View Full Version : [R]- Butterfly Effect - (Calderthepirate and myself)
12-22-2009, 03:08 AM
Rated R for - Death and Decay, Gore, Language, Sexual References/Situations that may or may not happen.
In ancient times a prophecy told of wars and ultimate death for the entire world. The prophecy foretold that a war would come about the world, tearing it to pieces slowly but surely. It tells of the tragedy of what would happen to those who lived in these times, the demons that would erupt from the depths of hell to cover the skies in blood. It was a terrible ordeal. But the Prophecy also foretold of a solution. A young maiden would be infused with an ancient nature spirit who, upon awakening would save the world. This young maiden was born the very day, hour, minute and second that the war started. She was the one who could solve the problems, 18 years after she was born; by being sacrificed to the Gods on the very moment of her 18th birthday. The Prophecy was called the Butterfly effect, and thats exactly what it was.
The girl held the Earth herself, Anything that happened to her happened to the world. And upon her death at the ceremonial place, the world would be reborn into perfection and the war would be over. If she died prior, the world would be doomed to hell.
These prophecies were locked away in books along with an ancient civilization as they died out thousands of years prior to the date described. They were found by a few scientists who stumbled upon the burial place of the Kings while searching for samples they could take back of the stones they used to build their building with. Their 'silly' expedition, as claimed by newspapers, turned out to be the greatest finding since the Earth itself. The scientists spent months decoding the ancient books, documenting them for later use. It was a single man who one day decided to actually read them to himself that found out about the tale. When he brought it to the table, people laughed. As they usually did when some tale of a great war came around. "It sounds like a fantasy novel!" They all laughed at him as he tried to explain about it. Even the tabloids called him a fool. Soon the entire world was laughing at him.
Little did they know that the war was just waiting to begin, since the child the prophecy foretold was already conceived and now growing in the womb of an unsuspecting mother. December 21st she was born, and flames erupted from the bowels of the earth as demons filled the sky and brought a blanket of fear to cover the world. The mountain told of by the tale grew towards the sky, the stone black as night and as jagged as a shark's razor teeth. It was there, that Eighteen years later the young woman must be sacrificed.
The infant was named Lily, Lily Breimer. When the war started she fell silent, most newborns crying unstoppably, Lily was silent and slept easily even though destruction lay outside the hospital. The hospital was soon greeted by the demons, trying to get to the only solution to their own personal fun that existed. Sure, the humans had armies, but demons far outnumbered the human population by 5 times over. The demons smashed into the hospital, killing anyone who stood up to them. They got to the room where Lily lay sleeping in her mother's arms. When they burst in shrieking her mother screamed, holding Lily close to her. Lily awoke then and began to cry. As she cried the earth began to shake, and the winds outside began to turbulently spin. The demons were frightened away by the infant's already developed hold over the earth. Lily's mother looked at her child, knowing about the prophecy she had read about and laughed at just like the others in the world. But she knew, that she was holding the solution to the war.
As Lily grew up she was very sheltered. She was never allowed to play with other children or even contact anyone other than her immediate family and their friends. Her parents learned quickly that Lily was tapped into what the earth felt as well as the earth to her own well being. When Lily threw a fit, the earth rumbled. When she cried, the winds became turbulent. When she was happy or laughing the earth produced flowers where she stood. When she was upset or cried, so would the heavens. She was taught at home by a professor paid by her parents. Lily caught onto anything and everything very quickly. She mastered physics, calculus and the entire Latin language by age ten. She was very literate and often her parents couldnt understand her when she spoke due to the high language she used.
By age 13 Lily and her parents were visited by a group of scientists who broke the news to them about the prophecy. When her parents refused to give up their daughter...they took her away from them. She watched from the limo's tinted windows as her parents stood in the doorway crying and grieving over their soon to be deceased daughter. Lily was taken to a facility and locked away in her own 'room'. She was talked to by scientists daily, but she never spoke back. She just looked out the window they installed for air ventilation. Of course the window had bars on the outside to prevent anyone from going in, or out. There was one simple oddity that no scientists could explain, wherever she were to go... she attracted butterflies by the thousand.
On her 17th birthday she was told that she would be going on a trip of her own destiny....well that was the way they tried to put it.
"Do you understand what we are saying to you Lily?" The scientist tried to get her to speak with him. When she didnt respond with a simple nod or slight hint of understanding he sighed and turned to the others "Im not even sure she is competent anymore George. Maybe she has no understanding of this world at all."
"I understand alright." She said, her voice delicately soft. Lily didnt look away from the window nor did she even flinch a muscle. "You are sending me away to my death because your civilization has screwed up and Im the only one who can possibly reverse the war at hand since no modern warfare equipment is enough to take on the hideous beasts that have erupted to the Earth's surface who are trying to take over this world since it is so simply easy since nobody bothered to even believe ancient tales they were presented by what the world calls the smartest men for the job just thinking that they came across a silly tale of a deceased civilization they stumbled upon. Am I going to fast for you?" She asked as she blinked slowly, her natural tears glossing over her red eyes.
The scientists' jaws dropped as she spoke, never before hearing her voice let alone her comprehension or literate English level. "Well...uh..."
"I understand fine. I assume you are now going to tell me that you have hired somebody who has qualified for the position of taking me up the mountain to the spot of where I must be sacrificed and doing the job right upon my 18th birthday down to the very precise second to save all of your, pardon my French, asses?" She asked as she blinked once more, taking in a deep breath and letting it out, slightly annoyed at how slow the scientists processed thought.
"Well uh....Yes. He is actually waiting down in the testing center. We must make sure he is physically healthy before we send him out with you for a year. If you were to catch an illness..." He chuckled "I would hate to see what the world would be like then."
"Alright then. Well since you understand the task at hand. Go ahead and get dressed and pack your needed belongings. Try to keep them to the minimum, we expect you both to travel light since you will be on horseback." George said as he started to exit the room with the other scientists.
Once they were all out Lily sighed, pushing her hair behind her ear and then standing. She changed from her white gown into her favorite dress that was imported from Europe. She got it for her sixteenth birthday from some King in some place. It was supposed to be a thank you for being willing to die for us all. Lily loved the colors and it fit her well. Thats all she found that was good for the gift. Lily packed a few other dresses and her personal garments along with her necessary utilities into her leather bag which would keep it intact and safe. Looking to the window a smile came to her face to see it jam packed with butterflies of many shapes, sizes and colors. "Hello friends..." She muttered as she smiled more, going up to the window and placing her hand against the glass.
12-22-2009, 07:00 AM
Edmund waited patiently in a locked, sealed, and air tight facility. He breathed heavily due to a slight bit of nervousness. The room was filled with all kind of instruments. From dissection tools, to medication. There was only one door in and out of the room, it was opened only with a security card also. A scientist was checking up paperwork from Edmunds blood.
Edmund stood about 5'8", with a fit figure.His facial features made his British/English really stand out. He was trained from the calves to the shoulders. He didn't look overly grossed by muscle, but enough to be intimidating. His dirty blond hair reached his collar bone, and his 5'oclock shadow stretched on his face. His green eyes subtle, changing little by little as the lights dimmed slightly. He was was stripped bare as the scientists did their tests, poking and prodding him.
They eventually left, and in a short while came back with his cloths. "They have been Sterilized..." The scientist said, well his bald head glistened in the light. "We hope you have the route memorized, please read it once more if you do not" The scientist said. It had been a long time since Edmund had took a step outside. Being in a safe zone meant a better life temporarily.
Edmund got dressed slowly putting on the clothes whiffing in the solution they used to sterilize it. "I am guessing you are providing horses?" Edmund said in an English accent. The moment that Edmund would escort this girl to the top, the quicker humans could have their world back. Although that was not the reason he took this job. Their was a much bigger personal reason...A personal vendetta if you will.
12-22-2009, 07:20 AM
Lily was escorted from her room by a few scientists, bringing her into a small room where they had her wait for her escort to be processed. The room had no windows, so Lily just sat there and stared at absolutely nothing as the scientists just stood there conversing with one another about some silly bet going around their line of work.
"Yes we will provide the horses." The scientist said as he put all of the results into a folder and stored them as if there were some use to them later on. Leading Edmund from the room he brought him to the door of the room Lily was waiting in. "You will be paid half now, and half after you get back. Do not let any harm come to her or your pay is docked. And trust me, we will know if something happens to her." He nodded to him and pulled out a leather pouch which held quite a large sum of money, handing it to Edmund. "She is waiting for you in this room. You may leave when you feel it is time to." He said as he opened the door, waving the scientists out.
Lily glanced up slightly as the door opened and the scientists left. She knew that her escort was there beyond the threshold of the room just waiting to get the year ahead of them over with. There wasnt anyone on the face of the planet that would be pleased with having the job of going out on a year long trip with some girl they didnt know just to murder her upon her 18th birthday. There also wasnt a person alive who didnt despise her life since she was the reason the war started, the flint to the fire they all must now live in.
12-22-2009, 07:33 AM
Edmund nodded at the scientist then looked around. He looked slightly pale from the lack of the outside world. He walked slowly into the room minding the scientists as they passed. He could not lie, this was not something he wanted to do. Although it was more on the lines that he could sleep easy knowing it was done. Edmund was a simple man, he kept his life simple so the complications would not grow.
He was a good samaritan also, always paying his bills on time, never getting in trouble with the law, just an all stand up guy. So then you must ask, why is a guy so normal out to take on the burden of saving the world? Well this he had told no one, none of the scientists understood a single bit from this man or why he would want this job. Maybe that's what made the scientists believe in his ability so much. The silent act was made for Edmund, and Edmund played it very well.
He went to sit across from Lily trying to keep eye contact to her. This was not his forte, his calling. He knew that what ever happened past this point had to happen with an extreme amount of care and cuatiousness. He was not adept to talking, especially talking to women. This was not his strong point at all! He started to doubt his self slightly then shook his head, hiding the uncomortable feeling that lingered inside.
"Edmund...The name's Edmund" and those were the first words that Edmund spoke to Lily.
12-22-2009, 07:43 AM
Right when he walked in Lily looked up at him, his eyes catching with her own for a moment before he came to sit across from her. She watched him, dissecting everything he did and they way he did it. Lily wasnt shy, at all. But she didnt like talking with people that didnt want to talk with her just to talk with her. She always got scientists checking up on her, making sure she was well. They asked her comprehension questions, questions about the earth, her old life, what she could and could not consciously do with the Earth in her hands. She hated it, the questions they always asked her. After a year of it she stopped answering to them all together.
Lily looked him over, staring deep into who he was through his eyes. Tilting her head slightly she leaned forward as she took a breath "Doubt is a killer thing out in the world of ours Edmund. Having Faith in your goals makes things easier for yourself and others..." She said as she pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Smiling slightly she nodded to him. "My name is Lily. Its nice to meet you Edmund, of course the circumstances arent so great, its a pleasure." She spoke, her voice soft and hardly audible.
12-22-2009, 07:53 AM
Edmund looked slightly embarrassed. 'Man she can see right through me!' he thought, having a bit of beginners hassle. "It must not be very comfortable for you to sense doubt in someone who is supposed to be escorting you. I apologize, this is probably tolling the both of us." he said nodding. "Lily, Nice to meet you." he said regaining some of his confidence.
It was very troublesome to deal with someone that was as smart as Lily, since it didn't give Edmund much chance to be re-evaluated if he was to ever screw up. That scared Edmund naturally, someone who could instinctively go on first impressions alone. He didn't believe Lily was that heartless though, but he wasn't naive either. He noticed that Lily had sized him up the moment he walked in. He didn't question this though, if you had to put your life in someone else hands, wouldn't you want to make sure what kind of hands those were?
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a deck of cards. He had always played cards since he was a little boy, it helped break the ice no matter was age you were. Any card game could bring the best and the worst out of a person no matter who they were. He shuffled the cards feeling them go through the deck. "Do you know how to play war?" he said taking in a semi-deep breath.
12-22-2009, 08:10 AM
Lily watched as he pulled out something from his pocket, noticing it was a deck of playing cards she blinked a few times as he shuffled them. "War? What is war?" She asked. Lily, being the sheltered child she was, was never allowed to play any kind of competitive game in chance that she would become upset at the game play or end up hurting herself. She was only allowed to play the game of chess, which to her parents, was safe. "Why would there be a game named after such a despicable thing? Destruction? Waste? What is the point of a game if it is so destructive?"
Lily really had no idea what she was trying to say. The only thing she knew about WAR. was that it was what was happening outside of the walls in which they sat within. She didnt want to seem foolish but also didnt quite understand what Edmund was trying to get at with playing a card game with her that was called 'war'.
12-22-2009, 08:33 AM
"Its just A name, don't have a clue why it was named that either...but here we are still playing it even when the name subjects something horrible." Edmund said sighing and taking easy breaths. He split the deck in two and handed Lily the other half. "The point of the game is to lay down A card that is higher than the one I lay down. If you lay one down that is higher, you take the pair. When you lay one that is smaller, I take the pair. If we lay cards with the same number down, we draw three cards and run them face down towards yourself, then you draw a fourth, and if yours is Higher, you take the deck. If mine is I take it. Very simple, yet addictive. " Edmund said.
He waited patiently for her to lay down the first card. He was not sure if this would make her angry, but he always found card games to have a share of both frustration and relief. He was just trying to break tension on his behalf as much as he possibly could. He did not see much tension from her until he mentioned the name of the game.
"Do they let you read Shakespeare at all?" he asked quizzically.
12-22-2009, 08:42 AM
Lily wasnt quite sure what to really do even after he explained the game to her. Taking the cards in her hands she set them down on the table, not wanting to hold them. She blinked a few times and then grabbed the top card, laying it down. It was the Queen of Hearts. "Is that a good one?" She asked him as if she were some new child to the whole idea of 'cards'.
When Edmund asked about Shakespeare her eyes brightened and her smile ran across her lips. "Shakespeare is my favorite!" Her voice sparked in glee as she ran through the many scripts she had locked in her memory from how many times she had read them. My favorite Tragedy is Othello. Oh how men can easily be fooled when they are in love and doubtful." She pushed some hair from her face "My favorite comedy is, Well Midsummers Night Dream!" Lily grew excited and let out a slight chuckle "Oh how I love Puck! Oh what fools these Mortals be!" Her voice had grown quite excited as she had come onto the topic she truly loved. Blinking a few times she regained herself "I apologize. Nobody has ever really...asked about my interests....ever."
12-22-2009, 08:55 AM
Edmund nodded."Well from now on, anytime you want to talk to anything, ask anything, know anything...Just ask me" he said in a sincere tone. "it is the east, and Juliet is the sun" he said with a heartfelt laugh. "Romeo & Juliet, Taming of the Shrew, Much ado about nothing, Twelfth Night...Some of my favorites." He said. He looked at the card and grinned."Yes, that is indeed a good card." he said nodding.
He reached to the top of his deck and pulled the card. A Nine of Clubs. Edmund laughed lightly then nodded. "That was your hand!" he said smiling. "go ahead and take the pair." he said nodding at the cards. He waited patiently for her to lay down the next card. It had been a long bout since he played with cards, but it still held a place in his heart.
12-22-2009, 08:16 PM
Lily smiled at him, loving to hear that he was a fan of Shakespeare as well. This entire mission and escort thing was starting to look slightly brighter. Atleast they would have something to talk about as they were on their way to her death. Well, it was slightly brighter until the entire overview came into play.
Lily slid the cards towards herself, replacing their spot in the middle of the table with a measly 2 of spades. She blinked at it for a moment, arching an eyebrow. "Im guessing that is a bad one." She shook her head "This game is proving to be quite random in truth." a slight smile layed on her lips, she wasnt angry at the game as much as she was confused about why people would play such a game that relied on chance alone.
12-23-2009, 06:10 AM
A small look of anguish appeared on his face. He drew his card, it was a Five of Hearts. He took the pair and nodded. "Cant win them all." he said stretching in the chair. "Have you ever heard of the Fibonacci Number?" He asked still very intrigued about how a human being could endure such ex communication from society. He slowly breathed in as he checked his pocket to make sure something was still there. A keep sake. He looked around the room and nodded. " The Scientists said you can stay here for a little while longer if you wish it. " Edmund said scratching his back side.
He glanced and thought of something quickly. "Have you ever rode horses?" he asked. He felt it was a necessary question since they were going on horse back through the mountain. It was getting to midday now and the air was heating up a little from the sun slightly coming out from the cloudy sky. The air was sort of brisk though.
12-23-2009, 06:46 AM
Lily's eyebrow perked "Fibonacci Numbers, as in the mathematical equations where it was first popular in ancient India, the people applying it to metrical sciences which soon caught onto Europe? If I remember correctly..." Lily tossed down another card, 7 of hearts. "By definition, the first two Fibonacci numbers are 0 and 1, and each remaining number is the sum of the previous two. Some sources omit the initial 0, instead beginning the sequence with two 1s." Lily rubbed her forehead as if trying to remember more from the crevices where the information remained. "The sequences are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765 and so on and so forth..."
Lily shook her head to him "I would prefer to leave as soon as possible. I dont care where we go, as long as it is far away from here. I am sick of stuck up white coats thinking they are so far above others in education..." She rolled her eyes, pushing hair from her face. "I have read about horseback riding, but never actually have seen the animal before in real life let alone been able to touch or ride one."
12-23-2009, 09:18 AM
Edmund was astounded by the shear amount of information that emitted from this person. It was like being on an episode of jeopardy, and someone always buzzing even when the question wasn't completed. He nodded. "Well Fibonacci is a strange random occurrence in the world. The Fibonacci spiral shows up on A mass of things, like sun flowers and Bee genomes. I believe everything has a little Fibonacci in it." He said smiling. "Just A cup of random." he added.
He was kind of angered that she knew nothing of horse riding, since it was the only way you would traverse now, but he did not let it show. He nodded and got up from the chair. "Well we should get going. I want to hit our first stop by night fall or before if possible. It's in a little border town. About six hours." he said pushing the chair in. He checked his pockets and such to prepare for the journey ahead. He noticed that she layed the card down and nodded. "I'll have to teach you some other games while we are on the road." he said. As he started out the door one of the scientists pulled him aside. He was wearing a white coat but his hair was different...It rebelled in all possible manner, it was a big black mop on his head. The scientist locked eye contact.
"Aye, Edmund?" The scientist said bushing his petruding hair out of his eyes.
"...Hm?" Edmund asked as the scientist confirmed his name.
"Take this ear piece." the scientist said handing over the small dainty chip sized communicator. "It will keep us in contact just in case something happens and you need advice." The scientist said putting his hands into his pockets. "Thanks...I guess?" Edmund replied feeling unsure of this scientist.
12-23-2009, 08:32 PM
Lily put the card back in her deck and pushed them towards Edmund, grabbing her items and standing, leaving the chair out and angles just as she was sitting in it. She wasnt big on manners when it came to the white coats. She watched as Edmund was called into the hallway. Probably yet another rule they were pushing on him to make sure she followed. She waited patiently for Edmund to start walking down the hallway, she would follow him as she was supposed to.
12-24-2009, 05:53 AM
Edmund signaled for Lily to come. "Are you ready?" He asked once more making sure. He continued down the hall out of where the white coats where and into a stable. There were two horses. They were both brown painted horses. Edmund lead Lily up to the horse and nodded. "Once we are on the road, We will not be stopping...Only for emergencies okay?" he said warning her. "We may be in a semi safe zone, but once the demons catch a whiff of you, this false security were giving ourselves will run out okay?" he said making sure she understood.
Really it wasn't that far of a ride to the Inn, about maybe a six hour ride. Although he wanted to buy as much daylight as possible. The one rule he agreed upon was not traveling in the dark. He would not endanger himself, or Lily because he wanted to be fool hardy. "Once we reach the Inn, well grab a bite and go to sleep. Well leave the Inn at around Nine in the morning, NO later" he said making that much clear. "This is not coming from the whities around here, this is coming directly from me." he said making that clear.
12-24-2009, 06:07 AM
Lily followed him, keeping her head down as she passed the white coats in the hallways. As Edmund explained what they were going to do for the next entire day Lily stayed silent. When he began to tell her exactly what they were going to do Lily clenched her fists, the ground jumping slightly. It was hardly a jump but it was enough to upset the horses. They whinnied and stomped their hooves as it continued.
"Lily!" One of the scientists shouted at her.
Lily broke out of her glare at the ground and looked up at the scientist, the ground ceasing to rumble. She looked at Edmund, her eyes stern. "Do NOT...treat me like a kid." She said as she looked at the horse she was supposed to ride. She ran her hand along its nose and then its neck, calming it. Looking at the saddle she examined the stirrups and the latches. After attaching her bag to the back of the saddle she grabbed onto the saddle and stepped into the stirrup, pulling herself up. She paused for a moment and then pulled the length of her dress up to her knee, swinging it up and over the saddle, adjusting herself in the saddle before letting her dress down. "Its not so hard, riding a horse." She said as she ran her hands along the base of its neck, feeling the heartbeat of the animal as it shifted its weight. Lily held onto the horse, not used to the feeling of an animal moving on its own beneath her. Looking at Edmund she waited for him to get onto his horse so they could leave.
12-24-2009, 08:02 AM
Edmund was not surprised by the sudden burst. He sort of shook his head in protest. This he thought, was the way a child acted when they were given instructions...Like they should not have the need for instructions. He climbed onto his horse and raised an eyebrow to Lily.
"There is a difference between calling you a child, and formulating a schedule." he said with a slightly annoyed but still content look on his face. "I have no need to treat you like a child. If I was treating you like A child I would tell you everything is going to be alright. " he said in A slight bit of angst. The scientist looked away not wanting to see Lily's reaction to Edmund's Coy, yet assertive nature.
Edmund kicked off riding through an arch door making sure he didn't go to far away from Lily. He hunched over the saddle and looked over the horizon. The mountain from this point was a dot in the distance. A little spec of brown that was closer to the color of mohagony than shit.
12-25-2009, 04:57 AM
Lily was surprised he had stood up to her after she had asserted herself. She never got that from the scientists since they all found her 'too precious' to be yelled at. 'Too precious' to be punished and 'too precious' to be snapped back at. It was quite refreshing to hear someone speak to her in an assertive tone, thrilling really. As he rode forward she blinked and watched him go forward, Lily had absolutely no clue how to do that. "Umm..." She looked at her sides and then kicked her feet into the animal. It instantly came to life underneath her and followed the other horse. with a slight scream Lily held onto the saddle, clueless really. As the horse slowed its pace one next to Edmund's horse she finally opened her eyes again. Looking over to Edmund her face grew pink, sure she was well educated but no where close to anything that would seem like physically able. Looking at how he controlled the horse she looked back to her own and found the reins and held them in her hands, instantly feeling the sensitivity the horse had to them. Her face brightened as she discovered how to make the horse go right, and how to make him go left and faster and slower. Lily was like a child in a toy store, excited when she figured it out. A smile claimed itself onto her face as she bounced with the trot of the horse, not wanting to get too far ahead of Edmund. "This is so, thrilling!" She said as she took a deep breath, Feeling the cold breeze on her skin and the warm rays from the sun. "Its so, absolutely magical." Lily smiled as she looked around, finally able to see the outside world without bars to block her view. Behind them were a trail of butterflies, fluttering themselves up to Lily, landing on her and the horse. If they were spooked they would fly back into the air and just fly along side them. Lily chuckled as one crawled across her face and onto her head. "Hello my friend, finally we meet."
12-25-2009, 07:06 AM
Edmund had heard of this strange phenomenon, but had yet to see it. It made him extremely curious about Lily's being. The kept riding towards the sky. A couple hours passed, nothing mentionable happened. The desolate wasteland of what used to be earth was...well a Desolate wasteland. They're were little homesteads filled with small amounts of people who had reverted back to farming, and the such. They all stood by their guns ready to defend what little crop they had to last them the season.
Five hours passed on horse back, taking in the scenery was about the only luxury of the trip. It would take lots of will to make it through the coming months. Edmund was feeling dragged down. The cool evening air was creeping in ever so slowly, with a sense of pure ominous. The woodlands they were traveling through was giving a hint of dread. He gripped the saddle A bit tighter than normal, as a fog dropped over the woodlands they traveled through.
In the distance A building could be seen, lights were illuminating from inside. As they rode closer to the building, men were standing in front of a gate that circled the Inn. They were armed to the teeth, like army. Edmund slowly approached, while his horse got a tad jumpy. A aggressive looking man looked at Edmund then to Lily. " 'Ey You be the ones them Whities been tellin about round here?" he said with a thick southern accent. Edmund caught what he said and nodded. "We are... We seek lodging." Edmund said pulling out a small pouch than raising an eyebrow.
12-27-2009, 04:36 AM
Lily kept silent the rest of the way, just watching as the scenery changed from beautiful to gloomy back to beautiful again. It made her frown as she looked upon the faces of the travelers, they were bad people, so why scowl? As they continued to ride Lily just focused on her horse, constantly petting him and humming to him and speaking whispers to him as if he would eventually speak back. As the air got colder Lily tucked herself closer to the horse, her dress proving to have no way of savoring her own body heat at all.
As they came to a gate with guards in front of it, Lily remained quiet. She was confused on the way the man spoke. Couldnt he speak plainly so they could easily understand? Glancing at them both as they passed she shook her head in distraughtment. Lookiing over to Edmund she got a bit closer with her horse "Are all people we are going to meet like that? Questioning every bit of a funny accent?" To Lily, this was a serious question. She expected top encounter those of top literature intellect and scholars to be... Not Stuck in the mud knuckleheads.
12-27-2009, 06:24 AM
Edmund handed the pouch over to the guard who question him. Edmund looked back, sort of laughing at Lily's question but eventually pulling himself together enough to answer. "Since the war there has been A lot of stranglers, pulling everything they have from place to place. Some come from over seas, others come from other far locations... Its natural in the state the world is in right now. " He said making sure the guard couldn't hear him.
"Our smarties, intellects, and what-not are hiding themselves away from all this... bomb shelters, personal panic rooms, you name any safe location and that is where they most likely are." Edmund said carrying the horse a little farther until they reached the building. Edmund led Lily up to the stables to hook the horse up.
12-28-2009, 04:42 AM
Lily followed Edmund, watching how he tied up the horses made her tilt her head. Looking side to side she bit her lip slightly. Getting up onto the horse was one thing, getting down from the animal was a complete other. Leaning towards one side she felt the horse shift his weight causing her to nearly knock her head onto the post he was tied to. Taking a breath she released her feet from the stirrups and then used the saddle too ease herself towards one side. Looking down at the ground she could nearly touch it, but she was stopped short. Blinking she tried to push herself towards that side but couldnt. She was stuck on something. Bouncing herself a few time finally allowed her to become unstuck but her foot became horribly tangled in the reins. As she tumbled and her foot pulled the reins her horse stomped angrily and reared his head while grunting. This caused her grip to slip from the front of the saddle. Letting out a cry she closed her eyes, feeling the legs of the animal come close to her head. Pulling herself up slightly she was able to grasp onto the back of the saddle. Now she was stuck and in an awkward position. Looking to Edmund she sheepishly smiled "A little help would be greatly appreciated..."
12-28-2009, 07:09 AM
Edmund watched almost forcing himself to cough so he could die laughing. He nodded to her then walked over , helping her out. "Next time swing your right leg over first, then slowly step down one foot at A time." he said nodding at her, then pointing to the right side of the saddle. He noticed that this was truly her first time riding A animal. "You will get better at it in time." he said.
He nodded forward than headed towards the building keeping his head down low so others would not catch a glimpse. The Inn Keeper looked at Edmund and nodded. He was wearing overhauls, and broken framed glasses. His bald head made for a good solar energy collector. The bald man looked at the both of them, tossed a key then opened a door that was around the bar table, and within the actual home of the Inn keepers.
"Thanks Hugo." Edmund said.
" Just hurry Ed." Hugo said getting slightly agitated.
They ran through the door and shut it behind them. It was like a regular home stead within. There was a kitchen, living room, hallway with bedrooms and A bathroom.
12-28-2009, 07:53 PM
Lily followed Edmund closely, not wanting to be left behind at all. As they entered the building Lily saw the husky bald man behind the counter. When he tossed Edmund some keys Lily again followed, wondering what the man meant by 'Hurry'. Walking through the door behind Edmund she shut the door behind them, looking around. Blinking a few times she looked to Edmund "Is this where we are staying for the night?" She asked as she noticed it was a house, probably the old man's house from behind the desk.
12-29-2009, 02:43 AM
Edmund nodded then began to explain.
"Hugo is A...well really WAS, A scholar. We used to work together and he owed me. They're are A lot of fanatics that would rather harm you than help you, martyr's that wouldn't hesitate ending the world...Ah they just are loonies really, but dangerous non the less." he said.
"It would be much safer to stay out of sight all together, so Hugo agreed to lend us the guest rooms, his roof for the night. There is food in the ice box over there" he said pointing. "And alchohal, may that be your thing in the cupboard above the sink." he said walking into the living room. He took his coat off, shaking the cold, and walked over to the sink. This building was built by Hugo, Edmund and A few other friends that had passed now. Edmund was only thirteen when he helped build it. Hugo was more than a scholar though. He was Edmunds mentor.
Edmund walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a shot glass, and a bottle of unopened butterscotch Schnapps. He sat the bottle and shot glass down on the table looking around the place. It had not changed since he remembered spending years here. A photo of a group together sat on a counter across from the table which looked like the Inn when it was finally finished. Edmund was in it, so was Hugo, a few other guys and gals filled the picture also.
12-30-2009, 04:13 AM
Lily listened to Edmund and sneered at the offer of alcohol. As he took some out and poured it into a glass she sat across from him, her chin in her palm as she chuckled slightly. "Hmm...I have the world in my hands... You really think it would be anywhere near wise to get me drunk? Who knows what could possibly happen to the world." Lily said as she looked at Edmund, silent for a while as she just looked at him. "So what time are we leaving in the morning?" She asked, smiling sheepishly for not listening before when he had spoke about it. Lily was too busy being independent to listen.
12-30-2009, 06:32 AM
Edmund sighed and shrugged. "Thus why I asked." He said putting the scotch away. He sat back down into the chair then replied to her question.
"Eight O'clock is when we have to set off." he said scratching the back of his head.
"I suggest you rest and take it easy." he said stretching in the chair. He looked back at the photo feeling still very dislocated from the past. He took sips gingerly.
He got up and entered the living room. He pulled his pack out and set up his sleeping quarters on the bed. He had taken Lily's belongings to the guest room. He had started to feel tired already but he couldn't fall asleep yet. There was something that kept him feeling far too wired to drift off. He went off into the icebox and pulled out A package of meat that was wrapped by Hugo himself. He threw the meat onto the burner.
The next few moments were sort of spacey for him. Then a light speech picked up into his ear.
"Hey Edmund!, its me! ah the Doc."
Edmund almost jumping , forgot that he had placed the ear piece in early this morning.
"Hey...ah doc guy..."
"Just checking up on the subject, how are you two fairing?"
"Well fine I guess. few bumps here and there but I am trying my best not to anger her."
"Good. It would be very bad to do so..."
"Your telling me!? There's been a couple times I wanted to run out of the area!"
"Ah nothing much you can do, its understandable."
"Yeah I wish this mission was a little more...Understandable."
"You have to hold on Edmund. Well I gotta get to the gone."
The ear piece emitted static then stopped. He tended to the meat getting tired still. He kept cooking it. Then the lights from the Inn portion turned off, In came Hugo.
"Oy! Edmund!" Hugo said walking in cheerful.
"Hey pops." Edmund said tending the meat.
"So...that's here I guess?" Hugo asked Edmund.
"Yep...Flesh and blood, go ahead and talk amongst yourselves." Edmund said.
Hugo walked up to Lily and properly bowed, showing a bit more of a courtesy than Edmund had. "Nice to meet you M'Lady." Hugo said relieving himself from the bow.
01-03-2010, 04:14 AM
Lily listened to Edmund's side of the conversation he was having with someone or other. She wasnt sure who but she knew it was about her when he said there were a few times he wanted to run. Lily frowned and turned away, walking into the next room and sitting down on the chair. Thats exactly what she got when she was growing up, people running from her, afraid of her, not wanting anything to do with her. When the old man from before came up to her and said it was nice to meet her Lily nodded to him "Thank you for the roof over our heads sir." She said as she then stood and looked to Edmund "I apologize you two, but I am quite tired." Lily said as she nodded to the both of them. "Goodnight..." She said as she grabbed her pack and walked down the hallway into one of the Guest bedrooms. Lily set her stuff down on the bed and sat on it, pressing her hands to her eyes as she leaned over, her elbows on her knees. Taking a deep breath she let it out slowly, her body shaking. Outside thunder boomed and shook the house, lightning following and then followed by pouring rain. Lily took another breath and held it this time, her body shaking, the wind outside smashing against the building. Letting it out slowly she sat up and pushed her hair behind her ears, wiping her eyes dry. The wind calmed down outside but the thunderstorm continued.
01-07-2010, 09:31 AM
Hugo sat in his chair while the phenomenon occurred. He turned his head to Edmund who was sitting at the table. He was eating the meal he had cooked. There was a plate on the counter. Hugo just watched slowly getting up, walking over to Edmund and putting his hand on his shoulder.
"You have to be careful. Even if you don't want to be doing this...Don't let her know. For her sake just lie about it, at least you wont put others in danger." Hugo said sternly.
Edmund jumped up from the chair, the chair slowly falling to the ground. He looked horrified. He took his plate from the table and slammed it against the wall in protest, like an angry child.
"I did not want this! I didn't want any of this, while you sat here basking in your pretend sanctuary from the real world out there, I had watched people die relentlessly! Every where I went that was the only thing I found!" Edmund said raising his voice.
"I spent my childhood learning about the fucking mission! That's all anyone talked about! Nothing else! I had to learn so I could take a women across the world so she could supposedly end this ragged shit faced war!" he said shaking his head and his fist in anger.
Hugo stood with rage. With a flat fist, he pummeled into Edmund's jaw, sending him on his ass. " So you think I didn't see anyone die? You think it was just a cake walk raising all you little shits! For you to be the only one who came through the training! I watched over fifteen of the brightest people I know die just so you could spout your egotistical bull shit!" Hugo said shaking his hand, the pain was slowly fading.
"I..." Edmund was going to continue, but he started to realize how selfish he was acting. He sighed in a gasp of air and got up, steadying to his feet. "I'm sorry." Edmund said avoiding eye contact.
"Don't fucking apologize to me you sad fucking failure! Go apologize to the person who is willing to sacrifice herself to make sure you stay fat and fucking happy!" he yelled storming off into his room. The door slammed shut.
Edmund sat in the chair for a moment trying to collect himself. He kept telling himself that it would be okay but he didn't even believe his own conscious. He got up and went to the counter, grabbed the plate he had made for Lily. He fought back the numbing pain in his jaw, which was now blue and black. He walked down to her room she was staying in and knocked on the door.
"Lily, I ah..." he took in another breath at the door.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, when I said that I wanted to was only because I don't understand you. I could lie as much as I wanted to, and say that I completely understand you...that I know what its like...But that would be a lie I could not fathom to anyone." he said holding the plate, putting his head on the door.
01-08-2010, 04:00 AM
Lily heard a knock at the door and looked up to it suddenly, blinking a few times as tears rolled down her face. Hearing Edmund's voice as he apologized to her she relaxed her shoulders and watched the door as she listened to him speak. She waited for a few moments after he was finished talking before she got up from the bed and walked slowly to the door, twisting the doorknob and opening the door to see Edmund standing there holding a plate of food he had obviously brought for her. Blinking a few times she looked up at him and then invited him into the room.
"You know..." She said quietly as she looked down to the ground "If you wanted to understand me then you could always ask." Lily took a breath and let it out slowly "I know Im not like you...and I know that you probably just think Im some freak who needs to hurry up and die to make the world peaceful again..." Lily's voice choked up and she looked away from him as she wiped her cheeks dry. The winds outside thrashed against the house as Lily's shoulders trembled. "But..." She paused and then looked up at him. "It wasn't my choice to be the girl from the Prophecy!!" Lily yelled at him as she frowned, her fists tightened at her sides. "I didnt choose to be the freak everyone in the world despises! I didnt personally start the war you know!! It wasnt me who decided to damn you all!!" Lily's eyes welled up in tears and they were flowing freely down her face. "I am going to die at 18! I wont ever be able to live a normal life! I wont know what its like to love or get married or even have a first kiss, a deflowering, have children or anything all the rest of you get to do!" She snapped as thunder crackled right above the house, making it tremble.
The house shook and groaned in pain as the winds and rains beat it. Lily looked at him intensely for a moment before her eyes softened and her face fell into an extremely sad expression. "None of you people get it. You all just choose to ignore it and wait until it is all over with..." She turned away from him and walked across the room to the window and looked outside at the rain "You dont have to stay. You can run from me, I dont care. You werent hired to be my friend or care for my emotional were hired to take me to the top of that mountain and kill me. So I understand if you dont want to understand me Edmund." She spoke softly, her voice shaking as she spoke the truth to him. The winds calmed down slightly but still smacked the rain against the house.
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