View Full Version : The Stoner's Guide to the Real World, Ch:2

12-23-2009, 02:12 AM
Rated M for Sex, Drugs, Language, violence, Potentially offensive content, and anything else that isn't outlawed by RPA rules.

For anyone new.

The basic idea is that magic pot gives you powers and random shit happens. There's more of a story to it than that, but you get it.


Have you ever smoked before? Anything? If no, have you ever been to an awesome party? Have you ever done anything amazing before realizing that several hundred people in the world somewhere must have done it before you? Not fun, huh? But here's your chance to stand out. As much as a walking piece of decaying organic matter ever will. Have you ever heard of super powers? Yeah, there we go. I'm sure you've wanted some of those powers at least once in your life. So I say again, here's your chance.

Pot! The miracle plant! No, no, no.... Not the crap you're undoubtedly thinking of right now. I'm talking about the real stuff. Red, blue, and never green. It gives you certain....powers. Sure, you can say we had to've been smoking our own product to believe that. But who cares if we are? At least we're happy. At least we aren't simple tools of the government's system! They know we aren't, too. They'd want nothing less than to lock us up and throw away the key. Sometimes they get us, most other times they fail. In an epic way.

My point is, that there's a better life waiting for you in the real world. Outside the system they set up to try and control us. You know it's out there now, so why not join us there? It's that, or search through that crappy store you don't like for more useless crap you don't need.

Chapter Two: Fk'n Aliens, Man! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlltRgt3SaI)

There have always been those that believe beings from another world walk among us. The Feds convince us that we're crazy for thinking so, and that the believers are cracked in the fucking head. I guess you can't call someone running a cover up a hypocrite, but you can still call them assholes. We've been getting visits ever since the 40's, and probably earlier than that. They sure as hell aren't telling us. Yes, we've talked to them. What do you expect? We're stoners. But stuff's been going on that just even they can't explain. Or don't want to. Mass disappearances, slaughtered cattle on a massive scale, and more and more alien believers surfacing. It's freaking crazy, man. So crazy that our own alien buddies and the Super High Stoner Council want every stoner in contact to try and find out what the fuck is going on.

What're you still sitting around for? We get to mess with aliens!

Character Notes and Sheets.

If you're a former newbie from the last game, you aren't one of the people that knows about the aliens. If you're a newbie stoner, feel free to know whatever the fuck you want. Oh, and keep in mind that I'm talking in OOC terms. If you've never been in a Stoner's Guide to the Real World game, you're a newbie. It's a term of endearment though. Everyone in the stoner's guide was a newbie at one point. If you're confused about anything, just look at the wanted list. It should clear up any questions.

Name and/or Alias:
Gender: He, She, or Shim. I only ask because I had one in my game before. Good entertainment value that one had.
Power: This is the power you want, not your character, you. Stoners don't always get the power they want. Keep that in mind when writing this guy up. The only banned powers are mental ones(Pot doesn't much help the brain), Invincibility type powers, and time altering powers. I reserve the right to add to this list.
Background: How have you been wasting your life/being a productive member of society until this party?

Feel free to post your character sheets when your done. I doubt I'll have to deny anyone, but it's happened before. Now, time for the rules.


1. Use common sense. If you think it's going to piss someone off, don't do it. Not using common sense is a punishable offense here.
2. Use more common sense. If you're carrying a sword to a party, you'd better make your character commit seppuku, because I won't have that shit unless you have the best reason ever.
3. This is a comedy, act like it! my first batch of stoners was a group of happy elementals, my second batch was a group of mostly insane stoners with happiness issues. Sometimes things are going to get serious though, and when that happens, please react accordingly.
4. Keep it fun! If you aren't having a good time, then someone's doing something wrong.
5. If you vanish and hold up the rp without telling me what's going on, you're going out a window. I don't care if you're in a submarine, your character's taking a swim.

The Van

The van is the bus. Why do we call the bus the van? Because we do. It's the center of our mobile lifestyle. Here's the description.

The front is a sealed off cabin with two seats and two doors. One door is the entrance, the other leads to the other sections of the two floor bus. Section one is the living room. You've got a pair of sofas, a coffee table, and your electronics setup. A 52" tv that takes up the wall, a sound system with wireless speakers, several game systems and games, and a broken pile of computer parts that belong to Nash. For the detail oriented, the TV is on the left, the sofas and a pair of small windows are on the right.

Section two is also on the first floor. It's a kitchen/bar/munchie haven. Just about anything needed for eating is in here. As long as anything means old uneaten junkfood and beer in the fridge. There's an oven, blender, microwave, and whatever else that needs to be in there. For the extremely detail obsessed, the crapper is in the back, located across from the staircase.

Section three is the Bunk area. There are four bunk beds along the upstairs wall. The bottom beds get window views. There really isn't much to say about this section. Aside from the wall that people assume to be the front of the bus. If pushed on, it reveals the secret section four.

Section four is a hydroponic growing room. At any given time, it's growing up to fifty specimens. In the middle, is a couch and cabinet that the pipes, tubes, and sun lamps were built around. This is Axel's couch. To touch it is normally to die. From fire. And knives. And whatever else is sitting around the bus. And that's it Stoners! Our home on wheels.

The OOC reason for calling it a Van? It's what the first stoners had before upgrading, and I was too lazy to call it anything else.

12-23-2009, 02:13 AM
The Guide

This. Is the guide. Some day, it will tell you everything you need to know about the world and where you fit in it. Today, it's a mostly blank e-book.
Hey, I'm working on it, alright? Just gimme a bit..... I forgot to back up the most recent copy when RPA switched over.


Acid-heads; Insanity is their game, if they're lost they're good. Sometimes words don't cover it, and Acid-heads know that experience is the greatest teacher. All of them have their own reasons and desires, but all Acid-heads agree that acid goes great with the ganja.

Alcohol; It's a wonderful substance that there needs to be more of in the world.

Aliens; We call them the Asguard in the spirit of upholding a bit of truth from the Stargate universe. They don't seem to mind it either. It's believed by most stoners that they're the ones that brought the first pot plants to our planet. The way the little gray dudes act is proof enough to me. They have blank expressions on their faces, stare into space a lot, and are a bit over eager to shove a probe where the sun don't shine. If you're lucky enough to be on good terms with them you can find out that they host the most chill stoner shacks this side of the Milky Way. In person.

They have mental powers, so don't screw with them.

Amsterdam; Yeah yeah, "Weed is legal there!" Well not ours. They don't care where you go. The feds find that smoking the real deal is against the law wherever you go.


No current entries under "B"


Casters; Casters are stoners with mastery of their chosen power. They can do anything with their power short of exchanging it for another power. It's unknown how to become a caster, but be patient stoners! Someone has to find out someday!

Cows; Never touch the cows. Ever! Some stoners got the idea that hiding out on old abandoned farms were good ideas. Therefor the government turned most local cows into pot sensing time bombs. Chuck a rock at one, I dare you.

Crack and ect; Stoners never take what most normal people call "Hardcore" drugs. They fuck with our powers, and have light radioactive signatures when examined closely enough. If you value your genitals, stay the hell away.


Dark Clanners: These are the psychotic, murderous, and downright disturbing stoners. They range from Berserkers to Vampires.

Darkies; Darkies can basically control that half of everything that isn't bright. No one knows what it is they actually control, because the ability to control an area without a certain frequency of energy seems a bit silly. But it's undeniably effective. Darkies can basically turn shadows into solid objects, and animate those items to a certain extent. The object still has to retain it's original shape while the stoner is manipulating it, however.

Death; We currently have several researchers looking for a way to find out what it is and how to come back after visiting. Nothing yet.


Electro-Stoners; If it wasn't obvious, Electro-Stoners control electricity. They can basically make it do whatever it is they want. Surge, jump, and as usual for stoners controlling elements, make their element more or less appear from nowhere. A note for the newbies.... You aren't casters. So trying to turn yourselves into electricity is a very bad idea if you've just gotten your powers. Can you say, electric without the chair?

Electricity; According to Electro Stoners, electricity is a magical but normally invisible force. Sorry to tell you, but that physics course you may or may not have taken lied to you. It's not protons and electrons interacting or whatever.

Elemental Stoners; Elemental stoners are the most common in the world. Basically they control nature in one form or another. The ones I know about now are Electros, Lightbulbs, Darkies, Rocks, Floaters, Hotheads, Snowballs, Metalheads, Fans, and Gardeners. See their entries for more info.


Feds; Federal agents. They're the Anti-Stoners. Well armed with the latest technology and stoner powers, they're the most dangerous enemies we have. They believe that powers like ours should be tightly regulated and controlled, so they kill off as many stoners as they like, and take the rest prisoner for experiments and mind wiping. It's a fate worse than death. They won't show you any mercy whatsoever, so don't give them any either.


Horks; Psychotic eating machines believed to grow inside fat people before reaching maturity. These bizarre lizard creatures eat from the moment the pop from the stomach until the moment they die. It's one of these little bastards that ate our last guide, the one that wasn't backed up....

Lightbulbs; I'm not talking appliances here, lightbulbs are the opposites of the darkies. There are a number of similarities that they share with hotheads, but the differences are obvious as well. They control light, and to a lesser extent, heat. They typically fight with lasers.


Phunktoms; Are bitches. Grey-black, creepy shadowy critters who take the piss and drive you mad. Imagine tripping, seeing gremlins or the Kool-aid guy or whatever. Pretty sweet, right? Now imagine them turning inside out, bursting into flames and withering before your eyes. If you're lucky, they'll already be black and spectral, but it they want to play games, they'll disguise themselves. They're not bad, per se, just tricky and vicious. Watch for a grey haze over the air around them.


Side effects; Every power typically comes with a side effect. With the power to control fire, there may come the immunity to heat. With the power of Transformation could come the ability to talk to what you turn into. The side effect depends on the power, in any situation. The side effect is always the lesser half of the power. For example, when you can turn into a bird and control wind, your power sure as hell isn't the ability to become the bird. That's your side effect.


Weed; I skipped straight past the other sections, just to get to this entry. Weed is the source of all our powers. Without it, we'd be just more normal people trying to fit into the system. There are hundreds of possible powers it can grant, with some rarer and more powerful than the others. This is the plant of legend. In appearance it's very similar to the stuff you find highschool students with. The major difference is the coloring. The real weed has a variety of colors ranging from red to blue, but never green. The first experience smoking it is often mind blowing, though unique in each stoner. The only way to describe the first experience and not have to make up words is saying, "Woah."

No one knows how it got here, and most genuine stoners don't care. It gives us powers. That's all most of us really need to know.

12-23-2009, 02:13 AM
Here's the Stoner hall of fame, the wanted list.

Alias: Crypes
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Appearance: http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/1784/stoner.jpg
Power: Metalhead, metalmancy, metalbending, whatever you want to call it.
Background: He's one of the few stoners that discovered pot on his own. No one to guide him to the path, no one to keep him from fucking up. Over the last six years he's learned a lot of shit about surviving in the real world, and a lot about how little people know about the world around them. So, being fed up of telling newbies what's what, he decided to make The Stoner's Guide to the Real World. Just because.

Wanted for: Destruction/theft of Public, Private, and Federal Property. Murder of 500+ Federal agents, civilians, and police officers.
Arms dealing, Drug trafficing, terroristic activities, and theft of government secrets.

Name: Nash Wilder
Gender: Male, though Crypes tends to drop comments about him being otherwise.
Age: 23
Appearance: http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/7444/17579634.jpg
Power: None. But fair warning, he's a technomancer.
Background: A comic book geek, gamer, and computer fiend. He's also short, hyper, and a mad genius. He spent most of his life inventing the most insane pieces of technology the world has ever seen. He's not famous, but his tech is. He still makes large amounts of money from his inventing days.

Wanted for: Destruction/theft of Public, Private, and Federal property.
Murder of 200+ Federal agents and police officers.
Arms Dealing, terroristic activities, and theft of government secrets.

12-23-2009, 02:20 AM
Was wondering when we were gonna get to see this. Let the game contniue.

Name and/or Alias: Barry Burkowitz/ Geek
Gender: Just some dude.
Age: 28
Appearance: Before becoming a stoner: http://media.photobucket.com/image/jeff%20bridges%20in%20tron/zeeb13/vlcsnap-192836.jpg

After becoming a stoner:http://i34.tinypic.com/2ag46y0.jpg
Power: Ability to become insubstantial(able to pass through solid objects)

Background: Barry was born into your typical middle class family. His father worked as a used car salesman while his mother worked as a cashier in a pharmacy. Life for Barry was quite normal and boring. He attended school but mostly kept to himself.

One day, when he was eight, his father gave him a Spider Man comic book. He read it cover to cover and immediately started to imagine what life would be like with super powers. He began to spend all of his allowance money on comic books and his collection started to grow.

In high school he discovered Dungeons and Dragons. Already immersed in the fantasy world of super heroes, Barry quickly grew to love the game. Because of his hobbies his schoolwork suffered and he never became anything more than an average student, though he did have to repeat a few classes. When he turned sixteen, Barry got a part time job at the local gas station. All the money he made there was spent on his comic book and D&D addiction.

By the time he turned nineteen, having finally graduated from high school, he had amassed a rather large comic collection. As well as a multitude of Dungeons and Dragons accessories. Borrowing money from his parents, Barry rented a small building and opened a comic store. To this day, Barry is still running the shop. He manages to make enough to live on and has no life whatsoever. He spends literally every minute of his life in the comic shop, and uses the loft above it to sleep in. Any free time Barry has is spent either reading comics, or playing D&D online.

As I’m sure you could guess, Barry was never a hit with the ladies. He did have a girlfriend for a time in his twenties. Her name was Sarah, and they were together for a year. In the end it didn’t work out. Barry just couldn’t be with someone who thought that the Avengers could beat the X-Men in a fight. I mean come on. Wolverine could take them out no problem.

Barry had never done drugs before being invited to a party by Crypes. He now feels that he has a new lease on life.

12-24-2009, 09:08 PM
Where the fuck are all my stoners? It's like they didn't see the topic or something.

12-24-2009, 09:19 PM
Would it be possible to reuse Christopher?

12-24-2009, 09:51 PM
Sure. We can just say that he was following the others out of the party. Wait, was he? I can't remember.

12-25-2009, 01:51 AM
Does this pick up right where the last left off, or has some time passed since the party?

12-25-2009, 12:15 PM
just been busy.

Name and/or Alias: Axel
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Appearance: Pretty much it, minus the ears and a little more stony... the only good analog i can find without taking a picture of myself and posting it xD.

Power wanted: Pyro, Pyrotechnic, w/e you call it, go watch FMA, Flame alchemist kind of shit.
Background: Been smoking pot for as long as he can remember, and with all this pot that was maby 5-10 years ago.
Hating feds, growing pot, and partying is all he knows. His life revolves around his friends and his strings of the finest herb wan can grow.

After 2-3 years chilling with his best friend crypes on a road trip, He decided to take his own path for a few months and party with some out cast's.
He did not make many friends on this "road trip" so he found himself making his way back to his friends and there van to cause some more hell to the system, and fuck some more lives up!.

I know the drill... try to be more active blah blah. and Merry XMAS all.

The Gypsy Queen
12-28-2009, 09:43 PM
Back and ready to rock 'n' roll. :D

Name/Alias: Ceri O’Mally (pronounced KEE-ree)/The Queen

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://i818.photobucket.com/albums/zz102/Jezzy666/isabelle_adjani_002.jpg

Possessions: Always carries her shoulder strap book bag and her iPod. Carries a small glass pipe she affectionately calls the Mushroom (due to its shape and color) and a few cheap lighters. She is also usually carrying some kind of craft, for example, yarn and knitting needles.

Power: Empathy – the power to feel what others feel, and to conversely make them feel anything else. Ceri can manipulate the feelings of anyone within a small radius of herself (twenty feet on a good day) to her benefit, short of causing them to seriously harm themselves. On the flipside, Ceri has a difficult time in places associated with high emotion; movie theaters, casinos or race tracks, most sporting events, weddings, and funerals. Crowds can also make her behave in odd ways. For example, if caught at the mall on a busy Saturday, Ceri will feel the intense need to buy things. Finally, any intense feeling may debilitate Ceri. Contrary to the serious overtones, Ceri’s power is more often than not a source of amusement, as she is often the unwitting recipient of all kinds of awkward emotions.

History: Ceri comes from a long line of ne’er-do-wells. Her mother was a hippie, and her mother a bohemian, and her mother a gypsy, so the vagabond trait in her is strong. In spite of her long history of bad behavior, truancy, and the general flouting of authority, Ceri was a very clever child and loved to learn. As she reached adulthood she was a wealth of useless knowledge. She’d been in college for five years, flat refusing to complete her degree plan, when she started smoking regularly when. She was encouraged by Bob, a long time friend. Naturally charismatic and social, Ceri is always at the heart of the party. She is a born performer and loves to be the center of attention, and with her five years of college and gypsy fortune telling, she often is. So when word about a huge party in the cemetery spread, she simply couldn’t resist.

Ceri resents her power and the position she's found herself in as a result. She craves her ignorance again, but knows that she can never go back. She leans heavily on Bob for support.

Pope Jako III
12-29-2009, 05:42 PM
Name/Alias: Bob Makihara/ Zule/ The War Pope

catch phrase: Zule Motherfucker Zule!

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Power wanted: wind particle manipulation

Wanted For: Questioning


Possessions: always has a zippo on him and a pocket knife( for practical purposes not for combat) and his favored mode of transport a radial engine motorcycle, seriously he loves that bike, and a travel pack with a sleeping bag and some munchies in it

History: Bob grew up in Jamaica and has such always been exposed to weed
One year ago: Bob got out of his car and looked at the campus. “This is pretty weak man. Nothing like back home.” “But hey, if they gonna pay me to go here I can manage.” As Bob was checking out the campus when he overheard someone saying something about a party at the grave yard. “well that sounds more like my style, and if there’s one thing you have to have its style man.”

So Bob found they graveyard around 11:00 and was more than happy with the result drink, munchies, and insane amounts of weed. Around two in the morning Bob was moving around the grave yard when he noticed that people were having a drinking contest Bob walked up and put a bottle of crown gold on the table and said to everyone: “bring it on!”

As the forth guy was now puking his guts out with bob looked at his newest victory and laughed “yep I’m god.” “Really now?” came a voice. Bob looked around to see a tiny girl walking up to him with a bottle of vodka in her hand. “Care to try your luck with me hotshot?” Bob looked at the girl and busted up “aren’t you a little young for this?” well mister why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?”

And thus the shots poured the contest started and didn’t stop until both parties were completely shit faced. “Yao get stemena yac knay tot.” “regt bekt at ya man.” Bob started to sway “I tink ye get dis en garle.” And with that Bob passed out.

The next morning Bob woke up where he passed out. As he was getting up he felt his “pillow” move. He looked down to find his “pillow” was the girl he met last night as he woke up she also jolted awake and looked up at him when recognition dawned she got a big grin on her face and said “I won.”

“Um how did I end up on top of ya man?” “hehe, you passed out and fell on top of me, and you were too big for anyone to move.” “Oh.” Bob replied. “By the way, my names Ceri, yours?” “ah, Bob.” “Well Bob would you mind getting off of me?” “Haha I don’t know your pretty comfy.” “Damn it quit fucking around Bob!” “Ok, ok that’s my hear man.”

“So um anyplace to get breakfast around here man?” “You just came to the states didn’t you?” “ya sports scholarship.” “Well you’re in luck then because we’re going to the same college and I happen to know where the Denny’s is.”

Thus began Bob’s friendship with one Ceri O’Mally. He doesn’t really know what’s going on or care for that matter he is a Jamaican and thus has his stay out of other people’s business way of thinking, but he will go along with whatever Ceri does. He owes her and he will always be there for her.

12-29-2009, 11:18 PM
Hey crypes, sorry I'm late! Was away from the net for a while. Can Billie come back?

12-30-2009, 04:45 AM
Heh. Of course Billie can come back! It's hardly the Stoner's Guide without Billie showing up.

Anyways, for those who are curious, this takes place a few days after the party incident. Everyone's gotten away somewhat clean. The feds still have you wanted for questioning though. The vets may feel free to add on the "Wanted for:" tag to their character sheets. Though at the moment, it's only for questioning. Anyways, something tells me that Bob is going to get the longest list. He caused a crapload of damage at that party.

I have no idea what Billie was doing in between the original and new chapter one, so feel free to add what you want to that one.

12-30-2009, 04:31 PM
If I get around to putting in effort, it's slowly but surely forming a book. I'll put the cut down version here, shall I?

Name and/or Alias: Billie Shakes
Gender: She
Age: 21
Appearance: Billie's self portrait (http://mad-madam-mimm.deviantart.com/art/Billie-Shakes-The-colours-134468503)
Power: Levitation/flight. "Floating"
Wanted for: Being an accomplice to known trouble-makers, Bodily harm against Federate employees
Background: Billie was once, she vaguely remembers, an honours student. She won a scholarship to study english literature. Then some girl introduced her to the regular weed that everyone has to experiment with in college. Then it gets kinda foggy. She's woken up in various places with varying amounts of money, but she's been uniformly on the streets. Somehow, her comprehensive knowledge of Shakespeare has survived, and in fact become a sort of nervous tick. She would often recite on the streets to get money.

Again, it gets foggy. Crypes introduced her to pot... the real stuff... things got freaky, she nabbed some and legged it, in a hoipe to figure out what was going on with this bizarre new information. Then... somehow, she ended up in Bath, England, at Ms Thisby's reformation and rehabilitation home. That was an... "interesting" time. She doesn't talk about it. But she knew what she had to do, and made her way back to America, to pay back Crypes and clean her slate. She's tried to swear off all but "emergency" weed... it's tricky. But she's trying, bless her.

Pope Jako III
12-30-2009, 04:35 PM
Haha! Rage tornados FTW! XD. but in Bob’s defense its kinda hard to cool down when an annoying gypsy is just throwing all ur rage right back at u. does not work well for the cooling down process.

The Gypsy Queen
12-30-2009, 05:31 PM
Be quiet you. *glares playfully at the Pope* By vets, do you mean those of us who played chapter one, Crypes?

Pope Jako III
12-30-2009, 05:58 PM
Hey im the friggin Pope u cant tell me to be quiet heathen. now run along or i'll go get hitler.

12-31-2009, 12:30 AM
Yeah. The vets ate the guys and girls that were around in chapter one, or earlier.

The Gypsy Queen
12-31-2009, 12:32 AM
Spiffy. I'm looking forward to this. :D

Pope Jako III
12-31-2009, 12:40 AM
any idea when the ic is going up?

01-03-2010, 04:50 AM
Mind if we sort of work out how I can fit Chris back into the story without looking sloppy?

01-03-2010, 07:40 AM
If I didn't totally suck at having powers I would have loved to join this one for realz.

01-03-2010, 03:02 PM
I'm debating if it's worth attempting to join this, might be awkward not being there at the start.

01-04-2010, 06:40 AM
Crypes, put the bong down! I need you!

01-04-2010, 06:50 AM
Crypes, put the bong down! I need you!

Pass it over here. I'll look after it for you.

The Gypsy Queen
01-04-2010, 06:56 AM
No way, I'd totally make a better bong-sitter than you.

01-04-2010, 07:04 AM
No way, I'd totally make a better bong-sitter than you.

But i brought stuff to put in it. I know, we could share.

01-04-2010, 07:13 AM
*drops a deck of stoner-flux cards with a smile on his face.* I brought a game we can play while you fire that big boy up. *deals out three cards to them and himself.*

The Gypsy Queen
01-04-2010, 05:28 PM
I find this arrangement beneficial. Let the fun begin.

01-05-2010, 12:40 AM
Alright, the bong has been passed. I was helping my cousin tear down half of his wall for the past two days. I'm fucking beat.... But I'll try and have the IC up sometime tomorrow.

And Steam, we can just say he booked it from the party and he nearly got hit by a moving bus, just before everyone got out of town.

01-05-2010, 12:45 AM
Or you could just have him hit another parked bus. Could find him laying next to it.

The Gypsy Queen
01-05-2010, 12:59 AM
XD I like that plan! *passes the bong to the next poster*

Pope Jako III
01-07-2010, 11:31 PM
hits the bong aww sorry i have absolutely nothing relevent to add just wanted to hit that shit. -Pope out passes bong

The Gypsy Queen
01-07-2010, 11:36 PM
Crypes, I am super excited to start this game... No rush, though. Just wanted you to know.

01-08-2010, 12:20 AM
Wll, until it starts...*packs the bowl and passes it*

Pope Jako III
01-08-2010, 11:27 PM
we are all seriously excited about this one

01-09-2010, 01:15 PM
I hear that! C'mon stoners!

01-11-2010, 01:25 AM
I agree, but i did find somehting to do in the meantime. I have edited my sheet and used the amzing pic which Mimm made in chapter one. Thanks again Mimm

01-11-2010, 05:11 AM
And now we're smokin' stoners! The IC just went up and the guide is good to go. You are now free to post around the cabin. Thank you for riding with Stoner's Guide Buslines, please have a safe trip. Heheheh.

01-11-2010, 05:18 AM
And there was much rejoicing.

The Gypsy Queen
01-11-2010, 05:31 AM
Much, much rejoicing. I already posted. :D

01-11-2010, 07:40 AM
Is it too late to join in?

01-11-2010, 11:56 AM
I'm pretty sure it's never too late to join, but Crypes may want to give you a special point to start at.

Anyway, p-p-p-p-posted. And yeah, I really need to get finished on this story of Billie, because it might make things slightly less confusing later on.

The Gypsy Queen
01-11-2010, 10:23 PM
Do I detect plotting? :D

01-11-2010, 11:15 PM
Possibly. But What I'm thinking about happening may not happen. It's just the germ of an idea, I haven't talked to Crypes about anythign yet.

The Gypsy Queen
01-11-2010, 11:17 PM
Groovy. Love your post by the way... this is going to be the first chance Billie and Ceri have had to talk... I think they'll get along.

01-11-2010, 11:34 PM
I think they will... girls gotta stick together, after all. :)

The Gypsy Queen
01-12-2010, 12:21 AM
I know right? Surrounded by all these boys.

The Gypsy Queen
01-17-2010, 08:24 PM
Sorry to double post but I have to ask...

What kind of emotions do aliens have? Are they mostly human or what? Help me, all mighty GM!

Security of Mem
01-17-2010, 08:26 PM
Woah, totally weird RPA gave me a server error for the first time.

01-17-2010, 09:34 PM
They have emotions, but I guess you can think of them as Vulcans. Well controlled emotions that are further dulled by the pot. All you're gonna get out of them is calm, and all you can give them is more calm. Simple as that.

Anyways, you wanna join up Mem? We've got plenty of room.

The Gypsy Queen
01-17-2010, 10:44 PM
Thanks Crypes. :D I was just curious. Also. I bring a message from OneCrazyyHippie. He regrets that due to real life constraints, he's unable to join this chapter.

Which means he's too busy partying. XD

Security of Mem
01-17-2010, 10:54 PM
What kind of hippy do you need?

I may interested Crypes.

01-18-2010, 01:17 AM
I have a question, would it be safe to assume that the aliens look like the Asgard from Stargate?

01-18-2010, 03:25 AM
Lucky guy. I haven't been to a party in ages.

As for you Mem, you can be just about any type of Hippie you want. We've honestly had nearly every type of stoner here. You're probably going to be chilling with the aliens if you join at this point. Kinda funny considering what you said in the stitchel OOC. Just feel free to make a character and I'll help you smooth your way in.

As for the aliens, yeah. They're the stereotypical little grey men. So Asguard is close enough.

Security of Mem
01-18-2010, 03:27 AM
Would a caffeine addict be allowed?

I mean technically caffeine is a drug.

01-18-2010, 03:29 AM
Sure, but caffeine won't give you powers. If you don't want to enter as a pot head, we can work something out. Otherwise feel free to smoke and drink till your heart's content.

Security of Mem
01-18-2010, 03:34 AM
Caffeine addict pot head.....that combination sounds....toxic

01-18-2010, 03:42 AM
It's all about balance, really. It's best not being at the mindfucked stage of stoned while on caffeine. Anything short of holucinations and you're generally good.

Damn it. I miss my spellchecker. I really need to upgrade my browser.

Security of Mem
01-18-2010, 03:43 AM
Actually truth be told, I was thinker rather of a pot smoking hippie. How about a mobsters?
You know like the Godfather's or something.

01-18-2010, 03:45 AM
It's like you somehow snuck into my mind and stole my idea for chapter three. Do you have mind powers or something? No, don't answer that. I'd rather not know. But yeah, a mobster would be fine. Or a few if you think you could handle it. I never really set a character limit, it's just that no one really wants to play more than one.

Security of Mem
01-18-2010, 03:51 AM
I can play three.

His two followers and him the mobster leader.

01-18-2010, 03:52 AM
Alright. Feel free. Mobsters are going to be a kinda interesting change of pace.

Security of Mem
01-18-2010, 03:53 AM
Cool. What kind of pictures do you accept?

01-18-2010, 04:00 AM
Whatever you've got, really. I prefer stuff that isn't anime though. A bit overdone, but not taboo. The summary is that I don't care.

Security of Mem
01-18-2010, 04:04 AM
If I used the picture of two face from Batman? Would you freak?

01-18-2010, 04:05 AM
Please refer to previous post. lol.

It's a comedy. You could put up a picture of J and Silent Bob for all I care.

Security of Mem
01-18-2010, 04:08 AM

J and Silent Bob as mobsters

01-20-2010, 03:18 AM
Crypes, if you are still accepting I humbly submit for consideration:

Name: Abigail “Abby” Rutherford

Age: 25

Gender: 100 % woman



Possesions: Abby carries little more with her than what can fit into the duffel bag that she travels with. The bags contents consist mainly of a few items that keep her comfortable including but not limited to a glass joint toker, a few odds and ends of different pieces of clothing, a wide assortment of lighters, bandanas, pens, pencils, several notebooks that she constantly is writing something in, a hair brush and usually some bottles of water for if she got thirsty.

Power Wanted: Healing. She has the power to heal but the drawback is the more severe of an injury it is that she needs to heal the more energy it drains from her being.

Backround: Abigal grew up in Arizona. Having been born to a well to do family she had always been pressured into having good grades and being active in extra curricular school activities. Her mother is a prominent lawyer and her father a partner in a local well renowned doctors office. Abigal never went without anything in her entire life as she didn’t have any brothers or sisters and her parents didn’t really push her to work for the things she wanted. They simply pushed her in the areas of education. They expected a lot from her and unfortunately the more they pushed, the more she resisted. Abby would have rather spent all of her time dancing and performing at the local theater but they insisted that she attended college. As a compromise she had enrolled and gotten accepted in the University of Phoenix where she majored in Theatre Arts and Business Management.

After having spent only two years in college and having endured the breakup with her boyfriend of two years Abby quit college. Her parents became enraged and refused to allow Abigail to return home to live so in a further act of rebellion she took off on foot to hitchhike her way across the great state of Arizona and make her way to Nevada where she hoped to secure work in one of the infamous Las Vegas resorts. With duffel bag in tow, Abbey is currently making her way towards her desired residence stopping to take odds and ends jobs just long enough to make some cash to sustain her through her travels until she reaches her final destination.

01-21-2010, 07:34 PM
Alright, you're approved. Might take a little thinking on my part to work you in. But I'll get it. You probably won't be able to enter the game until we pick up our hitchhikers from another world though. Hmm, it almost seems like stealing from a certain other book.... Anyways, I'll do my best to work you in.

01-21-2010, 07:53 PM
*nods* Whenever your ready to work me into the mix I'll be available. Thanks for the approval! :peace:
Ok, Crypes, per our discussion I've moved my char to the new story and withdrawn it from this one for the sake of ease.