View Full Version : Brainstorm: The Nebulonian Matrix

06-16-2011, 10:46 PM
Name: The Nebulonian Matrix
Government: Monarchy/ Caste system/ Hive mind
Age of Nation: 2460 Earth years
Age of Species: 2763 Earth years
Classification: Artificial Intelligence

The Nebulonians are an advanced life form known as a cyborg. While not having the outer appearance of a flesh and bone humanoid, they do have systems an geneticially designed 'organs' for various puposes. They form a collective intelligence due to their cybernetic background. In order for them to function, a diet of electricity, water based liguid, and organic matter is required. While they can go for long periods without the last two, it will eventually slow down their functioning enough, and they go into a semi-pemanent hibernation.

Building new Nebulonians is a difficult process. It requires a vast array of equipment and expertise that is not known to much of the universe. There are three major body sections: The Head, The Torso, and 'Limbs'. Each of these serves its own function. The head is primary data storage and communications. If destroyed, the Nebulonian will still run on backup systems for a short time, but is redused to animal intelligence. The torso holds the main organ collection. All units include: A bio-processor unit, main energy storage, backup systems, and the main data processor. The Limbs can vary from unit to unit, as the need arises.

Each Nebulonian is an individual unto itself, abliet, with varying levels of intellect. Their culture is pretty straight forward: "Do your job, do it right, do it fast, and do it now." The Nebulonians, generally, are friendly to other species, though they consider them slightly inferior. As there are no secrets in Nebulonian society, there is also no prejudice, infighting, or even a heated discussion.

That doesn't mean that they don't but heads. There are various factions of Nebulonians, comprised of three major groups: The Radicals, The Moderates, and the Realizationalists. The reason behind this split is no an easy answer. The most likely reason is that different platforms came to different conclusions on a regular basis. These platforms then apparently gathered together with others that concluded the same. While all factions continue to share information, they retain individual traits that lets them be differentiated.

The Radicals, are well... radical. The essential core of their belief is that Nebulonians are superior beings above all others. With this belief comes prejudice against other species. As they are always willing to do away with other sentient beings, they form the core of the Nebulonians Military forces, and are more expanstionist than their bretheren. They color their armor Orange.

The Moderates, also know as Plebians, are the cross between the the other two factions. Basically, Plebians believe in improving themselves as a species, and seek any means to do so. This usually develops the Nebulonian into a hard worker. As such most of the Plebians are scientists, manufacturors, or other main workforce jobs. The color their armor Blue.

The Realizationists are the other extreme in Nebulonian society. They believe that they have come upon an astounding discovery: that all life is precious. This leads them to become very excitable in nature. As such, most Realizationists are diplomats to other species, or explorers of the universe. They also pilot air and space craft for general civilian purposes. Their armor color is Tan.

To further split up the factions, the Nebulonians are divded up into sects. Each of these sects contain on average two hundred through five hundred Nebulonians. These sects are much like communities. Whenever a Unit discovers something new, the Sect is the first to know about it. At the top of each sect is an individual called the Partiarch. This Unit is in short the cental node for all information in that sect. In addition, ruling over each Faction is a Grand Patriarch. Similar to the lesser ones, the Grand Patriarch is the ultimate authority in that faction.

Finally there is the Arch Patriarch. As old as the Nebulonian Matrix itself, he no longer resides in an individual form. Rather, he is now hardwired into the entire network. All Nebulonians report to him. At times, if the need is great, the Arch Patriarch can take an individual for his form temporarily. This is a rare occurense, due to the Arch Patriach having to manage the entire Matrix, and iy takes up alot of his time to focus.
