View Full Version : [R] Seige of Levi'yi. [Security of Mem and myself]

12-28-2009, 07:55 AM
This Rp is rated R for Blood, Gore, Violence, Language and sexual references/situations that may or may not happen.

The Kingdom of Levi’yi has five proud rulers over their kingdom from five different families to ensure well being of the nation. The five families included: Traille, Rosen, Hueya, Nyme and Fayth. Lord Traille and Lady Rosen were to get married in the next fall, combining families and pronouncing who would continue to lead and who would take their place. Lord Nyme and Lord Hueya were the oldest and great friends, having twenty years of ruling to their names. Lady Fayth was by far the youngest of them all at the just maturing age of twenty three. Her father renounced his title to her after his wife fell bed ridden. Lady Fayth may be the youngest but she, by blood has the most rule over the kingdom. Of course she wasn’t at all malicious with gold or work forces like the others were. Lady Fayth was a kind soul with her mind linked to her heart.

Sitting down to dinner was a usual thing, it allowed them to make sure everyone was well and also discuss anything non kingdom related without the bother of the villagers wanting to know every word. They were served five course dinners all at once and ate until they could no longer, the reason for the wide girth the older men had around their midsections. “Lord Traille, please do remind us of the date of your wedding with Lady Rosen. I oh so love weddings! They are so magical and full of memories.” Lady Fayth spoke as she swirled her wine in a circle in her crystal cup, smiling to them as they ate.

“Don’t worry, everyone is invited. The entire Kingdom will be there to see our glorious day!” Lady Rosen laughed as she stuffed more food into her mouth.
“Well Im glad you are so willing to share your day with everyone else. It’s quite unselfish if I do say so myself.” Lord Nyme laughed as he wiped his face with his napkin.

“I suppose it is isn’t it?” Lady Rosen laughed and snapped for the servants. “Im about done with my dinner. Prepare a bath for me, and don’t make it too cold this time. By the time I was ready to get out I was almost frozen solid!”
The servant nodded and glanced over to another servant, knowing of the treachery that was about to unfold. Nodding to the other servants they all filed from the room through the kitchen door and the royalties were left alone.
“Servant!” Lady Rosen yelled as she pushed her plate away “Servant! My food is getting cold!” There was no reply. “Where in heavens name did they disappear to?” She asked which made all of the royalties look around, dumbfounded.

Lady Fayth felt uneasy, pushing her plate away and standing from her chair. “I think I will retire for the evening in my quarters. Good night everyone.” She said as she pushed in her large backed chair into the table. Just as Lady Rosen was about to yell again there came a loud smash from the next room, followed by more than twenty grown men piling in with swords and daggers. They barged in and yelled something so slurred it was indistinguishable. Lady Fayth let out a scream as Lady Rosen was hacked to pieces. Her and the others tried for an escape, turning down the kitchen once more men came from the large swinging door. “The window!” She yelled as she followed the Lord’s, jumping from the window after them, feeling herself caught by her dress. When she looked up she screamed, the many swords coming her way. Unlatching her enormous over dress she slid through it and fell to the ground, rolling on the wet and muddy ground below landing next to her fellow royalties. Shaking off some of the mud from her arms she screamed as she saw archers line up along the garden, taking aim. Lady Fayth grabbed her white dress and pulled it up so she could run faster. She ran as quick as she possibly could for the shoes she wore, kicking them off only after she watched Lord Hueya become a pin cushion with arrows. Running barefoot in the mud and such she saw Lord Traille try to hide in some garbage cans, only to be slaughtered within by many swords shoved through the weave. Her heart pounded quick as she continued to run, not wanting to look back to see what had become of Lord Nyme from his curdling scream.

Lady Fayth ran, the lights dimming as she got away from the castle, running through the cast iron fence and running through the dense marshes in front of her. She fell into a deep pool of water, completely submerging herself as she came up, now covered is slimy mud and moss. Just as she was about to shout out about it she heard someone run past her, ducking into the plants as she started to move with the current of the marsh’s river.

“I saw her come this way. No mistake of it!” A brute yelled as he slashed at some plants. Hearing a hiss he stopped and backed away “Ah hell, she’ll be food for these damn crocodilians before I ever find her.” He laughed as he walked back to dry land.

Lady Fayth continued down the river, keeping herself for the most part submerged to conceal herself. She pulled herself to a boggy piece of land, her soaked dress weighing her down as she stumbled through calve thick mud along the river. Her hair which usually stood two feet proud now tinged green and mashed atop her head as if it were just tossed there lazily. Her white dress was now Brownish Grey along with her skin from the mud she had been navigating through. She traveled until she could no longer bear to stand, finding a large tree on the edge of the marsh and placing herself within the thick roots, laying in them as if some sort of bed. Lady Fayth shivered as the cold morning air nipped at her skin, the caked mud for the most part keeping her warm. “How could this have happened?!” She asked herself as she looked at her dirty hand, absolutely grotesque to her. The night insects kept her company as she kept herself content at the tree, closing her eyes and drifting away into sleep. Little did she know, the Rebellion knew she wasn't dead when they found footprints in the marsh and were looking for her.

Security of Mem
12-28-2009, 08:36 PM
[short red hair in the back of the neck, no strange long ridiculous long back hair.]

And so it begins

Cold half gloved hands rubbed across the fleshy neck...rubbing across the neck of the woman...

He was hired for the siege. Though he wasn't much up for the duty or thought of it.
Instead he let the siege form itself and he decided to wonder about. He found his way inside the castle and was taking a look around. When he saw the girl running for her life, scared for her life. He wasn't taking much of the idea of the siege, nor did he really want to help out. He was called for what. Little money. Little information. It bothered him. Made him want to gut something right now. But the only thing around him to gut was probably the general of the siege.
And he'd surely wouldn't get money that way.
"Tch," he said under his breath.
He wonder in the castle hearing screams from people. He didn't much care. He found himself in a very lavishly, but feminine room. He stroked his cold hands across the dresser and furniture. There must have been something valuable around here somewhere.
He wanted his pay. He wanted more to his pay was more correct. He saw a locket on the dresser it looked expensive enough.

"NOIR!" screamed a the general, "Get your ass out here."
Noir groaned a bit. And mumbled under his breath. This was a useless and bothersome case. No money. No killing. Noir stared at the general.
"We'll be following the girl," the man said, "You do the same I hear you're the best tracker around."
"Uh huh, whatever," Noir said.
"Though they never told me about your attitude,"
"I only have attitude when I'm not getting much pay," Noir hissed, "Be careful with your words, I don't mind gutting you like a pig and having you entrails decorate the lovely castle walls."
The general handed him a piece of the dress the girl was wearing. Of course Noir wasn't a dog, but he was very good at remembering things. Like scents and smells. He gave a smell of the fabric and he smiled. Such a rich scent.
"Hmmm...I'll find her," Noir said.

Noir seemed to disappear right in front of the noises of the soldiers. But really he found himself in the shadows. He heard one of the guards call out as they saw the girl. And they ran after her. Noir took the more scenic route. He was watching the soldiers running after the girl. The girl slipping through the mud. He could feel her fear. It got him slightly excited, but then he took a deep inner breath. He couldn't kill her. He couldn't kill her. Even though his mind was itching too. Foolishly enough the men watched her slip into the river and they didn't even go after her. To bad Noir new these roads, and found a way to cross the river. Unlike the others he followed the girl. All the way to the big tree she rested on. How could she rest when her life was in danger? But her scent from before. It got him remembering. He found himself behind the tall tree with such a small trunk.

He placed his hands on her neck. And rubbed her soft skin. He could feel his hands shaking. He really wanted to choke her. Gut her.
He could almost hear the words of his master echoing in his head. He stared across the way where the soldiers would be. Then again he didn't call to them. His Master would be more pleased with this prize then some soldiers who begged for his Master's help. Noir could almost imagine them dead. Turning the river, red cold. And flowing like blood. He could feel his hands shaking excitedly once again. Would the girl wake up to his fantasy?
Master, should I?
I want to.

Low pay and being treated like a dog was still irritating him. He moved his hand from the girls neck and stayed behind the tree. He'd wait till she awoke. To take her with him.

12-28-2009, 08:57 PM
As she slept in the tree she had found refuge in she had a terrible nightmare about a shadowy figure who lingered above her, his hand forcing the life from her throat slowly. This caused her to toss and turn slightly, her hand moving to her neck and her gasping for air as if she would feel hands there ready to end her.

Lady Fayth didnt sleep long, the morning light shining through the tree she had taken for a bed pulled her from her nightmare. Blinking her eyes open she rubbed them with her hands, instantly pushing some of the dried mud into her eyes, letting out a cry she jumped up from the leafy bed and stumbled away, trying to get the dirt from her eyes as she looked down and tried to blink it out, only making her eyes irritated. "Oh me..." She exclaimed as she made her way to the river, dipping her hands into it and scrubbing them furiously to get the dirt off of them. Finally clean she rubbed her eyes once more, splashing her face with the icey water before blinking again, her eyes red and watery but finally clear. With a sigh she looked at her hands and arms "How awful! How dreadfully awful!" She exclaimed as she looked at the mud caked on her arms, letting out a cry as she looked at her dress and legs. Her expensive white undergown was absolutely ruined from the mud and miscellaneous tearings along the skirt half. But she was thankful her corset top was still intact and hardly muddy, if that were to ruin she would be out of luck.

Pouting Lady Fayth dipped her legs into the river, using the cold water to wash her legs, arms and get some of the muddy color out of her white dress, undoing her hair and rinsing her hair, she let it fall flat. Climbing out of the water onto the grass she wrung out her dress as she tried to dry it, the air nipping at her wet skin. Pushing her wet hair behind her she walked back towards the tree she had used as shelter, putting her hand on it. "Thank you for serving me on such short notice. But I must take afoot soon. Im in danger you know..." She spoke as she sat on the large root, the sun beaming onto her, warming her skin as she dried, her golden jewelery gleamed, now clean. "I had wished my hardest that it was all just a frightening nightmare. That I would wake in my feathery bed to the chirping birds and breakfast..." Lady Fayth sighed "Of course, Luxury isnt a lifetime reward..."

Security of Mem
12-30-2009, 12:48 AM
Noir found himself on top of the tree the girl slept on. From afar he was watch the soldiers plan something. And from below he followed the girls every sleep filled movement. He took out the piece of her dress and smelled it. The scent made his blood boil with excitement.
Though the excitement had nothing to do with lust or any sexual desire. The excitement was for the girls blood. It was so rich. And he wondered about the way it would spill onto the ground when she was cut open.
Of course he had to wait for his master to examine the girl. He placed his unoccupied hand around his neck as if he were stroking and choking the girl. The idea made him smile slightly.
At the moment he continued watching the soldiers. Wondering how their guts fly.
The sun came up hours later. Noir was use to sleepless nights. Noir wasn't much of a sleeper, nor was he much of a dreamer. He looked from below the girl getting herself cleaned up. A cute look of longing, sadness, fear, and disappointment. He wanted to choke her. He wanted to do things to her. Tear her apart. All for her blood. Her blood made him itchy for death. Noir wondered why, but he knew his Master would give him the answers sooner rather then later.

12-30-2009, 01:07 AM
Lady Fayth's relaxed composure didnt last as long as she wished for it to. Taking in a deep breath of air she closed her eyes, allowing her head to tilt back and roll side to side to release tension. When she opened her eyes she looked ahead of herself and gasped as she saw four soldiers come through the bristles next to the river, a great smile on their faces as they walked towards her.

"We knew you couldnt have gotten far lass." One chuckled as he withdrew his weapon and spun it around a few times.

"You dont hide yourself very well princess. You are actually quite bad at it." Another chuckled as he aimed his bow at her.

Lady Fayth let out a slight cry as she pushed her legs to the side to attempt to stand, only her wet feet slipping on the branch and falling to the sand in front of the root. Wincing Lady Fayth looked up and pushed herself against the large root, her hair stuck to her face. "You have taken our Kingdom! Nothing is accomplished by killing me when the world already thinks Im dead." She spoke, her voice trembling.

"Sorry dear, but that isnt part of the deal. We get a reward for bringing your body back to our general." the heftier of the four men chuckled as he moved forward and grabbed her by her hair, hoisting her up from the ground as she screamed. "But we never promised it would be the entire body."

Lady Fayth tried to pull her hair from his hands, thrashing her legs against the sand trying to get some leverage to pull away from him. "Let me go!" She yelled as she closed her eyes tightly.

The hefty man laughed loudly, raising a dagger to her neck "Might as well stop fighting princess. The more you thrash the more blood will spew from that pretty little neck of yours." He chuckled more, looking back at his friends as they laughed and nodded to him.

Security of Mem
12-30-2009, 01:31 AM
Noir continued sitting on the tree. As the girl was to make her way wherever she was to go the soldiers came.
"Tch, annoying scum," Noir said.
He watched as they harassed the girl. Grabbing her. Talking to her in that rough way. One held a dagger to her neck, that annoyed Noir. This was his prey. His now, and they different offer him any money. So they shouldn't touch his prey.
He unwrapped his chain from his waist and threw it to wrap around the man's wrist. The dagger was sloppily held and so dragging him up from his wrist was easy.
"Oh, poor you," Noir said.
He dropped the man and now the men were alert, but didn't know where his presence was as he still hid in the shadows of the tree. Noir gave a smile and jumped down from the tree.
"Where you looking?" Noir asked.
The men turned to see him behind them. How he managed a feet was strange enough for them?
"I prepared something for you last night," Noir said.
He pulled on his chain slightly hard and the men were caught in a web chained. They stared at him as they dangled.
"My chain is quite long, quite safe, and you've been caught in the web," Noir said.
He tugged harder and as if the chain had razor sharp ends the men were cut into half and fell into piece. He looked slightly disappointed.
"Not exactly the best meat and blood flesh," Noir said, "I was looking for more of a spray."
Noir stared at the girl.
"Well...looks like I saved your life or something," Noir said, "You going to present me with a satisfactory comment or some sort of thank you might do."

12-30-2009, 01:46 AM
Lady Fayth screamed slightly as the man before her was pulled up and away. She opened her eyes and blinked blankly as she was now sitting upon the sand. It wasnt long before the man was dropped a few meters to her right, which made the other soldiers on edge. Taking a slightly deep breath she watched as a figure fell behind the guards, from the tree top it seemed. As the men were hoisted up into the air she closed her eyes tightly, knowing it was going to be a bloody sight. It was bad enough she had to hear their parts falling to the ground with a repeated thud, she didnt want to see it.

When she was spoken to she looked up at the tall man, his features noting like she had ever seen before. "Oh, I uh...Thank you." She nodded to him gratefully and then used the tree to pull herself up from the sand, brushing off her dress and combing back her hair with her fingers. Looking over towards the pile of bodies she grimaced. "Wait, Did you say you prepared that trap for them last night?" She questioned as she examined him as she looked at him this time. "Then, that means you were here last night..." She blinked at him and backed into the tree "You werent...here watching me were you?" Her brow arched as she looked at him, truly wondering.

Security of Mem
12-30-2009, 01:57 AM
"Oh, I uh...Thank you."
Least bit grateful, the little bitch.
"You werent...here watching me were you?"
Noir watched her for a moment. He stared at her. Examined her. And then raised an eyebrow.
"What's makes you so important?" Noir asked, "I don't have plans to turning you into a stew."
Noir took a deep breath.
"For me, you're probably another gypsy slut roaming the forest and getting in trouble form the guards," Noir said.
The girls face was contorted she didn't like being considered dirty.
"No you aren't a gypsy slut not from the smell, rather you're a delicacy in special spices and flavours," Noir said, "You're a royal one...delicious meat you have then again as I said none of you are really important....merely fleshy blood bags."
Noir suddenly was close to the girl. Not stroking her cheeks, but more squeezing them into a fish face.
"Not the most meat on you either anyway," Noir said, "You think a royal would be all fed like pigs and fattening up for people like me."
Noir could feel the girl's disposition.
"Unlike you, I grew up in a forest where we eat our companions when we need food," Noir paused, "By happen chance have you seen my companion?"

12-30-2009, 03:21 AM
Lady Fayth's jaw dropped as she took the verbal beating from the man that had just saved her life. When he pinched her face she glared at him, waiting for him to finish. When he spoke of eating his companions she widened her eyes and pushed his hands away from her. "You disgusting pig!" She snapped at him as she took a few steps back. "I AM a royal one and I thank you for saving my life but your rude words are not appreciated one bit." She glared at him, grabbing her dress tightly in her hands as she pulled it up slightly as she climbed up onto the tree root, turning once atop of it. "Ill have you know not all royalty are the same you thick headed brute!" She yelled at him and then turned around, storming away from him through the bushes and trees. She wasnt sure where she was going but she knew she no longer wanted to be around him with a mouth like that. "Diluted heathen." She mumbled to herself as she pulled her dress from a thorn bush.

Security of Mem
12-30-2009, 07:36 PM
Noir let out a laugh at the girls reaction. His blood was churning and running a lot faster. He liked this prey and when he liked prey he wanted to continue with the prey. Play with it, till it slowly bleeds out. Noir followed the girl despite the atmosphere of not being wanted.
"Your life belongs to me though girl," Noir said, "I as you said saved your life and therefore you have oath to me till you can repay the favor."
Noir gave a smile as she got caught on a rose bush.
"I haven't had royal stew in so long, I wonder what it will taste like with you as the main course," Noir said.
Noir gave a small laugh.
"Ehheheheh....of course you're so bony it may taste different from what I remember," Noir said.
Noir watched as she struggled even walking on the ground. Noir gave a bit of another smile. Though these were always smiles of amusement as he watched the rabbit struggle with a new world.
"You walk like a duck on land, you can't even get a bare footing right," Noir paused, "And as a direct comment of how you're royalty and importance of it, I think you forgot my comment beforehand...I come from a forest where we eat each other and we don't care who owns the land or who's royalty....fishy stupid politics, the land is free and is owned by no man."

12-30-2009, 07:50 PM
Lady Fayth laughed in amusement at his politics comment. "The land IS free and is owned by no man. But it is used for its wealth by greedy people and those people need to be fixed. The land is only as prosperous as it is, it will not increase for the greed of men and so those men, as I said, must be removed, threatened punished and so on and so forth." She said as she continued to move through the thorny bushes. She suddenly stepped on a small bush and it sent spines into her feet. This caused her to let out a scream and tumble backwards she leaned against the nearest tree and winced as she brought up her bloody foot. "Oh great! This is just Perfect!!" She yelled as she picked the long barbs from her tender foot. "This is not supposed to be happening!! I am supposed to be in my palace, dressed in fine gowns and ruby studded heels with my hair out of my FACE!" She yelled as she pushed her hair behind her ears. "This is ridiculous! Im ruler of the Kingdom for four months and this happens!!" Lady Fayth continued to pull out the barbs as she complained quite loudly.

Security of Mem
12-30-2009, 08:30 PM
Noir laughed.
"I like stupid girls," Noir said, "Stupid girls are funny, they think they know everything and yet they only know a small portion of it...peanut size amount of it...tiny tiny dumb little girls."
Noir laughed a little as she complained. He wasn't about to get into a conversation about the truth of politics. She was so spoiled it was almost sweet. She was such a hypocrite standing right in front of him. And yet she didn't realize it. It truly was sweet and not sweet in that sense of aww cute, but the kind of sweet you get from the pungent smell of dog shit.
"You really are one of those stupid girls," Noir said he showed her his two exposed fingers with the red paint on them, "The paint was made from the blood of my enemies and has stained my fingers for life."
Noir stared at her.
"Why I show you this, so that you understand there will always be rules under the protective vines of man who thinks he owns land," Noir said, "Your father was that kind of man pig suckling on rings of gold, your mother was whore, and you were just the project and prodigy of stupidity."

12-30-2009, 08:47 PM

That word made Lady Fayth cringe, it pushed memories to her mind that she had done her best to forget about for the longest time. She just decided to stay silent and let him ramble on. Pulling the thorns from her foot she tossed them aside.


Lady Fayth took a deep breath and just continued to remain silent.

"Dumb little girl"

Pulling the remaining barbs from her foot she smeared the blood away and looked up at him.


As he told her about the paint that stained his hand she just glared at him. Once he confirmed to himself that she was just the result of stupidity she stood and walked away from him. "I'm not Stupid." She said, her voice ice cold as she turned her head to glare daggers at him "You are annoying." She stated as she resumed to face forward as she walked along a fallen log, the smooth white bark of the tree being stained with her blood each time she took a step onto it with her right foot.

Security of Mem
12-30-2009, 09:48 PM
Noir stared at her.
"Tch, overtly sensitive aren't you?" Noir said.

He could hear his Master's call. He nearly forgotten the mission playing with his food. He sighed grumbled and mumbled something under his breath. He groaned and then stared at the girl.
"I suppose you're useful," he said slowly, "Most people of royalty are to afraid of where I come from, none have provided any aid...maybe your assistance could turn into a rumor...that you assisted us and that you took care of the evil where I come from."
Noir was struggling here to actually find the words he needed. He was use to be disgruntled and his Master was telling him to invoke some sort of personal affect in there. To bad his personality and emotionally allegiance was killed by his Master.
"Maybe you can come to the Forest of Flesh," Noir said, "And assist the sick and elderly, and dispel the rumors of disgruntled cannibals and ghost that roam the Forest of Flesh...there people may be more willing to assist you since at the moments guards are after you."
It sounded more like a question and he sounded uncertain of his words as it would dip back and forth from being a coherent sentence to slight whispers. But this was Noir trying to be "personal". He didn't understand. His master never taught him the techniques of being human.
"I mean I understand if you don't want to assist sickly cannibals, who would rather eat you, but it's my home...and you're royal...so you should have some power there to help," Noir said, "I would greatly appreciate it."
Now that just sounded sorta monotone question. He just hoped the girl was fooled by his "personal".

12-31-2009, 01:39 AM
Lady Fayth didnt stop walking until he was about halfway through speaking. She grew annoyed of how he spoke, at one moment he was loud enough for her to hear and the next he was mumbling to himself. When he stated it was his home she looked at him, her face distraught. She wasnt sure if she should believe him or not. Turning to him she glared at him "You saved my life. And that was a noble thing. But then you criticize me, make fun of me, and stomp me into the mud!" She snapped at him as she got into his face, her features quite malicious. "You judge me before you even so much as know my name you pompous neanderthal!" For a moment it seemed as if she were going to raise her hand and strike him. But she stopped herself and sighed "But you saved my life...and I guess I owe you a favor in the least..." Taking a step back from him she continued "I will go with you to your home, and help in any way I can. Im not a healer you know...nor do I carry any kind of equipment to help the old or sick...But I will try my best to do something..." She paused and looked at him "But only on one condition. You promise that when my debt is repaid to you, you will safely escort me to a nearby town so I may try to take my kingdom back from those brutes." Lady Fayth said to him in an 'a matter of fact' tone. "Do we have a deal?"

Security of Mem
12-31-2009, 08:11 AM
Noir gave a laugh at the girl and he gave her a smile. It was an entertained smile nothing less or more.
"Entertain me the way you do and we have a deal," Noir said, "My bond to you is only stronger if you saved me from life and death."
Noir stared at her and then he rubbed his fingers together. He wasn't sure how to make certain of this girl. Nor was he sure how to make certain of this situation. She certainly would meet his master in the Forest of Flesh. But she wouldn't understand the necessity she possessed. Not just yet.
"Very well, since I am so amused right now, you have a deal," Noir said, "Now onto the Forest of Flesh to save my people."
Noir stared at the ground for a moment and then took a deep breath. He have to be convincing next time. Add more infliction and emphasis on things. Make it sound more urgent. Scream in agony if he had to.
"Though I give you my regards the people in the Forest of Flesh can fight for themselves," Noir said, "It's politics they cannot do, it's all the little delicate stuff girls with fair hands, like yourself, that we cannot do...you convince the people of that pretty place that we are people not to be fear, preferably by lending aid to my people as I said, and then you will be safe. Politics aren't hard for such tribal cannibalistic people. They may smell you though, just testing to see if you would make good in a meal. Don't be scared by it."

12-31-2009, 10:27 PM
Lady Fayth's features became slightly horrified. "Smell....me?" She cleared her throat and looked away, not wanting him to see her distress. "I uhm." She stopped and pushed some hair from her face, swallowing the lump in her throat so she could speak again. "And if they think I would make a good meal?" She asked as she kept her look away from him, slightly disturbed. She didnt want to become a meal. Being mauled by animals or being impaled by jumping from a cliff and landing on stalagmites would interest her more. As her question echoed in her own mind she glanced up at him "You wont let them, will you?" She asked, a huge knot tightening in her gut wondering what he would respond with.

Looking in the distance she saw the forest, a dense green smog coming from the forest. The repulsing smell ate away at her senses as she cringed and continued to walk towards the forest. Once within the trees Lady Fayth felt as if she were being watched, moving closer to Noir as they walked. She watched the trees change, from voluptuous and living to cracked and dying. Lady Fayth looked back and forth, watching the trees shape into some random shelters, placed among the other trees. Lady Fayth was frightened but she tried to hide it, not knowing if she was doing well with it or not.

Security of Mem
01-12-2010, 01:41 AM
Noir gave a slight little laugh as if teasing an injured animal.
"You're fear will be what brings them to you," Noir said, "It makes me happy and makes my blow boil. My master will most likely keep you safe, how unfortunate."
Noir gave a smug smile, he was use to the smell. He was use to the death, as he was careful where he walked. He watched as the carnivorous men looked from their houses. They knew he was back.
"I smell you child," said a man from the trees.
Noir gave the man a scowl.
"She's mine," Noir hissed, "Plug your nose and find some other prey."

01-12-2010, 02:43 AM
Lady Fayth nearly felt the urge to cling to Noir, but she knew he would probably shrug her off and find another thing to say was stupid about her. When a man's voice called out to her she wanted to just scream and turn around. She could run, be a coward and just live in hiding for the rest of her life. When Noir claimed her as his own and hissed at the man she blinked up at him, not knowing what he meant. Sure it kept the others at bay, but was he serious? Lady Fayth kept up with Noir's stride, not wanting to be left behind. "How much farther until we get into your village?" She asked as she looked up at him.

Security of Mem
01-12-2010, 02:59 AM
Noir gave out a laugh.
"The whole forest is my village," Noir said, "My people do not expand into different clans, we all live under one word of power and that is all. I'm just lucky to be that word of powers only son."
Noir placed one of his nails through and under his other nails. People were barking and howling like man as they saw a meal wondering around. Each time Noir would hiss commands and barks demands from them. They finally made it to a very very large and twisted tree. It was the tree that took up most of the forest center. And you would definitely see it if you were in the sky. In the twisted vines was that of a special wooden hut. The hut was actually guarded by two men.
"I bring Master a present," Noir said, "It is I Noir child of Master."
The men stared down from the tree and they gave a whiff of the air. They stared hungrily at the girl and they had a smile.
"The guards here are allowed to feast on sacred meals," Noir said, "Though I doubt Master wants you in stew. He'll probably want you poached."
Noir gave a laugh, as teasing the girl was becoming a new past time of his. The men nodded their heads, led down a wooden ladder. Noir mention his head and had the girl follow him up the stairs. The men took another whiff now that the girl was closer. Noir gave them a look as they tried to touch. He walked into the hut and he wore a smile. One of the servants, merely a fleshing from a village looked at him.
"I'll get the master," he stuttered and ran off to one of the rooms.
"And now we wait to see if you're roasted or marinated," Noir said.

01-12-2010, 03:11 AM
Lady Fayth followed Noir closely, watching as he hissed at the others who wanted her for a meal. Coming upon a great tree her jaw hung in awe at the sheer size of it. It was absolutely amazing. When he teased her once more about becoming food Lady Fayth bit her lip nervously as she followed him up the ladder, scooting away from the guards as they came at her. Noir's look frightened them away and Lady Fayth followed Noir closely into the place, looking around as soon as she came into the room. As Noir spoke about how she would be cooked again Lady Fayth couldnt help but glare at him, she was still quite frightened but she was getting annoyed of him continuously picking on her about everything. "You know, If I was in my right mind I would probably slap you..." She said to him as she crossed her arms and looked away from him.

Security of Mem
01-12-2010, 03:28 AM
The servant came back escorting a man in an odd set of robes. He wore a black sheer veil over his face. You could barely see the human features behind the mask and his clothes were lavished in embroidery. His hands were the only thing exposed, his skin was milky white and it looked as if the flesh had been pulled to fit exactly on the bone. There was a certain chill about the man as if you were looking at death in physical form.
"Master I brought the girl," Noir said there was something about the way Noir said this that sounded like childish excitement.
"I do see that yes," Master spoke his words were like a whisper from spirits far away.
"What are we going to do broil here?" Noir said, "Maybe boil till her shell becomes soft, poach, sushi."
The Master gave a small laugh, a small heh. He was amused, but it the lack of full amusement that gave him a sense of inner calm.
"You are definitely my child," Master said, "Instead I rather speak to the girl and you, come to my office, we'll sit. As you can see I'm feeble and ill."
The last sentence was directed towards the girl. The Master walked off to his office and Noir followed.

01-12-2010, 03:47 AM
Lady Fayth's eyes rested on the form of the old man as he entered the room. Her eyes scanned the man intently, he was extremely decrepit looking. He was slightly frightening, as if he were some soul in a nearly lifeless body. Lady Fayth watched him as Noir told him he brought her to him. She looked over to Noir, so his master knew that she was coming? Noir had convinced her to come to his village to help his village, instead he expected a meal. Lady Fayth looked at Noir horrified as he spoke about how they should cook her. She became extremely tense, her body shaking from all of her muscles locking up all of a sudden. Was that really what he wanted? To eat her? Was he not fibbing when he told his people she was his prey? Lady Fayth's face paled, she felt uneasy.

When Noir's father invited her to his office she watched Noir walk forward, hesitating for a moment before following him. She now didnt know what to think about Noir, and she had no clue what to think about his father. Was she really going to die here? Be eaten by Noir and his father? Was this really her fate? Lady Fayth took a deep breath and followed Noir and his father into his father's office.

Security of Mem
01-12-2010, 04:11 AM
"Dear don't be so afraid and shake in your boots," Master said, "It's an unnatural habit to feel fear, Noir will feast when I let him. Other then that you have nothing to fear, I don't plan to eat young girls to sustain my life."
Master placed his hands in his lap as if it were a common thing to do. He held his hands in a closed fist prayer position and stared at them. The silence seemed more frightening then when they were talking. They stood there in silence for a moment or so in silence.
"I have you come here in need of your services," Master said, "That is why Noir was sent to collect you, I promise there will be no eating of your flesh."
Noir seemed to be disappointed by this statement, and there seemed to be a faint smile behind the veil.
"Instead I need both to collect what is needed," Master said, "Those men will take over the kingdom. In order to stop them, you must have the blood of a royal and a fighter. You are the royal and he is the fighter. There are important documents that will stop any and other unsettlers from taking your throne. But I need to know if you are willing to take the risk of working with Noir."
"My master I stand by your decisions as always,"
"That is what I trained you for, but this is the girls decision...your decision is generally the decisions I make,"
The Master gave a direct look towards the girl.
"I only speak more if you acquire our aid,"

01-12-2010, 04:32 AM
Lady Fayth watched him carefully, relieved that he told her that nobody would be feasting on her flesh. She had a slight smile on her lips then, open to hearing the man. Lady Fayth's eyes widened as he mentioned the men who would take over the kingdom. She frowned and thought back to the siege of her kingdom, the rest of the royals were dead, they probably continued the siege to the rest of the royal families, killing off the elderly and the children so there were no more royals left. Or so they hoped. With a slight sigh she looked back up to him, listening to his words.

Lady Fayth looked to Noir as he spoke, looking back at his father as he spoke that it was her choice. She took a moment to think, looking to the ground. "It sounds reasonable..." She said as she looked towards Noir, and then back at his father. "I will work with Noir..." She said as she then nodded for him to continue speaking.

Security of Mem
01-12-2010, 05:02 AM
Master stared at the girl and made a slight sigh.
"These are private documents one that say invaders aren't allowed on the kingdom throne," Master said, "In usual cases I wouldn't tell people where these documents were, but this affects us as well. The new reign will probably want to cut down the forest. Then my kind will have nowhere to go. As cannibals we'll be unwanted, either killed, enslaved or worse hunted."
Master wiggled his fingers for a moment.
"Are you familiar with Wilhelm of the Ports?" Master asked.
He stared down at the table.
"Most likely not, people of your sort do not go down to the Port," Master said, "The Port is a village not to far from here, one of the poorer villages I'm afraid. Another fateful destructed place by the new reign. There Wilhelm will instruct you more on these private documents. It isn't safe her to speak of them, as even though they follow me there are always snappy eyes and listening in ears."
Master took a breathe and stared at both.
"Noir I'm sure you'll need nourishing, and you dear would you like a meal?" Master asked, "I'm sure you're hungry. Trust me I won't feed you another human being, I'll make you some porridge. And we'll get you some nicer clothes, how does that sound? Before you head out."

01-13-2010, 01:15 AM
Lady Fayth listened to him, knowing not about the place he was speaking of. But she was sure he would thoroughly explain later. She once heard about the documents, her father had told her about them when she was young and he growing old and feeble. Lady Fayth was told never to speak of them, that if anything were to happen she would find them with help.

As he offered her some food her stomach growled, she hadnt had food since the day before. And even then she wasnt too hungry so she was running on empty. "That would be lovely...thank you." She nodded to him as she looked down at her muddy and tattered dress and bare feet. Embarrassed a little she pulled at her dress slightly, covering her feet.

Lady Fayth looked to Noir, blinking a few times before taking a deep breath and letting it out in a sigh. She didnt know what to think of him, he was far more respectful while in his father's presence. He didnt poke fun at her, call her stupid or treat her like some animal. Lady Fayth smirked, his silence was quite golden.

Security of Mem
01-13-2010, 04:22 AM
Noir wore a smile inside his head. He had the girl oogling in his presence. The kind of, I'm safe now attitude. He gave a harsh snicker.
"Master you should give her one of the servant dresses, it's dirty, but not ripped," Noir said.
"Aww, an excellent idea if the young lady wasn't helping us out," Master said grabbing a red dress one of the servants grabbed, "Put the red dress on my love and since breakfast had been heating up, it should be done when you were finished."
As his Master walked to the eating area he turned to the girl.
"Hope you aren't to fat for the dress," Noir said, "Maybe you'll have more meat on ya then I thought ahahahahaha."
Noir followed his master to the eating areas. Which wasn't to hard to find, since it was sitting plain slice. Master was cooking up some eggs and some..."ham". The girl would probably get some of the bread, porridge and eggs. She wouldn't be so appreciative of the "ham". Ham was a good word to use instead of human.
"You goin to cook it the way I like?" Noir asked.
"I'm not a hand maid, boy of mine continue cooking these, the usual way," Master said and he took a seat, "That girl will bring us great things."
"You mean she is willing assisting you," Noir said.
"Well she understands what would happen to the world if people like us got loose," Master said staring at the servant boy, "The boy does good work, just as you do my boy."

01-17-2010, 01:09 AM
Lady Fayth took the dress and smiled to him, nodding as a thank you. When Noir blurted out at her that he wished she were too fat for the dress she arched an eyebrow and took a deep breath. It wasnt going to dangerous to travel with him, It was going to be annoying as hell. Lady Fayth rolled her eyes as he left "Immature brat." She mumbled as she looked at the dress. It really was a nice dress, a very pretty shade of red. Pulling the tattered and stained white dress over her head and folding it up she grabbed the red dress and pulled it over her, it fit wonderfully.

Lady Fayth grabbed her old dress and walked to the eating area as Noir Father complimented the young servant boy who was cooking. Lady Fayth looked to them and smiled "I thank you for the dress. You have great hospitality." Nodding to them she looked to the young boy who was cooking, and then around the room, wondering how in the world things had played out like this. Losing her kingdom and then being followed by a talkative brat, and now here. She would have never thought in her wildest dreams that she would wind up having to work with Noir, to take her kingdom back into her own hands. It was surely going to be a long trip, and she would surely wish her own death at times from having to deal with Noir's wise cracks at her every step of the way.

Security of Mem
01-17-2010, 01:34 AM
The servant boy served up their food and took his way into the corner. Noir and his father bent down their heads and placed their hands in prayer.
"Thank you Norse for the flesh of the enemies, and let their souls be our power," Noir's father said.
To those who didn't know the people of the cannibalistic village or their gods. Norse was the god of Flesh. Norse was the god who gave power through flesh consumption and it was always appropriate to thank Norse for their food.
Noir grabbed his fork and then smiled at the girl.
"We'll both learn something I guess from traveling with each other," Noir paused and gave a big smug smile, "You'll learn to be less spoiled and I guess I'll learn some maturity."
There was some sort of sarcasm when he hit the part about himself. He gave her another smile and he cackled.

01-19-2010, 02:22 AM
Lady Fayth sat down with the two, watching as they prayed. She wasnt aware of the faith they carried, nor was she aware that they had their own god. Lady Fayth really was sheltered in her kingdom. As Noir smiled at her she blinked a few times, he wasnt saying something mean to her? Maybe a 'How much did you have to squeeze to get into that dress?' or a 'That dress makes you look like a stuffed pig.' But he really didnt. Arching an eyebrow as he spoke, waiting for a sly comment from him. She got one, but not anywhere as bad as what she thought he could have done with it. But it was nice not to have him pry at her patience. When he laughed she shook her head and smiled slightly, picking up her fork and taking a mouthful of eggs and chewing them. Swallowing she made her own comment "I doubt that will happen for you Noir. Maturing is something you have to actually work for...not just something that happens over night." She said arching an eyebrow and taking in another mouthful of eggs.

Security of Mem
01-20-2010, 11:48 PM
Noir laughed at the girls response.
"Living in this world, you understand quickly that maturity comes quickly....do not say what you cannot perceive spoiled woman," Noir said.
Noir stared at his master for a moment. And maybe, just maybe there was a slight human emotion reflecting on Noir's face. His master nodded towards his way and Noir nodded back.