View Full Version : Sanguinary Situations

06-21-2011, 02:06 AM
This seems to be a useful place for a) keeping track of characters, and b)fleshing them out, probably more than the ooc wants me to. For the most part, I will probably keep them in the same form as they were originally unless I feel I have things to add.

06-21-2011, 02:09 AM
Of Moons, Suns, and Monsters

Name: Aiden Vartanian

Nick Name: stage name Jai Emerson

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Species: Human

Personality: Underneath it all, Aiden is just a guy trying to make it. He’s often depressed and hopeless and doesn’t know where to turn. He feels there is no one he can trust and so he puts on a brave face and acts as if nothing is wrong. He grew up depending solely on himself but always reaching out, wanting someone to share his burdens with. Unfortunately, there never seemed to be anyone there for him. Instead, he acts as if nothing ruffles his feathers and that even the most trying circumstances are barely worth his trouble. To the world, he is brazen and overconfident. He seduces people seemingly for his own amusement. Suave and salacious, Aiden uses physical closeness as a substitute for the emotional connections he lacks. When things aren’t going well, he becomes self destructive and things are not going well.


Appearance: Aiden is a smidge over 6’4”, but his slender frame makes him appear far less tall and imposing. He puts a great deal of time into preserving his appearance and almost delicate beauty. Aiden is androgynous and he likes it that way. Smooth alabaster skin contrasting sharply with waves of raven black hair and eyes the color of the ocean peering out from between long and dark lashes, his looks are a bit otherworldly. His cheekbones are prominent and sharp and just to the right of starving model status. A full lower lip bowed perfectly, a shy, sweet smile. Everything about him is manicured to create a certain image.

Skills/Abilities: Aiden is very adept at all things sneaky. His walk is virtually silent and he seems able to hide most anywhere. Very swift and flexible, he is a talented dodger as well as attacker in close ranges. His height also makes climbing a breeze for him as well as making for long strides that create a swift run. Beyond the physical, he is silver tongued and seems able to talk his way out of most trouble.

Weaknesses: From birth, Aiden has always been on the weaker side and is lacking in brute force despite his size. He gets sick easily and doesn’t heal rapidly. Even the most minor altercation seems to leave him with bruises. Along with this, he lacks stamina. His best bet is to either end a fight quickly or to escape. Rather than running for long distances, he will sprint and find somewhere to hide that he can keep a lookout from.
Weapons: Like any boy with even the slightest interest in the outdoors, He has a multipurpose pocket knife. On top of this he was two daggers. One is meant to be more ornate and is a bit on the heavier side, but he finds this works just fine to add some extra weight to the blow and will often use the hilts as a weapon just as much as he does the blades.

Background/History: Aiden did not have the best upbringing. He remember just flashes of his life before he was on the streets and none of it is pleasant, not that it got any more pleasant once he left home. His mother was abusive and his father a sniveling coward who spent more time at work than home. Aiden ran away from home at the tender age of 13 and turned to some rather unsavory pursuits to make money. So far as he’s concerned, as long as he’s alive and free, every dirty thing he’s ever done is worth it. By the time he was 17, he’d forged some papers and was working at a seedy strip joint, going by the name of Jai Emerson. For him, this was a real step up and in the right direction. Before the shift, he’d been hoping to someday escape and start a musical career. He and a few friends had already put together a punk band and played a couple of low paying gigs. He’d met a nice guy and started his first real romantic relationship and things were looking up. Then, there was the shift and he was back to struggling just to stay afloat.

For: Earth

Name: Loreley LaBelle

Nick Name: Lori or Belle

Gender: Female

Age: 197

Apparent Age: 18

Species: Mer Person

Personality: Cautious is the first word that comes to mind. Lori will not enter a situation until she has watched it and feels that she fully grasps it. If there is even the slightest chance that something is amiss, she will most likely move on. She wants to stop this war and after some careful thought, feels the most expedient way to accomplish this is to win it. The humans have had centuries of roaming about earth and destroying it all willy nilly and even sought to pollute her own home. They are unfit to be in charge of themselves, much less an entire planet. Lori is fiercely protective of everything she holds dear. She is the type to enjoy an object simply for the beauty of it and is often caught up in child-like wonderment of all the new things she gets to experience now that she is land bound. To her, every new experience is a moment to be cherished and learnt from.


Appearance: Lori has an almost haunting and ethereal look. She had always preferred to live in the deepest depths of the ocean and was rarely exposed to even filtered sunlight. As a result her skin is so pale as to be translucent. Deep set eyes the color of the very water she comes from peer out from behind the jet black waves of hair she seems unable to control. Her hair tumbles midway down her back, stopping just in time to reveal the curve of her hisp. Loreley is fairly small in stature, probably barely over 100 lbs. Her bones are small but dense from years of deep water pressure. She stands at roughly 5’4”. Her movements are languid and graceful, adding to her almost mythical air.

Skills/Abilities: She can really take a beating. Lori is stronger than most men twice her size and fierce. She does not hesitate to act and often gets in the first blow. She is often underestimated because of her petite size and waifish looks. Anyone who tries to go easy on her is likely to regret it, if they live that long. Obviously, she is a good swimmer and can hold her breath for long periods of time. Lori is used to sensing things around her without being able to see them, giving her an uncanny knack for dodging sneak attacks and blows from behind. Her endurance is incredible and she can go a great deal of time without food. She has a lovely singing voice that was nearly useless beneath the waves.

Weaknesses: Unused to moving on land, Lori is not very good on uneven terrain. She doesn’t understand climbing and finds it very frustrating. She does poorly in hand to hand combat as well as most any purely physical maneuver. Lori adjusts very slowly to her surroundings and is essentially a sitting duck until she has analyzed and understood everything happening around her.

Mutations: For some reason, her hair seems to be eternally wet and as mentioned, she retains her incredibly dense bone. When in a panic, her skin reverts back to plate scales and her teeth become jagged and sharp, which is helpful when on the defense but less helpful when she’s trying to disguise her origins.

Weapons: none as of yet

Background/History: Loreley was almost completely unaware that there was a world other than hers, so deep in the ocean she lived. The occasional submarine or curious biologist would sometimes attempt to traverse the depths and the curious mer-girl would follow and observe from a safe distance. She spent much of her time alone, as most of her clan preferred warmer waters. When the shift first occurred, Lori was content to stay where she was until she took notice of the fighting and death occurring outside of her small world. Not only that, but she was deeply curious about the people who had lived for so long, completely unaware of the life teeming in the oceans beside them. What sort of people could possibly be so ignorant as to be unaware of an entire race?

Extra: Loreley keeps some sea grass from home twined through her hair. It reminds her of what she is fighting for and fights off the boughts of home sickness she feels she will eventually succumb to.

For: Etera

06-21-2011, 02:12 AM
Alistair's School For The Unique

Name: Zayne Simrah

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Elf

History: Zayne is a bit of a mystery, not so much because she tries to be, but more because she's quiet and unless you ask, she won't bother to tell you. One day, she woke up in an empty town with ash raining down for the sky. Since then, she has mostly wandered, being an observer by nature. To earn money, she sells trinkets she fashions out of bits of wire, stoen, glass or whatever is lying around. Her memories of the time before this are sketchy at best. She has bright flashes of a childhood where she grew up playing games and climbing trees. A few names are imprinted into her thoughts; Sidonia, Vivianne, and Lillian, but she has no recollection of who they are or their meaning to her. With nowhere else to go, she eventually ended up at this school in hopes that someone here can help her remember.

Personality: Zayne is very shy and quiet upon first meeting but has a warm heart and loves to shower those she cares about with attention and gifts. Her ingenuity allows her to fashion most anything she needs out of things lying around. Anything from furniture to jewelery is just a couple hours of work for her. In particular, she likes to spend time on frivolous things like painting her nails with designs and themes. Contrary to this, she isn't very girly though delicate in appearance. This is a girl who has learned to rely on herself for everything, therefore making her fiercely independent and almost unable to ask for help.

Power: Has the power to literally bring art to life. She has spent months in museums mastering the ability, talking to portraits and walking with statues. Zayne is unaware if she had this power before the day she woke up in Ashes. She is also very adept at several fighting styles, but prefers to avoid conflict whenever possible

Crush: Essentially every boy she crosses paths with

Pet: She has an eastern water dragon. Not the dragon kind, the actual lizard kind.

Additional Info: Zayne is incredibly artsy but lacks the motivation and/or attention span to complete most projects and her room is littered with dozens of half-finished portraits. She has lip ring that she often fiddles with whenever uncomfortable or bored.

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/265/9/9/99db3ec563fdb9c05885fc320c06bab2-d2za34r.jpg (http://zetallis.deviantart.com/)
Name: Sidonia "Nyx" O'Dowd

Age: Turned at 16

Race: Vampire

History: Sid, as her closest friends called her, lived the life most little girls dreamed of. Her family was rich, her parents doting, and she had a handsome older brother who was equal parts caring and obnoxious. Her friends adored her and she had her pick of the boys in town, however, in spite of this, or perhaps because of this, she was bored. Something was missing. She thought she'd found that something one night when she met a boy in the forest near her house. Every night she snuck out to see him, often times he wasn't there, but when he was, they stayed up all night talking. He told her about things she;d never seen and ways of life she'd never dreamed of. Sid was infatuated and spent her every waking moment thinking about him. She covered her room in paintings of him. Her parents worried for her and forbade her from seeing the strange boy. In desperation, she plead with the boy. Told him he had to take her away so they could be together. "Forever?" He asked, and she agreed emphatically. And then, he bit her. When she woke up, he was gone and she was angry, bitter, and no longer human. She has spent her life trying to hunt him down. Her only moment of peace came when she resided in with a few friends in a small town. All of them pretending to be something they weren't, which was human.

Personality: Cold, stubborn, superior. She only befriends those she admires and only admires those who are powerful. All the time she has spent fixating on the boy who left her has changed her and twisted her. There is a fiery hate seething just below the surface of her cold veneer.

Power: She is fast, strong, and silent. A flawless hunter with perfect night vision. She also has the ability to control her pheromone output, but for the most part this really only works well on your average human. However, she'll try it on anyone, just in case.

Pet: Keiran, her Arabian stallion. He is solid white in color, but Sid finds it amusing to dye him different colors (with animal safe dye, of course, she isn't a complete monster).

Additional: In her head, Sid is some sort of punk 50's pin up girl and likes to dress as such. Her clothing is heavy on the leather and saftey pins and light on the pink and frills. Her outfits are eccentric to say the least and she loves steampunk inspired things.

06-21-2011, 02:13 AM
Teen Titans: The Quiet Resurgence

Civilian Name: Tanya Ruslana

Alter-Ego Name: Rusalka

Age: 19

Affiliations: She has a massive crush on several teenage sidekicks, but no real relationships worth mentioning.

Powers: Tanya has the ability to summon water and manipulate its shape as well as breathe underwater. She also has a limited form of mind control. She can cause people to follow her somewhere or mimic her, but little else. For example, she can get someone to follow her underwater, however, she cannot get someone to shoot themselves.

Weapons:She has shell comb with very long spikes. If worse comes to worse, Tanya will use it in close combat, but this is a worse case scenario. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/203/495923215_33917ae03e.jpg

Weaknesses: The Venus shell is what allows her to summon water, without it, Tanya can only work with the water surrounding her.

Appearance: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs51/i/2010/201/b/e/Water_Nymph_by_AsylumWitch.jpg (http://asylumwitch.deviantart.com/)
Tanya is incredibly pale with lovely green eyes. Whenever she uses her powers, her pupils disappear and her eyes burn like a green fire. Moonlight silver hair frames her lovely face, falls midway down her back, and seems beyond her control. There are strands constantly falling into her face. At 5'7", she is about average height and on the thin side. She does not have an athletic build, she is thin from a high metabolism, not because she spends time in the gym.

Personality: Tanya acts like she is a rebel. She puts up a front that is all attitude and fire. Fiercely competitive and snarky, this is a girl that seems to constantly be getting into some sort of trouble. She acts much tougher than she is and uses this as a defensive tactic. Most people don't bother fighting with her because they think she really will kick their butt. In reality, Tanya feels like her life is going nowhere. She has no real ambition or plans and this purposelessness irritates her. She is jealous of everyone who is accomplishing their goals and often is rude to them simply because they're doing what she wishes she can. She admires people who actually are as ruthless and fierce as she acts. Because of this, she often finds herself teaming up with the worst sort of characters. Tanya does not trust anyone and is fiercely jealous for the attention of anyone she is interested in.

Short Bio: Tanya comes from a rich but distant family. She was the sort that seemed full of potential but never really lived up to it, partially because she always seemed to fall in with the wrong crowd. Prone to bouts of depression and helplessness, she very much played the victim whenever anything went wrong, refusing to take responsibility for her actions. Shortly after graduating from high school she got married, she went on a trip with her then-husband, Jason, to Russia. While there, he left her in a bar and went home with yet another girl. Prior to this, he had been both physically and verbally abusive. Angry and dispirited, she attempted to drown herself in a nearby pond. This is when a vengeful water spirit approached her and gifted her with the comb and her powers. In exchange, the spirit demanded her first act be to lure Jason to the pond as a sacrifice. With this, the spirit was bound to her. She often uses her powers and beauty to draw abusive husbands out and punish them in the same manner. She currently lives the life of a young socialite, attending parties and eating at fancy restaurants. She has grown bored with her life and is searching for a raison d'etre, possibly in fighting crime, possibly in creating it.

06-21-2011, 02:24 AM
The Plague of Three

name: Lillian LaBelle

age: 21

gender: Female


object wielder , elemental, or mortal: Elemental

short description: Petite, has a fondness for wigs but her natural hair is a fiery red and about shoulder length, icy blue eyes, skin so pale you can see her veins, very pretty but in an unnatural, dangerous way

personality: Very two-faced. She acts incredibly sweet and uses her looks to get her way whenever possible, but she's conniving and working for her own self interest. The few friends she takes, she protects fiercely but she does not forgive betrayal.

friends: open

love interest: open

06-22-2011, 08:46 PM
Real Name: Daken Akihiro

Aliases: Daken, Wolverine

Identity: Secret

Occupation: Crime Lord of Madripoor

Citizenship: American

Place of Birth: Japan

Known Relatives: Wolverine (Father), Itsu (Mother) Deceased, X-23 (Sister...of sorts)

Group Affiliation: S.H.I.E.L.D.

Education: Trained by Cyber, has picked up several tricks over the years

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 167 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black mohawk that is typically left down

Unusual Features: Spiraling, almost tribal tattoo from mid chest toleft shoulder down to forearm

Powers: Advanced healing, reflexes, endurance, strength, and can manipulate his scent (I.E., pump up the pheromones or make his smell disappear completely). He also has retractable bone claws. Two extending from his knuckles and one from the underside of his wrists.

Abilities / Skills: Highly proficient tracker, fluent in German and Japanese, Trained assassin, also trained in armed combat by cyber. Skilled in espionage and manipulation

Paraphernalia / Weapons: Carries none with him, but is trained to use most whatever is lying around

First Appearance: Wolverine: Origins #5

Origin: The son of Wolverine and his wife Itsu

Biography: Daken's mother was murdered while still pregnant, and unaware that his unborn son lived, Wolverine fled the scene. He was taken in by a young wealthy couple, but nicknamed Daken (meaning mongrel) by the surrounding villagers. Their harsh words and cruel teasing were the beginning of Daken's cold and detached personality. Jealous of his adoptive parent's affection, Daken later kills the couple's newborn child is consequently kicked out.

At some point after this, he becomes a protege of Cyber, learning his techniques and studying under him. Cyber later confesses that Daken is his finest student.

From here, Daken becomes fixated on his biological father, Wolverine. Blaming him for the hard life he has had, Daken attempts to hunt him down and confront him. Every confrontation ends in a bloody battle with no clear victor. Daken continues to hunt his father, finding a temporary father figure of sorts in Romulus.

He has the murismasa blade, a blade that negates a mutants healing factor, melted down and bound to his claws. In yet another confrontation with Wolverine, he is temporarily rendered unconscious and Wolverine cuts the blades from his arms and leaves him alive. Despite this, Daken still refuses to acknowledge that Wolverine cares for him at all and still focuses his anger and inner turmoil at the man.

Later, Wolverine joins Osborn's Dark Avengers and becomes Wolverine, using the opportunity to befriend The Fantastic Four and play the two sides against each other. When Osborn's plans crumble, Daken quickly moves on and takes over the criminal element of Madripoor.

From here, Daken learned of the turmoil in the superhuman world and analyzed his possible options. Preferring to remain an invisible target and manipulate from behind the scenes, Daken offers his services to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Gender: Male

Personality: Daken is highly manipulative and cannot be trusted. His only true motivation is to destroy his father and drag his name through the mud. He desires power and wants to control everything around him. In reality, he's just a sad, orphan boy who craves his fathers love and attention and only knows how to get it by acting out, like a spoiled kid. However, this is not something Daken himself realizes. He wants nothing more than to come out ahead. To Daken, life is a chess games and rather than concentrating on the here and the now, he is constantly focused on remaining five steps ahead of his opponent. He craves power and danger and has essentially no moral compass, making him dangerous to be around regardless is you are friend or foe.

Clothes: Daken dresses like a rich young socialite. He has impeccable taste and has seduced more than one designer into creating a one of a kind suit taliored to him. Typically, he is seen in slacks, a nice button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a vest, creating a casual but refined image.



Alignment: Playing both sides

Motto: Whatever it takes to win, and have as much fun as possible along the way.

Enemies: Romulus, Wolverine, Essentially the entire world, they just don't know it.

Love Interests: He enjoys power games and seduces people because of the sense of power he gets from it rather than any romantic inclinations. In particular, he loves to go after his father's conquests and homophobic, alpha male types. I imagine if he ever were to fall for someone, it would be someone with a cold, hard exterior, but essentially a very nurturing nature. He is attracted to those in power, but I think he would only stick around if he found someone who offered him the almost maternal love his life has always lacked. Either that or it would just be an awful, bloody, masochistic relationship where they routinely got into gorey fights that ended in angry makeout sessions. Either way, Daken is not currently at a point where he even considers love into the equation.

Regarding the World War: He could care less, he's only looking to see how he can profit from it and have a bit of fun in the meantime.

Registered or Unregistered: Unregistered

Status before The War: Dark Avenger and ally of the Fantastic Four

Status Currently: S.H.I.E.L.D.

07-02-2011, 03:15 PM
The Battle for Toronto High

Name: Nao (pronounced Now) Wilshire
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Grade: 10th
Nao has cola brown hair that curls just past her shoulders and a smattering of freckles, just enough to be cute. Her eyes are green and constantly full of mischief. Nao isn't so much pretty as she is just so gosh darn cute. She stands at about 5'6" and is a healthy weight, being neither thick nor thin. Her taste in clothes changes weekly but tends to fall more into the sundress and floral category. She wears a lot of lilac and baby blue. There is constantly a lopsided smile spread across her face and she seems to be in an eternally good mood.
Personality: Impatient and incredibly passionate, but often misdirected. Nao has a new love of her life every few class periods. She's always sure that she and that new transfer student are fated to be together forever and ever because he asked her for directions to his new class. Of course, as soon as the cute jock asks her for help in class, then they're meant to be together forever, but only until she finds out that she and that cute emo kid like the new song, and then it is totally obvious that they are going to make babies and be together forever. This applies to all areas of her life. Today she is in love with OPI's new nail polishes, tomorrow she won't even care and will be all about this new book series she just read.

Nao is a very all or nothing sort of girl. For her, something is just incredibly interesting or just not even worth noticing. Her wold is very black and white. Whatever she thinks is obviously correct and she sees no point in thinking otherwise. She's also a bit of a compulsive liar because she would rather embellish a story and make it exciting rather than just tell the plain and boring truth.

The plus side is that she is very passionate and excited about life. The downside would be that she has the attention span of a goldfish and she is difficult to keep up with and exhausting to be around for prolonged periods of time.

Biography: Her father's job required her family to move quite a bit when she was younger. They have now lived in the same house for a year, which is quite an accomplishment. Nao doesn't bother with being shy. She is very upfront and straight forward and having been exposed to so many different cultures as a young child, she is also very open minded. Her father sees this as a good thing and is very supportive of his daughter and her various interest. He babies her and goes out of his way to spoil her. Her mom on the other hand readily acknowledges that her daughter is a handful and has quite a bit of growing up to do. She loves Nao but doesn't waste time indulging her fantasies. Her mother would prefer for her to face life head on and fancy free.
As for why she feels the need to engage in epic battles with the teachers? Well, it's fun, duh!
Reputation: The fan girl. Nao is always desperately and obsessively in love with something or someone. Because of this, she's also seen as a bit of a trend setter because she always seems to be a step or two ahead of the crowd. In other words, for her, whatever she considers last weeks news is the new and interesting thing for everyone else.
Super Move: Synchronized Pretty Boy Showdown
Nao summons a group of fourteen pretty boy band stars and they begin a synchronized dance that hypnotizes anyone watching. Meanwhile, Nao can take her time attacking the individual foes. As the dance reaches the end, the boys attack with a kick to the face.
Music Genre: Androgynous Pop Rock
Theme Song: My Obsession - Cinema Bizarre (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qprq2X4R54w)

07-05-2011, 04:56 AM
Push Me

Are we allowed to have a second character?

Appearance: http://img.listal.com/image/1006599/600full-oscar-spendrup.jpg
Name: Kaelin Shinta
Age: 19
What are you? Shifter
Skill level: 6
Background & personality: Though young and inexperienced, Kaelin has a natural talent for shifting that is helped along by his personality. Chances are, even without his natural gift, Kay would have become a con artist. He's inclined to think that the fact he can make you see what he wants you to see, is like God's blessing that he really ought to just take advantage of the people around him. Of course, this means he can't really stay in one place too long or develop close friends.

Kay has never been one to judge and is pretty open to all ideas and often intrigued by new ones. He left home at 15 and has made a living for himself ever since. Some of this time spent on the streets, he is no stranger to unusual personalities or ideas. He believes in a world without walls where everyone is free to think and feel however they please.

To him, life is a party and a young death is inevitable. Preferring to operate as his own person, Kaelin has tried his best to stay off the radar and not be caught up in the agendas of either party. Although the Resistance appeals to him in a rebellious, romantic sense, he is unsure if he is willing to risk life and limb or even mild discomfort for a cause he isn't entirely sure will work. In other words, his world revolves around him and he isn't willing to risk himself for a greater cause that he might not even survive to reap the benefits of.

He takes life moment by moment and rarely pauses to consider the consequences of his actions. It is easy for more passive personalities to get caught up in his excitement and genuine love for life, but unfortunately, it is just as likely that they'll end up an innocent bystander taken out by one of his more ludicrous ideas of fun.

If we are allowed a second chara, here is mine. If not, ignore this. I just felt this rpg could use some estrogen

Appearance: http://www.gokpop.com/i1/news/1/5315-vc4komd111.jpg
Name: Minna Yasunari
Age: 26
What are you? Mover
Skill level: 8
Background & personality: Minna does not like to be pushed around. Her personality is abrasive and many would consider her rude. She does not hesitate to state what she thinks or why. In fact, she spent much of her childhood being chastised for correcting her teachers or parents. Unfortunately, she never learned to stay quiet because she happened to be right a good majority of the time. Minna is very persistent and from the moment she found out she was a mover, she began to practice. She is often her own worst critic and expects nothing but the best from herself and refuses to be outshone by anyone else.

Although this makes her difficult to be around, it also makes her a powerful ally. Once she has committed herself to a cause, she will stop at nothing to achieve it. Minna firmly believes that if she wants something bad enough, nothing can keep it from her. She often roots for the underdog and cannot abide injustice.

As for her family life, Minna is particularly close to her younger sister. Unlike her, her sister is very quiet and often bullied. Minna has taken it upon herself to protect her younger sister from the harsher side of life and acts like a parent towards her despite the fact that they are only 3 years apart. Part of this is because their own parents died when Minna was 19 and it fell to her to take care of her sister.