View Full Version : The Vaanshii Empire

Atrum Daemon
06-18-2011, 12:47 AM
The Vaanshii Eternal Empire

Vaanshii - A tall, humanoid race standing between six and seven feet tall. They possessed white skin and black hair and teeth while their eyes were a solid color with a black pupil and circles extending outward from the pupil almost like water ripples. The majority of the Vaanshii have long-since replaced their organic bodies with cybernetic bodies and as such have lost such distinguishing features. However, part of the population has remained mostly organic in order to breed and continue the species.

Vaanshii operate on a caste system according to each individual’s strongest ability. The castes are Merchant, Warrior, Priest, and Noble. The Vaanshii are always ruled by a Priest-King, one who embodies the best traits of the leadership roles of the Priests and Nobility. Each Vaanshii understands and accepts his or her place in society.

A Brief History of the Rise and Fall of the Empire

Several hundred thousand years ago, the humanoid Vaanshii controlled a whole southern quarter of the Milky Way. Originally expanding from a binary star system near the galactic core, the Vaanshii were very advanced technologically, allowing them to quickly and easily conquer worlds and establish the bedrock for their empire. Even other space faring races could not stand up to the expansive Vaanshii for very long.

Vaanshii technology advanced very rapidly through the use of old technology discovered on their homeworld. They advanced further as they conquered new system and species. Soon, their soldiers and members of high society (priests, generals, political importance) transitioned to fully mechanical bodies, the Vaanshii seeing it as the next step in their advancement.

Given the size of the Empire, it was inevitable that the Vaanshii would see uprising. The uprising they saw was of such violent scale that it threw the section of the galaxy into war until the Vaanshii were crushed under the weight of the species they had once conquered. Seeing a need to survive, the majority of the Vaanshii fled to hidden vaults and entered an extended hibernation sleep. Aided by their heavily modified bodies, the Vaanshii vanished from the eyes of the galaxy, leaving their civilization and technology behind. With the common enemy gone, the liberated races quickly fell to fighting among themselves for dominance of the left behind empire. The fighting did not last long and the survivors soon agreed upon a tense peace, a partnership formed to learn the technology of their former slavers and make it their own.

The Vaanshii Empire remained untouched by outside hands, standing eternal as a testament to the craftsmanship of a race considered to be dead by their formerly subjugated races.


No Vaanshii has been seen for several hundred thousand years. However, it should be noted that exploration teams sent to a particular planet near the galactic core designated “Omega Nine” never leave the surface again and teams arriving to investigate the disappearances find no trace of the preceding explorer teams other than deserted ships and outposts near massive, ruined cityscapes.

The Vaanshii on the homeworld are awake and mobile. Thanks to the systems of the explorer ships, the cybernetic leaders of the Vaanshii have gotten some handle on the state of the galaxy and await the next alien contact, thoughts of conquest seemingly gone from their minds.

The Vaanshii achieved faster than light travel using a network of beacons to allow Space Folding. Once two beacons became linked as starting point and destination point, they were "folded" onto one another. This allowed instantaneous travel within the beacon web. The Vaanshii hope to build such beacons in other systems once contact with other species has been established.

In addition to the space folding beacons, the Vaanshii also developed tech centered around manipulation of magnetic fields. All their weapons use magnetic acceleration fields to fire a micro fusion laser bolt. The impact of these bolts creates an affect similar to flaying on organic targets. Several heavy variants exits that produce higher rates of fire, giving the appearance that the weapon fires a single, continuous beam when firing is sustained.

The standard trooper is the most recognizable part of the Vaanshii military. Armed with semi-automatic gauss rifles, their mechanical bodies are surprisingly resilient to damage.

Designed to take extreme punishment in combat and keep going. Outside of combat, they are commonly seen performing heavy labor not fit for smaller frames. They are commonly equipped with portable heavy weapons of multiple varieties.

Grenadiers are standard Vaanshii troopers that have been specially equipped for urban assault and demolitions. They are most often deployed with a variety of explosives on hand and light assault gauss repeaters.

One of the more terrifying trooper chassis variants designed for infiltration, assassination, and sabotage. Chosen for their higher cunning and improvisation ability, they are equipped with lighter, faster bodies and a light refraction device for cloaking, the Infiltrator is meant to get in, accomplish it’s mission, and get out. The Infiltrator’s fingers are retractable claws that can readily slice through flesh, bone, and light armors. In the event that the cloaking mechanism fails, the Infiltrator must rely on his cunning to hide.

The best the Vaanshii Warrior caste has to offer. They are peerless among their kind in terms of battle prowess and their cunning in battle is only out matched by the infiltrators. They operate in squads of three to five and carry out the dangerous tasks others are unable to perform. Any member of the Vaanshii military may qualify for the Elite and are gifted with the best armor and weapons available.

The field leaders of the Vaanshii forces. Excellent tacticians and soldiers, they lead their troops by example and carry out the orders relayed by the central command. Each force commander has their own unique abilities.

Important Vaanshii Figures

The greatest military leader the Vaanshii have ever had. By parentage, he is one of the rare Vaanshii to possess the title of Warrior-Priest. A monster in battle and a master orator, Rathma inspires the best from his soldiers. He leads the Vanguard, the forward strike force of the Vaanshii. Before transcending to his cybernetic body, Rathma was an accomplished psychic specializing in manipulating electricity. His body was specially fitted with a redundant electro coil that self-charges and can unleash a dead electric blast at Rathma’s command.[/hide]

Formerly a Vaanshii Force Commander, he was promoted to full leadership status by the Warrior council. If Rathma is the one who leads from the front, Cyrion is the one who keeps everything together in the back. A brilliant tactician, but only an above-average strategist, Cyrion has directed the bulk of Vaanshii forces to victory time and again.

The Priest-King, Vintus
The supreme leader of the Vaanshii. Meant to embody the best in the Noble and Priest castes, Vintus is an intelligent and fair-minded ruler. With the his people awakening to a much-changed galaxy, he finds himself having to look inward and take care of the people he swore to lead.