View Full Version : The Miya Kai

06-14-2011, 06:01 AM
The Miya Kai
The Miya Kai are an intergalactic civilization of passive alien beings from the galaxy of Messier 94. They are extremely long lived, living for almost a hundred thousand years each and fast to mature considering their overall age. A Miya Kai is considered adult at 100. They also have technology that the science of other species can't understand and their AI's are legendary. The current Miya Kai are colonists or descendants of colonists who arrived in the Milky Way sometime in the past, about 300 years ago. These 'entities', as they have sometimes been classed, see in spectrums most other species don't even know exist, and have telepathic connections with their companions, the Kayze. The entire population of Miya Kai is barely 1 1/4 billion and only one hundred Miya Kai are born every year on average. Certain times, like during new colonisation projects, many more will be born, but otherwise the number is low.

They themselves were best described by Sir Herbert Longwain, the 'discoverer' of the species.

His shining crown, made of a materiel that was in colours human eyes could not see, looked like gold to the Human. It was a natural growth of the Miya Kai head-adornment, yet it looked like the most precious terrestrial carving of gold. Its delicate carvings curled around the forehead of the Miya Kai, and the trailing golden ‘vines’ curled around the Miya Kai’s horns. . The said pair of horns were long and slightly curving and grew up from the top of the Miya Kai’s head and his delicate features were alive with feeling. Even the Human could tell he meant what he said. Colourful markings adorned his entire body, and his clothing consisted of a metallic materiel that moved like liquid.

The Technology & Military

The exterior of a Miya Kai city.

The interior of a Miya Kai building.The Miya Kai are immensely advanced, having had a million years to develop. Their technology is powered by using exotic matter of types unknown to current science. Dark matter, Anti-matter and Cold Fusion produces much of their energy, but the FTL drives they use run off other energy sources. Their FTL drive, the Quantum Drive, works by using Quantum tunnelling to tunnel the ship through the fabric of space.

The Miya Kai military is small and weak as the Miya Kai species as a total is peaceful and unexperienced in military combat. It doesn't mean they don't have a military though and what exist of it is very elite. http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/244/e/5/alien_soldier_sketch_by_steve_burg-d2xtp4f.jpg
The Altranadore were a non-technological species the Miya Kai encountered the year before the Altranadore's were exterminated by an asteroid. The Miya Kai saw the Altranadore's could be great warriors, so they cloned them and added the clones to their military. The Altranadore's have translucent skin and harder than steel bones which can shear solid stone in half.

Death-Lords are a strange species that turned up on the homeworld of the Miya Kai. Their origin was never traced, but the Miya Kai cloned them anyway and added them to the military. The Death-Lords have superb eyesight, and they can cloak themselves using a strange excretion which turns them invisible. They are stealth assassins within the military.

The Homo-Sapien clones, or humans, were a late edition to the military. They are naturally good at adapting to new conditions, and therefore they were added to the military. The Homo-Sapien clones were upgraded with better eyesight and hearing though. They served as the frontline mass-produced soldiers, replacing the out-dated AI troopers.

The AI Mega MECH's are equipped with two heavy plasma cannons, and heavy armour. These colossal machines can blow entire buildings to pieces, and step on normal tanks without stopping in their stride.

The Titan Mega MECH's are very very very huge, and mostly serve as mobile HQ's, with an AI moving it and defending it. The Mega MECH's are equipped with plasma cannons that can level a small town from a mile away as well..

The AI Troopers were replaced by the Homo-Sapien clones, but before then they served as the main bulk of the military. They were armed with a light plasma cannon, and several smaller machine guns.


The Miya Kai air-fleets are highly advanced and equipped with Anti-matter weaponry, and other weaponry not know to human science.

The Scout Shuttles are small mass-produced shuttles with several small weaponry systems, but which are mainly used for stealth bombing and scouting-missions.

The fighter ships of the Miya Kai normally fly out from Fighter Base ships, like the one pictured in the distance, when attacking. The Fighter Base Ships can fly through space with a cargo of 1,000 fighters.

The Warships possess the ability to carry tens of thousands of troops, blow continents out of the ground with their plasma blasters and transport themselves instantly across thousands of light-year. They were truly the masterpiece of the Miya Kai navy.

The Kayze
The Kayze are a 'companion' species of the Miya Kai. Each individual is different in appearance, sometimes drastically, but the base 'appearance' is a four legged, two armed sentient reptilian life-form about the size of a dog. They also have telepathic powers and can have empathic 'connections' with their 'guardian' life-form. Most of the time this 'guardian' is a Miya Kai, but rare instances of them accepting other species as partners do exist. Once connected every emotion the Kayze feels is fed to the guardian. As Kayze are empathic, they 'feel' the emotions of those around them, so the guardian in turn feels the emotions of those around them. The Kayze are also from the Miya Kai's home galaxy, and the only other sentient life-form the Miya Kai encountered in their own galaxy. Just how 'sentient' they are is debatable but they are certainly as intelligent as a human or more so.

The Kingdom Of Lirst
The Miya Kai's 'homeworld' in the Milky Way galaxy is Lirst-Kirst, a small terrestrial world of light gravity in the Lirst System. The planet was the first settled by the Miya Kai and it is an extremely built up planet. The planet is in fact near the Jea homeworld of Trez Mlea and is situated near the edge of the Miya Kai's dominion. It is heavily fortified, with dozens of orbital fortress's and defensive satellites in orbit around it, and home to almost a billion beings. For a Miya Kai planet is very heavily populated.

Other key planets are Himlaya, the 'royal planet'. The Emperor Main's Supreme Palace is built on Himlaya, which only 10 light years from Lirst-Kirst. The entire planet is lightly populated, even for a Miya Kai world, with only one million inhabitants, and most of those who live on it are rich nobles, business men and foreign alien immigrants, as well as their staff and families. It is also a tourist spot of great renown, and many people flock to it to see the Emperor's Supreme Palace. Besides Himlaya and Lirst-Kirst, the Miya Kai have only really populated 4 planets. There are about 8 colony worlds in full, but only 4 are really permanently colonized at this point. These 4 are Miya, Kattle, M'a and Tyio. They all have less than 100 million inhabitants and maybe all together the other 4 planets (Dominion, Tike, Zaal and Emperor) have 10 million inhabitants.

All in all the Miya Kai's 'empire', called the Kingdom of Lirst officially, only extends its grip on 100 light years of space and is fairly young, but it packs a deadly punch.