View Full Version : Endless Space
12-26-2009, 10:50 PM
Endless Space
2055 – We first step foot in planet Colonization.
2065 – We discover terraforming.
2090 – First colonization complete (Mars)
2100 – Mars first coal mining industry set up, named Tobar Inc.
2105 – Tobar Inc. investigated upon statements of unfair treatment of miners.
2125 – Tobar Inc. torn apart by riots, more planets set out to be colonized.
2143 – Freedom Coalition is formed under the rule of John Mathews.
2147 – Freedom Coalition fights to keep chaos on low well mars pieces itself back together.
2148 – Ron Hubbord ( A miner) discovers strange looking pillars that look as if they were crafted.
2161 – Research identifies the pillars as alien proof.
2162 – Complete communication cut off from mars.
2162 – Team investigates. Strange object found where pillars were said to be. The leader of the team named Mark Shova disappears off site. Earth military shuts off communication with public, shuts down operations on Mars.
2162 – Mark Shova awakes in strange observatory, being studied.
2162 – Mark discovers that he has been transported to a distant cluster, over 30 light years away from Earth. He is encountered by several new species of intelligent beings. They teach Mark of their ways, their technology and cultures with the use of a translator ear lobe they surgically placed into Mark's ear. He learns that the device is a transporter the Shela'Nai (A alien Species) developed hundreds of years ago. They were on a pilgrimage and was sucked into a worm hole that shipped them all the way to mars. The Shela'Nai built a transporter that would use the suns solar energy to transfer them back to their home planet Blue 7, A all water planet, with floating cities. It was a success, they were beamed to the planet, then shut down the access room. A hundred years passed until A species known as humans discovered the beacon, re-activated the device , transferring them to this side of the verse. The Shela'Nai were absolutely surprised to see a human use the device. They begin to re-open the device so Mark can return to Mars.
2163 – Mark returns through device. Military captures, interrogates and questions Mark.
2169 - Mark is promoted to Team leader on a new expedition. To create a peace treaty between this side of the verse and theirs.
2170 - Treaty is struck. Humans co-exist with alien species. They enact a world trade system, and re-location of population. Humans are given the tools to use the technology. They develop their own embassy. Humans become an essential part of ship development by blue printing very effective war/scout vessels.
2178 – Mark Shova is promoted to Captain the very first Human made Space Craft...Named...
The weaponry in Endless space is a mix of physical bullets and laser type ammunition.
The alien weapons use standard laser type technology that is far beyond anything that the humans use for lethality.
The Species
*will be updated in time*
Shela'Nai – An aquatic race. They are humanoid, the only difference is a set of gills that line their necks. They are Blue, Green and Grey skinned. They stand at a humans average height and are very logical. They prefer intelligence over brawn.
Home World : Blue 7
Humans – Normal human beings, they are new to this side of the universe but underneath all the imbalance there is a strive to learn, to understand.
Home World : Earth
Tel Tek – A serpent like race. They stand about 5'3” – 5'7” with scales that cover their whole body. They are humanoid, excluding a tail that usually lengths about two feet from their body. They range from green colored scales, blue colored scales and black colored scales. They are hot tempered and short fused. They have no means to ever get along peacefully. They tend to be A dangerous bunch when in groups. The eyes of a Tel Tek are slit, a kin to a crocodiles eyes.
Home World : Uhreth
Ugnar – A small, rather small sized intelligent life form. They are the size of raccoons. They are brown and black colored, splotches of red are found throughout their body. The body stands with a long lanky torso, long lanky feet and long lanky arms. The back is bendable at almost all radius's which can make them notorious for hiding.
Home World : Helgnar
Lorquai – Very hostile beings. They tend to be very hostile and dangerous in any situation. They serve under one ruler, a Shela'Nai named Forta. They are grey skinned with red frizzed hair that never looks kept. Their knees are bent inwards, so they can naturally jump extreme lengths of gaps.
Home World : Blue 6
Jugnar – A cat like race with tons of personality. They are humanoid all the way until you get to the ears, which are dainty small feline ears. They tend to be a orange/tan color, with black or red hair. They also have long fuzzy tails.
Home World : Ignote
The Worlds
Solar System A1
((In order from orbit))
Blue 7 : The home to the Shela'Nai. The planet is covered completely in water. The Shela'Nai built great vast cities on top of the water. The capitol of A1 is located on this planet, its name is Hasphal. This is where the story begins.
Space Station K0
Illsoinoi :The home of the problematic plant organics known as Ger Zahg. The beings are sentient plant life that have a strange knack for getting in trouble with the other embassies.
Space Station K1
Uhreth :The planet of the Tel Tek. This marsh planet is home to mass structures that stretch on top of the marshes. The bogs are famous for the stink they produce. It is said that the stink, if captured correctly has healing capabilities.
Space Station K2
Yoi Goi : A desolate world, or dieing if you will. This is an example of what happens when you consume a planets resources with no bounds. The planet is now a site for prisons and jails. Seeing how the planet is desolate, it discourages escaping.
Space Station K3
Tae Kai :A dump planet. This planet is used to store the trashes of the other planets. Slums and small little encampments exist where pirates, smugglers, outlaws, and the other kinds hide from the law.
Solar System A2
Other Solar systems will be revealed as the story progresses.
Solar System A3
Other Solar systems will be revealed as the story progresses.
Name :
Age :
Sex :
Appearance : (Descriptions / Pic's are allowed)
Occupation :
Story Tie In : ( How are you planning to tie your character into the story.)
Pro's :
Con's :
Episodic Play
Endless Space is a Episodic roleplay. I design these roleplays to give the players lots of flexibility as far as responsibility goes. When an episode is done, they can Either stick with the RP or leave. All players are welcome to stick around through all the episodes, but some players may feel the need to stop playing, if so you can do so by leaving Endless at the end of an episode.
12-26-2009, 10:51 PM
Follow RPA set of base Rp rules.
Make posts atleast a paragraph long. ( 5 sentences minimum)
The most important thing here is Dailog, story and progression. So try your best to keep those things moving.
If you decide to quit, please roleplay the leaving of your character.
This is a long length RP, so I will expect all to keep at it.
I cannot express how important rules are to me, so to signify you actually read the rules... Put a $ somewhere within your Character Sheet.
Play fair, dont always control the situation. Show some weakness within your characters. They cannot always succeed.
Play your character approprietaly. If your character is a head strong mercenary, play them like a mercenary.
Follow up on the Update post on this thread. It will let you know where the story currently is taking place.
Do not take control of other characters unless the person has given you permission.
If you are a member of RPA already, PM me the profile. If you are not considered a member yet, post it here on the OOC.
((UPDATED 1/31/10 )) I would appreciate getting a post from each member at least 1 - 2 times a week. More the merrier.
12-26-2009, 10:51 PM
Character Roster
Crew Leader : CalderThePirate
Pilot: Blutwistar
1st Mate : Cheshire
Weapon Specialist: Ophelia
Ship Engineer, mechanic: splicer407
Crew Member: Blutwistar
Crew Member: StormWolf
Crew Member: *Needed*
Crew Member: *Needed*
12-26-2009, 11:22 PM
Episode 2 Begun! [3/2/10]
Current Mission:
Episode 2 : Galaxy Is a Mess
01-01-2010, 09:29 AM
I cannot proceed any farther until I have received all of the players profiles, and acknowledgment that they are still playing.
01-02-2010, 06:29 AM
Name : Ragnar Blackmane
Age : 18
Sex :Male
Race: human
Appearance :
Occupation : Crew Member
Story Tie In : New recruit who wants to make a name for himself joins the crew hoping to see action
Pro's : loyal, strong, extremely brave, proficient with ranged nd melee wepons
Con's : Really bad tempur, we sent into his fury it can take almost an army to stop him
01-02-2010, 12:05 PM
Space Wolf! HAHAHA!!! JARL! who need originality when you can be a melee beast?!! Bwahaaha! 20 attacks on the charge!
01-02-2010, 12:37 PM
Here is character. might add more later on
//open_file: 00-7-2178//
-:-open_query: M_Sgt._Douglas-:-
Name : Scott "Sniffles" Douglas;
Callsign "Sniffles" because of all the times he has broken his nose. It has left it with a slight internal deformity that makes him have to sniff every so often to clear his nose and allow him to beathe through it properly.
Age : 28
Sex : Male
Race: Human
Appearance :
eyes: blue
height: 6'3"
weight: 223 lbs in muscle
Occupation : Crew Member - Master Segeant/ security specialist
Story Tie In : He was taken out of the slam and had his Court Marshall put on 'pending' status. In exchange for his services, and asuming that the mission is completed successfully, he will be given full amnesty and a clean record.
Pro's : Scott knows his trade. He also knows the chain of command and lives by it, but he is not afraid to speak his mind, sometimes he speaks it pretty hard. Respected soldier for his skills and ideals, not for his disciplinary record.. Won the Medal of Honor. Has commemorations for his rifle and pistol accuracy as well as a ribbon for his tactical prowess. Something of a legend, he was placed on the crew for publicity and politics just as much as his professional qualities
Con's : A bit of a hot head with a record of being an alcoholic, an occasional cigar smoker, as well as being a mean, mean drunk. Has a tendency to be something of an asshole when talked down to in a personal manner. Anger issues. Called a 'vulgar beast' by his ex and his parole officer. A bit racist/ xenophobic towards the aliens, though he does find the Jungar women perversely attractive.
Scott's Voice. The man being interviewed. (
Why he is famous: He was part of the squad that found Mark Shova on Mars, in fact, he was the one that pointed him out to the squad leader.
What really got him press coverage was when some radicals tried to attack the alien diplomat, Scott was able to take them down with no fatal bloodshed. Even though he had his nose broken and he suffered several stab wounds, the damn alien didn't even thank the man. Not once, not twice, but three times he did this during the long process of working out terms of agreeable alliance between humans and the alien visitors. When he tried escorting one to their vehicle by grabbing them by the arm, he was slapped and reported. His commanding officer told him to lay off the case, but Scott punched the man in the face and was finally able to put the nutjob behind the attacks in the slam. He was Cort Marshalled and the public was furious, only seeing the good that Master Sergeant Douglas had done on camera.
Weapons: will add later.
01-02-2010, 08:45 PM
that is an awesome charachter
01-02-2010, 08:54 PM
haha. Thank you. It is always fun to play a bit of an asshole. You get to say some of the darndest things, like in my first post on the rp.
Political correctness in not in Scotty's vocabulary.
01-03-2010, 01:48 AM
Name : Jessica Kinnigan
Age : Twenty eight
Sex : Female
Race: Human
Appearance : This woman was born to do her job. She seems friendly and kind at all times, and her large, blue eyes makes her seem like one never to misbehave. She comes off a bit young perhaps, and her youthful face, fair skin and small height could have been a setback had she not learned how to use it before she could practically walk. Her hair is fairly long, as she keeps it neatly put up though, it is hard to know the exact length, but it would reach about her waistline. Orange, the hair is orange, it’s not blonde with a hint of red, nor red with a hint of blonde, no, it is orange like one of those genetic manipulated housecats, or maybe that rare, expensive carrot that only the wealth of the verse can afford to eat these days. The punch line of course, would be those small freckles, ten, maybe twelve on one cheek and maybe eleven on the other. Not too many, but enough to make her seem even more youthful and sweet.
Her voice is always soft, and she doesn’t seem like one to raise it in anger or frustration.
Occupation : Diplomat.
Story Tie In : She is here to prove herself as more than a mere plaything. It has taken her years of begging and good work before she was allowed her first travel off planet since her family’s arrived at Blue 7, and she is going to prove to everyone that she is not just a pretty thing restricted to a life at the dancehalls and royal houses.
Pro's : Stubborn to the core, Jessica does not back down from an accepted challenge. She is proud of her name and won’t smother it by loosing a challenge of wits or wills. Her beauty is of course an ability she regularly uses for her own benefits. She is smarter than she comes off as, and her innocence and youth makes her easily able to seem harmless.
Con's : Jessica is ignorant to most of the world outside her comfortable life. She knows very little about the universe and has always been protected. She is a terrible fighter. Her father of course did train her in the arts of duelling with a sword, but she never got the hang of it. Her stubborn persona is a vice as well as a virtue as well, as she is not one to back down, she is also not one to give in easily to an argument.
Family : the Kinnigan family are proud diplomats send to negotiate with the Shela’Nai back when alliances were first made. Their only daughter is a prominent new recruit, and already traded off in marriage to a rich, handsome young man. Jason and Kathrin Kinnigan are well known at most conventions, and they have many deals and alliances all over the surface of Blue7. Jason Kinnigan, like many other diplomats, also secretly negotiates with the scoundrels and rascals of Tae Kai and he smuggles great deals of tobacco across the universe for large sums of money. His tobacco farms are located on a desolate moon where terraforming has made it possible to grow tobacco and slaves bought from jails all over, work in chains. Of course the rest of the family knows nothing of this and are told the fortune comes from wealthy sponsors around Blue7.
01-05-2010, 05:11 PM
Looks good! ^
01-07-2010, 08:31 AM
Alright Spikeyz is out, so we need A pilot x.x;;
01-07-2010, 08:38 AM
Also some of you may think that I am trying to rush it along but I will point out why. This story's scope is BIG. So big that if we were to spend to much time in one place we would never get to the good stuff.
As far as the story goes, if your interested in helping to form the story let me know.
01-09-2010, 04:30 AM
Currently in need of ship engineer.
01-10-2010, 01:17 AM
We still need a pilot and ship engineer too? :(
01-10-2010, 04:12 PM
I volunteer for the engineer part ^^ (you'll just have to wait for the picture until like 4:00pm EST... i'm not on my own computer xD)
EDIT: hold on, i forgot what the rules said about PMing profiles xD
EDIT2: Oh what the hell, i'll just put it here anyway xD
Name : Geru Tekeru “Tek”
Age : 23
Sex : Male
Race: Jugnar
Appearance :
Occupation : Engineer/Mechanic
Story Tie In : Comic relief, fresh out of Ignote’s engineering academy so he’s a bit short on experience, but he’ll do his best to fix anything and generally help out.
Pro's : He’s devoted, intelligent, and pretty good with others. He also has a trained pet that usually picks up on what he misses, so he’s more efficient.
Con's : Geru can be a bit childish at times, as well as a bit too expressive. He was known for refusing to wear the Engineering Academy’s uniform and being a nonconformist in general.
Name : Haru
Age : 10
Sex : Male
Race: Sentara
Appearance : Sentara are cat like creatures with four legs and one set of hands that are native to Ignote. Haru is medium sized Sentara with grey fur and black horizontal stripes down his back and lime green eyes.
Occupation : Geru’s Assistant
Story Tie In : Geru’s ‘partner in crime’ so to speak. Haru can often be found on his shoulder if not looking for a lost tool or a dropped bolt.
Pro's : He’s small, nimble, and rather smart. He’s also Geru’s other half, making up for his deficiencies.
Con's : He can be a bit mischievous, but other than that he’s pretty good.
01-12-2010, 02:30 AM
Cool character :)
01-12-2010, 02:39 AM
thanks ^^
still waiting on approval though ~sigh
it took forever to edit the tail in on the picture too, it didn't look right to me without one, and a little color changing never hurt anyone right xD
01-12-2010, 06:46 AM
thanks ^^
still waiting on approval though ~sigh
it took forever to edit the tail in on the picture too, it didn't look right to me without one, and a little color changing never hurt anyone right xD
You edited the tail in there? Looks great I couldn't tell. :)
I told Calder that you were waiting, (he's sit'n right behind me) he said your accept and sorry that he hasn't been on for the past 2 ish days.
01-12-2010, 06:49 AM
Oh and to let everyone know, I'm going to go ahead and play the pilot so we can get this RP started, I'm really excited how it's going so far. I can't wait to advance into the RP.
I'll have the pilot character up by tomorrow night. :3
01-12-2010, 12:01 PM
well, i saw that he's popped on a couple times.
and thanks, it was giving me a pain... i'm kinda new-ish to photo editors....
here's the original
and yay that i can post ^^ this is gonna be fun!
01-13-2010, 12:37 AM
Back, sorry for the long wait. The appropriate changes to the roster have been made, thank you BT for keeping things up.
01-16-2010, 06:50 AM
Here's our pilot. :)
Name : Zarka
Age : 25
Sex : male
Race: Fruyia
Appearance : Looks human, but has tentacle-ish strands on the scalp. (Think of the star wars aliens or luxens from Farscape.) Zarka's body is fairly built, has 6 tentacles from the top of the forehead and hang to the back and shoulders, mixed with black hair. Skin is tannish. Brown eyes, almost black. Smooth face with no facial hair.
Occupation : Pilot
Story Tie In : Going to be the new pilot.
Pro's : Navigation, flying ships, knowledge of the stars and space.
Con's : Not so very good at one on one communication. Is a hermit.
01-19-2010, 04:15 AM
Alright, since my character got approved, I'll post in a bit!
01-19-2010, 07:33 AM
Okeedoke! Hope to see ya there! :D
01-19-2010, 07:36 AM
Also so everybody know! Please post at this moment right now. The ship is going to be taking off, so we need a post from the members. Once that is done we can get on our way with the story!
01-19-2010, 09:02 AM
Aye, working on my post now XD
Sorry for the delay, a combination of ADHD, reading the IC thread, and trying to plot out just how to introduce my character XD but I'm writing it up now :3
01-19-2010, 09:45 AM
Okay, I feel the need to post a warning, my first IC post is turning into a novel XD
Edit: Eep, should have edited this into my last post, but I figured someone else had posted here by now XD Should have checked first, ah well... double posts don't end the world XD
Edit Edit: Sorry my latest post was so short, but I just kinda wanted to show what Mayumi was doing in case anyone wanted to approach her XD
01-23-2010, 03:35 AM
Ooh, would it be possible to claim your final role as a Jugnar, or are you seeking a human?
01-23-2010, 10:26 AM
Its fine if you want to be a Jungar. At the moment though we have blasted off the planet so we need to discuss how your character would enter.
01-25-2010, 10:01 PM
sorry for being so short, but as the scene seems to be moving on without me, I thought it best to be brief xP
01-25-2010, 11:10 PM
I know, you must excuse this fashion of movement. I'm not trying to keep the players from playing, but only trying to help steer things in the right direction. So I apologize about the speed.
If I begin to go too quick, PM me, let me know so I can make appropriate adjustments to the post, to give your characters the chance they deserve.
02-01-2010, 03:30 AM
(UPDATED, I only posted to make sure people know that something has changed in the OOC )
02-04-2010, 03:55 AM
sorry for making such a short post D: I promise my posts will be longer when I have more opportunity to let Mayumi be Mayumi xD
02-04-2010, 06:43 AM
Its alright, the minimum post size is a paragraph anyways. So your in the clear :)
02-05-2010, 07:04 AM
Hope no one minds my post there, but since she was in the kitchen with Eva, I figured it'd make sense she got to the dinner table first xP
02-05-2010, 07:29 AM
Its fine, its also a correct attention to details :) .
02-05-2010, 02:53 PM
Do you all have room for one more character?
02-06-2010, 09:19 AM
There may be, I have to check with another possible player to see if they are still going to get involved.
02-08-2010, 02:19 AM
I already have a character in mind, and a situation to bring him into the story too. If you'd like to know what I have in mind, I can PM it to you. If there's no space, then don't mind me. XD
02-08-2010, 10:02 AM
Just let everyone know. I am going to skip to morning after the supper scene. I will always notify everyone on here first before I do something like this. If there is anything that you want to discuss, involve, or do, please do within the next couple posts. Thank you, and have a good week ;)
02-08-2010, 01:57 PM
Name : Ackear Reint
Age : 22
Sex : Male
Race: Jugnar
Appearance :
Occupation : Mercenary
Story Tie In : Will show up later
Pro's : Expert Sniper, Efficient in tasks, Survivor in every sense
Con's : Bad conversationalist, Has to rely on one eye, Body weakened by wounds over his body
Special Note: Utilizing a special function on his sniper rifle, Ackear can change the type of round Revelation will fire. (Explained in fuller detail with a post)
02-18-2010, 10:41 PM
I'mma post shortly, promise x3
spirits breath
02-19-2010, 01:15 AM
((I made a character for episode 2. so no need to worry about another person in the midsts.))
Name : Stith Faldor
Age : 60 (race has average lifespan at 192. of those who die of age, not the ones killed by other means.)
Sex : Male
Race: Mantrin
Appearance : The shirt is a deep burgandy, pants are a tanish color. Much like the skin color is a darker tan. The beak is a dirty yellow color, with brown eyes.
Occupation : Special operations, and melee expert. (By special operations, I mean that he also is proficient with handguns, light machine guns, and sniper rifles.)
Story Tie In : Crew member/ special operations
Pro's : Quick reflexes aids in malee combat, and a few other actions. Has strong legs that makes up for an upper body that is normal in stature. Also is trained for special operations.
Con's : His legs are long, forcing him so be in a squating position to walk around in a ship. He is not too fond of humans or Jungar, naturaly uncomfortable by them based on their actions. (working on a few more. like actual ones.)
(this is still a work in progress, but I have some things planned out. with my character. Calder knows, but it isn't anyhting to worry about. Though I plan to challenge sniffles on the first page or so to a fight. Game on buddy.)
02-23-2010, 05:58 PM
Titan AE. I approve. xD
Though... Stith WAS female in AE, ya know? xD
02-23-2010, 07:11 PM
Gawd I have not seen that movie in forever! +1 for slimy things for lunch.
spirits breath
02-23-2010, 07:20 PM
so what, males can have breasts too. and now I dont feel as if I was the only one who saw the movie.
but least the food can tickle you on the way down.
I tried to make her a dude, but hmm make some womanly qualities? (she wasnt much like a female would be normaly as viewed by modern day.)
02-23-2010, 07:22 PM
Different worlds, different cultures. Maybe what is viewed as woman like behavior on one planet is the exact opposite on another.
spirits breath
02-23-2010, 07:31 PM
I should definitly implement a few different things. ( more of a womanly man,( or in other terms viewed as gay. hate that g word by the way.) males care for younge, that sort of thing) but refine my orriginal intent of a character. and yes expect a live dinner once. cuz eva( i think) shall not want to serve it as I push her away.
02-26-2010, 03:20 AM
Information On Epi 2 is on the Updates Post, on 1st Page.
02-26-2010, 11:30 AM
i didn't realize episodes would be so short O_O anyway, count me in for the next episode ^^
spirits breath
02-26-2010, 12:54 PM
Well, also putting in account that it is about the average length some people stay, so this way it allows new people to join, and people who are done to leave. I personally enjoy that set up as in case things happen, you can p a few people ask if they are still in and begin, in a way anew, while still continuing.
02-26-2010, 04:53 PM
Spirits got it down :) The episodes are short so players who cannot continue Rping, can take a break for a while or leave indefinitely without messing anything up. The first episode was kind of an introductory anyways, to the characters and to the story and world.
02-26-2010, 07:38 PM
well, you're the boss ^^ *waits for ep. 2*
spirits breath
03-01-2010, 08:39 PM
guess episode two is going to begin soon enough. but guess that is just me being well, bored in a sense not much do do when it is cold out. Not for me at all.
(and having people looking to buy your house while you are on your computer as they make their rounds is creepy. even creepier when you know the people.) And now I know slightly how my character is. people wondering what the heck I am doing here.
03-02-2010, 07:47 AM
Epi 2 will have a delay. Look for it tomorrow, Tuesday. I had to go into work today, so I didn't get around to making the thread.
03-05-2010, 07:29 AM
Episode 2 Began on Tuesday. Those who are still involved, start posting away :D
spirits breath
03-06-2010, 10:20 PM
hey, calder. mind if I board the ship? though it is odd having to wait a while for this. and it may be inpatient, but right now I am kind of bored so thats why I am trying to move things forwards.
03-07-2010, 12:31 AM
will poast soon!
03-07-2010, 12:32 AM
you just made me think of toast with your typo... *runs off to eat*
03-21-2010, 06:53 PM
Were all going to board the ship soon. Storm-Wolf is no longer participating in the rp. So I will be taking care of his character from now on.
spirits breath
03-25-2010, 10:39 AM
holy crap. several posts happened when I was in my bed! I will get a post up later today.
03-25-2010, 11:04 AM
well, that tends to happen.... i'll get one up this afternoon (US EST btw) or tomorrow evening.
03-30-2010, 06:42 AM
O_o that's so not fair xD no one posted here for a bit, I look away for a bit, and bam, about a whole page full of posts shotgunned xD I'll post once I've caught up xD
04-02-2010, 10:44 PM
I realise you guys are on the second chapter now, but I was just wondering if character profiles were still being accepted? Please don't pm me with a response (no0b etc.)
04-03-2010, 12:58 AM
We currently still accept profiles, but the process of introducing your character to the plot may be difficult, so please work with me to having your character come into the story.
04-03-2010, 01:05 AM
That's fine by me! I'm sure the character will probably end up being more interesting for it, as I would've ended up introducing them rather randomly because I'm amazingly crap at life. Is there anything specific I should bear in mind for a character at this point in the story?
Edit: I never thought to mention that you can e-mail me instead of waiting for the whole noob/member/inbox thing to sort itself out.
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