View Full Version : Dragonsbane
12-16-2009, 02:06 PM
Rovon sat in his hut, his face buried in his hands as he wept. Why? Why did it have to be Miraa? It was a selfish thought, for if Gargolas hadn't chosen his daughter, he would only have chosen another's. He brought his fist down hard on the table in front of him, cursing that even as powerful and wise as he was among Humans, there was nothing he could do to save his only daughter from being eaten. Damn that Dragon. Damn all Dragons! What had Mankind ever done to deserve this vile existance?
A vile grin spread across Gargolas's muzzle, causing him to bare his teeth as he laughed. Whether from the noise or from the shaking of his immense girth, his laughter shook the ground beneath them, causing the feather-light Miraa to stumble to her knees. She scrambled to right herself, unwilling to die bowing to her Dragon master, but this only caused Gargolas to laugh harder, knocking her on her back this time.
He placed a huge taloned claw on top of her, keeping her down as he looked her in the eye. "You are a fighter," he growled. "Good, I like my meals to struggle."
She met that blood-red eye with a look not of fear but of hatred. She wasn't afraid of dying. If there was a life after death, even hell could not be worse than this place, and if nothing awited her on the other side of the void, then she welcomed that nothingness. She lamented that she would never see her father or brother again, that she would not find a mate, raise children, or grow old. But that was not what made her angry. What upset her was that Gargolas could in any way derive pleasure from her death. If she could at that moment, she might have ended her own life simply to deny him that pleasure. Gathering all that hatred, she did something that she never would have done before, but which she had always wanted to. She spat in his eye.
Gargolas reared back in surprise, giving Miraa just enough time to get out from under him and run. Her scrawny legs were not strong enough though, and even as slow as Gargolas was, with two steps the Dragon master overtook her. This time he grabbed her up in his talons and roared in her face. "I was going to end your life quickly, but you do not deserve such mercy. Your last hours will be long and painful indeed, and before the end you will be begging my forgiveness."
"Never!" Miraa yelled as forcefully as she could. That yell was cut short as the talons tightened around her, squeezing the breath from her lungs. The claws scraped across her back, taking shreds of her flesh with them. She felt as if at any moment her back would snap like a trodden twig, but she bit her tongue until she tasted blood. She would not give him the pleasure of hearing her scream, no matter what he did to her.
Lord Tully
12-16-2009, 04:24 PM
Jardon paced the floor of his home, a look of great dispair on his face trying to think of something. He turned to his father as he cursed, "We cannot let them do this father, I won't let them do this." In desperation he grabbed the ax he used for fire wood and a long knife and headed for the door.
12-16-2009, 04:36 PM
"Jardon, no!" Rovon stood and called after his son, but it was already too late. He was out of the range of hearing by now, and most likely would not have listened even if he had heard. Must I loose both of them at once? he thought. But he is right, we cannot continue doing nothing. Perhaps the time has come at last...
As old and worn as Rovon was, he knew that he would not be able to catch up to his son. He could barely see in front of him in the dim moonlight. But he could do the next best thing. Grabbing his cane and making certain that no dragons or guards were around to see him, he headed for the hut of a good friend, Raznak. Once there, he tapped lightly on the door.
Lord Tully
12-16-2009, 04:46 PM
Jardon faintly heard his father but disregared his cry, the dragons had his sister and he was not going to wait and hope they decided not kill her.
Raznak heard the knocking at his door and wearily went to the door saying "Hold on a minute I'm coming." His eyes widened with surprise as he say who it was knocking at his door. "Elder Rovon, I didn't expect you at this late hour. My deepest sorrow goes out to you, I'm sorry about Miraa. Is there something you needed?"
12-16-2009, 04:55 PM
"Yes, your help. Jardon has run off to try to rescue her. I tried to warn him, but it did no good. He's got it in his mind that he can somehow save her."
"Before you say anything, I am not asking you to go after them. Miraa is probably dead already, and my son... he will likely walk down that lonely path soon. But now is not the time to mourn them, and we stand no chance againt the Dragons face to face. We must use this opportunity to escape."
He sighed. "I never thought that I would be saying or doing these things. I love my children dearly, but what matters most right now it the fate of Adonspiria. I need your help to gather everyone together."
Lord Tully
12-16-2009, 05:15 PM
Raznak looked down and briefly lamented losing another friend, "As you say Elder." He quickly went out to the other houses and woke everyone, telling them "Elder Rovon needs everyone now."
Jardon was already nearing Gargolas' keep, and was not intending to stop until either he or Gargolas was dead. at the great door Jardon was stopped by two guards, and he shouted "GARGOLAS!!! Come out and face me you worm, I've come for my sister and if you've harmed her I swear I'll cleave your head in two."
12-16-2009, 05:53 PM
"Master Gargorath! Master Gargorath!" A Half-blood ran into the room and bowed. "Forgive me for intruding, master, but there is a disturbance at the gate. A human male demands to see you. He is armed, and keeps mumbling something about a sister."
The pressure on Miraa's chest lessened, and she was able to breathe freely again. As her eyes focused once more, she saw a look in Gargolas' eyes that made her skin crawl. "Seems like another mud child wants to join us for dinner. Shall we let him in?" He asked, smiling cruelly. Who is he talking about? It took her mind, which had been deprived of oxygen a moment ago, some time to catch up to what was happening. When it did, the look on her face changed from one of hatred to one of horror. The fool! What could he be trying to prove by coming here?
Gargolas must have seen her expression, because he let loose another thunderous laugh. "Come now, don't be rude. Don't you want to see your dear brother one last time?"
To the Half-blood, he ordered, "Do nothing for now. I want to see how well this Human hatchling can fight."
With Miraa still grasped firmly in his talons, the hulking mass of a dragon waddled over to what appeared to be a huge black crystal which set atop a tall pillar. "Show me the gate." He ordered. A light became visable within the center of the crystal, and it swirled and grew in the center of the crystal until an image could be seen. The image was of Jardon and the two Half-blood guards staring each other down, weapons at the ready.
The first Half-blood guard sneered at Jardon, his tail lashing with disgust. "Go back to your mud hut and mind your own business, unless you want to be his Master Gargolas' next meal."
The second piped in. "The master has no taste for males, remember? He would likely miss such a strong slave, too. Leave now, Human, and your life might yet be spared."
Rovon kept watch of the hut as the heads of Adonspiria's families came one at a time to his door. There was curiosity in some of the eyes, sorrow in others, and in still others there was a look of anger, but all of them knew better than to make any sound until they were inside. When all of them had gathered, Rovon saw Raznak on his way back, and ushered him in.
"What is this about, Elder?" Someone asked.
"We all will mourn the loss of your children, Rovon, but gathering like this could get us all killed." another said.
"Yes, it's foolish even coming from you." mumbled a man in the back, with whom Rovon had never exactly been friendly.
"I did not ask you here for that. Much as I hate to say it, my son and daughter have provided us with a suitable distraction. We have ample time now to escape. But we must do so now. Who knows when or if the next opportunity will show itself."
The men muttered amongst themselves for a moment. Finally one of them gave voice to the question on all of their minds. "Where would we go?"
Rovon did not miss a beat. "The mountains. The mountain caves are the only place where we can hope to be free."
"Now wait just a moment here, Rovon. This wouldn't have anything to do with that old legend of the mountain city, would it?"
Rovon nodded, and was answered by disapproval from most of the men. "That is only one of the old tales," one said. "You can't honestly believe that Dragonsbane actually exists!"
Rovon looked up at the ceiling. "I don't know whether it does or not, but if we ever want to be free of the dragon's control, it might be our only hope."
Lord Tully
12-16-2009, 07:11 PM
Jardon nodded to the Half blood and said in a slightly defeated tone, "You're right I was a fool to come here, I should know that the Master has the right to do this. I shall leave now." He turned and started walking back down the path to the gates, he waited until the half bloods dropped their guard. Wwhen they did he whipped around and threw the knife into on of them and charged the other with his ax.
12-16-2009, 07:31 PM
With the one guard writhed on the ground in pain, the other had just enough warning to raise his sword and deflect the blow from Jardon's axe. Spinning the sword around, he used it to wrench the axe out of Jardon's hands. "You are foolish even for a Human," he hissed.
Gargolas was riled at the sight of one of his best soldiers lying dead on the bloodstained grass, but as he watched the other's movements, he was slightly impressed. "Would you prefer he die out there or in here, for it is cerain now that he is going to die for his defiance."
Miraa said nothing, but simply stared at the magical seeing crystal, watching her brother and hoping that he would somehow find a way to escape. Please don't die on me, Jardon.
Lord Tully
12-16-2009, 07:42 PM
Jardon ducked under the Halfbloods swing and grabbed up the sword belonging to the fallen guard. "No you were foolish taking my sister." He shouted and started swinging at the Half-blood with is new sword.
Raznak stepped forward "Everyone listen, Jardon has left to kill the Master, regardless of if he succeeds they we punish us all to make an example of him. If we don't leave before the dawn we might all be destroyed, Dragon's Bane might not exist, but if we can escape to the mountains we can make it real ourselves."
12-16-2009, 09:01 PM
The group became silent as Raznak's words sunk in. Then one of the men stepped forward. "He is right. If we must die, let us die as free men fighting for our families rather than as slaves trampled under our masters' feet."
Nods of agreement could be seen around the room. But Rovon noticed that a couple of the men held back. "Spalay, Farfax, what say you?" He asked.
"I do not like it." A tall one with blonde hair and a heavy brow spoke up. "Yes, I and mine will go. What choice do we have? If we stay here, we will certainly be killed. But do not think for a minute, old man, that I will be led by you! Once we reach a place of safety, we will go our own way."
The other was one of the favorites among the dragons, as evidenced by his girth. Dragons might give a certain human more food than the others for one of two reasons, as a bribe or to fatten them up. Rovon had always wondered what the bribe must be, since Farfax had no obvious skills and he had not been eaten yet. "Well for my part, I'd rather take my chances here. Here we have food and protection."
"Here we are given a small portion of the food we grow," Rovon corrected, "and as for protection, of what good is it when our masters deminish our numbers whenever they feel the need for a snack?! If you want to stay here, then stay. If you want to go your own way after we're gone, then so be it. But those who are going must go now."
After a brief bit of debate, the men began to leave. After the last had gone, Rovon turned to Raznak. "Thank you. I believe that your words changed their minds." He sighed. "Perhaps I am the only one who remembers what it is like to be free, but I don't want to be the last. Now hurry, go and get whatever you can take with you that will be useful. We won't have much time before the Dragons realize what's happening."
The swing took the guard by surprise, and he lept backward, but not far enough to avoid a slash across the arm that bore his sword. The cut immediately bagan bleeding, and he involuntarily dropped the sword. "You will pay for this!" the guard shouted. Defenseless now, he had no choice but to run for help. Master would not like this, not at all, but he would rather not take his chances against this Human alone.
"Enough!" Gargolas growled. The scene in the crystal immediately faded. "Let him come to me. I'll deal with him myself!" He walked over to a cage in the corner of the room and dropped Miraa down inside of it. "The show is just starting, my little morsel, and you will have the best seat in the house."
It was a rough fall, but Miraa was unharmed other than a few bruises. Standing, she spat at the ground near Gargolas' feet.
"My, all this excitement has certainly worked up an appetite." Gargolas said with a slight grin. "And you are so terribly scrawny, there's hardly any meat on you at all. Maybe I should wait and fatten you up a bit. Your brother looks ever so much tastier." He licked his lips at the thought.
"He will kill you! He will slay you like the monster you are!" Miraa shrieked.
"We shall see about that," the dragon master said with ammusement.
Lord Tully
12-16-2009, 11:03 PM
Jardon grabbed the second guard's sword and the gate key off of the dead one. He pushed open the gates to Gargolas' palace and ran for the main hall with all his might ~I'm coming Miraa hold on~ he thought.
Raznak ran back to his home and packed what little food and supplies he had as well as a bundled up short blade he had forged in private out of unused scrape that came from the broken farming tools he fixed. He had nothing else of use so he hurried to help the others.
12-17-2009, 06:30 PM
Rovon took the handle of a broom and rammed it with all his might against a section of the wall of his hut. The wall broke down, revealing a gap which held Rovon and his children's most prized posessions, which they had set aside in secret for just such a time.
He glanced over the shelf of small lidded pots. They were filled with mostly dried food and seeds, but he had some dried herbs among them which would be invaluable should anyone become injured. He chose a few of each and placed them in his medicine bag. Then his eyes wandered to those things on the second shelf, and a lump formed in his throat.
There was a long white knife that he had carved for Jardon from the tooth of one of Gargolas' sons, which he himself had pulled when it had been too painful. He remembered fencing with Jardon late into the night when he was certain that the guards would be away. Briefly he wondered what good all that had done, but he pushed back the thought. His children were dead, if not yet then they soon would be. He had to focus on leading the rest of his people to safety now. He convinced himself that he would take it only because it would be useful, but in his heart he knew that to be a lie.
His eyes began to glaze over when he noticed a simple necklace that Miraa had made for herself out of clay beads and twine. He remembered how she had diligently saved bits of clay to make it, how she had snuck into the weaving shed at night for the twine. He never could figure out why she had gone to such trouble for a thing that no one but her family would ever see. Perhaps only to prove to herself that she could. He tried to convince himself to set it down, that it would only take up needed space in the bag, but he could not bear to leave it behind. If he had to leave Miraa behind, something of her must go on, even if it was only this small trinket.
He had been standing there for far too long. There was no time to tarry on old memories. Quickly he grabbed an old blanket and a few small tools and stuffed them into the bag. Grabbing up his staff, he walked out the door, giving a last silent goodbye to the only place that had ever truly been home.
Gargolas used a rope to hoist Miraa's cage up into the air a good ways over his head, nearly all the way up to the room's tall ceiling. Out of a mixture of fear and curiosity, she remained silent. He then began sharpening his claws against the stone wall of the room, which made an awful noise that sounded to Miraa like screaming. She yelled at him to stop it, but hearing that, he continued the awful sound, making it louder for her benefit. He then let loose a ferocious roar which shook the room and made her cage sway.
Gargolas then began to mutter in a gutteral draconic tongue that she wasn't familiar with. All of the sudden she noticed what felt like a band tightening around her throat. She had no trouble breathing, and when she reached up she felt nothing unusual, but when she tried to speak, she felt the resistance once more, as if she were being choked. He was obviously evoking some sort of magic to silence her. But why? Finishing his spell, he left the room and returned after a momnet carrying the carcass of a dead animal in his jaws. He then ate the beast in front of her, allowing its blood to run down his muzzle and splatter onto the floor, staining everything the same dark red as his eyes. The sight and smell made her sick, and she wondered why he was doing all of this, aside from the obvious reason of torturing her.
It was then that the realization hit her of what Gargolas was doing. She would have cursed at him if she could have. The noise he had been making, of roars and screams, would lure Jardon to this room. He wouldn't be able to see or hear her, but he would see the blood and think that it was hers, that she was already dead. There was nothing she could do to stop this, but because of her position she would be forced to watch it all unfold. As she watched Gargolas walk off towards his inner chambers, she beat her fists against the bars of her cage in fury, but only succeeded in making her injuries worse.
Jardon, please, don't come in here! It's a trap! She called out to her brother with her mind, willing him to hear, but knowing that there was no way he could possibly do so.
Lord Tully
12-17-2009, 06:43 PM
Jardon heard an awful noise that sounded like Miraa, "Hold on I'm coming!!" He shouted as he followed the shrill screams. He gripped both swords as tight as he could as he ran past the frightened servants of the palace. Jardon eventually arrived at a large door made for dragons, he slammed on it with the pommol of one of the swords. "Open the door now, or is the great Gargolas a coward, afraid of one human?"
Raznak came into Rovon's home, his sword slung across his back, and saw the items in the hole in the wall. His face grew saddened, "I'm truly sorry Elder, I can't imagine how you feel. The villagers are all ready to go, they will follow your lead until the mountains. But after that I don't know what they will do."
12-17-2009, 07:30 PM
Rovon nodded. "I expected as much. Very well, let's go while we still can." Hoisting his bag onto his shoulder, he led the way to the center of the encampment. "The roads out will all be guarded," he said addressing the gathered crowd, "so we will have to go through the fields." Leading them on, he gazed around them warily, wondering at their unusual luck. They hadn't encountered a single guard so far, and they were nearly to the boundary of Gargolas' territory.
But that luck was not to last. The gate guard who had gone out to warn the other Half-bloods about the human troublemaker was on his way back with reinforcements. It wasn't long until they detected a large group of humans heading north. Even now, the stealthy warriors were circling the group, preparing to attack from all sides at once.
From where she sat, Miraa could see a great clawed hand reach up from where he hid and pull a lever. The door in front of Jardon seemed to open of its own accord, letting in a flood of light from the torches in the hall. Miraa was stunned for a moment as she struggled to adjust her eyes, which had grown used to the darkness.
She had to do something, to get Jardon's attention somehow. He couldn't hear her, but maybe, just maybe, she could do something to make him see her. She wracked her brain, trying to come up with a plan.
Lord Tully
12-17-2009, 08:29 PM
Jardon was a bit surprised when the door opened with no one behind it, he slowly edged his way into the great room, he whispered loudly "Miraa, Miraa! Where are you? Please Miraa answer me." Jardon looked around the whole room and could see nothing in plain sight. Gargolas wasn't able to be seen at the time either, so Jardon shouted in a mocking voice, "Gargolas, show yourself. I expected more from the all powerful master of our little town. But then again, you must be rather weak, taking defenceless girls while they sleep, and fighting from the shadows instead of where I can see you. Is the Master so weak that he cannot even face one human alone?" making taunting gestures all the way.
Raznak was in the back of the parade of refugees making sure no one was left behind. Although they had not encountered any dragons or their forces, Raznak had a feeling that they were not alone, he adjusted the sword so that he could reach it at a moment's notice. He picked up his pace to get along side Rovon, "Elder Rovon, there's something out there, it may be nothing, but I don't want to risk it being something. Do I have your leave to go and take care of it?"
12-17-2009, 09:04 PM
"There is no use calling, boy. Your sister is no longer able to answer you." Gargolas answered. With thunerous steps that shook the ground, he came into the light so that he could be seen. "Pardon my appearance," he said in a mocking tone, making a show of wiping the blood off of his muzzle for Jardon's benefit. "I have just eaten and I wasn't expecting guests so soon. What a shame that you couldn't have joined us for dinner." He licked his lips as he said the last part.
As she saw her brother come through the door, Miraa suddenly had an idea of how to get Jardon to notice her. Standing once more, she moved to one side of the cage so that it started to move. She did this slowly at first, unsure of her footing, but as she gained confidence and the urgency of the situatiion sunk in, she moved faster. But as light as she was, even runing from one side of the cage to the other only caused it to sway a small bit. She stopped to catch her breath, then started again, running faster this time. Look up, brother! I'm not dead yet, and I don't want to be the cause of your death!
Rovon kept moving, leading the others forward, even as he spoke low enough that only Raznak could hear him. "Do so, but be discreet. I don't want the others to worry needlessly. They have been through enough already, and the last thing I need is for them to start panicking. If we are being followed though, I would know of it. Just be careful."
At the fence line which led to the fields beyond, Rovon stopped, turning to the others. "Those who can fight, stay on the outside. Women and children need to stay in the center."
He saw many members of the group swapping places. This would allow Raznak to leave without being noticed. Soon, they had done as he had asked. "Alright, forward then," Rovon said.
Lord Tully
12-18-2009, 04:33 PM
Jardon saw the blood drip from Gargolas' jaw, his expression changed from angry to completely devastated, he attempted to speak, to cry, to do anything, but his throat let nothing out. Jardon simply slunk down to his knees and dropped his weapons, and waited for the dragon to simply kill him as well. He looked up as the Gargolas came to stand over him, "Just do it."
12-18-2009, 05:04 PM
Gargolas circled Jardon, staring down this puny human who only moments before would have fought him to the death. This was far too easy. Humans were so predictable, so easily controlled, that it almost took the fun ot of killing them. Almost. "Is this the same human who killed my servant, who rammed down my door demanding satisfaction?" He taunted. "Do you know what an honor it is for one of you worthless creatures to be eaten by a dragon? No, I don't think you deserve such a fine reward. Besides, my hunger is sated and I have no more need of you."
Miraa heard the clanging sound of Jardon's weapons falling to the floor, and she fought the urge to fall on her own knees and weep. How could he just give up? Instead she ran harder, focussing all of her energy into that one task. At the very least she wanted him to know that she was still alive, that Gargolas's words were lies. The cage shifted suddenly, and it made an odd creaking noise. Now for some reason it seemed to be swinging more freely. I'm here, brother! Just look up! I'm right here! Don't give up, please!
Lord Tully
12-18-2009, 05:53 PM
Jardon heard the creaking coming from above and looked to see a large metal object hanging from the ceiling. He suddenly got an idea and grabbed up one of his swords with both hands, with a renewed energy he dashed for the rope that held the object up. "Your mistake was wronging me!" He cried as he swung at the rope holding the sword with all his strength. The rope severed and the Cage came crashing down upon Gargolas's back where his wings were attached, the impact didn't seem to kill him so Jardon went over to the dragon to gloat. "Your kind are a plauge upon this world, with all your arrogence. You will never rule us as long as people like me exist." He then spoke in the human tongue as a final insult. "Consider this a gift from me to you." he then thrust the blade into Gargolas' eye and pierced his brain.
12-18-2009, 06:28 PM
The impact of the cage stunned and momentarilly immobilized Gargolas. He tried to move, but found that he wasn't strong enough to rise. "Curse you and all your kind for this treachery," he roared in dragonspeak. When Jardon stood over him and thrust the sword through his skull, he let loose a final roar of combined fury and agony, before his good eye began to grow dim and he began to choke on his own blood. Before long, his writhing subsided and his last breath escaped from between his jaws, still open from the roar.
Miraa slowly drew herself up onto her knees. She had received multiple injuries from the fall, in addition to the ones Gargolas had caused before. Everything hurt, and it took a great deal of effort to crawl on her hands and knees to the bars of her cage where she could be seen. Sitting down, she reached out a hand through the bars. "Brother." She mouthed the word, but no sound would come out.
So Gargolas's curse upon her still held even after he had breathed his last. Would she never be able to speak again? The thought crossed Miraa's mind briefly, but for the moment she didn't care. Her brother was alive. Both of them were alive, and Gargolas was dead. All of the fear, the pain, the anger she had felt came flooding back. Overcome with emotion, she lowered her head and let her tears fall. She shook as her body was racked by soundless sobs. Whether they were of joy or sorrow, not even she knew.
Gargolas was dead. That meant that his sons and his soldiers would be after them soon. After everyone. The murder of a dragon never went unpunished. They had to get out of there and warn everyone. Pulling herself together, Miraa lifted her head and noticed a part of the cage where the bars were dented far enough so that she could escape. Slowly and painfully, she made her way towards them and crawled through. She dropped down on the other side of the bars, landing in a pool of blood. She had to hold herself for a moment to keep from crying again, but the feeling soon passed.
She struggled to stand and walk over to where Jardon was, but the pain was too much and she fell to her knees again. She looked up into her brother's eyes. "I'm sorry, Jardon," her lips said. "You need to leave. I can't slow you down."
Lord Tully
12-18-2009, 08:17 PM
Jardon spat on Gargolas' corpse, and looked up to see Miraa coming towards him. He rubbed at his eyes to make sure they weren't tricking him. He hurried to her when she fell to the floor, "Miraa you're alive thank the gods. I thought you were dead." he put the blades into his belt and picked Miraa up in his arms. "I came here to save you, I'm not leaving you here in this hell." He quickly ran back through he castle as fast as he could before Gargolas was found dead. Once they got out side Jardon heard the alarm being raised, "We can't go home anymore, we're going to Dragonsbane, hopefuly the others we have time to get out."
12-22-2009, 09:35 PM
Salagon was the first to know. As the eldest he of course was the most important. Anger darkened his garnet-colored eyes at the half-breed who spoke. "Your...your father M-Master Gargolas is...he was...killed" Salagon using his beam-like tail knocked the man into the wall. "What scum has done this?" He demanded prowling forward his muscles flexing dangerously with every step. "WELL?" He yelled impatiently. The half-breed lifted his arms weakly to ward off what looked to be another imminent attack. "A pair of humans"
Salagon stepped back rage barely concealed in his visage. Gargolas was dead. Father was dead. The thought was maddening. Especially when it was revealed that humans had done the deed. Dirty humans had slain the great Gargolas.
The elder brother made to the room where Gargolas had last been seen. Sure enough the huge dragon had been slain. Salagon's furious roar drowned out for a second the other sounds. Where were they? Where? Those dirty vile creatures were going to die by his fang. And it would not be fast and painless. Not for them. "Get me Palagon" He hissed. Normally he would feel only contempt for his younger brother but Palagon would be of use now. "I will get them who have done this" He said in a low dangerous tone only used in the most dire of situations.
Palagon's opal eyes were curious. He as of yet did not know about the death of Gargolas. At the moment he had some free time. Free time to sculpt. Palagon had not yet started when several servants burst forth in a frenzy. Palagon turned to them wondering exactly what his brother wanted now.
"Master Palagon! The Master Salagon requires your presence" They said breathlessly. Palagon waited for the rest because there was more. He could sense that. "Your father has been slain!" They finally added.
Palagon reacted. Not nearly close to his brother's anger but there was anger. He pounded past the servants at a slower pace to meet his brother. Gargolas was his father...but Palagon wasn't heartbroken. He was actually rather relieved for Gargolas had loved his eldest best and that had been obvious from the start. Well, if Gargolas had been capable of such an emotion as love.
"You called" Palagon asked to his raging brother. By contrast he was calm. Of course it looked like his elder brother could smash him when they stood this close. It was simply because Palagon had some growing yet to do. He was still leaner than his brother not bulging with muscles that flexed with every step. When alone Palagon too was a pretty impressive specimen for he was not devoid of all mass but all of that was dwarfed next to Salagon. And sometimes it caused the smallest flame of jealousy to errupt in his mind.
"I did" Salagon growled. "I have been informed it was the very lowest of creatures who have done this to our father. A pair of humans" He spat. A pair of hate-filled red eyes suddenly nailed Palagon differences between them could not have been greater in that moment. "You are to help me, Little Brother, as I seek these scum out and take revenge upon them"
Palagon's opal eyes by contrast were cool when he replied. "I see. Then it will be as you wish, Brother." He didn't argue, couldn't see the point. Salagon did not take no for an answer and tended towards eviscerating those who used it. Well actually Salagon tended towards eviscerating everbody no matter what they had done. Palagon did not want to give his elder a reason to want to hate him more so he found agreeing the best possible solution.
((I think I've got it. But I don't know if I missed something because my computer kind of skipped all over the place when I was trying to read through))
12-26-2009, 03:33 AM
((Alright, we're finally back in businesss now. Sorry for the delay guys.))
The hairs on the back of Rovon's neck stood on end. There had been no sign of it, but he couldn't shake the feeling that they had been followed, and he hadn't seen Raznak since he had sent him to investigate. He should have been back by now. The rows of corn offered plenty of protection from anyone who might be watching them, but at the same time it offered a place where those same watchers might be hiding.
Suddenly there was a yell. It started from somewhere in front of them, and was echoed from behind and on all sides. Suddenly a horde of twelve half-bloods jumped out, weapons drawn. A few had swords, but most carried halberds or polearms, and right now every single one of them was pointed inward at them. The one that stood directly in front of Rovon laughed aloud. "You think you're going somewhere? No, I didn't think so. Now just be good little humans and go on back to your mud dens."
The men were confused. Some of them had their improvised weapons drawn, but looked to him trying to decide what to do. The humans greatly outnumbered the half-blood guards, and yet they had feared them for so long, that fear was all too quick to come back. The circle tightened as the fighting men backed up to protect the more vulnerable among them. Somewhere behind him he heard a child crying. Drawing out his son's white fang knife, he touched it to the sword of the half-blood in front of him. "One of us will die tonight. Are you sure of your soul?"
The half-blood laughed. "What would a human know of souls? Humans have none." At his signal, the half-bloods swung and chopped their weapons as one. Within a single moment, a miniature war had broken out between the dozen or so "lizards" and the fifty-strong group of humans. But the halflings had more than fear and weapons on their side. Many of them also had magic. If they decided to use it, Rovon knew that he and his people would stand no chance. All they could do now was fight and pray for a miracle.
Miraa looked up at her older brother in amazement. Jardon had carried her the entire way through Gargolas' fortress, and yet he still he managed to run as if she weighed no more than a sack of flour. Then again, perhaps she didn't. What little food she had gotten of late she had to steal herself straight out of the fields. She wished now that she wasn't so weak and frail. Maybe then she wouldn't have suffered such injuries that she couldn't walk. She hated that Jardon had to take care of her so often. But maybe that would change when they reached Dragonsbane. Maybe a lot of things would change. Her heart ached when she heard him say that they wouldn't be able to go back for their belongings. She wondered where father was, if he and the others had managed to get out in time.
Suddenly a thought occurred to her. Knowing that Gargolas' curse kept her voice from being heard, she had to pull at Jardon's tunic to get his attention and make him look down at her. "Go the other way. Go south. They will not be expecting it." If they were followed, it would be easier to escape if they led the enemy on a false trail, then turned back to head for the mountains.
12-26-2009, 10:38 PM
Jazlyn watched the battle in the field. "Stupid humans, well I better help them or you'll feel sorry about it later." she said to herself. Jazlyn aimed her bow at one of the half-bloods and fired an arrow at him, hitting him in the heart, killing him instantly. She fired another arrow at another half-blood wounding him in the arm. A few half-bloods and humans stopped battling to see what was happening. Jazlyn called out from the tree in a loud enough voice to be heard. "You half-bloods better leave these humans alone or there will ce sonsequences to pay." Jazlyn hoped that the half-bloods took the warning.
12-27-2009, 12:28 AM
From where he stood, Rovon could not at first see what had caused the commotion. His first instinct was to believe that a dragon was the reason several had stopped fighting to stare off into the distance. He didn't stop however. If they were caught, they would die. But if he died, he would die fighting. So he used the moment of hesitation to stab the bone knife into the chest of the half-blood in front of him.
Only when his enemy lie on the ground in front of him did he turn around to look for himself. It was another half-blood, a female, surely come to join in the fray. But as he watched, he noticed her aiming at her own kind, not the humans. She had beautifully-colored scales, but she had the hair and gait of a human. He tried to recall if he had ever seen a female like her before, but she didn't look anything like the lizards they were now fighting. She also looked nothing like Ferix, the one female half-blood he was familiar with who was an ally. Where was Ferix, anyhow? Well, he didn't have time to think of that now. Silently giving thanks for this stroke of good fortune, he turned his attention back to the battle.
Despite the humans advantage of numbers, the half-bloods were larger and faster, as well as better skilled with their weapons. Only a few of the half-bloods had fallen, but five of the men had been slain. "Hold the line!" He shouted, even as he clashed weapons with another soldier. "Don't let them break through!" Out the corner of his eye, he could see one of the lizard mages start to chant and wave his scepter about. No telling what sort of magic that one had in store for them, but if someone didn't stop him, this first battle could be their last.
Suddenly one of the half-bloods broke away and started toward Jazlyn. "Traitor!" he growled, picking up the sword of his fallen brother as he passed him so that he now held a blade in each hand. He rushed at her, aiming for her neck with one of them and her stomach with the other.
12-27-2009, 04:30 AM
Jazlyn looked calmy at the half-blood charging her. Jazlyn aimed her bow and fired, missing the half-blood. He stopped and smiled, "Missed" he said and stalked towards her. The arrow bounced off of one of the half-bloods helmet, and coming back towards the half-blood stalking towards Jazlyn. "Really?" she asked smiling, the arrow hitting him in the skull, knocking him dead instantly. Jazlyn pulled another bow from her bag and aimed it at the half-blood who was chanting, she fired the arrow, sending it straight into the half-blood's belly. "Any more of you half dragons wanna play, if not get outta here."
12-27-2009, 03:54 PM
Half their number were dead now, and a few of the others were injured. If not for that meddling female, they would have won. Now would the Gargolas even allow them to keep their heads? They still did not know, as most of their brothers did by now, that he was dead. Still, they knew if they stayed here they would die, so they retreated back in the drection of the town square, not waning to face the master just yet. "Wherever you go, whatever you do, we will hunt you down and kill you all!" The leader of the group shouted back over his shoulder at them before turning to disappear into the fields with his brethren.
The people were quiet as they looked around at their fellow humans who were now dead. Thankfully Rovon's plan had worked and none of the women or children had been injured. The shock on their faces hardened to resolve as they looked back at Rovon. They didn't blame him for this. They blamed the dragons, and they were more convinced than ever that standing up had been the right thing to do, despite the losses. Some of them had tears in their eyes, but no one spoke. They simply looked at him, then at the mysterious half-blood who had saved them.
Rovon walked over toward her as they watched from afar. "I don't know who you are, but I thank you. I wish there were something that I could do to repay you, but what little we have, we must save for our journey. Please, for your own sake, I ask that you turn aside and go another way. If the dragons find you among us they will kill you. Or worse." He knew of her skill by watching her, and knew that they could use an ally like her. Nonetheless, this was none of her concern, being a half-blood. She might escape to a better life somewhere else.
Lord Tully
12-27-2009, 09:01 PM
Raznak, could not return to the group intime to help, but he had seen the Dragon-kin's skill well enough. pointed his still unused sword at her and stepped forward, "What's to say they will? How can we tell that this..." He took a more inspecting look at Jazlyn, "half-blood, isn't their spy?"
12-27-2009, 10:46 PM
"Raznak, stand down." Rovon's voice was firm but calm. "If you ask me, her actions during the battle was proof enough that she is not a spy. But if you are still not convinced, then give her at least a chance to prove herself. Do you remember the proverb which says 'keep your friends close...?'" He hoped that Raznack would remember the rest of the words to that phrase, but would not say them aloud himself. What he wished to convey was that, whoever she was and whatever her motives, they should keep an eye on her. "Now stand down. Until she had proven herself our enemy, we should not treat her as such."
Lord Tully
12-27-2009, 11:09 PM
Raznak did as his elder asked, "As you wish Elder Rovon." He then adopted a slightly more friendly tone, "Anyone who has the Elder's approval has mine, but do not think us friends yet. Shall we know your name, or should we simply came you Half-blood?"
Jardon heeded Miraa's advice, "Sounds like a good idea, Miraa I need to know, what did that demon do to you. Why can you not speak?"
12-27-2009, 11:31 PM
"A curse..." Miraa looked away with her eyes as she mouthed the words, not willing to meet her brother's gaze at that moment. "Gargolas cursed me so that I could not warn you about his trap. His curse did not end when he died." She looked back at him, tears in her eyes. "Jardon, I might never speak again." For the first time, the full force of that truth had hit her. What use was she to anyone now, a gaunt, lame mute?
12-28-2009, 12:09 AM
Jazlyn stared at the one the Elder called Raznak. "My name is Jazlyn and you needn't worry about me being a spy or an enemy. I may be half and half but my legion goes to the humans, and if my words are not enough then take a look at my arm." Jazlyn pulled up her sleeve and showed the humans that she is baring the mark of the traitor that Masters put upon dragons and half-bloods alike if their loyalty goes to the humans. "As you can see I bare the mark of the traitor and I have now since I was 17, so I think that I'm no spy my friend."
Lord Tully
12-28-2009, 06:48 AM
Raznak saw the mark and knew it was real, and he put the sword away, "Well Jazlyn, if you're here to help us I gladly welcome you, it'll be good to have one as skilled as you with us." He then extended his hand, "I am Raznak, and I guess you could call me the warrior amongst us."
12-28-2009, 08:37 AM
Jazlyn extended her scaly hand and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Raznak, and would you be willing to fight for that postion?" she asked smiling. "We better go before those half-bloods come back with much bigger reinforcements." She began walking, "So what brings you guys into my neck of the woods?"
Lord Tully
12-28-2009, 08:50 AM
Raznak whistled to let everyone know to start moving, and walked next to Rovon and Jazlyn "We are fleeing the Dragon Master Gargolas, he stole the elder's daughter and her brother went to kill him. Regardless of his success, dong something like that would bring hell down upon all of us. So we're now seeking shelter in the mountains. What about you, how did you come to be here?"
12-28-2009, 09:13 AM
"Well after I was claimed a traitor, I decided to live in the woods helping humans fight the dragon scum. And I know I may be half dragon but my loyalty is to humans, especially after Dragon Master Gargolas decided to kill my human mother in front of me, and brand me himself with the traitor mark." Jazlyn turned towards the Elder " And my humble apolgies for your children sir. Your children will be safely watch over the spirits themselves, I can just feel it."
12-28-2009, 01:47 PM
Rovon had examined the mark of the traitor carefully, before determining that it was in fact genuine. He allowed Raznak to explain the situation to Jazlyn. So she also had a reason to fight. He was glad to have such an ally on their side.
When she expressed her condolences for his children, he said nothing, but simply nodded and continued leading the group towards the mountains. He had a feeling that they had not heard the last of the dragons or their minions, and the more quickly they could get up into the mountains, the better hidden and protected they would be next time.
Without realizing it, he had reached into his bag and was rolling Miraa's necklace around in his hand. He got an odd sort of comfort from it, as if it was speaking to him. In a way, it was if his daughter was here with them. Of course he knew that to be ridiculous. Surely she and Jardon were long dead by now. But still, he was glad he had brought it and the knife with him. They were the sort of comfort that he needed now, familiarity among so much unfamilarity.
Pulling his hand back out of the bag, he rested it now on Raznak's shoulder. "You have always been a good friend to me. Thank you for all your help. But this battle is far from over, and we've a long journey ahead of us."
01-01-2010, 05:17 AM
Ferix walked out of the shadows, her armor was light and shined a little, she looked at the one called "traitor." she looks at Rovon, "My lord?" she questioned about the situation, then she walks out further to show herself to everyone. "My lord, if you grant it, I will be gladly take a small number of men and attack one of the enemy's bases." She kneeled and bowed her head.
01-01-2010, 07:42 AM
"Ferix." Rovon gave a slight sigh of relief to see her. "When you did not meet with us, I was afraid that something had happened to you."
"We must be patient, Ferix, the time for that will come. But for now, we must head into the mountains and tend to those who are wounded. We are in no position to fight here in the fields. Had Jazlyn not come along, our losses might have been much greater. Next time, though, they will come with a larger force, and our strength lies in those northern mountains. There we might be safe from them, at least for a time. But we must be quick. They might already be on their way to overtake us again."
Rovon had not stopped moving, even as he had spoken, but had kept on in the direction they had gone. By morning the dragons would surely know where they were headed, but that could not be helped. Their best bet would be to reach the mountains before dawn, even if they had to travel all night to do it.
01-01-2010, 07:52 AM
Ferix got back on her feet, "Then my lord, allow me to hold off the enemy forces as you try to make your escape, if the enemy know of our plans....then I have no choice but to prevent them from following you, my lord, I beseech you for this important matter, if they capture you, then it is the end of our conquest." She follows Rovon like a dog would, hoping for a perfect answer.
01-01-2010, 08:12 AM
At this, Rovon stopped. At the curious glances from those following him, he motioned for them to keep going. When the last of the humans had moved on ahead of them, he finally spoke. "Ferix, you have ever been loyal to me and my family. Perhaps too loyal. You must understand, Ferix, that I am only the leader of Adonspiria because I am the one who took the initiative to lead. Jardon and Miraa are dead, of that I am certain. I had hoped to pass the torch to them some day, but now that hope is gone."
"I want to make this perfectly clear. If something should happen, I want you to allow me to make my own decision. Of us all, I am the weakest, the most frail. All I have is my knowledge, which I have already passed on to my people and to you. What you said just now, about them capturing me... If we find ourselves in a situation where it is between my own safety and that of my people, I am willing to choose my people. I always have been."
"The answer to your question, however, is still no. We are strongest together, and by separating now we would only make ourselves weaker." With that, he set off after the group. As soon as he overtook them, they parted to allow him to pass to the front and lead once more.
01-04-2010, 09:41 PM
Feeling disappointed for her bold request, she quickly turns around and head towards the barracks. She felt a tear rolling down on her cheek, but she didn't bother wiping it, instead, she hurried to the barracks and into the armory room, where her officers were waiting.
When she entered the armory room, the officers saw her and standed straight in a formal matter. "My lady? What has Rovin say?" Ferix looked down and told them of the situation, "Then we should go along with the rest of the army, if Rovon says is true, then we'll be happy to follow." Ferix shooked her head in disagreement, "No, have the soldier prepare for a defense, we'll give Rovon enough time to escape this place and to the mountains, we'll show the dragons that we are not weak." The officers bowed their heads and started to mobilize their forces together.
01-05-2010, 02:49 AM
They were nearly to the foot of the unnamed mountains by now, and once again, Farix had disappeared. He had the feeling that she had it in mind to deliberately disobey his order. For a moment, this angered him, but then he reconsidered it. An act of defiance it certainly was, but it was just as much an act of individuality, of initiative, of courage even. He smiled to himself. She reminded him of Miraa in that respect.
But he pushed the thought away. His heart told him that she was still alive, and Jardon as well. But it was impossible. It simply could not be true, and to allow himself to consider it would only be to weaken himself. Because if they were alive, they were alone, hunted by dragons on their own turf. Then he would have no choice but to go back and search for them, endangering those he knew to be alive to do so. No, there was no way that they could have escaped Gargolas' keep alive. He was simply in denial. And he couldn't show weakness to his fellow humans.
Lord Tully
01-05-2010, 09:30 PM
Raznak looked entirely confused, "Elder Rovon, you know the half bloods who live here? That is not something I expected, but I am very glad that they will help us." He looked up at the sky, "Elder it will be night soon and it's deadly cold to travel in these mountains, perhaps we should stop and make camp soon. Jayzlyn why do't you stay with us?"
Jardon had made it deep into the cover of the forest by the time night fell. He stopped and placed Miraa down in a smal clearing in between the trees, and sat across from her. "Do you still remember how to use one of these?" He motioned at her with one of the swords to show what he meant, "Can you walk yet?"
01-05-2010, 09:40 PM
Farix ordered her men to move into defenses positions, for they were prepared of what was coming to them. She had never felt so nervous in her life before, not even in a battle. "Lady Farix? our scouts reported that there is a large enemy group coming this way." Farix lowered her eyes, "Just as Rovon predicted, alright prepare our defense, swords out! spears! thrust those dragons where they can be hurt." Her men gave a shout of inspiration, ready to fight.
01-05-2010, 10:12 PM
Rovon nodded. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before, but some knowledge is dangerous if learned at the wrong time. Ferix is the leader of a small group of half-bloods loyal to our cause. They were born free, which is why they do not bear the traitor's mark, and indeed, they will be a valuable resource. Ferix still has much to learn about being a leader, however."
"We cannot make camp out here in the open. Our best bet is to press on until we reach the foot of the mountains. The rocky terrain will provide us with better cover. But first, we head for the river." He changed course slightly so that they began walking towards the river. "There is an old trick I heard of once. It won't be pleasant, but if it works we shall buy ourselves some time."
They soon reached the river, and Rovon stopped the group. "Raznack, take over. I'm going to scout ahead to find a place for a camp. If I do not return in one hour, take everyone upstream. Be sure to walk in the river and not beside it, for any tracks you leave will be easily found."
Miraa nodded and rose onto her knees, then leaned against the trunk of a tree to get her balance. Using her hands to steady herself against the three, she stood slowly. She was reluctant to let go of it, but when she did, she was pleased to find that she could keep her balance well enough. She placed one foot in front of the other slowly, putting weight on them as gently as she could. She still winced when she stepped on her right foot, but she made it over to her brother with only a slight limp. She smiled at him, then looked at the sword and held out her hand. There was some uncertainty in her eyes, for it had been a very long time since she had fought, but she nodded to let him know that she was willing to give it a try.
01-07-2010, 02:25 AM
Ferix watches the horizon waiting patiently. Then one of the officers came up beside her. "My lady the messenger you requested is here. Ferix lowers her head and gives a heavy sigh. "Bring him here." the officer nodded his head and brings the messenger. The young man had his quill, ink and paper ready. "Rovon, my lord. Forgive me for defying again'st your wishes but I must take matters in my own hands. If I do not survive from the battle then I am sorry for not listening to you. If I do I'll accept my punishment and alone suffer the consequences. Good bye my lord." the messenger finishes written and right away takes off to find Rovon. "My lady, if we stick to our wits and set an ambush I'm sure the enemy's morale will be tarnished. Ferix takes a deep breath, "Alright set up a suitable ambush." the officer bows his head and orders the men.
01-08-2010, 01:49 PM
Jazlyn nooded at Raznak's request, "Of course." She heard what the Elder has said, "Excuse me sir, but I may have to stop you from doing that, for I know of a few caves just a few yards up, that I use to sleep in. Their is a passage one can get through froma little opening into the cave, and no Dragons can fit through." Jazlyn nodded.
01-10-2010, 06:55 AM
Ferix moved around several times, trying to find a way to stay alive, long enough for Rovon to escape. When she received word from her officer who had planned a unique way to ambush the enemy and already set the men up. Ferix stood there for a while, then she finally looks up at the officer. “Listen, in case if I don’t make it alive, I want you to retreat with any men that remain alive, after all we are half-breed, we intend to stay alive at all cost.” She gives a smile, then her smile it faints away.
“My lady?” replied the officer, “But Rovon expects you to return.” He reminded her, “Yes, he does, and he will….in this life or the next.” She turns around and faces the hills where her enemy are about to show up, “I just hope Rovon is far away from here.” She put her hands behind her back and lowers her head, “Now we got to have to play old faithful upon this battle.”
Zarix, a young and corrupted mind, loyal to his lord, but is serving under Salagon, feels like he is being held back. He tries to find Salagon, when he does, he bows his head, “My lord Salagon, I did a scout on the enemy forces where our men will be heading to. Apparently there are a small number of half-breeds preparing their defenses, and I know their leader. Ferix, a half-breed.” Giving a look shows that he really knows this person, “I have heard that someone knows a way around this without giving our position away. With your permission I would like to take a small number of men, this way they’ll be confused of what is happening to the situation.” Lowers his head to him, “But if you refuse this, you’ll regret that the enemy knows something and Ferix will be forced to turn back and give Rovon reinforcements.”
“This I cannot allow my lord, once I’m done with Ferix, I’ll rejoin you where our soldiers can gather and take Rovon prisoner, he will answer to the crimes he had committed against us.”
01-10-2010, 04:25 PM
Rovon nodded to the half-blood. "Very well, Jazlyn. Lead us to it." He made a motion with his hands indicating that he wanted her to lead the way. Stopping suddenly, he looked back. He had a feeling that something was wrong. He sighed, shook his head and began following Jazlyn again. Whatever it was, there was nothing he could do about it now. He must lead his people to Dragonsbane, if it did indeed exist, and if not...
If not there would be a new legend, he decided. He would use what strength and wisdom he had left to set his people's feet on solid ground so that they could walk on their own. Again his heart ached for his children, and again he pushed the thoughts aside. Hundreds of lives were now in his hands, and he had to lead them with a clear mind and sound reasoning, undistracted by the past and unburdened by what might lay in the future.
Just then he heard someone coming towards them rapidly. It was a lone half-blood. The men around him visablt tensed as he neared, making sure that their hands were within easy reach of their weapons. But when Rovon saw who it was, he signalled for them to be at ease. He knew this half-blood, he was one of Ferix's messengers. The messenger handed Rovon a small scroll without any sort of seal, which Rovon then unravelled.
"Rovon, my lord, Forgive me for defying again'st your wishes but I must take matters in my own hands. If I do not survive from the battle then I am sorry for not listening to you. If I do I'll accept my punishment and alone suffer the consequences. Good bye my lord."
"Do you have a response for my lady?" The messenger asked.
"Here, give me the quill and paper, I will write it myself." Roven said, not willing to recite his response out loud for all to hear.
You have indeed defied my order. However there is nothing to be done about it now. May the hand of Fate be with you, and see to your safe return. Know that you are forgiven, whatever should happen, for I know you have always done your best. In the future however, I expect that you would have better regard for me and for my orders. There is reason for me to have lived to such an old age.
Rolling up the scroll, he handed it and the quill back to the messenger. "See that it gets to her," he stated simply.
01-18-2010, 02:16 AM
Jazlyn paused as a messenger cam round to give Rovon a message. After he had replied she lead the people on. Once they came upon the passage she stopped. She turned towards Rovon, "This is it, you must go first. The cave is warm and has food. I must cover the hole just encase there are any half-bloods that have followed us." Jazlyn rolled a rock towards the cave waiting to close the cave up after she and everyone had entered.
Lord Tully
01-19-2010, 04:51 PM
Raznak was a bit suspicious of the cave, he did not like small spaces. "I'm not sure I entirely like the idea of being trapped in this cave. Is that the only way in or out Jazlyn?" He asked pointing to the boulder now blocking the exit. "And now we've learned that your fellows have stayed behind, pardon me for being paranoid, but I don't think this feels right."
Jardon nodded in approval as Miraa took the sword, "Good, now let's try and get a little more ground covered, I want to get as far away from that fetid pit of a castle as possible." He stood and faced his sister, "Try and speak again, with Gargolas this long dead the curse must be weakening by now."
01-19-2010, 05:58 PM
Rovon sighed. "I'm afraid I have to agree with Raznack. If there is only one way in or out, I cannot in good conscience lead my people into this cave. It isn't that I mistrust you, Jazlyn. But what if something were to happen and you were unable to return to remove the stone?"
Miraa shook her head knowing that she wouldn't be able to speak. She still could feel the invisable band around her throat which tightened whenever she tried, but she did so anyway, so that her brother would know. "No use... I can't do it.. Whenever I try, I choke..." She closed her mouth and began to breathe normally again, feeling the band loosen again. It wasn't really there, it didn't really exist, and yet it was, it did. She knew little about magic, but she had heard that some spells could be permanent. She only hoped this wasn't one of them. In that case, the only way to undo it would to be to find someone who could use magic. She knew that their father knew some half-bloods that lived somewhere nearby, but she didn't know whether or not they would be able to help. After all Gargolas, a dragon, was the one who had cursed her.
01-19-2010, 10:06 PM
Jazlyn sighed, "No thats not the only way to get out of this cave. A few yards back then a tunnel leading up, leads to another cave that I use when I'm higher up the moutains. It has alot of supplies in it and bedings for I've stollen from half breeds." Jaslyn said as she sat upon a rock.
01-26-2010, 10:37 PM
Rovon considered a moment, then nodded. Alright. You have proven yourself to be trustworthy. We will stay here for the time being." He turned to one of the young men and motioned for him to come forward. It was one of the messengers, so he trusted the boy to know his way around. "Go to Ferix and tell them where we are. Don't go there directly, however." He smiled almost mischeviously. "I'd prefer for you to take a more scenic route."
The youth smiled as well. He knew exactly what Rovon was asking him to do, and was glad that the elder thought so highly of him to give him such an important task. "Yes, Elder," he said, then gathered his belongings and left.
He then turned his attention to Raznak. "Does that satisfy you? I may be old, but I'm no fool. I trust the boy to do as he's told, though. Just as I trust Jazlyn here to keep her word."
"Does anyone else wish to leave?" He asked. To his surprise, even the men who had questioned him while they were still in the town kept quiet. Perhaps the battle had made the reality of the situation a bit clearer to them. "Very well, then. Jazlyn, you may seal the cave."
Lord Tully
01-26-2010, 11:34 PM
Raznak nodded, "I trust you Elder," he turned his head to face Jazlyn, "and you Jazlyn, I'll trust you to keep us safe." He stood to help seal the entrance, as he pushed on the boulder he inquired to Jazlyn. "I have never before seen a Half blood that wasn't trying to kill me, so I know little about your kind. Tell me, how is it possible for Dragon and Human blood to mix?"
01-28-2010, 01:39 AM
Ferix was preparing her archers from the steep of the hill, waiting for the enemy to arrive. Her officers were hiding behind the trees and bushes, ready to ambush the enemy's force. As Ferix was standing in front of her archers, she heard instant foot steps, it was her messenger. She read the letter from Rovon, there was only a tear that came out of her eye.
"My lord Rovon." She says and held the letter close to her, She looks upon her archers as they did the same to her, waiting for her orders, then she felt a tremble in the ground, she looks quickly to the hill, there was a bright red glow coming from atop of the hill. Unsheathes her sword, and raises her blade in the air, the archers prepared their bows, pulling the string back with one arrow. Normally she say release arrows, but her officers recommended to wait.
The Dragon army came closer, they were already over the hill, and came marching down. Archers hand's were ready to release the arrows of death.
01-30-2010, 12:15 AM
Jazlyn closed the cave, "Let's go a bit farther back before we get any unwanted visitors." Jazlyn walked back into the cave a few paces and moitned for the others to follow. "Come on, I have some supplies back here til we reached t he next cave."
02-01-2010, 02:41 AM
After slaying several of her enemies, one of her officers came with good news, "My lady, we finished preparations, once we use the flame wall, it will delay our enemy's path for quite some time." She nods her head, "Very well, let us use this for our advantage, pull our remaining forces back behind the fire wall." Then she heard the horn of retreat.
When Ferix and her forces have pulled back, the dragon army followed them, making their way to the steep of the hill, she passed a mark where the fire wall will come passing through. After the rest of her forces have passed the mark, she signaled the troops to set the fire off. The soldiers set a torch on the ground, then a flame sprout from the ground and burned the trailed oil ground. The dragon forces stopped and watched the flames burn the ground.
Ferix was exhausted, she turned to her officers, "Lets form up and regroup with Rovon, we're done here, now lets move." they agree'd with her and started to follow the trail up the hill, moving fast so they can catch up with Rovon and the others.
02-02-2010, 02:54 AM
It didn't escape Rovon's notice that Jazlyn avoided Raznak's question. He had also wondered about such things, though he wasn't going to press the issue. He suspected it had something to do with magic, but other than that, he didn't know. Dragons themselves were a mystery to him, and half-bloods even more so. Nodding, he motioned to the others to come inside and followed Jazlyn back farther into the cave.
The messenger that Rovon had sent went back toward Ferix's group. He went a roundabout way so as to confuse any who might be following, or any who might come upon the trail later. Once he spotted her in the distance he hailed her, and quickly gave her Rovon's message that he and the other humans of Adanspiria were in a hidden mountain cave. Briefly he gave instructions on how to get there.
"Lady Ferix, I must depart. Rovon tasked me with one other mission before I may join you. Please excuse me." With that he turned and headed into the forest, neither toward the mountains nor towards the town. It seemed almost as if he chose his direction at random, but Rovon's instructions, though brief, had been precise. A scenic route...
02-02-2010, 03:35 AM
Ferix followed the instructions from the messengers, her soldiers were exhausted after the battle, but they know they could rest once they find the entrance.
After a while of searching, she found the other leaders, she walked up to them and asked where Rovon has gone, when they pointed to where Rovon was, she kept her head down as she looked for him, knowing where he be.
02-02-2010, 05:27 PM
Rovon noticed Ferix and her fellows approaching, though she kept her head lowered. He walked over to her. "I am pleased to see you are unharmed. You did well then." Though she, being a half-blood, dwarfed him in size, he reached up and lifted her chin with his hand in order that she might meet his gaze. "You needn't bow. As I told you, all is forgiven. Now come, we must rest for now. We will plan our next couse of action once my messenger arrives."
Lord Tully
02-02-2010, 07:23 PM
Jardon grimaced at the sight of his sister in more pain, "This is bad, but we can't worry about it to much now, I swear that we'll find a way to lift the curse, but we must find safe shelter before stopping too long." he made sure his stolen sword was secure at his belt, and surveyed his surroundings, and eventually pointed in one direction "This way, the mountains are this way." He waited for Miraa to start walking before heading that way himself. As he siblings walked through the forest Jardon kept his head on a swivel to make sure nothing could sneak up on them.
02-02-2010, 07:49 PM
Miraa followed her brother for a while, then abruptly put a hand on his shoulder. She thought she had heard something. Yes, she could hear the crunch of footsteps, though they were quiet. Whoever it was was taking pains not to be heard. Gripping the sword that Jardon had given her more tightly, she stood still and waited. If they had been followed, she might have attacked, but the noise had come from in front of them. Either it was an ambush or whoever it was didn't know they were there.
The messenger caught sight of two figures, both of them armed, and paused, wondering what to do. If he went back now, they would follow him. If he came forward, they were just as likely to kill him as capture him. It was probably a trap, but he had to risk it. He had to get a closer look...
"Jardon? Miraa?" He asked. He started to come forward, but stopped himself. This must be some sort of trick. There was no way that they could have gotten out of Gargolas' Keep alive. He looked around to make sure, but he could see no others anywhere near. Was it possible? Could it really be them?
Lord Tully
02-02-2010, 08:10 PM
Jardon heard the voice and drew his sword quickly, "Who's there? Show yourself, NOW!!!" He commanded motioning to Miraa to stay behind he. "Answer me!" He shouted trying to lure the voice out while brandishing his sword tauntingly.
Raznak was not sure how to feel about more Half bloods being with them, he spoke to Rovon secretivly "Elder, forgive my paranoia, but I don't really like this, Jazlyn has proven herself well enough, but I don't know if I trust Ferix. I mean she said that she would be holding off Gargolas' troops looking for us, but now she's here with almost all of her troops. How do we know she didn't try and lead the dragons here?"
02-02-2010, 08:24 PM
That was Jardon's voice, alright. Every bit as commanding as his father. Putting away the small knife he had drawn, the messenger held up his hands and stepped out from behind the line of trees where he'd been hiding. "Is it some mirage I'm seeing? Ar you ghosts come for your revenge on the living? Or are you really Jardon and Miraa, children of Elder Rovon?"
Miraa had followed her brother's advice and hidden behind him, but she came out at the sound of his voice. "Brisker, is it you?" She laughed. "No, we're not ghosts. Where is father?"
"Stars above, we thought you both were dead. Rovon led the others to the mountains. There was a battle, but Lady Farix and her brood helped us escape and held back the dragons' forces. But hurry, we have to get going before they find us. I'd not want to bring word back to the master that I let you all die again."
Lord Tully
02-02-2010, 08:46 PM
Jardon laughed as well, "Well let's go then, I must tell father and the others what has happened. And I'm sure he has much to tell me as well." he put his blade away and followed Brisker back, along the way he asked "Where is everyone? I assume they all managed to out run the Dragons."
02-02-2010, 09:25 PM
Miraa started to follow them, then her hand went up to her throat. Just a moment ago, she had spoken! And laughed as well! "Jardon, I can speak again!" She sighed, then started to laugh again. She only barely surpressed the urge to shout, but knew that given the circumstances, such would be far from wise. She couldn't keep herself from grinning, though. "I suppose it took a bit longer than I had hoped," she said quietly. Turning back to Brisker, she echoed her brother's question. "You said they went to the mountains?"
Brisker looked suddenly serious. "Yes, and I'll take you there, but it's best if we don't talk until we get there. We need to hear if anyone is following us."
Miraa shot him a look. She'd been silent for hours, thinking she'd never get to speak again, and now he wanted her to be quiet? Of course she saw the logic of this, but his tone got under her skin nonetheless.
Brisker abandoned his roundabout route and headed straight for the mountains. They'd reach the cave in a matter of minutes, as long as nothing else went wrong.
Rovon turned to Raznak as he voiced his fears about Ferix and her clan. "Do not take me for a fool. I know what I am doing." A bit lower he added, "Do you remember that messenger I sent out? He should be returning soon." He didn't completely finish the thought, but it was implied what he meant. He had sent Brisker out to look over the dragon camp as well as the castle. If there was anything amiss, he would learn of it.
Lord Tully
02-02-2010, 09:54 PM
Raznak was a bit shamed, "No of course I was wrong to question you, you know what you're doing It's just after all we've been through with her kind it's hard to forget these ones are our friends. I will not question you again Rovon." He hung his head a little and moved on to help the rest of his people settle down.
Jardon was shocked when he realized that Miraa had indeed spoken, "This is wonderful Miraa, it's almost all right now, we just have to find get there and we'll be safe." Jardon almost ran the rest of the way behind Brisker, "Come on let's hurry up and get there." He said in a very happy tone.
02-03-2010, 02:44 AM
Ferix bowed her head and smiled, "Thank you my lord." She bows her head again and walks away.
Ferix was among her officers, most of them tired, "My lady, the fire will burn for quite some time, after the fire is extinguished, the dragon force will continue to march, and we will be on our way long from here."
"Very good, we will need time to survive this." One officer was a little suspicious, "My lady, are you sure it is wise to join the human forces? I mean, most of them do not trust us due to our....appearances." Ferix smiled, "Do not worry, Rovon trust us, and that is all we need, and besides, I have fought and guarded Rovon's side for quite some time."
The officer nods his head, "Well if you follow Rovon's path, so shall we, we trust in your judgment my lady." her officers bowed their head as so does she. Ferix goes outside and stares down the mountain road, she could see the fire burning from the ground. "By the time they put the flames out, we'll be long gone." She takes a deep breath and stays watch over the situation.
02-03-2010, 07:09 PM
There was a noise at the entrance to the cave. The large boulder guarding the entrance shuddered, then began to move slowly to the side. All eyes were on it, all breath bated, until Brisker emerged from behind it, grinning like a mad man. He came forward and bowed slightly, first to Rovon then to Ferix.
Rovon stepped forward. "I take it from your look that you have good news for me. Pray tell, as any good news is more than welcome here."
"Aye, elder Rovon. Better news than any of us would have hoped for." He turned immediately back to the entrance, which was still somewhat open. "They are all here. Come in."
Miraa stayed close to Jardon and they both came in together. They were met with a moment of shocked silence before the truth of their being there registered in the minds of the people and several surged forward to greet the lost siblings. Shouts and questions and words of praise echoed off the cavern walls until the noise was nearly deafening.
Rovon cleared his throat loudly, getting everyone's attention. They parted before him so that he could come to stand in front of his children. His eyes were bright, but he kept his voice level. "If I had known you were alive, I never would have left. But I am so glad you are!" He came forward and embraced both of them at once. Then from the pouch at his side he withdrew Jardon's dragon's tooth knife and Miraa's clay necklace. "I won't be needing these anymore," he said with a smile, a tear rolling down his tanned cheek as he handed the items back to the two.
Lord Tully
02-03-2010, 07:36 PM
Jardon pulled his Father close so he and Miraa could hug the old man, "No, no Father it's good that you left when you did, there's no way Gargolas' clan would have forgiven my actions no matter my success. They've probably already started to burn the villiage to the ground, and with that scaled worm dead they'll hunt us to the end's of the world."
Raznak pushed through the crowd to see it for his own eyes, "Ha, ha, I knew that no dragon coul hurt you Jardon. But there is something you should know first..." BBut before he could finish the sentance Jardon saw Jazlyn in the back of the crowd, "Father!! Look out!" Jardon yelled as he drew his sword and charged at her.
02-03-2010, 08:13 PM
"Jardon, no!" Rovon barked. "Stay your blade. Jazlyn and the others are our allies." He wasn't fast enough to stop him, but hoped his son would listen.
02-03-2010, 11:33 PM
Ferix heard the loud commotion, though she indeed was glad to see the children of Rovon alive, but one of them did not know the situation, she saw Jardon attacking Jazylyn." She quickly unsheathes her sword and quickly runs in front of Jazlyn, there she took the hit from the sword onto her arm. She groaned in pain and swing her sword at Jardons. "Enough." she yelled.
Lord Tully
02-03-2010, 11:45 PM
Raznak ran to seperate the two before one of them killed the other, "Stop Jardon, they are not our enemy, Jazlyn and Ferix are probably the only reason we all survived this long." Jardon struggled but the shorter man was much stronger then he was and was pushed away from the two Half bloods.
Jardon turned to his father in anger, "You let Half Bloods here? After what we've been through, how could you to that Father?"
02-03-2010, 11:55 PM
Rovon walked up to Jardon and met his challenging gaze with his own. "Were it not for Ferix, we would not have been able to escape. And were it not for Jazlyn we would not have found this place. Between them and their kin, we owe them our lives. The least we can give them is our trust. They did not choose their race when they were born, and they should not be treated any differently for the scales upon their skin. They have proven allies, and I shall treat them as such."
"You need to learn to control yourself. You always were so quick on your feet, yet you still haven't learned to be as quick with your mind." He looked over Ferix's arm, which wasn't so badly cut since her dragon blood made her skin thick. "It isn't serious. It should heal rather quickly with the right herbs. Unfortunately I don't remember if I brought them with me. I had to grab what I could." He reached into his travelling bag and searched through it. He sighed, pulling out a small glass jar. "Makor root. It isn't as good as Felderon seed, but it will have to do." He set to work bandaging the cut, then turned to Jardon again.
"So tell me, what happened? How did you manage to kill Gargolas?" He decided it best to change the subject in order to help clear the still tense air.
Lord Tully
02-04-2010, 01:02 AM
Jardon glared at Ferix and Jazlyn, "Very well Father, I will let them be. But listen here Half bloods, if you give me any reason to think that harm will come to these people from you, I will not hesitate to strike you down." Jardon then dropped the sword, and walked off to be a bit brooding outside the cave.
Raznak picked up the blade, "I guess you're going to have to tell us what happened Miraa, I've never seen Jardon this mad before"
02-04-2010, 01:11 AM
Miraa told the story as best she could, which was fairly well since she had seen most of it herself and had seen what had happened at the gate throught Gargolas's crystal. She brushed over some parts, and skipped others entirely. The fact that her brother had nearly given up, for instance. No one need know that but the two of them.
"... and then Brisker found us and brought us here." she concluded. "I thought I would never speak again, but the spell did eventually wear off."
She turned and looked in the direction that Jardon had gone to be alone for a while. Maybe she should let him be, but something made her want to follow him and talk to him. "Excuse me, father."
She walked over to him and looked in his eyes. "Now that I can speak again, Jardon, there is something I want to tell you."
She waited for his reply before she went on.
Lord Tully
02-04-2010, 01:15 AM
Jardon looked at his sister, and shifted while he sat to face her more directly "Sure, what's on your mind?" his voice had almost no feeling in it because he did not want to sound angry at Miraa.
02-04-2010, 01:34 AM
Miraa looked Jardon in the eye. "I want to thank you for saving me. No one else would have done that, not even father. Father did what was best for Adonspiria though. He must have known that I was probably dead. It was foolish of you to go after me, and you put yourself in danger. But I'm still glad you did..." She paused. "There is something that bothers me though."
"When you thought I was dead... you nearly gave up the will to live. I saw it, I heard the swords fall to the ground, and I knew. That you would give up like that..." She gave an involuntary shudder at the thought. "Don't you ever give up again. No matter what. Promise me you won't." She was almost pleading.
Lord Tully
02-04-2010, 01:40 AM
Jardon was a bit pained when he saw what his actions had done, "I'm sorry Miraa, but I didn't know how else to react, I had essentially just destroyed Adonspiria myself by coming after you and killing all those guards. To think that I'd done that for nothing was too much for me to bear." He stood and looked at his sister, "I promise you that I will never give up like that again, I promise." He then hugged her tightly, "I promise."
02-04-2010, 01:53 AM
Miraa smiled up at her big brother. It felt almost like old times. No, better, for now they were free. They would have to struggle and fight to keep that freedom, but it would be worth it. She decided to voice her thoughts. "It will all be worth it, Jardon. You'll see."
A thought occurred to her. "You know what? We are free now, aren't we? We shouldn't be using the names the dragons gave us anymore."
She laughed, and sprang up as the thoughts that followed seemed to give her new energy. "Come to think of it, why are we still speaking dragonspeak?" In the language that father had taught them, she said, "We are free to say what we will now, aren't we Jordan?" There was a wide childish grin on her face as she said it.
02-04-2010, 01:54 AM
Ferix helded her arm after walking away from saving her kind, then her officers came to her aid, "My lady, are you okay?" they asked, she shakes her head, "I'm fine, do not worry, for now keeps guards alerted for our enemy's presence." they all shake their head and left Ferix alone.
Ferix walks to a small corner, she could see her blood flowing out from under her armor. She sits on a boulder. She wiped the blood on her armor and rubs it on the stone.
02-04-2010, 02:17 AM
(Sorry for the typo earlier. I meant to say he was bandaging Ferix's wound.)
Rovon went to where Ferix sat, ignoring the stares he recieved from her people as well as his own. "Will you let me take a look?" He asked, gesturing to indicate her arm.
"Jardon and Miraa have been through a lot, and Jardon has always been the kind to act before he thinks. I am sorry, and I'm certain he is too. But that boy has his mother's pride." He smiled weakly, but his eyes were distant, longing to grasp the fading memory of his late wife. "Perhaps it wasn't so wise of me to keep you a secret from them. Jardon and Miraa at least should have known. But I didn't want to risk Gargolas or his sons finding out." He sighed. "I suppose all of us have made mistakes, and yet here we are, still alive. Much of that is thanks to you."
02-04-2010, 03:08 AM
Ferix blushed, but she hid her face, "Yes you may, my lord." she lifts her arm up for Rovon to expect.
(Sorry had nothing else to say lol, sorry for the short post.)
02-04-2010, 05:28 AM
Reaching inside his bag, Rovon pulled out a vial filled with some yellow liquid and a bolt of strong but thin cloth. He used a knife to tear off a strip of the cloth and then poured a small bit of the liquid onto one side of it. He then placed the wet end on top of the wound itself and used the rest of the piece to wrap around the arm and hold it in place.
Placing the vial and remaining cloth back into his bag, he nodded. "That should do it. It might sting a bit, but better that than having it get infected. It will stop the bleeding as well. You should try not to move the cloth until it heals, but that shouldn't take very long."
He looked at her curiously, wondering why she would be blushing, but he wasn't about to ask. "Thank you again, Ferix." He said, before rising and going back over to his own people.
02-04-2010, 06:10 AM
Ferix got up before he returned to his people. "My lord?" she calls out, then she bows her head.
"My lord, I follow you because you're an inspiration to us all, even the half-breeds. we owe you our lives for freeing us. and I owe you a life debt for saving so many lives."
She walks up to him.
"You are the reason why I left the Dragon King's side. I remember my father training me to become a bodyguard for the Dragon King. After what my father had put me through, I was ashamed and humiliated when the Dragon King had me do things I never wanted to do. But when news came of your rebellion, I left the Dragon army."
She became quiet for a while, then she looks at him.
"My make me feel good about myself."
After she said that, she looked at her arm and touched her bandage, she smiles and walks away.
02-04-2010, 02:31 PM
Rovon went back to her, then touched her shoulder lightly to get her attention. When she had noticed him he put down his hand and looked into her eyes.
"I want to get a few things straight between the two of us. First of all, I had nothing to do with freeing you, except to provide a distraction. You freed yourself, just as I and my people freed ourselves. I have more reason to thank you for your help. All I have done is tried to do what was best for my people, as have you. You have reason to feel good about yourself, but do not make the mistake of seeking another master. Do not call me lord, for you have neither lord nor master now."
"Among my people, I am the oldest, though in the past humans lived far longer than my own three generations. For that reason, they call me Elder. Though such is not the case for your own race, I would be honored if you were to do likewise. If you call me anything, call me Elder Robin." He used the name that before he had only shared with his family and closest friends. If the humans were to survive this, he would need to hearken back to the lessons that he had learned when he was a child, that his mother had learned when she was a child. The forbidden human tongue as well as the ancient stories and words of wisdom needed to be revived. It was the only way to revive what once was before the fall of mankind.
When he was a boy, his mother gave him the name Rovon, "one who listens" in the tongue of the dragons, because it was closest to the human name Robin. One of the old stories told of a man by that name, who lived in the forest with his fellow men, undermining the greedy and powerful who did not deserve their positions while giving aid to the poor and needy. It was her wish for him that he would remember the story and become like that man. I suppose in a way I have, he mused. He turned back toward his own people. "I have much yet to teach them..."
He spotted Brisker in the crowd. "Excuse me, Ferix. I have something to attend to." Walking over to him, he asked "So what did you learn of the Dragons during your trek?"
In a moment, Brisker's face changed from one of joy to one of horror. "E-Elder Rovon, I... I learned nothing." He swallowed audibly. He had been so elated at finding Jardon and Miraa alive that he had forgotten his task completely. He fell to his knees. "I'm sorry. I failed the task you trusted to me. Forgive me. Please forgive me. I have put you all in danger." He spoke so quickly now that it was almost impossible to understand.
Rovon looked down at him. This was not good. What if the dragons found his tracks and followed them here? They would eventually. "Stand up, Brisker. You did not fail. You brought my children back to me." He looked around. "By the way, where have they gone?"
Brisker rose, shaking a bit. Not from fear of Rovon. He knew that the elder was kind. But rather it was the fear of dragons that shook him. It had been so easy to believe that they were safe here, and now, because of him, the dragon army would find a way right to where they hid. "I believe they went outside."
"Thank you. Rest for now. We all need to gather our strength for whatever might happen tomorrow." With that he turned and headed for the entrance to the cave.
Lord Tully
02-04-2010, 03:43 PM
Jardon thought on Miraa's question, "You're right, let's not talking in that worm language anymore, but I don't know about the names, What else would we call ourselves? I've always been Jardon, changing it now would probably just confuse me." He said jokingly, "Let's go back inside." Jardon suggested, he then turned to go back inside, when he saw his father come out. His face turned from joy to grim seriousness, "Father, I know your judgement is good on these matters, and I will do as you say and let the Half bloods alone. But don't ask me to trust them, because I don't know if I can do that."
02-04-2010, 04:24 PM
Miraa nodded. "Alright, Jardon."
Rovon listened to Jardon's words, somewhat surprised to hear them in the ancient human language. Then he nodded, answering in kind. "I understand. That is your decision to make, and you are wise to be cautious." He looked them both over, making sure that they had no injuries, then noticed Miraa's leg. "Might as well tend to that now. We may not be here much longer. Sit down over here Miraa."
Doing as he said, she asked, "What do you mean? I thought we were going to stay here for a while."
Rovon brought out some herbs and a mortar and pestle and began mixing the herbs together. "That was the plan. Unfortunatly we have little clue as to what the dragons are planning now, and Brisker's trail will lead them right to this place. I told him to scout out the dragon camp and around the castle, but he forgot once he ran into the two of you. We're blind and in the dark here, but when the sun rises the dragons will certainly know where we've gone. We either have to move on before they reach the mountains or else stay and fight here. I am not certain of the best course of action." As he spoke, he covered the swolen ankle with the mixture and wrapped a piece of the cloth around it.
"It's cold!" Miraa said with surprise. "How could a mixture of herbs be cold?"
"Herbs have secrets, and they interact with each other in extraordinary ways. Now try to keep that foot elevated for a while, and don't pick at the bandage."
Turning back to Jardon, he motioned for him to follow him, then walked off a ways so they would have a bit of privacy. Not that it mattered all that much, as very few even of his own people understood the ancient human language they were using. "I need you to do something for me. It's very important that you listen carefully."
Lord Tully
02-04-2010, 04:32 PM
Jardon followed his father and listened carefully, "Of course Father, what is it you need from me?"
Raznak went to speak with Ferix, "Are you alright? The cut looked like it went fairly deep. I can't believe Jardon did that, he's never even held a sword before."
02-04-2010, 05:02 PM
Miraa, who had left to find a place where she could keep her foot elevated as her father had instructed, overherd Raznack's comment. "But he has." She stopped herself, realizing that she had been speaking humanspeak and he wouldn't understand, since he hadn't been taught it as she and her brother had. She reverted back to the language of dragons, which all races knew. "Forgive me, I forgot you don't know those words yet. What I meant to say was that he has held a sword before. Father taught us both to fight, even carved a knife for him from a tooth he pulled from one of Gargolas's sons. It was because of father's training that he was able to rescue me." She turned and faced Ferix. "I see father mended you as well. Please forgive my brother. He was only trying to protect father and me."
Rovon looked Jardon in the eye, his tone serious and his gaze piercing. "You and I have had this discussion before, but the situation has changed and it is of utmost importance that you be prepared for whatever should happen. I am old, and I do not have the strength and vigor of my youth. I was already beyond the age that a man can be expected to live when you were born. If something should happen to me, I want you to lead Adonspiria to Dragonsbane. Both you and Miraa, but you especially. You are strong, Jardon, stronger than I was in my youth. You must use that strength to help others, but also you mustn't forget the stories I have taught you. The world of humans can only be reforged if someone is there to kindle the flame and keep it burning. I will not be around to do so forever. So I will pass my torch to you when the time comes."
"I have decided it best for us to stay here and prepare for battle rather than try to run. For now, I would like you to begin training the men. We won't have much time, but anything you could teach them is better than what little they already know. We lost several good men during the battle with the guards because they did not know how to handle their weapons. The force that is after us have been trained nearly from birth. We are at a great disadvantage, and if we do not prepare, our glorious tale shall end here with no one left to tell it."
Lord Tully
02-04-2010, 05:53 PM
Jardon was determined to carry out his father's wish, "Yes father I will do this, I will not fail you." He turned around to go back to the cave and tell everyone, along the way he saw Miraa Ferix and Raznak, "Father wants me to train our people to fight, we're staying here and fighting off the Dragons when they come. Miraa, you know as much as I do, I want you to teach those who cannot wield full size blades I don't want anyone to be unable to fight, Raznak, I want you to gather up anything that can be fixed into a weapon, scrap metel, wood for spears, anything, make sure we're all armed, Half Blood, your people are very skilled I'll not deny this, they can help us in these tasks and in the battle. Will you lend us your aid?"
02-04-2010, 09:27 PM
Ferix looked at her bandage for a while, then she heard Raznak asked her question if she was alright. "Well my wound should be healed in several days, but other than that, I should be fine, and I had never seen Jardon wield a sword as well."
Then one of her officers came up behind her, and tapped her shoulder, "Lady Ferix, Rayne and I will go down the hill to examine how long the fire barricade will keep the Dragons at bay." She nods her head, "Very well, but please be careful, we had already lost so many." They bowed their heads as so does she.
When she heard Jardon giving orders, She looked over her shoulders, "My men will fight for Rovon, we will do what he asks us to do."
02-05-2010, 01:42 PM
Rovon walked up behind Jardon, having overheard the conversation. "Miraa needs to rest. She's in no condition to be training anyone yet." He said it as much to her as to Jardon, frowning at the fact that she was still standing despite his order.
"Yes, Father." Miraa looked ashamed and then walked off a ways and sat down, elevating her injured foot with a boulder. She was still within hearing range though, since she didn't want to miss anything.
Rovon continued. "Training the women is a wise decision, though perhaps it would be best to train them together to save time." To Raznack he said, "Do as Jardon told you. There are many things that can be used as weapons if need be. Weapons could even be carved from the stone around us if there aren't other sufficient materials, but first we must gather what we have."
Then he turned to face Ferix. "Please request that your fellows help in any way that they can. Any help they could offer would be welcome. I would also request that since Miraa cannot, that you would consider helping with the training." He knew this decision would be met with protest, but he had good reason. Not only was Ferix among the strongest and most experienced fighters here, but she was a half-blood. The forces they would be fighting would be half-bloods, so it would help to know how the enemy would be thinking and acting. Also, he was well aware of his people's distrust and even hatred of her race. That would likely mean they would train harder and more firecely. "I will be healing the wounds of anyone that needs and will accept my help. We need to be at our best, all of us, if we are to survive this."
02-05-2010, 03:35 PM
Ferix bows her head, "Yes my lord." Then she raises her head, "My men are ready to train anyone enough experience, though I must say, we don't just train anyone, most of us who had training will take time for others, our combat experience is more...well...a little more complicated than how your men fight my lord."
She unsheathes her sword, she tried to raise it, but the wound gave her pain. She quickly drops the sword, Her officers came to her side, she raises a hand, "No it is alright."
"But my lady, you must rest as well." Suggested one of her officers, then she disagreed'd, "No we must train them, even though they hate us, we must help them as they have helped us."
02-05-2010, 03:41 PM
Rovon had not considered this. Of course, she needed to rest as well. But he saw the resolve in her eyes and relized that it would do no good to contradict her. "He is right, you should rest, but if you are determined to help with the training, perhaps you should wield your sword with the other hand," he suggested.
Miraa stood up, somewhat offended by this. "Father if she will fight, I will as well." How could he hold the half-bloods to a higher standard than his own children? It was insulting.
One woman he could debate with, but two? He sighed. "Very well, but do not strain yourself. Either of you."
Lord Tully
02-05-2010, 03:42 PM
Jardon stepped forward to look at Ferix Face to Face, "I don't like this arrangement anymore then you do, but if we do not all work together none of us will survive the coming storm. We need your help, and I'm sure that you'll need ours eventually, so let us put our dislike of each other aside so we can do what is best for our people. What do you say?"
02-05-2010, 04:01 PM
Ferix officers thought Jardon was going to attack Ferix so they stepped up and was ready to defend her. But when they heard his request, they looked at Ferix, she nods her head, "I shall....We shall do the same, and do not worry about me, I can fight, my father had taught me to fight with duel swords."
Ferix unsheathes another sword, then she raises her swords together, "Lord Rovon, we will train your people."
Then she heard her two officers came running back from the bottom of the hill, "Lady Ferix, the dragons are doing the best they can to extinguish the fire, they're using anything they can put the flames out, water, dirt, they'll be here soon."
Ferix looks at her officers, "How many men do we have?" She asked, then her officer replied, "About 200 soldiers, half archers, and Swordsman, spears." Ferix thought for a moment, "I'll take 50 archers, the rest here will train Rovon's men." She turns to Rovon, "My lord, even though you request me not to call you "Lord" it is abide me to do this honor, I shall return, for we will hold the Dragon forces...a little bit longer." She said with a smile, "Archers! move out." She ordered
02-05-2010, 04:29 PM
Rovon nodded solemnly. "We've no time to waste, then." Walking to the middle of the cavern, he called so that all may hear. "Everyone, please, listen to me!" The room feel silent. "The Dragon forces are approaching, and we must be prepared to fight them. There is no time for us to fight amongst ourselves. We have to stand together if we are to make it through this battle. Humans and Half-bloods alike will share arms this day." There was a noise of muttering from the crowd, but they were quiet when Rovon raised his hand. "Jardon will be training the men to fight, and the half-bloods have agreed to help with the training. All men must train if you are physically able to do so. Women must either train alongside the men or else help to make weapons. Everyone must do their part. I would ask that the children take part as well. Have them gather supplies and help with the making of the weapons. I will be going to those who are most in need of healing. If your injury does not hinder your ability to fight, you must wait. If you are too injured to fight, you must also help with weapons."
Most of the crowd stood and stared at him, wondering if they were hearing correctly. Did he really mena that they would be fighting again so soon? Here? And that they would be training alongside women and half-bloods?
"Time is short and precious, I suggest you get moving!" Rovon said.
After discussing the situation among their various families and groups, the people began to gather around Rovon and Jardon, many asking how they could best help.
"Miraa," Rovon said, "I need you to head the group making weapons. Can you do that?"
"Yes, Father." Turning to the crowd she ordered, "Those who will be working to make weapons, come to me!" She walked off into a different area of the cavern to give the fighters the room they would need to train.
Rovon began to search among the crowd for those needin medical aid, then set to work tending to their various wounds as quickly and efficiently as he could. "Raznack, when you're through gathering materials, I need your help here."
02-06-2010, 01:06 AM
Ferix and her archers marched down to the steep of the hill. There she could see the Dragons trying to extinguish the flames, doing everything they can to pass through the fire blockade. Ferix raised her hand and the archers halt, then she raises her sword in the air, her archers prepared their bows and raised their arms high in the air.
Watching the Dragons as they did not expected for any kind of volley of what so ever. She points her sword forward and yells a command in Dragon Tongue, then the archers released their bows and the arrows flies into the air, the arrows then descended from the sky and piercing their enemies through their armor. Then Ferix ordered another volley, then another, then another, She continues this for a quite some time.
02-09-2010, 04:20 AM
Jazlyn snapped out of a trance she was on, she was so focsed that she didn't even notice Jardon come after her and almost kill her. She looked around, wondering what was going on. She stepped next to Rovon, "Sorry sir, I sorta went to another land for a while. What should I help with? It looks like the Dragons have raged an ultimate war againest us." She noticed a group of fighters praticing and someone making weapons, it reminded her of stories she read when she was little.
02-10-2010, 01:57 PM
A curious smile crossed Rovon's face. He seemed to be laughing despite the seriousness of the situation. "No, the ones after us now are just Gargolas' forces. It is only just beginning."
"Help in whatever way you think is best. I would suggest either with the training or making weapons, since those are our most urgent needs."
Miraa stared at the pile of tools and materials, not quite certain how to begin. It seemed as if everyone had left with something that could be used as a weapon. The problem was figuring out how to make them more effective and distribute them. There were few actual knives and swords, but there were plenty of spades and hatchets. However, the pitchforks would not be much use in battle, nor would some of the other farming tools. There would be no time to turn scrap metal into weapons, but the wood and stone could be carved if they acted quickly.
"Alright, yout three, I need you to take this wood and turn it into poles." She measured with her hand from the ground to her shoulder height. "Make them about this long. Cut up crates if you must to get more wood."
"I want this group to take these blades and use them to shape the rock into spearheads. If there aren't enough poles for them they can be used for darts or arrowheads, so make as many as you can."
"You over here, use the rope here and seperate the strands, and when you're done with that, bind the spearheads to the poles like this." She made a knot to demonstrate how it was to be done.
"I need another group working on polishing and sharpening what we already have. Who will do that?"
She continued giving instructions until all the women and children, as well as a few of the men, were working. They worked quickly and efficiently, since they only had one or at the most two jobs to do. Of course the fact that their and their families' lives rested on how well and quickly they worked did not hurt. Miraa sat and rested her ankle as her father had instructed, but even then she would not remain idle. She too was working on carving and binding and sharpening, whatever was needed.
02-10-2010, 06:43 PM
"Again!!" Yelled Ferix as another volley was unleashed up in the skies, several more dragon's fell on the ground. Ferix had thought the dragon army had begun to retreat, but then something strange happened. Ferix looked closer to the fire blockade, a dark figure somehow managed to walk through the fire blockade.
When the figure appeared, Ferix knew who it was before, it was her brother, her father's oldest child. Zarix, wearing a rather carved skull black armor from head to toe, not wearing a helmet, and holding a large broad sword.
"Well, well, well, if it not my baby sister." He says cheerfully, "Come give your big brother a hug."
Ferix takes her two swords and got her guard up.
"Whats the matter? can't say hi to your brother?" He says suspiciously,
"You are not my brother no traitor." She snaps back.
"I am no traitor, I merely traded sides, for you see sister, I wanted something more. Something with enough strength to force the weak to obey us."
"Father has given you something more than that dear brother."
"You mean that superstitious old goat? no, he wanted me to be less than you, you were his favorite child, he saw more potential in you than me." Than he places his large heavy sword on his shoulder, "So how about sis? care to demonstrate your skills?"
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