View Full Version : The Unknown in London [OOC][M]

07-14-2011, 12:58 PM
London, June 1894.

The city goes on as usual above ground. Men, women and children mill about the streets. However there is a dark truth to the city; it is littered with supernaturals. Or supes as they prefer to be known.

Above ground the humans have discovered witches. A few naive women and men thought regular humans wouldn't notice the affects of the spells on the places around them. But they did, and now their busted. Witches are being burnt left right and center. Even though they have not yet discovered the other supes, they hide in an underground sanctuary away from the humans. Vampires, werewolves, faeries and supes of all kinds from London cengregate in the underground tunnell system and caves.

No one knows how long it will be until the humans discover them, but everyone is sure that sometime in the future there will be a war between the humans and the supes.

Rated: M for strong language and some gore scenes.

07-14-2011, 12:59 PM
Name: Lauren Sophie Smith.

Age: 23.

Species: Werewolf.

Gender: Female.

Apperance: Lauren is just over 5ft 4 and is an average build. She had long glossy wavy dark brown hair that stops just short of her hips, which she always wears down. Her eyes are a very dark blue and are framed by thick eyelashes. She is most often seen wearing her dark green tradition dress which she had embeslished by sewing in shiny thread. As a wolf, she has a dark brown, almost black coat and is rather small.

Personality: Lauren seems a very sweet girl, but she can be anything but at times. She has never been described as lady like and she doesn't want to be anything of the sort. She keeps her feelings to herself unless she is with someone she cares for dearly. She is very proud of her werewolf heritage and wishes so much that she could just tell everyone; including the humans.

Bio: Lauren had a very traditional upbringing. Her mother was a seemstress and her father worked in the local mill as a managers assistant. She had a good life, always being well fed and clothed with a roof over her head. Totally oblivious that her parents could choose to turn into wolves whenever they pleased.

As a young girl her father got her a job as a scullery maid which she rather enjoyed. It didn't pay very much, but it made her happy and she was able to buy some small things for herself every now and again.

Up until she was 10 years old, she never changed once. On the eve of her 11th birthday though, she went through her first change and was somewhat traumatised. But when her parents explained what it was that had happened to her she embraced it, but knew that she had to keep it a secret.

When she was 20, her parents were arrested on sucspicion of being witches, and later burnt at the stake. Lauren had been in hiding ever since that time.

07-14-2011, 01:51 PM
Name: Natalie 'Nat' Davidson

Age 21

Gender Female

Race Gargoyle

Appearance: The gargoyle has medium red hair reaching to her shoulders with wavy strands paired off with a pair of green eyes. Her skin is pale, as typical of a red head. Nat's limbs are long and thin, often making her the ridicule of her school in the past. The girl is bordering on anorexic but not yet here.

In gargoyle form, every color drains from Natalie's figure. She has gray stoneskin and while in this form her nails elongate and canines peek out.

Personality: Nat's temper reaches quite high heights. While she will not get angry at everything the redhead knows enough curses (and makes quite a few up on the spot) to make a sailor blush.

The girl is shy around strangers. She doesn't know why, they have never done anything to her or something but she just is.

Bio: While her parents weren't cruel, they most certainly were not kind. They didn't have time for her as they had jobs to attend. Thus, Nat nurtured the idea of 'Don't speak unless spoken to'. She didn't want to gibber away while the other person nodded and said 'mhmmm' once in a while. So she stopped talking altogether.

That is, until she found a little baby Alicanto. Nat was exploring the mine in search for a gemstone and instead found a treasure. The treasure came in form of a bird with golden plumage and two tails who chirped brightly at her. It seemed abandoned, and Natalie didn't have a heart of steel to leave it here.

And so she had found a friend.

The duo spent a lot of time in the mine as the bird wouldn't eat anything else but gold. The mine was an abandoned one so they were free of inquiry. Her father once joked she should become a miner.

At fourteen while spending her free time in the mine a bear got curious about the sounds coming from the cave. Nat was so frightened, she turned into stone!

She couldn't let anyone know either about her friend Julie the alicanto or about her gift. The girl developed it alone through trial and error.

At 18 she moved out in the big city. But she still kept her secret afraid she would be identified as a supernatural being and be burned at stake.

07-14-2011, 02:33 PM
I like Nat. :D
Dunno what Lauren'll think to being smashed up by an Alicanto though.

08-04-2011, 11:38 AM