? We aren't married and the weddings been called off... your brother is a threat not just to your own clan but to the other clans out there. He will disturb the other clans peace that they have worked so hard to maintain.... Though I would miss you..."
Said Seras.
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