View Full Version : Magato's Chara Bio's~

07-04-2011, 05:00 PM
[M] Death Waltz

((While he may not have them in the pic he does have elvish ears in the rp, but this is the best pic I have to represent my character.))
Name: Dûrion/Adrian(English name)
Age: 23
Height: 6' 3"
Personality: Dûrion is a kind but mischievous young man who is currently the next in line to the throne. He has a fond like of tinkering with mechanics and often makes baubles and small trinkets to pass the time. He's also often found shirking his duties when he can in order to pursue his love of said tinkering. But when hardship falls Dûrion is ever valiant and innovative, strong and true. Because of his upbringing, he is often in awe at the technology and architecture of the kingdom's capital.
Short Bio: Rumored to have been the offspring of a secret love affair between the King's sister and a human, Dûrion was sent away to a small estate to be kept under lock and key. This explains the reason for his darker features than most of the elvish people. But as the years passed and no sign of a suitable heir made, the king allowed for Dûrion to be taught the ways of the throne. There is some distress at his being raised as the heir and even more speculation brought to the table when Dûrion is settled in to the castle. Bringing about the Elvish and Human alliance is Dûrion's chance to prove all rumor wrong and is to justify his place on the throne.

07-04-2011, 07:06 PM
[M] Festival of Asylum
Name: Kain
Age: 25
Height: 6' 4"
Occupation: ex-Mafia family member/Information Broker
Weapons of choice: A Luger P08 and 8" barrel Magnum Revolver. Backup weapons include a large hunting knife/dagger.
Bio: Kain grew up on the streets, his parents, a whore and a drunk, were very much a part of the ragged bunch that struggled to survive and cast him out of their lives as soon as he came along. At a young age he was suffered to be put through "experiments" that heightened the human ability. A lack of trait changes in the boy branded him a failure and he was sold into prostitution. Here his abilities seemed to awaken and he found his way back onto the streets. Born to suffer throughout the entirety of his life, Kain was taken under the tutelage of one of the many mafia groups that existed after displaying his extraordinary abilities to protect himself. They taught the boy a different means of survival and the "honor" of having a "family" of sorts. Once he had learned all he possibly could from the family he began to sell out their valuable info to the other gangs. The mafia family was eventually run to the ground by another gang owning to his betrayal. Out on the streets again, Kain opted for the position of information broker. The type of information that he sells often earns him the position of target and he's become no stranger to killing the odd assassin.