07-17-2011, 05:15 PM
2011, 12 September.
I have finally done it. I have changed the DNA sequence to a steady, reproducing Altered Human. They are intelligent. They are the ultimate warriors. They are capable of love, and hate. They are everything I wanted my Alters to be.
I can now rest in peace.
This is the entry of the Creator. It is the last Entry of the Book of Creation, something long lost. Lost, you say? Yes. Alters did not stand by the humans, waiting for their smaller minds and weaker bodies to destroy the earth. One day, the human governments were gone. Simply disappeared. There were no newspaper articles about the Alters taking over the Government, or renaming the North American Continent "Levimech". It was easy, and safer. There were no wars. Drugs disappeared as well as the evil men of the world. Peace had come through the Alters.
Until 2985AD.
Some of the Levimech began to notice their abilities were diminishing. They were living shorter lives, and experiencing spells of immense pain, as if they were unraveling inside. In a effort to hide it from the humans they protected, the Head told the secret of the Levimech powers to a select group of scientists, asking them to re-strengthen the DNA coding. The scientists worked for years, and the problems of the Levimech grew worse. But, they did discover a DNA sequence similiar to the Levimech Alters. They began testing it on young Alters, and even a few human children.
It seemed to be perfect on the humans. They became New Alters, seemingly stronger than the Levimech Alters themselves. They had a piece of skill from every one of the Levimech Clans, with all the intelligence of the Alters. But for the young Alter children the new code had been given to, the pain increased, and the children, buried with agonizing screams still in the scientist's minds, caused them to give up.
The Head wasn't ready to let go; he had all of the lab put on high security, and had the information put on hold, until he could find a team willing to restart their work.
Several years ago, the DNA code disappeared. The Humans turned Alters had been missing for ages. Until, it came to light that they, these new Alters who called themselves "Shadows", were using the DNA code to turn humans of Levimech into Shadow Alters.
So, the Alters began a hunt for the Shadows. Alters were dying, trying to protect the humans of each Clan. For the Shadows had a mix of each Clan's Blood, and could easily overpower a single Clan Guard. They wanted the world to be one of only Alters, and steadily went about it. They took their New Shadows with them, growing in power.
There was only one thing to be done. The Head called Council to the Three Clans, and formed a team, with the best of each Clan, to go and put a stop the Shadows. This was the beginning of the Fall of the Alter's Reign.
These Alters have ruled for 800 years, dedicating their lives to protecting the humans, and maintaining peace. Each Alter has a very strong body, stronger than strongest human. Their eyesight is remarkable, able to see details of a picture over a 1/2 a mile away, and can hear conversations within a mile. Thief heartbeat is slower, allowing more stress to be placed on the body, and the healing mechanisms are 250% fast than a normal human healing rate. (what would take 2 days for a human to heal takes 3 hours.) They are sensitive to the electrical impulses given off by the body.
Over the years, the Alters have divide into three Clans, each with it's own special developed skill.
Kuri: these Levimech Alters have trained themselves to be able to sense the emotion of those around them, honing it to the point they can sense a change so well in battle, they can predict the next movement. Using this sense, they are masters of manipulation and sensing lies. Their Physical strength is that of an average Alter.
Toraka: these Alters have used the sense of electricity to control their own electric currents. If a Toraka gets his hands on you, he can read your thoughts, and mess with your brain. They have been known to paralyze opponents, and leave them braindead. They have the weakest physical ability, but make up for it by shifting small amounts of electricity to different parts of their body in defense and offense.
Vyon: Vyons are the brawn of the Alter world, having the most compact muscles and highest physical limits of any Alter. They can outrage a cheetah, and run longer than a wolf. Their muscles can withstand nearly any stress, but all emotional sensing is gone in the Vyon. They tend to be able to hide and hunt well, and have the best hearing and eyesight.
Each Original Alter has some shade of purple eyes.
They Alters see the Shadows as destroying human happiness, making Shadows a threat.
New Alters, calling themselves Shadows, have stolen the DNA code in a attempt to allow the human population, who had been dictated by the Alters foe so long, to live a longer, stronger life. Shadows are a combination of each clan, and can all sense emotions, are all strong, and have limited electrical ability, but none are stronger in each sense than the original Clan. Once they discovered a group of the multi talented Alters could overpower and begin to save the humans, they began going to each village, in hopes of creating Shadow Villages, where no human would be trapped in mortality, and no Alter would dictate. Shadows are masters of hiding, and are extremely intelligent.
They want to have a Alter and human free Levimech.
It is 2999. There are 208 Levimech Alters, and approximatly 91 Shadows, with numbers growing. Alters are hiding the pain ripping through them, and Shadows are hiding Changed humans.
It is time for a Change.
Age: (between 18-30)
Type of Alter: (Shadow or Levimech Alter)
Clan: (if Alter)
Since the reign of the Alters began, the humans continued to live a normal life. levimech is in the MidWest of Canada, where mountains are just as close to forests are to plains. The Kuri Clan is located in a country town (think of old Cowboy cities) in a plain, between the mountains and the forest. The Toraka have taken residence in a mountain Resort town. The Vyon live in the forest, preferring to have built their own village. The Head of Levimech lives by the large lake, on the south edge of Levimech territory. Shadows have no territory, instead, living as nomads in teams of 4 throughout the territory. The families of the Shadows live on the Southern edge of the moutains, in a rusting, once thriving city.
There are no cars, and electricity is limited. TVs no longer work, and they are convertin back to cooking over fires, and reading books with candles. It is not uncommon for each family to have a horse. Bullets were put out of production long ago, and the Alters and humans hunt with Bows and Arrows, Slingshots, Knives, Swords, etc. Technology, except in a research facility within the Shadow Village, is near lost.
I have finally done it. I have changed the DNA sequence to a steady, reproducing Altered Human. They are intelligent. They are the ultimate warriors. They are capable of love, and hate. They are everything I wanted my Alters to be.
I can now rest in peace.
This is the entry of the Creator. It is the last Entry of the Book of Creation, something long lost. Lost, you say? Yes. Alters did not stand by the humans, waiting for their smaller minds and weaker bodies to destroy the earth. One day, the human governments were gone. Simply disappeared. There were no newspaper articles about the Alters taking over the Government, or renaming the North American Continent "Levimech". It was easy, and safer. There were no wars. Drugs disappeared as well as the evil men of the world. Peace had come through the Alters.
Until 2985AD.
Some of the Levimech began to notice their abilities were diminishing. They were living shorter lives, and experiencing spells of immense pain, as if they were unraveling inside. In a effort to hide it from the humans they protected, the Head told the secret of the Levimech powers to a select group of scientists, asking them to re-strengthen the DNA coding. The scientists worked for years, and the problems of the Levimech grew worse. But, they did discover a DNA sequence similiar to the Levimech Alters. They began testing it on young Alters, and even a few human children.
It seemed to be perfect on the humans. They became New Alters, seemingly stronger than the Levimech Alters themselves. They had a piece of skill from every one of the Levimech Clans, with all the intelligence of the Alters. But for the young Alter children the new code had been given to, the pain increased, and the children, buried with agonizing screams still in the scientist's minds, caused them to give up.
The Head wasn't ready to let go; he had all of the lab put on high security, and had the information put on hold, until he could find a team willing to restart their work.
Several years ago, the DNA code disappeared. The Humans turned Alters had been missing for ages. Until, it came to light that they, these new Alters who called themselves "Shadows", were using the DNA code to turn humans of Levimech into Shadow Alters.
So, the Alters began a hunt for the Shadows. Alters were dying, trying to protect the humans of each Clan. For the Shadows had a mix of each Clan's Blood, and could easily overpower a single Clan Guard. They wanted the world to be one of only Alters, and steadily went about it. They took their New Shadows with them, growing in power.
There was only one thing to be done. The Head called Council to the Three Clans, and formed a team, with the best of each Clan, to go and put a stop the Shadows. This was the beginning of the Fall of the Alter's Reign.
These Alters have ruled for 800 years, dedicating their lives to protecting the humans, and maintaining peace. Each Alter has a very strong body, stronger than strongest human. Their eyesight is remarkable, able to see details of a picture over a 1/2 a mile away, and can hear conversations within a mile. Thief heartbeat is slower, allowing more stress to be placed on the body, and the healing mechanisms are 250% fast than a normal human healing rate. (what would take 2 days for a human to heal takes 3 hours.) They are sensitive to the electrical impulses given off by the body.
Over the years, the Alters have divide into three Clans, each with it's own special developed skill.
Kuri: these Levimech Alters have trained themselves to be able to sense the emotion of those around them, honing it to the point they can sense a change so well in battle, they can predict the next movement. Using this sense, they are masters of manipulation and sensing lies. Their Physical strength is that of an average Alter.
Toraka: these Alters have used the sense of electricity to control their own electric currents. If a Toraka gets his hands on you, he can read your thoughts, and mess with your brain. They have been known to paralyze opponents, and leave them braindead. They have the weakest physical ability, but make up for it by shifting small amounts of electricity to different parts of their body in defense and offense.
Vyon: Vyons are the brawn of the Alter world, having the most compact muscles and highest physical limits of any Alter. They can outrage a cheetah, and run longer than a wolf. Their muscles can withstand nearly any stress, but all emotional sensing is gone in the Vyon. They tend to be able to hide and hunt well, and have the best hearing and eyesight.
Each Original Alter has some shade of purple eyes.
They Alters see the Shadows as destroying human happiness, making Shadows a threat.
New Alters, calling themselves Shadows, have stolen the DNA code in a attempt to allow the human population, who had been dictated by the Alters foe so long, to live a longer, stronger life. Shadows are a combination of each clan, and can all sense emotions, are all strong, and have limited electrical ability, but none are stronger in each sense than the original Clan. Once they discovered a group of the multi talented Alters could overpower and begin to save the humans, they began going to each village, in hopes of creating Shadow Villages, where no human would be trapped in mortality, and no Alter would dictate. Shadows are masters of hiding, and are extremely intelligent.
They want to have a Alter and human free Levimech.
It is 2999. There are 208 Levimech Alters, and approximatly 91 Shadows, with numbers growing. Alters are hiding the pain ripping through them, and Shadows are hiding Changed humans.
It is time for a Change.
Age: (between 18-30)
Type of Alter: (Shadow or Levimech Alter)
Clan: (if Alter)
Since the reign of the Alters began, the humans continued to live a normal life. levimech is in the MidWest of Canada, where mountains are just as close to forests are to plains. The Kuri Clan is located in a country town (think of old Cowboy cities) in a plain, between the mountains and the forest. The Toraka have taken residence in a mountain Resort town. The Vyon live in the forest, preferring to have built their own village. The Head of Levimech lives by the large lake, on the south edge of Levimech territory. Shadows have no territory, instead, living as nomads in teams of 4 throughout the territory. The families of the Shadows live on the Southern edge of the moutains, in a rusting, once thriving city.
There are no cars, and electricity is limited. TVs no longer work, and they are convertin back to cooking over fires, and reading books with candles. It is not uncommon for each family to have a horse. Bullets were put out of production long ago, and the Alters and humans hunt with Bows and Arrows, Slingshots, Knives, Swords, etc. Technology, except in a research facility within the Shadow Village, is near lost.