View Full Version : [M] Neron
06-15-2011, 11:47 AM
Rated M for violence, gore, possible sexual content, and language.
Inspiration. (
Arden had once again stormed out of the castle, the argument with his father was a vile one. Everything in the Cassius family had gone to hell since Arden refused to be a good noble boy and marry a daughter from the family of the similar standing. But, alas, Arden was an impulsive person, his heart and mind made their own choices and he never allowed anyone to shove rules and regulations in front of his nose. Why did he have to marry someone only because she came from a family with high status?
Snorting loudly, the blonde man paced on the narrow path through the forest. It was the lone thing he loved about his residence. The forest. The smell of its trees and song of its birds and the calm atmosphere that only existed there. It was like the forest belonged to another world. No, more like it had made a world of its own where no outsider was allowed to trespass. But, Arden did it often. Every time he stepped on someone's toes and thus started to bark and bicker, he'd furiously ran out of the family residence and take a long walk through the woods. That time too, he hoped he'd find peace in the nature.
06-15-2011, 05:29 PM
The sun shown down on the forest in what he, for one, considered rather obnoxious. It'd been fine earlier in the morning, but now the heat from the sun's rays were making the hike back into the village more tiresome than it ought to be. Naireth allowed a sigh to escape his lips as he made his way along the familiar forest.
He came to a halt and wiped his forehead before continuing on. The elf had gone out in search of game and had been relatively successful despite how far off he'd ended up going. The young elf was dissatisfied with what he'd managed to accomplish, having killed merely three rabbits. If he planned on outdoing his sibling's own hunting streak he would need to preform far better than that now wouldn't he?
06-16-2011, 08:15 PM
Muttering curses and insults in his chin, Arden trotted along the dusty road. He often walked off from it, his feet stomping on the gentle straws, his heavy boots crushing flowers. Realizing that he wasn't going straight, the blonde man rubbed his eyes and made sure his feet found the path again. As his head was occupied by a countless number of grim thoughts and then some, he felt his temples pulsating with ponderous pain. The feelings struggled inside of him, their constant war adding heartache to his problems. How did it come to this?
Arden remembered the days of peace when his parents' words were commandments to him, when he worshiped his family and loved every single member. But, as he grew older, his rebellious spirit grew stronger. And now, he had to suffer the consequences of the mess inside his mind, for what? For he chose freedom over confinement? For he chose his will instead of the will of another? It was ridiculous.
Steps. The blonde man heard a perky pair of feet making the soft sound that barely managed to come to his ears before dissipating into the wind. Raising his gray gaze, Arden stopped in his tracks. His look rested upon the harmonious appearance of an Elf. He had sophisticated, yet a bit childish facial features, and Arden found himself captivated by the special aura he gave away. It was always like this with Elves. They were wonderful creatures, much like their forest, gentle and elegant, unlike earthly, harsh and stubborn humans. And then, the blonde man realized - he wanted to enjoy this soothing feeling forever.
06-16-2011, 08:55 PM
For the third time or so, Naireth came to a complete stop. Not for a rest this time, no, but because the Elven boy was beginning to feel watched. He turned and found both the reason and source of the odd sensation. His faded green eyes locked with light gray of the human man before him.
"May I help you with something?" He asked cautiously, but managing a more dominant friendly tone. If anything Naireth was interested in what the Human may be doing...just standing there as he was. Who was this man anyways? He dressed in such a way that just glancing at him would reveal his wealth. In addition there was an air of authority around him; one which he was probably born with due to his status.
The Elf tilted his head ever so slightly, unaware of the action himself. He began to form silent questions as he awaited the man's response with inquisition. His chestnut colored hair swayed with the movement of his head.
06-17-2011, 08:37 PM
Arden did not respond. Instead he lounged towards the Elf, his hand instantly grabbing the hilt of his sword. His spirit went berserk as the man could only think about his unstoppable need to feel at peace. And how to better soothe himself than to bring a part of the forest with him. Not a tree, no, it would wilt and die in no time. But an Elf seemed like a perfect choice. He could keep him in his quarters and have him sing those beautiful songs only their people knew.
Thus, the man unsheathed his sword and with a few quick steps brought it under the Elf's chin. "Of course you can help me." He whispered, a smirk appearing on his face. "You can come with me silently or I can knock you out, your choice."
06-17-2011, 09:22 PM
His eyes widened both with horror and surprise as the man suddenly leaped into action. Naireth tensed at the cold touch of the blade against his skin and narrowed his eyes as he took a step back. "What do you think your doing?!" He asked in bewilderment. Too astounded by what had just happened to think clearly and run away. He didn't fancy the idea of killing, or even merely drawing blood.
Perhaps the stranger had gone mad, even though Naireth could not see the slightest hint of insanity in his eyes. Granted he did see determination and maddening will. Would he be able to listen to reason?
06-18-2011, 07:15 PM
"Taking you in custody." Arden smirked. But his eyes portrayed desperation more than confidence. Then he sheathed his sword and quickly grasping its handle, hit the elf on the back of his head with the blunt side. Yes, it would be much easier to carry an unwilling prisoner while unconscious than to have him thrash about and squeal.
Picking up the unaware body, he couldn't help but let his gaze linger on the man's beautiful features. The calmness swept over him once again and his determination grew stronger.
It wasn't long when Arden found himself wandering through the empty mazes that the hallways in the basement made. He walked slowly and carefully so he would not miss his destination. And then he arrived. One of the dungeons was set up nicely, resembling an averagely decorated bedroom. Arden places the elven body on the bed and, making sure that the tray with enough food and water was already on the table, let himself out of the chamber locking the barred doors behind him.
06-18-2011, 10:56 PM
The last thing he saw was the stranger approaching him with the sword before he fell into oblivion. When next he awoke he was more disoriented and confused than he'd ever thought possible. He sat upright with a jolt, causing his head to begin throbbing like mad. Naireth winced and placed one of his hands on his forehead.
A few moments passed and he made his way off of the bed and towards the door. Locked as he'd presumed. The Elf shook his head in disbelief and started shaking the knob desperately. What was the meaning of this?! Where was he?!
He began to banged on the door furiously. "Let me out! I haven't done anything! Let me out!" There was no way for him to know if his cries were heard by anyone. He had no view of anything beyond his little prison.
"Somebody help me!" He shouted anew, sliding down until he was on his knees. The Elf rested his head against the door numbly and knocked on the door meekly. "What just..."
06-19-2011, 07:25 PM
Arden was in his quarters, but his mind was elsewhere. His thoughts trailed away to the cramped dungeon in the basement and immediately his whole body ached with need to see the Elf again. He was pleased with his solution. Now, every time his parents were at his throat and every time he entangled himself in a pointless argument, he could simply trot downstairs and let his mind rest with the pleasant sight. The blonde man smiled, carefully wiping the blade of his sword.
And then it hit him. He never thought about the feelings of the captive. He never asked for what the Elf had wanted. No, he cruelly tossed those things aside, acting solely on his impulse. Selfishly confining the man against his will. Arden's eyes widened. He had become what he despised all those years, an egocentric prick like his parents.
06-20-2011, 12:16 AM
The rage and fear lasted for what seemed like eternity but was actually just a few hours. He did not want to stay in his prison forever. He refused to. The outrage he'd felt earlier began to seep in again, but this time he had a goal in mind. The Elf would find a way out some way or another.
Naireth paced around the room, examining each and every corner as closely as possible. He eyes the food and water with mistrust; promptly shoving it all beneath the bed and placing the emptied plat back where he'd first found them. Surely they would come to serve him more later. It was then that he could run out.
The Elf shook his head, expecting to escape on the first attempt was far too optimistic. He would use this first try to get a better understanding of where he was and what he was dealing with...
Afterwards he could devise a more complete plan. For now he simply had to wait and make sure that the first attempt did not prove to be futile. Reluctantly he returned to his place in the bed and closed his eyes. He made sure his breathing was slow and listened carefully for the sound of footsteps.
06-20-2011, 08:58 PM
The blonde man abruptly left his quarters. As his thought cleared, he realized what kind of a foul person was becoming, thus he stormed downstairs. Not wanting to let the wrath of his parents get the best of him, Arden cursed in his chin for being too weak of a spirit to do something as malevolent as capturing an Elf. The blonde just had to make it right. At best the man would think him a perverted noble and scurry home, at worst he would raise the whole Elven army for vengeance.
Arden soon found himself in the narrow hallways. He hastily pulled the keys from the pocket on his chest. The metal clanked being thrust into the keyhole and the barred doors creaked as they opened. Arden half-bowed trying to look both apologetic and dignifying... neither suited him. "I apologize." He said, his tone didn't give away the shaken state his spirit was in. "I don't know what came over me. You're free to leave and to ask anything of me in return."
06-22-2011, 09:02 PM
The Elf opened his eyes and sat up; staring at the human rather blankly for a few moments. Naireth's pale green eyes narrowed with mistrust and growing agitation. "Is this some kind of trick your planning?" What exactly had come over the complete stranger? Was he a lunatic? He didn't seem that way...not in the slightest. Was it some sort of sickening joke then? How long had he been out anyways?
The questions piled themselves one on top of the other, but before he let himself ask any of them he leaped out of the bed and ran past the man and out of the room with the speed and grace the elven people are well known for. He ran in a random direction, unsure of where he was going or where he was even. For all he knew he could very well be in a different continent. Although that was a bit of a stretch.
He ran past other humans; presumably the servants. Naireth came to a gradual stop, comfortable with the distance between him and his captor. The kitchen. If there were servants, then there would be a servant's entrance within the kitchen.
06-23-2011, 08:05 PM
Arden expected no less. Of course the Elf would be frightened, of course he would run away instantly. He sighed painfully and leaned his body on the bars of the cell. His thoughts were still hazy and the man dared not follow the Elf immediately. If he did that, then probably his weird fetish would kick in again and he'd make one terrible decision after the other. Moving a couple of blonde strands from his forehead, Arden slowly paced up the stairs, back to his quarters. But, there was someone there expecting him already.
"Son." A stern and cold voice of his father called him. "Your mother and I wish to speak with you. Now." The pair of squinted eyes watched him intently, it was a fearful glare that sent chills down Arden's spine. There wasn't much he could do at the moment. He nodded avoiding to meet the gaze of his father and obediently followed him to the main quarters of their residence, a throne room of sorts.
Arden's mother and father sat on the chairs around the large table, both on the opposite side of the doors he had entered through. The distance made them look only more intimidating. Arden sat on the chair close to him and glanced at his parents, waiting for them to speak up.
"Your father and I have just agreed." The blonde woman said, her voice equally distant. "We understand your need to rebel. It is after all, quite the usual thing when you reach a certain age. But, it cannot last too long." She paused.
"You have a week to decide on a wife from a noble family." The father seemed much less patient. "If you don't do it by then, you will no longer have a place in this family."
06-23-2011, 10:04 PM
Naireth hid himself as best he could as he sneaked his way out. How was he to know the servant's wouldn't drag him back down when they saw him? He didn't even quite understand the reason for being taken in such a spontaneous manner. After some time spent wandering around the occasionally empty halls, he decided it's be easier to simply find a window that wasn't too high off the ground.
As it'd turned out, finding the kitchen was easier said than done, and he didn't fancy the idea of stalking a maid around until she led him there. It'd be uncomfortable for both parties. But the largeness and unfamiliarity of the place made even locating a decently placed window difficult. Not because there weren't any...but because there were people around.
Gradually the elf began to worry, and was forced to wander around some more. After some time he stumbled upon a large pair of doors. Perhaps the main entrance? No...he could hear voices on the other side.
06-25-2011, 09:23 PM
A few seconds after Arden stormed out of the throne room, his feet led him to the lower quarters, among which was the kitchen, the kennels and the rooms for the servants. His head was more than ever filled with a strange mixture of thoughts, some good, but most of them foul. He cursed and letting the rage overwhelm him, kicked a chair placed in the hallway he walked through. Once again, the blonde man faced an ultimatum and a terrible one to say the least. His future seemed grim. Arden of course, being stubborn as always, had no intention of taking a noble wife and making her a dozen of kids among them the heir to their family name. Thus, what he truly had to work on, was a plan for the life in exile.
As he passed by the maids and servants that bowed their heads low, Arden's gaze was fixed on his sturdy boots. And that was when he almost collided with a person. Lifting his gaze up, to see the servant that dared step on his path when he was that agitated, his gray eyes widened. It was the Elf he held captive in the dungeons not too long ago.
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