View Full Version : [M] Where Do We Draw the Line?
06-15-2011, 11:31 AM
Rated M for violence, gore, possible sexual content, and language.
"Robots don't have emotions."
"You cannot love a machine."
"They're not human."
Josh was sprawled on the soft green sofa, his arms stretched above his head, as he let out a loud yawn. The anti-android advertisements were all over TV these days, he shrugged. Like anyone would be daft enough to have feelings towards the welded together scraps of metal. Well, they could harbor a mild frustration when the mentioned object didn't put sugar in their coffee no matter how many times they repeated the simple order, but that was about everything.
The boy had an android of his own. A precious and quite expensive gift he had gotten from his parents not two days ago. They conveniently sent him a robotic maid to prepare meals and make his bed, to talk and tutor him, to do everything that was their parental responsibility. The odd couple that represented Josh's parents was nothing more than a pair of irresponsible human beings who blindly rushed at any job opportunity, leaving their child to take care of himself. And now, they remembered to send him an android! An android of all things! Was he to consider that thing a friend?
Josh tossed the remote aside and angrily stood up. "Coffee." He called, refusing to address the robot by its name.
06-15-2011, 04:37 PM
The female voice from the kitchen chimed out towards where Josh laid. "Just a moment! It's almost ready!" Her face held a smile, despite the reaction her master had towards her. Calama had a very simple mindset programmed- almost too simple. As long as she was useful, she'd do the most she could to try to make her master smile. If an android could have a wish, hers was certainly to see Josh smiling. That wish was something that seemed to make her bubble over with excitement, making even something as simple as brewing coffee entertaining.
She scurried into the room when the coffee was ready. She held the coffee pot on a steel tray, atop which also held a container with cream and another with sugar. Placing the tray on the table, she got onto her knees and began to pour the coffee into a cup she'd brought with her. "Would you like any cream or sugar?" Her eyes glanced towards her master quickly, a smile clear on her face.
06-16-2011, 08:25 PM
"Two cubes of sugar." Josh retorted, his tone irritated. "I repeated it many times, don't you know how to make a simple coffee?" The boy's eyebrows furrowed as he sat back down on the sofa. Worthless, he thought. That machine was not only an insult to his pride, but it was also dim-witted. Didn't they brag about the advanced AI of the androids on the commercials all the time? Wasn't that the main reason so many of his friends were so utterly occupied with their metal pets, instead of focusing on the real people? Well, Josh surely wasn't impressed.
"A trash-can would've learned by now." He snorted, his cold gaze for a second falling on the girl beside him. No, there was nothing that robot could do to make him change his mind. He was lonely at times, yes, but he'd rather deal with that pain on his own than lean on something inhuman.
06-18-2011, 12:37 AM
Calama gave a simple smile in response to Josh's rude words. "You may repeat it, but your tastes can change. I'll never know if your tastes differ if I don't ask each time, silly." She let out a giggle, apparently unaffected by his frustration, and quickly put two sugar cubes into the cup of coffee. Then, she put the cup directly onto a coaster on the table before picking up the tray.
"Well then, your coffee is served. I'll be working on the laundry for a bit if you need me." She bowed politely to him, smiling at the same time as she got out of the position. She never dropped the tray. "Think about what you'd like for lunch soon, okay? I'll do my best to prepare it skillfully." She began to walk to the kitchen in order to return the tray.
06-18-2011, 07:22 PM
"Yes, yes." Josh waved his hand in a dismissive manner. Then he walked into his bedroom. There was a concert piano in the middle of the large room. The only thing that Josh cherished in that hell-hole that was his living quarters. Playing the piano calmed his spirit and soothed his emotions.
As he touched the keys, his heart happily skipped with the tone that was released through the air. Closing his eyes in enjoyment, the boy sat down and started playing his favorite composition, "The song of the dark forest". The piece was both grim and joyful at the same time, a perfect contrast.
06-18-2011, 10:58 PM
Calama moved to the laundry room soon after finishing the dishes. She was taught to do laundry the old-fashioned way- meaning with a bucket and soapy water, bleach if necessary, and then hanging it on a clothes line to dry. Doing just that was a bit of a chore, as her long white sleeves often tried to get caught in the water, and her synthetic skin could only repel so much water at a time. However, she managed to get it all hung up to dry easily, outside in the yard, where the sun was shining well.
Wiping what looked like sweat off her brow, she stood straight and smiled easily towards the sunlight. "Alright. Laundry's done. I'm glad it's such a nice day out...Master should really go outside some more. Maybe I should recommend a picnic for lunch today." Giggling a bit to herself, she walked inside to seek the same boy she mentioned. Knocking on the door with music coming from it, she grinned. "Master. Would you like to have lunch outside this afternoon? It's a lovely day today."
06-19-2011, 07:17 PM
"No." Josh retorted bluntly. Then again, he did like to see the sun once in a while. Did the humans need to absorb the sunlight in order to survive? There were times when he felt like that. The atmosphere in the house was too grim that sometimes his soul would weep for a change of environment. But... he didn't cherish the thought of being seen with an android in public. While some of the people loved the robots and their endless possibilities, the others, mostly his peers, mocked everyone that treated them like humans.
Josh stood up from the piano, the pleasant notes were abruptly cut off. "Fine." He said briefly. He would not allow himself to become like everyone else. Because the society he lived in was now split in two parts. The ones that recognized the androids as living beings, their children or even lovers, and the ones that treated them cruelly, like items. And Josh, even though quite brash at times, did not support either side.
06-23-2011, 07:59 PM
Calama took a duster out of a deep pocket in her dress, having found a cobweb she'd never noticed near the door. Androids didn't require sunlight the way humans often seemed to- however, even Calama enjoyed working during the daytime, when the sun was out. It was fun to do laundry outdoors and hang them on the clothes line- much more than to do the washing, anyway.
When the melody stopped, Calama was surprised. She finished dusting around the same time, causing her to return the duster as required. However, her eyes glanced at the door to hear his altered answer. "What would you like for lunch this afternoon? It's best to eat something you enjoy, though preferably with health benefit as well."
06-25-2011, 09:27 PM
"I don't care." Josh shook his head. "Anything is fine." He wondered if the android would understand that sort of response. Was it not programmed only to follow orders? Still, he passed by the android, his eyes briefly glancing at her blonde hair and he caught himself thinking that it looked beautiful for an artificial material. He even wanted to reach out with his hand and touch it, but his wit urged him otherwise.
Josh stuffed his hands in the front pockets of his pants and walked out the front door. He might as well get a bit of sunlight and stretch his legs before he sat down again to eat.
06-27-2011, 07:54 PM
Being told 'anything' was an easy response- too easy. To Calama, this must have been a test. A test she was sure she had at least a fifty-percent chance of passing if she played her cards right. This led to a brimming mind, trying to contemplate the best options. When she was ready, she walked to the kitchen and began preparing a lunch fit for the outside.
A fruit salad, made with fresh ingredients, was cut up neatly and put as a side dish with small chicken-sausages next to them. In the main course, she made a dish of beans and rice. A fairly balanced meal, she told herself. And some tea would go nicely with it, she was sure. So, she began to brew some tea in the kettle while waiting for her master's return.
06-28-2011, 10:26 PM
The dark haired teenager didn't return into that cramped place again. Instead he stood under the kitchen's window and called out for his android. "Hurry it up and bring down the food!" He yelled, his palms positioned around his mouth. Really, that robot suggested to eat in the nature and now she was neglecting him, Josh scoffed. And then he scoffed more at himself for referring to the android as "she" and not "it". Robots are not living beings. A parole that was repeated so many times on the TV those days.
Josh shook his head in disapproval and leaned on the wall of the house, waiting for the answer of his android.
06-28-2011, 10:34 PM
"I'm almost ready. Please feel free to have a seat, alright, sir?" Calama waved to Josh from the kitchen window with a smile, putting the food on a tray before heading to the door that lead to the outside from the same room. When she opened it, she took careful steps to take the food outdoors, smiling as she approached her master.
"I was told these types of foods are some of the best to eat in the outdoors. They're fairly healthy too, and they taste good. I do hope you'll enjoy the meal."
07-01-2011, 08:14 PM
Josh sat obediently at the table placed outside. It was a simple garden set, a wooden round table and a bench, both placed in the shade of the large oak tree. It was comfortable sitting there in the shadow where the soft summer wind blew. Josh disliked summer, he was never the one to handle the heat well. Thus, during his summer school break he didn't leave the house much. And considering his parents were away all the time, the house provided the cold atmosphere that choked him more with each passing day.
It seemed like the android's proposal was the good one, Josh almost smiled to himself. But, he refrained from doing so, and bit the lower lip. He did murmur a quiet "thank you" and picked up the tableware she brought. It was almost sad to see the android which stood next to the table. Well, it was both sad and awkward as the boy felt like the machine was counting his mouthfuls. After contemplating it for a bit, he gestured at her to sit down on the bench. It was sure that the robot wouldn't eat organic food, but she didn't have to stand all the time.
07-01-2011, 08:47 PM
Calama smiled when thanked for the food, but was even more excited by the offer to take a seat as well. In all honesty, she could feel her joints starting to tire- even metal limbs couldn't hold out for long without some rest. So, she accepted the offer swiftly, taking a seat on the bench and looking at the oak above.
Her eyes scanned the tree in, trying to find as much information in her data bank as possible. Soon after, she looked over at her master again, smiling as she watched him eat. "Does it suit your tastes? Though I tasted it, I was a bit worried you might find the rice and beans to be too dry still. I hope it turned out okay for your tastes..."
07-03-2011, 08:55 PM
"It's fine." Josh spoke silently. The food was tasty, though he wasn't picky. Only when it came to coffee. He finished the meal quickly and gulped down the water in the glass. Then he just sat there, staring in the imaginary dot opposite of him.
The boy let out a sigh, but it portrayed no particular emotion, and then his grey eyes shifted to the android that calmly sat a few inches away. He found himself letting his gaze linger for a moment on her features and even admire the curve of her lips, his mouth corners twitching dangerously that he barely suppressed a smile. "Why did my parents buy you?" Josh suddenly asked. It wasn't a question he had on mind, just something he blurted out if only to cut through the air that had gotten thick around them.
07-03-2011, 10:07 PM
"I don't really know," Calama responded quietly, not overly phased by the question. "But I know I'm very happy they did." The female looked to her master with a blatant smile, her face showing almost too much emotion then logically possible.
"I don't know much about their reasoning, but I do know that mother said they went to her rather than a common android facility because they wanted something a little different. They wanted someone who would work hard to make you smile." As she spoke those last words, she turned back to look towards the sun.
"I know I'm not human. I oil my joints regularly, and humans don't have to do that. But...I do know that, whether programmed or not, I really want to see master smile even once. So I plan to keep working hard to be helpful to you, and someday see you smile because you're really happy!"
07-05-2011, 07:37 PM
Josh couldn't hold out any longer. A smile appeared on his face and even a small chuckle escaped his lips. He said nothing, but thought a lot. He wondered about true intention of his parents, was it not enough for the two of them to be at home instead buying him an expensive gift like this? He envied the simple nature of the android next to him and secretly wished that his brain was also designed in the same way. How lovely it would be to have a goal as simple as that.
"There." Josh smiled again. "I smiled. Does that mean your mission is complete? Are you going to leave me now?"
07-06-2011, 08:00 PM
When she had heard his slight chuckle, Calama's face brightened up slightly. Even though she could watch his silent face, having heard the pleasant noise of her master's humor made her enviably delighted. His later words, however, surprised her. "I think there are even bigger smiles waiting."
"My first mission is now complete. But... That means I have a new mission to go for! My next goal is...One, see an even happier smile from master. And two, I want to see at least ten more smiles in general, that you really mean and aren't forced. So...Nope. Not leaving yet." Calama grinned easily to him, pointing at the sun.
"Even when that sun drops over the horizon and returns...I'll still continue to do my best for master. Because... My mission is not truly complete. That sun...Will continue to rise and fall due to our movements. And just like the Earth revolves around the sun...I'm going to keep revolving around master, to do my best to make him smile even brighter! You're not gonna get rid of me that easily."
07-07-2011, 08:10 PM
"That's... a good goal." Josh said in mild amusement. He pondered for a bit letting his gaze fall on the ground covered with dark green grass. The way the android spoke was more human than his parents did. The notion came with a sigh. He was already too tired of detesting her parents, of loathing the emptiness, the void that seem to stretch on forever in that house. And he was now certain that he wouldn't hate the robot, the present, no matter how terribly thoughtless it was. Rather, he might even consider it a valuable asset to his lonely world.
The boy stood up from the bench and murmured a quiet, "I'm going for a walk." And then he stopped on the middle of the backyard. "Wanna come?"
07-07-2011, 08:26 PM
"I'm glad you agree." Calama smiled easily, pleased that her master had even mused over the goal, let alone that he had complimented it. The fact that her goal was as it was likely linked to her programming- however, Calama wasn't sure if it was just the coding in her body that really led to that. She had a strong desire somewhere in the pit of her chest to make it happen, too. It was a strange concept, even to her- but she had been treated human before she came to this place, and she planned to act as she always had.
When Josh got up, she watched him quietly at first. The sudden inclination had made Calama curious, and even a bit worried. However, when he had stopped and offered her to join him, the curiosity fell into a different kind of intrigue, and she nearly flew off the seat in excitement. "Yes!" She chimed the word with a slight squeak, actually struggling silghtly to process the behavior of her master. However, she pushed that attempt far behind her as she rushed to his side. "Where did you want to go? Anywhere in particular?"
07-09-2011, 09:12 PM
The teenage boy shook his head. "No set destination." He said in a flat tone, feet equally pacing through the gate of the yard. He walked on the street and turned right, following the pavement, and occasionally turning around to see if the android was still following. And then he remembered her mentioning she was made in a special facility. How was it special? There were many factories in the robot making industry those days and all the same. They had molds and patterns and even same "mental" designs for all the androids produced in them. Josh never thought his robot unique in any way.
He stopped and turned around, hands stuffed in pockets. His grey eyes scanned the android for a while in thought and then thin mouth moved to make out the words. "Why is your facility special?" He asked bluntly, gaze focused on her.
07-09-2011, 11:26 PM
"I was made in a household, not a factory." Calama replied, correcting him with a smile. "I was made without a mold and by hand, rather than by other machines. Though...Miei helped I believe." She put a finger on her chin, trying to remember what she'd been told about the time her creation took place. She could distinctly remember opening her eyes for the first time in a living room of all places, completely confused. "Mother's name is Lydia. She is known for her science, but not as well known for selling androids of any kind up until me."
07-10-2011, 08:19 PM
"Oh..." Josh whispered, slightly nodding and then continuing on his way. He didn't know what else to say and only wondered why would his parents go to such lengths to obtain the android to him. Wasn't it much simpler to buy it in a regular factory. Well, he still didn't consider his robot special in any way, maybe a few unique apps, or a customized look, but nothing unusual.
07-10-2011, 09:08 PM
Calama looked to him curiously, watching him as she walked at his side. "The home is near here, you know. It's about five miles away from the household. We can go there one day if it makes you curious. But I should be able to handle my maintenance myself." She smiled a b it. "Routine maintenance is important, after all. Without it, my joints would be as creaky as the basement door."
07-12-2011, 09:01 PM
"No, that is fine." Josh said weakly. He turned the corner and walked through a narrow alley-way. Not that he had any idea where it lead, mind you. The thoughts swarmed in his head like thousands of bugs and he was tempted to bang it against a wall of the building. There was something about his android that frightened him. The robot seemed much more human than the people he knew. Yet, he wasn't mentally prepared to go on a pilgrimage to her place of... well, birth. It would have to wait.
07-13-2011, 12:24 AM
"Understood," Calama replied quietly, smiling to her master. When the silence returned, she began to follow in what seemed like autopilot, her eyes focused on Josh's profile, her mind flowing through memory-data and other general files.
She thought of things that weren't related to the files, but it didn't seem to cause her much issue. As they walked about, some small things would catch her attention- she tried to scan the area's proportions at one point, surprised by how narrow the alley was compared to a hallway. "Why are there such narrow roads...?"
07-13-2011, 10:07 PM
Josh stopped and looked at the android with mild amusement. "It's a side alley." He explained. "Have you never been outside?" The boy asked, his shoulders shrugging the tiredness off. It was the afternoon weariness that caught up to him and he longed for a nap, though, that far from home he could only keep walking. His grey eyes scanned the surroundings, the alley led them to another wide road, filled with cars and that awful buzzing noise that was always present in the big cities. Josh wrinkled his nose and searched the area for a place to rest. Luckily, a park was near by, its great trees almost calling out for the two.
07-14-2011, 12:02 AM
"I have never been outside of Master's estate aside from my birthplace." Calama replied with a smile. "I was in sleep mode on the way there, so I don't know much about the area aside from the two homes." As she walked alongside him, the painted glass that had violet irises with built-in cameras looked at each bit of the roads they walked along. "Streets are very loud aren't they? It feels sort of distant, though..."
07-15-2011, 08:45 PM
The teenager nodded briefly and then paced toward the calm area in their view. It was a park, full of bright green trees and miniature gardens with flowers. He hurried up to it, eyes scanning for a place to sit. Yet, something else caught his gaze. A truck of an ice-cream man was parked just in front of the park's grounds. He smiled for himself, the truck representing a nostalgic memory of his childhood.
"One chocolate ice cream." He ordered and the man inside grinned immediately servicing the boy. Josh turned around at the android and almost asked her what flavor she'd like, but them the reality hit him and he gave the money to the man.
"Nothing for your girl friend?" The man asked with wonder and concealed mocking.
"She's... It's an android." Josh stated abruptly, cheeks reddening. "It doesn't eat ice cream."
07-15-2011, 09:47 PM
"Does ice cream taste good?" Calama asked curiously once at the truck, looking at Josh with intent. Part of her thought to ask for a taste, having been synthetic taste buds to make her more humanoid than most, but she didn't want to cause an uproar either. Still, she was tempted, watching people around her already eating it. "I'd like to be able to taste someday."
07-17-2011, 08:17 PM
The boy nodded, his dark hair shaking in motion. Then he rested on the bench in the park and kept on enjoying the taste. The days were going by slowly and he wondered what could he do with the rest of his summer vacation. Go on a trip? But, where? And what should he do with that robot which followed him around? The people would have made fun of him if he brought it along.
"It..." Josh whispered to himself. "She..." He stopped in thought. "She looks more human than any of my friends. Much more sensitive too. Must be an app." It was a habit of his, muttering thoughts in his beard.
07-18-2011, 12:02 AM
When Josh took a seat, the android did the same, watching him with a smile. He seemed to enjoy the ice cream's taste, which made her curious. Calama didn't know how to make ice cream, so she decided later on, she'd have to learn how. However, her other thoughts were about the ice cream itself. Did it taste that good? She had only tasted simple dishes thus far, usually what she made for him. What made ice cream different? She wanted to know. However, she didn't say anything else about it.
She noticed the way he muttered to himself, however she tried not to pay too much attention. She had gotten used to that habit of his since starting her job, but she didn't want to be too intrusive to his thought process. Instead, she closed her eyes, facing forward instead of towards her master. Small memories flashed through her mind, but nothing seemed to keep her attention. So, she returned it to Josh. "Does eating make you happy? You seem to enjoy the taste..."
07-21-2011, 08:53 PM
"I..." Josh was thrown back with an odd question like that. He chuckled slightly and then said through a smile. "Yes, I guess it does." He answered looking at the android who was more and more curious. He soon finished the ice-cream and stood up from the bench.
Turning his head slightly, he looked at the robot and then unexpectedly asked her, "Do you wish to go somewhere?" But he regretted it at the same moment, cursing his loose mouth. What happened to him that day? Why did he suddenly open up? And the grim expression returned on his face as Josh quickly walked away in no particular direction.
07-21-2011, 11:18 PM
When he told her that the taste made him happy, she smiled with relief. The fact that ice cream had an impact on him such as that was entertaining to her, and she rather liked the idea of getting more for him one time just to see that smile again. However, his later question surprised her, but what surprised her even more was when he had started walking away soon after.
With curiosity, she ran after him, tugging on his wrist when she caught up to make him aware she was there again. Her face was still tugged in a smile as she let go of his wrist. "I want to go wherever it is you're going. I want to go where you're wanting to go!" She nodded cheerily, meaning each word. After all, her master's happiness was her happiness. She was still a robot in that respect.
07-23-2011, 06:54 PM
[[I'm sorry about this, but I'll have to go on a bit of a hiatus. A lengthy one to be precise and I don't know when and if will I be able to continue this roleplay. I apologize.]]
07-23-2011, 06:59 PM
[[It's fine. But may I ask where you're going out of curiosity? Either way, stay safe though...]]
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